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Monday, January 5, 2009

Mark S. McGrew: 'Obama: Deceiver, Cheat, Swindler, Liar, Fraudster, Con Artist'

There is still time, but the time is well past due, for treating Sovereign American Citizens with basic honesty and respect. This has also gotten to be a time for some venting -- I.O.

By Mark S. McGrew

We know that Obama is a liar about so many things.

The question of whether or not he is in fact, a Natural Born Citizen and eligible to be President of The United States of America, has no importance anymore. The question of eligibility has evolved far beyond that simple question, with such a simple solution, that Obama refuses to provide. The government of Kenya has put a Gag Order on his family not to talk to reporters.

What we don’t know, what there is absolutely no proof of, is his place of birth, his true father or his mother. Without a verifiable Birth Certificate, none of this, including his actual date of birth can be proven or believed.

He shows no loyalty to America and in fact publicly displays his contempt for America. On, you can type in the search bar: “Obama refuses to salute flag” and see a video of him refusing to pledge allegiance to the flag and acting as if he is making a point that he has no respect for the American flag.

Michelle Obama is just as arrogant and insulting as the man she calls her husband and has not been a lawyer since 1993 when she was put on inactive status by court order. The State of Illinois says so on their website. Click here then on the top right click on “Lawyer Search” and then type in “Obama” and you’ll find her.

In Hawaii, you can read here: United States Marines and Navy servicemen have no respect for Obama. In an ABC News story, Sunlen Miller says, “The diners were polite, staying seated at their respective tables and waited for the president-elect to come to them to stand up.”

The photo in the article shows that there is nobody standing up to shake hands with him and some have their backs turned to Obama. If those people, trying to enjoy their meal in peace, had thrown their food in that stinking bum’s face with disgust, ABC News could have reported it as, “The soldiers were so overjoyed to catch a glimpse of their Commander In Chief Elect, that like true Marines, they all chipped in to share their Holiday meal with him.”

Obama’s website is a fraud, administered by a fund raising company
Blue State Digital, an Internet fund-raising company that presided over the Obama campaign site. The “dot gov” is designated and assigned by the United States Government Services Administration to be used only for genuine governent activities. It is not for political campaigning or non-profit organizations which is exactly and soley what is for. The only reason Obama has the dot gov designation is by harassing the GSA and thereby obtaining the dot gov designation illegally against Federal Law.

With Obama’s total disrespect for America and laws in general, it is highly suspect as to why he is not already in jail for the rest of his life. Even stupid crimes, he has no conscience about. He, just last year, paid off 17 outstanding parking tickets from when he was in Cambridge, supposedly going to school at Harvard.

Some of the stories about Obama defy belief. And there are plenty of unfounded rumors about him.

I hear so many "Internet rumors" and see so many News sites, web sites and blogs that it makes it very difficult to know what is true and what isn't. That is why I try to limit what I write to things that can be verified fairly easily. Some of the emails and phone calls and personal visits I get force me to not believe anything unless I can prove it. Some "hot tips" are things I've known for years and some seem to be someone's idea of writing a fantasy spy novel.

Besides an atmosphere of arrogance and hostility surrounding his supporters, an unexplainable, incredible amount of controversy permeates every thing about him.

Rumors turn more and more bizarre every day.

Then there is the knowledgeable, open source or occasionally “gray” source, of intel tidbits that hit my desk, from so far, reliable sources that defy reality.

For instance, I was told the other day that it was not really necessary for me to publicize events about Obama because a complete dossier with statements, photos, tape recordings and video recordings of Obama's secret backers has been compiled with the help of over 200 high profile international lawyers, military men, politicians and businesspeople and has been distributed to the intel agencies of some 38 different countries, some of which had contributed to the compilation effort.

These "secret backers" of Obama have been under intense investigation for over two decades without any initial focus on Obama and a major world wide sweep is going to happen as soon as Obama makes the wrong move.

The backers consider Obama “their puppet” but a major world wide sweep is scheduled to happen as soon as Obama makes a clear wrong move against the national interests of those who have put this compilation together.

I'm sure he is going to make that "wrong move" as soon as Martians land at the White House. Maybe, though, as I am urged, since it's all under control now, I should take a vacation.

These are the kinds of dead ends that any investigator has to decipher.

But sticking to the facts, what we actually do know, what is documented and verifiable, is enough to convince the American public and World leaders that a major mistake has been made in voting for Obama.

158 of Obama’s lies are documented, on record.

But who is to show that record to the voting public and World leades who will be affected by Obama’s deceit?

If the American media would unite as strongly to divulge the truth, as they have to bury it, every person in America would vomit where they sit, in realizing what they have been conned into voting for.

There is still, after six weeks, not one shred of proof that his grandmother died the day before the election or two days before the election, whichever date given by Obama that you choose to believe. No death certificate has been produced. No authority has confirmed the date of death. We have only Obama’s campaign photo-ops of him wiping away a tear.

The recent photo-op of him dropping what he says are the ashes of Madelyn Payne Lee Dunham into the sea is phony. Human ashes are not snow white. Human bones do not burn and are not turned to ash when cremated. The bones are ground up to the consistency of sand and small pebbles. The color is a gray/tan, like weathered pine wood. The container he is pouring from is half the size necessary for human remains. The container he is pouring from is about the size of a container for a medium sized dog’s ashes. Obama is pouring flour or sugar, not human ashes.

What Obama and Rahm Emanuel have told us they are going to institute for American citizens - mandatory community service and to transport people by bus or train to work sites, is defined as nothing less than, Crimes Against Humanity, according to the International Criminal Court.(Scroll down to International Criminal Court, see c. and d.)

Regardless of the rumors, the non-existent birth certificate and his purported crimes, just reading 1/10 of 158 of Obama’s lies would be enough to convince any reasonable person that this man is not someone that you would buy a used car from or let cook your food. Reading one half of these documented lies will make an honest person sick to his stomache.

Obama, his wife and his backers have no morals, no integrity and no respect for anything except what they want at the time. They have no more conscience than a hungry lizard in the desert coming upon a beetle in the sand.

Obama used the fabricated death of his Grandmother to get a few sympathy votes in the final hours of his campaign. The Democratic Party Electors of the Electoral College used an 8 year old cadaver to cast a single vote, by certifying to the California Secretary of State that a deceased lady was a qualified Elector.

Any non-active military service members who have seen enough, sign this Military Consent Form and get on board like the Marines in Hawaii.

Many people have speculated that Obama may be a “Manchurian Candidate” a planted enemy, masquerading as an American, for the purpose of taking over the United States. Speculations have pointed to the Middle East and terrorist organizations. That does seem to be a possibility as there are so many anti-American statements and activities by Obama and his supporters. It may sound like more fantasy spy novel dreams.

But if the speculation can be considered, in some degree of seriousness, the question to be asked first is: Who, what organization, has had the time and the resources, to move throughout our political system, convincing Congressmen, Senators, both Federal and State, 50 Governors, Attorney Generals, Secretaries of State, hundreds of State legislators, thousands of local, county, State and Federal political party hacks, FBI, CIA and various State and Federal agencies, Federal Courts, even the US Supreme Court.... Who has that ability to keep all these people silent? Who has the ability to force the entire Republican Party, Nationwide, Statewide and even local politicians into stone cold silence without a peep being uttered against Obama? Would it not make sense for the Republican Party to expose him, or at least pose questions?

It is absolutely preposterous to believe that this has all been planned for 40 years and perpetrated by some outside group of super secret elites. It makes more sense to consider that all the mysteries and lies about Obama have only one single purpose which is to throw us off the trail, divide us in our investigative efforts. The countless lies and unavailable documentation sends us up one blind alley after another, only to find another lie to chase to nowhere. Eliminate the enormous complexities and concentrate on the simplest of clues, the most obvious suspects that our mind does not want us to see, and we may just discover that in reality, the culprits are hiding in plain sight, right under our noses.

With that in mind, I can think of only two organizations that have proven that they can hide, and have hidden, their actions against us in plain sight. Only two organizations can organize and corrupt the thousands of players involved in this “Master of the Game” endeavor. And rather than risk their wrath by exposing them in writing, I will only say that the name of one organization starts with the letter “D” and rhymes with Emocrat and the other starts with “R” and rhymes with Epublican.

Mark S. McGrew has a weekly Talk Radio Show Saturday thru Thursday at 8pm EST on -- email him at

© Mark S. McGrew

The views and statements expressed by Investigating Obama contributors, and in quotations and citations, are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Investigating Obama and Arlen Williams

Friday, November 7, 2008

CHANGE.GOV: America Serves - Work Brings Freedom

Obama: CHANGE to a different liberty

What constitutes the "change" Barack Obama wants to bring? Did you ever hear a reporter ask him that, during his campaign? Did you ever see a clear picture of the change, from the mainstream media? Unanswered questions abound. Now that the popular (not electoral college) votes have been cast, Obama is already beginning to tell us -- and this spurs further, very serious questions.

Are you prepared for the change? See a new site, called There, after kicking butt just two days prior, Barack Obama has started taking names. How is Senator Obama, not president at this time, nor actually president-elect, empowered to use a ".gov" Web site, to press his semi-reported, semi-hidden agenda?

How does he want us to change? Here is one way he wants us to change, copied from his (our?) new site. The bold/red in the text is my highlight. Reading these lines carefully will not require much reading between them.

America Serves
"When you choose to serve -- whether it's your nation, your community or simply your neighborhood -- you are connected to that fundamental American ideal that we want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness not just for ourselves, but for all Americans. That's why it's called the American dream."
The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.

According to Obama, the American dream is called "the American dream" because, as he has determined, we want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans and if you want yours, somehow you are responsible for the fulfillment of the dreams of all others. You want what he says you want and that means many of you will serve through programs that government provides, so all Americans have life as you have life, liberties as you have liberties, and if you wish to pursue happiness, you will pursue the happiness of all others, as provided by state or state-partnered organizations.

"When you choose
to serve..." he is quoted above, but choose? Not so much, for those who would have an education. Evidently, conscription into serving the state seems to be the shining path, for these. Just what will the Obama required youth be required to do? And what training will the state dispense for them -- something "consciousness raising," akin to the radical indoctrination of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge? What becomes of the many American students and minors' parents, who will simply disagree and not wish to participate?

Obama answers: if one is to be allowed the freedom to gain an education, he must serve through the state, in ways proscribed by the state, those granted service by the state.

Liberty? For all?

Now, what is this about retirees and the elderly? Retirees will be "encouraged" to serve through state-proscribed ways. How will we be so induced? To do what? Will we be provided certain state services only if we have been serving the state, ourselves? And once central government begins so serving the elderly (and the elderly thus become dependent upon state services) for how long will the state choose to go on spending to serve us, as age raises the costs?

The coming answers to these questions could seem innocuous to some, as Obama's initial "community organizations" become state-directed venues of our work. But will the groundwork be thus laid for further changes in the services we must yield to the state, for the sake of our "liberties?"

As government is granted power to require services from an individual, or as government is permitted to generate a dependency of the person upon such services, the person's liberty is relinquished to the state's power over him. Any tyranny is all tyranny, wherever it appears and the results of that evil become mere matters of degree. Government being permitted to dispense "liberties" based upon our proscribed service is a tyranny which may begin smallish, but be easily "ratcheted up."

ARBEIT MACHT FREI -- "work brings freedom." -- those were words hung in places that Americans liberated much too late for far too many, two generations ago, after a new government changed the essentials of its civilization.

To Barack Obama, freedom depends upon our work for collective liberties. To America, freedom is the gracious gift of God to each person from the start and "inalienable" means unyielding and unchangeable. We seem to be in an essential conflict, beginning two days after the elections.

Photo of Dachau prison gate provided via Wikipedia
Update: 11/8/2008

The America Serves page on the CHANGE.GOV site has been changed. It now reads:
America Serves
"When you choose to serve -- whether it's your nation, your community or simply your neighborhood -- you are connected to that fundamental American ideal that we want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness not just for ourselves, but for all Americans. That's why it's called the American dream."

The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.

I learned this from the blog page:

November 7th, 2008, Posted: 3:20 pm by Nate

By no means are all questions answered. The middle and high school "goal" still appears to be "over the top" by half, at least. As to the bigger picture, as inferred in last night's article, where government, especially federal government, gets into the business of influencing what constitutes community service and its rewards and what by exclusion does not, the state intrudes upon the decision making liberties of a free people. (This is similar to taxing someone so much that he no longer has nearly as much money for carrying out his faith as one normally would in giving "tithes and offerings.")

Was this merely a matter of text too hastily and sketchily published? I am not at all confident at that. I recall the apparent test case of governmental intimidation of anti-Obama free speech in Missouri, during the campaign -- also the apparent test case of Obama calling upon Nevada volunteers (including numerous ACORN volunteers, presumably) to "get in their faces." If those were indeed experiments to discover what kind of push-back Obama would get, this could also fit that pattern.