Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations! - Jim O'Neil

I.O. originally reported stories and interviews about h1n1, in April and May, 2009. (See "Updated // Killer Flu: Broaden Your Horizons and Scrutinize + Sentinel Radio, Monday 5/04/2009, Archived.") We resume, with this article. It has to do with the I.O. thesis, in that there are evidences and implications here, of the work of "transnational progressivism," one of many terms for the malevolent dogma and corrupt behavior of the Soros-Obama-Pelosi insurrection against the authentic America of Sovereign Citizens.

Considering their deceitfully labeled "Open Society" goal of controlling the entire world, "Pinky and the Brain" style (see O'Neil's "George Soros, Republic Enemy #1") their concern of limiting or even reducing the world's population, and for all the reasons given below, we continue to pursue. Also, Obama, himself has reportedly been a stockholder of Baxter International.

by Jim O'Neil
Vaccines, Lawsuits, forced Vaccinations

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential.”
- from “The Nuremberg Code” Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals

I understand that there are a number of concerns vying for our attention these days—Iran’s nuclear threat, the war in Afghanistan, the economic crisis, and so on. But I would suggest that the upcoming enforced vaccination of the world’s population, is something worth sitting up for, and taking notice of.

I’m, of course, referring to the vaccinations for the swine flu, or if you prefer, novel H1N1 (although it is neither the swine flu, nor technically, is it a simple H1N1).

What about those vaccines? Surely the pharmaceutical companies must be churning out their millions—ultimately billions—of vaccines, under only the most stringent of conditions. And obviously, these vaccines must have been cleared by the FDA as being harmless to humans. Correct?

I mean, the pharmaceutical companies stand to be slammed with innumerable lawsuits if they screw up—right?

Wrong on all counts. Our buddies on Capitol Hill passed a law in 2005 that gave the pharmaceutical companies complete immunity from being sued over their vaccines—the “Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act” (the PREP Act).

That legislation gave drug companies immunity from harm caused by any misconduct on their part, or negative consequences resulting from their vaccines. It is not coincidental that the pharmaceutical lobby is the largest lobby in Washington D.C.

The immunity given to the vaccine manufacturers applies no matter what the drug company does wrong—unless you can prove that it was willful misconduct.

They can put anything they want in their vaccines, and there is nothing you or I can do about it.

But surely these vaccines are thoroughly tested by the FDA, right? Well no, they are not. Because of the “emergency” nature of the novel H1N1 “outbreak” normal FDA vetting procedures have been bypassed.

According to a Reuters report filed in Geneva last month, The U.N.‘s WHO (World Health Organization) says that the vaccines “being developed” “look” to be safe.

So, they are “being developed”—and “seem” to be safe. Great—reassures me no end.

Keep in mind that there was only one reputed death from the swine flu “outbreak” in 1976, whereas there were over two dozen deaths directly attributable to the swine flu vaccine. God knows how many people suffered non-lethal after-effects of the 1976 vaccine.

The WHO estimates that around 3 billion people will need to be vaccinated for novel H1N1 each year. With the world’s population at upwards of 7 billion—this whole deal is designed to carry on for quite some time.

That’s without mutations (antigenic drift, and shift) of the virus, which would entail further vaccinations.

And who will pay for this? We will—you and I—out of our tax dollars. Not only will we pay for our own inoculations, but the U.N. expects us to pay for the poorer countries to get inoculated as well. Swell.

So just what’s in these vaccines that we will be paying so dearly for?

Connections between the Gulf War Syndrome and squalene

One of the ingredients, or adjuvants, used in several vaccines is squalene. Micropaleontologist Dr. Viera Scheibner has researched and written about the possible deleterious effects of squalene.

She writes that squalene “...contributed to the cascade of reactions called Gulf War Syndrome. GIs developed arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, deadly Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis…” And the list goes on—you get the picture.

Professor R. F. Garry was the man who discovered the connections between the Gulf War Syndrome and squalene. The data that he provided to the House of Representatives, led to a Federal Court Judge banning the use of squalene by the Pentagon.

Squalene is just one of several dubious ingredients in a vaccination’s “witch’s brew.” There’s also the preservative thimerosal—which contains mercury., says that thimerosal is 50 times more toxic than regular mercury, and regular mercury isn’t the best of things to imbibe.

I don’t know about you, but I am quite sure that I do not want to be injected with something that is 50 times more deadly than mercury.

Dr. Mercola notes on his website that “According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), most flu vaccines contain mercury in the form of thimerosal, some containing as much as 25 mcg…per dose – which is more than 250 times above the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit.”

Dr. Mercola goes on to list several other ingredients found in some vaccines:

  • Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
  • Triton X100 (detergent)
  • Formaldehyde – a known cancer causing agent
  • Resin and gelatin - known to cause allergic reactions
  • Neomycin and streptomycin (antibiotics)
  • Phenol (carbolic acid)
  • Aluminum—a neurotoxin linked to Alzheimer’s disease
  • Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™) – which can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis

Thimerosal, squalene, and the other ingredients listed above, are hardly an exhaustive list of what goes into the various vaccines.

Prevent notes that, “Not one scientific study has ever established the long-term safety of adjuvants, and none have ever been approved for use in vaccines for humans.” If you wish to check out the ingredients in various vaccines for yourself, check out their website.

Remember that only one person (reputedly) died from the swine flu in 1976, but many became ill from the vaccine—and over two dozen died from the inoculation. Recall that many U.S. Troops have suffered from the Gulf War Syndrome, which has been clearly connected to the vaccine they were forced to take.

And don’t forget that we have absolutely no legal recourse against the pharmaceutical companies. They are untouchable.

Speaking of the pharmaceutical companies—they are all trustworthy, above-board, and reputable—right? You wish.

Baxter Healthcare, novel H1N1 vaccines

Let’s take a quick look at just one of them—Baxter Healthcare. Here are a few facts about Baxter; one of the companies that is eager to supply the world with novel H1N1 vaccines.

Reuters reports that in 2007 Baxter disseminated a batch of contaminated blood thinner (heparin) that resulted in at least 81 deaths, and “hundreds of other adverse events.”

In 1994 Baxter and another pharmaceutical company agreed to pay up to $160 million to H.I.V. infected hemophiliacs and their survivors, to settle allegations that they had sold blood-clotting products tainted with the virus that causes AIDS.

In the past few years Baxter has been successfully sued, or made settlements for millions of dollars, because of Medicaid fraud.

Consumer reports that in July, “The State of Illinois…recovered $6.8 million through a settlement agreement with Baxter Healthcare Corporation, resolving allegations that the drug company inflated the wholesale prices used in setting the rates for Medicaid reimbursements.”

This past winter a Baxter subsidiary, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology in Orth-Donau, Austria, sent virulent live virus’ to labs in Slovenia, Germany, and the Czech Republic.

These labs were not warned that they were handling what amounts to a bio-weapon—a dangerous mixture of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus H5N1, and common human flu H3N2.

According to the Toronto Sun, “Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences. While H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people.”

The Baxter facility at Orth-Donau is a BSL3 (Biosafety Level 3) lab, which means that it should be nearly impossible for such deadly virus’ to be distributed by mistake.

“Oopsie, our bad,” said Baxter—or words to that effect.

Ah, what the heck, mistakes happen. In 2005 the College of American Pathologists blithely sent unmarked samples of the deadly A-H2N2 virus, that killed 2 million in the pandemic of 1957, to 4,000 laboratories in 18 countries. “Oopsie.”

I’ve seen doctors on TV say there is absolutely no need for concern regarding the swine flu vaccinations. Such glib assertions are irresponsible to the point of medical malpractice.

Leaving alone the question of the dangers of questionable additives and adjuvants for the moment, how can these doctors give carte blanche stamps of approval to the unseen manufacturing processes behind these vaccines?

How do they know for sure that these vaccines are harmless? They don’t, they can’t.

And why in the world is the WHO in such a rush to get everybody panicked and vaccinated. After all, the novel H1N1 flu is hardly in the same category as, say the Spanish Flu.

From all reports the novel H1N1 flu is only slightly worse than the typical A-(H1N1),
A-(H3N2), and Type B flus that, according to the CDC, kill about 36,000, and hospitalize around 200,000 in the U.S. each year.

And the argument that we should get vaccinated because the swine flu might mutate into something more dangerous, doesn’t make any sense at all. If it mutates, through uncommonly quick antigenic shift, or a sudden antigenic drift, then the original vaccine will be useless anyway.

This whole global pandemic thing stinks to high heaven. It smells of bribery, collusion, and ruthless greed at the highest levels of international government.

Thanks but no thanks—keep your vaccines. I’ll take my chances with the flu.

My advice? Eat healthy, exercise, take vitamin D, wash your hands after being out in public, get a good night’s sleep, and maintain a positive attitude.

Laus Deo Hosanna.

Addendum: Many of you have seen the video of the school children chanting “Mm-mm-mm, Barack Hussein Obama.” My version is a bit more meaningful, in my opinion.

Laus Deo, as you know, means “Praise be (to) God,” and Hosanna means, according to Wikipedia—“...a cry for salvation, while at the same time…a declaration of praise. Therefore, it may be derived that this plea for help is out of an agreeably positive connotation.”

So Laus Deo Hosanna means “Praise be to God, God save us”—in a peppy kind of way.

Repeating this mantra may not help to ward off the flu, but then again it just might.

Originally published in Canada Free Press, 10/7/2009

Also, see today's episode of Glenn Beck on Fox News, on this subject.

The Courts v. Sovereign American Citizens; John Charlton Explains the Tyranny

This new article in The Post & Email explains the problem of "standing" faced by Obama (in)eligibility plaintiffs in the courts. In so doing, it also probes the abrogation of the fundamental, Creator endowed, "natural" Rights of Sovereign American Citizens, by the government We employ and entrust to be our devoted servants.
Of Very Recent Precedent, a Self-Abdication by the Courts of their Authority to Enforce the Constitution

by John Charlton

(Oct. 7, 2009) — Standing is a legal concept which has been employed in many suits regarding challenges to Obama’s usurpation of office. For most Americans it is a concept which is obtuse, illogical, and non-sensical; but what most do not know that it is of very recent provenance, originating only in the last 35 some years.
That is how it begins. This is how it concludes.

The logic could not be simpler. The cowardice of the Court could not be clearer.

This is why it is so obvious to the common man or woman, that the Judiciary is shirking its duty.

In between, are key excerpts and the overall explanation of Supreme Court rulings, which have failed Us, the People. This judicial malfeasance of the public trust includes majority opining by our purported "conservative champion," Antonin Scalia. Alas, "shirking its duty," is too gracious a depiction. As the "no standing" rulings of the courts in this eligibility matter signal, the authentic United States of America is, in large part, lost to us.

Carlton couples this article today, with a similarly excellent editorial, "Endemic Corruption and what to do about it." There, the absurdity of extra-constitutional government is further explored.

American government must not be allowed to succeed in empowering itself, to supersede the natural law inherent of the People. Our authentic America must be re-established -- and no one will do that, unless We do it.
Arlen Williams

" secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Last Night's Interview of Leo Donofrio

The interview of Leo Donofrio during last night's edition of The Awakening was very informative. Key progress has been made, leading to further work to be done. I encourage you to isten to the archived broadcast here:

I may post some reflections, here, tonight. There were items discussed that "stuck with me" and which should be pursued.

And we look forward to Leo Donofrio's and Justin Riggs' return, to discuss latest steps and next steps.

Monday, October 5, 2009

TerriK Relates Her Birth Certificate Research; a Picture of Governmental Cynicism & Evasion of Constitution

The following is essentially represented as originally published by TerriK, i.e., by and in Miss Tickly's Question 'O'thority.

By MissTickly (aka ‘TerriK’)

On July 27, 2009, Obama was not verified as ‘Constitutionally Qualified to be U.S. President’ by the standards of Hawaii’s Department of Health and Vital Statistics Registrar. Any assertions by Nancy Pelosi or anyone else must be reexamined under the following LIGHT:

THE KEY: ‘FILED by Local Registrar’ vs. ‘ACCEPTED by State Registrar’

We have two statements about two sets of vital records belonging to the President issued from Hawaii. An “original birth certificate” that is “on record in accordance to state policies and procedures” in October, 2008, AND “original vital records” that are “maintained on file,” on July 27, 2009.

1.) Dr. Fukino, Director of the Department of Health on Oct. 31, 2008:

“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.

2.) Dr. Fukino, Director of the Department of Health on July 27, 2009:

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”

• We also have a COLB presented by President Obama that indicates the information shown has been ‘Filed by Registrar.’ Fig.1 (see below)

• However, we also have samples found online of HAWAII COLBs that say they have been ‘Accepted by State Registrar.’ Fig 2 & Fig 3 (see below)


Hawaii refuses to answer simple procedural questions. Using Nevada’s guidelines on vital statistics, we can reasonably discern the validity of President Obama’s COLB online and the “vital records” used to help verify his is a “natural-born” American citizen and “born in Hawaii.”

In viewing the U.S. Vital Statistics System found here: (pp.62-63), we can see that there began a distinct effort to establish uniform practices of recording Vital Statistic information in all states.

Budget Bureau’s recommendations in 1943:

“Instead it proposed the creation of a cooperative vital records system, comprising the existing State and independent city vital statistics offices and a national office to ‘‘represent and serve the system from a Federal standpoint, and, by making available financial and technical aid, would work to improve, develop, and integrate the individual units of the system.’’ It called for a program of continuous allotment of money to the present State, city, and Territorial offices to be spent for correcting defects in the registration system and for expansion as required.”

Using the state of Nevada’s clearly posted procedures AND policies as a guideline, we can conclude that President Obama is not ‘constitutionally qualified’ to be U.S. President with the information found on his original birth certificate. AND the information he submitted to the state, to support any changes, was still pending approval on 7/27/09 and therefore insufficient to verify anything legal…like birth place and natural born citizenship–which happens at birth and those facts are static.

Birth place can arguably never really be amended once recorded the first time. Proof was offered at birth in order for the State Registrar to record it originally….unless it was left blank at birth...or perhaps the President has an *ahem* ‘clerical error’ on his original birth certificate.

This is highly irregular, no?


Not really anyway. Only a FOOL would argue otherwise at this point. A paid or unpaid FOOL:

• What does the phrase “on record in accordance with state policies and procedures” mean in the October Statement referencing the President’s original birth certificate?

• What does the phrase “maintained on file” mean in the July Statement referencing the vital records verifying his birth place and “natural-born” American citizenship status?

• What does a ‘Filed by Registrar’ COLB indicate?

• What does an ‘Accepted by State Registrar’ COLB indicate?

We can conclude from Fukino’s use of the phrase “maintained on file” which refers to the vital records “verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen,” the state had not recorded and indexed the information verifying the facts within. We can conclude that the State of Hawaii was unsatisfied on July 27, 2009 of those facts.


Excuse me? It is just beyond words.

I cannot imagine a worse scenario emerging from all of this. Can you?

And when the State issued his COLB that states ‘Filed by Registrar,’ in 2007, we can conclude that the evidence submitted to them of the ‘proof of the facts stated within the COLB’ was insufficient, at least at that time, to warrant recording on permanent state record with the Registrar.

To preface the following, please read Leo Donofrio’s account of my experience that yielded two types of admissions by the State of Hawaii’s Department of Health, that an amendment &/or correction to the President’s Birth Record was pending on July 27.

‘Foreshadowing’ (first indication of admission)

‘TerriK Investigation: Part 2′ (statutory admission)

The following ‘vital records policy and procedural information’ from Nevada also seems to indicate, an amendment was pending OR INITIATED when the President was issued his 2007 COLB. I suspect similar policies are in place in Hawaii. We just can get to it. We can’t ask…or at least they won’t answer. And they won’t tell us where to find the answer.

Staff at the Hawaii DoH do not want people to know how to read the legal documents they issue AND they don’t want to explain what their statements to the public really mean.

FIRST you mix the dough, THEN you bake it: there is a TWO STEP PATH to issuing legitimate, registered birth certificates in Nevada. There are two sets of obstacles which an ‘application to file for’ and an ‘application to file for an amendment of information’ must clear. The second involves providing PROOF of facts.

Amazingly, President Obama’s online COLB never got that far when it was issued in 2007.


An application can be dismissed for lack of evidence after a period of time, or a person can submit evidence to be reviewed and accepted in the SECOND STEP. In the interim, the state makes no claim that the Birth Certificate ON FILE has been found sufficient on a state registrar level. AND they should clearly state so on the Certificate if this is the case.

They do. Now we all know–it’s been in front of our faces all along.



NRS 440.190 County health officer as registrar.
NRS 440.200 Furnishing blank certificates. [It's likely that President Obama filled out a blank certificate or form supplied by the state to local officials in order to file for an amendment to his birth information.]
NRS 440.210 Certificates of birth and death: Examination by local health officer.
NRS 440.220 Certificates of birth and death: Enforcement of requirements by local health officer.
NRS 440.230 Certificates of birth and death: Numbering; attestation of date of filing by local health officer.
NRS 440.240 Certificates of birth and death: Preservation of copies by local health officer.
NRS 440.250 Certificates of birth and death: Filing by deputy county health officer; filing of list of deceased persons with public administrator.
NRS 440.260 Certificates of birth and death: Time for delivery to State Registrar.


“NRS 440.230 …..Filing by deputy county health officer

• Now add it to this:

NRS 440.190 County health officer as registrar.

• Translation: “Filed by Registrar” which is what the President’s online COLB states clearly.

President Obama’s online COLB says ‘FILED BY REGISTRAR.’ The information on the President’s COLB represents information he furnished the local registrar in an application to amend his vital record information. He furnished this info likely on a blank certificate or form supplied by the local registrar. Fukino’s statement in October 2008, indicates that an original birth certificate already existed ‘on record in accordance to state policy and procedure.’ The vital records she refers to on July 27, 2009, “verifying” the President is a ‘natural-Born’ American citizen and born in Hawaii are only “maintained on file,” therefore they cannot possibly be “on record with the State Registrar:”

Fig 1



If the records that verified our president was born in Hawai’i and is a “natural-born American citizen” did not complete or end at state level registration through STEP TWO, those records are completely empty and unfounded for all legal purposes.

NRS 440.110 State Registrar of Vital Statistics.
NRS 440.120 Regulations of State Board of Health concerning registration; enforcement by State Registrar. [NOTE: This never happened for the President's online COLB, so the info found on it is NOT LEGAL.]
NRS 440.130 Preparation and distribution of forms and blanks; charge for blank certificate.
NRS 440.135 Form for reporting divorce or annulment of marriage: Preparation; contents; distribution.
NRS 440.140 Preparation and issuance of instructions; use of other forms and blanks prohibited.
NRS 440.150 Examination and supplementation of certificates. (See below)
NRS 440.160 Preservation and indexing of certificates. [Any pending application has not been indexed. Therefore, the index data won't show the whole picture. Perhaps, not even for Maya.]
NRS 440.165 Reproduction of original records and files.
NRS 440.170 Records open to inspection; use of data restricted.
NRS 440.175 Furnishing statistical data; limitation on preparation or issuance of certain documents; charging fees to homeless persons prohibited; remittance required for issuing copies.

Obama has an incomplete and unsatisfactory COLB if indications from Nevada policy are true:


In other words, The State Registrar says, “Something stinks here and I ain’t puttin’ any of it on record.”




Fig 2
Fig 2

OR the application for an amended certificate has been ‘accepted by the state registrar.’

Fig 3
Fig 3

Once the President’s filed application to amend his Birth Certificate was accepted by the State Registrar, the amended information would be pulled out, noted and endorsed as in Fig 3 above. It’s impossible to tell by looking at the President’s COLB, which information is to be amended until after it’s accepted. In fact, the notation that President Obama’s COLB is ‘Filed by Registrar’ indicates the state stands by NONE of the information found on the document.


“NRS 440.165 Reproduction of original records and files. To preserve original documents, the State Registrar is authorized to prepare typewritten, photographic or other reproductions of original records and files in his office. (Added to NRS by 1967, 1108; A 1971, 808)”

“…reproductions of original records and files…


President Obama has a ‘reproduction of a FILE’ while other samples of Hawaiian COLBs found online are ‘reproductions of RECORDS’ that have been accepted and therefore completed with the State Registrar using the support of sufficient evidence required by the state to register the Birth Certificate on record.

Fig 2 and Fig 3 (above) have been validated and are found satisfactory to the standards of state policy. These type are accepted, recorded and indexed by the State Registrar.


While conducting my investigation I encountered a FReeper that pointed me to her own alleged Hawaii COLB which she provided to ‘Polarik’ for use in comparing to the President’s COLB. In Leo Donofrio’s blog post, Foreshadowing, he mentions a comment left to me by ‘Polarik’ on August 4, 2009 at FreeRepublic. That comment indicates that ‘Polarik’ thinks I am making the story up about receiving the Press Release pdf from Janice Okubo in Hawaii on July 27, 2009.

HOWEVER, I received confirmation from ‘Polarik’ that he received the press release pdf sent to me by Okubo when I sent it to him, myself, on August 3, 2009: the day BEFORE he left that comment. He confirmed to me on August 3, 2009, that he got the pdf and he thanked me for sending him a download link. I won’t post his private message but I assert that it happened to the best of my understanding.

Why would he then try to discredit me on a post I left on FR, entitled Orly is Working for Obama? His thuggish attempts to use sexism to paint me as ‘unstable’ bear a stark resemblance to the tactics used on the left against Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.


“There was NO PRESS RELEASE. It was a direct statement made to Dan Nagaso of the Honolulu Advertiser.

An “electronic press release? You mean, like an email that nobosy else has seen except you?
51 posted on Tue Aug 4 14:38:36 2009 by Polarik
(Obama: When destroying America is not enough.)”

**It should be noted that when ‘Polarik’ confirmed he got the Press Release pdf sent to me from Okubo on the night of 7/27/09, which I uploaded for him especially on August 3, he then directed me to a story about Orly and the ‘Kenyan Birth Certificate’ that was dropped on us all in early August. As it turns out, he directed me to a distraction. We all remember the ‘crumpled ball’ photos saying we got punked? Eh?

I have my own understanding of what happened with ‘Polarik’ on August 4 and, therefore, that led me to question the person that gave ‘Polarik’ her claimed Hawaii COLB. This person approached me and in talking to her, she claimed to have a ‘Filed by Registrar’ COLB from Hawaii herself. It’s available online, often in conjunction with ‘Polarik’s’ stuff. This person also claimed that there was nothing unusual about the birth information contained within her alleged COLB–no amendments pending or otherwise, she told me, just a regular birth certificate. So I guess that blows that theory, huh?

Not so fast, I say. This COLB came out shortly after Obama released his COLB online, as I recall. It was used to get people focused on a possible forgery. Ha! It successfully distracted people from questioning too closely the words” ‘Filed by Registrar’ found on both COLBs. From the beginning. Imagine that?

I don’t know about you guys, but I have reason to suspect now that this person was mistaken, joshing with us, or received a COLB issued in error IF her story behind it is true and correct. Furthermore, a quick Google of her name indicated she was in Colorado–not Hawaii.

I can’t say for certain, but it appears that people are having fun at our expense. And these people link with other people we are trusting to help with this issue. The time to STOP relying on others is NOW. Seems no one is above suspicion these days. Be wary. Get answers from Hawaii or credible sources as I have. Do it yourselves.


Although this data exists, it’s not relevant to move forward concerning the events of July 27, 2009, IMO. We KNOW the vital records used to verify the President’s Birth Place were insufficient on July 27, 2009.

We understand NOW.

Dr. Fukino, rightly tells us the vital records she saw were only on file, not on record. Unfortunately, Hawaii doesn’t offer any information on how to read a COLB nor do they use terminology that they are willing to explain–even when outright asked. As much as I worry if they are under some unfair pressure, I cannot help but think this is very disingenuous, indeed.

However, those of you interested in gathering the rest of the index data information that we are entitled to, might find this section useful. The ‘Index Data’ that Leo Donofrio reveals at his blog may be just a portion of the data that Hawaii has.

The information Leo received is likely incomplete and inclusive. Furthermore, the President’s name may be recorded on multiple ‘cards’ or recorded multiple times without the index data reflecting a change like ‘birth place.’ Please read the following and ask for ‘index data’ separately yourselves from Hawaii for a fuller picture. You will likely need to ask for each name ‘attached’ to his family and himself (e.g. Barry Soetoro). Make one request at a time or you may be directed to see the full record index in person for examination.

Send everything in separate e-mail requests to: &

“NRS 440.160 Preservation and indexing of certificates. The State Registrar shall:
1. Arrange and permanently preserve the certificates in a systematic manner.
2. Prepare and maintain a comprehensive and continuous card index of all births and deaths registered. The cards must show the name of the child or the deceased, the place and date of birth or death and the number of the certificate. When a certificate of birth indicates that a person has changed his name, the card index must contain a card for each name.
[Part 18:199:1911; RL § 2969; NCL § 5252]—(NRS A 1960, 157; 1981, 464)”


By using Nevada as a reasonable comparison to Hawaii’s vital records/statistics policy and procedure, we are left wondering: was the President’s “natural-born” American citizenship and birth place verified using ‘original long form birth certificate information’, an ‘application to amend his birth place’ and ‘insufficient pending evidence of that amendment that was maintained on file at the DoH?’

If so, the information used is insufficient proof, unsubstantiated, unrecorded and suspect.

State government seems to have a higher standard than our own federal government when it comes to the integrity of recording vital events. For example, look how seriously the state of Kentucky takes registering true and correct birth information:

“The Vital Statistics 1999 Report Estimates approximately 324 births occurring outside a hospital setting.

That means that 324 birth certificates were filed by local registrars and midwives who interviewed the parents, gathered the information for the certificate, asked for evidence if necessary, and prepared the certificate. Whatever the reason, there will probably be a time, or several times, that you will be required to file a “home birth”.

The thought of it scares us. We have all heard the horror stories of how some have established new identities for imaginary babies. We don’t want to be the one that was duped into filing a fake birth certificate. But, it happens, and there are precautions we should take. [Emphasis mine.]

This section will assist the registrar in filing home births or births that did not occur in a hospital setting. All local registrars must require prenatal and postnatal documentation plus documentation of residency in your county at time of birth.”



On July 28th, did Congress sell out our Constitution with a Resolution that declared that President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961? If so, was it inadvertent, on purpose, corruption or stupidity? All of the above? Who knows with that gang of thieves?

From FReeper ‘BP2’:

“Looking at the dates of TerriK’s pre-release of Fukino’s written statement (July 27) and the PUBLIC release of Fukino’s written statement (July 28) seems to indicate a COORDINATED effort by the Hawaii Department of Health and Hawaii Congressmen in an attempt to “shut down” further questions of Obama’s eligibility.

As you may recall, there was a non-binding Resolution with the passage of H.RES.593 (House timeline on July 27) and S.RES.225 (Senate timeline on July 28) recognizing Hawaii’s 50th Anniversary as a US state. Also in the Resolution, among other things, was a clause that stated “the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.” (House version text).”

Could Congress have provided the ‘evidence’ to amend the President’s Birth Place? If so, did Dr. Fukino answer my question HONESTLY on July 27, 2009 and with fifteen minutes to spare?

My question to Dr. Fukino, Director of the Department of Health on July 27, 2009:

“Is the Director of Health for the State of Hawai’i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, able to state they have verified that the Hawai’i State Department of Health has President Barack Obama’s AMENDED original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.[?]

HER ANSWER TO ME RECEIVED AT 11:45 p.m., July 27, 2009:

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.

Had Dr. Fukino had answered my question with a straight-forward answer and without the extraneous points about “..born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen..,” it would have looked SOMETHING like this:

“I…have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health…I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.

AND, we would have seen clearly that:

1.) There ARE amendments and submitted proof: “Vital Records” (plural)
2.) The vitals records are NOT “on record in accordance with state policies and procedures”
3.) The vitals records are NOT verified to be on record by the “Registrar of Vital Statistics”
4.) The vital records and proof offered to amend are insufficient for the State Registrar and, therefore, Fukino states they are “maintained on file.”

In other words, the support to amend his birth place is pending acceptance.

Furthermore, if we break her statement down further in context of the assertions made within, we see this:

“I…have seen the original vital records…verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen…“

For most people it takes ONE (singular) ‘vital record,’ an ‘original long form birth certificate,’ to verify these two things. For our President, it took more than one.

These vital records ‘maintained on file’ had no evidential value it seems. They weren’t on record in accordance to policy and procedure with the State Registrar. They were possibly used by lazy or corrupt people to assure us, We the People, that our Constitution was being upheld by government and election workers and elected officials who made oaths to uphold the Constitution.

Games may have likely been played using terms like “natural-born American citizen” to distract us from the truth.

FOR ALL WE KNOW, President Obama’s application is headed right for the garbage can even with the non-binding resolution.

What are Hawaii’s standards for approving a filed application to amend/correct ‘birth place?’ I think we know that Congress hasn’t got any. I know what mine are. How about you?

There is only ONE TRUTH. Get answers from Hawaii. If need be, get answers from Congress.

We have the evidence now, without accessing the President’s birth files – 1.) Dr. Fukino’s 7/27/2009 statement and 2.) President Obama’s online COLB because both state clearly they refer to Files of NO EVIDENTIAL value…Files that are maintained, but not on record… Files that are proof of nothing…SLEIGHT OF HAND.

Thank you Dr. Fukino for showing President Obama what transparency means, what ‘Open Government’ means. What honesty means. And what being forthcoming as a leader in whom people place their trust means. You didn’t need to give us the last clue! You’ve done enough.

Where do we go from here? What watchdog will protect us now that we have the proof that we are being bamboozled by federal government leaders? What does it mean that Hawaii won’t or can’t release information on policy and procedure? Why can’t they tell us what their legal terms mean?

Please let me know what YOU think about how we should proceed…

And please spread this analysis FAR AND WIDE.

Thank you! MissTickly (aka TerriK)

As mentioned in the I.O. sidebar, the opinions expressed by those whose work is represented here, are their own. I.O. wishes to keep its mind open to numerous possibilities and recognizes that conflicts do ensue. The contributions of MissTickly are self-evident.

For further discussion, listen to Leo Donofrio on "The Awakening," today, Monday 10/8, 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT (and 4-6pm in Hawaii). Let the investigations go on....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Obama's Past Gone Dark

Commentary by Beckwith, The Obama File, 10/3/2009

Where Do Birthers Come From?

Well, it probably started with Dreams . . . [I.O. ed., link to examination of Obama, including his book, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance]

In the introduction, Obama acknowledged his use of pseudonyms, composite characters, approximated dialogue and events out of chronological order. "He was trying to be careful of people's feelings," said Deborah Baker, the editor on the first paperback edition of the book. "The fact is, it all had a sort of larger truth going on that you couldn't make up." -- basically, Obama's story as told by Obama, and a few others, has more than a few holes in it -- and his relationships are extraordinary.

Well, folks put that information away. Everybody puffs up their resume -- no harm -- no foul.

Then along came that Muslim thing. Obama's sister Maya was quoted by the New York Times as saying, "My whole family was Muslim." Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth," in an interview with Nicholas Kristof, published in The New York Times, reciting the Muslim call to prayer, the Adhan, "with a first-class [Arabic] accent."

The whole question of whether Obama was or wasn't a Muslim began in the Obama camp -- then there was a whole series of contradictory reports -- no! he isn't -- well, maybe he is -- well, maybe he used to be -- no! absolutely not! -- he's a committed Christian. Yeah, but what kind of Christian -- he wasn't quite what I was used to -- for 20 years, Obama was a member of a huge black nationalist church, the Trinity United Church of Christ (UCC) -- its pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, a former Muslim and black nationalist, unabashedly preached a "black" gospel" and "liberation theory."

And people said -- hey! -- wait a minute! Then the dozens of different eligibility issues -- Obama's birthplace is not certain -- the birth certificate is demonstrably counterfeit -- he admits he was a British subject at birth. And then The Obama File published this list:
  • Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released (lawyers' fees = $2,000,000; birth certificate = $15)
  • Certification of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit
  • Obama/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)
  • Kindergarten records -- Records lost (this is a big one -- see here -- read two frames) Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released (if one exists)
  • Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released
  • Soetoro adoption records -- Not released
  • Fransiskus Assisi School School application -- Released (by independent investigators)
  • Punahou School records -- Not released
  • Soetoro/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)
  • Selective Service Registration -- Released -- Counterfeit
  • Occidental College records -- Not released
  • Passport -- Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama's terrorism and intelligence adviser.
  • Columbia College records -- Not released
  • Columbia thesis -- "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament" -- Not released
  • Harvard College records -- Not released
  • Harvard Law Review articles -- None
  • Illinois Bar Records -- Not released.
  • Baptism certificate -- None
  • Medical records -- Not released
  • Illinois State Senate records -- None
  • Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost
  • Law practice client list -- Not released
  • University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None
The Illinois State Archives told Judicial Watch that they never received any request from Senator Obama to archive any records in his possession.

In 2007, Obama told Tim Russert that his records were "not kept."

And there's less on the web every day. In time, the entire Obama body of knowledge will consist of 3 documents -- "Dreams From My Father" -- "The Audacity of Hope" -- and the latest -- "Change We Can Believe In" -- all written by Barack Hussein Obama or his "ghost-writers."

Just an accident? I don't think so.

Obama has lived for almost 50 years without leaving any footprints -- none! There is no Obama documentation -- no bona fides -- no paper trail -- nothing.

Being a "Birther" is not about the birth certificate. The birth certificate isn't the answer. It's a symbol for all the other stuff that's just not there. You wouldn't hire with a guy with this CV to mow your lawn. Obama's complete disregard for the reasonable expectations of the American people to know who and what their leaders, are created Birthers -- and Obama can make them go away -- in a heartbeat. Obama -- release your bona fides. The American People have a right to know who you are, and who sent you.

Hardin, Montana & the American Police Force; 2 of 2 - Updating

No [Only potential, tangential] indications of Obamanation, per se, but this odd case study in wayward governance continues to enfold.

Michael Hilton, apparent head of "American Police Force" (pictured in AP photo) is a felon with a history of fraud.

Montana Attorney General, Steve Bullock is investigating the entire set of dealings between the city of Harding and the APF.

News stories are linked below. Updates to this posting are likely:

Montana Attorney General to Investigate APF, Billings Gazette, 10/1, 5:40pm MT. And what about the Montana constitution's prohibition of private police?

Former City Attorney Fears Jail Deal will Derail Law Enforcement Deconsolidation, Billings Gazette, 10/1, 7:10pm MT (First impressions can be wrong, but check out the image of Becky Convery; it would appear indicative of a certain political personality, busy of mind, but... sparse of wisdom? I can even see Jimmy Carter in that face. I wonder if she has a university degree in "public policy.")

Updates, 10/3 ~
  • Intriguing comment from "FARS" in
    Does this not sound a bit like an ACORN type setup?
    Alan of AntiMullah, has run across the California based Iranian attorney Maziar Mafi, who reportedly has turned into a strong Mullah regime supporter in the past few years, so this might have some Mullah regime source financing involved.
going "hmm" about that

Friday, October 2, 2009

Leo Donofrio on the new Hawaiian Birth Certificate Investigation, on The Awakening, Monday

Leo Donofrio will explain the pursuit he has, for a time, shared with Terri K, looking for the truth about the Obama Birth Certificate (if that is what is there) based upon the State of Hawaii's implicit admission that it has been amended -- plus, the pursuit of a possible conspiracy of fraud and cover-up. Or, has the Hawaiian Department of Health begun to cooperate? Perhaps they will be compelled to do so.

​And, as Donofrio and Terri K have described, Hawaiian official, Dr. Fukino's public pronouncements about what remains concealed may inadvertently open the door, under Hawaii's Open Records Law (UIPA) to the disclosure of the birth certificate, itself.

Listen live, Monday 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT, plus there will either be additional guests​ related to this, or we will take calls, or both. You may set up a reminder at this link.

There are more details and angles to come in I.O., along with links to articles exploring the legalities and possibilities.

Hardin, Montana & the American Police Force; 1 of 2; Updated into 10/2

Original Entry, 9/29/2009, 7:55pm+ CT ~ Hardly likely a huge new Obamunist emergency, at least, at this point -- but this appears to be a big problem for at least a small American town -- and it's county sheriff.

Updates ~ I.O. is adding links at the bottom of this article, to various reports (and some conjectures). You deserve to see what's out there, from ostensibly credible media and we can sort it out together, from there. There is a new 10/2 update at the bottom of this post.

Feel free to see...

 ...and if that doesn't show up for you, here's the link: 
American Police Force Corporation Takes Over Small Town Police Force and Prisoner-Less Jail - CBS News + Introducing... new for 2009... the one... the only...
American Police Force!
(wait for applause)
Poise, circumspection, reason, and scrutiny, everybody. No jumping to conclusions.

Updates ~
What this appears to be, at first take, is a pork project prison, built during these recent times of overcrowded federal penitentiaries, but without specific plans in place, for its use. Add to this, a hope of local politicians and economic development interests, for its use as a potential prison for the terrorist detainees currently held at Guantanamo Bay.

Meanwhile, Blackwater becomes persona non grata in Iraq, opening the door for little start-up off-shoots and up-shoots, one of these likely taking the grandiose and irresponsible name of "American Police Force." This firm wins a contract to staff the prison at Hardin, apparently again, with "earmarked" pork funds. In the mix, they offer to, or agree to become a private police force for the local town of Hardin. That, however, appears to violate the Constitution of the State of Montana, as is brought out in Tim Worstall's Examiner article. Is there a secret agreement somewhere in the mix, to bring over the Gitmo detainees? Are local government and this APF going to continue to try to buck the Montana constitution? What, exactly is their charter and what are its defined limits? Whose money are they gaining and how much? Could there be some surreptitious motive along the way? Is this possibly some kind of "camel's head in the tent," for further circumvention of sovereign county and state law enforcement? In addition to apparent violation of the state constitution of Montana, are there other abrogations and illegalities involved?  

These are the kinds of questions that naturally spring up, when the "transparent" Obama administration is found to be a network of radicals, within a sociopolitical milieu where anti-American, "transnational progressive" influences have infiltrated our nation, including both political parties. 10/1 ~ For a few minutes on 9/30, Brannon Howse, of Worldview Times, mused upon the uses which a "new order" administration might have, for private, mercenary police, in the place of public officials. This comes at approximately the mid-point of his Worldview Radio program. 10/2 ~ Further local news reports have been collated, below. In the last, APF is cited as stating this facility will not be used to house Gitmo prisoners.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Even Vegetables are Getting to Know; Did a Little Bird Tell You?

May have to start watching Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show

Ya think Jeff Immelt, the NWO Barron of Fascist Generalissimo Electric, had a nice phone call with Conan, today?

Parallel Lives? Obama's 'Go To' Man, Patrick Gaspard and New York Socialism

New Zeal, Obama File 88

Trevor Loudon was our guest on Sentinel Radio's "The Awakening," this past, Monday, 9/28, 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT (it is archived for listening, here, also downloadable from the Sentinel Radio page in BTR).

by Trevor Loudon

In June 2009 Patrick Gaspard, a Brooklyn-based, 41-year-old Democratic operative, became White House director of the Office of Political Affairs.

Patrick Gaspard’s official responsibility is to provide the president with an "accurate assessment of the political dynamics affecting the work of his administration" and to "work with powerbrokers around the country to help push the president’s agenda".

According to Rep. Gregory Meeks, "He’s a low key, behind-the-scenes, no-fingerprints kind of guy. I need something, I call Patrick. And if he calls, it’s a big deal. He’s close to the president.

Considerable attention has been focused on Gaspard's ties to the radical community group ACORN.

This post looks at Gaspard's ties to the groups behind ACORN-the groups that helped President Obama during his Chicago days-Democratic Socialists of America and the Communist Party offshoot Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.

Patrick Gaspard was reportedly born in Kinshasa, Zaire, after his father, a political opponent of the Duvalier dictatorship in Haiti, fled there.

Patrick Gaspard’s father moved with his wife from Haiti to "post-liberation" Zaire, when its pro-communist leader, Patrice Lumumba, appealed to French-speaking academics of African descent to teach there.

Three years after Patrick Gaspard’s birth, the family moved to New York.

Like Obama, Patrick Gaspard wrote poetry. Like Obama , Patrick Gaspard grew up admiring third world leftists and revolutionaries. He reportedly idolized Aime Cesaire, a radical poet/politician from the French colony of Martinique.

Cesaire was elected to the French Parliament with the French Communist Party, but later left to form his own leftist party in Martinique.

Cesaire also taught the anti-colonialist Marxist theorist Frantz Fanon, of whom Obama wrote admiringly in his autobiography, Dreams From My Father.

Patrick Gaspard got his start in politics, in the mid 1980s, organizing demonstrations in New York City for "social justice" in Haiti.

He got his first taste of campaign work in the 1988 presidential campaign of Jesse Jackson-like Obama a product of the Chicago socialist machine.

Patrick Gaspard went on to David Dinkins’ first New York mayoral race, as an intern in Dinkins' office and then to City Hall, when Dinkins won the New York Mayoralty.

Dinkins was at the time, a member of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

In 1997, outgoing Manhattan borough president Ruth Messinger, also a member of Democratic Socialists of America, enlisted Gaspard for her doomed mayoral campaign against Rudy Giuliani.

After the Messinger debacle, Gaspard became chief of staff to Councilwoman Margarita Lopez, a radical feminist from the Lower East Side.

In 1999, Lopez loaned Gaspard out to help Local 1199 of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to organize a march in protest of the police shooting death of Amadou Diallo, a Guinean immigrant.

Gaspard was allegedly a key organizer of the civil disorder that followed Diallo's death.
The union was one of the central organizers of the civil disobedience that followed, and 1199 President Dennis Rivera and then-Political Director Bill Lynch asked Gaspard to coordinate those efforts.
Dennis Rivera, president of Local 1199, recruited Gaspard to the union- where after some he rose to the rank of union Executive Vice President.

It is important to realize that Local 1199 is one of New York's most powerful and militant labor unions.

Founded in 1932, the union was left led from the start and was investigated in 1948 by the House Un-American Activities Committee for Communist "infiltration".

At at a March 2007 meeting to celebrate the [[Communist Party USA]] donation of its papers to New York's Tamiment Library, Steve Kramer, executive vice president of Service Employees Union [[Local 1199]], spoke of the Communist Party’s role in building and maintaining his union.

Recounting 1199’s “''disastrous”'' 1984 strike and internal strife in which “''the union almost tore itself up'',” Kramer said that but for the party’s efforts, “''1199 would have been a small union''” Today, with nearly 300,000 members, it is the world’s largest union local.

When the Communist Party split in 1991, several Local 1199 officials joined the dissenting faction and took many comrades into the breakaway Committees of Correspondence.

Among those Local 1199 officials signing the Communist Party dissenter's "An initiative to Unite and Renew the Party" document, which brought tensions to crisis point, were Paul Friedman (Local 1199 Vice President), Rafael Pizarro (Local 1199 organiser), Geoffrey Jaques (associate editor 1199 News) and Marshall Garcia (Local 1199 executive Vice President).

Friedman, Pizarro, Jacques and Garcia all went on to support Committees of Correspondence.

Pizarro also went on to help found the radical New Party, which Obama joined in Chicago in 1995.

Many other 1199ers also supported Committees of Correspondence, including Lenore Colbert (Local 1199 Vice President), Pat Harris (Local 1199 Vice President), David Kranz and Socorro Laguerra (Local 1199 rank and file), Pam Mills (Local 1199 Seattle), Bruce Richard (SEIU San Francisco, now a Local 1199 Vice President), Angela Doyle (Local 1199 Vice President) and Nelson Valdez (Local 1199 Vice President}.

Doyle, Valdez and Richard still hold senior positions with the union.

In addition, leading Committees of Correspondence member Mael Apollon is involved with the Local 1199 Child Care Fund.

Also of note is the late Merrilee Milstein , who was from 1972 to 1994, Vice President of the New England Local 1199. Milstein was a hard left activist in her own right and was married to Communist Party member Brian Steinberg.

Milstein left 1199, to become assistant to then Connecticut Secretary of State Miles Rapoport-now president of the ACORN supporting, DSA linked, New York think tank Demos.

Barack Obama was one of Demos' first Trustees when it was established in 1999.

Gerry Hudson, now a vice president of the SEIU, also got his start at Local 1199 in New York. Hudson is a member of Democratic Socialists of America and also serves on the board of the Apollo Alliance-founded by Obama's recently departed "Green Jobs Czar" Van Jones.

In 2003, Patrick Gaspard was granted leave from Local 1199 to work as the deputy national field director for the presidential campaign of Howard Dean. After Dean was eliminated from the race, Gaspard became national field director for George Soros’ political action group America Coming Together.

Later Gaspard helped Yvette Clarke win the Congressional seat vacated by Democratic Socialists of America member and Communist Party supporter Major Owens.

Clarke is now a member of the leftist Congressional Progressive Caucus-which has long and deep ties to DSA.

In 1995 Patrick Gaspard was an organizer for the New Jersey chapter of the New Party, a creation of ACORN, DSA and Committees of Correspondence.

By 2001 Gaspard was a leading activist in the New Party offshoot, the New York Working Families Party-a DSA/ACORN/Committees of Correspondence/Communist Party collaboration.

Gaspard and Bertha Lewis of ACORN, wrote a letter to the July 2, 2001 issue of The Nation, "In the course of their letter, Gaspard and Lewis describe their extensive joint involvement in Working Families Party activities." The letter is signed, "Bertha Lewis, ACORN, WFP; Patrick Gaspard, SEIU State Council, WFP."

According to DSA's Democratic Left Summer 2001

Veterans of the left will remember that the 1968 Peace and Freedom Party and the 1980 Citizens Party arose at moments of greater left-wing strength and did not significantly alter the national electoral landscape. Nor has, unfortunately, the New Party, which many DSAers work with in states where “fusion” of third party and major party votes is possible (such as the DSA co-sponsored Working Families Party in N.Y. State).

The DSA youth wing's 2004 "Life After Bush" Conference included, "A series of well-attended workshops detailed the nuts-and-bolts of electoral activism, lead by veteran campaigners from trade unions and the NY DSA-affiliated fusion Working Families Party."

Speakers at Life after Bush included:
  • Cornel West, DSA, New Party founder, 2008 member of Barack Obama's Black Advisory Council. A Progressives for Obama endorser.
  • Frances Fox Piven, DSA, New Party founder, co-creator of the famous Cloward-Piven Strategy for wrecking the US economy. A Progressives for Obama endorser.
  • Steve Max DSA Director of Organizing and Training, Midwest Academy Chicago.
  • Leslie Cagan Committees of Correspondence, National Coordindator, United for Peace and Justice
  • Ian Williams DSA, a correspondent for In These Times and The Nation
  • Bertha Lewis, Co-Chair, Working Families Party, Executive Director, New York ACORN.
Bertha Lewis

DSA member Jay Mazur is also prominent in the Working Families Party and is also an endorser of the Progressives for Obama website.

Patrick Gaspard is still listed on the advisory board of the the WFP aligned Working Families Center, alongside:
  • Working Families Party co-chair Bob Master
  • Working Families Party Secretary and New York ACORN head, Jon Kest.
  • SEIU's Hector Figueroa-a regular speaker at DSA's Socialist Scholars Conferences - including the 2004 event where Van Jones also spoke.
  • Andrea Batista Schlesinger -on the board of the Oakland based Applied research Center which is closely aligned with Van Jones' Ella Baker Human Rights Center.
  • Former Committees of Correspondence National Coordinating Committee member Nathan Newman, who recently wrote in the Daily Kos, "I knew Van (Jones) pretty well back in the early 90s when we were both involved in community organizing efforts, including involvement in a variety of left-leaning groups."
Barack Obama, as a young man, admired third world revolutionaries like Frantz Fanon. He went into community organizing and the DSA/Committees of Correspondence aligned Chicago left, before moving on to the White House.

Van Jones, as a young man, admired third world revolutionaries like Amilcar Cabral. He went from radical community organizing into the San Francisco Committees of Correspondence and the New York DSA aligned left (like Obama, Jones was a Trustee of the DSA aligned Demos), before moving on to the White House.

Patrick Gaspard, as a young man, admired third world revolutionaries like Aime Cesaire. He went into radical organizing and mixed with the DSA/Committees of Correspondence aligned New York left, before moving on to the White House.

Parallel lives? Or just the way US socialism works?

a.k.a., Marxism, a.k.a., communism, a.k.a., tyrannically control you

This article originally appeared in Trevor Loudon's blog, New Zeal.