Below this, see links to two extensive interviews that I was privileged to have with Trevor, on The Awakening.
The Obama Files, from New Zeal
- TheObama File 1 Forget Islam - Look at Obama's Socialism!
- ObamaFile 2 Barack Obama Was Endorsed by Chicago Marxists
- ObamaFile 3 Socialist Unionists Endorse Barack Obama
- ObamaFile 4 Obama Was Endorsed by Far Left "New Party"
- ObamaFile 5 Barack Obama Courted Chicago Marxists, Peace Activists
- ObamaFile 6 Bolshevik Barbara Bolsters Obama
- ObamaFile 7 Barack Obama and the Democratic Socialists of America
- ObamaFile 8 Baltimore Communists Back Obama
- ObamaFile 9 US Communists Explain Backing For Barack Obama
- ObamaFile 10 Barack Obama and the Socialist "Mafia"
- ObamaFile 11 Communists Muster Latino Vote for Barack Obama
- ObamaFile 12 Jan Schakowsky-Barack Obama's Loyal Socialist Supporter
- ObamaFile 13 Top Communist Not Fooled By Obama's Critics
- ObamaFile 14 Socialist Led Mega-Union Backs Barack Obama
- Obama File 15 Socialist Octogenarians for Barack
- ObamaFile 16 Barack Obama and the Legacy of Harold Washington
- ObamaFile 17 Major Union Federation Endorses Barack Obama-More Socialist Links
- ObamaFile 18 Will Obama Be the Communist Party's "People's President"?
- ObamaFile 19 Obama '08 "All the Way With DSA"
- ObamaFile 20 Young Communist League Backs Barack Obama-Again
- ObamaFile 21 Top Communist Criss-Crosses the US for Obama
- ObamaFile 22 Barack Obama, Danny K Davis and the Marxist New Party
- ObamaFile 23 Alice Palmer-Obama's Soviet Sympathising Patroness
- ObamaFile 24 Obama's Major Socialist Supporter
- ObamaFile 25 CCDS Marxist-Leninists Come Out for Obama
- ObamaFile 26 William McNary, Yet Another Obama Radical?
- ObamaFile 27 Reds, Radicals, Terrorists and Traitors-Progressives For Obama
- ObamaFile 28 Top US Communist-Elect Obama "Go On to Change the World"
- ObamaFile 29 Senior US Socialist Jose LaLuz, Manipulates Latino Vote for Obama
- ObamaFile 30 Former Terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn Involved in Key Pro-Obama Organisation
- ObamaFile 31 Grey Power! Ageing Texan Radicals for Obama
- ObamaFile 32 Toxic Trio! Ayers, Davidson, Klonsky Linked to Pro-Obama Organisation
- ObamaFile 33 More Weathermen For Obama
- ObamaFile 34 Black Radicals for Obama
- ObamaFile 35 Even More Weathermen For Obama - Connections, Connections,Connections
- ObamaFile 36 How Socialist Was Obama's "New Party"?
- ObamaFile 37 Obama's Mentor, Frank Marshall Davis- Was He Still a Communist?
- ObamaFile 38 Barack Obama, Frank Marshall Davis, Vernon Jarrett-One Degreeof Seperation
- ObamaFile 39 Barack Obama, Carol Moseley Braun and the Chicago Socialist Machine
- ObamaFile 40 Bill & Bernardine's Buddy Bert, Backs Barack
- ObamaFile 41 Obama Was a New Party Member-Documentary Evidence
- ObamaFile 42 Obama's Socialist Neighbour, Jackie Grimshaw
- ObamaFile 43 Former Weatherman Terrorists, Marxists, New Party Veterans,Unite Behind Obama
- ObamaFile 44 More On Barack Obama and the Socialist New Party
- ObamaFile 45 Obama's Cuddly Old, Terrorist Friendly, Socialist Friend and Neighbour - Rabbi Arnold Wolf
- ObamaFile 46 The Axelrod Axis-Who Is Behind the Man Behind Obama?
- ObamaFile 47 The Paid Soviet Agent Behind Axelrod and Obama
- ObamaFile 48 Obama's Subtle Sermon-Advice to Socialist Allies
- ObamaFile 49 How Communists, Socialists and Obama Can Change America
- ObamaFile 50 Communist Party Strategy for Obama's America
- ObamaFile 51 Top Communists Used Influence for Obama Victory
- ObamaFile 52 Communists Celebrate Obama Victory, Plan Steps to Socialism
- ObamaFile 53 Why Did Obama Appoint a Socialist to His "Transition Team"?
- ObamaFile 54 Communist Party Leader On Obama "We Are Speaking to a Friend"
- ObamaFile 55 Former Weatherman Terrorist and Comrade Discuss Obama - "Lenin Would Be Impressed"
- Obama File 56 Son of Atom Bomb Spy "Don't Mourn Obama's Leanings - Organize to Push Him the Other Way..."
- ObamaFile 57 Obama's Socialist Ally Joins Powerful Congressional Committee
- ObamaFile 58 Hilda Solis-Obama's Labor Secretary's Socialist Connections
- Obama File 59 Top Socialist's Memo To Obama
- Obamafile 60 Institute For Policy Studies Plans Obama's America
- ObamaFile 61 Institute for Policy Studies and the Obama "Movement"
- ObamaFile 62 Obama "Understands What Socialism Is", Works With "SocialistsWith Backgrounds in the Communist Party"
- ObamaFile 63 Obama's "Energy Czar" and the Socialists-Foreign and Domestic
- ObamaFile 64 Symbolic? Socialist Singer Seeger Serenades Obama
- ObamaFile 65 Obama's "Brains Trust"? More From the Institute for PolicyStudies
- ObamaFile 66 Socialist Leader-Use Obama Presidency to Create a "Permanent Progressive Majority"
- ObamaFile 67 Breaking! Communist Leader Claims Obama Considering Nationalisation of Finance, Energy, Private Businesses
- ObamaFile 68 Obama, Antonio Villaraigosa and the Harry Bridges Connection
- ObamaFile 69 The Communists, Obama and the Cesar Chavez Holiday Campaign
- ObamaFile 70 Obama's Socialist Attack Hounds to "Block" Blue Dog Democrats
- Obamafile 71 Former Terrorist Mark Rudd, Assesses Obama's Progress
- ObamaFile 72 Obama Appoints "Former" Communist To White House "Green Job"
- ObamaFile 73 Weather Alert! Obama's "Green Jobs" Czar Linked to Former Terrorist Supporters?
- ObamaFile 74 Communists Honor Obama's Former Pastor-More Dots Connected
- ObamaFile 75 American Rights at Work-Obama's Socialist Labor "Commissars".
- ObamaFile 76 Leon Despres Dies-Obama's Socialist "Trailblazer" Moves On ToSubvert Heaven?
- ObamaFile 77 Sam Webb Lays Out Communist Agenda for Obama Administration
- ObamaFile 78 Hard Evidence! Proof That Obama's Hawaii and Chicago Communist Networks Were Linked?
- ObamaFile 79 Filling In the Gaps-More on Obama and Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
- ObamaFile 80 Michelle and Barack's Black Panther Mentor
- ObamaFile 81 Former Weather Underground Terrorists and '60s Maoists NurturedObama's "Green Jobs" Czar
- ObamaFile 82 Exclusive! Obama, the Communist Van Jones and the Demos Connection
- ObamaFile 83 Obama's Man Van Jones-Many Roads Lead to Cuba, Communism
- ObamaFile 84 Why Was Obama's "Brain" Valerie Jarrett So Happy to Hire Communist Van Jones? Was it Fate?
- ObamaFile 85 Security Implications? Obama's Man Axelrod Was Mentored by Marxist Radicals
- ObamaFile 86 Obama "Czar" Ron Bloom's Socialist Vision for US Industry
- ObamaFile 87 Obama's Socialist Appointees-Where is the Spotlight?
- ObamaFile 88 Parallel Lives? Obama's "Go To" Man, Patrick Gaspard and NewYork Socialism
- ObamaFile 89 Deepak Bhargava "Advancing Change in the Age of Obama"
- Obamafile 90 Alice Palmer re-examined - Was Obama's First Political Boss aSoviet "Agent of Influence"
- ObamaFile 91 Barack Obama and the Socialist Healthcare Scamsters
- ObamaFile 92 Some Christmas Reading for Your Senators - Obama, Young, Conyers and Socialized Healthcare
- ObamaFile 93 Obama's Marxist Doctor, Once Supported Google Health Advisor
- ObamaFile 94 Concert or Coincidence? Obama and the Committees of Correspondence Connections
- ObamaFile 95 Obama's Socialist Advisers Push Immigration Reform to "Create a Governing Coalition for the Long Term"
- Obamafile 96 Coincidence? Obama, Frank Marshall Davis and the Earl DurhamConnection
- ObamaFile 97 Obama and the Weissbourds - Was There a Frank Marshall Davis Connection?
- ObamaFile 98 Obama Science Czar Holdren's Pro - Soviet Associations
- ObamaFile 99 Security risk? Obama "Science Czar" John Holdren and the Federation of American Scientists
- ObamaFile 100 Obama's "Faith Adviser" Jim Wallis, Mixes with Socialists, Radicals, and "Truthers"
- ObamaFile 101 Who's Been Fibbing Then? Evidence That Obama Was Deeply Involved in Socialist New Party "Sister Organization"
- ObamaFile 102 America's Little Lenin? Joel Rogers and the Obama Movement
- no's 103 and 104 to be posted
- Obama'sChurch: It's Hidden Ties to Black Extremism and Communism Part 1
- Obama'sChurch: It's Hidden Ties to Black Extremism and Communism Part 2
- Obama'sChurch: It's Hidden Ties to Black Extremism and Communism Part 3
- Obama'sChurch: It's Hidden Ties to Black Extremism and Communism Part 4
- Obama'sChurch: It's Hidden Ties to Black Extremism and Communism Part 5
- Obama'sChurch: It's Hidden Ties to Black Extremism and Communism (Final)