Will American Christians in very different spheres of influence have similar points of view?
What what will happen, if the Supreme Court shirks its responsibility to the Constitution and Obama serves an entire term as "president?"
Sovereignty activist Greg Evensen will look down the road with us and address what he sees as the threats to freedom represented in the Obama/Pelosi/Soros regime, of Marxists and international controllers of banking and finance.
And, does God, Himself want us to know something about it all? By Christian prophetic gifts? Special guest, Kelly Deppen believes in, practices, and studies the spiritual gift of prophecy, referred to in 1 Corinthans 12-14. We will discuss whether God wants His faithful ones to have certain knowledge of current and impending events, at this critical time.
In the second hour, we will be joined by Obamologists and interpreters of these times, Jim Simpson and Allan Erickson.

Join us and seek wisdom and revelation -- including whether prophecy intersects with the imminent future of America and the world.
1 Corintians 14:1
Monday, 5/18, 9pm ET,,, 6pm PT, 2 hours, live and archived
call in: 646-727-2652