Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama's "Transnational Progressive" Federal Reserve Fascism, in America

How is your nest egg?
Origin of graphic, unknown
Origin of behavior: see Karl's and Saul's hero, Lucifer

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Centralization of Regulation of Business -- and the Continuing "Progressive" Plan

I.O. will not bother to link to any particular article, here.

I.O. continuously laments the ignorance and sheepishness of the American people, as the movement toward a globally controlled society continues. Lincoln never said, "You can not fool most of the people, most of the time." and that most/most fool factor is what the Soros-Obama-Pelosi-etc. MarxoFascist insurrection is banking upon --- well, in addition to banking upon our confiscated and effectively extorted and embezzled property. Citizen Robin Hood of the World reigns and he hates a free American republic.

All we really have to do is read the words used by people such as Obama, his promoters, and minions and look into what those words historically and currently, actually mean.

And we are now offered centralized regulation as a trojan horse (with plenty windows to see into) for central control and central planning.
As Reagan used to quote, "You ain't seen nothin', yet."

Whether through the Federal Reserve or not (see, "fatal alternative close" used in selling) it is the plan. "As goes GM, so goes the nation." That step was planned and is executed, just as banking and finance have been. Also, now, healthcare and insurance, now energy industries, now overall "regulation" of what is left of "private" enterprise.

And, by the way, California? You have a governor who is not quite to be trusted. "No bailout for you!" says the bailout Nazi.

Meanwhile, the real great economic catastrophe of overextended debt and runaway inflation are locked down, for the near future -- so America utterly fails and has to consolidate first financially, monetarily and economically; them policially, with the rest of the controlled Western world. More "disruption," with which to complete the "transformation" of a panicked and dependant people. The political armies of the proletariat ("Organizing for America," "ACORN," etc., etc.) are to swell and overwhelm those who accurately blame "our own government" instead of that "irresponsible private sector."

Then, as it may be deemed necessary, throw in a false flag terror attack, deceitfully blamed upon the constitutional People's militia movement, to try to steal the hearts of America's law enforcement and military complex, as well as more of the people, and the transformation will be set. There may be hardcore resistance from Actual Americans, even civil war, but the "high ground" of government will be taken.

And if Barack Obama will be able to stay above, say, the 45% approval line, the false flag attack may not even be deemed necessary.

You recall that word being used during the campaign, right? "Transformation?" "Transformative change?" Of course you do.

Hey, what's the bulge under the rug?
Oh, just the Constitution and Declaration.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Meanwhile, in the House of Representatives... America, Behold Your Self-Declared Enemy

We don't even need "a Joe McCarthy" -- we may judge them by their own words --- or by their fruit.

As the reader may now know, the "Progressive" movement is of the same nature and etiology as Communism and Fascism. It is Marxism and Social Darwinism (see Animal Farm). It is Anti-American. It is the enemy our founding principles -- of our founding national charter: The Declaration of Independence and of the governmental charter that our "public servants," including our military, and law enforcement personnel, swear to preserve and protect from enemies both foreign and domestic: The United States Constitution.

This Marxism lies, to make its way. It steals, to empower itself. It enslaves, to sustain itself. In one way and another, this enemy murders.

Here is our "program" -- of at least those individuals in the House of Representatives who have the "audacity" to admit it, supplied by Wikipedia.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O. <>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Congressional Progressive Caucus

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is a progressive caucus in the United States House of Representatives, and works together to advance progressive issues and positions.

The CPC was founded in 1991 by the independent Congressman Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who remains a member as Senator. The CPC currently has 77 members. It represents about a third of the House Democratic Caucus (with 71 members). Of the twenty standing committees of the House, eleven are chaired by members of the CPC.


According to their website, the CPC advocates "universal access to affordable, high quality healthcare," fair trade agreements, living wage laws, the right of all workers to organize into labor unions and engage in collective bargaining, the abolition of significant portions of the USA PATRIOT Act, the legalization of same-sex marriage, strict campaign finance reform laws, a complete pullout from the war in Iraq, a crackdown on corporate welfare and influence, an increase in income tax rates on the wealthy, tax cuts for the poor, and an increase in welfare spending by the federal government.

Supporting organizations

An array of national liberal organizations will work to support the efforts of the liberal caucus, including the Institute for Policy Studies, The Nation magazine,, National Priorities Project, Jobs with Justice, Peace Action, Americans for Democratic Action, and Progressive Democrats of America. Also co-sponsoring the kickoff event were the NAACP, ACLU, Progressive Majority, League of United Latin American Citizens, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, National Council of La Raza, Hip Hop Caucus, Human Rights Campaign, Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, and the National Hip Hop Political Convention. In 2000, the Democratic Socialists of America expressed solidarity with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, since they both shared "operative social democratic politics."[1]


Current members

















New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina










Senate member

Former members

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Investigating Obama?

Why do You show me iniquity,
And cause me to see trouble?
For plundering and violence are before me;
There is strife, and contention arises.
Therefore the law is powerless,
And justice never goes forth.
For the wicked surround the righteous;
Therefore perverse judgment proceeds.

Habakkuk 1:3,4, NKJV

Last September, I decided to open a weblog called "Investigating Obama." It was intended to be a little launching pad for the distribution of one-page warnings, just before the general election, of the grave dangers inherent in the act of voting for Barack Obama, for president.

In October, I wrote the first, "ACORN & Obama - Allied How? To What End?" listing the documented ties which show that Obama has arisen of, by, and for the same neo-Marxist movement.

Later that month, the other one-pager, "Investigating Obama: Career Path Toward a Neo-Marxist Presidency," achieved an appreciable degree of circulation, boosted by headline linking on This traced what was known, by that time, of Obama's birth to Marxists, his nurturance and mentoring by Marxists, and his education and highly developed career path to the presidency -- all interdependent with the investments of fellow Marxists and radical Islamists. Both FreeRepublic and the site storing the articles were hit by cyberattacks.

While numerous sources were cited, the research and writing most critical to this exercise was James Simpson's "Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis." This was to date, the most revealing study of the Marxist operations leading up to the Obama regime, including the work of Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward/Frances Fox Piven, George Soros, "community organizations," SDS/Weathermen madmen, and alas, my PUMA friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton. It also began to point out a systematic intentionality behind the well-timed and so highly effective "mortgage meltdown" -- an intentionality we have begun to see spreading beyond those we have tended to understand as Marxist, to a greater evil collaboration of those seeking a globally controlled society. After all, evil, godlike control over our lives (and deaths) is the shared aim of all the world's "ubers," of all super-elites.

Tragically, Obama was "elected," and I found myself with a continuing chore. Investigating Obama continued to point out strategy and tactics of his evil ideological movement. It also traced highlights of the movement to bring Barack Hussein Obama II, a.k.a., Barry Soetoro and all those responsible in his pseudoelectoral process, to constitutional accountability regarding his readily apparent ineligibility for the presidency.

I have tried to avoid this site's becoming another set of general criticisms of Barack Obama and his "questionable policies." That gives him and his comrades much too much credibility. In fact, this writer has "had it up to here" with political pundits complaining and head-scratching about "President Obama."

Any commentator who bills himself as one seeking to conserve the declared principles of America and of our Constitution, but who does not point out, front and center, that Obama is a hardcore Marxist is incompetent and passe'. Such a person has no excuse for the pussyfooting, by this time. They are akin to the flaccid compromisers of the Republican congressional contingent and their cigarette sucking Repub Club operative friends.

Any commentator who fails to study and declare the evidence and implications of Obama's ineligibility for the presidency is likewise a blithering shame, even if his name is Limbaugh or Beck. And any Horowitz, Malkin, or Medved who ridicules those who side with the Constitution against the usurpation of the presidency is worthy of contempt -- or pity, you can choose.

It may seem, this June 2009, that we are at an impasse -- and what but the posterior of an imp could stink as repulsively as this? I am tired of walking up to this stench day after day, and breathing it. It burns the nose, much worse than stale air, but there is no stalemate, here. There is instead, a course which this putrid disease is taking and the cure continues to be humbled adherence to the healing power of truth -- and especially, truth's Author.

I took much of the month of May off from posting in I.O. Now, that time is over. It is time to meekly rejoin the ranks of those who are applying themselves faithfully -- to regroup and reassemble what we know -- and we know even more, significantly more. It is time to tell more of the truth to more of the American People and the world, regardless of the only semipotent to useful idiot "thought leaders," who are themselves concomitant with America's Marxist "dumb-down" and the hoodwinking by the fraud known as "President Obama." No excuses.

America's greatest active enemy is in control of the White House, Congress, our financial system, and half our courts.

Or, is that true, Pogo? Or is America's greatest active enemy the willful ignorance of its People?

As it is, if you wish, you will have more information here, for the overcoming of these determined enemies, which are purposefully destroying America.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Updated // Killer Flu: Broaden Your Horizons and Scrutinize + Sentinel Radio, Monday 5/04/2009, Archived

Updated 5/4

Gladly, the H1N1 outbreak appears not to be as dreadful as first looks and first fears indicated. One reason for the alarm, among those who monitor Internet rumors and reports, was that this Mexico City outbreak came at the heels of other flu virus problems, an alleged criminal "accident," and other flu allegations. We will attempt to sort through these during the second hour of tonight's "The Awakening, with Hanen and Arlen" (10pm ET,,, 7pm PT). Alexander S. Jones has been invited back, along with regular Awakening and Sentinel Radio panelists.

Sentinel Radio is not afraid to explore controversial topics. It is also not about to adhere to spurious claims. You are invited to join with us in separating reality from fallacy.

This will follow the first hour, featuring Jim Kouri, law enforcement columnist and vice president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, who will discuss America under the Obama/Pelosi regime, from the point of view of law enforcement personnel. Listen using the widget below, or listen/chat on Sentinel Radio's site on -- and call in if you have questions, at 646-727-2652.

Edit: Unfortunately, technical difficulties got in the way and we canceled this 5/4 broadcast. We hope to show or link to more information which puts the real and potential flu threats into good context.
See the widget below, for the prior program.

Updated 4/30 (updating as time goes by; articles listed in order of publishing)

First reports indicate this H1N1 flu as not being as deadly in North America as it has appeared to be initially and in Mexico. That may be due to a variety of factors, including human behavior, the behavior of the virus as it moves from one person to another, and the potential of there being more than one strain involved [the last possibility refuted by Dr. Henry Niman].

As to the suspicions and predictions of Alexander S. Jones and his associates which he has partially related as shown below, he has already stated that if his suspicions are accurate, there would be ensuing waves of increasing severity over months, leading to more and more deaths. Since there is a track record of Mr. Jones' predictions beginning to come to pass, it becomes more imperative to understand what evidence, probabilities, theories, intuitions, and assumptions indicate his scenario to him -- and what further information may be found, whether to corroborate or contradict.

Expert influenza epidemiologist, Henry Niman, Ph.D., also believes this virus will likely fade, but come back with increased virulence, this Autumn. This would follow the behavior of the 1918 flu. He also indicates that by Autumn, it may also become resistant to Tamiflu See a less than thirty minute video interview, by WPXI Pittsburgh television, of Dr. Niman, on this outbreak, probably done between 4/24-28:

Meanwhile, some of the following should help, in order to understand the immediate past, the present, and the immediate future.
You may wish to review the following sites and their trails of both conventional and unconventional information -- and even sound out the reasonable suspicions they and their links may bring.
Why Would "Our Government" (and/or others, seeking more, centralized power for the globally controlled society) Harm American Citizens Intentionally? 4/29/2009
  • All the World is their Stage, April 26, 2009, Scipio
  • Also, see I.O. Sidebar: "Essential Articles: The Marxofascist War Upon & Inside America"
Original posting, 4/27/2008

I.O. will update this post as Monday's clock ticks. Do you know this outbreak was predicted? Do you know the odds of a natural occurrence of such a hybrid virus in or around Mexico City? Do you know how strategically located Mexico City is, as its "Ground Zero?"

Do you know what there may be to lose? Do you know what some might wish to gain?

Let us not presume. Let us demand thorough investigation. Anything short of that is foolhardy.

The Awakening, with Hanen & Arlen
tonight will address this topic among others with columnist for COP Magazine, Jim Kouri, CPP, NYPD, Vice President of National Association of Chiefs of Police [I.O.: Jim Kouri had to change plans and we intend to have him on The Awakening, very soon] and with Alexander S. Jones, who has been doing extensive research on what he describes as this man-made virus. Jones is one who predicted what is happening -- and worse, in the very near future. Following is yesterday's email, accredited to Mr. Jones (not the Alex Jones of the netradio program):
As many are aware now, the situation in Mexico is out of control. Doctors on the ground say a minimum of 200 are dead. The virus has clearly spread worldwide, including to the UK , via aircraft, carried by an infected crew, with ~220 people on the aircraft having left or made connecting flights, which means the virus will undoubtedly spread across Europe.

It is obvious the virus is incubating all across North America and will break out like wildfire within a week.

What we are witnessing is the release of a biological weapon, designed and funded by our own government -- a synthetic recombinant H1N1 virus. Technically speaking, this virus appears to be designed to achieve synapsis with circulating seasonal human H1N1 strains, as well as possibly combine with avian H5N1 strain via homologous recombination.

In plain English, the virus is designed to 'upgrade' itself to higher infectivity and virulence, as it circulates over the coming days, weeks, and months. The virus will infect many species, not just humans. It is a crime against mankind of the highest order.

What this means is we have a global pandemic; a lethal one at that. This pandemic is already four to six times as deadly as 1918 -- a fatality rate of approximately 8 - 12.5%. Do not forget -- this pandemic is ENTIRELY contrived and directed by criminal elements within our own government. I have been repeating for MONTHS that Chicago-based firm Baxter was involved in international biological weapons programs, including the deliberate criminal release of H5N1/H3N2 combined material in Europe, but all I've heard are wind chimes.

Now we find , conveniently, that Baxter, based in the 10th District of Chicago, connected with the Chicago criminal den of corruption, will 'assist' the World Health Organization in cleaning up the mess -- that is , making a new 'vaccine', reaping billions in the process. Why should Baxter be trusted, when they are already under independent criminal investigation in Europe? We already know they are criminally negligant. Now they are a prime suspect in the one of the greatest crimes in the history of mankind.

Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse! This whole thing reeks of criminal corruption and mass genocide, and people should not trust a damned word out of the mouths of the health authorities such as their governments, the CDC, the WHO, or their minions at Baxter and myriad of other firms involved with biological weapons.

For those interested in prosecuting those involved in creating the virus, look no further than the US Army Institute of Molecular Pathology and the work of Dr. Taudenberger between 1997-2003, funded by Price Waterhouse Coopers, who made quarterly reports to AIPAC on his lab's progress of assembling highly lethal, _synthetic_ H1N1 and H5N1 recombinants, after digging up deceased miners from 1918 buried in the Alaskan permafrost.

On to the therapy:

In order of importance. Details to follow.


1) Colloidal Silver (oral, IV, and nebulized, with particle size 0-10nm and a Ag+ positive charge). Also administered as drops into eyes and nose. Brands: Sovereign Silver, Super Silver, Silver Lungs, Silver Gen, APAP etc.
2) Atomic (nascent) Iodine
3) Allicin
5) Oil of Oregano
6) N-acetyl-cysteine
7) Curcumin (tumeric extract)
8) Lauric acid
9) IV saline / ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution)
10) Vitamin/Mineral Support , including Selenium


1) 99% Resveratrol administered orally in dilute pharmaceutical grade DMSO.
2) Colloidal Silver administered orally in dilute pharmaceutical grade DMSO.
3) EGCG administered orally in dilute pharmaceutical grade DMSO.


1) Wash hands after returning from any public place
2) Put 10ppm silver drops in eyes and nose prior to attending any public place.
3) Diet to include: onions, fatty oils, garlic, tumeric, cumin, etc.
4) Resist forced vaccination up to and including the use of deadly force, if necessary. We KNOW the vaccines cannot be trusted and will likely amplify disease.

Alexander S Jones

P.S. Here are my prior recommendations -- written April 3rd, 2009.

Recommendations to the American Freedom Movement on weaponized bird flu (H5N1)
April 3rd, 2009 - 1.0

Alexander S Jones

- Resist forced bird flu vaccination, up to and including use of deadly force, if necessary
- Be prepared for voluntary quarantine during a bioweapons release
- Have supply of food, water, ammunition, and medicine.
- Have local sheriff deputize all first responders (police, firefighters, paramedics, etc)
- Begin immediate monitoring of animal populations through state veterinary departments
- Publicly expose the Baxter bioweapons release in Europe



Use of P100 or N100 mask, wash hands frequently


Nutraceuticals, vitamins and minerals
Colloidal/Ionic silver, oral and nebulized (0-10nm particle size)
NK cell activators / Receptor binding inhibitors
Interferon inductors
Arbidol Hcl : 100mg/twice a week prophylactic, 1-3g/day therapy
Resveratrol: nebulized or administered in dilute DMSO, >250mg/day
Trimethylresveratrol: oral , >100mg/day
Curcumin (tumeric): oral, >250mg/day as therapy, up to 250-500mg/kg/day
N-acetyl-cysteine: oral, >500mg/kg/day as therapy, up to 3g/day as prophylactic
Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) as needed
Ribavirin, oseltamivir, or amantadine if strain is not weaponized (is susceptible)
Possible statins at prophylactic to reduce risk of pneumonia and sepsis
Possible corticosteroids at low dose during active infection
IV fluids (0.9% saline, IV)

H/T: Carmen, Hanen, Alexander S. Jones, Lori, Ron Polarik, Jim Simpson

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Manufactured Crisis, circa 2008-9; Planned Destruction, 1934

"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
- George Santayana
each picture may be enlarged with a click

Wrench of kindly provided this reinterpretation of the Jim Simpson flow chart accompanying his critically important article of 9/2008, "Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis."

And yesterday, I was sent the 1934 version, from the Chicago Tribune that used to be.

Is it any wonder, that we heard Obama's people were reading about FDR after his apparently fictitious election? The caption that came with the email:

The more things change, the more they stay the same!
Those who fail to heed the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.
A review of the economic history of the 1930’s demonstrates that
Roosevelt ’s spending programs failed to turn the economy around.
Unemployment temporarily dropped and then rose again in the
late thirties to more than 15%.

It took World-War-Two to reverse that trend

What will it take, this time?

h/t: wrench for upper image, Norm for lower image

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Please Comment: When Do You Think the Population at Large Will Understand We Are Under a MarxoFascist Insurrection?

Please comment:
  • When will We the (majority of) the People ever come to understand this?
  • What will it take?
  • Where do you believe we are headed?
  • I have my own opinions, but first, what are yours?
Or, if you prefer, send an email to

wikipedia graphic

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rotunda Surprise Party Still in the Works!

When are the "Republicans" and "moderate Democrats" in Congress going to find out the latter party has been taken over by
bona fide Marxists?

And that there may be some in the former party, too, along with friendly globalist fascists, in from the country club?




You'll spoil the surprise!

free ad given to site of actual comic book

No bite. Not even a bark.
Why, it's criminal.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jim Simpson on Bill Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn: 'Guilty as Hell, Free as a Bird' (for now) + Larry Grathwohl Interview

Larry Grathwohl, the federal investigator who infiltrated the Weather Underground will recount what he witnessed of Ayers and Dorhn's direction of murder and destruction and discuss the attempt at renewed prosecution -- on "The Awakening, with Hanen & Arlen," Monday, 3/23/2009, 9pm ET,,,6pm PT linked here [edit: and archive widget, here]:

by James Simpson, originally published in American Thinker, 3/18/2009

Bill Ayers' famous quip may come back to haunt him. There is no statute of limitations on murder charges.

On February 16, 1970, someone planted a bomb at San Francisco's Park Police Station. It was placed in a window of the business office and timed to explode at shift change, when the maximum number of officers would be there, either finishing up or starting their work.

It was a powerful blast, throwing one officer in the station parking lot completely over his patrol car and sending shrapnel for over two city blocks. The bomb fortunately detonated a few minutes early so the destruction was less than it might have been. Still, nine were wounded, one -- Officer Robert Fogarty -- badly enough that he retired from the force on disability, and one, Sergeant Brian McDonnell, 45 year old married father of two, was killed.

On Thursday, March 12, 2009, Cliff Kincaid of America's Survival Inc. held a press conference at the National Press Club, launching the Campaign for Justice for Victims of Weather Underground Terrorism, to focus public attention on evidence that may finally bring the alleged perpetrators to justice: Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

He has a lot of support. In a letter to Mr. Kincaid's group, the San Francisco's Police Officer's Association writes:
There are irrefutable and compelling reasons to believe that Bill Ayers and his
wife Bernardine Dohrn, members of the terrorist group 'Weather Underground', are
largely responsible for the bombing of Park Police Station and other police
stations throughout the United States during their 'tour of terror' in the late
1960s and early 1970s.
This case has been reopened and evidence is being gathered. Meetings have been held among local and state authorities, including current and former law enforcement officials, to obtain justice. That is why the "Campaign for Justice for Victims of Terrorism" held this press conference. They want to bring pressure on Obama's Justice Department, now headed by former Clinton Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, to release all of the evidence in their possession.

It's true that some evidence in the past that could have been used against the Weather Underground was ruled inadmissible -- because of the way it was collected, not because of its veracity. But there is much more that can and should be used. The belief is that it lies in the Justice Department or the FBI.

This is where a problem emerges. In addition to the outrageous pardons of fugitive criminal Marc Rich and 16 FALN terrorists, Holder provided key assistance to two Weather Underground members implicated in the Brinks Robbery murders, pardoning them quietly along with Rich -- who of course got all the headlines.

Given the Attorney General's apparent sympathy for terrorists, and Bill Ayers' perceived status as President Obama's friend and mentor, the Justice Department may be reluctant to provide all of the evidence in the Park Station bombing case unless they are forced to do so.

Under the Bush Administration, such a press conference would not have been necessary. After all, the federal authorities under Bush provided evidence and assistance that resulted in the 2007 arrests and indictments of members of the Black Liberation Army for the murder of another San Francisco policeman, John Young, in 1971. That case is now underway.

A process of evidence-gathering has been underway in the McDonnell case as well. But now that Obama and Holder are in power, that process could come to a screeching halt. That was the reason for the March 12 America's Survival, Inc. news conference -- to make sure that federal assistance doesn't stop and that it accelerates. One hope is that FBI Director Robert Mueller, who is technically independent of Obama and Holder since his contract runs through 2011, can act on his own to obtain and make available all the evidence that is needed in this case.

Featured at the event were individuals with critical knowledge of both the bombing and the people involved. Larry Grathwohl, a former undercover FBI informant, is best remembered for his chilling 1980s testimony describing how Ayers told him that once the revolution succeeded they would have to murder 25 million Americans.

In his book, Bringing Down America - An FBI Informer with the Weathermen, Grathwohl describes a meeting where Ayers reveals Dohrn's role in the bombing. It was in the context of a complaint that other Weathermen were slackers:
"Too many of you are relying on your leaders to do everything," he said sternly.
Then ...he mentioned the park station bombing. "It was a success," he said, "but
it's a shame when someone like Bernardine has to make all the plans, make the
bomb, and then place it herself. She should have to do only the planning."
This book repeated sworn testimony Grathwohl had provided before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in 1974. His testimony has been consistent for decades -- Ayers told him that Dohrn planted the bomb, and Ayers had detailed knowledge of its make-up and where it was placed. Such knowledge could have come only from the bomber, or from someone who assisted in building the bomb.

In its 2007-2008 biennial report, the California Department of Justice confirmed the case is open and added that the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. has been asked to analyze fingerprint evidence from the scene of the Park Station bombing. Page 16 of the report reads:
In 2000, the SFPD reopened its investigation into the bombing of the Park Police Station and requested investigative assistance from the DOJ. The DOJ's Bureau of Forensic Services was also assigned to identify a latent print collected from the original crime scene.

We don't know at this point whose fingerprints those are. But we do know the FBI obtained the fingerprints of Ayers, his comrade Mark Rudd, and other Weather Underground members at a bomb factory in San Francisco (see final page of this PDF report).

According to FBI sources, Grathwohl's testimony was corroborated by another Weather Underground source, Karen Latimer, who apparently had second thoughts about her participation in the violent group's activities and gave her story to the police. Unfortunately, Latimer died sometime later under questionable circumstances.

A bit earlier, in January of 1970, Grathwohl had listened as Ayers described to him plans for the bombing of two police stations in Detroit, Michigan. As he related to the FBI agents on the case:
Bill Ayers had debriefed me regarding every aspect of the plans we had developed before telling me I was being reassigned to Madison. Bill's two major requirements were that the bombs go off at the same time and that the greatest number of police officers would be killed or injured. Both bombs were to contain fence staples or roofing nails to ensure this effect. Bill Ayers didn't care if innocent people were also killed or injured. Bill had even gone so far as to tell us that the bomb at the 13th precinct should be placed on a window ledge. [As they later did at the park station bombing.]

Those bombs fortunately failed to detonate. Larry's press conference statement can be viewed here.

Larry's description of the bomb components, particularly the use of fence staples, got the attention of retired San Francisco police officer Jim Pera. Pera was one of the first on the scene the day of the bombing and described the scene:
The window to the business office and an interior window, where prisoners were
processed for booking were blown out. The walls and furniture were pock marked
by shrapnel. Barbed wire fence post staples, from the bomb, were scattered
throughout the ground floor of the station. Blood was all over the floor, desks
and walls and was heaviest where Sergeant Brian V. McDonnell suffered mortal
wounds to his neck, eyes, face and brain.
Pera also recovered a piece of evidence, a fence staple identical to the type described by Larry Grathwohl, as shown below. He went on to relate:
The station looked like a scene one might expect to see in a war, with wounded officers, blood, shattered windows, damaged walls, floors and ceilings, but then -- it was a war. It was indeed an urban war and it was being conducted by subversive and murderous groups, such as the Weather Underground, whose doctrine advocated the overthrow of the U.S. government, by any means, including murder and assassination, with the goal of replacing it with communism, and by their allies in the Black Liberation Army, whose primary purpose was to kill police officers and destroy our system of government as we know it.
Jim Pera was right on the money. They were part of an international conspiracy. Cliff Kincaid, with the assistance of veteran Congressional investigator Herbert Romerstein, have done yeoman's work in documenting the Weather Underground's treasonous activities, including multiple trips made by Ayers and other Weathermen to Cuba and North Vietnam to meet with their communist handlers, some of them from the Cuban intelligence service, the DGI, and even the Soviet KGB.

Jim Pera, photo by Kevin Lamb

Ayers and Dohrn have not reformed at all since turning themselves in. In fact, Ayers in particular is now traveling often to the "new Cuba" -- Venezuela.As Kincaid relates, Ayers has visited Venezuela multiple times to give "education seminars" where he was hailed as:
... a former leader of a "revolutionary and anti-imperialist group" that
"brought an armed struggle to the USA for more than 10 years from within the
womb of the empire." He returned to the U.S. after hailing "Presidente Chavez,"
to resume his brainwashing activities at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Not surprisingly, Ayers has described Chavez's Venezuela in glowing terms. At the World Education Forum in Venezuela, he concluded his speech with the following gem:
...we, too, must build a project of radical imagination and fundamental change.
Venezuela is poised to offer the world a new model of education- a humanizing
and revolutionary model whose twin missions are enlightenment and liberation....
Viva Mission Sucre! Viva Presidente Chavez! Viva La Revolucion Bolivariana!
Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Ayers' adopted son, Chesa Boudin (offspring of Weathermen Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, (the latter is still in prison) has worked extensively in Venezuela as "a foreign policy advisor to the Chavez government" - without registering as a foreign agent as required by the U.S. government -- and is co-author of a propaganda book, The Venezuelan Revolution: 100 Questions and 100 Answers. As the book review describes it, the authors: "demonstrate considerable sympathy for Chavez and his efforts, and are ultimately dedicated to revealing Chavez as a legitimately elected patriot bent on social justice..."

Sure. Chesa Boudin is seen as a key part of the emerging new "progressive" movement and the resurrected "new SDS (Students for a Democratic Society)" on college campuses. Meanwhile, Ayers and his cohorts have created the Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS), referred to by former Weatherman Mark Rudd as "the SDS old people's auxiliary." See p. 20 of this report by Kincaid and Trevor Loudon.

Meanwhile, in a related development, Kincaid reports that Rudd is planning to publish an autobiography, Underground; My Life with SDS and the Weathermen, that describes his activities in the group. In a pre-release copy of the book he admits complicity in the Fort Dix bomb plot:
"...A few nights before [the explosion], Terry [fellow Weatherman Terry Robbins]
had told me what his group was planning. ‘We're going to kill the pigs at a
dance at Fort Dix,' he said. It was to be an antipersonnel bomb made out of
stolen dynamite with sixteen-penny nails for shrapnel. Noncommissioned officers
and their wives and dates in New Jersey would pay for the American crimes in
Vietnam... I assented to the Fort Dix plan when Terry told me about it.
(Emphasis, mine.) I too wanted this country to have a taste of what it had been
dishing out daily in Southeast Asia..."
The plot was never executed as the bomb exploded while under construction, killing Weathermen Terry Robbins, Diana Oughton and Ted Gold. This book is set to be published by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. Kincaid hopes that public furor over the Weathermen's reign of mass murder will force Murdock to cancel the book, as he ultimately did with O.J. Simpson's proposed "If I did it" murder book and TV special.

Sergeant McDonnell left a widow to fend for herself and two children. Those children were damaged for life, robbed of critical fatherly love, guidance and support for the rest of their lives. How, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, does that make them "equal?" How does that make them "liberated?" How does that make this world a better place? How could you, raised with silver spoons in your spoiled little mouths, never having had to work or support a family without the help of "Daddy", claim to be the administrators of "equality" or "justice?" How on earth do you arrogate to yourselves the role of God?

In his concluding remarks, Jim Pera offered an emotional challenge to the approximately fifty journalists assembled:

"Before giving these two despicable people a forum, in your newspapers and
periodicals, perhaps you should do a little bit of research, on their past and
present activities. You will find that under those calm facades and intellectual
masks, that Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, are vicious, cowardly

Give up your political correctness, overcome your liberal bias and do some
honest research into the background of these two criminals, Ayers and Dohrn.
Uncover their past and reveal them to the public. The American people deserve
nothing less."

I couldn't have said it better, and I hope Billy Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn finally get what they have coming to them.

It's up to you, Mr. President. You said you found the actions of the Weather Underground despicable. As Cliff Kincaid said at his press conference, "prove it." Tell your Attorney General to provide the evidence to bring the killers of Sgt. McDonnell to justice.

The views and statements expressed by Investigating Obama contributors, and in quotations and citations, are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Investigating Obama and Arlen Williams.
See also:
And Jim Simpson's article, which describes Ayers' manifesto, Prairie Fire, "Conspiracy of Lemmngs: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis, Part III"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

'U.S. Cybersecurity Head Quits, Citing...' well... Citing... Authoritarianism (I.O's term)

Another line in the defense of the American republic falls, in Washington, D.C. This, from UPI by means of Sentinel Radio Blog.

WASHINGTON, March 10 (UPI) -- The official in charge of coordinating the U.S. government's cybersecurity operations has quit, saying the expanding control of the National Security Agency over the nation's computer security efforts poses "threats to our democratic processes."

"Even from a security standpoint," Rod Beckstrom, the head of the Department of Homeland Security's National Cyber Security Center, told United Press International, "it is unwise to hand over the security of all government networks to a single organization."

"If our founding fathers were taking part in this debate (about the future organization of the government's cybersecurity activities) there is no doubt in my mind they would support a separation of security powers among different (government) organizations, in line with their commitment to checks and balances."

In a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano last week, Beckstrom said the NSA "dominates most national cyber efforts" and "effectively controls DHS cyber efforts through detailees, technology insertions and the proposed move" of the NCSC to an NSA facility at the agency's Fort Meade, Md., headquarters.

"I believe this is a bad strategy on multiple grounds," wrote Beckstrom in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by UPI. "The intelligence culture is very different than a network operations or security culture. In addition, threats to our democratic processes are significant if all top-level government network security and monitoring are handled by any one organization."

Continues at UPI source

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's the Marxism, 'Stupid' - Not Really Difficult to Understand

Title mocks radical operative, James Carville's famous/infamous instruction to campaigners for Bill Clinton, "It's the economy, stupid."

This is a Marxist Insurrection

That is not meant rhetorically. This is real. Those who believe in American principles and ideals are their enemy -- and they are winning. Yes, this is a real war, planned extensively and being fought, cryptically but very heavily, against us.

Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid -- they are all a part of a large, longstanding, intricately coordinated, and very highly funded movement of "progressives." That means they are Marxists. They are destroying America because they want to. That is exactly their plan. This has been laid out repeatedly in I.O.

What a Marxist insurrection does:

1. Destroys the "middle class" a.k.a., "capitalists," a.k.a., "bourgeoisie" -- (free, self reliant people, able to invest) leaving only the two-level socialist/fascist model of elites and "proletariat," the dependent slaves of the state -- they are doing that.

2. Builds the armies of the "proletariat" and turns them against the dwindling "capitalists" instead of themselves, once again by making them dependent upon government -- they are doing that.

Do you understand?

If so, please comment, if you have ideas about how we can get Americans to take their blinders off.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama's Intentional Destruction of America

Long title: Jim Cramer Learning, But Shorts Obama's Intentional Destruction of America

On Monday 3/2, Jim Cramer plead to the as yet unsubstantiated Obama "administration" to realize they are destroying the free American economy. He refers to his prior comment that Obama is Leninist.

"I just want some sign that Obama realizes, the market is totally falling apart, and that his agenda has a big hand in that happening."

Cramer speaks of "government mandated wealth destruction" and describes it in commendable detail. But still, does he recognize that the destruction of a free United States of America is exactly and intentionally what the movement to which Obama gives a face, is bringing about? Apparently, not.

Do you realize it, yet? If not, please read the following, layed out for you:
And did the White House regime respond with empathy for Americans' loss of their life-savings? No. See for yourself. Listen to the self-contradiction in the words. Listen to the stone cold Marxofascist determination for "change," away from free enterprise and toward the socialist two-class system, between those words.

Move over, Rush. Give Jim room. Make room for all, once called those who gain the "American dream."
ht: Poor Richard