Showing posts with label global socialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global socialism. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Listen to & Read Christine Brim’s Expose’ of Imam Rauf's Cordoba Initiative & Obama’s Complicity

The tweet:

#IMGB Follow the Sharia & unholy alliance w/ globalists, Marxists, w/ Christine Brim – Tonight On Fan The Fire

You can listen through that link, or this widget:

Christine Brim's August 17th article in Big Peace, "Ground Zero Mosque's Hidden Websites: Follow the Sharia."

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sovereignty, Parental Rights at Risk: Supreme Court Cites Unsigned Treaty, International Law

by Carmen Reynolds, e-zine: Boogai!

Decades of national security secrecy, protecting the extent of our nuclear military power, evaporated in one statement: five thousand one hundred thirteen.

That’s the number of nuclear warheads Obama announced we possess in our arsenal – to encourage other countries such as Iran to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Shouldn’t our presidents be looking out for America’s best interests?

Obama signed April 8 in Prague the New START bilateral arms control agreement which allows Russia to build new and modern weapons to reach New START limits, while we must reduce our current number.

Attorney, conservative political analyst and author Phyllis Schlafly says Russia will have new and tested weapons, but we’ll be stuck with out-of-date, untested warheads. Further, New START foregoes the verification, on-site inspections and monitoring of production – previous treaty requirements, eliminating “Trust, but verify.”

Russia now has veto power over all U.S. defenses against incoming missiles. “Article V contains a binding clause that we ‘shall not convert and shall not use ICBM launchers and (submarine-launched ballistic missile) launchers for placement of missile defense interceptors therein,’ ” wrote Schlafly in “Obama STARTS to Disarm America” for the Jacksonville Observer. She implores our Senate: “Our Constitution can save us from New START if 34 senators will stand up for America.”

Robert Morrison, in his “5,113” American Thinker article, stated Bill Clinton spent an entire week at the apartment of Bedric and Irina Kopold, members of the Czech Communist Party Central Committee. Obama’s parents met in a University of Hawaii Russian class, and his mentor was avowed Communist Franklin Marshall Davis. Neither of these presidents could ever be granted a high-level security clearance. What’s wrong with this picture?

“Obama plans to use his presidential power to get the Democratic-majority Senate to ratify a series of treaties that would take us a long way toward global rule over our money, our laws, our military, our courts, our customs, our trade, and even our use of energy,” Schlafly wrote in her “Obama’s Plan to Rejoin the World Community” article.

Here are the other treaties Obama wants passed. The United Nations Law of the Sea, Global Warming, U.N. Treaty on Women, U.N. Small Arms, and the U.N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child.

LOST has created the International Seabed Authority in Jamaica and given it total regulatory jurisdiction over all the world’s oceans and its riches. Corrupt foreign dictators dominate LOST’s global bureaucracy. The treaty gives the ISA the power to levy international taxes, compelling the spend billions of private-enterprise dollars to mine the ocean floor and allow transfer of our wealth to socialist, anti-American nations. Worse is that the “yes men” at the Department of the Navy are fully supportive, despite LOST’s sovereignty-robbing intent.

Fortunately, the December treaty signing at the Copenhagen U.N. Climate Change Conference was derailed when Lord Christopher Monckton outed the surreptitious global taxation agenda. That didn’t stop Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from making a joint commitment of $100 billion annually to help poorer countries mitigate the effects of climate change, however.

The U.N. Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women is a tool to deny any distinctions between men and women. The CEDAW committee in its 2000 review of Belarus, complained that “Mothers’ Day” and the “Mothers’ Award” encouraged women’s traditional roles. It undercuts the proper role of parents in child rearing, affirming that in family matters “the interests of the children shall be paramount.” Elimination of stereotypes requires revision of textbooks and school programs and the adaptation of teaching methods. Abortion upon demand could then be considered a right.

With Ambassador Pablo Macedo of Mexico chairing the June 14-18 Fourth Biennial Meeting of States in New York, Paul Valone writes in the Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner that movement on the U.N. Small Arms Treaty affecting Second Amendment rights may be looming. He notes that Mexican President Felipe Calderon recently called for the reinstatement of the assault weapons ban when addressing Congress.

Presently, treaty ratification requires two-thirds of the Senate. But Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media reports that the administration is trying to obviate that requirement by rewording the term treaty to “statute,” and the Beverly LaHaye Institute reports some treaties on human rights may be implemented by executive order.

One of the most controversial treaties on the list is the U.N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child for those who believe that the “village” (i.e., the government or U.N. “experts”) should raise children rather than biological parents.

This treaty would give children rights against their parents and society to express their own views “freely in all matters. It orders our schools to teach respect for “the Charter of the United Nations.” Ensure your congressman is a co-sponsor of House Res. 42, the Parental Rights Amendment to ensure the integrity of the family unit in America.

The gravity of this treaty came May 17 when the U.S. Supreme Court in a 6-3 vote on Graham v Florida, cited it and other international law to justify its constitutional interpretation: that it is now unconstitutional for the U.S. to sentence juvenile offenders to life in prison without parole in non-homicide cases.

“It is bad enough for the Supreme Court to engage in judicial activism. It is far worse when the justices employ international law in support of their far-reaching edicts,” said Michael Farris, president of “We have not ratified the UN child’s rights treaty—its provisions should not be finding their way into Supreme Court decisions.”

Farris is also the Chancellor of Patrick Henry College where he teaches Constitutional Law.
He wrote the in the case on behalf of 16 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

A copy of the decision and further explanation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty can be found at, along with a petition against ratification of the treaty.

Farris was the author of a brief in Graham v. Florida on behalf of sixteen members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The majority opinion twice references Farris’s brief in its discussion of international law. Farris is also the Chancellor of Patrick Henry College where he teaches Constitutional Law.

Immediately Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) introduced Sen. Res. 519, urging President Obama to refrain from sending the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty to the Senate for ratification.

“S. Res. 519 seeks to put the Senate of the United States on record that American law and only American law should govern our families and our juvenile courts,” Farris said. “I hope that every American who believes that we should remain a self-governing nation will call their senators today and urge them to become a co-sponsor of S. Res. 519.”

Carmen Reynolds is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel with a B.S. in Criminology and Law Enforcement, M.A. in Business Personnel Administration and B.A. in Journalism. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Contact her at

Friday, June 18, 2010

Obamacare as Leverage for Complete Communist Control, as Promised

a.k.a., "single payer"

"Obama's Marxist Allies Move on Healthcare, Socialist Agenda"
in KeyWiki & New Zeal

Democratic Socialists of America, is despite its deceptive name is the U.S.'s largest and probably most influential Marxist based organization.

Many of its several thousand members operate through the Democratic Party, New York's influential Working Families Party and the organization also counts thousands of of labor unionists, religious activists, journalists and college professors in its ranks.

D.S.A. helped establish and continues to support the more than 80 strong Congressional Progressive Caucus and is particularly close to "single payer" healthcare champions Rep. John Conyers of Michigan and Caucus founder Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Quentin Young, Barack Obama, 2003

Dr. Quentin Young of Chicago is the father of the "single payer" healthcare lobby in the U.S. he is also a former Young Communist League member, a long time D.S.A. activist and a one time personal physician and long time friend and mentor to Barack Obama.

President Obama, himself has a more than 25 year history of involvement with D.S.A. members.

D.S.A. means to use its considerable power and influence to push for completely socialized health care in the U.S. in the next few years.

Writing in the latest issue of Democratic Left, D.S.A. National Director Frank Llewellyn outlines some of the tactics the organization will employ to bring all U.S. healthcare under direct and complete state control.

The first step is to move public opinion in the "correct" direction.
In DSA we never expected more than the passage of an imperfect bill that we could work in coalitions to improve... DSA has been fighting for a singlepayer, Medicare-for-all approach to national health care for more than two decades. We expect to continue to fight for that approach in a number of states, especially in California, as the state legislature has passed single payer legislation in the past, only to have it overturned by a gubernatorial veto.

DSAers in every state and city should be prepared to rebut distortions with letters to the editor and op-eds that talk about what socialism really is – and what true social democratic public provision would look like, particularly when health care is the paradigmatic public good that markets, let alone for profit oligopolies, simply cannot justly and affordably supply.
Next step is to punish or remove those remaining Democratic legislators still opposed to socialized healthcare.
Progressives must now work to ensure that some conservative Democrats who did not support the final bill will be punished with primaries or even third party challenges. In New York State, for example, the Working Families Party (WFP) threatened to withhold support from, or actively oppose, representatives for whom the WFP provided winning margins in the past, but who voted “no” on the health reform bill. And the labor movement also vowed to remember how people voted on this issue in this year’s election cycle. Those of us committed to true public provision of health care can reunite by participating in such efforts.
Llewellyn cynically acknowledges that Obamacare will create its own constituency.
Politically, passage of the bill is a positive step. First, because it keeps open the possibility of passage of other reforms in this Congress, and second, because it should create millions of new stakeholders in a health care system governed by democratically established rules rather than by the fiats of private insurers.
Lewellyn is clear that the private insurance industry is marked for destruction.
The Right will attempt to use the bill’s shortcomings to generate public sentiment for repeal; progressives have to use those same shortcomings to generate public support for more short-term improvements, and in the long term to build support for the elimination of private insurers.
He also explicitly links healthcare to the other items on the Marxist agenda, financial regulation, immigration "reform" (amnesty), bailouts for distressed home -owners, massive Federal aid to city and state governments and the scaling back of U.S. military commitments.
But passage of the bill does keep the door open for popular movements to demand strict financial regulatory reform, immigration reform, massive aid to states and localities, and a much-needed public jobs program. DSA and the larger progressive movement must create street heat in favor of these anti-corporate measures, as well as for a just resolution to the foreclosure crisis, and an end to United States involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.
D.S.A. , together with its Communist Party, labor and Democrat allies will not stop until the entire U.S. economy is under state control and/or direction.

In an article in Democratic Left, Spring 2007 D.S.A National Political Committee member David Green of Detroit wrote;
What distinguishes socialists from other progressives is the theory of surplus value. According to Marx, the secret of surplus value is that workers are a source of more value than they receive in wages. The capitalist is able to capture surplus value through his ownership of the means of production, his right to purchase labor as a commodity, his control over the production process, and his ownership of the final product. Surplus value is the measure of capital’s exploitation of labor

Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production. Our immediate task is to limit the capitalist class’s prerogatives in the workplace...
Obamacare will not achieve that noble goal, but it is certainly a fine start.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Globalizing the Resistance: U.S. Social Forum 2010, June 22-26 in Detroit

Ms. Elliot is coauthor of the best-seller, The Manchurian President.
The book is conclusive, but the story advances upon us.

by Brenda J. Elliot, in RBO / Real Barack Obama

The U.S. Social Forum meets June 22-26, 2010, in Detroit, Michigan, where “Tens of thousands of progressive activists are expected to attend.”
    Detroit was chosen as the site for the 2010 USSF because it is considered ground zero of the current capitalist economic crisis with record levels of foreclosures, evictions, utility shutoffs, unemployment and police terror. Detroit also has a long history of progressive and revolutionary struggle, which the organizations participating in the USSF are intent on building on to bring a better world into birth.

Globalizing the Resistance

What should be of great concern is the USSF goal to globalize resistance:

    A global movement is rising. The USSF is our opportunity to prepare and meet it! The World Social Forum (WSF) has become an important symbol of global movement convergence and the development of alternatives to the dominant paradigm. Over the past nine years, the WSF has gathered the world’s workers, peasants, youth, women, and oppressed peoples to construct a counter-vision to the economic and political elites of the World Economic Forum held annually [since 2001] in Davos, Switzerland.

The 2010 World Social Forum (Forum Social Mundial) held January 25-29 at Porto Alegre, Brazil, called for social revolution (emphasis added):

    We need another society, another economy, a new relation between humanity and the Earth and a more radical democracy.

    All over 2010, everywhere in the world, we will meet to strengthen our alternative responses to the global crises, to involve new actors, to mobilize new social energies, to challenge the existing power.

However, Chico Whitaker, one of the World Social Forum founders, told IPS reporter Mario Osava (emphasis added):

    [It] is a mechanism, “an instrument to unite people. The Forum will not change the world; it is up to society to do that, through a multifaceted global justice movement,” added Whitaker, who rejects the label “movement of movements” for the WSF because it sounds too directive, like a political party. [...]

    Thinking in the United States has changed since the advent [in June 2000] of the WSF, and this will be reflected in the second national Forum, to be held in July in Detroit, a symbol of the country’s way of life. And the WSF has also accelerated development of a “solidarity economy,” Whitaker said.

    Changing the world is the WSF’s goal, without dictating “perfectly finished models, or a single strategy” as a fait accompli, while demanding changes “at all levels, including personal change,” he said.

Socialist Speak

Note the use throughout of “Socialist Speak”. For example, progressive = socialist. It is the U.S. Social Forum, a gathering of members of numerous international socialist groups, including a number of “unions, coalitions, federations and workers’ centers.”

The USSF 2010 website employs “movement.” The Forum is to serve as a “movement-building” event.

    It is not a conference but it is a space to come up with the peoples’ solutions to the economic and ecological crisis. The USSF is [an] important step in our struggle to build a powerful multi-racial, multi-sectoral, inter-generational, diverse, inclusive, internationalist movement that transforms this country and changes history.

The Forum will “come up with the peoples’ solutions”: peoples denotes socialism. (For a clear explanation, comparing socialism to capitalism, see James Ostrowski’s June 2003 Why Socialism Is the People’s Choice.)

Large Presence: Unions and Youth

by Brenda J. Elliot, RBO (link to original post)

Unions will play a prominent role at the Forum. There will be about “70 labor-themed workshops” and labor will have a “large presence at the opening march on June 22.”

Another group to have a “large presence” at the Forum will be the youth-oriented, “revolutionary, socialist-oriented Fight Imperialism, Stand Together or FIST.” (See RBO’s January 2010 article, Cultural Marxism: FIST (Fight Imperialism Stand Together).)

    FIST will be co-hosting a workshop along with the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal on building a new youth organization in defense of Mumia. An entire decade of youth has grown up without mass consciousness about the implications of Mumia’s case, and we are organizing to counteract that and expose the roots of racism, the role of the police, police brutality and repression of groups fighting for national liberation,” Dante Strobino, a FIST leader from North Carolina, told Workers World.

(FYI: The Free Mumia Movement [is] a Project of Van Jones’ Ella Baker Center.)

FIST was involved in the March 4 National Day of Action to Defend Public Education. (See RBO’s article, Hard Left: March 4 Day of Action and Strike in Defense of Public Education, for details.)

Dante Strobino, a FIST leader from North Carolina, told Workers World, the online organ of the socialist Workers World Party: “We see the USSF as a crucial moment to meet young people in motion and introduce them to socialism and to raise fundamental questions that challenge the entire foundation of our current capitalist system that has wrecked so many people’s lives.”

Planning 2007 for 2010

Tara Lohan wrote June 1, 2007, at AlterNet:

    In 2003 the World Social Forum International Coordinating Committee asked Grassroots Global Justice to begin to formulate a plan for a U.S. forum. Today, there are 35 organizations currently on the National Planning Committee, which will grow to include 50 organizations.

Planning for the event was reported in a July 4, 2007 blog post by marc. While at the Midwest Social Forum on the first U.S. Social Forum held the last week in June in Atlanta and attended by about 10,000, marc wrote:

    The USSF adopted the World Social Forum’s slogan “Another World is Possible,” and added to it the line “Another US is Necessary.” The week’s events demonstrated the dedication of social movements in the United States to building a new and better world.

    The USSF built on the two main issues that drives the WSF: opposition to corporate globalization and repressive neo-liberal policies that leave deep marks on marginalized communities. [...]

    Lead organizers of the USSF (Project South and Grassroots Global Justice) consciously and deliberately organized the forum out of communities of color. It took time and effort and at points was a painful experience, but the result was one of the most participatory, horizontal, and grassroots forums in history. Skeptics wondered whether a forum could be successfully held in the heart of the empire, but rooting the forum in local community struggles provides a challenge and model for other forums to follow.

Note: The 2003 Another World is Possible: Popular alternatives to Globalization at the World Social Forum by William F. Fisher and Thomas Ponniah is available online as a Google book, as is the 2005 World Social Forum. Strategies of Resistance by José Corrêa Leite and Carolina Gil.

National Planning Committee 2007 for 2010

The 2007 U.S. Social Forum’s website for the National Planning Committee lists a number of organizations.

  • 50 Years is Enough NetworkU.S. Network for Global Economic Justice (USNGEJ): “coalition of over 200 U.S. grassroots, women’s, solidarity, faith-based, policy, social- and economic-justice, youth, labor and development organizations dedicated to the profound transformation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).”
  • American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).
  • Center for Social Justice (CSJ).
  • Center for Third World Organizing (CWTO).
  • Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC), AFL-CIO, describes itself as “both a social movement and a labor union.”
  • Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJA).
  • The Independent Progressive Politics Network .
  • Jobs with Justice (JwJ).
  • Labor / Community Strategy Center (LCSC).
  • National Network for Immigration and Refugee Rights (NNIRR).
  • Miami Workers Center (MWC).
  • NYC AIDS Housing Network (NYCAHN).
  • People Organized to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights (PODER).
  • People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER).
  • Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC).
  • The Praxis Project.
  • Project South: Institute for the Elimination of Poverty & Genocide.
  • The Ruckus Society.
  • St. Peter’s Housing Committee.
  • SEIU.
  • Sister Song Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective.
  • Socialists Without Borders.
  • SouthWest Organizing Project (SWOP).
  • Southwest Workers Union (SWU).
  • United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS).

    National Planning Committee 2010

    Fastforward to January 2009, when, on behalf of the USSF National Planning Committee, Alice Lovelace, USSF, Cindy Wiesner, GGJA, and Josué Guillén, The Praxis Project, announced that Detroit, Michigan will host the 2010 U.S. Social Forum.

    The Detroit Greens, a local of the Green Party of Michigan, announced five organizations to serve as local anchors for the process: El Centro Obrero de Detroit, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, East Michigan Environmental Action Council, Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and South Eastern Michigan Jobs With Justice.

    STORM-Van Jones Connections

    The following individuals are either associated with USSF organizations or with groups discussed in RBO’s April 2009 STORM Stories series — and to avowed STORM communist leader, POTUS Obama’s former “Green Jobs Czar”, Van Jones.

    Danielle Mahones, executive director at USSF member Center for Third World Organizing, is a board member of SOUL (School of Unity and Liberation).

    Maria Poblet is affiliated with USSF member St. Peter’s Housing Committee.

    Frances Fox Piven, widow of Richard Cloward with whom she co-authored the Cloward-Piven Strategy, is affiliated with USSF member Socialists Without Borders.

    There are a number of Grassroots Global Justice Alliance member organizations, as well as members of GGJA’s Coordinating Committee, that include names and/or groups which may be found in RBO’s previous “STORM Storie” articles:

  • Asian Pacific Environmental Network (Mei-ying Williams)
  • CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities (Ai-jen Poo)
  • Domestic Workers United (Ai-jen Poo, Marisa Franco)
  • Jobs for Justice (NY – Cindy Wiesner, Ilana Berger, Paul Booth (here)
  • Just Cause (Oakland – Adam Gold)
  • Labor/Community Strategy Center (Jaron Browne)
  • Miami Workers Center (Cindy Wiesner)
  • POWER (People Organized to Win Employment Rights) (Steve Williams, Jaron Browne, Cindy Wiesner, Marisa Franco, Ilana Berger)

  • And I like the quotes. Marxists use words funny, don't they? - I.O.

    Tuesday, April 13, 2010

    Why is it So Difficult for Bill O'Reilly to Understand?

    Mr. O'Reilly, America's thinker inside the box, continues to dither, flounder, and founder, tonight.

    He discusses with Sen. Tom Coburn, Monica Crowley, and Allan Colmes: Is Nancy Pelosi a nice person or is she not?

    He further mulls over and then rolls over the question: What is Barack Obama doing, dealing with health care and now with large-scale nuclear issues with other nations, while avoiding the more acute present crises (of the economy in America and of the nuclear armament of Iran and North Korea)?

    The answers to these questions are only understood by correctly assessing who Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are. They are transnational progressives, that is, globalist Marxofascists. Let me take a crack at each question.

    Question 1: Is Nancy Pelosi a nice person?

    Answer 2: Was it the mass murders of Mao, Stalin, and Hitler only that made them "not nice?" If they had not committed these mass atrocities and yet found ways to install their empires of tyranny, would they somehow have been "nice?"

    Question 2: Why does Obama focus on health care and global nuclear proliferation (and the red herring of "man-made global warming")?

    Answer 2: Because dealing with these offer the opportunity to advance toward the global Marxofascist goals of centralized control over the People of the world and their God granted nations.

    To understand one's objectives, it is necessary to understand his larger goals. It is not difficult to understand political people, if you understand their worldviews. In this case, understanding the collectivist worldview of the "transnational progressive," who would doom the world's People into slavery under the control of a small and highly privileged elite class, is essential.
    - Arlen Williams

    Wednesday, November 18, 2009

    Robert Welch Was Right (John Birch Society)

    Listen to his Mid-Twentieth Century revelations, of what the global Marxofascist movement, yes, conspiracy has been accomplishing ever since.

    Is it time, finally, now, to adopt his solutions?

    h/t: bobjen, Joan Swirsky, NYredwhiteandblue

    Friday, October 16, 2009

    Poll: What is Obama's Ideology? - Runs 10/16-10/30

    You will also find this poll by scrolling down the I.O. Portal Sidebar. Tell us what you think.

    By the way, the man pictured under the arrow is George Soros. Jim O'Neil's article "George Soros: Republic Enemy #1" in I.O. is essential reading.

    Friday, October 9, 2009

    World - Behold your Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, 2009

    Dire warnings of the crippling of America, as a senator & presidential candidate;
    The global plan for 'success,' with an America crippled, as president

    Barack Obama, chosen practitioner of the strategy and tactics of nation raider, George Soros, champion of the "Open Society" has been successful, so far.

    Open Society? -- i.e., formerly sovereign nations opened up for centrally planned globalist control. For this "transnational progressive" plan to succeed, its proponents postulate that America must be severely weakened. That means your personal sovereignty, your livelihood, your self-reliance, your freedom, and America's national sovereignty -- lost.

    Update ~ Along with this video, I suggest the 10/14/2009 I.O. post, "'America for Sale,' by Jerome Corsi: Documenting the Destruction; Interviewed by Hannity."

    The Planned Destruction President

    Video by Pamela Key, Naked Emperor News
    Pamela Key was interviewed on The Awakening, 8/24/2009

    Wednesday, September 9, 2009

    The Transnational Plan for Obama Advances - to the UN Security Council

    Since World War II, the threat of weapons of mass destruction is the old saw used by Marxist-fascist-progressive globalists, in their trans-generational movement to bring the entire world under their vision, for the state controlled society. And the ignorant elitism of the UN machinery, is their essential device.

    To "trans"paraphrase Shakespeare and Orwell:

    All the world is an Animal Farm,
    and we are the less equal, in it

    Why, one asks, has Barack Obama been given the symbolic keys to that entity's most elite vehicle?
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O.<>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Obama to Head UN Security Council

    by Nancy Matthis, American Daughter

    Here’s one more indicator of loss of US sovereignty to global socialism — Barack Obama will chair the UN security council this month:

    Barack Obama will cement the new co-operative relationship between the US and the United Nations this month when he becomes the first American president to chair its 15-member Security Council.

    The topic for the summit-level session of the council on September 24 is nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament – one of several global challenges that the US now wants to see addressed at a multinational level.

    “The council has a very important role to play in preventing the spread and use of nuclear weapons, and it’s the world’s principal body for dealing with global security cooperation,” Susan Rice, US envoy to the UN, said last week.

    Her remarks were the latest by the Obama administration to emphasise a shift from the strategy of the previous Bush administration, sometimes criticised by its UN partners for seeking to use the world body principally to endorse its own unilateral policies. The US currently holds the month-long rotating presidency of the Security Council.

    The blog MIDKNIGHT REVIEW was first in the ’sphere to discuss this development. Their article comments:

    Obama has plenty of time on his hands so he got himself appointed U.N. Security Counscil Chairman.

    He writes and presents 263 major televised speeches in 231 days - more than any other full term President in history. One would think that this, in and of itself, would take up most of the working day. He superintends 15 Cabinet heads and more than 30 “czars.” He has a security briefing each and every day. He conducts beer summits but does not have time to properly vett his radical appointees, people like Van Jones ——- and others. And now he is going to serve the world for peace in the capacity of Chairman of the U.N. Security Council.

    ….Soft Coup or not, this man needs to be defeated.

    There’s a whole lot of damage to be done to an already reeling US economy here, as the inexperienced president deals with seasoned diplomats. This man has never managed so much as a candy store. Now he is at the mercy of the Iran-Venezuela oil alliance which obviates any US nuclear sanctions, the Chinese debt holders who may force a different world currency standard than the dollar, the global warming folk who want to use that hoax to bring the US down.

    What elements of our sovereignty might the man surrender? We should be very very concerned!

    Leader of the Free World
    origin of graphic, unknown

    Wednesday, June 17, 2009

    Centralization of Regulation of Business -- and the Continuing "Progressive" Plan

    I.O. will not bother to link to any particular article, here.

    I.O. continuously laments the ignorance and sheepishness of the American people, as the movement toward a globally controlled society continues. Lincoln never said, "You can not fool most of the people, most of the time." and that most/most fool factor is what the Soros-Obama-Pelosi-etc. MarxoFascist insurrection is banking upon --- well, in addition to banking upon our confiscated and effectively extorted and embezzled property. Citizen Robin Hood of the World reigns and he hates a free American republic.

    All we really have to do is read the words used by people such as Obama, his promoters, and minions and look into what those words historically and currently, actually mean.

    And we are now offered centralized regulation as a trojan horse (with plenty windows to see into) for central control and central planning.
    As Reagan used to quote, "You ain't seen nothin', yet."

    Whether through the Federal Reserve or not (see, "fatal alternative close" used in selling) it is the plan. "As goes GM, so goes the nation." That step was planned and is executed, just as banking and finance have been. Also, now, healthcare and insurance, now energy industries, now overall "regulation" of what is left of "private" enterprise.

    And, by the way, California? You have a governor who is not quite to be trusted. "No bailout for you!" says the bailout Nazi.

    Meanwhile, the real great economic catastrophe of overextended debt and runaway inflation are locked down, for the near future -- so America utterly fails and has to consolidate first financially, monetarily and economically; them policially, with the rest of the controlled Western world. More "disruption," with which to complete the "transformation" of a panicked and dependant people. The political armies of the proletariat ("Organizing for America," "ACORN," etc., etc.) are to swell and overwhelm those who accurately blame "our own government" instead of that "irresponsible private sector."

    Then, as it may be deemed necessary, throw in a false flag terror attack, deceitfully blamed upon the constitutional People's militia movement, to try to steal the hearts of America's law enforcement and military complex, as well as more of the people, and the transformation will be set. There may be hardcore resistance from Actual Americans, even civil war, but the "high ground" of government will be taken.

    And if Barack Obama will be able to stay above, say, the 45% approval line, the false flag attack may not even be deemed necessary.

    You recall that word being used during the campaign, right? "Transformation?" "Transformative change?" Of course you do.

    Hey, what's the bulge under the rug?
    Oh, just the Constitution and Declaration.

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    Obama Escalates Worldwide 'Abortion' Holocaust, with Americans' Confiscated Money

    Change we can believe

    This act of national treachery and international atrocity by "President" Obama is now done. Today, by executive order, our money is now being confiscated by federal tax and used to promote the killing of infants in the womb, throughout the world. Global socialist and eugenicist abortion pushers hide behind the fallacious "health of the mother" excuse, in citing this move as favorable to human rights, though it is all about killing humans. That posture is deceit, since discussing surgical assistance for mothers in jeopardy was never denied by the Mexico City protocol, now reversed by Obama (last known evidentiary name: Soetoro).

    ChristianNewsWire quotes Roman Catholic clergyman, Frank Pavone, "When President Obama takes money out of taxpayers' pockets to abort children, he can no longer claim with any legitimacy that he wants to reduce the number of abortions performed here or abroad. Forcing Americans to pay for the killing of innocents will not 'bring us together;' there can be no common ground when the ground is soaked with innocent blood."

    On the right we have the Nursery Rampage where a man stabs kids in a Belgian nursery. On the left we have the headline where Obama reverses the ban on funding oversees abortions. For the first there is outrage. For the second there is jubilation by the pro-aborts. Which kills more children?
    And if that's not enough, there's the story about the start of a clinical trial that will use embryonic stem cells - just in case we're not killing enough babies through abortion.
    - I.O. reader correspondent, Richard Wright
    From the morning's article, "Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion," beginning and last two paragraphs, below.
    President Obama on Friday is expected to lift a ban on federal funding for international groups that promote or perform abortions, reversing a policy of his predecessor, George W. Bush.
    "President Obama not long ago told the American people that he would support policies to reduce abortions, but today he is effectively guaranteeing more abortions by funding groups that promote abortion as a method of population control," said Douglas Johnson, legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee.

    Obama has spent his first days in office systematically signing executive orders reversing Bush administration policies on issues ranging from foreign policy to government operations. On Thursday, he signed three executive orders to rein in secretive U.S. counterterror policies and end harsh interrogations.

    The innocent infant's excruciating terror, of being gouged and torn limb from limb in the womb increases, while life gets easier for terrorists both abortionist and Islamist. May you be saddled with the judgment thereof, Barack -- the blood of "the least of these, MY brothers" be upon you and your conspirators in this.

    1/23/2009 pm - Arlen Williams