by Carmen Reynolds,
e-zine: Boogai!Decades of national security secrecy, protecting the extent of our nuclear military power, evaporated in one statement: five thousand one hundred thirteen.
That’s the number of nuclear warheads Obama announced we possess in our arsenal – to encourage other countries such as Iran to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Shouldn’t our presidents be looking out for America’s best interests?
Obama signed April 8 in Prague the New START bilateral arms control agreement which allows Russia to build new and modern weapons to reach New START limits, while we must reduce our current number.
Attorney, conservative political analyst and author Phyllis Schlafly says Russia will have new and tested weapons, but we’ll be stuck with out-of-date, untested warheads. Further, New START foregoes the verification, on-site inspections and monitoring of production – previous treaty requirements, eliminating “Trust, but verify.”
Russia now has veto power over all U.S. defenses against incoming missiles. “Article V contains a binding clause that we ‘shall not convert and shall not use ICBM launchers and (submarine-launched ballistic missile) launchers for placement of missile defense interceptors therein,’ ” wrote Schlafly in “Obama STARTS to Disarm America” for the Jacksonville Observer. She implores our Senate: “Our Constitution can save us from New START if 34 senators will stand up for America.”
Robert Morrison, in his “5,113” American Thinker article, stated Bill Clinton spent an entire week at the apartment of Bedric and Irina Kopold, members of the Czech Communist Party Central Committee. Obama’s parents met in a University of Hawaii Russian class, and his mentor was avowed Communist Franklin Marshall Davis. Neither of these presidents could ever be granted a high-level security clearance. What’s wrong with this picture?
“Obama plans to use his presidential power to get the Democratic-majority Senate to ratify a series of treaties that would take us a long way toward global rule over our money, our laws, our military, our courts, our customs, our trade, and even our use of energy,” Schlafly wrote in her “Obama’s Plan to Rejoin the World Community” article.
Here are the other treaties Obama wants passed. The United Nations Law of the Sea, Global Warming, U.N. Treaty on Women, U.N. Small Arms, and the U.N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child.
LOST has created the International Seabed Authority in Jamaica and given it total regulatory jurisdiction over all the world’s oceans and its riches. Corrupt foreign dictators dominate LOST’s global bureaucracy. The treaty gives the ISA the power to levy international taxes, compelling the spend billions of private-enterprise dollars to mine the ocean floor and allow transfer of our wealth to socialist, anti-American nations. Worse is that the “yes men” at the Department of the Navy are fully supportive, despite LOST’s sovereignty-robbing intent.
Fortunately, the December treaty signing at the Copenhagen U.N. Climate Change Conference was derailed when Lord Christopher Monckton outed the surreptitious global taxation agenda. That didn’t stop Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from making a joint commitment of $100 billion annually to help poorer countries mitigate the effects of climate change, however.
The U.N. Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women is a tool to deny any distinctions between men and women. The CEDAW committee in its 2000 review of Belarus, complained that “Mothers’ Day” and the “Mothers’ Award” encouraged women’s traditional roles. It undercuts the proper role of parents in child rearing, affirming that in family matters “the interests of the children shall be paramount.” Elimination of stereotypes requires revision of textbooks and school programs and the adaptation of teaching methods. Abortion upon demand could then be considered a right.
With Ambassador Pablo Macedo of Mexico chairing the June 14-18 Fourth Biennial Meeting of States in New York, Paul Valone writes in the Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner that movement on the U.N. Small Arms Treaty affecting Second Amendment rights may be looming. He notes that Mexican President Felipe Calderon recently called for the reinstatement of the assault weapons ban when addressing Congress.
Presently, treaty ratification requires two-thirds of the Senate. But Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media reports that the administration is trying to obviate that requirement by rewording the term treaty to “statute,” and the Beverly LaHaye Institute reports some treaties on human rights may be implemented by executive order.
One of the most controversial treaties on the list is the U.N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child for those who believe that the “village” (i.e., the government or U.N. “experts”) should raise children rather than biological parents.
This treaty would give children rights against their parents and society to express their own views “freely in all matters. It orders our schools to teach respect for “the Charter of the United Nations.” Ensure your congressman is a co-sponsor of House Res. 42, the Parental Rights Amendment to ensure the integrity of the family unit in America.
The gravity of this treaty came May 17 when the U.S. Supreme Court in a 6-3 vote on Graham v Florida, cited it and other international law to justify its constitutional interpretation: that it is now unconstitutional for the U.S. to sentence juvenile offenders to life in prison without parole in non-homicide cases.
“It is bad enough for the Supreme Court to engage in judicial activism. It is far worse when the justices employ international law in support of their far-reaching edicts,” said Michael Farris, president of “We have not ratified the UN child’s rights treaty—its provisions should not be finding their way into Supreme Court decisions.”
Farris is also the Chancellor of Patrick Henry College where he teaches Constitutional Law.
He wrote the in the case on behalf of 16 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
A copy of the decision and further explanation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty can be found at, along with a petition against ratification of the treaty.
Farris was the author of a brief in Graham v. Florida on behalf of sixteen members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The majority opinion twice references Farris’s brief in its discussion of international law. Farris is also the Chancellor of Patrick Henry College where he teaches Constitutional Law.
Immediately Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) introduced Sen. Res. 519, urging President Obama to refrain from sending the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty to the Senate for ratification.
“S. Res. 519 seeks to put the Senate of the United States on record that American law and only American law should govern our families and our juvenile courts,” Farris said. “I hope that every American who believes that we should remain a self-governing nation will call their senators today and urge them to become a co-sponsor of S. Res. 519.”
Carmen Reynolds is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel with a B.S. in Criminology and Law Enforcement, M.A. in Business Personnel Administration and B.A. in Journalism. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Contact her at