Showing posts with label Marxofascist Insurrection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marxofascist Insurrection. Show all posts

Monday, June 7, 2010

'The Real Reason the Oil Still Flows' - Read JoAnne Moretti & Hear Her Tonight

"The Awakening" is moving to this Thursday night (10pm-Midnight, ET) joining Sentinel Radio's "Fightin' Words" (9-11pm ET). In part, that is to make sure we pay attention to this program and this week's guest. I repost this announcement from the Lady Libertas blog:
Truth & Liberty with Lady Libertas - 9-11pm ET...6-8pm PT
Join us and Call In! - 347-215-6929 - Patriot's Heart Network

Lady Libertas is joined by JoAnne Moretti - Patriot & Blogger Extraordinaire! JoAnne is well known on twitter as @joannemoretti and has a great blog:

JoAnne has done amazing research on the Gulf Oil Spill & that will be the main topic of the evening - What is the real story behind the gulf oil spill and how can we organize to help the Gulf region?

Check out Joanne's Bombshell Expose - The Real Reason the Oil Still Flows into the Gulf of Mexico
Then, remember to join us for "Fightin' Words" and "The Awakening," this Thursday night:
All Eyes on Israel, on Fightin' Words - 9-10pm ET...6-7pm PT
Hosts: Walter Hudson and David Lutchen - call in: 646-727-2652

What is it about Israel and the Jewish people that evokes such controversy and passion? Days before an Israeli interdiction which resulted in several deaths brought the wrath of the international community, down upon the small Middle Eastern nation, North Korea sunk an entire ship with comparatively little objection. How can such a desparity in reaction be explained?
ShoreBank & "High Road" Marxofascism, on The Awakening, Guest: Jean of We the People USA - 10pm-Midnight ET...7-9pm PT - Host: Arlen Williams

This is the Marxist/fascist plan for America, controlled through banking and "anarcho-syndicalist" governmental and union control. Does it seem authoritarian and anti-American? It is. Is that bad? Very.

Join Jean of We the People USA and read her article: "The Marxo-Fascist 'Social and Economic Justice' Ties that Bind" - ShoreBank, Obama, big labor, community organizers, manufacturers, Canadian socialists, progressive trade organizations, triple bottom-line corporations & the Small Business Administration, on the 'High Road' to the controlled society. (In Investigating Obama - LINK HERE)

We may also have a special guest, a small business owner who has suffered from the big squeeze put on the bourgeoisie by these Obamunist Marxists.

We will also discuss the Gulf crisis and whether there are even connections between this Chicago Marxofascist locus and Obama's actions and inactions, there.
Call in: 646-727-2652

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Obama to Use Oil Spill Disaster to Renew Push for Cap & Trade - Manufactured Crisis, Domestic Terrorism by Default

Please read and heed; also the linked articles. There is no explanation for the Obama regime's delay and their managed withholding of efforts in response to their charge of protecting America and the world from this oil leak crisis, other than the neo-Marxist, Cloward-Piven strategy of manufactured crisis. They are not that inept, just, apparently, that criminally evil.

Why else would such a force for nationalizing and globalizing the American economy and society leave it up to BP plc (not only a private corporation, also foreign) to manage the response to this national and world crisis?

Who do they blame, as government regulations were not enforced and government "response" maliciously provides for greater harm? -- the "capitalists" involved.

What do they seek, as they prevent measures of remedy? -- anti-American "cap and trade."

Especially if Obama has no sufficient reason for preventing the berming of the Louisiana coastline, this behavior indicates domestic terrorism, on the part of the Obama Administration. - AW

Commentary by Sher Zieve

Almost as if it had been created for him, it seems that the BP oil spill couldn’t have come at a better time for Obama. Just when The Obama was cogitating over how to reintroduce the Energy Cap & Tax bill--which will skyrocket energy rates so that many of us will not be able to afford basic electricity--the BP oil spill occurred. This was most convenient for Obama and his plans to continue gutting the USA and its citizens.

Suffice it to say, if US and US-based oil companies had not been forced by environmentalists to drill at depths to which humans cannot safely travel, this would not have happened. If the spill had occurred at more human-friendly depths, the clean-up would have been much easier to handle and much faster to affect. And, why is Obama still dragging his sizeable feet in allowing Louisiana and the other Gulf Coast states to begin cleanup on their own? Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) begged Obama for weeks to allow the placement of berms (raised barrier separating two areas). Obama ignored the Governor. Even leftist James Carville--a resident of the State--begged his leader to assist with: “We’re dyin’ down here!“ Finally, on 3 June, Obama relented and said he would allow the placements to begin. But, even this has not happened yet. But, it now appears it may be too late as the famously beautiful and pristine Louisiana marshlands have already been glutted with oil. Native birds are now covered with the deadly blend, while Obama fiddled, golfed, went on vacation and attended a Paul McCartney concert. Nero would be proud.

However, Obama believes this will work to his advantage. He thinks he can and will--as he did with ObamaCare--shove Cap & Trade down our throats and virtually complete his enslavement of we the American people. Don’t let him do it folks. Call your Senators and Congress people, especially those up for reelection in November, and tell them NO CAP & TRADE OR YOU’RE OUT! Obama must have his power base removed. At this juncture it truly is Obama & Co vs. the American People. He cannot and must not be allowed to get away with his newest atrocity. It is We-the-People who must now decide who is to survive. I’m counting on us!

New Cap & Trade Push; Nuclear Option; New Ed Standards:

Johanns says oil spill is boosting cap-and-trade:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Obama & Co. Oil Spill Disaster Day 44: Never Let a (another) Catastrophe go to Waste - Sher Zieve

Commentary by Sher Zieve

First, I'd like to get the logical and obvious out of the way. If the Marxist's feigned "environmental movement" (Obama's buds by the way) hadn't used their lobby and clout to block sensible drilling depths to oil companies, we wouldn't have had this problem in the first place. Russia, China, Brazil etc are allowed to drill — off the US coast I might add — at any shallow depth they choose. Oil is, then, easy to get. There may be oil spills but, they can be relatively easily stopped. US companies and those operating under the auspices of the USA cannot. They must drill at formerly inconceivable depths. In the case of the BP catastrophe, humans cannot brave the depths to which the Marxists-in-our-midst have forced this company and all other oil companies to drill. So, instead of utilizing any source of intelligence at all, Obama has now decided to suspend ALL off shore drilling for oil in the USA. This column is by no means an attempt to lessen British Petroleum's responsibility. But, it does address the primary culprits to the crime. And please do not forget, BP contributed more to Obama's campaign to take over the USA than they have to any other single candidate.

Obama had to be smiling broadly at the beginning of this disaster, as he was handed another way to destroy the country and people he swore to protect. He has also refused to allow the Gulf States to do anything to help themselves. Obama — as appears to be his inherent nature — has chosen to allow this massive destruction. Note: If Obama's mission of seek and destroy is not now evident to those who voted for him, it probably never will be and those people are doomed to be forever lost in their own mad fantastical worlds.

Although this calamity is said to be hurting the tyrant in a dramatic political way, he is still doing just-short-of-nothing to assist those who are being drastically affected by this tragedy. And, in his continuingly consistent — if not malicious — attempt to use any disaster (natural or ObamaMade) for and to his own advantage and purposes, The Obama is still refusing to allow Louisiana and the other States affected by the BP oil disaster to do anything to mitigate their damages. He has still refused to talk with Governor Jindal about Louisiana's helping to alleviate its severely growing problem. Obama doesn't care, folks. We're now seeing that unless it directly threatens him, Obama never will care about anything. Instead, he says the US Government is in control; that's the now infamous totalitarian ObamaGov that has — thus far — done nothing to lessen the spill's impact on the Gulf States and refuses to allow anyone else to do anything. In other words, Obama has adopted the attitude of "Let 'em all suffer or die." Note: Some have even suggested that Obama's non-caring and disconnect is largely due to these States having elected Republican Governors.

With a lacking-the-ability-or-desire-to-correct-anything Obama at the helm of our now careening ship of state — one that threatens to capsize at any moment — this is merely another example of his narcissism. He cares about himself and his mission to destroy our country. That's it. Instead of helping anyone or anything, Obama sends a group of lawyers — including the highly incompetent Eric Holder — to the Gulf Coast to begin a criminal lawsuit against BP. Yeah, that'll help. Sure it will.

By the way, any lawsuit should rightly be filed against the faux environmentalists who caused this, in the first place. Don't you think?

Jindal and the BP Oil Spill: The saw is stuck on stupid:

In Criticizing Cleanup, Jindal Finds His Voice:

O'Keefe Exposes Census Payroll Fraud; Systematic, Possibly Widespread; Reports from New Jersey & Louisiana

James O'Keefe has released video demonstrating massive payroll fraud in the U.S. Census. And if Census workers are being trained to falsify their payroll reports, how is our Census data being handled?

From, today:
On April 27, 2010, I got a job with the United States Census Bureau in New Jersey. With a hidden camera, I caught four Census supervisors encouraging enumerators to falsify information on their time sheets. Over the course of two days of training, I was paid for four hours of work I never did. I was told to take a 70 minute lunch break, was given an hour of travel time to drive 10 minutes, and was told to leave work at 3:30pm. I resigned prior to doing any data collection but confronted Census supervisors who assured me, “no one is going to be auditing that that level,” and “nobody is going to be questioning it except for you.” Another Census supervisor only said he’d adjust my pay after I gave him a letter recanting my hours.

O'Keefe does the math: this could mean rampant fraud with workers trained to embezzle as much as $1,000,000,000 of taxpayers' money, throughout the nation. The video is shown and James O'Keefe's article continues at

Another undercover video report released today, reveals similarly systematic, trained, and approved embezzlement, in Louisiana. Again, this appears to be the order of the day and done on a massive scale:

Videos are found at veritasvisuals' page in YouTube.

The White House is officially running this operation. It took management of the U.S. Census away from the U.S. Department of Commerce, where it is traditionally administered. This is the same White House which is historically allied with ACORN and other Marxist/fascist operations and their operators, worldwide. Further, they are failing to enforce laws against massive illegal immigration, while persecuting Arizona for attempting to enforce official United States policy.

This purposeful and systematic abuse of government is clearly in line with the Cloward-Piven (or Alinsky, or Marxist, or... communist) strategy of corrupting, overwhelming, and collapsing American government, economy, and society. All, to bring about the revolution. This has been revealed by numerous Internet venues, including this one.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sher Zieve, Warning America this Memorial Day's Night, on The Awakening

Sher Zieve has been at the forefront in alerting America to the Marxofascist war being waged against our deepest foundations and our highest principles.
While Ms. Zieve's columns appear on numerous venues, you may wish to see them at

On this holiday, The Awakening begins an hour later than usual: 10pm ET...7pm PT, and lasts one hour.

Listen via widget, or with chat, at its page at Sentinel Radio:
Call in with questions or comments, at (646) 727-2652.

We will discuss the war being waged against us and what our response should be. What do you think we should do about it? Call in and tell us. On this Memorial Day, I would like to share Sentinel Radio's banner message, as a preface to our program:

What did they die for? Those who won your freedom, or defended it, over and over again -- what did they die for?

For you to let this nation be taken from you -- and them -- by usurpers, who despise our individual sovereignty, liberty, and their needful virtues?

Or will you, America, fight for freedom once again?

Learn how, as we may humbly discover, together. Our emergency is here.


BTW, did you notice the thunderstorm, when it was Barack Obama's turn to speak at the Lincoln National Cemetery, today? Rather, we will be hearing the words of Abraham Lincoln himself tonight, from Gettysburg.

PS: Sher blessed me with this video, this afternoon:

Obama Friends Ayers, Dohrn, Abunimah, plus Code Pink Behind 'Free Gaza Movement' which Attacked Israeli Navy

This again, from our compatriots, Aaron Klein and Brenda Elliot. Please click through and read the full article. It connects the dots.

Klein: Ayers, Dohrn Top Activists in Gaza Flotilla Group
May 31, 2010, by Brenda J. Elliott

Jerusalem bureau chief for World Net Daily, reports from New York: The group behind the Gaza flotilla that engaged in deadly clashes with Israeli commandoes today counts among its top activists Weather Underground terrorist founders William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn as well as Jodie Evans, the leader of the radical activist organization Code Pink.

Ayers and Dohrn were close associates for years with President Obama, while Evans was a fundraiser and financial bundler for Obama’s presidential campaign. Earlier today, Israeli navy commandos raided the six-ship flotilla, encountering heavy resistance and live fire from the activists. Nine activists were killed and dozens of others were reportedly injured, as were several of the Israeli commandoes.

The flotilla was organized by the Free Gaza Movement, a coalition of leftist human rights activists and pro-Palestinian groups engaged in attempts to break a blockade imposed by Israel on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Ayers, Dohrn and Evans’ Code Pink have led several recent Free Gaza Movement initiatives, including attempted marches into the Gaza Strip. Dorhn was in the Middle East just last month on behalf of the movement.


And as we remember today, those who have fought for authentic freedom in past wars, let this remind us that we are at war now, throughout the world, and at great risk of losing the Soveriegnty and Responsible Liberty for which those who came before us fought. My generation, as so many died to allow us to also pass along this sacred gift, please carry on in this charge, instead of being prodigals.

photo: "Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Gaza, 12/31/09"

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Marxo-Fascist 'Social and Economic Justice' Ties that Bind

ShoreBank, Obama, big labor, community organizers, manufacturers, Canadian socialists, progressive trade organizations, triple bottom-line corporations & the Small Business Administration, on the "High Road" to the controlled society

by JeanWTPUSA,

Stanley Kurtz, a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center pointed out in a 09/23/08 Wall Street Journal article that, “Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience.”

The experience that Kurtz referred to was Obama’s appointment in 1995 as Chairman of the Board at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) a “school reform organization” founded by his longtime friend and political ally, Bill Ayers. Ayers, a home grown terrorist for the Weather Underground during the Vietnam War era, has written, in his book Teaching Toward Freedom, that his educational objective is to “teach against oppression” as embodied in “America’s history of evil and racism, thereby forcing social transformation.”

Kurtz notes that Obama served on the Board or the CAC until 1999 and remained actively involved in the organization until 2001. Although Obama was insistent that the extent of his relationship with Ayers consisted in his being just “a guy” from the neighborhood, a September 2008 article from WorldNetDaily offers details that Obama’s relationship with Ayers was much deeper and that CAC frequently granted money to far-leftist organizations and causes.

Kurtz, in a follow-up article published in the National Review, exposed Obama’s wealth redistributionist ties to the New Party. According to Discover the Networks, most New Party members hailed from the Democratic Socialists of America and the militant organization ACORN. The party’s Chicago chapter also included a large contingent from the Committees of Correspondence, a Marxist coalition of former Maoists, Trotskyites, and Communist Party USA members.

Although the Obama machine tried to dismiss Kurtz on its Fight the Smears website, evidence showed that Obama was heavily involved in the New Party in 1995 and according to New Party News of Spring 1996, page 1, was a bona fide New Party member.

According to the Romanticpoet’s weblog, evidence compiled by noted Marxist researcher, Trevor Loudon, demonstrates that Obama, as early as 1993, was involved with a New Party “sister” organization, Progressive Chicago.

This organization was formed by members of the New Party as a support group for “progressive” candidates. Its main instigators included New Party members Madeline Talbott of ACORN-Chicago and Dan Swinney, a Chicago labor unionist.

In 1994 Dan Swinney was listed on a "Membership, Subscription and Mailing List" for the Chicago Committees of Correspondence, an offshoot of the Communist Party USA. And, in 2009 Dan Swinney, Center for Labor and Community Research (CLCR) was listed as a signer of the Progressives for Obama website.

Although CLCR’s MissionTo strengthen communities through initiatives to redefine, rediscover, and rebuild the manufacturing sector in the knowledge economy,seems rather benign and almost altruistic. However, a closer look at the documents on the organizations “Publications“ page makes clear that CLCR is focused on social, economic and environmental (green) justice.

One example is Dan Swinney’s article on “Building the Bridge to the High Road.” Let’s take a look at what the Mutualist Blog: Free Market Anti-Capitalism had to say in its review of Swinney’s work.

He's preaching to the choir as far as I'm concerned. I've written myself about the need for the alternative economy or counter-economy to grow beyond merely operating in the interstices of a state capitalist structure, and to evolve into an interlocking network of cooperative production, finance and retail operations that will eventually supplant the existing state capitalist framework.

The blogger offers further praise:

Swinney draws several lessons from his years of experience in the CLCR, of using High Road practices to save and turn around failing business firms under labor and community leadership.

One of them I strongly agree with:

The market is not synonymous with capitalism. The market is an achievement of human civilization that both predates capitalism and will persist for a long time even if capitalism is replaced by another system.

Another interesting item is CLCR’s relationship with ShoreBank. Bob Williams writes in a June 2003 article titled “Model of Economic Democracy” that “Shorebank Group from Chicago’s South Side” functioned as a “mentor” in helping Williams establish “Western Canada’s largest financial services cooperative,” Vancity Capital Corporation, a subsidiary of the Vancity Credit Union, which functions as a business lender in the new economy, that lends against cash flow on a subordinated debt basis (cashflow-based, unsecured term loan financing) to British Columbia’s businesses, co-operatives and non-profit organizations. According to Vancouver’s, “Vancity has over $14.5 billion in assets and more than 400,000 members” and focuses on environmental success and social sustainability.

Williams grew up in an “old socialist family,” and like Barack Obama is very familiar with Community Organizing and community organizers. He is also used to serving on the board of organizations that focus on “economic justice” and has served in public office as the Chairman of the board of the Crown’s Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. (also of interest on ICBC’s website, B.C.’s Fairness Commission Report - related to healthcare).

Williams a devotee of Bologna, Italy’s Professor Stefano Zamagni, writes in his 2003 article that:

The old Chicago school view of economics as “only an exchange of equivalents” in a commercial marketplace is a view that is unacceptable to Zamagni.

“… the modern attempt to build the welfare state as a highly motivated goal that has gone somewhat awry because of the nature of state delivery systems and the lack of reciprocity in the relationship between the provider of welfare and the client; a pattern that is complicated further by the differing values of the politician and bureaucrat involved in the process.”

It appears that Dan Swinney has learned a lot from Robert (Bob) Williams about “globalization and redistributive wealth.” After graduating with a Bachelor's in History from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Dan worked as a machinist for 13 years in the Chicago area. He organized Steelworker Local 8787 at G+W Taylor Forge in Cicero, Illinois and served as Vice President. Taylor Forge closed in 1983. Dan founded the Center for Labor and Community Research (CLCR) in 1982 in response to the thousands of manufacturing plant closings in the Chicago area.

In July 2005, Swinney started the Chicago Manufacturing Renaissance Council. CMRC has been working to inform the public and influence key leaders, organizations and institutions about the social and economic viability and vitality of the modern manufacturing economy and has established “partnerships” with The City of Chicago, the Department of Community Development and the Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor, and was even commissioned by Illinois Manufacturers’ Association to issue a report, to analyze the condition of Illinois manufacturing.

Although the CMRC may also seem like a benign, pro-business, pro-manufacturing organization, “The Trade Association as a Factor in Reconstruction” by Franklin D. Jones, Counselor at Law, Washington, D.C. clearly reveals that American “reconstruction” involves not only “labor organizations,” like the SEIU but also large and seemingly “reputable” trade organizations.

This fact helps answer the question, “Why would a trade organization that appears to be pro-business and pro-USA manufacturing jobs, like the Illinois Manfuacturers’ Association, commission a socialist organization like the CMRC to issue a report?

If trade associations are indeed involved in this reconstruction effort, Obama’s appointment of Ron Bloom as Manufacturing Czar, makes perfect sense. Because it is only when big labor, trade associations and government are working together that “reconstruction” can be achieved and a Socialist Utopia can be realized.

Ron Bloom, Obama's Mao-quoting manufacturing czar

In the book, Global Profit and Global Justice, Shorebank, like Vancity, designs, implements, manages, and advises loan programs in local banks and loan funds, in developing and transitional economies, with capital from major financial institutions. Also like Vancity, ShoreBank’s focus is on triple bottom line investing,” the idea that a truly sound investment is one that provides financial rewards and offers social and environmental benefits.

To destroy the free U.S economy, Globalist companies’ world-wide must be supportive of “reconstruction” efforts. Groups servicing these companies must be able to identify projects, raise capital, and locate strategic partners. World’s leaders on sustainability must frequently get together to attend conferences where they can network and exchange information and ideas on the best way to implement their New World Order agenda.

On the home front, globalists, through our liberal-biased educational system, the liberal media and various propaganda initiatives have succeeded in demonizing our Founders, our Constitution, business, capitalism and the free market.

However, total reconstruction can not be achieved by “brainwashing” alone which has been going on for decades. It has to be achieved through a coordinated effort that, in effect, demoralizes and discourages entrepreneurs who attempt to realize the “American Dream.”

Entrepreneurs will have to be chronically discouraged. Therefore, taxpayer funded governmental agencies, like the Small Business Administration, developed to help entrepreneurs and small and medium sized businesses with training, and financial opportunities must function as a deterrent by offering “red-tape” and misdirection for entrepreneurs seeking help.

To achieve reconstruction, start-ups and existing small and medium sized businesses must achieve a high rate of failure. And, the SBA must purposely have such poor and lax oversight that every program they are tasked with administering is completely unsuccessful, so their mission is never realized.

They must also establish small business loan programs that are riddled with “red-tape,” in addition to setting unrealistic expectations for small business owners who obtain SBA loans, to ensure that there is a high percentage of loan defaults. This creates a huge financial burden for many community banks and further adds to the growing federal deficit, a win-lose situation where the socialists win and the capitalists lose.

In terms of competition in the marketplace, the system, through regulation, must create an un-level playing field that makes it so difficult to for companies to compete and make a profit, that they are forced to “move” jobs overseas. This creates a win-win for the globalists, because when jobs are moved overseas, economic prosperity is “shifted” from the United States to poorer countries. This creates “wealth redistribution” and “social justice” for other citizens of the world. and results in the job losses that causes our communities to further decline and our standard of living to further decrease. Again, the socialists win and the capitalists lose.

We already know that government is growing at such a fast pace that its growth is endangering our economy. If the end goal is to create a Marxo-Fascist “welfare state” where citizens are entirely dependent on the government for everything; healthcare, housing, food, etc, what better way to achieve this goal then by controlling labor organizations, infiltrating trade organizations, and “sabotaging” entrepreneurs and small and medium sized businesses, to minimize the growth of the private sector?

Permission granted to republish and reproduce with author (JeanWTPUSA of We the People USA) attribution. Any citation of Investigating Obama as original source is appreciated, but not requested.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Globalizing the Resistance: U.S. Social Forum 2010, June 22-26 in Detroit

Ms. Elliot is coauthor of the best-seller, The Manchurian President.
The book is conclusive, but the story advances upon us.

by Brenda J. Elliot, in RBO / Real Barack Obama

The U.S. Social Forum meets June 22-26, 2010, in Detroit, Michigan, where “Tens of thousands of progressive activists are expected to attend.”
    Detroit was chosen as the site for the 2010 USSF because it is considered ground zero of the current capitalist economic crisis with record levels of foreclosures, evictions, utility shutoffs, unemployment and police terror. Detroit also has a long history of progressive and revolutionary struggle, which the organizations participating in the USSF are intent on building on to bring a better world into birth.

Globalizing the Resistance

What should be of great concern is the USSF goal to globalize resistance:

    A global movement is rising. The USSF is our opportunity to prepare and meet it! The World Social Forum (WSF) has become an important symbol of global movement convergence and the development of alternatives to the dominant paradigm. Over the past nine years, the WSF has gathered the world’s workers, peasants, youth, women, and oppressed peoples to construct a counter-vision to the economic and political elites of the World Economic Forum held annually [since 2001] in Davos, Switzerland.

The 2010 World Social Forum (Forum Social Mundial) held January 25-29 at Porto Alegre, Brazil, called for social revolution (emphasis added):

    We need another society, another economy, a new relation between humanity and the Earth and a more radical democracy.

    All over 2010, everywhere in the world, we will meet to strengthen our alternative responses to the global crises, to involve new actors, to mobilize new social energies, to challenge the existing power.

However, Chico Whitaker, one of the World Social Forum founders, told IPS reporter Mario Osava (emphasis added):

    [It] is a mechanism, “an instrument to unite people. The Forum will not change the world; it is up to society to do that, through a multifaceted global justice movement,” added Whitaker, who rejects the label “movement of movements” for the WSF because it sounds too directive, like a political party. [...]

    Thinking in the United States has changed since the advent [in June 2000] of the WSF, and this will be reflected in the second national Forum, to be held in July in Detroit, a symbol of the country’s way of life. And the WSF has also accelerated development of a “solidarity economy,” Whitaker said.

    Changing the world is the WSF’s goal, without dictating “perfectly finished models, or a single strategy” as a fait accompli, while demanding changes “at all levels, including personal change,” he said.

Socialist Speak

Note the use throughout of “Socialist Speak”. For example, progressive = socialist. It is the U.S. Social Forum, a gathering of members of numerous international socialist groups, including a number of “unions, coalitions, federations and workers’ centers.”

The USSF 2010 website employs “movement.” The Forum is to serve as a “movement-building” event.

    It is not a conference but it is a space to come up with the peoples’ solutions to the economic and ecological crisis. The USSF is [an] important step in our struggle to build a powerful multi-racial, multi-sectoral, inter-generational, diverse, inclusive, internationalist movement that transforms this country and changes history.

The Forum will “come up with the peoples’ solutions”: peoples denotes socialism. (For a clear explanation, comparing socialism to capitalism, see James Ostrowski’s June 2003 Why Socialism Is the People’s Choice.)

Large Presence: Unions and Youth

by Brenda J. Elliot, RBO (link to original post)

Unions will play a prominent role at the Forum. There will be about “70 labor-themed workshops” and labor will have a “large presence at the opening march on June 22.”

Another group to have a “large presence” at the Forum will be the youth-oriented, “revolutionary, socialist-oriented Fight Imperialism, Stand Together or FIST.” (See RBO’s January 2010 article, Cultural Marxism: FIST (Fight Imperialism Stand Together).)

    FIST will be co-hosting a workshop along with the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal on building a new youth organization in defense of Mumia. An entire decade of youth has grown up without mass consciousness about the implications of Mumia’s case, and we are organizing to counteract that and expose the roots of racism, the role of the police, police brutality and repression of groups fighting for national liberation,” Dante Strobino, a FIST leader from North Carolina, told Workers World.

(FYI: The Free Mumia Movement [is] a Project of Van Jones’ Ella Baker Center.)

FIST was involved in the March 4 National Day of Action to Defend Public Education. (See RBO’s article, Hard Left: March 4 Day of Action and Strike in Defense of Public Education, for details.)

Dante Strobino, a FIST leader from North Carolina, told Workers World, the online organ of the socialist Workers World Party: “We see the USSF as a crucial moment to meet young people in motion and introduce them to socialism and to raise fundamental questions that challenge the entire foundation of our current capitalist system that has wrecked so many people’s lives.”

Planning 2007 for 2010

Tara Lohan wrote June 1, 2007, at AlterNet:

    In 2003 the World Social Forum International Coordinating Committee asked Grassroots Global Justice to begin to formulate a plan for a U.S. forum. Today, there are 35 organizations currently on the National Planning Committee, which will grow to include 50 organizations.

Planning for the event was reported in a July 4, 2007 blog post by marc. While at the Midwest Social Forum on the first U.S. Social Forum held the last week in June in Atlanta and attended by about 10,000, marc wrote:

    The USSF adopted the World Social Forum’s slogan “Another World is Possible,” and added to it the line “Another US is Necessary.” The week’s events demonstrated the dedication of social movements in the United States to building a new and better world.

    The USSF built on the two main issues that drives the WSF: opposition to corporate globalization and repressive neo-liberal policies that leave deep marks on marginalized communities. [...]

    Lead organizers of the USSF (Project South and Grassroots Global Justice) consciously and deliberately organized the forum out of communities of color. It took time and effort and at points was a painful experience, but the result was one of the most participatory, horizontal, and grassroots forums in history. Skeptics wondered whether a forum could be successfully held in the heart of the empire, but rooting the forum in local community struggles provides a challenge and model for other forums to follow.

Note: The 2003 Another World is Possible: Popular alternatives to Globalization at the World Social Forum by William F. Fisher and Thomas Ponniah is available online as a Google book, as is the 2005 World Social Forum. Strategies of Resistance by José Corrêa Leite and Carolina Gil.

National Planning Committee 2007 for 2010

The 2007 U.S. Social Forum’s website for the National Planning Committee lists a number of organizations.

  • 50 Years is Enough NetworkU.S. Network for Global Economic Justice (USNGEJ): “coalition of over 200 U.S. grassroots, women’s, solidarity, faith-based, policy, social- and economic-justice, youth, labor and development organizations dedicated to the profound transformation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).”
  • American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).
  • Center for Social Justice (CSJ).
  • Center for Third World Organizing (CWTO).
  • Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC), AFL-CIO, describes itself as “both a social movement and a labor union.”
  • Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJA).
  • The Independent Progressive Politics Network .
  • Jobs with Justice (JwJ).
  • Labor / Community Strategy Center (LCSC).
  • National Network for Immigration and Refugee Rights (NNIRR).
  • Miami Workers Center (MWC).
  • NYC AIDS Housing Network (NYCAHN).
  • People Organized to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights (PODER).
  • People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER).
  • Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC).
  • The Praxis Project.
  • Project South: Institute for the Elimination of Poverty & Genocide.
  • The Ruckus Society.
  • St. Peter’s Housing Committee.
  • SEIU.
  • Sister Song Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective.
  • Socialists Without Borders.
  • SouthWest Organizing Project (SWOP).
  • Southwest Workers Union (SWU).
  • United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS).

    National Planning Committee 2010

    Fastforward to January 2009, when, on behalf of the USSF National Planning Committee, Alice Lovelace, USSF, Cindy Wiesner, GGJA, and Josué Guillén, The Praxis Project, announced that Detroit, Michigan will host the 2010 U.S. Social Forum.

    The Detroit Greens, a local of the Green Party of Michigan, announced five organizations to serve as local anchors for the process: El Centro Obrero de Detroit, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, East Michigan Environmental Action Council, Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and South Eastern Michigan Jobs With Justice.

    STORM-Van Jones Connections

    The following individuals are either associated with USSF organizations or with groups discussed in RBO’s April 2009 STORM Stories series — and to avowed STORM communist leader, POTUS Obama’s former “Green Jobs Czar”, Van Jones.

    Danielle Mahones, executive director at USSF member Center for Third World Organizing, is a board member of SOUL (School of Unity and Liberation).

    Maria Poblet is affiliated with USSF member St. Peter’s Housing Committee.

    Frances Fox Piven, widow of Richard Cloward with whom she co-authored the Cloward-Piven Strategy, is affiliated with USSF member Socialists Without Borders.

    There are a number of Grassroots Global Justice Alliance member organizations, as well as members of GGJA’s Coordinating Committee, that include names and/or groups which may be found in RBO’s previous “STORM Storie” articles:

  • Asian Pacific Environmental Network (Mei-ying Williams)
  • CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities (Ai-jen Poo)
  • Domestic Workers United (Ai-jen Poo, Marisa Franco)
  • Jobs for Justice (NY – Cindy Wiesner, Ilana Berger, Paul Booth (here)
  • Just Cause (Oakland – Adam Gold)
  • Labor/Community Strategy Center (Jaron Browne)
  • Miami Workers Center (Cindy Wiesner)
  • POWER (People Organized to Win Employment Rights) (Steve Williams, Jaron Browne, Cindy Wiesner, Marisa Franco, Ilana Berger)

  • And I like the quotes. Marxists use words funny, don't they? - I.O.

    Wednesday, May 26, 2010

    Overthrow Obama? A Compendium

    As the disclaimer on our sidebar indicates, by publishing Ms. Matthis' compendium, we do not necessarily agree with the various texts and citations involved. In fact, I.O. suggests other means of defeating the Marxofascist revolution against America that adheres to and includes the person of Barack Obama, with its massive Cloward-Piven sabotage and Marxist theft, and its determined treason against our Sacred Sovereignties. We would also cite reasons supplemental to those below, for whatever action is appropriately taken in response, including those just given, plus the implications of lack of adherence to the two Citizen parent requirement inherent in the "natural born Citizen" clause of the U.S. Constitution, also the Sestak allegation of felony, etc.

    That being said, Barack Obama represents an enemy government in Washington, D.C. never before encountered by the People of the United States of America and here is the article...

    by Nancy Matthis at American Daughter

    Contemplation of non-electoral removal of the Obama administration has been fermenting for over a year. Until now, it has remained fairly hidden below the surface of the public discourse. This week, it has virtually erupted due to a viral email.

    On September 29, 2009, Newsmax published an article discussing overthrow of the Obama regime. The piece was a thoughtful discussion of the situation, written by a highly qualified former presidential adviser, and most definitely NOT incitement or advocacy. Nevertheless, Newsmax quickly removed the post from their website when a firestorm of criticism assailed them from the left.

    The article remained available, however, as Google cache and in a mirror image captured by Talking Points Memo. Within the last few days, its circulation has exploded by email, and it has been reproduced in full on several websites such as and Fellowship of the Minds. It can no longer be ignored. It has become a legitimate subject for discussion in the Blogosphere. Here is the original article:
    Obama Risks a Domestic Military Intervention
    By John L. Perry

    There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America's military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the "Obama problem." Don't dismiss it as unrealistic.

    America isn't the Third World. If a military coup does occur here it will be civilized. That it has never happened doesn't mean it wont. Describing what may be afoot is not to advocate it. So, view the following through military eyes:
    • Officers swear to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Unlike enlisted personnel, they do not swear to "obey the orders of the president of the United States."
    • Top military officers can see the Constitution they are sworn to defend being trampled as American institutions and enterprises are nationalized.
    • They can see that Americans are increasingly alarmed that this nation, under President Barack Obama, may not even be recognizable as America by the 2012 election, in which he will surely seek continuation in office.
    • They can see that the economy -- ravaged by deficits, taxes, unemployment, and impending inflation -- is financially reliant on foreign lender governments.
    • They can see this president waging undeclared war on the intelligence community, without whose rigorous and independent functions the armed services are rendered blind in an ever-more hostile world overseas and at home.
    • They can see the dismantling of defenses against missiles targeted at this nation by avowed enemies, even as America's troop strength is allowed to sag.
    • They can see the horror of major warfare erupting simultaneously in two, and possibly three, far-flung theaters before America can react in time.
    • They can see the nation's safety and their own military establishments and honor placed in jeopardy as never before.
    So, if you are one of those observant military professionals, what do you do?

    Wait until this president bungles into losing the war in Afghanistan, and Pakistan's arsenal of nuclear bombs falls into the hands of militant Islam?

    Wait until Israel is forced to launch air strikes on Iran's nuclear-bomb plants, and the Middle East explodes, destabilizing or subjugating the Free World?

    What happens if the generals Obama sent to win the Afghan war are told by this president (who now says, "I'm not interested in victory") that they will be denied troops they must have to win? Do they follow orders they cannot carry out, consistent with their oath of duty? Do they resign en masse?

    Or do they soldier on, hoping the 2010 congressional elections will reverse the situation? Do they dare gamble the national survival on such political whims?

    Anyone who imagines that those thoughts are not weighing heavily on the intellect and conscience of America's military leadership is lost in a fool's fog.

    Will the day come when patriotic general and flag officers sit down with the president, or with those who control him, and work out the national equivalent of a "family intervention," with some form of limited, shared responsibility?

    Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration that would do the serious business of governing and defending the nation. Skilled, military-trained, nation-builders would replace accountability-challenged, radical-left commissars. Having bonded with his twin teleprompters, the president would be detailed for ceremonial speech-making.

    Military intervention is what Obama's exponentially accelerating agenda for "fundamental change" toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A coup is not an ideal option, but Obama's radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible.

    Unthinkable? Then think up an alternative, non-violent solution to the Obama problem. Just don't shrug and say, "We can always worry about that later."

    In the 2008 election, that was the wistful, self-indulgent, indifferent reliance on abnegation of personal responsibility that has sunk the nation into this morass.
    In a rare display of journalistic cowardice, Newsmax pulled not only the article, but also the author's biographical information, but not before Libertarian Leanings copied it in part. The author served two Democratic presidents and an ultra-liberal think tank.
    Perry also has had a distinguished career in public policy. He served President Lyndon B. Johnson as deputy under secretary of commerce and was a White House speech writer and race-relations trouble-shooter for President Johnson.

    In the Jimmy Carter administration, he was executive assistant to the under secretary of Housing and Urban Development and was interim director of public information for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


    Perry was also assistant to the president of the National Association of Broadcasters, a member of the top-management team and director of public relations for the 1982 World’s Fair in Knoxville, Tenn., and an academic fellow at the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, Calif.
    That summarizes the current buzz. Let's take a look at the evolution of this topic on the Internet.

    First Mentions

    February 3, 2009 -- The question appeared on Answers.Yahoo! as Under the constitution we have the right to overthrow the do you do that? in today's world.?:
    Do you think the colonists had that right when they broke off from England? Yes, we do have the right, and we should really think about using it.

    The first step would be declaring our rejection of the current government, along with a list of all the ways they have ignored the Constitution and abused their powers. Obviously, once we did that, they would try to stop us, and there would be a fight....

    Actually the mention of overthrowing the government is found in the Declaration of Independence -- a document in which several men explained why they were pledging their lives in support of an armed revolution.
    April 29, 2009 -- Someone posted a question on asking Would it be possible for a military dictator to overthrow Obama? The preferred answer was:
    Nope. Not at all possible.
    But, there were some caveats, as well as thirteen other opinions. One commenter referred to an actual coup attempt against Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. The movie Seven Days in May, in which US military leaders plot to overthrow the US president, was also cited.

    The question continues to be asked:

    If Americans went to war to overthrow Obama whose side do you think your allies would take?

    Does the Constitution allow the military to overthrow the Obama administration and the Democratic Party?

    Is it too late to overthrow the Obama regime?

    Do you think Barack Obama is guilty of treason and should be impeached?

    How can freedom-loving Americans overthrow the corrupt government we now have in Washington?

    Does the U.S.A. Military support Obama's ruination of the U.S. Constitution?

    Blogging from the Left

    August 1, 2009 -- The idea was broached on the Huffington Post by left-wing blogger Danny Schechter in Could Obama Be Overthrown?:
    The tide of public opinion may be turning against the President. Pollsters report growing skepticism about health care reform, and more active hostility on racial matters, thanks to that "uncalibrated" expression of opinion on the arrest of Professor Gates in his own home. That remark turned him, in the eyes of some, from a small b black President into a militant Black Panther, or at least someone who can stereotyped as such.

    These are the new controversial issues with no one right answer, and a noisy debate everywhere, but something else is also going on....

    ....The next thing you know, the type of removal of a democratically elected President that worked in Honduras might be attempted here at home. Don't say it can't happen here.... Some of us are still humming "We Shall Overcome" when our adversaries are chanting "We Shall Overthrow."
    Note that this was published on a major website almost two full months before the Perry article appeared, and there was at that time no outcry from the left about public discussion of the topic.

    Online Fantasy Game

    October, 2009 -- Looking backward, it is hard to pinpoint the day this came online, but sometime last October the website United States of Earth published the multi-player browser strategy game 2011: Obama's Coup Fails. Modeled on World of Warcraft, the game was produced by eight libertarian programmers working at a secret location in Brooklyn, NY. Forty-year-old team leader Michael Russotto intends to develop the site as a for-profit venture. Elementary game play is free, but enhancements can be purchased.

    From Mother Jones -- The Obama Coup:
    Thu Oct. 22, 2009 3:02 AM PDT

    Glenn Beck mysteriously killed. The GOP driven out of Congress. Obama proclaims himself the "Lost Imam." An online game exploits right-wing paranoia. — By David Corn
    From Wired -- 2011: Obama’s Coup Fails Injects Politics Into Strategy Game:
    November 10, 2009

    Foes of President Barack Obama and his policies can vent their frustrations by engaging in fictional warfare, thanks to a new online strategy game with a heavy political component.

    The satirical game 2011: Obama's Coup Fails, launched last month by a group of Ron Paul supporters that call themselves The Founders, throws players into combat against the crumbling Marxist forces of Obama’s loyalist Black Tigers, the Islamic fundamentalist Nation of Malsi and The Cong — a group of deposed Democratic congressional leaders. ...the game mixes strategy, trivia questions and community elements but has no particular ax to grind with Obama, according to Mike Lodispoto, one of the game's Libertarian founders. In fact, the next United States of Earth game will target President George W. Bush.

    "We detest Republicans and Democrats alike," Lodispoto told in an e-mail interview. The site was cooked up by Libertarians, but Lodispoto says United States of Earth employees are both Republicans and Democrats....
    From Mediaite -- This Exists: Overthrow Futuristic Dictator Obama In This Online Game:
    by Robert Quigley | 1:30 pm, November 19th, 2009

    Wow. Online strategy gamers who wish to lead militias against Obama (?) can finally do so... Of course, the game is not very violent. No one in the Obama administration is killed or assassinated, the game's creator explains; they are merely "captured" by patriotic citizen armies.
    Last November, Russia Today actually scored an in-person interview, in part videotaped. That footage was incorporated into several newscasts at the time, as below:

    Misprison of Felony and Writ of Mandamus

    March 13, 2010 -- Life on Sleepy Creek notes possible legal remedy:
    It is our duty to arrest, charge and try these evil beasts in Washington and this is how we have to do it.... This is how we empower ourselves. Here is the weapon. Spread this to your lists and make it go viral before it's too late.
    Two legal tools are cited. From The 'Lectric Law Library we have the following definitions...:
    MISPRISION -- In its larger sense, this word is used to signify every considerable misdemeanor, which has not a certain name given to it in the law; and it is said that a misprision is contained in every treason or felony whatever. In its narrower sense it is the concealment of a crime. Misprision of treason, is the concealment of treason, by being merely passive for if any assistance be given, to the traitor, it makes the party a principal, as there is no accessories in treason. It is the duty of every good citizen, knowing of a treason or felony having been committed; to inform a magistrate. Silently to observe the commission of a felony, without using any endeavors to apprehend the offender, is a misprision. Misprisions which are merely positive, are denominated contempts or high misdemeanors; as, for example, dissuading a witness from giving evidence.

    MISPRISION OF FELONY -- Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the U.S., conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the U.S. 18 USC Misprision of felony, is the like concealment of felony, without giving any degree of maintenance to the felon for if any aid be given him, the party becomes an accessory after the fact.
    ...and also this:
    MANDAMUS -- The name of a writ, the principal word of which when the proceedings were in Latin, was mandamus, we command. It is a command issuing in the name of the sovereign authority from a superior court having jurisdiction, and is directed to some person, corporation, or, inferior court, within the jurisdiction of such superior court, requiring them to do some particular thing therein specified, which appertains to their office and duty, and which the superior court has previously determined, or at least supposes to be consonant to right and justice.Mandamus is not a writ of right, it is not consequently granted of course, but only at the discretion of the court to whom the application for it is made; and this discretion is not exercised in favor of the applicant, unless some just and useful purpose may be answered by the writ. This writ was introduced to prevent disorders from a failure of justice; therefore it ought to be used upon all occasions where the law has established no specific remedy, and where in justice and good government there ought to be one. Mandamus will not lie where the law has given another specific remedy.The 13th section of the act of congress of Sept. 24, 1789, gives the Supreme Court power to issue writs of mandamus in cases warranted by the principles and usages of law, to any courts appointed or persons holding office, under the authority of the United States. The issuing of a mandamus to courts, is the exercise of an appellate jurisdiction, and, therefore constitutionally vested in the supreme court; but a mandamus directed to a public officer, belongs to original jurisdiction, and by the constitution, the exercise of original jurisdiction by the supreme court is restricted to certain specified cases, which do not comprehend a mandamus. The latter clause of the above section, authorizing this writ to be issued by the supreme court to persons holding office under the authority of the United States, is, therefore, not warranted by the constitution and void.The circuit courts of the United States may also issue writs of mandamus, but their power in this particular is confined exclusively to those cases in which it may be necessary to the exercise of their jurisdiction.
    While many bloggers seem to see some remedy in this approach, my personal opinion is that this is not strong enough to do the job. Only the Supreme Court would have the oversight to issue a writ against an administration, and the conflict between the Sept. 24, 1789 act of Congress and the Constitution would have to be resolved in a time-consuming legal wrangle. However, I am totally sympathetic to the blogger's premise. The quasi-legal destruction of the founding fathers' vision would be most ideally countered through legal channels.

    Argument Against Trusting Elections

    There are two major arguments against putting faith in an electoral remedy. First, Obama usurped the census from the Commerce Department and arbitrarily moved it under White House jurisdiction. Then he enlisted his left-wing crony organizations, such as ACORN, to do the legwork. This is seen by many as an attempt to influence districting and representation.

    Second, the Democrats in Congress are moving aggressively right now to obtain amnesty, and possibly voting rights, for all the illegal aliens currently in the country, which would add 12 million more votes for the socialist agenda. On April 5 one commenter on an Examiner article put it this way:
    I am beginning to think a violent take over is the only way out of the mess this Marxist and his enablers are getting us into. With ACORN and SEIU conducting the next census and the counting of illegal aliens [Obama] will forever change the landscape for ALL of us.

    Eric Massa's Secret

    May 24, 2010 -- On Monday, Esquire magazine broke the story of Eric Massa's secret. Titillatingly titled Eric Massa on David Petraeus Military Coup in the source code, which renders this teaser in Google search blurbs, the actual story is tamer. Former (and now disgraced) Congressman Eric Massa had met with the editors a month ago to divulge a secret he claimed to have been harboring.
    Long before the Eric Massa scandal broke, the congressman carried the lonely burden of another secret that, if revealed, would turn his world upside down. An extraordinary look inside the mind of a man in the crisis of his lifetime.... He had told no one — no one on his congressional staff or in his family, not his parents, not even his wife....

    Petraeus, the commander of United States Central Command, whose portfolio contains the worst trouble spots on the globe, including Iraq and Afghanistan, had recently met with Cheney — twice — and Cheney was trying to recruit him to run in 2012. Were he to be the nominee, Massa said, Petraeus would be in the unprecedented position of a military man running for president against his own commander in chief....
    The increasingly irrational and emotional Massa described this as treason, as a "coup" and military overthrow. In fact, it could be done with complete legitimacy. Petraeus would have to retire first, and then he would be in no different stance than George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, Wesley Clark, and other candidates with military background. And his professional dignity and record of military service certainly render him a credible candidate.

    Current Blog Posts

    Today, this article appeared -- A Country on the Brink:
    This occupant of the White House (it is just too painful and too much of a show of respect to call him president) has done more to undermine the Constitution, democracy and the economy of this country than any of his predecessors. Since his inauguration he has shown nothing but contempt for our laws and the people of this country in order to lead the United States down the dark and crater-filled road to socialism....

    Memorial Day is approaching, and this president who does not salute the flag plans to blow off the observance and take a family vacation to Chicago. Recall the famous lines from the poem In Flanders Fields?
    ....We are the dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
    In Flanders fields.
    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields.
    Few who understand the vision of our founding fathers can doubt that this President -- who goes abroad apologizing for our country, who bends the knee to foreign heads of state, who snubs our traditional allies and embraces socialist dictators -- has broken faith. If the time of reckoning should come, perhaps even the unquiet dead will align against him.