WALTER HUDSON is the blogger who witnessed, recorded, and broke the news of LORD MONCKTON's siren call for our paramount American Sovereignties, under attack by the "Climate Change Treaty." We will listen to Mr. Hudson and to Lord Monckton's brief conclusion, hour-1.
Then, MissTICKLY may have found evidence tending to indicate that (please take a deep breath) Barack Obama is the son of cousins, Stanley Ann Dunham and Frank Marshall Davis -- and Hawaiian royalty -- perhaps heir to the Hawaiian throne. If true, this would imply criminal fraud by Obama.
Don't miss these two hours. You may wish to prepare first, by reading Hudson's posting in Sentinel Radio Blog and Mr. Hudson's own Fightin' Words. The video of Monckton's messege is at these sites, too.
MissTickly, a.k.a. TerriK continues to break the news of her Hawaiian documents investigation in her blog as she did in last week's "Awakening" broadcast. The prior week, Leo Donofrio told us about his own, related, Hawaiian investigation.
The conclusion of Lord Monckton's Bethel University presentation: