Do you know how more intel may be gained?
Could you gain it?
By Sam Sewell
Another little tid bit, thanks to Janet at citizenwells
Most intelligence work doesn't require special skills other than a curious mind and the ability to sort through tons of meaningless data to find one nugget.
Obama Sr. and Obama's mom were married in February of 1961. Five months later Obama was born. The article at the link below reports that Ann Dunham visited Seattle and talked about being excited about Obama Sr. going back to Kenya for a visit.
Now, Ann would have been visiting during break from classes at U of HI. Her husband's visit to Kenya would have also been that summer because he was due back to class in the fall. What do you want to bet that Ann went with her husband to visit her in-laws in Kenya and that is where Obama was born in August.?
She and Obama Sr. then returned to Hawaii in time for classes to start and Ann registered Obama's birth in Hawaii. What do you think? "Susan Blake, another high-school classmate, said that during a brief visit in 1961, Dunham was excited about her husband’s plans to return to Kenya."
That also means that they were probably traveling together and it might be useful to check public records (Ports of Entry) to see if there is any record of Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham entering the United States with an infant.
And from back in October:
Written by bhartzer on
document.write(localTime('Oct 23, 2008 22:29 GMT'))
Oct-23-08 6:29pm
According to a report today, Barack Obama, the Senator from Illinois who is seeking to be President of the United States, was born in Kenya.
Someone is lying. According to Obama’s Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room.
We know how Barack Obama currently feels about his grandmother. Perhaps this is another thing that he is trying to hide from us?
And this:
They say:The video on the right is an interview with Susan Blake, (the video has been removed) one of Stanley's friends form Mercer island, Washington, who recounts the visit from Stanley and Barry in August '61. The question is; what would a mother with a 3 wk old child be doing travelling at that time? Was she traveling on her way back from Kenya via Washington to Honololu? At that time, the international airport in Honolulu was just being built, and Stanley would not have been able to fly directly from Kenya to Honolulu, but only through Seattle.That article did not mention Susan Blake telling us that Stanley was excited about going to Kenya earlier.
It looks like it all converges! If the One thinks that he can conceal the truth forever, he is obviously wrong!
This long article appears to contradict some of my post on The Steady Drip. After reading it I think some of the interviewees simply misunderstood the situation. Interesting none the less.
An I.O. epilogue: From reading the article last linked, it would appear that Stanley Ann sent her postcard from within Washington State, not from Hawaii.
© Sam Sewell