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Showing posts sorted by date for query Janda. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Only Logical Reason for Congress to Vote for Obama-Pelosi-Reid 'Healthcare'

Spell it out to your U.S. Senators and to all

Trying to determine what I could possibly say to my U.S. Senators' office staffs about the medical takeover bill, that could make any difference, I settled upon telling them this:
The only logical reason to enact this Obama-Pelosi-Reid legislation, is to continue to destroy authentic America, in favor of an authoritarian, Marxofascist revolution.

And it is a violent revolution, whether it brings gunfire or not, since it deeply violates those most fundamental rights, to life, liberty, and property, which define the United States of America.

Americans have fought and hundreds of thousands, died, to liberate us from such autocracy and to keep us free. Now, are you going to vote for this bill and in doing so, declare violent revolution as your aim?
Surely, the crafters of this monstrously complex legislation are not unintelligent, nor its political strategists, guileless. So, what intention for this is left, but the chief result it would have?

That message and questioning are what must be drummed into the media, too -- and by word of mouth, and email, blogging, social networking comments, etc., drummed thoroughly into America's consciousnesses and consciences. After all, that is what this legislation would do. It would tragically harm, not help Americans, medically. It would overwhelmingly harm, not help American society, as it is strategically slipped into the intentionally destructive agenda for "fundamentally changing America" presented not only by Barack Obama, but also by his globalist point-man, George Soros, also Nancy Pelosi, their contemporary "Democratic Party" apparatchiks -- and going back, by Cloward-Piven, Saul Alinsky, the Frankfurt School, the KGB, etc.

If you wish to review how one arrives at this conclusion, feel free to peruse the Investigating Obama articles tagged with the label "health control," or go directly to Dr. David Janda's open letter, "The Obama Health Care Plan - in One Word."

As Sarah Palin told Sean Hannity in their recent interview, Americans deserve to be told the truth about those who seek (and have now gained) power. Anything less is irresponsible. So, how can our consciences allow us to keep from telling free Americans the truth concerning what so glaringly threatens to become the end of our history?

Permission to distribute and republish granted
- Arlen Williams

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Phil Berg on the Way to SCOTUS & Dr. David Janda: Obamacare Harmful to America's Health - tonight, on Sentinel Radio

Join us for a special evening of broadcasts

Simply click the title links below, to go to the appropriate net-radio broadcasts, plus optional listener chat windows.

1. Phil Berg, Obama Eligibility Challenger Joins Momma E and the Radio Rebels, 8-9pm ET,,, 5-6pm PT
Momma E relates that Phil will talk about Berg Vs. Obama, et. al., which is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
2. Dr. David Janda, Exposer of Obamacare, Doing Harm to Americans, on Weekly Candor, with Wish, 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT
From Wish:

For the first part our of our program show we are honored to have as tonight's distinguished guest, Dr. David Janda. He is an orthopedic surgeon and is also pioneer in the field of sports injury medicine. Dr. Janda has been an outspoken critic of the proposed Health Care reform and is a proponent of health care freedom. Recently, as a guest on Glenn Beck program, Dr. Janda revealed how much of the current health care reforms have been concealed within the Stimulus Bill. We are delighted to have him as our guest and we are looking forward to his commentary and medical expertise. Dr. Janda is also the author of The Awakening Of A Surgeon: A Life of Prevention, Health, and Hope.

During our second hour, we will continue our discussion from Sentinel Radio's this past Monday nights show "The Awakening," where we explored the Ukrainian pneumatic plague, what it might be, how and where has it spread, and to what extent.

Tonight's topics include:

1. Obama Health Care
2. New Mammogram Advice
3. Ukraine Pneumonic Flu
4. What are the Causes of Influenza Epidemics?
5. Four Approved Swine Flu Vaccines for use in the USA via the FDA
6. The Copenhagen Climate Treaty and US Sovereignty
7. The Cap and Trade Bill
8. Commentary: Is Mandatory Health Insurance Constitutional?

Sentinel Radio's, Arlen Williams, host of "The Awakening" and Hanen will join me for a revealing and thoughtful discussion.
Both special guests have been guest before on Sentinel Radio. See these links on: Philip Berg and David Janda, for their earlier references here.

Dr. Janda on Glenn Beck, 11/4/2009

Dr. Janda's interview, 2nd hour, "The Awakening," 8/24/2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dr. David Janda's Latest Article, at

Received via email:

This morning I sent you an e-mail on tonight's vote on health care reform. The article has been juiced up and is now a Featured Article on Big thanks to Mike Flynn and Andrew Breitbart.

Dave Janda

Debate on PelosiCare: Crunch Time Tonight in DC by Dr. David Janda

It is crunch time tonight in Congress. Speaker Pelosi is moving towards a full floor vote on the Obama/Pelosi Health Care Plan up for a vote. At the time of publishing, votes are expected around 8 or 9pm EST. I received a call early this morning that...
click, to read

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Janda & Key Blow the Cover Off Obamacare + David Hedrick Goes to Town

UPDATE - I.O. has received this notice, from Dr. David Janda. He will respond to Obama's speech on the government health control plan, tonight:
...Thursday.....Sept. 10th..... I will be a guest on Liberty Radio Network from 11 p.m. to midnight (Eastern). So, for all you insomniacs......tune in. The topics of the show will be: Prevention, Health Care Cost Containment and Health Care Reform which focuses on bringing freedom to every person, family and business rather than the empowerment of insurance companies, HMO's and Big Government bureaucrats. You can tune in at :

Warm Regards,
Dave Janda
Previously, Dr. Janda issued the best expose' of Obamacare I have seen and gave a tour de force interview to us, on Sentinel Radio. If you have not already listened and forwarded Dr. Janda's letter, then...
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O.<>>>>>>>>>>>>>

08/25/2009, edited - This is truly, truly critical information, for Americans to see and share. Please see the articles immediately preceding this one.

And tune in, to the archived broadcast:

If you send these interviews, or Pamela Key's Obamacare video, or Dr. David Janda's Obamacare article to fellow Americans, minds will change.

A critically important sample of Pamela's videos:

Obamacare - Caring for Complete Government Control

the deathlord, caught lying about his Marxist healthcare takeover

And let me give you a bonus, a video mentioned by Pam, in her interview:

and never mind that Hanen needs a new phone and I need... more sleep

Monday, August 31, 2009

Obama Job Approval Down to 42%, says Zogby

P r e c i p i t o u s
Released: August 31, 2009

Zogby Interactive: Loss of Democrats' Support Helps Bring Obama Job Approval Down to 42%

Several Core Constituencies Souring on Obama

UTICA, New York - President Barack Obama's job approval rating is down to 42%, with a decline in approval from Democrats the leading factor.

to continue Zogby's article

I.O. was wondering how much effect all that viewership of Glenn Beck was to have. I think it may account for a two or three of those points, at this moment. The rest may be picked up from numerous sources, including (a-hem!) word of mouth and email of articles. Meanwhile, we are still awaiting the probing questions about All the "President's" Marxists, from the White House press corps. Microwave popcorn can be made in just a couple minutes, after all.

And here we were getting all these recent news reports, proffering that the polls on Obamascare: Controlling Your Health had flattened out. Look for the decline go get steeper there, too and just in time to be either deflating or provocative to the global Marxofascists and their Obot in Chief. They do have their plans and contingencies and this is one contingency that should not have been difficult to foresee.

Please continue to pass along...
...and perhaps, most importantly, eventually, to everyone you know with a member of our military and law enforcement community as a friend or family member...
...and how about finding your Sheriff's email address and sending it to him, yourself...


    Monday, August 24, 2009

    Dr. David Janda on "The Awakening" - The Best Obamacare Expose'

    Dr. David Janda, is our guest tonight on "The Awakening, with Hanen and Arlen," joining Pam Key of Naked Emperor News.

    Dr. Janda is the author of the letter, dubbed by Nan Matthis of America Daughter blog as, the "Must-Read Evaluation of ObamaCare."

    This article is the best expose' I have seen, of the Obamunist Plan, to, in I.O.'s findings, usurp control of our heath and lives -- a part of the plan to destroy free America and instill globalist Marxism/fascism. It has been featured in numerous other blogs, including our Sentinel Radio Blog and it must go viral. So, please pass on the word!

    You can hear Dr. Janda and Pamela Key, both...

    Following is Dr. Janda's critically important article and Nan's comments on it:
    Must-Read Evaluation of ObamaCare

    If your doctor saves your life in defiance of ObamaCare guidelines, he could be severely fined and go to prison.

    The following article is the most qualified and articulate evaluation of ObamaCare extant on the web, having been written by an MD who is an expert on health care cost containment. It has been circulated by viral email and republished in many places. To ensure giving our readers an uncorrupted original, I requested a copy from the author. He very kindly responded within an hour of receiving my request this afternoon. His following statement is of life-and-death importance to every US citizen. Read this, and share it as widely as possible.


    By David H. Janda M.D.

    As a physician who has authored books on Preventative Health Care and Health Care Cost Containment, I was recently given the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at a Congressional Dinner at The Capitol Building in Washington D.C… The presentation, entitled Health Care Reform; The Power & Profit of Prevention was well received.

    In preparation for the presentation, I read the latest version of “reform” as authored by The Obama Administration and supported by Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid. It is important to realize that The Obama Health Care Plan is comprised of two parts…..that’s right, not one but two parts.

    The first part of The Obama Health Care Plan was buried in The Stimulus Bill which was signed into law by the President in February (see READ the STIMULUS). It is the second part of The Health Care Plan which is now being debated in Congress. Below is the link to the over 1000 page document….. Bill Text, Adobe PDF format.

    Let me summarize just a few salient points of the two part Obama Health Care Plan. Warning……. They need to put the same warning on The Obama Health Care Plan as they do a pack of cigarettes…..Consuming this product WILL be hazardous to your health.

    The underlying method of cutting costs throughout the plan is based on rationing and denying care, NOT PREVENTING health care need. The plan’s method is the most inhumane and unethical approach in cutting costs. The rationing of care is implemented through a Council, equivalent to the National Health Care Board in the British Health Care System. The name given to this panel is The Federal Coordinating Council For Comparative Effectiveness Research (”Federal Council”). (Section 9201 H.R. 1 Version of the Stimulus Bill.)

    President Obama has already appointed the fifteen member Federal Council. According to the Stimulus Bill, p. 152, all members of the Council must be “senior federal officers or employees.” Thus, medical treatment will be dispensed by a group of bureaucrats from their ivory towers, not by the hands-on practitioners in the presence of the patients. The council was funded with $1.1 BILLION from The Stimulus Bill. (Source.)

    “Comparative Effectiveness Research” is based on the formula of the approval or rejection of treatment for patients based upon the cost per treatment divided by the number of years the patient will benefit from the treatment.

    According to former New York Lieutenant Governor and Health Policy Analyst Dr. Betsy McCaughey, the Federal Council will set a cost effectiveness standard for treatment. (Stimulus Bill p. 464) Translation…..if you are over 65 or have been recently diagnosed as having an advanced form of cardiac disease or aggressive cancer, dream on if you think you will get treated…..pick out your box. Oh, you say…this could never happen. Sorry….this is the same model they use in Britain.

    The plan also empowers the Federal Council to create another level of bureaucracy, The Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research. (Health Care Bill, Section 1181, p. 502). The effect of this extra level of bureaucracy is to slow the development of new medications and technologies in order to reduce costs. How special is that!

    The plan also outlines that doctors and hospitals will be overseen and reviewed by The National Coordinator of Health Information Technology. This “Coordinator” will be responsible for monitoring treatments to make sure doctors and hospitals are strictly following what the government deems appropriate and cost effective, and to “guide medical decisions at the time and place of care.” (Stimulus Bill, p. 116; see also pp. 442, 446).

    The Stimulus Bill goes on to say that hospitals and doctors that are NOT “meaningful users” of the new systems will face penalties. The Secretary of Health and Human Services will be empowered to impose “more stringent measures of meaningful use over time.” (Stimulus Bill pp. 366, 478, 511, 518, 540, 541.) According to those in Congress, penalties could include large six figure financial fines and possible imprisonment. According to the Obama Plan, if your doctor saves your life but breaks government protocol, you might have to go to the prison to see your doctor for follow-up appointments. I believe this is the same model Stalin used in the former Soviet Union.

    Section 102 of the Health Care Plan has the Orwellian title: “Protecting the Choice to Keep Current Coverage.” What this section really mandates is that it is ILLEGAL for you to keep your private insurance if your status changes, e.g., if you lose or change your job, become a senior citizen, graduate from college and land your first job. Yes, illegal. When President Obama was asked about this portion of his plan recently, his response was, “I am not familiar with that part of the plan.”

    Obama hosted a conference call with bloggers urging them to pressure Congress to pass his health plan as soon as possible.

    During the call, a blogger from Maine said he kept running into an Investors Business Daily article that claimed Section 102 of the House health legislation would outlaw private insurance. He asked: “Is this true? Will people be able to keep their insurance and will insurers be able to write new policies even though H.R. 3200 is passed?” President Obama replied: “You know, I have to say that I am not familiar with the provision you are talking about.”

    Then there is Section 1233 of the Health Care Bill, devoted to “Advanced Care Planning.” After each American turns 65 years of age they have to go to a mandated counseling program that is designed to end life sooner. This session is to occur every 5 years unless the person has developed a chronic illness then it must be done every year. The topics in this government run session will include how to decline hydration, nutrition and how to initiate hospice care. It is no wonder the Obama Administration does NOT like my emphasis on Prevention. Under the Health Care Plan for cost containment, Prevention is the “enemy,” since people would live longer.

    I rest my case….The Health Care Plan authored by Obama / Pelosi / Reid is hazardous to the health of every American.

    In the question/answer session following my Capitol Hill presentation, a Congressman asked: “I am doing a number of network interviews next week on the Obama Health Care Plan. If I am asked what is the one word to describe the plan, what should I answer?”

    The answer is simple, honest, direct, analytical, and sad, but truthful. The word is FASCIST.


    Dr. Janda is a practicing orthopedic surgeon and a world-recognized expert on prevention, healthcare cost containment, and health care reform. His website is

    Pam Key of Naked Emperor News, Video Freedom Fighter - Interview Archived from Monday Night's "Awakening"

    If you were awake and aware, during 2008's general election season, you likely remember two videos which were devastating to the Obama campaign. Did I just write that? Chalk it up to wishful thinking. But if all Americans were free from the dissociative state of Obama Supporter Syndrome and had seen and heard them on YouTube, his campaign would have crumbled. I know, a very big "if."

    Hearken to the Autumn of 2008, if you will, and pull up close to your PC. Here are those videos, from Naked Emperor News (NEN):

    Well, no, they are not there, anymore. Just as YouTube quickly bent to petty copyright contentions by Obama-supporting corporations concerning the The Mouth Peace's "Burning Down the House" expose' of the mortgage meltdown, they eventually quashed these, too. Now, here are versions of these videos, republished by NEN, on July 24, of this year:

    Constitution in the way of redistribution .... Bankrupting coal industry & blowing up energy costs

    Since then, NEN has continued to show up Obama and Pelosi as the anti-American practitioners of Marxist strategy and tactics that they are. NEN's Pam Key deserves recognition -- and every American should give themselves the privilege of heeding what she reveals about the insurrection of global Marxofascists who are sabotaging our economy and our sovereignties.

    conscription, Obama style .... Pelosi: disruption OK if Piven-style .... promise breaking in high style

    NEN is also utilizing and as its principle video portals, partly in case YouTube does something "fishy" again and Pam invites visitors to stop, look, and listen at NEN's own Web site:

    Obama's Johnson vs. Inspector Walpin .... Born-alive infants must die. .... Did I say die? I meant live!

    And hey, Pam, what about that video you did, that showed the connections between the bogus Alaskan ethics litigators against Sarah Palin and Obama's inner circle?

    Listen in, as Pam tells her story of fighting the Obamunists and their scrubbers -- also hear more about other assaults upon First Amendment rights, by the Soros/Obama/Pelosi regime. Feel free to call in, to ask questions: 646-727-2652.

    Obamacare - Caring for Complete Government Control

    the deathlord, caught lying about his Marxist healthcare takeover