Article originally posted, 12/31, 12:XX am CT
Two people reported during the broadcast that they had contacted Hale's private investigator yesterday, who indicated he did not thoroughly read the documentation and does not know how it addresses Barack Obama Jr. -- nor did he make a copy for himself. It would appear that Hale will receive a valid copy of this decree, probably Friday, 1/2. What it states will be what it states. He promises to post and report, as described below.
While my article maintains a journalistic separation from the principals of this story and is a report of statements of others on the matter, I believed it worthy of "pushing out" to readers and those who would faithfully relay the story. That worth appears less merited at this point and I apologize for that, to them and you. However, this should mean the first public viewing of that divorce decree. If it does not include information pertinent to Barack Obama's birth, at least that will be known. And that is more than may be said of President Elect Obama's actual birth certificate. This also seems fitting for a politco who advanced to the U.S. Senate along a path of the convenient "mainstream media" reporting of scandals from two of his opponents' own divorce records and an "outing" of a family member of another; sauce for the goose.
I.O. emphasizes that place of birth aside, Barack Obama is clearly and thoroughly not a natural born Citizen and is therefore specifically ineligible to be our United States President. This is due to his U.K. citizenship at birth, passed from his father. That is referred to below and explained in the article, "The Donofrio 'Natural Born Citizen' Challenge."
I.O. also observes that even a valid hard copy of the kind of certificate of birth that Obama has ostensibly submitted is not the kind of birth certificate which is required for numerous purposes. Further, it is suspect that Obama has invested what some say is approximately $1M to keep his actual, Hawaiian birth certificate undisclosed -- seemingly thematic with "pleading the Fifth." At the very least, it would officially document his father and that is one wheel off his bike to the White House.
12/31 - A private investigator in Hawaii has uncovered the divorce decree for Barack Obama's father and mother, which indicates they had "one child under the age of eighteen, born in Kenya." That is the report of Ed Hale of, an Internet radio site which has focused upon the natural born Citizen challenges to Obama's presidential eligibility.
Hale announced this during his evening Internet broadcast on, Tuesday, 12/30 and confirmed it with I.O. in an online interview, later that night. He reported that certified copies of this documentation have been sent from Hawaii by the investigator to himself and four others. Hale is to receive his copy today, Wednesday, 12/31 and plans to post it graphically on the site, during the day. He will also discuss this on a special Internet broadcast, between 6pm and 10pm Central Time, tonight. [I.O., 12/31, 2:30pm CT: Ed Hale has sent an email stating that his delivery has been delayed until Friday, 1/2. We wait another day for what he has to show. We can be patient in light of how long we wait for Barack Obama to admit the truth of his ineligibility per Article II (and show us the whole truth of his actual Hawaiian birth certificate, besides)] The site streams audio as soon as it is accessed via Web browser.
The Texan Internet entrepreneur relates he got fed up with the lack of documentation on Obama and decided to discuss ideas with his radio audience. His offer to hire an investigator was met with piecemeal sums of money from listeners to his broadcasts. Hale said some of the information one would expect to find was not available. For example, documentation from Obama's mother, Stanley Ann's divorce to her second husband, Lolo Soetoro had vanished. Hale speculates, the reason this forthcoming 1964 divorce decree had not also been "scrubbed" could be that the divorce had been filed not by Obama's mother, but by Barack H. Obama, Sr. Thus, it may have been overlooked by any plumbers for Obama.
Hale does admit to incomplete certainty of his investigator's work until he receives it, partially due to the PI's accent, the telephone connection, and his slight hearing impediment. However, he is very confident of what he will receive during the day. Mark S. McGrew, who writes about Obama's natural born Citizen problems for, accompanied Hale in his broadcast and also expressed confidence. McGrew had sought publication in numerous American news outlets, but they turned down his articles referring to Obama's apparent ineligibility. Russia's Pravda however, decided his effort to find and report the truth was not to be redlined.
As often related, Barack Obama, due simply to his U.K. citizenship at birth via his Kenyan father, is not a natural born Citizen of America, by definition and the original intent for that term in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has turned down cases which make this point, but according to a September decision in a lower federal court (regarding John McCain's eligibility problem) this would be due to a question of jurisdiction, until Congress is to certify the Electoral College vote on January 8. Further action is to occur, after this date. You may read about this in previous I.O. articles and the sites linked in its sidebar.

Will Congress pay attention and do its Constitutional duty?
I'll believe it when I see it.
That is a good policy. It should also have been applied per Obama's alleged credentials for presidential eligiblity, by state Secretaries of State, by the Democratic National Committee, by the Electoral College, and now, by Congress. And, of course, by the United States Supreme Court.
Challenge, can anyone prove this wrong?:–
1. Constitution Article II requires USA President to be “natural born citizen”.
2. BHO’s website admits his dad was Kenyan/British, not American, citizen when BHO was born.
3. BHO is therefore not a “natural born citizen” (irrespective of Hawaiian birth or whether he may be a 14th Amendment “citizen” of USA) — as confirmed in the Senate’s own McCain qualification resolution agreed to by BHO.
4. Supreme Court has already docketed two upcoming conferences, 1/9/09 and 1/16/09 — between dates Congress counts electoral votes (1/8/09) and Presidential inauguration (1/20/09) — to address Berg Case and fashion relief on BHO’s eligibility to be President.
5. Since no facts are in dispute, Supreme Court rules on Summary Judgment to enjoin BHO’s inauguration as President.
6. Therefore, BHO is not inaugurated as President.
7. Vice President Elect Biden is inaugurated Acting President under the 20th Amendment to serve until new President is determined — the procedure for which determination to be set out by Congress and/or the Supreme Court so long as in conformance with the Constitution.
Soetoro divorce papers:
Ted, your scenario is absolutely correct. Whether or not SCOTUS does the right thing is another story.
Hale does admit to incomplete certainty of his investigator's work until he receives it, partially due to the PI's accent, the telephone connection, and his slight hearing impediment. However, he is very confident of what he will receive during the day.
I hope that the "accent"
is not by a PI from the
API (african-press)
Let us hope that the
document get's fully verified and is true! Dan
Hi - will the document be released tonight (12/31)? I'm hoping so, but I was listening to Plains Radio online just now and I thought Ed Hale said 'Friday' night... Not sure if I was listening to live audio, though.
I don't know if I can wait until Friday!!! (like I have any choice)
The adult part of my brain says, like the first commenter, "believe it when you see it." The not-so-adult part says "please, God, let THIS one be the doc that does it because there is so MUCH out there." Critical mass, you know?
Keep praying :)
I hope as much as anyone that this is legit, but I have a couple of problems. First, why does the PlainsRadio website look so bad? If the document is posted here, would I even be able to find it? I fear that this will affect its credability. Secondly, is this the same Ed Hale that said he a copy of Obama's Kenyan birth certificate? If so, how does the general public know that this isn't another hoax. Speaking of hoaxes, I always relied on Snopes as an unbiased source, but with their treatment of the whole NBC issue, they cannot be trusted. If they review this information, they will no doubt debunk it as well.
Arlen, thanks for your diligence on this matter. I will keep my skeptics hat on while I await Hale's information, and pray that it is true. In the meantime, yous information on SCOTUS is heartening.
I've cross-posted your piece at Maggie's Notebook. BTW, I've been offline for awhile due to internet connection problems. Very frustrating! I think I'm up and running now.
To/re. last Anonymous:
Yes, Ed Hale has gotten into some difficulty before, but I have reported what he reports so far in this realm of blogger/poster review and in hope, put it into context per Obama's own trouble, as he dodges a thorough review of his standing per the presidency.
We will see what we will see. What Ed Hale reported last night is that the documents were sent, two day, but someone in the employ of the delivery service had heard and intervened to change it to next day delivery.
As we do not automatically grant credibility to Obama's COLB, we also must maintain epistemological footing about this, even after the gaining from this apparent opportunity to see what Hale will post.
What if Obama Sr. was Not
the biological Father?
Some say his father is
Frank Marshall Davis..
Hawaii Statutes 338-5 to 43
could enable Obama to assume
the role of being his Father.
Ted, I agree with all but #7, as Biden would only be President until "a President shall have qualified," and since Obama can never become qualified, it will have to be someone that the House chooses, and it cannot be Biden, as per the law.
Frankly, the entire election should be voided seeing as how Biden was not elected but appointed by Obama who, in reality, was not qualified to do so.
In reality, the American public were not given the power to directly choose who they wanted for Vice-President (at one time, they used to elect both, but that let to rivals being on the same ticket), but that's the way things have been done, and I seriously doubt that anyone belonging to the Democratic Party voted for the Republican ticket because they did not like the VP choice.
The bottom line is that Obama should not have been on the ballot in the first place, and if a private citizen has the standing to challenge Obama, then he would have been kicked off the ballot.
So, the question of just exactly who has standing to challenge a party's choice of candidate is still unanswered, but may be answered when the Supreme Court meets on Jan 9 to review Phil Berg's writ of certiori.
So who would the House choose?
Hillary Clinton!
Yes, that's right. Hillary Clinton will become the next President of the United States.
No,that is not correct..Hillary Clinton would have committed treason along with the rest of the house,senate and electorial college that were found to be envolved with this fraud.
If he has the divorce decree, then Obama I divorced Durnham in Hawaii. Either way, influx of money to find the truth must mean Obama's wall of protection is coming down.
Can't wait to see it.
Like the Soetoro divorce paper, it would be very interesting to see it.
I picked the below comment from Obamabots over at AOL:
CJ3:09PMDec 31st 2008
You know what they say enquiring minds want to know
A quick question for
Aristotle the Hun1:11PMDec 31st 2008
Obama's Kenyan birth evidence to be revealed today, online
By Arlen Williams
According to this and I quote "A private investigator in Hawaii has uncovered the divorce decree for Barack Obama's father and mother"
I just called the State of Hawaii and they stated and I quote "Divorce Records are public domain and can be ordered online if you have the required information and pay all the fees and have a LEGITIMATE reason for needing it." So why the headline that the private investigator UNCOVERED this document and why the need for a Private Investigator to UNCOVER this information when it has been readily available on line for anyone who wanted to take the time and pay the fees to get it since 1964.
The implication being that it was hidden away somewhere hopefully never to see the light of day.
Let the games begin, oh and be aware that I DID Order a copy so be careful what you post as Hawaii is sending me an original certified copy and I will be able to PROVE that your uncovered copy is a fraud.
Sam Sewell:
Thank you for your steps toward verification. Please report what you find and give us whatever further corroboration is convenient.
I use the word "uncover" because it has yet to be revealed, to my knowledge (despite America's faithful journalistic personnel, which have been in Alaska recently, for some reason, and not Hawaii). It is as simple as that.
I like the picture :-)
If Biden were sworn in as acting President, what would compel the House to ever elect someone to fill the Presidency on a permanent basis, as opposed to simply allowing Biden to serve out the entire term?
In any case, I was hoping the Supreme Court would have heard the case claiming that Senator McCain was not a natural-born citizen, not because there was any dispute over his citizenship, but because the term "natural-born citizen" has never been defined in either the Constitution or the court of law.
You're wrong. I'm an attorney, so I actually researched this issue. A natural born citizen only needs one parent who is a U.S. citizen. It used to have to be the father, but was changed in the 1920's to include a mother.
Obama's mother is a U.S. citizen and he was born in the U.S. He is a natural born citizen. There is no debate, except among people who don't understand the issue.
I'm just wondering.....the divorce papers were filed in 1980, and if Obama was born in '61, then he would have been over 18 yrs. of age at the time of the divorce. The papers also say, one minor child and one child over 18. Is the minor child (who couldn't be Barack) the one born in Kenya???
Mike, you are wrong. You should have discovered that the law in effect at the time of Obama's birth required the parent to be a resident of the U.S. for at least five years prior to the child's birth. Further, those five years have to have been after the parent was 14 years of age. Since Obama's Mom was only 18 at the time of his birth, "natural born" status does not attach to Obama under this law. Do the research and you will see that I'm right.
Anonymous @ 6:55pm: You are referring to the Dunham/Soetoro divorce papers, which Ann Dunham Soetoro filed in 1980. Obama would be the child over 18. The importance of this document is that it lends support to the adoption of Obama by Soetoro; if Obama had never been adopted by Soetoro, he would not have been included as a child of this couple/marriage.
It's the Obama/Dunham divorce papers, newly uncovered, that refer to a child born in Kenya. Since Dunham and Obama Sr. had only one child, the child born in Kenya would have to be Obama.
Now we just wait for them to be posted and authenticated.
The unfortunate truth is that Ed Hale has never been right about anything, ever, up to this point -- and the notion that the hilljack proprietor of PlainsRadio is magically going to scoop the known universe on this story and prevent the inauguration of Barack Obama is, well, ridiculous on its face.
We all went through this once before with Ed, Chief Editor Korir and the incriminating "Michelle Obama" tapes. There was no buyer at Fox, no $200,000...and no tapes.
This time, I only hope Ed didn't send the $1,000 to the private investigator up-front...or he's going to be waiting for that package long past Friday.
I'm sure it doesn't matter though, since the enormous number of misquoted laws and irrelevant "definitions" of natural-born quoted in the comments here suggest that real laws and real documents don't matter anyway. Folks who don't like Obama will be flogging this horse for the next eight years, and beyond.
Anonymous Mike:
No federal regulation may change the meeaning of the Constitution. As I understand, a 1790 law liberalized the definition of "natural born Citizen," however, in 1795, that phrase, "nbC" was removed from it. Since then, other terms have been used in federal legislation.
It is patently clear from Vatel, Tucker, and Bingham what the definition of "natural born Citizen" is. It is also implied by the John Jay letter and its theme carried forward in Article II.
As to what was heard from Ed Hale, tonight, I will issue one more update to this story, before his announced revelation of the divorce decree, tomorrow.
I hope it is true, but I
have never seen a Marriage
Certificate of Ann Dunham and a Barack Obama SR.. to begin with.
I have read that Obama Sr. was married to another
woman in Kenya at the same time. I believe that Ann Dunham coerced Obama Sr. to
"say" he was acknowleded to be the Father just to "Cover-Up" the Identity
of the "Real, or Biological
Father, who might have been
Frank Marshall Davis.
Perhap's a DNA Test should
be done before we hand over
the "NUKE BOX" to someone
we nothing about but heresay. Dan
Ed Hale and his guests were calling for armed rebellion tonight. Ed Hale is an insane hillbilly with a computer and a microphone. My guess is that Ed will probably be broadcasting from jail in the very near future.
And, yes, no Federal legislation can "change" the meaning of the Constitution, although successive legislation and Supreme Court rulings have refined, clarified and interpreted the "fuzzier" passages of the Constitution as a matter of course -- the Commerce Clause, for example.
Citing the "Law of Nations" as an authority is a DOA proposition in 2008. You might as well reference the Code of Hammurabi and the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. The "both parents must be US citizens" angle is archaic, inoperative and notably absent from practiced law and established precedent.
Regardless, this seems to be an amusing, abstract pastime the hundreds of Americans who just can't deal with the outcome of November's election, so far be it from me to rain on the fun.
A "Document" with supposed
"Evidence" should have NEVER BEEN DELAYED. There
is an issue of "Chain of Command" that should have been adhered to. The Hope
that a Legal Document of
Obama's Divorce will be shown is what I see to be a
fraudulent attempt by Obama
supporter's to distract and
make the Truth seem comical.
This is not a "Tune in next week" situation. If
"TRUE EVIDENCE" is really true it should have been
divulged immediately.
This most likely is a farce.
I do hope it is not, as it will give fodder to the
Obama Supporter's defending
his ineligibity to be President per Our Constitution.
People seeking notireity of a claim without supporting
upfront evidence is nothing
but a ruse......
To Mike & Strangapparatus:
Mike, I doubt that you are an Attorney. You would
digest the Hawaii Statutes
338-5 through 43 and know
full well of the angles to
obtain a BC. The mere FACT
that Obama/Soetoro has
refused access to his "Vaulted" BC,
College Record's, "Complete" Medical Record's, Passport's, etc. make's him Legally Ineligible to be President until he does so.
He made false statement's on his Illinois Bar Exam to
be a Lawyer (which is currently being investigated). Show me absolute Proof he was born in Hawaii.
To the BOTH of You, Show
me the Legal "PROOF" that
Obama/Soetoro is Eligible
to be President by OUR Constitution and I will
gladly accept him. Dan
I believe the BC Document to be "Valid" only in
the Territory, or State of Hawaii.
The Supreme Court has still FAILED to allow access to
Barack Obama's Vaulted, and Sealed Birth Record's.
A few of the "Diverse" ways to get a Birth Certificate in
Hawaii (see 338-6 ,"any person"). (below)
The colb on factcheck etc. is considered a "Forgery" by several Expert's. It does not include
the Vital Statistic's of the parent's or True Birthplace
There are several "Lawsuit's" against those who are responsible
for vetting and checking the "True" citizenship of Barack Obama and whether or not he meet's the "Natural-Born"
citizenship requirement's to be President. To date, Obama
refuses to provide "Any" document's proving his Citizenship.
He has denied access to his Certificate of Live Birth (colb)
Vaulted or Long Form version. He has denied access to his
College Record's (which will no doubt have him listed as a Foreign Student). He has denied access to his complete Medical Record's and Passport.
The Main Stream Media has continued to ignore all of the
"Basic Fact's" concerning Barack Obama's Identity.
Obama's Mother, Ann Dunham, supposedly married Barack
Obama Sr. who was born in Kenya and a British Citizen by Law
at that time in 1961.
National and International Law states that, a child born shall
inherit the Father's Citizenship and Nationality. (no matter
where they are born).
Obama's Father was never a U.S. Citizen.
Obama's Mother did not meet the requirement of being a
citizen for 10 years, 5 years which must be after the age of 14.
Ann was only 18 years old when she gave birth to Barack.
Barack's Mother later "married" to Lolo Soetoro, who adopted
Barack. Lolo,changed Barack's name to Barry Soetoro so he could become a Indonesian Citizen in order to go to school
in Jakarta. His religion was listed as Islam. There are Document's supporting this in Phil Berg's "case" and reported
by the Associated Press.
Obama has spent over $800,00 to pay Lawyer's to "prevent"
him from having to show his "Vaulted" Birth Certificate.
Why does he not simply show his Long Form BC to the people and the Court's for verification.
There are "dozen's" of web sites covering all this, but rarely
does the Main Stream Media mention this, or, the Lawsuit's.
(some which are still active)
If Barack does get into Office as "President" there will most likely be many more Lawsuit's against him, and those who
were responsible to verify his "Eligibility" to meet Article II,
of our Constitution's requirement's and Law. It is NOT the Soil
one is born on, it is that "Both" parent's must have "Allegiance"
to the (King/President), and have had no other "Allegiance" to
another Country.
I will not go into all the other issues regarding Barack's past.
We, as Citizen's, have to provide our Birth Certificate's for
various reason's.
Read or Glance at many of the Laws on Hawaii Statutes:
or complete list of laws
§338-5 Compulsory registration of births. Within the time prescribed by the department of health, a certificate of every birth shall be substantially completed and filed with the local agent of the department in the district in which the birth occurred, by the administrator or designated representative of the birthing facility, or physician, or midwife, or other legally authorized person in attendance at the birth; or if not so attended, by one of the parents.
The birth facility shall make available to the department appropriate medical records for the purpose of monitoring compliance with the provisions of this chapter. [L 1949, c 327, §9; RL 1955, §57-8; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-5; am L 1988, c 149, §1]
Case Notes
Compulsory reporting not objectionable. 466 F. Supp. 714.
§338-6 Local agent to prepare birth certificate. (a) If neither parent of the newborn child whose birth is unattended as provided in section 338-5 is able to prepare a birth certificate, the local agent of the department of health shall secure the necessary information from any person having knowledge of the birth and prepare and file the certificate.
(b) The department shall prescribe the time within which a supplementary report furnishing information omitted on the original certificate may be returned for the purpose of completing the certificate. Certificates of birth completed by a supplementary report shall not be considered as “delayed” or “altered.” [L 1949, c 327, §10; RL 1955, §57-9; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-6]
§338-15 Late or altered certificates. A person born in the State may file or amend a certificate after the time prescribed, upon submitting proof as required by rules adopted by the department of health. Certificates registered after the time prescribed for filing by the rules of the department of health shall be registered subject to any evidentiary requirements that the department adopts by rule to substantiate the alleged facts of birth. [L 1949, c 327, §19; RL 1955, §57-18; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-15; am L 1972, c 66, §1(1); am L 1997, c 305, §2]
Attorney General Opinions
Section provides for the alteration of only birth certificates. Att. Gen. Op. 84-14.
[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.
(b) Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate. The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.
(c) The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]
§338-19 Photostatic or typewritten copies of records. The department of health is authorized to prepare typewritten, photostatic, or microphotographic copies of any records and files in its office, which by reason of age, usage, or otherwise are in such condition that they can no longer be conveniently consulted or used without danger of serious injury or destruction thereof, and to certify to the correctness of such copies. The typewritten, photostatic, or microphotographic copies shall be competent evidence in all courts of the State with like force and effect as the original. [L 1949, c 327, §23; RL 1955, §57-22; am L 1957, c 8, §1; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-19]
§338-20.5 Adoption; foreign born persons. (a) The department of health shall establish a Hawaii certificate of birth for a person born in a foreign country and for whom a final decree of adoption has been entered in a court of competent jurisdiction in Hawaii, when it receives the following:
(1) A properly certified copy of the adoption decree, or certified abstract thereof on a form approved by the department; and
(2) A copy of any investigatory report and recommendation which may have been prepared by the director of social services; and
(3) A report on a form to be approved by the department of health setting forth the following:
(A) Date of assumption of custody;
(B) Sex;
(C) Color or race;
(D) Approximate age of child;
(E) Name and address of the person or persons adopting said child;
(F) Name given to child by adoptive parent or parents;
(G) True or probable country of birth.
The true or probable country of birth shall be known as the place of birth, and the date of birth shall be determined by approximation. This report shall constitute an original certificate of birth; and
(4) A request that a new certificate of birth be established.
(b) After preparation of the new certificate of birth in the new name of the adopted person, the department of health shall seal and file the certified copy of the adoptive decree, the investigatory report and recommendation of the director of human services if any, the report constituting the original certificate of birth, and the request for a new certificate of birth. The sealed documents may be opened by the department only by an order of a court of record or when requested in accordance with section 578-14.5 or 578-15. The new certificate of birth shall show the true or probable foreign country of birth, and that the certificate is not evidence of United States citizenship for the child for whom it is issued or for the adoptive parents. [L 1979, c 203, §3; am L 1990, c 338, §3]
§338-41 Issuance; procedure. (a) The department of health may make regulations respecting the form of Hawaiian birth certificates and certified copies of such certificates and other matters relating to Hawaii birth certificates as appear necessary and the regulations, when approved and made in accordance with chapter 91, shall have the force of law. The department shall furnish the form of the certificates and copies made therefrom.
(b) Any certificate of Hawaiian birth issued heretofore under or by virtue of any law of the Territory of Hawaii or the State, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated. [L 1911, c 96, §1; am L 1923, c 246, §1; RL 1925, §196; am L 1927, c 202, §1; RL 1935, §7610; RL 1945, §12910; am L 1951, c 132, §1; RL 1955, §57-40; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §9; am L 1965, c 96, §39; HRS §338-41; am L 1970, c 11, §1; am L 1972, c 66, §1(4)]
Case Notes
Prima facie evidence overcome by competent evidence of nonidentification. 4 U.S.D.C. Haw. 258.
Certificate not controlling upon U.S. immigration officials re admission of Chinese. 217 F. 48; 35 Op. U.S. Att. Gen. 69.
(Some of these statutes should be included in the Lawsuit's to show how simple it was to get a Hawaii BC) Dan
Per this post:
Blogger StrangeAppar8us said...
Ed Hale and his guests were calling for armed rebellion tonight. Ed Hale is an insane hillbilly with a computer and a microphone. My guess is that Ed will probably be broadcasting from jail in the very near future.
And, yes, no Federal legislation can "change" the meaning of the Constitution, although successive legislation and Supreme Court rulings have refined, clarified and interpreted the "fuzzier" passages of the Constitution as a matter of course -- the Commerce Clause, for example.
Citing the "Law of Nations" as an authority is a DOA proposition in 2008. You might as well reference the Code of Hammurabi and the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. The "both parents must be US citizens" angle is archaic, inoperative and notably absent from practiced law and established precedent.
Regardless, this seems to be an amusing, abstract pastime the hundreds of Americans who just can't deal with the outcome of November's election, so far be it from me to rain on the fun.
December 31, 2008 11:23 PM
1. The meaning of natural born Citizen was clear to its framers, as (and as I have already referred) Vatel, Tucker, and Bingham spelled out and that is very consistent with John Jay's written intention for the extra-restrictive requirement for a Commander in Chief (a matter of national security). This has been written about in this blog.
2. The sad attempt of this writer to discredit the words and meaning of the Constitution is "exemplary" of the intellectually dishonest attempts of radicals and revisionists to redefine foundational truths and definitions of words. This has been an attack upon the truth and meaning for a long time now in America, has been an attack upon the Bible, the Constitution, is currently an attack on the meaning of marriage, etc.
That does not work in I.O. and it does not work for intellectually honest judges and justices. It only works as a means of falsity and deceit.
The meanings of terms in the Constitution and their clearly implied intentions for the writing of the Constitution are the meanings of those terms forever, in a Constitutional nation.
As to being "sore losers," any reasons to vote for or against Barack Obama (and John McCain) were moot during any balloting. Their presidential candidacies have been fictitious from the outset and must not be allowed, if we are a nation of law.
Who release's information before it s received? My feeling is that this new info is a hoax to direct viewers and attention to their website. For those of us truly wanting answers this make concern citizens more fed up. The bottom line is if you have valid info post it otherwise do no make claims that cannot be immediately validated it is annoying!
CALL TO ACTION - A 20 million letter campaign - DO IT NOW!!!!!! This is our final chance to right this wrong. If you agree, please forward to all those who care. Thank you.
Posted on December 31st, 2008 by David Crockett
Reverend James David Manning has called for people to join a letter writing campaign to the Chief Justice Roberts of the US Supreme Court in this video.
Manning is asking that twenty million letters be sent. My letter, as drafted by WND follows. I encourage you to cut, paste, and mail ASAP. For the cost of one stamp, your voice will be heard by Justice Roberts who will sit in conference on January 9th to discuss whether the SCOTUS will hear Philip Berg’s case, Berg vs. Obama, U.S.S.C. Case No. 08-570, in the U.S. Supreme Court has been scheduled for two [2] Conferences (January 9th and 16th, 2009)…
The address is
January 1, 2009
The Honorable John G. Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States
United States Supreme Court
Defend the Constitution
One First Street, NE
Washington DC 20543
Dear, Honorable Chief Justice Roberts:
If the Constitution doesn't mean precisely what it says, then America is no longer a nation under the rule of law.
A nation no longer under the rule of law is, by definition, under the rule of men.
Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution clearly stipulates "No person except a natural born Citizen" shall be eligible to serve as president of the United States . That statement has clear meaning, and the Supreme Court of the United States is one of the controlling legal authorities in ensuring that the Constitution is enforced – even if doing so may prove awkward.
With the Electoral College set to make its determination Dec. 15 that Barack Hussein Obama Jr. be the next president of the United States, the Supreme Court is holding a conference Friday to review a case challenging his eligibility for the office based on Article 2, Section 1.
I urge you to take this matter most seriously – and judge it only on the clear, unambiguous words of the Constitution: A president must, at the very least, be a "natural born citizen" of the United States.
If you agree that this clear constitutional requirement still matters, the Supreme Court must use its authority to establish, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that Barack Hussein Obama Jr. qualifies for the office under that standard.
There is grave, widespread and rapidly growing concern throughout the American public that this constitutional requirement is being overlooked and enforcement neglected by state and federal election authorities. It's up to the Supreme Court to dispel all doubt that America 's next president is truly a natural born citizen of the United States .
I urge you to honor the Constitution in this matter and uphold the public trust.
your name
When counting the electoral votes, either Congress finds by 1/8/09 that Obama, not being an Article II “natural born citizen”, fails to qualify as President whereupon Biden becomes the full fledged President under 3 USC 19 (free to pick his own VP such as Hillary) or thereafter defers to the Supreme Court to enjoin Obama’s inauguration with Biden becoming only Acting President under the 20th Amendment until a new President is duly determined.
The preferable choice, at least for the Democrats, should seem obvious.
Awesome, absolutely awesome. I hope your hobbies keep you sufficiently distracted for the next 8 years or so. So Obama spent a million dollars to hide his birth certificate? Did he encase it in a gold brick?
This whole blog is just sad. Really pathetic. I almost feel sorry for those of you that can't just face and acknowledge reality.
Obama meets the criteria of the Constitution. He won election pretty convincingly. You really need to accept this and move on.
Oppose him all you like on matters of policy, but he's going to take the oath of office - and he's going to take that oath with his hand on a Bible, too - and you have to deal with it. Seriously. Deal with it, people.
Please explain to me, if the Obama divorce decree was found, why didn't they simply announce the docket # of the case?
All divorces are public record and with the docket # anyone could get a copy of it easily.
This does not inspire confidence:
Two people reported during the broadcast that they had contacted Hale's private investigator yesterday, who indicated he did not thoroughly read the documentation and does not know how it addresses Barack Obama Jr. -- nor did he make a copy for himself.
What kind of private investigator doesn't make a copy for himself?
Response to: Anonymous Anonymous said...
Awesome, absolutely awesome. I hope your hobbies keep you sufficiently distracted for the next 8 years or so. So Obama spent a million dollars to hide his birth certificate? Did he encase it in a gold brick?
January 1, 2009 9:41 PM
Gold bricker? Hm. He spent it on a lot of lawyering, etc. Do you suppose he is covering something up, or just supporting a patronage-lawyer army?
Response to: RickyLarry said...
This whole blog is just sad. Really pathetic. I almost feel sorry for those of you that can't just face and acknowledge reality.
Obama meets the criteria of the Constitution. He won election pretty convincingly. You really need to accept this and move on.
Oppose him all you like on matters of policy, but he's going to take the oath of office - and he's going to take that oath with his hand on a Bible, too - and you have to deal with it. Seriously. Deal with it, people.
January 1, 2009 11:29 PM
Looks like someone hasn't read in I.O. about being a constitutionally allowable president.
Obama is specifically not a constitutional president elect and dealing with that is exactly what we are doing. Now, the rest of America must deal with it before Jan. 20, if we are to have a constitutional government.
Response to: RedHatty said...
Please explain to me, if the Obama divorce decree was found, why didn't they simply announce the docket # of the case?
All divorces are public record and with the docket # anyone could get a copy of it easily.
January 2, 2009 12:05 AM
I confess I neither know the details of divorce law, nor exactly how Hawaii handles it in their jurisdiction. Are you sure that you do, Red?
Response to: Grace Nearing said...
This does not inspire confidence:
Two people reported during the broadcast that they had contacted Hale's private investigator yesterday, who indicated he did not thoroughly read the documentation and does not know how it addresses Barack Obama Jr. -- nor did he make a copy for himself.
What kind of private investigator doesn't make a copy for himself?
The commentator on PlainsRadio conjectured that he may not have wanted to have a hot potato in his possession. Also, that he was in a hurry to do the job he was hired to do, of getting information to his clients.
either way, this country appears to be doomed !
Tom, believe what you want.
The COLB in any state other than Hawaii won't get you a state driver's license, period. This is a fact, so your statement is false. If your born in Hawaii and move to another state, you can obtain one with a fee.
See, Bingo!
Tom Morrison,you sound upset.Could it be you are referencing the wrong divorce? Ann divorced Barack when Barry was a baby. If Ed Hale has the document from that divorce, it may well,show Barry as a Kenyan citizen, to allow the judge to know he was deciding who gets custody of a British citizen.Also, Tom, you are the one that is uninformed, if you had learned the US Constitution in school you would be as outraged as we "uninformed" citizens are. We the people know the law and Barry isn't, and under no circumstances, will ever meet the Qualifications to be President. Sorry Tom.
There are TWO WORDS why the GOP and the GOP-owned Supreme Court and GOP-owned mainstream media will never kick Obama out of the Presidency for not being a natural born citizen, and the two words are these:
Obama's Kenyan birth will NEVER BE DECLARED ILLEGAL BY THE SUPREME COURT. And it will NOT BE REVEALED until he is firmly ensconced as President, at which time the DNC controlled Congress WILL BE FORCED TO AMEND the CONSTITUTION and GUT the "Native-born" requirement to avoid a Constitutional Crisis.
Thereby paving the way for the Terminator to Terminate scrawny Obama, Hillary, or any other possible DNC candidate in 2012 after Obama stupidly escalates the war in the Mideast via Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran and the economy further crashes and burns.
IT'S ALL ABOUT ARNOLD. And eight MORE years of Neocon fascist rule with a hero movie star with faux-left leanings and a Kennedy clan wife and rich liberal Hollywood support.
IT'S A DONE DEAL. Obama and the DNC are TOAST. They fell for Rove's Trojan Horse Kenyan hook, line, and sinker, and now they will be terminated.
It seems to me that all this discussion about his place of birth and birth certificate is moot except as it relates to his inherent dishonesty. The reason it is all moot, never seems to be discussed anywhere and that is that he was a citizen of Indonesia and never went through the process to become an American citizen. HE IS NOT A CITIZEN AT ALL, NATURALIZED OR NATURAL BORN! HE IS AN ILLEGAL ALIEN!
Well, seeing that it is now 1/4 and there had been no update to this story at all, I guess we can assume that it was fake. People need to stop with this fake story crap and actually post something worthwhile and true. I realize that the alt. news is sometimes full of crap, but come on, Obama's fake winning of the election is one of the most important stories of the year.
“Obama has also failed/refused to release any records pertaining to school, college, and medical. Why? Was he registered as a foreign exchange student at both colleges? A retired INS agent who worked when Obama came into the United States stated he distinctly remembered Obama because of his ‘slick’ manners and speech. The agent says that he went back into the INS files and found the information and that Obama came into the USA on a FS-1 pas sport/visa. FS-1 is a foreign student visa clas sification, not a US citizen passport. So, who out there can get into the INS files and find Soreto/Obama’s record of entry into the USA?“
I find it more likely Obama is native born than that Bush won either election.
But what we, as individuals, believe, is immaterial once it clouds our judgements and poisons our relations with our countrymen.
I put up with 8 years of this BS. Now it's your turn. fair is fair. Give up already, for the sake of your ulcer.
It's not just the BC issue that bothers me. It the precedent being set by Obama. Seal your records, hire lawyers to keep your past sealed. Right now you probably like Obama for some reason and its OK if he seals all his records, but what if the next presidential candidate is a James Buchanan, or David Duke. Is it OK if they seal all their records? That's where the problem is - what’s next? You need to fight Now to prevent this type of hiding behind privacy issues to prevent a proper Vetting of the man running for office. He is in a Public Office - his right of Privacy is forever gone. That is just the way it is. Before Kennedy was shot - he warned us about secrecy… The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.
Jasper James said: "Right now you probably like Obama for some reason and its OK if he seals all his records, but what if the next presidential candidate is a James Buchanan, or David Duke. Is it OK if they seal all their records? That's where the problem is - what’s next? You need to fight Now to prevent this type of hiding behind privacy issues to prevent a proper Vetting of the man running for office. "
Excellent point! It's not the MAN that matters, it's the TRUTH that matters. No more coverups!
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