Investigating Obama will likely be making numerous updates within this post, as the afternoon and evening proceed. You might expect some bad spelling, typos, and weird grammar. And, to anyone actually offended by how nutty this all appears to be, just relax and have a sense of humor -- this is just the United States presidency after all. I.O. reports; you decide, hide, or roller-coaster ride. (Ed and Caren Hale, pictured.)
2:25pm CT - Ed Hale has his FedEx package and has made sure that among others, attorney, Stephen Pidgeon is getting a copy. is to post it for public view at 8pm CT, tonight. Ed and others will be 'net audio-wise, too, as previously mentioned.
3:38pm CT - I.O. has gained a pre-release copy of image files of the divorce papers. (BTW, these are the previously unreleased Obama divorce papers, not the Soetoro divorce papers, for any who are still wondering.) I will be examining them over the next few minutes, but will withhold essential information as to how it pertains to BHO II until probably shortly before 8pm, as agreed with Plains Radio.
4:51pm CT - Someone I.O. is not naming has suggested listening to The Shaggs, while waiting for the Plains Radio broadcast. Hm. I.O. confesses it would not have thought of that, but loves you all, too.
5:02pm CT - While, as stated, I will not yet divulge whether or not the divorce decree refers to the citizenship of Barack Obama ("The Fresh Prince of Bill Ayers," as FReeper, Rodney Dangerfield has named him) I will say that this document is significant and do suggest listening to Plains Radio, tonight.
6:10pm CT - Ed Hale is on PlainsRadio live, now. He is proclaiming he has new information (that is beyond me at this point, but don't let that get you down) but will not state yet, what it is. He is exhuberant indeed. Go ahead and listen, if you can. He says they can prove now, that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. That is what he is saying. I'm just hearing. ;-)
6:23pm CT - Ed won't say what exactly he is speaking of, but he believes that one piece of information on the document has lead to further information. He also reports that four pages of the divorce decree information are missing and that he is working with his PI in Hawaii to get them. Also, that the Globe will be reporting further and interviewing him. (Remember, it was National Enquirer that found out about John Edwards.) And now, my PlainsRadio audio feed has gone out.
6:30pm CT - I got the audio back. Ed Hale is convinced he can prove Obama was born in Kenya, with the further, undisclosed evidence. I believe he is convinced.
6:56pm CT - It is the original Hawaiian a birth certificate of BHO II [at a port of entry] that Ed believes he can somehow fish out of the Pacific islands [of public records]. He purports it can be obtained with further work on the ground, now that some bit of information in this divorce decree has been discovered: a different name for Stanley Ann is listed there? I'll have to take another look at those documents.... And, whoever is on the ground may want to start eating out of vending machines and wearing Kevlar -- just kidding about that, aren't I?
7:18pm CT - Okay, Mr. Hale says the birth certificate he seeks is not the Hawaiian vault copy.
7:46pm CT - As for names, I see names on the divorce decree. Stanley Ann is listed in a standard and consistent way. So are both B.H.O's I and II. It would s-e-e-e-m that Hale is referring to another name/person. And here, it isn't even 8:00, yet.
Hale says that the "D." in Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama's name is significant of something. I wouldn't know what, except for her maiden name. You may also note that BHO II is mentioned in two places and place of birth is not mentioned. However...
This is a court declaration that BHO II is in fact the son of BHO I as has been "naturally" assumed. That means that Barack Obama is constitutionally disqualified from being U.S. President, as this Web log has repeatedly explained and has documented -- along with numerous lawyers, historians, and thoughtful Web surfers.
8:28pm CT - Attorney Pidgeon is essentially giving Ed Hale his legal assistance, on the air. Interesting times again, at Plains Radio. Pidgeon explains how BHO II is not a natural born citizen, if born abroad. Further, he explains how Obama's online "Certificate of Live Birth" (COLB) has been altered and in that way (among others, potentially) is invalid. Then, he explains how Hawaii COLB's are not birth certificates of the kind which are required for fundamental identification. Then, he explains how it is admitted knowledge that Stanley Ann's second husband, Lolo Soetoro adopted Barack, whose name was changed to Barry Soetoro and who was registered in an Indonesian elementary school as an Indonesian citizen. After this, the discussion gets into the question of whether Barack Obama might be guilty of criminal fraud, if he were born in another nation.

9:15pm CT - Now, Pidgeon explains how becoming an Indonesian citizen voids the status of natural born Citizen, requiring naturalization, if one is to then become an American citizen, again. And now, the discussion goes to this peculiar, new working assumption of Ed Hale that there is an immigration birth certificate (perhaps my term) for BHO II on file in America and how to gain a copy.
9:26pm CT - Now, Pidgeon discusses the natural born Citizen issue per the foreign father further... friends. There is a difference between controlling authority (law and precedent) and persuasive authority (original intent and meaning, informed by such things as contemporaneous documentation). Pidgeon discusses how the "hard" (my word) British citizenship of BHO II brings weight in terms of controlling authority, as well as the Donofrio doctrine of what Pidgeon refers to as persuasive authority. My personal take as a part-time student of history: the courts should/must defer to hard evidence of persuasive authority in such an instance as this, in order to maintain intellectual/epistemological honesty, though Pidgeon's point is hard-core clear, too. Pidgeon says the courts would consider that they would have to "define" natural born Citizen. I say that if the courts think this, they are foundationally maladjusted. The term has been cast in stone by the Constitution as its known and documented meaning of that time.
9:46pm CT - Now, a caller's question is about the effect of Obama potentially having an Indonesian student visa, when a college student and later. Also, did Obama have an American passport, when he traveled back to Indonesia, in 1981? Can this be discovered? [Yes, can this be discovered, or can it be certified that one does not exist? Can an Indonesian passport be discovered? Not many days left....] Other callers are asking other questions. Pidgeon is very informative.
9:50pm CT - Pidgeon reminds us that the Wrotnowski case is still "pending" and procedurally alive.
The program closes, to the synthesized drum and bugle core music of the Hales' Lion's Den program. It should become available soon, as a streaming archive on the site. Stephen Pidgeon is to revisit Plains Radio on Monday evening. I am sure that Ed Hale and his Plains Radio compatriots will continue to pursue the immigration-? birth certificate issue and that we will hear more about it.
And now, I will invite you to read further in your humble Investigating Obama and suggest that you look into the article in The Right Side of Life, "Dunham v. Obama: Document Confirms Fatherhood,, UK-Kenyan Colonial Law," for a recap of this evening's events, Internet discussion, and documentation. I'm going to read that article for the first time now, myself.
I will take at least one more look into comments for this post, too. There have been numerous ones. Feel free to pass along this and other I.O. postings.
PPS: 12:03am CT - In this broadcast, it was mentioned that staunch defender of the Constitution, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas may be getting interested in standing up for Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5, in Congress, January 8 -- and hopefully in prior discussions with colleagues. I repeat: we also need a U.S. Senator to protest for the Constitution, a.s.a.p.
As a lawyer, can't wait to see this document....
this is going to be very interesting...
I'm sorry but Ed Hale is losing all credibility on many message boards after this nonsense.
First it was delayed, then it is received but to view it you need a secret password. then the wonderfully insulting message to his readers and supporters:
"So you want to see the Obama Sr and Dunham divorce paper, well if you don't have a password, you chit out of luck."
You see this on the first page to the secret document.
Now a delay until 8 pm CT tonight.
No one - absolutely no one is ever going to believe another thing that Ed says, especially if this document - which he has already back-pedaled on as to it's contents - turns out to be a non-event.
I am sorry for you, as you have tried to objectively report this, but Ed is making you look like a fool.
This is just Bull.
The Democratic Party of IL already checked and they said he was good to go. What do you people want? Do you not believe the IL Democrats? Mr. Obama is a NBC. This whole line of inquiry should just go away. I know if this issue was only an IL one they would just make it go away. Chicago politicians know how to get past this garbage. I'm glad Obama will be POTUS. He'll know how to fix these things and make them go away.
“Ed Hale got the divorcee decree of Dunham vs Obama Sr.”
Posted on Friday, January 02, 2009 2:16:10 PM by patriot08
Ed Hale of Plains Radio has secured a copy of the Dunham/Obama divorce decree as promised. He has registered this at the courthouse and has turned the document over to lawyers who are reported to be happy and enthused over the contents.
This is the first page. This is all that can be divulged at this time as those who have seen the decree are sworn to silence. You may hear information about it tonight on Ed's plainsradio show.
My friend, you must learn to spell. "Posstion" is not a word.
We are just all going to have to be patient to find out what the document states. Let's reserve judgment until then. Even if it doesn't turn out to be what we hope, I'm still very grateful to Ed Hale for not just sitting back and allowing this violation of our constitution to take place without making any effort to stop it. You all should be too. If a man tramples the constitution to get elected, don't fool yourself into thinking that he won't violate it again after the fact to get his agenda through.
Right on, P.H.
Obama is virtually on record in that WBEZ interview, that he is in favor of abusing the Constitution, for the sake of Marxism.
"Obama is virtually on record in that WBEZ interview, that he is in favor of abusing the Constitution, for the sake of Marxism."
You cannot label Obama.
Try as you might he will be the next POTUS and now there are also a few "Right Thinking" Chicago people appointed too!
This whole issue(NBC) is just Saturday paper garbage and will be buried if it ever does see the light of day. Notice how the MSM handles it. That's how Chicago takes care of its own.
who ever said this, This is just Bull.
The Democratic Party of IL already checked and they said he was good to go. What do you people want? Do you not believe the IL Democrats?
Dude where can i get what your smokin, that has to be some of the best stuff known to man. Are you freakin kiddin me, the democratic party of IL. The most corrupt state in the country. I guess you believe that because Obama's own attorney said he was good to go in Blago gate he is cleared of all wrong doing. Smoke some more, then eat a smore. Get out of here.
I can't believe you linked to the SHAGS! They are wonderful.
Seriously damainman what are you talking about. The Obama staff did a though examination and came forth with an honest report that no one with their camp had done anything wrong.
Blago is only alleged to have done something. Just some “down state” BS.
IL is run from Chicago and soon the downstate people will be under thumb and that story will all go away.
Notice how regardless of a vocal minority that our Chicago guy Blago still got to appoint the IL Senator.
They were just upset because Burris is another one of our Chicago people and they are losing even what little power they do have down state.
"Do you not believe the IL Democrats?" ROFL because I know you can't be serious! I live in Illinois and believe me you can't trust any Chicago politician!
"I live in Illinois and believe me you can't trust any Chicago politician!"
That comment must be from one of the disgruntled down-state'er. That lost their voice in how things are done and now they whine. Well there’s nothing you can do about it. Our Chicago guy Obama is going to be POTUS and things are going to be run the Chicago way from now on across the whole Country!
As to Barack Obama's BEZ interview where he places himself squarely into the Marxist agenda and speaks of the abuse of the Constitution and judicial branch for the red cause, it is on the I.O. sidebar, about halfway down, entitled, "Barack Obama, Strategist of Forced Redistribution."
You can listen to that, or The Shags. Or, maybe both, together. Maybe listen to both, then listen to Leo Donofrio's Usurper song.
Obama was thoroughly scrubbed a long, long time ago. Chicago knows how to take care of its own.
Nobody saw nothing, nobody knows nothing.
Best spend your time trying to get on the right side.
There is nothing to see here move along...
Exactly what do you mean by this: "Best spend your time trying to get on the right side."
If he's a fraud, how can we get on his right side?
What in the whole is that "The Shags" stuff?
"Exactly what do you mean by this: "Best spend your time trying to get on the right side.""
There is ONE political party in Chicago and that's just how we want it.
Take a hint and get on board.
There is nothing to the Obama NBC story or any other. Try to find some dirt on him...nothing. Just second hand junk and irrelevant acquaintances. You cant pin a thing on Obama. Just try and find some background on him...nothing. He is what the IL Dem party says he is and that’s that.
This is it folks, if we can just get Ed enough money he'll be able to stop Obama!!!!
You guys are great, you'll believe anything. The Get Whitey tape, API, and now ED "If I can get enough money I can prove everything!" Hale.
Now I understand how 419 scammers make a living.
Cool! Thanks for the updates.
Nothing to see here.
The internet feed will now be terminated...wait for it...
Is this history in the making?
IO - How much of a cut is Ed giving you? I'd hold out for at least 20% of the donations!
Re: Anonymous said...
IO - How much of a cut is Ed giving you? I'd hold out for at least 20% of the donations!
January 2, 2009 7:01 PM
Um, a thousand cuts? -- as in death by?
Arlen, I've been though the divorce documents several times, and see nothing even remotely interesting. Nothing new about the name "Stanley Ann D. Obama". I have no idea where Ed thinks he's going with this, but would sure like a hit of whatever he's smoking.
He's smoking $100 bills, isn't it obvious?
what a joke. and what a fool I am for even hoping for a minute that Ed would actually produce anything useful
Ed's never heard the name before, even though it's on Obama's Mother's Wikipedia page?
I think Ed mentioned that she had used the name "Durham" instead of "Dunham".
Great journalism! Current minute by minute, and new fresh information from streaming audio and web page updates. We are in a new age. In the meantime, I found this website for the newbies on Obama's citizenship issue. Newbies can go to for background.
Brilliant, Ed had people on the edge of their seat and donate money so we can see a document where she abbreviates her maiden name in a divorce document. That's a real breakthrough!!!
So the bottom line is: (a) 4 pages are missing—four important pages; (b) the rest of the pages don't say anything substantial; (c) they haven't yet found the original birth certificate, and they may need a lawsuit to get it—and nobody knows if that will work.
Great journalism? A lot of non-information! Absolutely worthless. No proof. No nothing. I really hope Ed is right, but at the moment, we don't have anything.
Why dont you people get out of your moms basement every once in a while. The big yellow disk in the sky will not hurt you.
Ed is related to those guys that claimed they found Big Foot earlier this year. He is following the same playbook.
Let me get this straight, the big revelation is that Obama is related to his Kenyan father, something he's repeatedly written about himself? Brilliant!
At the rate this guy is going, we will finally find out about
Obama after he has completed his second term in office.
When counting the electoral votes, either Congress finds by 1/8/09 that Obama, not being an Article II “natural born citizen”, fails to qualify as President whereupon Biden becomes the full fledged President under 3 USC 19 (free to pick his own VP such as Hillary) or thereafter defers to the Supreme Court to enjoin Obama’s inauguration with Biden becoming only Acting President under the 20th Amendment until a new President is duly determined.
The preferable choice, at least for the Democrats, should seem obvious.
Re. Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let me get this straight, the big revelation is that Obama is related to his Kenyan father, something he's repeatedly written about himself? Brilliant!
January 2, 2009 8:28
Yet, that is enough to show that Obama is constitutionally disqualified from being U.S. President.
Arlen -
Again, this is nothing new, Obama has already admitted his father was Kenyan. Why pretend this is something new?
Color me confused, but Im not sure why so much emphasis is put on Obama's father, when clearly it is his MOTHER'S citizenship that is his "natural born" link.
From everything Ive gleaned, she needed to have resided a minimum number of years AFTER the age of 14 in the US. Now, the language IS confusing, but what seems patently clear to me is that Obama's father's citizenship here is not the issue.
What about all this bs about how the divorce decree would prove he was born in Kenya?!
We have absolutely 0 new information that we didn't have earlier today.
Ed is indeed hoisted upon his own petard!
Obfuscation seems overwhelmingly predominant.
The argument that he's not a natural born citizen if his father was Kenyan has been made many times by many people.
But the divorce decree that you and Ed made such a big deal about has absolutely nothing to do with anything. It was simply a fund raising exercise.
You have no shame.
Arlen, your comment is wrong. The new document of course proves that Obama Sr. is BO's father, but that does NOT automatically prove that he's "constitutionally disqualified" from being preznit. The double-jurisdiction-thing is just an argument that Donofrio/Wrotnowski have made—and it needs a court to decide if that argument is correct or not. I mean, we all KNOW that the Donofrio argument is in all probability correct, but in itself it's no proof. So it's not enough. We either need proof that Obama was born abroad — OR we need a court's decision that the Donofrio interpretation of the Constitution is correct — OR both! If none of that happens, Obama will inaugurate.
Let me see if I can predict the future.
Ed is going to come back in a few days and say that he has found those missing four pages and they contain some secret evidence. He is then going to hype this show across the internet. Then during the show, he is going to tell us what we already know.
irishgirl, Obama's father's citizenship is important because to be a natural born citizen of the U.S. one must be born within the U.S. of TWO CITIZEN parents. The mother alone is not sufficient for natural born citizenship. Obama was born a British subject through his father, later became a Kenyan citizen, which he has admitted; these facts make him NOT a natural born citizen, and therefore NOT ELIGIBLE for POTUS.
CalifGirlinMaine - And how does this document Ed and IO have been hyping help us with that argument? Obama has always said his father was Kenyan.
Obama will be a great president!!!
CalifGirlInMaine: You're making the same mistake. There is no proof. There is no precedent. This is just an opinion, an interpretation. It needs a court decision. Donofrio said himself that his constitutional interpretation was a matter of "first impression". So if you say that he's "not eligible", it's not fact, but opinion.
Re. Anonymous Anonymous said...
Arlen, your comment is wrong. The new document of course proves that Obama Sr. is BO's father, but that does NOT automatically prove that he's "constitutionally disqualified" from being preznit. The double-jurisdiction-thing is just an argument that Donofrio/Wrotnowski have made—and it needs a court to decide if that argument is correct or not. I mean, we all KNOW that the Donofrio argument is in all probability correct, but in itself it's no proof. So it's not enough. We either need proof that Obama was born abroad — OR we need a court's decision that the Donofrio interpretation of the Constitution is correct — OR both! If none of that happens, Obama will inaugurate.
January 2, 2009 9:04 PM
As demonstrated thoroughly in this blog and in other essays, the original meaning and intent of Article 2's natural born Citizen term is clear and definite. It requires original, purely self-evident citizenship of the U.S.A. from birth, with no competing allegiances as are recognized by the U.S.A. (including the common, international law at the time of the framing of the Constitution and the laws of the U.K., in the case of BHO II). The epistemology is iron clad -- and nothing short of a constitutional amendment can change it -- it is immutable legal truth.
There are two arguments here -
One if that if Obama's father was Kenyan (which everyone admits he was) then Obama can't be a Natural Born Citizen. People are acting like this is some sort of done deal, when in fact it's simply a legal interpretation (one of many) that has no value unless it's upheld by a court.
The other is that he was born outside of the US. That of course would be a much more shut-and-closed case, but we're still lacking evidence here.
Bottom line is that for all the hype we have absolutely NO new evidence that we didn't already have. The entire "We've got an important document we'll release at 8pm" was a big fraud designed to raise funds.
Obamaots are on the blog....
As defenders of the U.S. Constitution, we say welcome....
In prior communications, I have minimized the significance of this event; please allow me to correct.
There is a landslide; there is a tidal wave; there is a cataclysm of obfuscation.
I actually linked to this cataclysm of obfuscation.
Are you Obama?
Thank you for a succint answer; but you better think carefully about it.
from another poster on another blog:
The child can be a US citizen regardless where he’s born if both parents are citizens, but when one parent is a citizen, the parent must be over 16 and a citizen for 5 of the last 10 years…because she was 18 when she had him, she was only a citizen for 2 years before she had him at 18…
I am wondering if Obamaots understand that Senator Obama along with Sen. McCaskill and others put into effect on April 10, 2008, the Senate Resolution 511.
In the resolution that applied to John McCain, to be a natural born citizen, you had to be born to American citizen parents (plural), not just one and born on U.S. soil.
By Senator Obama sponsoring the bill, he KNEW that he was not a natural born citizen.
Either he is stupid or he thinks he is above the law.
Arlen, of course all the arguments for the Donofrio-interpretation have been thoroughly demonstrated—and I think they're all correct—, but it's not "truth". It's just a bunch of arguments. It becomes truth, when there's a court decision. The SCOTUS declined to hear the two cases and decide, which is why Donofrio was so disappointed. At the moment we have nothing except our arguments, but that's not enough. I repeat: We either need proof that BO was born abroad OR (since there's no precedent) we need a court ruling that a citizen under double-jursdiction can't be a US natural born citizen.
Anonymous said: "In the resolution that applied to John McCain, to be a natural born citizen, you had to be born to American citizen parents (plural), not just one and born on U.S. soil."
Resolution 511 is legally invalid, it's an opinion, not supported by any court ruling. It's not "truth", it's not binding law. So any argument based on S.Res.511 is irrelevant.
That should be no problem because Ed claims he knows where to get the birth certificate proving Obama was born overseas, he just needs money!
(quote)Arlen, of course all the arguments for the Donofrio-interpretation have been thoroughly demonstrated—and I think they're all correct—, but it's not "truth". It's just a bunch of arguments. It becomes truth, when there's a court decision. The SCOTUS declined to hear the two cases and decide, which is why Donofrio was so disappointed. At the moment we have nothing except our arguments, but that's not enough. I repeat: We either need proof that BO was born abroad OR (since there's no precedent) we need a court ruling that a citizen under double-jursdiction can't be a US natural born citizen.(end quote)
AGREED. This is (to my mind) a very accurate analysis.
by the way, Berg's case is the case that originally brought up the issue of Indonesian citizenship after his adoption by Lolo Soetoro. Berg felt that Ann's marriage and Lolo's adoption, coupled with Barack's residency in Indonesia (a country which did not allow dual citizenship) were problematic. I think Berg's suit has legs, he just needs standing.
Obama's legitimacy hangs on the interpretation of the courts now...
To Obamaot:
The issue is not whether Senate Resolution 511 is controlling authority, it is not. It is isn't even authority.
What it does prove that Obama had Knowledge (or should have known) as the other Senators who unanimously approved the bill, that they defined natural born citizen as (one whose parents are American citizens (plural) and born in U.S. mainland/territory).
Either Obama does not read or he has no clue what he is signing into to law. By doing that he has ADMITTED to having knowledge of what a natural born citizen is and can be used as EVIDENCE IN A COURT OF LAW.
Looks like the only way to get beyond the lack, thus far, of proof of Kenyan born, is to get hands on that alleged "port of entry" BC that is assumed to state that fact of Kenyan birth ... but then again that is just assumption. Ed, once again, is enthusiastically assuming that, not only does such a "port of entry" BC exist, but that it will be easily accessible. If everything else has been sealed and with all of this prior advertising by Ed of its existence, why wouldn't there already be some action taken to keep such a thing from getting out as well. Everyone may just hope.
Pidgeon's arguments on the Indonesia-episode are also irrelevant. The term is natural BORN citizen. The only relevant status is status at BIRTH. Even if BO had been an Indonesian citizen and re-entered into US citizenship somehow, he would STILL be a natural born citizen. Nothing can take natural born citizenship away from you, because it's a natural attribute, automatically in effect, at birth.
The only relevance lies with the birthplace (US or abroad) or the dual-jurisdiction argument.
(quote)Pidgeon's arguments on the Indonesia-episode are also irrelevant. The term is natural BORN citizen. The only relevant status is status at BIRTH. Even if BO had been an Indonesian citizen and re-entered into US citizenship somehow, he would STILL be a natural born citizen. Nothing can take natural born citizenship away from you, because it's a natural attribute, automatically in effect, at birth.(end quote)
respectfully, I submit that a person can RENOUNCE their citizenship and if they fail to reclaim it, they LOSE it (which is Berg's argument if I understand him correctly)
"Nothing can take natural born citizenship away from you, because it's a natural attribute, automatically in effect, at birth."
That's simply not true. One can give up one's citizenship - of any type. I know for a fact of someone with indisputeable "Natural Born" citizenship who gave up that U.S. citizenship and cannot re-enter the country without papers necessary to any other non-citizen - just for a visit. He would have to go through a re - naturalized process.
irishgrl: You can never lose something that is natural by and at birth. You can lose or renounce US citizenship, but that's something else. And you're right: If you don't reclaim your original citizenship, you're not a citizen, and the US citizenship remains lost. But it doesn't change the fact that you're a natural born US citizen, even if you're not a US citizen anymore.
Anonymous said: "He would have to go through a re - naturalized process."
Correct. But that wouldn't change the fact that he's a natural born citizen.
It is not LEGALLY possible to "lose" your citizenship unless you renounce it, which you can only do after the age of 18. So IF there ever was any attempt to make BO a citizen of Indonesia--and there is no evidence for this attempt--it would not affect his citizenship in any way. He was born here. That's all that matters.
But please continue because this makes me laugh. There's the Whitey Tape/Larry Sinclair's Limo Driver/ the API Michelle Obama tape/ The Kenyan Birth Certificate/The Supreme Court Case... there always seems to be something about to happen... Somehow it never does, no evidence ever appears, Barack Obama's approval only goes higher and the people on the fringe only get crazier. At least it's very entertaining for people that are sane!
Anonymous said: "He was born here. That's all that matters."
No. It's NOT all that matters. He was under double jurisdiction at birth—his citizenship status was governed by the laws of the British Empire. So please, tell me, how the citizenship status of a natural born citizen—something that comes into effect naturally at birth, something that is not dependent on any laws—can be governed by citizenship laws, let alone those of a foreign nation? How can something that's not natural be natural?
And PS: It's not even clear, if he was born on US soil. There is NO proof he was born in Hawaii.
Looks like Obama has been successful in taking out of circulation all his records or portions thereof that link him directly to a Kenyan birth. Ed is not playing with a full deck. (There were 4 pages missing, idiot). Let me know when he claims to have full proof again. Back to the video games.
Yup, we need those four pages—if they contain anything of value at all—, and something tells me that they will NOT show up on Tuesday or Wednesday. Or we need the "port of entry birth certificate". I'd really like to know how they will be able to receive a copy of that BC. You can't simply walk in their and xerox the thing. And as Donofrio has elaborated again and again, no court will allow you to access personal documents of another individual. This may actually be a dead end.
"Correct. But that wouldn't change the fact that he's a natural born citizen."
I think you mean "that he ONCE WAS a born citizen". You still appear to deny the framer's definition of the "Natural Born" portion - to your own convenience and liking as well as the interruption of citizenship in question. I mean ... if someone gives up one's citizenship and cannot re-enter, legally, the U.S., due to that fact, then I doubt if he would be able to "campaign" for the position you wish to still extend to him. It would be, if known, just physically impossible if not otherwise. But if records are kept sealed so that public knowledge of one's history is not accessible to the public, one may just pull off a hoax esp. if those held by law to certify proper legal passage are delinquent of duty! There also appears to be actions taken by the man in question at later years of his life that knowingly take advantage of the former citizenship question which would make him quite knowledgable of his legal status at the time of those actions!!
What is a "point of entry birth certificate"? I wasn't aware they gave out birth certificates at points of entry.
Obama's approval rating is currently at about 80%. By sheer coincidence, the idiots on this website have fried about 80% of their brain cells. I will say though that I give you tremendous credit for all this hard work. You are willing to leave no stone unturned, no matter how many times you get scammed.
You must be warned though, the deadline looms! In about three weeks Obama will be inaugurated and Homeland Security will throw all of you into the nearest jail! OK, I am kidding about the jail part....but still--tick tock!!
Anonymous said: "You still appear to deny the framer's definition of the "Natural Born" portion"
No. I'm just saying that natural BORN is something in existence at BIRTH, no matter what happens later. That's basically Donofrio's argument, but it might be incorrect. If a court says (or if there's proof/precedent) that discarding citizenship retroactively annihilates something that's a natural part of your persona at birth, then so be it. But then there would be no value WHATSOEVER to the term/status "natural born citizen".
Anonymous wrote: "In about three weeks Obama will be inaugurated"
If a court finds him ineligible, he can inaugurate (or have inaugurated) as often as he likes. He still won't be a legitimate President. He'll simply be removed from office. There won't even be an impeachment, because you can only impeach legitimate Presidents.
If there's no court ruling, these serious doubts will remain as long as he remains in office.
Your website has a serious Obot infestation. If they are secure in their beliefs then why are they here?
You got Nothing, you got nothing on BO that the public will understand/care about or that the MSM will pick up.
Better do better than this. Where is the smoking gun. Where is they BC from Kenya...nothing.
I sure hope you guys keep this citizenship stuff going because you are simply revealing what a bunch of nitwits you are.
The more you keep this up, the more you discredit the right.
Anonymous wrote: "Where is they BC from Kenya?"
You don't seem to be paying attention. Even if BO was born on US soil, there is a huge possibility that he's not a natural born citizen because he was under dual jurisdiction at birth, which is a fact that he has admitted himself. (He has also admitted that he is a "native born citizen", which is different from "natural born citizen".) All it takes is a court to hear the case and decide on the issue. Nobody would need a "BC from Kenya".
I think that when you make a big, big, big deal about something, you can expect to have someone make fun of you, at least good-naturedly, when it turns out you have just been scammed.
I don't mean anyone any ill will. If my candidate had lost, I would have been broken-hearted. No doubt, I would be doing the same thing all of you are doing and chasing any possible conspiracy. So, by all means, you should get it out of your system.
Still, it's been two months since the election. And the Inauguration is in a few weeks. One would hope you will find some closure soon.
If he finds the BC its worth 1Million
Anonymous wrote: "This is just Racist BS. Obama will be your Black Pres no matter what you white people or the constitution says."
I'm black, and I'm a Democrat, and I'm a former Obama supporter. Now… how's that?
irishgrl: You can never lose something that is natural by and at birth. You can lose or renounce US citizenship, but that's something else. And you're right: If you don't reclaim your original citizenship, you're not a citizen, and the US citizenship remains lost. But it doesn't change the fact that you're a natural born US citizen, even if you're not a US citizen anymore.
that is why his MOTHER'S citizenship is crucial. If he was adopted by an Indonesian national, then the only link he has is thru his mother, and if she fails to satisfy the citizenship requirements herself, and he fails to reclaim his own citizenship on his own behalf, he de facto loses it on both counts (if I am understanding this correctly)
Anonymous wrote: "Your website has a serious Obot infestation. If they are secure in their beliefs then why are they here?"
Very good point. :)
"But then there would be no value WHATSOEVER to the term/status "natural born citizen".
Of course there is. If someone applies to be POTUS and can link an otherwise unaltered citizenship status to that condition at birth of Natural Born then he is eligible. He would have the advantage due to that particular character of his birth status over another born citizen with same unaltered history of pure linkage to his particular but different kind of birth condition. The framers did not want any kind of historically living influence that could possibly taint true loyalty to country by a candidate for POTUS. Obviously if one gives up that privilege of citizenship and has another country's citizenship attached to himself that new condition as well falls upon the intention of the framers' rejection of dual loyalties in the same way.
Huge possibility? It's a legal argument made by a few lawyers. Big deal, any lawyer can make a legal argument and that doesn't give it any weight.
The fact is that *most* Constitutional lawyers and judges that have weighed in on this topic don't happen to agree with it.
So the odds that you'll get a court to agree with this interpretation are in fact quite low. Better keep looking for that Kenyan birth certificate.
You'll remind me a little of people who stop paying their income tax because they heard some attorney on some radio show claim that the 16th amendment wasn't properly ratified.
by the way, and for the record: I am a Democrat, and I voted FOR Obama. But, as a Democrat, I do NOT want the same cloud hanging over Obama then hung over the usurper GW Bush, who rigged 2 elections and led this country down the road to economic ruin to further the agenda of the frigging war hawks.
I think Obama is far far better as a candidate for the position of POTUS, however, as a Democrat, and as an AMERICAN, the last thing I want is for any stain of illegitimacy to hang over his head the way it did over the Bushwacker.
irishgirl: Correct only if he wasn't born on US soil. If he was born in Hawaii—and at the moment there is NOTHING that proves otherwise—he could have easily reclaimed US citizenship. But if he was actually born abroad, then he wasn't even a US citizen at birth, due to the INA regulations at the time.
In any case, I don't see how you can be a natural born CITIZEN, if you're not a citizen (i.e. if you've renounced your citizenship). But my argument (which might be wrong!) is based on Donofrio's interpretation that if you regain your US citizenship, a "re-naturalization process" does not void the fact that you were (and still are—or rather: are again) a natural born citizen, because that's a natural status at birth.
Anonymous wrote: "The fact is that *most* Constitutional lawyers and judges that have weighed in on this topic don't happen to agree with it."
Nope. There is no precedent, no court ruling. There are only opinions at this moment, and the majority actually *does* agree. This might however be due to the fact that the rest doesn't care, isn't paying attention, remains ignorant.
One of the few mainstream constitutional lawyers, who did dare to speak on this issue, actually stated on MSNBC's Countdown that Donofrio's case had merit. So how does that fit into your observation? Or is it only your wishful thinking?
What's the name of the "mainstream" Constitutional lawyer who said Donofrio's case had merit?
What I suspect he said was that it was an area that he felt the SC should clarify, which is far from saying he agreed with Donofrio's argument.
I voted for Obama, my family voted for Obama, I even volunteered for Obama. With the confusion surrounding his birth, I simply dismissed it as another senseless conspiracy theory. Then somebody pointed me to this website, an FAQ on Obama's birth
The FAQ raised many issues and the answers clearly put me in my place - that Obama has not been forthright with his citizenship. I felt Obama conned me, his volunteers, his party, and the hard working citizens of America.
All the mounting evidence, daily, points to the same thing - Obama is a smart and slick speechmaker but also a conman.
I feel violated. I feel betrayed. I feel fooled.
Obama, answer me this: Are you really a natural born citizen?
If you allege to be NBC as what you did when you filled up the application for the position of POTUS, but in reality documents will show you are not, then this is deliberate, outright, intentional fraud, aggravated by the fact that you are also a Harvard Law honor graduate.
Obama, are you a natural born?
And for you Obama Robot, use your intelligence. Do not be blinded by a slick talking con man. Hitler was a slick talking con man, don't forget that Obamabots.
From a former Obama supporter.
irishgirl wrote: "the usurper GW Bush, who rigged 2 elections"
I'm a Democrat, but I think that's a bit hard. I know he's no angel, but a usurper? Any proof that he rigged two elections?
You wrote: "I think Obama is far far better as a candidate for the position of POTUS"
I even think he's the best there is at the moment. But if he's ineligible, he's ineligible. And once inaugurated, he'd be illegitimate. Period. Constitution first. If one doesn't like that, he should work toward amending the Constitution. That's what Schwarzenegger has been saying: "I can't run for Preznit, but I want to. So I would like to amend the Constitution." That's honest.
irishgirl: Correct only if he wasn't born on US soil. If he was born in Hawaii—and at the moment there is NOTHING that proves otherwise—he could have easily reclaimed US citizenship. But if he was actually born abroad, then he wasn't even a US citizen at birth, due to the INA regulations at the time.
In any case, I don't see how you can be a natural born CITIZEN, if you're not a citizen (i.e. if you've renounced your citizenship). But my argument (which might be wrong!) is based on Donofrio's interpretation that if you regain your US citizenship, a "re-naturalization process" does not void the fact that you were (and still are—or rather: are again) a natural born citizen, because that's a natural status at birth.
sorry, not convinced. Obama may have the luxury of using any of his passports at his discretion, which might explain why he used his Indonesian passport instead of his US passport during his past travels. That said, it doesnt address the fact that he was ADOPTED by his step father and lived in a country that did NOT recognize dual citizenship. He did NOT later re-claim his US citizenship, which I understand he would have needed to do prior to taking up any US job such as Senator for example.
NO, Obama, whether he was born here or abroad, has several issues that he needs to put to rest, and stonewalling and evasion will only delay the inevitable. If I were him, Id be trotting out my long form vault copy and waving it in everyone's face as often as necessary. The fact that he doesnt is very unsettling as far as Im concerned...
Anonymous wrote: "What I suspect he said was that it was an area that he felt the SC should clarify, which is far from saying he agreed with Donofrio's argument."
Yes, possibly, but that's all we're asking for!!! If SCOTUS rules that Obama is natural born, then that's a fact. It's precedent. Period. There would be no more need for arguments.
I'm a Democrat, but I think that's a bit hard. I know he's no angel, but a usurper? Any proof that he rigged two elections?
You wrote: "I think Obama is far far better as a candidate for the position of POTUS"
I even think he's the best there is at the moment. But if he's ineligible, he's ineligible. And once inaugurated, he'd be illegitimate. Period. Constitution first. If one doesn't like that, he should work toward amending the Constitution. That's what Schwarzenegger has been saying: "I can't run for Preznit, but I want to. So I would like to amend the Constitution." That's honest.
I have made no bones about the fact that I want Obama to occupy the White House LEGITIMATELY.
As for proof of Bush's 2 rigged elections, Im more than happy to comply, please visit my website, leave your email and I will give you my support.
OK, so tell us *why* you think the divorce records are significant.
irishgrl, you're of course right that there are lots of issues concerning his period in Indonesia, but again: it's not relevant. Either he's natural born (at birth), or he's not, the latter being more probable (dual jurisdiction). It wouldn't matter what he did later in Indonesia (or any other country). Not that I wouldn't like to see it cleared up, but it wouldn't help with regard to his eligibility problem.
QUOTE: "OK, so tell us *why* you think the divorce records are significant."
They are not very significant. The only thing now proven because of these records is that BO Sr. was actually BO Jr.'s father, and that therefore Obama was under dual British-US jurisdiction at birth.
Anything beyond that is conjecture. Nobody knows what the 4 missing pages contain, nobody knows if we'll ever see these pages. Nobody knows if we'll ever see a copy of the "port of entry BC".
Who contested the fact that BO Sr was Obama's father? Certainly not Obama himself, who said it repeatedly.
So how can anyone claim this is new news?
Is there even such an animal as a "port of entry birth certificate"? I searched around and couldn't find the term anywhere.
Certainly sites indicating you needed to show you BC at a port of entry, but nothing about port of entries creating BCs. Personally I think Ed made it up.
QUOTE: "Who contested the fact that BO Sr was Obama's father?"
There are some fringe lunatics who claim that he's the son of a different man.
QUOTE: "Certainly not Obama himself, who said it repeatedly.
So how can anyone claim this is new news?"
I never claimed it was news. Ed Hale claimed it was. I actually stated above that today's "revelations" are all a bunch of non-information. It's merely a corroboration of what was already common opinion, but still: valid proof.
My comment was to the IO writer who wrote on the front page "It is also a mistake to think that these divorce records are not significant."
QUOTE: "Is there even such an animal as a "port of entry birth certificate"? I searched around and couldn't find the term anywhere.
Certainly sites indicating you needed to show you BC at a port of entry, but nothing about port of entries creating BCs. Personally I think Ed made it up."
Port of entries don't create BCs, correct. They apparently store a copy of the original BC—at least they did in this case, if we want to believe Ed Hale.
Wow! So Obama's father was from Kenya??
Come to think of it....wait....
Wasn't there some book or something? I think it was called "Dreams from My Father?". I think Obama wrote it.'s been on the New York Times Best Sellers list for about 3 years, more than 2 million copies in print. And actually, isn't it all about his Kenyan father?
It's really a shame that no one read it until now. They may have learned this crucial information earlier.
QUOTE: "My comment was to the IO writer who wrote on the front page "It is also a mistake to think that these divorce records are not significant.""
And I happen to disagree with the author of that sentence.
The idea that port of entries would keep copies of BCs from everyone that went through is ridiculous.
Sure, if someone is going through some sort of immigration action they'd keep copies, but everyone just passing through that particular port? Please.
Of course the IO writer thinks the divorce papers are significant, he can hardly hype Ed's show for days and then come out and say it was nothing new.
Are you intellectually-challenged? This is the firt legally acceptable proof that Obama was Brit at birth. He is not a Natural Born.
So far all information from OBama are not based on evidentiary proof that is legally acceptable.
Obama claims to be Natural Born but until now he has not given a legally acceptable proof except Obamabots like you who claim that Obama is NBC.
Even Obama has not "orally" claimed he is Natural Born becase he knows he isnt.
The only people who claim Obama is Natural Born are stupid Obamabots like you. Even Obama has never "personally and orally" claimed to be NBC.
Stop mouthing your stupid arguments here. Use your brain.
*********** quote **********
Wow! So Obama's father was from Kenya??
Come to think of it....wait....
Wasn't there some book or something? I think it was called "Dreams from My Father?". I think Obama wrote it.'s been on the New York Times Best Sellers list for about 3 years, more than 2 million copies in print. And actually, isn't it all about his Kenyan father?
It's really a shame that no one read it until now. They may have learned this crucial information earlier.
The funny thing is that the tinhats can't even keep their story straight. Ed is going on about how the D was significant because that means they can now find the birth certificate.
Other tinhats think it's important because it proves something that was never in contention. Geniuses all!
QUOTE: "Sure, if someone is going through some sort of immigration action they'd keep copies, but everyone just passing through that particular port? Please."
My thoughts exactly. But if we decide to believe Ed Hale, Obama was born in Kenya, and therefore he (and possibly also his father) actually had to go through immigration, which is why they stored a copy of the BC.
Or vice versa: If we decide to believe Ed Hale that the port of entry actually has a copy of Obama's original BC, it could mean that he went through immigration, because he was not a US citizen at the time.
IF—we decide to believe Ed Hale. ;)
QUOTE: "Obama claims to be Natural Born but until now he has not given a legally acceptable proof except Obamabots like you who claim that Obama is NBC."
WRONG!!! What many people tend to forget is that Obama is not a liar in this respect. He has only claimed to be a "native born citizen", and he has admitted that his citizenship status was governed by British nationality laws.
"Re: Are you intellectually-challenged? This is the firt legally acceptable proof that Obama was Brit at birth. He is not a Natural Born."
No, my friend. I think you are the one who is absurdly stupid. Even the birth certificate that Obama has put out--the one you claim is fake--says that his father is from Kenya. NO one has ever said otherwise. It is accepted as fact. It is not disputed. If you stop an 8-year old walking down the street and ask him where the President-elect's father was born, he will say Kenya.
So, if this is accepted as fact and NO ONE, not the Supreme court, or any elected official or anyone outside of the fringe has felt it somehow disqualifies Obama, then I think that tells you that your interpretation of the Constitution is not one that's accepted by any relevant person or institution.
It's one thing to continue to argue that you are right. It is ANOTHER ENTIRELY to that you have even more proof of something that is already accepted as fact, then somehow that makes your argument more legitimate.
I cannot emphasize how incredibly, bizarrely, insanely stupid your argument is.
But at least now you know that all of your hard work has finally confirmed that Obama's father is from Kenya! Maybe now someone will actually care.
So much BS on this site. Obama was born in Hawaii, which makes him a citizen and therefore qualified as my next president. Not that it matters where someone is born in order for them to be a good American and good president.
This was at Even though I think you are all crazy, it's wrong for someone to take advantage. STOP giving this idiot money.
ANOTHER HOAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
written by MommaERadioRebels, January 03, 2009
I was asked by Mr. Berg's office to release this statement to all of you. The Divorce Documents that you are all talking about that was discussed on a certain Radio Show tonight has been in Mr. Berg's possession for months. They are PUBLIC RECORDS.
There is nothing in them and that is why they have not been published until they were published today on my web site. The reason they were released for public viewing today was to prove to everyone that NO where does it state that Obama was born in Kenya, nor is there any alias or hidden meaning/information in the 8 page document. The name Stanly Ann D. (stands fo her maiden name of Dunham) Obama is not an alias, but her legal name at the time of the filing.
If you want to view the documents as a whole so that you can see there are NO missing pages go to click on Forum, scroll down until you see New News Articles Start Here - Obama Related, click on that and then scroll to the Divorce records of Obama and you can also view the Soetoro Divorce records there.
There are NO pages missing and the 1st District Court in Honolulu, Hawaii was defintely open today, as Mr. Berg's office spoke them on a different matter.
Please take what was said on that show with a grain of salt and keep your money in your pocket until you see something tangible. People have gone down that road before, only to find out it was a spoof! LIke you we would like to believe it, because it would make Mr. Berg's job a lot easier in proving his case against Obama, but he has been taken in by that person before.
Just thought I'd let everyone know that Plains Radio is systematically deleting every post and banning anyone on their forums that criticizes the way these documents were released, criticizes the documents in question, criticizes Ed Hale, or asks legitimate questions that might lean towards Obama being eligible.
Kinda proves their motive right there.
Re. Anonymous said...
Arlen, of course all the arguments for the Donofrio-interpretation have been thoroughly demonstrated—and I think they're all correct—, but it's not "truth". It's just a bunch of arguments. It becomes truth, when there's a court decision. The SCOTUS declined to hear the two cases and decide, which is why Donofrio was so disappointed. At the moment we have nothing except our arguments, but that's not enough. I repeat: We either need proof that BO was born abroad OR (since there's no precedent) we need a court ruling that a citizen under double-jursdiction can't be a US natural born citizen.
January 2, 2009 9:25 PM
I appreciate your sentiments, but WADR, actually, you are putting the cart before the horse. The truth is there, already. What natural born Citizen meant is knowable and has been shown. We need people in Congress and the SCOTUS to recognize the truth.
Donofrio claims the founders excluded themselves from the definition of natural-born because they were subject to the jurisdiction of another country.
A more straight-forward analysis would be that they didn't consider themselves natural-born simply because they weren't born in the United States. Donofrio's position is quite weak on this point.
Very interesting point of view from the website mentioned below. Give special attention to the last paragraph. It just hit me.
If there were a Hollywood movie about a person who became a President of the US without any of the 300 million Americans demanding for his proof of natural born citizenship, or after being sued to show his birth certificate that person refused to do so, or the entire congress and senate refuse to question his citizenship, or the states and federal agents do not lift a finger to produce evidence, or after more than two dozen cases filed the Supreme Court refuses to settle the issue, would you have found that situation possible and the movie credible?
Last updated Dec 17, 2008
This is where you start if you want a heads up on what this Obama citizenship issue is all about.
Do you want to be part of
American history?
1. Who is that one person (a judge, a secretary of state, or any government official) who will go down in US history as the one who finally compelled Barack Obama to show legally acceptable proof and evidence that he is a natural born citizen as he alleged in his application form for his candidacy for the position of President of the United States? Or do you simply take Obama at his word? Is this what the rule of law is about?
2. And who is that investigative journalist that could finally discover and present the copy the actual birth certificate of Barack Obama?
3. And who is that US government worker whistleblower who will be courageous enough to face a possible legal suit for violating privacy laws by coming out in the open, if indeed Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, to prove that Obama has perpetrated fraud on the entire American nation by falsely claiming he is a natural born citizen when he is not? (Somebody in the government, at least in Hawaii, must have actually seen Obama’s 1961 typewritten birth certificate if there is one, or alternatively can testify that there isn’t one, or if there is one from a foreign nation. And anyway, coming out to prevent fraud would likely give him immunity from a suit based on privacy laws. The constitution trumps any privacy law any day.)
This is your chance to be etched in the history books for the next 500 years.
This FAQ is a collection of questions and answers from many sources including newsgroups, blogs, emails and not necessarily prepared by us. There are still many questions not included here because of lack of time.
If you have more FAQ, better if you also give the answer to your question, please send to .
Instead of the repetitive arguments all over the internet, use this FAQ instead to narrow down the controversy question by question.
This FAQ is meant to guide you in your own quest for truth behind Obama’s mysterious birth certificate.
You don’t have to accept the answers but hopefully you will see both sides of the coin and you will be aware of the issues or questions involved.
Some of the FAQ below are about the birth certificate and some are about Obama’s natural born citizenship (being born of a Kenyan father).
Choose the questions that suit your interest.
Was this FAQ helpful in making you appreciate the issues involved? If so, please drop us a line.
What would have happened in the old days of the United States if President George Washington were succeeded along the presidential line by a hypothetical son of Major-General William Howe who commanded the British forces in the Battle of Bunker Hill and a hypothetical American citizen mother? After the hundreds of thousands of lives lost in the American Revolution, do you think that the American constitution would have considered that hypothetical son a Natural Born citizen? This is a good way to portray Barack Obama II’s citizenship being born to a British father and an American mother, regardless of whether he was born in Hawaii or Kenya.
I think everyone should go to the Supreme Court, prior to Jan. 20th. He is not qualified, non Natural Born. Take it to court folks, I expect a million.
George Washington & John Adams were both born here, in what was then the Colonies. So were many others of the founding fathers, but a lot of their parents were born in Britain.
Has anyone ever mentioned checking the U.S. Consulate or Embassy in Kenya? Or is that where things were forbidden to inquiries?:
“Foreign or high-seas, or Panama Canal Zone births and deaths and certificates of citizenship
Where to Write for Vital Records”
"Birth records of persons born in foreign countries who are U.S. citizens at birth
The birth of a child abroad to U.S. citizen parent(s) should be reported to the nearest U.S. Consulate or Embassy as soon after the birth as possible. To do this, the child’s parent or legal guardian should file an Application for Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (Form FS-579/SS-5). This form may also be used to apply for a Social Security Number for the child. A $65.00 fee is charged for reporting the birth."
Received from Dr. Orly Taitz:
"I personally didn't check, some people said that they did.
Can you take charge of this issue and check with them?
Orly Taitz DDS Esq
Anyone have any connections at the State Dept. or formerly with State?
The Obots posting here sure now seem desperate, frantic even, and with excellent reason.
Obama IS now toast, and they know it!
Anonymous wrote: "I'm black, and I'm a Democrat, and I'm a former Obama supporter. Now… how's that?"
What made you stop supporting Obama?
Mr. Williams, how is this divorse document significant?
Will Mr. Hale be able to get the other four pages?
Why were they missing?
"The Obots posting here sure now seem desperate, frantic even, and with excellent reason. HaHaHaHaHa. Obama IS now toast, and they know it!"
Um not quite, but thanks for playing. Feel free to remove the tinfoil anytime.
Anonymous said...
Ed is related to those guys that claimed they found Big Foot earlier this year. He is following the same playbook.
January 2, 2009 8:26 PM
Better than that, Ed says he actually shot and killed BigFoot.
As far as I am concerned anyone that is connected to this Ed Hale should RUN! You will lose all credibility!
Re. Great Grey said...
Anonymous said...
Ed is related to those guys that claimed they found Big Foot earlier this year. He is following the same playbook.
January 2, 2009 8:26 PM
Better than that, Ed says he actually shot and killed BigFoot.
Hey, and you don't think he can bring down a fictitous presidency?
I think my earlier comments criticizing this investigation of the divorce documents were unfair.
The investigation involving Ed Hale did produce very material, useful information bearing on Obama's eligibility; namely legal confirmation that Obama was born a British citizen.
Kudos to Investigating Obama and to Ed Hale.
Thanks to everyone who has been working on this case. Before the divorce papers came to light, I had strongly considered the possibility that Obama may have had a stand-in father and that was the reason for the cover-up. In such a case, his real father could have been an American born citizen.
Now we know for sure that isn't the case. I am glad to know that possibility has been ruled out. The only remaining reason for the cover-up is that Obama was born in Kenya.
As a Constitutional lawyer, there is no way he will be able to feign ignorance of the law. With no possibility of a plea, he is looking more and more like a professional criminal.
The Dems must be wondering how on earth a wolf could get in their midst. I actually feel sorry for those who did not have a clue they were being used to erect a criminal regime.
Another possible reason for the birth cert. cover-up is that the original birth cert. was amended to reflect Lolo Soetoro's adoption of Obama. In that case it would show his legal name as Barry Soetoro.
Thanks, chillguy.
I am concerned about what is happening at Plains Radio. We were told he was to talk today about a birth certificate instead he has attacked unfairly MommaE from MommaEtalk radio. I think Ed Hale has a problem. MommaE had come out with info from Berg on the divorce papers at issue on Friday showing there was no big deal on it and that the other 4 pages were not missing. It made Ed Hale look foolish and or cheating. Today he visciously attacks MommaE.
I really do not know the details. Can someone explain the details of what Ed Hale is complaining about MommaE. and what happeded on the birth certificate.
I am losing respect for Ed Hale very fast. His program just ended after 3 hours of nothing. or did I miss something.
Thanks everyone.
I don't like Ed Hale, but Obama definitely is NOT a natural born citizen. His Father was a British Subject for God's sake, rendering Obama at best a "Naturalized Citizen". He also revoked his citizenship when his adopted Father, Soetoro, enrolled him in an Indonesian school. If Obama didn't file for re-institution of his Naturalized Citizenship at age 18, he technically is a Foreign National. So either way, Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen and needs to resign or the law will take him out by force. Anyway, it will be proved soon and Obama will be out. Occidental College records in hand with FBI from what I heard today.
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