Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Obama on Iran: No Change, No Hope
Except... is there not some history between the original Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and Soviet Moscow? Could Obama have an affinity with the Ayatollah dynasty for ties that bind?
And just one more thing... how does this compare with his feverish campaigning for Marxist Raila Odinga, in taxpayer-sponsored venturing to Kenya, in 2006? Despite apparent campaign contributions related to Obama of $1,000,000, Odinga lost. Odinga's proletariat armies rioted, at least one church was burned, and over one thousand Kenyans were killed. Where were his calls for peace and passivity instead of transition, then? (Odinga thuggery did get concessions.)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Obama's "Transnational Progressive" Federal Reserve Fascism, in America

Origin of behavior: see Karl's and Saul's hero, Lucifer
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Centralization of Regulation of Business -- and the Continuing "Progressive" Plan
I.O. continuously laments the ignorance and sheepishness of the American people, as the movement toward a globally controlled society continues. Lincoln never said, "You can not fool most of the people, most of the time." and that most/most fool factor is what the Soros-Obama-Pelosi-etc. MarxoFascist insurrection is banking upon --- well, in addition to banking upon our confiscated and effectively extorted and embezzled property. Citizen Robin Hood of the World reigns and he hates a free American republic.
All we really have to do is read the words used by people such as Obama, his promoters, and minions and look into what those words historically and currently, actually mean.
And we are now offered centralized regulation as a trojan horse (with plenty windows to see into) for central control and central planning. As Reagan used to quote, "You ain't seen nothin', yet."
Whether through the Federal Reserve or not (see, "fatal alternative close" used in selling) it is the plan. "As goes GM, so goes the nation." That step was planned and is executed, just as banking and finance have been. Also, now, healthcare and insurance, now energy industries, now overall "regulation" of what is left of "private" enterprise.
And, by the way, California? You have a governor who is not quite to be trusted. "No bailout for you!" says the bailout Nazi.
Meanwhile, the real great economic catastrophe of overextended debt and runaway inflation are locked down, for the near future -- so America utterly fails and has to consolidate first financially, monetarily and economically; them policially, with the rest of the controlled Western world. More "disruption," with which to complete the "transformation" of a panicked and dependant people. The political armies of the proletariat ("Organizing for America," "ACORN," etc., etc.) are to swell and overwhelm those who accurately blame "our own government" instead of that "irresponsible private sector."
Then, as it may be deemed necessary, throw in a false flag terror attack, deceitfully blamed upon the constitutional People's militia movement, to try to steal the hearts of America's law enforcement and military complex, as well as more of the people, and the transformation will be set. There may be hardcore resistance from Actual Americans, even civil war, but the "high ground" of government will be taken.
And if Barack Obama will be able to stay above, say, the 45% approval line, the false flag attack may not even be deemed necessary.
You recall that word being used during the campaign, right? "Transformation?" "Transformative change?" Of course you do.
Oh, just the Constitution and Declaration.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Meanwhile, in the House of Representatives... America, Behold Your Self-Declared Enemy
As the reader may now know, the "Progressive" movement is of the same nature and etiology as Communism and Fascism. It is Marxism and Social Darwinism (see Animal Farm). It is Anti-American. It is the enemy our founding principles -- of our founding national charter: The Declaration of Independence and of the governmental charter that our "public servants," including our military, and law enforcement personnel, swear to preserve and protect from enemies both foreign and domestic: The United States Constitution.
This Marxism lies, to make its way. It steals, to empower itself. It enslaves, to sustain itself. In one way and another, this enemy murders.
Here is our "program" -- of at least those individuals in the House of Representatives who have the "audacity" to admit it, supplied by Wikipedia.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O. <>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Congressional Progressive Caucus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is a progressive caucus in the United States House of Representatives, and works together to advance progressive issues and positions.
The CPC was founded in 1991 by the independent Congressman Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who remains a member as Senator. The CPC currently has 77 members. It represents about a third of the House Democratic Caucus (with 71 members). Of the twenty standing committees of the House, eleven are chaired by members of the CPC.
According to their website, the CPC advocates "universal access to affordable, high quality healthcare," fair trade agreements, living wage laws, the right of all workers to organize into labor unions and engage in collective bargaining, the abolition of significant portions of the USA PATRIOT Act, the legalization of same-sex marriage, strict campaign finance reform laws, a complete pullout from the war in Iraq, a crackdown on corporate welfare and influence, an increase in income tax rates on the wealthy, tax cuts for the poor, and an increase in welfare spending by the federal government.
Supporting organizations
An array of national liberal organizations will work to support the efforts of the liberal caucus, including the Institute for Policy Studies, The Nation magazine, MoveOn.org, National Priorities Project, Jobs with Justice, Peace Action, Americans for Democratic Action, and Progressive Democrats of America. Also co-sponsoring the kickoff event were the NAACP, ACLU, Progressive Majority, League of United Latin American Citizens, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, National Council of La Raza, Hip Hop Caucus, Human Rights Campaign, Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, and the National Hip Hop Political Convention. In 2000, the Democratic Socialists of America expressed solidarity with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, since they both shared "operative social democratic politics."[1]
- Bill Goold, Executive Director
Current members
- Ed Pastor (AZ-4, Phoenix)
- Raul Grijalva (AZ-7, Tucson) - Co-Chair
- Lynn Woolsey (CA-6, Petaluma) - Co-Chair
- George Miller (CA-7, Martinez) - Chairman, House Education and Labor Committee
- Barbara Lee (CA-9, Oakland) - Chairwoman, Congressional Black Caucus
- Pete Stark (CA-13, Fremont)
- Michael Honda (CA-15, San Jose)
- Sam Farr (CA-17, Monterey)
- Henry Waxman (CA-30, Los Angeles) - Chairman, House Energy and Commerce Committee
- Xavier Becerra (CA-31, Los Angeles)
- Diane Watson (CA-33, South Los Angeles)
- Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34, Los Angeles)
- Maxine Waters (CA-35, Inglewood)
- Laura Richardson (CA-37, Long Beach)
- Linda Sanchez (CA-39, Lakewood)
- Bob Filner (CA-51, San Diego) - Chairman, House Veterans Affairs Committee
- Rosa DeLauro (CT-3, New Haven)
- Corrine Brown (FL-3, Jacksonville)
- Alan Grayson (FL-8, Orlando)
- Robert Wexler (FL-19, Boca Raton)
- Hank Johnson (GA-4, Lithonia)
- John Lewis (GA-5, Atlanta)
- Neil Abercrombie (HI-1, Honolulu)
- Mazie Hirono (HI-2, Honolulu)
- Bobby Rush (IL-1, Chicago)
- Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-2, Chicago Heights)
- Luis Gutierrez (IL-4, Chicago)
- Danny Davis (IL-7, Chicago)
- Jan Schakowsky (IL-9, Chicago)
- Phil Hare (IL-17, Rock Island)
- André Carson (IN-7, Indianapolis)
- Dave Loebsack (IA-2, Cedar Rapids)
- Chellie Pingree (ME-1, North Haven)
- Donna Edwards (MD-4, Fort Washington)
- Elijah Cummings (MD-7, Baltimore)
- John Olver (MA-1, Amherst)
- Jim McGovern (MA-3, Worcester)
- Barney Frank (MA-4, Newton) - Chairman, House Financial Services Committee
- John Tierney (MA-6, Salem)
- Ed Markey (MA-7, Malden)
- Mike Capuano (MA-8, Boston)
- Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (MI-13, Detroit)
- John Conyers (MI-14, Detroit) - Chairman, House Judiciary Committee
- Keith Ellison (MN-5, Minneapolis)
- Bennie Thompson (MS-2, Bolton) - Chairman, House Homeland Security Committee
- William Lacy Clay, Jr. (MO-1, St. Louis)
- Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5, Kansas City)
New Jersey
- Donald Payne (NJ-10, Newark)
New Mexico
- Ben R. Luján (NM-3, Santa Fe)
New York
- Jerry Nadler (NY-8, Manhattan)
- Yvette Clarke (NY-11, Brooklyn)
- Nydia Velazquez (NY-12, Brooklyn) - Chairwoman, House Small Business Committee
- Carolyn Maloney (NY-14, Manhattan)
- Charles Rangel (NY-15, Harlem) - Chairman, House Ways and Means Committee
- Jose Serrano (NY-16, Bronx)
- John Hall (NY-19, Dover Plains)
- Maurice Hinchey (NY-22, Saugerties)
- Louise Slaughter (NY-28, Rochester) - Chairwoman, House Rules Committee
North Carolina
- Mel Watt (NC-12, Charlotte)
- Marcy Kaptur (OH-9, Toledo)
- Dennis Kucinich (OH-10, Cleveland)
- Marcia Fudge (OH-11, Warrensville Heights)
- Peter DeFazio (OR-4, Eugene)
- Bob Brady (PA-1, Philadelphia) - Chairman, House Administration Committee
- Chaka Fattah (PA-2, Philadelphia)
- Steve Cohen (TN-9, Memphis)
- Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18, Houston)
- Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30, Dallas)
- Peter Welch (VT-At Large)
- Jim McDermott (WA-7, Seattle)
- Tammy Baldwin (WI-2, Madison)
- Gwen Moore (WI-4, Milwaukee)
- Madeleine Bordallo (Guam)
- Donna Christian-Christensen (Virgin Islands)
- Eleanor Holmes Norton (District of Columbia)
Senate member
- Bernie Sanders (VT)
Former members
- Sherrod Brown (OH-13) - Elected to Senate
- Julia Carson (IN-07) - Died in December 2007
- Lane Evans (IL-17) - Retired from Congress
- Cynthia McKinney (GA-4) - Lost Congressional seat to current caucus member Hank Johnson
- Major Owens (NY-11) - Retired from Congress
- Nancy Pelosi (CA-8) - Left Caucus when Elected House Minority Leader
- Hilda Solis (CA-32) - Became Secretary of Labor in 2009
- Stephanie Tubbs Jones (OH-11) - Died in 2008
- Paul Wellstone (MN Senate) - Died in plane crash in 2002
- Tom Udall (NM-3) - Elected to Senate
Monday, June 15, 2009
James Schneller Eligibility Case at SCOTUS + Grand Jury Update, on 'The Awakening,' Monday 9pm ET
James Schneller of Pennsylvania, has an Obama eligibility suit to be heard in conference by the U.S. Supreme Court, this Thursday, June 18. James Schneller is our Special Guest today, Monday, June 16 @ 9pm ET,,, 6pm PT.
In the mean time, you may review The Right Side of Life's report: Schneller v. Cortes: Distributed for SCOTUS Conference.
Also, Sam Sewell will give us the latest news in the Constitutional Grand Jury movement. Plus, we will take your calls! 9pm ET,,, 6pm PT.
You may use the widget above, or go to the Sentinel Radio BTR site, or call 646-727-2652 -- and hit the "1" button if you would like to ask a question or comment!
EDIT: This broadcast is an interview with Sam Sewell, for the first hour and James Schneller, for the second hour. It is available, archived.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Terminology 101, Continued: Transnational Progressivism
Back in November (you remember November, right? -- it had that weird day in it, early on in the month, that ended in all that eeriness in Grant Park, Chicago) I.O. posted a term: anarcho-syndicalism. We still intend to discuss that term, here.
But for now, I will post another term for us to understand and understand well:
Or, do you like our label, global Marxofascism? Or, movement for the globally controlled society? Or, worldwide thuggery? Or, do you like the term, Satan overplaying his hand again, with no Antichrist-level talent in sight?
I knew ya could.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Finds No Birth Certificate for Obama nor God
Q: Barack Obama has one thing in common with God — do you know what it is?
A: God does not have a birth certificate and neither does Obama — um, not that we’ve seen.
Q: What is a difference between Barack Obama and God?
A1: God asks for only 10 percent of your money
A2: God gives you freedom to live your life as you choose
A3: God’s plan to save us is actually written down for you to read
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sonia Sotomayor, in Norman Thomas' Own Words
they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist
nation, without knowing how it happened.
Quote by: Norman Thomas (1884-1968) six-time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist
Party of America
Source: 1948 - from an interview during the presidential campaign,
[Liberty Tree Ed. note: Norman Thomas and Gus Hall, the U.S. Communist Party Candidate,
both quit American politics, agreeing that the Republican and Democratic parties by 1970 had
adopted every plank on the Communist/Socialist and they no longer had an alternate party
platform on which to run.]
Norman Thomas is a name that has come up recently, about "a cause not yet won," but ostensibly taken up by:
Do you wonder what cause? From the Princeton University yearbook, by means of the blog of Steven Waldman in Beliefnet.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Investigating Obama?
Why do You show me iniquity, And cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; There is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the law is powerless, And justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; Therefore perverse judgment proceeds. Habakkuk 1:3,4, NKJV |
Last September, I decided to open a weblog called "Investigating Obama." It was intended to be a little launching pad for the distribution of one-page warnings, just before the general election, of the grave dangers inherent in the act of voting for Barack Obama, for president.
In October, I wrote the first, "ACORN & Obama - Allied How? To What End?" listing the documented ties which show that Obama has arisen of, by, and for the same neo-Marxist movement.
Later that month, the other one-pager, "Investigating Obama: Career Path Toward a Neo-Marxist Presidency," achieved an appreciable degree of circulation, boosted by headline linking on FreeRepublic.com. This traced what was known, by that time, of Obama's birth to Marxists, his nurturance and mentoring by Marxists, and his education and highly developed career path to the presidency -- all interdependent with the investments of fellow Marxists and radical Islamists. Both FreeRepublic and the site storing the articles were hit by cyberattacks.

Tragically, Obama was "elected," and I found myself with a continuing chore. Investigating Obama continued to point out strategy and tactics of his evil ideological movement. It also traced highlights of the movement to bring Barack Hussein Obama II, a.k.a., Barry Soetoro and all those responsible in his pseudoelectoral process, to constitutional accountability regarding his readily apparent ineligibility for the presidency.
I have tried to avoid this site's becoming another set of general criticisms of Barack Obama and his "questionable policies." That gives him and his comrades much too much credibility. In fact, this writer has "had it up to here" with political pundits complaining and head-scratching about "President Obama."
Any commentator who bills himself as one seeking to conserve the declared principles of America and of our Constitution, but who does not point out, front and center, that Obama is a hardcore Marxist is incompetent and passe'. Such a person has no excuse for the pussyfooting, by this time. They are akin to the flaccid compromisers of the Republican congressional contingent and their cigarette sucking Repub Club operative friends.
Any commentator who fails to study and declare the evidence and implications of Obama's ineligibility for the presidency is likewise a blithering shame, even if his name is Limbaugh or Beck. And any Horowitz, Malkin, or Medved who ridicules those who side with the Constitution against the usurpation of the presidency is worthy of contempt -- or pity, you can choose.
It may seem, this June 2009, that we are at an impasse -- and what but the posterior of an imp could stink as repulsively as this? I am tired of walking up to this stench day after day, and breathing it. It burns the nose, much worse than stale air, but there is no stalemate, here. There is instead, a course which this putrid disease is taking and the cure continues to be humbled adherence to the healing power of truth -- and especially, truth's Author.
I took much of the month of May off from posting in I.O. Now, that time is over. It is time to meekly rejoin the ranks of those who are applying themselves faithfully -- to regroup and reassemble what we know -- and we know even more, significantly more. It is time to tell more of the truth to more of the American People and the world, regardless of the only semipotent to useful idiot "thought leaders," who are themselves concomitant with America's Marxist "dumb-down" and the hoodwinking by the fraud known as "President Obama." No excuses.
America's greatest active enemy is in control of the White House, Congress, our financial system, and half our courts.
Or, is that true, Pogo? Or is America's greatest active enemy the willful ignorance of its People?
As it is, if you wish, you will have more information here, for the overcoming of these determined enemies, which are purposefully destroying America.