Monday, September 14, 2009

Update - Blagojevich May Subpoena Obama

I.O. appreciates, when news comes by those paid to deliver it

Update 9/14 - This utterance of Blago was made on Fox News channel's Huckabee. He also said he might subpoena Michelle Obama regarding the hunt. Meanwhile, go easy on the aspirin, Roddie-boy.

9/13/2009 - According to Fox News TV, this morning, former Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich has indicated that he may subpoena alleged President Barack Obama, in his trial, due to begin in the Summer of 2010. Mentioned in this report were conversations held between Blagojevch and Obama, presumably during the illustrious Hunt in Red November, for Obama's replacement in the U.S. Senate.

Further information may come within the next few hours, or it may not.

Oh, and then there are the stories about the latest dead guy associated with The Chicago Waywardness. Those stories are difficult for even the media to ignore. Well, some of them anyway, when they are not about a homosexual choir director at Obama's church and related dead associates and so on.
Reuters, John Gress photo


Thomas Hürlimann said...

Is it really true, the president of the united states not trustworthy? He has been elected with such broad support, and fallen so deep already? Read the truth on

Arlen Williams said...

I'll leave that post up, Thomas, though I see very little worth in it. And the gross misrepresentation of the hundreds-of-thousands turnout yesterday in the 9/12 March on Washington is all a person might read, to understand that.