Showing posts with label fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fraud. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Archived for You to Hear - Leo Donofrio, Joan Swrisky, & J.B. Williams, on 'The Awakening,' Monday 9/14

Update 9/15 ~ In case anyone wondered why Mr. Donofrio was not in the conversation at the very end of the program, I received this by him, via email: "got cut off... excellent show," and "can you please say goodnight to your guests Joan and JB for me, apologies." No apologies necessary, Leo! Our thanks to all, taking their time to participate, and to all those listening to the latest. And the searches, for truth and for honest servants of the People, go on.

Update 9/14 ~ Leo Donofrio will also join us tonight, to discuss J.B. Williams' new information, and perhaps the media coverup (hope he's gotten all the covers thown on him off by now) and we hope he will lend us his perspectives on the state of the movement for constitutional justice, regarding natural born Citizen eligibility. You may wish to see Leo's new item, "Reverse Analysis: Why Did Hawaii Get a Different DNC Certification Than Other States?"

Also, please note: later on in the program, I intend to discuss significant and alarming information concerning Orly Taitz; this is nothing of, by, nor from Leo Donofrio, nor our other guests.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O.<>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This Post, as of 9/13 ~ Obama exposers, J.B. Williams & Joan Swirsky, give us the backstory of their penetrating new articles, "The Theory is Now a Conspiracy And Facts Don’t Lie"​ and ​"Who Is Behind Quashing the Birth Certificate Issue?"​ respectively.​

J.B. Williams Joan Swirsky

Listen online and hear the new evidence:

Call in, to listen or to ask a question -- (646) 727-2652

  • Just what are the conspiracies?
  • Will the latest court actions bring us justice?

Gain from their new glances behind the dark curtain that is hiding the reality of Barack Obama -- the shroud held up by his politico and media enablers, cloaking both his apparent ineligibility for the U.S. Presidency and his global Marxist ideology. Plus...

  • Is Orly Taitz helping, or sabotaging the eligibility actions?
  • After the 9/12 March on Washington and the ACORN revelations, is America waking up to the corruption of Soros/Obama/Pelosi Marxofascism? (And the "transnational progressivism" perverting the GOP, too?)

Join us... and perhaps other contributors to Investigating Obama and "The Awakening" broadcasts.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Who Is Behind Quashing the Birth Certificate Issue?

George Soros, yes indeed. FCC? Now, that's even more interesting. One may wish to read this two or three times, plus click some links.

by Joan Swirsky

Back in October of 2008, when the subject of Obama's Constitutional eligibility to be president of the United States was just a blip on the radar screen of public awareness, I wrote an article about how easy it was to find my then- 92-year-old mother's birth certificate.
Frankly, I didn't think finding my mother's birth certificate was possible, given the fact that she had been born in a farmhouse in Storrs, CT, along with nine of her 10 siblings, to parents who didn't speak English. Despairing that she would never be "qualified" to receive the care [in a nursing home} that she desperately needed, I set about to find the document, which I was sure had vanished in the unreliable record-keeping of 1913. When I called the third number, I explained to the woman who answered the phone that I was "asking something impossible." I gave her my mother's first name and her father's last name. Within four minutes, she said, "Here it is!" When I expressed my amazement, the woman said: "That's nothing...we're routinely asked to find birth certificates from the 1800s, and we do that all the time!" Total time it took me to find my mother's 1913, born-in-a-farmhouse birth certificate: 10 minutes!
Obama was born not in 1913, like my mother, but in 1961 — or perhaps in 1957, according to his MySpace page, which would make him 52, born supposedly in Hawaii before it became a state in 1959. So it was quite curious that not one cyber-sleuth could find an authentic, verifiable copy of his original vault copy birth certificate. I'm not talking about the faux version Obama posted on his website, which was deemed the real thing by, a "truth"-detecting site that is sponsored by the Annenberg Foundation, the same foundation that hired Obama and his terrorist pal William Ayers and gave them millions of dollars for a research project in Chicago. In other words, the least credible source!

Even more significant is that no one in the media thought Obama's missing birth certificate worth even casual mention. Their thinking seemed to be: If we're not going to check on his eligibility to be president, then why question why the other crucial documents were — and continue to be — sealed? For instance: his baptism certificate; elementary, high school, college and graduate school transcripts; visa(s); selective service record; alleged multiple Social Security numbers; Illinois attorney's license; Illinois State Senate records; law practice client list; Univ. of Chicago scholarly articles; financial records while a community organizer in Chicago; and medical records. I'm also curious about why Michelle Obama's law license was suspended in 1993 by the Illinois Supreme Court, but then again she wasn't running for president.

Instead, the media were frantically busy trying to divert public attention away from those pesky things known as credentials with gossip-driven tabloid reportage of Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber in order to avoid the bigger-than-Watergate potential scandal of whether or not Obama was eligible — according to the U.S. Constitution — to become President of the United States!


In an explosive interview by Dr. Laurie Roth on her syndicated West Coast radio show on August 7th, Douglas Hagmann — a respected journalist, director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and longtime private investigator, and Judi McLeod, a prolific journalist and the managing editor of Canada Free Press — the reason for the media blackout about the birth-certificate issue was nothing less than organized Mafia-like dire threats to members of the media issued not only from the heads of major TV and radio stations but also from Federal Communication Commission officials!

According to Hagmann and McLeod, who conducted a nine-month investigation and documented their findings scrupulously, after Obama was elected but before he was inaugurated:
  • A major TV talk-show host reported that he was ordered not to raise the birth certificate issue or risk losing his job.

  • FCC officials threatened to yank broadcasting licenses, break up conglomerates, and make the enactment of the Fairness Doctrine "look mild" in comparison to other consequences.

  • In at least one corporate TV headquarters, memos were circulated to all on-air employees not to mention the birth certificate issue, as well as other specific subjects like Obama's Illinois lawyer's license, his college records, etc., under both implied and explicit threats.
During the interview, Hagmann and McLeod — who never mentioned a particular network by name — alluded to e-mails and other evidence in their possession, copies of which, they said, were secreted in several locations. But they did tantalize listeners with descriptions of meeting with "sources" outside of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, a high-placed contact looking nervously over his shoulder, references to directives and warnings given by "those at the top," and the undisguised threat of one executive to his underlings: "This is serious, and so will the consequences be if anyone chooses not to be a team player with this."

This comes as no surprise to Fox watchers who have noticed that the Stalinist-style censorship of the Obama regime is already here. This couldn't possibly be because of the healthy shares of stock the Saudis bought in Fox, could it? If so, why would the Saudis care so much about quashing potentially damning revelations about Obama? Have they also bought shares in Obama?

Come to think of it, who exactly paid the tuition for Obama's stint at Harvard Law School? What role did Obama's long-time friend, Khalid al-Mansour, a key advisor to a Saudi billionaire, play? Writer Kenneth Timmerman describes al-Mansour as "well known within the black community as a lawyer, an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an author, an international deal-maker, an educator, and an outspoken enemy of Israel." This is not to omit that al-Mansour was originally contacted to intervene with Harvard on Obama's behalf by Percy Sutton, former Manhattan Borough President and the lawyer of Malcolm X. Ah...the tangled web of it all!

Then there is the question of what role was played by Saudi Prince Alwaleed, the nephew of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia? You remember Prince Alwaleed, who offered then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani $10 million after September 11 if he would only blame America for the terrorist attacks of which 15 of 19 perpetrators were Saudi Arabian — a "gift" the mayor promptly and with appropriate contempt rejected!

In short, what influence have the Saudis exerted on Fox to muzzle the issue of Obama's birth certificate? I don't ask this about the network TV channels or cable channels like CNN and MSNBC, which are still issuing daily hagiographies of Obama.


Just who has been sending "the message"? And how did it permeate not only the media, but also the once-respected U.S. Congress and the courts of our land, including the once-incorruptible Supreme Court? And what menacing forces made the once-courageous conservative media abandon their mission to expose rank corruption and collusion?

Two words: Money Talks!

If you're a media mogul and you get word from the FCC that your license will be pulled immediately and irrevocably if you mention only three words — Obama's birth certificate — poof! You send that word to your employees and tell them that their mega-salaries — in fact, their employment — are on the line.

If you're a conservative talk-show host and you get your boss's directive not to dare to mention only three words — Obama's birth certificate — poof! Lips sealed; curiosity zero!

If the money thing doesn't work, there's always the threat thing, i.e., "going public" about tax records, health status, or family secrets. Or be audited by the IRS. Or be investigated by any number of regulatory agencies.

And if the money thing and the threat thing don't work, how about being reminded of all those "accidents" and "unfortunate incidents" — broken kneecaps, missing children, "falls" from buildings, punctured tires — that resulted not in joblessness or embarrassment but in death?

We know that's how the Mafia works. It's also how political machines work. It's also how community organizers work. Wasn't it Obama himself who in 2008 said ''If They Bring a Knife...We Bring a Gun'' and in 2009 advised his followers to "Get in Their Faces!"?

So determined are Obama's handlers to keep the facts of his parentage and place of birth out of the public domain that, as writer Chelsea Schilling has scrupulously documented, "the Federal Election Commission shows Obama's campaign has made regular payments to Perkins Coie since Jan. 1, 2007 — the month he formed a presidential exploratory committee and only weeks before he formally announced his candidacy for president — [and up to the present] — has paid Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 crush eligibility lawsuits."

But paying lawyers to quash the dozens of lawsuits that have challenged Obama's eligibility still doesn't answer the question of who exactly is behind the blanket blackout of the media, Congress and courts when it comes to Obama's origins, parentage, credentials, indeed identity.

We certainly can't attribute this massive power play to Obama himself. After all, while "owning" the Congress and the media, he is failing miserably to gain support for his two signature pieces of legislation, cap & tax and healthcare "reform." No one that ineffectual — or, as Jonah Goldberg says, "astoundingly incompetent" — could possibly mute the media, castrate the Congress, and cow the courts.

And we can't attribute the blackout to Obama's union and community organizing buddies. While the former are quite expert at threatening members to fall in line...or else, and the latter have mastered standing outside polling places with glowering facial expressions and menacing Billy clubs, neither has the heft to have compelled the media to roll over, the Congress to say they "know nothing," or the courts to load one side of the scales of justice with rocks and the other side with feathers.


Scholars and historians have documented exhaustively the Left's obsession with (1) the acquisition of power, and (2) transforming America from a free-market, Constitution-respecting, freedom-loving, God-embracing society into a Socialist-cum-Communist "share the wealth" collective that echoes the beliefs and "values" of their heroes Marx and Engels.

But it takes money to bring about the kind of poverty both Socialism and Communism deliver to their masses. The kind of money only a few at the top enjoy while they'd like the rest of us to wait on food lines and appear before death panels of impersonal state functionaries who decide if we're worthy of antibiotics or surgery and, if not, convenient "go-to-sleep" pills.

The kind of money that "talks" — that can buy people off, finance revolutions, launder money, pay to rig voting machines, manipulate allies into positions of power (czars, anyone?), conveniently crash markets (as George Soros did in England in 1992, Asia in 1997, and, I believe, the U.S. in September 2008), make people disappear, make birth certificates and other vital records disappear and then make sure that an entire media, Congress and court system is terrified of "going there."

We all know of the many multimillionaires and billionaires — including Soros, the Saudi royal family, et al — who contributed to Obama's presidential campaign and continue to fund his leftist agenda, all of them with an ideological, religious, or personal stake in his remaining in power. And all of them part of a larger, more ubiquitous conspiracy — yes, conspiracy! — to conceal Obama's origins and true parentage.

Among them, as JB Williams has documented, are "international socialists working through CPUSASPUSA and DSAUSA, funded by literally hundreds of leftist front-groups operating as special interest 527 organizations. Here's a short list of the BIGGEST leftist front groups: America Coming TogetherJoint Victory Campaign 2004Media FundService Employees International UnionAmerican Federation of State, County, and Municipal EmployeesMoveOn.orgNew Democrat NetworkSierra ClubEMILY's ListAFL-CIOLeague of Conservation Voters."

Further, Williams asks: "Who spends an obscene $1-billion dollars to win a lousy $400,000-per-year job, and why?"

Richard Poe, award-winning journalist and New York Times-bestselling author, has written extensively on Soros and makes a good case that the Hungarian-born Jew and self-admitted Nazi collaborator is the primary brains and money behind Obama — and, I believe, his healthcare travesty. When President Bush was in office, Poe wrote that Soros talked openly of a "regime change" in the United States.

"What about our country offends Soros so deeply," Poe asked, "that he would tell the BBC — during a time of war — that he means to use all of his power to 'puncture the bubble of American supremacy'? Poe explained that Soros's Open Society Foundation, founded in 1984, "has spent millions promoting a radical agenda that includes abortion, feminism, gun control, abolition of capital punishment, voting rights for felons, drug legalization, euthanasia and gay marriage rights...the Soros cult preaches secularism, the godless faith of a world without nations, families, loyalty or tradition, a world in which the very words 'mother,' 'father,' 'husband,' 'wife,' 'son' and 'daughter' will be bleached of meaning forever."

Soros, Poe continued, "is one of the world's leading promoters of euthanasia, or 'mercy killing.' Not only does he advocate 'physician-assisted suicide' for patients who choose death voluntarily, he also lobbies for the right of family members or court-appointed guardians to authorize the killing of patients whose wishes are not known." Sounds a lot like the Death Panels Sarah Palin warned about, doesn't it? Soros also founded the Project on Death in America [which] promotes suicide and euthanasia and urges doctors to warehouse terminally ill patients in hospices and give them 'palliative' care ...rather than wasting time, energy and money actually trying to cure them."

Of course, all of these beliefs are eerily echoed in Obama's healthcare legislation, almost as if Soros had dictated the terms. Maybe he did! Maybe that was the price he exacted for financing a large part of Obama's presidential campaign and facilitating the cover-up of Obama's birth certificate and other documents. And maybe that's why Obama is still paying Soros back by recently announcing that he will invest $2 billion (or more) in drilling for oil off the shores of Brazil, where none other than George Soros owns $5.8 million of the Brazilian oil company's U.S.-traded preferred shares of stock!


While Soros may top the list of conspirators who have been trying to topple big bad capitalist America for decades, others figure prominently as well, including but not limited to: Noam Chomsky, Louis Farrakhan,,Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore, Cornel West, Ted Turner, former National Security Advisor to Pres. Jimmy Carter Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Rockefeller family, The Carnegie family, and, I might add, Fidel Castro and the cozy cabal of America-loathing Marxist revolutionaries he met with at the Theresa Hotel in Harlem.

Then there are: The Congressional Progressive Caucus (their members here) aka the Democratic Socialists of America, formed by partners from the Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA (Founder: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VA); The Congressional Black Caucus (their members here), originally established and controlled by the Communist Party USA (Founder: Cong. John Conyers (D-VT), and now controlled by ACORN and The Democratic Socialists of America; The ACLU, founded in 1917 by Communist Roger Baldwin; The Southern Poverty Law Center — a mini ACLU; The FORD Foundation; The Annenberg Foundation; The NAACP; The Council on Foreign Relations; The Trilateral Commission; numerous labor unions, and of course the mega-rich sheiks of Araby.

While all of the above and many others have worked assiduously to dismantle America, there are probably only a relative handful of aiders and abettors who ushered the modern-day Trojan Horse Barack Obama into America's body politic and were sophisticated and connected and rich and arch enough to have facilitated his path to the U.S. Senate, sealed all of his records both home and abroad, assembled the massive organization for his run for the presidency, and delivered in only seven months the most radical leftwing — actually more Communist than Socialist — agenda in the history of the United States.


McLeod and Hagmann have come very close to explaining a major piece of the conspiracy puzzle, specifically how some in the media were either bribed or threatened into silence vis-à-vis Obama's birth certificate. But the American people have a peculiar resistance to and revulsion for these thuggish tactics. In fact, the birth certificate issue has gained momentum. Why is it not going away but instead gathering steam?
  1. The huge amount of money Obama has spent on this cover-up is, to most Americans, fishy.

  2. Obama's serial apologies for America as he travels the world have offended Americans and convinced them that no genuine American could or would ever behave in such a way.

  3. Last month, when Army Reserve Major Stefan Frederick Cook sued Obama claiming he was not legally qualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief and therefore was unqualified to give him orders to deploy to Afghanistan, the government rescinded his orders, thereby negating the "standing" Cook no doubt would have had to sue. District Judge Richard Lazzara of Tampa denied Cook's motions as "frivolous and wholly without merit" and then — guess what? — sealed the records! This should have disqualified the judge. In fact, it raised the eyebrows of millions of Americans.

  4. To the public, rescinding Cook's orders was a de facto admission that Obama is not a natural-born American citizen, and it gives rise to the possibility that untold numbers of military enlistees, in the U.S. and around the world, will follow suit. According to one source, as many as 100 lawyers are preparing to file such litigation and even class-action suits are being considered.
As Obama's poll numbers continue to plunge, more and more people are waking up to his unique lack of qualifications and inability to lead the greatest nation in the world. As Kyle-Ann Shiver has written, "It's as though [in 2008] 59 million Americans joined hands and shouted at the top of their little lungs, 'Yes, We Can March off This Cliff.'"

Writer James Lewis asks: "How do we fight Obama and his psychopathic lust for power?"...and answers: "You fight evil by exposing it.""

Indeed, the American electorate has never been so energized, with millions upon millions of ordinary citizens — many of them seniors with vested interests in avoiding Obama's death panels — attending Tea Parties, Town Hall meetings, and writing and calling their representatives in massive numbers. In addition, people are now speaking openly about the man without a birth certificate. Who is this guy? What is he hiding? Why are media people studiously avoiding this issue? And why are those who "dare" raise it — like Lou Dobbs at CNN — being targeted by far-left groups, many of them funded by George Soros?

Yet in spite of their efforts to conceal the truth about Obama's birth place and parentage, increasing numbers of articles, radio hosts and their callers and regular Americans have lost their amazingly forbearing patience and are now asking and will continue to ask until the question is answered: WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?

© Joan Swirsky

Also see, "Media Blackout on Obama Eligibility Dates Back to November" in Canada Free Press

And keep an eye out for more information on Obama's apparent ineligibility, due to his UK citizenship at birth. Or, keep an eye in I.O. about it.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pam Key of Naked Emperor News, Video Freedom Fighter - Interview Archived from Monday Night's "Awakening"

If you were awake and aware, during 2008's general election season, you likely remember two videos which were devastating to the Obama campaign. Did I just write that? Chalk it up to wishful thinking. But if all Americans were free from the dissociative state of Obama Supporter Syndrome and had seen and heard them on YouTube, his campaign would have crumbled. I know, a very big "if."

Hearken to the Autumn of 2008, if you will, and pull up close to your PC. Here are those videos, from Naked Emperor News (NEN):

Well, no, they are not there, anymore. Just as YouTube quickly bent to petty copyright contentions by Obama-supporting corporations concerning the The Mouth Peace's "Burning Down the House" expose' of the mortgage meltdown, they eventually quashed these, too. Now, here are versions of these videos, republished by NEN, on July 24, of this year:

Constitution in the way of redistribution .... Bankrupting coal industry & blowing up energy costs

Since then, NEN has continued to show up Obama and Pelosi as the anti-American practitioners of Marxist strategy and tactics that they are. NEN's Pam Key deserves recognition -- and every American should give themselves the privilege of heeding what she reveals about the insurrection of global Marxofascists who are sabotaging our economy and our sovereignties.

conscription, Obama style .... Pelosi: disruption OK if Piven-style .... promise breaking in high style

NEN is also utilizing and as its principle video portals, partly in case YouTube does something "fishy" again and Pam invites visitors to stop, look, and listen at NEN's own Web site:

Obama's Johnson vs. Inspector Walpin .... Born-alive infants must die. .... Did I say die? I meant live!

And hey, Pam, what about that video you did, that showed the connections between the bogus Alaskan ethics litigators against Sarah Palin and Obama's inner circle?

Listen in, as Pam tells her story of fighting the Obamunists and their scrubbers -- also hear more about other assaults upon First Amendment rights, by the Soros/Obama/Pelosi regime. Feel free to call in, to ask questions: 646-727-2652.

Obamacare - Caring for Complete Government Control

the deathlord, caught lying about his Marxist healthcare takeover

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The True Natural Born Citizenship Criteria; Time to Refocus

Though the work of "birthers" has continued to focus largely upon the question of Barack Obama's place of birth, the damning issue remains his Kenyan/British citizenship, passed to him by natural succession, from his father. That is, if it is true that Barack Obama I is actually his father, something that seems evident, though he also seems to look more like Frank Marshall Davis with every change of season.

I.O. followed the attempts of Leo Donofrio and Cort Wrotnowski, to get the Supreme Court to pay attention to the actual natural born Cittizen standard, before Obama was certified and inaugurated. However, they were not granted an injunction, likely based upon those justice's opinions of the plaintiffs' standing. Thus, to this date, Barack Obama's apparent ineligibility to serve as United States President and Commander in Chief of our military forces has never been adjudicated upon its throbbing sore thumb merits. Constitutional justice remains to be served.

John Jay's request of the "natural born Citizen" requirement,
to the Constitutional Congress
click image to enlarge

By the common understanding of the phrase, natural born Citizen -- by the explanation of that phrase before the fact, the communications about it, at the time of the Constitution's framing, and the relevant analysis and case law, after it, this continues to be evident: that, to hold this qualification, two criteria must be met:
  1. born of parents who were both United States citizens at the time of one's birth
  2. born within United States territory
See the articles:
Mr. Donofrio, who appears to be a man of volatile temperament, has nevertheless resumed some of the tasks of explaining why this sore thumb continues to stick out. One way, has been to show how, according to the most up-to-date historical research, we have already had one fictitious U.S. president, in Mr. Chester A. Arthur. Like Obama, it was rumored that he was not born in America, but, by research Donofrio has brought to light, Arthur was actually engaged in a cover-up of the fact that his father was a British citizen at the time of little Chester's birth. Visit these recent Donofrio articles, to see for yourself.
And, more recently:
Further, Donofrio has done excellent work in explaining why the case of Wong Kim Ark, often cited by Obama protectors, is actually further corroboration of the two criteria (parental lineage and place of birth) for being a natural born Citizen.

There is more to add to the mound of evidence of the true, constitutional definition of natural born Citizen, but that is for others to do and they will do it very soon. And, I.O. will continue to report it.

Constitutional justice must be served, if the term, United States of America is to maintain any integrity.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

UPDATING Apparent Fraud on the Kenyan BC // Bogus Barry's Birthday Bash, Part 2: Tonight's "The Awakening" 9-11pm ET

Original post, 8/3, 3:19pm CT

Bogus Barry's Birthday Bash - Part 2!
9-11pm ET & archived (see blogtalk widget, below)

Mark S. McGrew, Sam Sewell, James Simpson, & Talulah - Obamologists all, join us [Jim couldn't make it, but we were joined by Dave Levine of the Sentinel Radio program of the same name.]

Celebrate with us, as we tell the Mysterious, Marxist Life Story of Barack the Destroyer...

Click to listen on Sentinel Radio's blogtalkradio page for this program
Call in for questions and comments during the program: 646-727-2652

"This Is Your Life," Barack Obama - Part 2

  • Kenyan "Certified Copy of Registration of Birth?"
  • What circumstances of Barack Obama's birth do we know?
  • What are plausible?
  • What is this connection to the Ford Foundation?
  • What are all these connections to the Federal Reserve?
  • What about the consistent Goldman Sachs connections?
  • Does this involve the old central bank manipulators?
  • Are they conspiring with globalist Marxists and even Aquarian New Agers?
  • Can we follow their own words and actions?
  • Can we follow the money? Can we see how they rob us of our property?
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Edits During "The Awakening" -- Program Notes -- Now See This -- Now See This:

Hanen's find, an apparent source document of what seems to be a forgery of the Obama Kenyan B.C. The Bonford Austrialian birth certification with the same tracing numbers as the "Obama" B.C. of "Kenya": [8/5: link to bomford site now removed as a courtesy]

Hats off to heroine, Hanen. We will probably be posting another item about this -- then we need to get back to really Investigating Obama -- and the hideous movement behind him.

Orly Taitz, you must explain. And I.O. suggests you look for where you can responsibilities to other parties in the movement to bring true constitutional accountability to America.

Also, to Orly Taitz: please give us your own bona fides, as quickly as you jump on apparent data of others. Show us your records. And give us references throughout your life, of those who will attest to your being a patriot for America (not just what is purported from recent months).

Edit, 8/4, 12:39: Sam Sewell has published an image file of the Bomford BC, during the program. I did too, but I deleted it, because it did not turn out right. I'll try to upload the image below and however it looks, there it will be.

There, very nice. Click to enlarge. Now, who is guilty of fraud? Anyone? Ms. Taitz, what do you know about this?

Monday, August 3, 2009

New "Kenyan Birth Certificate," Almost Certainly a Hoax [Edit: or is it?] - Updating

I.O. will show why and relate the comments of some key people in the movement to bring Barack Obama to constitutional accountability, in the morning.

Edit 8/3, 12:48: Despite The Oddity of E.F. Lavender, etc., Sam Sewell has raised very good points (see comments).  I.O's suspension of disbelief is... creeking and groaning and striving to engage....  More in the morning....

Edit 8/3, 12:32+: A bit later (a-hem) than a morning report: Arguments against the authenticity of the Kenyan "Certified Copy of Registration of Birth," plus some counterarguments.  Numerous points are being made on the Internet, in forums and blogs.  I'll try to keep updating with the most pertinent of them.

  1. It is a 1964 document, not 1961: it would seem that this protracted certification of a certification my have been made by response to a request to the judge handling the Stanley Ann / BHO I divorce in Hawaii, in 1964.  The divorce proceeding was ostensibly filed by Stanley Ann Obama on January 20, 1964 and the custody of Barack II was finalized on March 20, 1964.  (h/t: Lame Cherry, FreeRepublic posters, Emudude, and Sam Sewell).
  2. It labels the nation, "Republic of Kenya" as of February 17th, 1964; however Kenya, which was pronounced independent on December 12, 1963 as the "Dominion of Kenya," was officially pronounced the Republic of Kenya on, ostensibly, December 12, 1964 (h/t: Harl Delos).  Everything should be researched.  For all I know, the Kenyans could have printed these forms toward the end of 1963, expecting the nation to be called "Republic of Kenya" and did not want to waste the forms. Odd things happen.
  3. The apparent registrar's name, "E.F. Lavender" coincides with a brand of soap currently being sold in Kenya, "Earth Friendly Lavender."  Counterpoint: so, what; Lavender is a common name among the British; so are names beginning in E and F.
  4. Mystery of the Two Copies, below -- There are two copies of this document which have been photographed.  One would appear to be a more tattered, potentially pre-perferated, older copy, and the other, appears to be a color photocopy of the first (see the reddish brown stane on the word "Maiden" and it's reverse stain on the part of the paper folded over it).  However, the fresher looking copy appears to have been folded with the former -- even though the folds of the apparently older copy appear much more worn.  Edit: See the commentary to this article, for a theory to solve this mystery.  Check out the apparently tattered edges and that rip at the top.  Do they look natural?
  5. Orly Taitz -- It has been mentioned that if someone were trying to discredit the constitutional accountability movement, seeking to bring Obama to justice against the "natural born Citizen" standard, then Orly Taitz would be likely to take the bait and flaunt a planted forgery, due to her faulty track record.  However, she is also very aggressive and a lightning rod for all concerned.

click to enlarge

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bill O'Reilly, Be a Reporter - Show Your Alleged Obama Birth Documents

Monday night, Bill O'Reilly said, "we were sent the documents" which prove (to him, ostensibly) that Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii.

Should he not then show what he was sent? Is that not what television journalism is for? I mean it has that big screen, television, even in high-definition, now. Or is that just so we can have a good look at whatever scantily clad women O'Reilly and FoxNews can rationalize coming up with, so they can lust down their corporate nose at them?

Why don't you ask him with me?

Dear Mr. O'Reilly,

Please show the documents you say prove that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Meanwhile, please note that Hawaiian birth certificates were given to those born elsewhere -- even it would seem, Obama's sister. Does what you have name the hospital and doctor?

Arlen Williams
Name and town, name and town, name and town....

Then maybe we should ask him for all those other hidden Obama documents.
Maybe he should throw in Article 2 and John Jay's letter, too.

The Political Alchemy of Pollack, in American Thinker

...and of so many other would-be defenders of America as it was intended and constitutionally designed -- an email cum open letter

Dear editors of American Thinker,

I had known the American Thinker to be a site which is careful to require validation and citation, by its contributors. However, today, I came across "The Political Alchemy of Birtherism" by Joel B. Pollack.

In a manner consistent with propagandist sophistry, Mr. Pollack does indeed present historical citations -- of many sorts of tidbits except for the fundamental assertion of his argument: that Barack Obama's "American birth is a fact." (Well, then he hedges and writes that any contrary claim is "almost certainly false.") But, unfortunately, Mr. Pollack does not examine the evidences.

I would ask Mr. Pollack to cite in the U.S. Constitution where a Commander in Chief must "almost certainly" be a natural born Citizen. I see that he is a "Harvard Law graduate" and a self described speech writer (Pollack, I mean, not Obama). Perhaps he is familiar with the kind of political machination with which he would label (and perhaps "almost" libel) the movement for constitutional adherence regarding presidential eligibility, but he shows no actual familiarity with the central subject matter of his doughnut shaped essay.

As Mr. Pollack digresses about his views of political strategy, let us instead return to the law he purportedly studied. Let us focus upon the investigation of an apparent president's behavior regarding... the law. In the event that a man may be a multiple offender, those who would have him brought to justice as necessary should not ignore his full set of offenses -- especially the ones which may be immediately, legally addressed.

I expect better from "The American Thinker." What can be done, to make up for this?

Arlen Williams

PS: Mr. Pollack (and you) should realize that if legally valid evidence were found that Obama was born in America, it would not positively present him him eligible for the presidency, due to his apparent failure to meet the "natural born Citizen" requirement of the Constitution, that because of his naturally imputed foreign birth-citizenship, via his father.

Didn't even mention the required renunciation of citizenship foreign to Indonesia, in order to claim citizenship as an adult -- nor the potential falsification of other documents (including electoral eligibility and selective service, plus the alleged 'Certificate of Live Birth' shown by Obama's own arm of compliant propagandists, "").

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Two From Sam Sewell: Countering the Actual Fukino Assertion and CNN's Fictitious Okubo Statement

Two important items from Sam Sewell, spokesperson for the American Grand Jury movement (emphasis, I.O's)
Looking through a glass, darkly, at AKA Obama’s Birth Certificate

The latest announcement from Hawaiian Officials isn't any more help than their original announcement. Today this was released:

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago….”

I don’t doubt that Dr. Fukino is accurately reporting that the document she saw says that AKA Obama was indeed born in Hawaii.

Laws of the Territory of Hawaii ACT 96 To Provide For The Issuance Of Certificates Of Hawaiian Birth was in effect from 1911 until 1972 and allowed someone who was born outside the Hawaiian Islands to be registered as though he were born in Hawaii. Under that law, someone simply would have presented herself to the Hawaiian authorities and declared that the child was born in Hawaii. The person could have sworn under oath and presented witnesses and other evidence. If the authorities accepted it, that was the end of it. All a person had to do was file a false statement and Hawaii took them at their word.

One could not just say "My kid was born in Des Moines but I want him to have a Hawaiian birth record". But if you lied no investigation was conducted to validate your claim and the Hawaiian birth record was issued no questions asked.

Knowledge of this practice was wide spread and there are probably thousands of people who obtained Hawaiian birth records between 1911 and 1972 through the process of affidavits and witnesses rather than hospitals and delivery doctors.

The only way to know where AKA OBAMA was actually born is to view AKA OBAMA's original birth certificate on file in Hawaii to see what kind of birth certificate it is, and to examine what corroborating evidence supports what it says about AKA OBAMA's alleged place of birth. If the birth was in a hospital, as AKA OBAMA has maintained, such evidence would be the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor who delivered him.

Excerpt from:

Here is the information on Hawaiian law that makes it clear why we will never know the truth until we see the actual birth certificate.
And, about the apparently fictitious quote of Janice Okubo by the CNN boss
"We don't destroy records." - Hawaii DOH

CNN wrong once again – birth record not destroyed – Hawaii contradicts network boss' claim that Obama certificate no longer exists

By Jerome R. Corsi© 2009 WorldNetDaily

CNN's Jon KleinDirectly contradicting CNN chief Jon Klein – who ordered host Lou Dobbs to quit discussing President Obama's birth certificate – the Hawaii Department of Health affirmed that no paper birth certificates were destroyed when the department moved to electronic record-keeping.

"I am not aware of any birth certificate records that have been destroyed by the department," Janice Okubo, public information officer for the Hawaii DOH, told WND. "When the department went electronic in 2001, vital records, whether in paper form or any other form, [were] maintained. We don't destroy records."
I.O. would remind the reader that if a birth certificate were found indicating that Barack Hussein Obama I is the father of Barack Hussein Obama II, wherever the location of his birth, that would merely serve as evidence of the latter's ineligibility to serve as Commander in Chief, due to his Kenyan/UK citizenship, passed along at birth, from the former.
See "The Donofrio 'Natural Born Citizen' Challenge."

Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Barack Obama: 'This is Your Life' - Tonight on 'The Awakening' 9pm ET

Join us for Bogus Barry's Birthday Bash!
9-11pm ET & archived

Celebrate with us, as we tell the Mysterious, Marxist Life Story of Barack the Destroyer...

Listen to archived program at Sentinel Radio's Blogtalkradio site
Call in number, for questions and comments during program: 646-727-2652

"This Is Your Life," Barack Obama - Part 1

  • What do we know about his grandparents?
  • Who's your daddy, Barack? (Shucks, who's your mommy, really?)
  • You wrote Dreams from My Father, so what were your father's (Marxist) dreams that you gained from him?
  • Where were you born?
  • Who brought you up and how?
  • What is your reason for being?
James Simpson, Sam Sewell, and Talulah - Obamologists all, join us!

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PLUS, some time in the 2nd hour: He sure couldn't and obviously didn't do this himself...

What is the real Obama Conspiracy? - Part 1
Edit: Well, just a bit of that, as it turned out, since we also had an extended Eligibility Update with Sam Sewell and caller, Peggy. Review facts, hear things learned since election time, and speculate a bit with us, for further discovery. The story must be told.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama (In)eligibility in the Mass Media

Update - See The Right Side of Life article, "CNN Pushing Hard to Overlook Eligibility." This sure is creating a stir over at

7/24, 12:56pm

The Obama eligibility crisis has begun to break into "major" media.

Crisis? It really presents a part of the solution to this global fascist insurrection to "level off" America and to control it, along with the rest of the world. The constitutional outing and ouster of Obama will be increasingly seen as just that, by more and more Americans, in government and out.

Lately, we have had eligibility discussed through venues such as:

Rush Limbaugh

Lou Dobbs, on radio

CNN: Katie Pilgrim

CNN: Larry King, showing the town hall confrontation of Rep. Michael Castle (R-DE) and asking Elizabeth Cheney about Obama eligibility:

WordNetDaily 2 of 2, today
And now, for videophiles who would like to know more (and I sure hope they cover the most pertinent issue of the Kenyan/U.K. citizenship at birth, via BHO-I) WorldNetDaily is offering a video:

Maybe I can help to put this into perspective in another paragraph or two, in, Sentinel Radio Blog, and Fort Hard Knox. This I.O. post may see some updating, as well.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dr. James David Manning Predicts Riots

This is Pastor James David Manning, after the obscene speech at Notre Dame, of Barry Soetoro, as the latter made sure that references to Jesus Christ were shrouded in his political presence.

I.O. would relate that while Manning refers to "white" people and "black" people, this is only about white in the way it is about blue and red -- this is about black and white, yes: the black ink of truth upon the white pages of God's history for America and the world.

God has an agenda, o reader. Barack Obama and the conspirators behind him, in the shadow of America, are His foils. Let us pay attention to the former as we deal with the latter.

If there is violence in America from this, look to Obama conspiritors to initiate it, as I.O. will continue to relate.

h/t: one James or another

War Against America, Felt in the Military

This letter is addressed to a weak man, in I.O's humble opinion. However, it is written by one of excellent strength, exemplary of those who honor the uniforms of those pledged to defend the United States Constitution and to act only within its constraints. Thank you, Lt. Col. David Earl-Graef. May this entire matter, concerning Barack Obama and those behind America's shadow, be resolved before you are compelled to practice your profession.

Honorable Robert M. Gates,

Enough is enough! You must be aware at this point of the tempest brewing among the Rank and File. I am writing you in an effort to appeal to your sense of concern for the Military; a concern we share not only for the Military as a whole but for each and every individual who wears the Uniform in the Service of our Country. I am in this regard specifically asking you for your help. I implore you to not wait until the “pot boils over” and we find ourselves in total disarray.

I am convinced, beyond any doubt, that the moral well being and efficiency of our fighting forces to defend our Country is soon to be hanging in a precarious balance if not already. In my humble estimation this is NOT a theoretical possibility to construct a thesis or a contingency plan about. It is a reality and is happening right now. Resolution of this issue must be accomplished in the most expeditious manner available at your disposal to gain immediate relief to those of us who are struggling to fully comply with our sworn Oath to the Constitution while being conflicted by questions relating to the qualifications of the POTUS to hold the office in full and absolute compliance with the Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Regardless of differences in the color of our uniforms, the color of our skin, religion or gender WE are Brothers and Sisters in Arms and our family is being torn apart. Are you not looking and listening to what is happening around you? How can anyone of good conscious stand by and let this happen to us? I for one cannot! You must care enough to intercede to stop this. Is this not within your power to do so? Why have you not acted already? What is it that you are waiting for?

If you have any doubts of what I am saying is true you need look no further than the comments made on the site regarding the actions of Lt. Scott Easterling who in my opinion is an absolutely courageous young Army Officer. Irrespective of your personal opinion of his actions, one thing is abundantly clear; the horrible, hateful and demeaning things that were being said about him and one to the other among my Brothers and Sisters in Arms were things that I have NEVER experienced in ALL my years of military service. It is no less than gut retching to see this happening. The wounds that are being inflicted will NOT be healed by any Medicine I have at my disposal. There is nothing I learned in Medical School or in my training as a Flight Surgeon that can fix this; save the absolute power of Truth. The POTUS must stop concealing the documents once and for all and the issue of his qualifications must be addressed. Make no mistake; any adverse consequences to the troops as a result of your failure to act responsibly will be in large part directly on your head.

Have you considered the legal ramifications for our fighting forces if for any reason the POTUS is not qualified. Are they in Iraq illegally? If so does this make them terrorists under International law as the Islamic radical elements have been calling them? Have they given up their Geneva protections and do not even know this? If so when captured can they be killed or tortured without International legal ramifications? Have they been stripped of the legal protections by the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief act? Are you willing to allow this risk to them when they are fighting for us?

Once again I find myself at a loss of words to try to explain the abject and total dismay I have at the administration to include the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to allow the painful division now occurring in our military to proceed unabated. I hope that [I] do not need to remind you that you as well took an Oath to support and defend the Constitution. As a point of honor you are either willing to do this or you are not. If you are not then preserve your honor, resign and let someone who cares more about us than that do what is right.

I again respectfully implore you to act within your powers and help us. It is absolutely true and is my Prayer to my Creator to allow me to suffer the slings and arrows of being thought a fool rather than to have my convictions realized that persons of responsibility have allowed through negligence to have the Office of the President of the United States to be USURPED; it is self evident however, that whatever the outcome we must know the truth.

Lt Col David A. Earl-Graef USAFR MC

Photograph found on a Reuters page
The views and statements expressed by Investigating Obama contributors, and in quotations and citations, are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Investigating Obama and Arlen Williams.

Friday, July 17, 2009

To the Joint Chiefs of Staff about 'President' Obama: Time to Show What You're Made of

Open Letter by Rob Lamb posted on July 16th, 2009 on The Betrayal blog. The recipients of this open letter are the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, of the United States Armed Forces. Pictured is Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman.

By Rob Lamb

Admiral Michael Mullen, CJCS
General James E Cartwright USMC, VCJCS
General George W. Casey, Jr. USA
Admiral Gary Roughead, USN
General Norton A. Schwartz, USAF
General James T. Conway, USMC


We are now in a situation where those who desire to extricate themselves from the War On Terror, or any other military obligation, may do so by challenging their orders. All one needs to do is question the legitimacy of the alleged president, Soetoro, and they are immediately released. What will you do if all the military want to know the truth? What will you do then? Should not they expect their orders to be legal? Every person in the military should resist, barring absolute proof. If only our military had hundreds of thousands of others with Major Stefan Frederick Cook’s bravery.

Show us, gentlemen, that you, too, have that bravery. Show the American People that you are not just armchair generals, fat and incompetent, happy to collect your paychecks, waiting to retire. Show us that you indeed have some testicular fortitude and the ‘guts’ for which our military is known. Show us you give a damn.

You cannot allow this wound to fester. It is Soetoro, at the top, who must prove himself. Not the other way around. With every damn ‘i’ dotted, and ‘t’ crossed; all the way back to August 4, 1961, from Kenya, to Hawaii, to Indonesia, the passports, the Selective Service application, through school. All of it. ALL OF IT.

The American People cannot depend on Robert Gates. He has licked every boot he ever encountered, for administrations reaching back to when he first joined the CIA. Suckling at the government teat for one’s entire adult life tends to alter the ego, mettle, and judgment. He is worthless.

At one time, there were hopes for Colin Powell. I cannot believe I wrote, begging McCain to put him on the ticket, as V.P., last fall. It turns out he is merely a sycophantic racist; one who now has regrets, or ‘concerns‘. As if that will help this country now. That moron helped put the U.S. on the road to hell.

Congress, for the most part, is nothing but a miserable pathetic collection of spineless, weak political slugs of the lowest order. They thrive only in their own sewage, secreting their vile mucus in every direction, politically apophallating each other. Possibly you can discern my measurement of Congress’ usefulness.

To keep this drip from becoming a torrent, you must demand that Soetoro prove his legitimacy, once and for all. First, he should be a citizen of the United States, incredibly, even that is questionable. But, to be president, he must have two citizen parents. He can be given the benefit of the doubt on the other two requirements. World leaders and intelligence agencies know he is a fraud. Foreign populations have been informed by their media, and know him to be a fraud. Our own CIA and FBI know he is a fraud. Millions of Americans know he is a fraud. Major Cook knows he is a fraud. I’m of the opinion you gentlemen also know he is a fraud.

Honduras. Could this tiny, poor, third world DEMOCRACY be a model for the United States of America? I can’t believe I just wrote that down. Yet that country was not going to allow a president usurp power he did not constitutionally possess, as we have. The Honduran Army was forced to step in and correct the situation, and immediately turn over the reins of power to legitimate officeholders. Their military were true leaders. A coups? No. A correction.

You could achieve the same thing by demanding honesty, truth, and transparency of Soetoro. Demand his bona fides. Prove to the American People that you are leaders. Prove to the American People that you are patriots worthy of the medals on your chests. Or return them as undeserved.

We learn, today, that DOD’s Defense Security Services Agency has demanded that Simtech CEO, Larry Grice, terminate Major Stefan Frederick Cook, and that his security clearances have been revoked. Despicable mistreatment of a true hero. What about the very idea that the military must follow legal orders? How the hell do they know the orders are legal if they don’t ask? Doesn’t this violate the whistle blower protections afforded anybody who works for the government? Yes, soldiers who work for the military, work for the government.

This hero, Major Cook, swore to uphold the Constitution, not a phony president. For doing his job, for protecting the Constitution, he is felled, as if by an enemy bullet, but it turns out to be friendly fire. The despicable coward who ordered this treatment of him should be hanged. By destroying Cook, an illegal order is executed; exactly what Cook was trying to avoid.

He is the hero, the patriot, you gentlemen will never be.

Yours very truly,

Rob Lamb

cc: Major Stefan Frederick Cook, Dr. Orly Taitz, the press, Pelosi, Reid, McCain, McConnell, Gates, Powell, Members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, Soetoro.

The views and statements expressed by Investigating Obama contributors, and in quotations and citations, are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Investigating Obama and Arlen Williams.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lou Dobbs Interviews Keyes & Taitz over Obama's (In)eligibility - on Radio

How about on CNN? Should we hold our breath?

For at least a few days, this interview should be streamable via this link.
Alan Keyes and Orly Taitz on Obama's natural-born citizenship
Wednesday, Jul 15, 2009
Play Download
I.O. plans to publish a few comments about Keyes vs. Obama (California) and the case of the apparently persecuted Major Cook (Georgia) in a bit.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where to Go for Obama Ineligibility News

In response to truly valid comments, I would direct your attention to the I.O. Sidebar, for links to the low-down on the current eligibility lawsuits. You may wish to consider this a portal to the subject matter.

I.O. will comment (and its administrator, pray) but will likely not be a primary news source, for this. Then again, we may pick our spots, for expanded usurper-news.

Monday, June 15, 2009

James Schneller Eligibility Case at SCOTUS + Grand Jury Update, on 'The Awakening,' Monday 9pm ET

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​​James Schneller of Pennsylvania, has an Obama eligibility suit to be heard in conference by the U.S. Supreme Court, this Thursday, June 18. James Schneller is our Special Guest today, Monday, June 16 @ 9pm ET,,, 6pm PT.

In the mean time, you may review The Right Side of Life's report: Schneller v. Cortes: Distributed for SCOTUS Conference.

Also, Sam Sewell will give us the latest news in the Constitutional Grand Jury movement. Plus, we will take your calls! 9pm ET,,, 6pm PT.

You may use the widget above, or go to the Sentinel Radio BTR site, or call 646-727-2652 -- and hit the "1" button if you would like to ask a question or comment!

EDIT: This broadcast is an interview with Sam Sewell, for the first hour and James Schneller, for the second hour. It is available, archived.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Finds No Birth Certificate for Obama nor God

With talent on loan from God, Rushbo compares and contrasts Him with Barry, today, since Newsweek's pundit Even Thomas began such correlations recently, on MSNBC:
Q: Barack Obama has one thing in common with God — do you know what it is?

A: God does not have a birth certificate and neither does Obama — um, not that we’ve seen.

Q: What is a difference between Barack Obama and God?

A1: God asks for only 10 percent of your money
A2: God gives you freedom to live your life as you choose
A3: God’s plan to save us is actually written down for you to read

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Investigating Obama?

Why do You show me iniquity,
And cause me to see trouble?
For plundering and violence are before me;
There is strife, and contention arises.
Therefore the law is powerless,
And justice never goes forth.
For the wicked surround the righteous;
Therefore perverse judgment proceeds.

Habakkuk 1:3,4, NKJV

Last September, I decided to open a weblog called "Investigating Obama." It was intended to be a little launching pad for the distribution of one-page warnings, just before the general election, of the grave dangers inherent in the act of voting for Barack Obama, for president.

In October, I wrote the first, "ACORN & Obama - Allied How? To What End?" listing the documented ties which show that Obama has arisen of, by, and for the same neo-Marxist movement.

Later that month, the other one-pager, "Investigating Obama: Career Path Toward a Neo-Marxist Presidency," achieved an appreciable degree of circulation, boosted by headline linking on This traced what was known, by that time, of Obama's birth to Marxists, his nurturance and mentoring by Marxists, and his education and highly developed career path to the presidency -- all interdependent with the investments of fellow Marxists and radical Islamists. Both FreeRepublic and the site storing the articles were hit by cyberattacks.

While numerous sources were cited, the research and writing most critical to this exercise was James Simpson's "Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis." This was to date, the most revealing study of the Marxist operations leading up to the Obama regime, including the work of Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward/Frances Fox Piven, George Soros, "community organizations," SDS/Weathermen madmen, and alas, my PUMA friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton. It also began to point out a systematic intentionality behind the well-timed and so highly effective "mortgage meltdown" -- an intentionality we have begun to see spreading beyond those we have tended to understand as Marxist, to a greater evil collaboration of those seeking a globally controlled society. After all, evil, godlike control over our lives (and deaths) is the shared aim of all the world's "ubers," of all super-elites.

Tragically, Obama was "elected," and I found myself with a continuing chore. Investigating Obama continued to point out strategy and tactics of his evil ideological movement. It also traced highlights of the movement to bring Barack Hussein Obama II, a.k.a., Barry Soetoro and all those responsible in his pseudoelectoral process, to constitutional accountability regarding his readily apparent ineligibility for the presidency.

I have tried to avoid this site's becoming another set of general criticisms of Barack Obama and his "questionable policies." That gives him and his comrades much too much credibility. In fact, this writer has "had it up to here" with political pundits complaining and head-scratching about "President Obama."

Any commentator who bills himself as one seeking to conserve the declared principles of America and of our Constitution, but who does not point out, front and center, that Obama is a hardcore Marxist is incompetent and passe'. Such a person has no excuse for the pussyfooting, by this time. They are akin to the flaccid compromisers of the Republican congressional contingent and their cigarette sucking Repub Club operative friends.

Any commentator who fails to study and declare the evidence and implications of Obama's ineligibility for the presidency is likewise a blithering shame, even if his name is Limbaugh or Beck. And any Horowitz, Malkin, or Medved who ridicules those who side with the Constitution against the usurpation of the presidency is worthy of contempt -- or pity, you can choose.

It may seem, this June 2009, that we are at an impasse -- and what but the posterior of an imp could stink as repulsively as this? I am tired of walking up to this stench day after day, and breathing it. It burns the nose, much worse than stale air, but there is no stalemate, here. There is instead, a course which this putrid disease is taking and the cure continues to be humbled adherence to the healing power of truth -- and especially, truth's Author.

I took much of the month of May off from posting in I.O. Now, that time is over. It is time to meekly rejoin the ranks of those who are applying themselves faithfully -- to regroup and reassemble what we know -- and we know even more, significantly more. It is time to tell more of the truth to more of the American People and the world, regardless of the only semipotent to useful idiot "thought leaders," who are themselves concomitant with America's Marxist "dumb-down" and the hoodwinking by the fraud known as "President Obama." No excuses.

America's greatest active enemy is in control of the White House, Congress, our financial system, and half our courts.

Or, is that true, Pogo? Or is America's greatest active enemy the willful ignorance of its People?

As it is, if you wish, you will have more information here, for the overcoming of these determined enemies, which are purposefully destroying America.