Showing posts sorted by date for query natural born citizen. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query natural born citizen. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, July 1, 2011

'Natural Born Citizen for Dummies' v. Dummy v. the United States of America

Constitutionalist activist, Dean Haskins provides a lesson instructing that a "natural born Citizen," according to the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, is an individual born in United States territory, to parents who are both U.S. Citizens.

Further, he introduces the viewer to the Supreme Court case of Minor v. Happersett, which recognized this and thus established binding precedent, the adjudicated recognition of the meaning of the phrase "natural born Citizen" in the Constitution.

Video, "Natural Born Citizen for Dummies," June 28, 2011

Of course this means that Barack Hussein Obama II is our U.S. President illegally and spuriously, if Barack Hussein Obama I is indeed his father. And it shows how displaced from legitimacy and reality is our entire United States government at this moment.

"Never before, in the history of the America, have our leaders been so afraid of the rule of law, but the rule of law is what has made this country. If we allow them to shirk their duties in this matter, then the rule of law will be rendered of no effect and our country will soon go the way of every other country that succumbed to fear," observes Mr. Haskins. Fear of what, though? Of being found out?

To bring us up to date, eligibility attorney Leo Donofrio has written of the significance of the Minor v. Happersett decision in his blog, Natural Born Citizen:

"US Supreme Court Precedent States that Obama is not Eligible to be President," June 21, 2011

"Minor v. Happersett is Binding Precedent as to the Constitutional Definition of a Natural Born Citizen," June 24, 2011

"The Express Lane to Natural Born Clarity," June 30, 2011

States Mr. Donofrio in that third entry:
The Supreme Court in Minor specifically avoided construing the 14th Amendment as to the issue of whether Virginia Minor was a US citizen. Instead, the Court looked no further than the natural-born citizen clause in Article 2 Section 1. The Court held that Minor was a member of the “class” of persons who were natural-born citizens. They defined this class as those born in the US to “parents” (plural) who were citizens. (For more detailed analysis of this issue, see my two previous reports, here and here.)

The Court also noted that the “citizenship” of those born to non-citizen parents was subject to doubt. Since Virginia Minor was in the class of natural-born citizens, that doubt didn’t need to be resolved. The Court exercised judicial restraint and thereby avoided construction of the 14th Amendment as to the citizenship issue.
In the first of these entries, Donofrio quotes the dicta of the Minor v. Happersett ruling and this is the passage that establishes the precedent as to the meaning, understood at the time of the Constitution's framing, of "natural born Citizen," emphasis added.
“The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case it is not necessary to solve these doubts. It is sufficient for everything we have now to consider that all children born of citizen parents within the jurisdiction are themselves citizens.“
Another attorney who has been very active in this matter, Mario Apuzzo, also elucidates the matter at his blog, Natural Born Citizen - A Place to Ask Questions and Get the Right Answers, where among other things, he takes the tainted site Snopes to task for its inaccuracy and seeming bias.

Prior to these, the most comprehensive research and analysis displayed in any pertinent article I have seen has come to us via "The Meaning of Natural Born Citizen," (September 6, 2009). That is the work of a collection of activists and law students calling their site Undead Revolution, referring to the continuous presence of our founders' specifications of our government -- truth which haunts those who would deny this reality. And there are more nuggets there, besides Minor v. Happersett.

But just lately, as if on cue, the U.S. Senator from Illinois Richard "Dick" Durbin has issued an oral report of the absurdity of the progressives' stance on the matter of eligibility for the presidency. He speculates that an illegal alien granted amnesty may one day become our president.

Video, "Democrat Senator: Illegal Alien Could Be Our Future President," June 29, 2011

Even RealClearPolitics, with their history of editing out information on the matter, achieved clarity on that apparent gaffe. But was it a gaffe? Not for the progressive, who by definition, wishes to "fundamentally transform" America, by "progressing" beyond the established charter of our Declaration of Independence and compelling governmental design of our Constitution.

We now live in an America with not only an anti-American president by his behavior, but by his autobiography, a fictitious one. Our Congress is complicit, by its failure to abide by the Constitution, or to even seek to do so, at the time of his confirmation. There were no challenges as constitutionally provided. Do we have a Supreme Court which has the integrity to correct this, or in its failure to do so, or thus far to even observe the constitutional standing of the Sovereign U.S. Citizens who have brought this crisis to their attention, does it also invalidate itself?

Three strikes and America's entire federal government is out.

Letter to George Washington from John Jay regarding the insertion of the "natural born Citizen" clause
into the U.S. Constitution, "Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide
a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government,
and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the American army shall not be given to,
nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen."

Arlen Williams coordinates publishing of the new Webzine, Gulag Bound and has administrated the blog, Investigating Obama. Prior to this, he was an organizer of electoral action in Illinois and Wisconsin, while maintaining a career in technology sales. Arlen addresses the Marxofascist soft war for global empire, against authentic America and freedom and sovereignty worldwide, suggesting overwhelming First Amendment warfare in return.

He asks you to communicate with your neighbors, and to confront politicians and candidates with “The Three SOVEREIGNTY NOW Questions.”

Contact him at

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Update: Bill O'Reilly? After All This Time?

Initial, 4/12:

Have I gone schizo? I seemed to just hear a blurb on Fox News that went something like this:

Did Barack Obama really falsify his college and selective service records?
On the O'Reilly Factor, tonight!

O'Reilly as Theoden?

Healing the King by movieclips

Maybe... just lately... the likes of Jack Cashill, Stanley Kurtz, Jerome Corsi, and David Freddoso, as well as The Donald (as well as the great and growing "nbC," proofer, and Obamologist faithful) have set the momentum to pass the tipping point. CNN can't leave Obama and the BC alone either.

For a relatively exhaustive account of the Obama knowns and unknowns, see the two Obama Timeline volumes of Don Fredrick. Also, check out the new book, Never Vetted, by Pamela Barnett, when it is released.

And a special thank you to Debbie Schlussel (who originally reported the apparent Selective Service fraud): link - link.


O'Reilly skirted the question on the Selective Service records, did he not? Perhaps I need to listen to it again at 10pm Central. (Edit: I listened again just to be sure and he never mentioned it.) Why would his program advertise this, then not cover it? Why, indeed.

It is worth a chuckle that while O'Reilly assured us there is no problem with Obama's birth certificate, he in the same ignorantly confident tone mentioned, "If I were the president, I'd have a minion," bring Donald Trump over to Hawaii, to see it. He cited the State of Hawaii's statement that they have an "original" Barack Obama Birth Certificate "on file." As students of this matter have pondered, this still leaves loopholes as to whether or not Barack Obama is a "natural born Citizen."

So, O'Reilly and Fox News successfully treated this subject matter to sell more Chantix, Verizon Wireless, and the CapitalOne Venture Card.

The question of what the State of Hawaii may and may not legally mean by its pronouncements was explored by Leo Donofrio and alternatively, by "TerriK," a.k.a., "MissTickly." Reports, plus interviews of these two may be found by means of links here, and here, and here, in Investigating Obama, posted when this site was being piloted on a day-to-day basis. (As you may see in it's helpful sidebar, it still flies on autopilot.)

Also, if there is a Birth Certificate which demonstrates that the Barack Hussein Obama of Kenya is our putative President Barack H. Obama's father, then it is clear by the original (i.e., true) intent and language of the United States Constitution, that Obama never has been and could never become a "natural born Citizen" and is therefore ineligible to be "Commander in Chief." That subject was explored in Investigating Obama in December 2008 and January 2009. Further corroboration has been found, since. If you would like us to show that to you and spell it out, please comment, below.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Theresa Cao & Walter Fitzpatrick; State Persecution?

Gulag Night
Monday Nights, 10pm ET,,, 7-9pm PT this one, March 21st, 2011.

The page in Gualg Media

Along with guest panelist, Sher Zieve, we welcome eligibility activist, Theresa Cao and corruption fighter, Walter Fitzpatrick. They know something of what it is to be Gulag Bound.

The Marxist mommies of Code Pink get off "free as a bird," time after time, but Theresa? Since she very briefly challenged Barack Obama's eligibility in the House gallery, during the reading of the "natural born Citizen" clause of the Constitution, the prosecution and seeming persecution go on.

What was conspicuously "out of order" in Congress on this matter, was that Nancy Pelosi's certification of Barack Obama as President was effectively rubber stamped by every single member of the immediately prior Congress, without one single request to merely validate his eligibility! (The same for, Panama-born John McCain, for that matter.) Not even celebrated constitution-head Ron Paul lifted a finger.

And Walt Fitzpatrick is out of the Monroe County, Tennessee Jail now, but the pitched battle between American principles and deep-seated corruption goes on, there. Fitzpatrick will discuss the break-in to his home and his incarceration, also how the term "treason" applies.

Find out the latest from each and discover much more about yourself in America, 2011.


"Theresa Cao: Another Obama Opponent Headed for Jail?" March 15, 2011, by Sher Zieve, in Gulag Bound.

AP, "Raw Video: Heckler Interrupts Constitution Read"

And about Walt Fitzpatrick

"How Can there be an Arraignment without any Charges or Accuser?" July 7, 2010, by Sharon Rondeau, in The Post & Email

"Dictatorship Reigns Supreme in Tennessee and the USA," October 24, 2010, by Walter Fitzpatrick, in The Post & Email

"Monroe County TN Corruption Turns Violent" (on the murder of Jim Miller) August 2010, by J.B. Williams, in The JAG Hunter

Hosts: Arlen Williams, Tallulah Starr, and CJ in TX

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CNN Reports on the ‘Birther Myth’ on Barry’s Birthday

And they cite the funky "COLB" and the newspaper listing (as if there were would be no reason for dishonest people to claim U.S. Citizenship, if there were not, for the babe).

Posted: August 4th, 2010 11:25 AM ET


ALT TEXT President Obama’s birth certificate (left) has been certified authentic by the Republican governor of Hawaii. His birth announcement (right) appeared in print in 1961. (PHOTO CREDIT: State of Hawaii)

Washington (CNN) - It's surely not what the leader of the free world wants for his birthday. But, for a stubborn group of Americans, conspiracy theories about President Obama's birthplace are the gifts that keep on giving.

The president celebrates his 49th birthday Wednesday. On the same day, a new national poll indicates some Americans continue to doubt the president was born in the United States. According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, more than a quarter of the public have doubts about Obama's citizenship, with 11 percent saying Obama was definitely not born in the United States and another 16 percent saying the president was probably not born in the country.

Full results [pdf]

Forty-two percent of those questioned say they have absolutely no doubts that the president was born in the U.S., while 29-percent say he "probably" was.

Read the rest of this entry »

...the rest of their entry (emphasis, I.O.)....

Now, what about that Article II, natural born Citizen requirement, CNN?

By the way, by this survey, it may be said that at least 58% of the American People are unwilling to flatly state that Barack Obama is eligible to be United States President.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Misrepresenting Scientist Comments and Opposition Arrests - Obama Police State Begins

by Sher Zieve

Lies, Lies…and More Lies

Here we go again with ‘another day and another Obama & Co lie’. Guess our days would no longer be complete without a few dishonest pieces of ObamaPropaganda with our morning coffee. Tragically, many of our fellow citizens are becoming far too used to the tyrant’s hypocrisy and some are, now, even ignoring it as ‘Obama’s business as usual’. To accept patent lies from our country’s leaders is what got us into out current mess in the first place folks. And--as he continues to intensely revel in his still-unstopped destruction of our country--The Obama tells whoppers!

As Obama continues to run from his own legal duties, under both the Clean Water Act and the Oil Pollution Act, he tells us that BP must correct the problem; while thousands of barrels of oil are dispensed into the Gulf each and every day destroying all life with which it comes into contact. But, Obama sees this as a political boon; one in which he plans to use in order to shove through his Cap & Trade bill that will hobble us all. So, he asked a group of scientists (the best in the country he told us) to provide him with a report. Note: Obama wants reports whilst he watches the totality of the occurring daily destruction. We believe he is, again, smiling broadly at his malicious work.

Obama’s scientific experts did--indeed--provide the dictator-in-chief with his requested--demanded--report. However, it did not go far enough for The Obama. So, Obama’s Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar surreptitiously “added” a few paragraphs at the end of the report suggesting the experts had recommended a cessation in drilling for oil. But, nothing could be further from the truth. The experts--via Ken Arnold--advised Fox News: “None of us actually reviewed the [Salazar revised] memorandum as it is in the report." Arnold said that it was a false addition and that not one of those preparing the report had recommended any cessation in drilling. In fact, he and the other experts said that doing so would be devastating to the US economy. Surprise! Obama & Co lied again in order to get their way. Salazar, of course, said he was sorry for the lie. But as we know, in ObamaLand, the end--whatever is employed by the Marxists to get there--justifies ANY means used and being a Marxist-Democrat means saying you’re sorry is all that’s needed. And the ObamaMedia will continue to largely ignore the oppression.

Obama’s Police State Begins in earnest

Obama now has had his Congressional minions--aka US Senators--propose a bill that will give the dictator total and uncontrolled seizure under anything Obama deems to be an “emergency”. Note: We suggest this “emergency” applies to the spreading of truth to We-the-People; especially but not limited to elections. Obama is now--officially--Hugo Chavez’ twin brother--only worse.

And, the Obama-inspired--if not controlled--criminal behavior continues in the administrative and police-state bowels of Monroe County, Tennessee. As a brief recap, former Navy LTC Walter Fitzpatrick had originally filed a criminal complaint against Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Sotero) as having committed treason in that he was and is not eligible to be President of the United States. After doing so, and receiving the response of intimidation from Monroe County officials, he uncovered the fact that the Monroe County Grand Jury was operating illegally. One of the greatest illegalities was--and still is--the fact that an individual named Gary Pettway had been the Grand Jury Foreman for over 20 years. One of the arguments from the seemingly highly leftist controlled county is that there are no term limits for GJ Foremen. However, in looking further, the statute advises that the GJ foremen are to be randomly selected from a pool of jurors and shall serve as foremen for a period of 2 years. Pettway has been a GJ Foreman for 27 years. That hardly seems to be a “random” selection; in fact it defies all logic whatsoever. LTC Fitzpatrick attempted to affect a--legal under Monroe County and Tennessee law--citizen’s arrest on Mr. Pettway. That’s when Monroe County officials decided to release the dogs of war against Fitzpatrick.

So, as LTC Fitzpatrick challenged--and exposed--criminal behavior now inherent in Monroe County, the entire force of Monroe County--if not Obama--has been brought to bear against him. As retaliation for exposing (only) one of their secret illicit behaviors, Fitzpatrick has now been charged by the Monroe County Grand Jury with 6 criminal counts--one of which is causing or attempting to cause a riot (a “riot” of one???) and “the intent to intimidate Gary Pettway” (by calling him and Monroe County on their illegal behaviors). And guess who the foreman is…C’mon guess. That’s right--Gary Pettway. Those who came to observe and support Fitzpatrick have also been charged with various crimes. Obama-and-other-criminal-protecting Police State in Monroe County? You betcha’!

Another case is that of current LTC Terry Lakin, M.D. As a military officer, Lakin legitimately questioned Obama’s right to give orders as the US Commander-in-Chief if he is not eligible (under the US Constitution’s natural born clause) to be president. The military judge has denied Lakin ALL discovery that is pertinent to his case. Therefore, we are now dealing with--even in the military--Obama Kangaroo court or “drumhead courts martial.” Each and every judge that has had the eligibility issue brought before him or her has thrown it out on “standing” excuse. Even when harm has been shown--as it must with “standing,” the cases have been thrown out. Now, there is even a former Hawaiian elections clerk--Tim Adams--willing to swear that there is no long form Hawaiian birth certificate for Obama. Adams said: “I had direct access to the Social Security database, the national crime computer, state driver's license information, international passport information, basically just about anything you can imagine to get someone's identity. I could look up what bank your home mortgage was in. I was informed by my boss that we did not have a birth record [for Obama].”

Does The Obama now control the entire “judicial” system--both civilian and military? More important is the question “Is anyone we elected ever going to do anything to remove this tyrant and oppressor now running the country from our midst?” Anyone?

Protests from experts show drilling moratorium based on politics, not science:

Experts Say White House 'Misrepresented' Views to Justify Drilling Moratorium:

Obama Legally Obliged to Take Over Oil Spill Disaster:

False ObamaGov "add-ons" to oil spill report:

Obama Wants Total Control of Internet:

Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick III to appear before new Monroe County Grand Jury:

Decorated Army Doctor LTC Terry Lakin Waives Preliminary Hearing:

Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Overthrow Obama? A Compendium

As the disclaimer on our sidebar indicates, by publishing Ms. Matthis' compendium, we do not necessarily agree with the various texts and citations involved. In fact, I.O. suggests other means of defeating the Marxofascist revolution against America that adheres to and includes the person of Barack Obama, with its massive Cloward-Piven sabotage and Marxist theft, and its determined treason against our Sacred Sovereignties. We would also cite reasons supplemental to those below, for whatever action is appropriately taken in response, including those just given, plus the implications of lack of adherence to the two Citizen parent requirement inherent in the "natural born Citizen" clause of the U.S. Constitution, also the Sestak allegation of felony, etc.

That being said, Barack Obama represents an enemy government in Washington, D.C. never before encountered by the People of the United States of America and here is the article...

by Nancy Matthis at American Daughter

Contemplation of non-electoral removal of the Obama administration has been fermenting for over a year. Until now, it has remained fairly hidden below the surface of the public discourse. This week, it has virtually erupted due to a viral email.

On September 29, 2009, Newsmax published an article discussing overthrow of the Obama regime. The piece was a thoughtful discussion of the situation, written by a highly qualified former presidential adviser, and most definitely NOT incitement or advocacy. Nevertheless, Newsmax quickly removed the post from their website when a firestorm of criticism assailed them from the left.

The article remained available, however, as Google cache and in a mirror image captured by Talking Points Memo. Within the last few days, its circulation has exploded by email, and it has been reproduced in full on several websites such as and Fellowship of the Minds. It can no longer be ignored. It has become a legitimate subject for discussion in the Blogosphere. Here is the original article:
Obama Risks a Domestic Military Intervention
By John L. Perry

There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America's military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the "Obama problem." Don't dismiss it as unrealistic.

America isn't the Third World. If a military coup does occur here it will be civilized. That it has never happened doesn't mean it wont. Describing what may be afoot is not to advocate it. So, view the following through military eyes:
  • Officers swear to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Unlike enlisted personnel, they do not swear to "obey the orders of the president of the United States."
  • Top military officers can see the Constitution they are sworn to defend being trampled as American institutions and enterprises are nationalized.
  • They can see that Americans are increasingly alarmed that this nation, under President Barack Obama, may not even be recognizable as America by the 2012 election, in which he will surely seek continuation in office.
  • They can see that the economy -- ravaged by deficits, taxes, unemployment, and impending inflation -- is financially reliant on foreign lender governments.
  • They can see this president waging undeclared war on the intelligence community, without whose rigorous and independent functions the armed services are rendered blind in an ever-more hostile world overseas and at home.
  • They can see the dismantling of defenses against missiles targeted at this nation by avowed enemies, even as America's troop strength is allowed to sag.
  • They can see the horror of major warfare erupting simultaneously in two, and possibly three, far-flung theaters before America can react in time.
  • They can see the nation's safety and their own military establishments and honor placed in jeopardy as never before.
So, if you are one of those observant military professionals, what do you do?

Wait until this president bungles into losing the war in Afghanistan, and Pakistan's arsenal of nuclear bombs falls into the hands of militant Islam?

Wait until Israel is forced to launch air strikes on Iran's nuclear-bomb plants, and the Middle East explodes, destabilizing or subjugating the Free World?

What happens if the generals Obama sent to win the Afghan war are told by this president (who now says, "I'm not interested in victory") that they will be denied troops they must have to win? Do they follow orders they cannot carry out, consistent with their oath of duty? Do they resign en masse?

Or do they soldier on, hoping the 2010 congressional elections will reverse the situation? Do they dare gamble the national survival on such political whims?

Anyone who imagines that those thoughts are not weighing heavily on the intellect and conscience of America's military leadership is lost in a fool's fog.

Will the day come when patriotic general and flag officers sit down with the president, or with those who control him, and work out the national equivalent of a "family intervention," with some form of limited, shared responsibility?

Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration that would do the serious business of governing and defending the nation. Skilled, military-trained, nation-builders would replace accountability-challenged, radical-left commissars. Having bonded with his twin teleprompters, the president would be detailed for ceremonial speech-making.

Military intervention is what Obama's exponentially accelerating agenda for "fundamental change" toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A coup is not an ideal option, but Obama's radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible.

Unthinkable? Then think up an alternative, non-violent solution to the Obama problem. Just don't shrug and say, "We can always worry about that later."

In the 2008 election, that was the wistful, self-indulgent, indifferent reliance on abnegation of personal responsibility that has sunk the nation into this morass.
In a rare display of journalistic cowardice, Newsmax pulled not only the article, but also the author's biographical information, but not before Libertarian Leanings copied it in part. The author served two Democratic presidents and an ultra-liberal think tank.
Perry also has had a distinguished career in public policy. He served President Lyndon B. Johnson as deputy under secretary of commerce and was a White House speech writer and race-relations trouble-shooter for President Johnson.

In the Jimmy Carter administration, he was executive assistant to the under secretary of Housing and Urban Development and was interim director of public information for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


Perry was also assistant to the president of the National Association of Broadcasters, a member of the top-management team and director of public relations for the 1982 World’s Fair in Knoxville, Tenn., and an academic fellow at the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, Calif.
That summarizes the current buzz. Let's take a look at the evolution of this topic on the Internet.

First Mentions

February 3, 2009 -- The question appeared on Answers.Yahoo! as Under the constitution we have the right to overthrow the do you do that? in today's world.?:
Do you think the colonists had that right when they broke off from England? Yes, we do have the right, and we should really think about using it.

The first step would be declaring our rejection of the current government, along with a list of all the ways they have ignored the Constitution and abused their powers. Obviously, once we did that, they would try to stop us, and there would be a fight....

Actually the mention of overthrowing the government is found in the Declaration of Independence -- a document in which several men explained why they were pledging their lives in support of an armed revolution.
April 29, 2009 -- Someone posted a question on asking Would it be possible for a military dictator to overthrow Obama? The preferred answer was:
Nope. Not at all possible.
But, there were some caveats, as well as thirteen other opinions. One commenter referred to an actual coup attempt against Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. The movie Seven Days in May, in which US military leaders plot to overthrow the US president, was also cited.

The question continues to be asked:

If Americans went to war to overthrow Obama whose side do you think your allies would take?

Does the Constitution allow the military to overthrow the Obama administration and the Democratic Party?

Is it too late to overthrow the Obama regime?

Do you think Barack Obama is guilty of treason and should be impeached?

How can freedom-loving Americans overthrow the corrupt government we now have in Washington?

Does the U.S.A. Military support Obama's ruination of the U.S. Constitution?

Blogging from the Left

August 1, 2009 -- The idea was broached on the Huffington Post by left-wing blogger Danny Schechter in Could Obama Be Overthrown?:
The tide of public opinion may be turning against the President. Pollsters report growing skepticism about health care reform, and more active hostility on racial matters, thanks to that "uncalibrated" expression of opinion on the arrest of Professor Gates in his own home. That remark turned him, in the eyes of some, from a small b black President into a militant Black Panther, or at least someone who can stereotyped as such.

These are the new controversial issues with no one right answer, and a noisy debate everywhere, but something else is also going on....

....The next thing you know, the type of removal of a democratically elected President that worked in Honduras might be attempted here at home. Don't say it can't happen here.... Some of us are still humming "We Shall Overcome" when our adversaries are chanting "We Shall Overthrow."
Note that this was published on a major website almost two full months before the Perry article appeared, and there was at that time no outcry from the left about public discussion of the topic.

Online Fantasy Game

October, 2009 -- Looking backward, it is hard to pinpoint the day this came online, but sometime last October the website United States of Earth published the multi-player browser strategy game 2011: Obama's Coup Fails. Modeled on World of Warcraft, the game was produced by eight libertarian programmers working at a secret location in Brooklyn, NY. Forty-year-old team leader Michael Russotto intends to develop the site as a for-profit venture. Elementary game play is free, but enhancements can be purchased.

From Mother Jones -- The Obama Coup:
Thu Oct. 22, 2009 3:02 AM PDT

Glenn Beck mysteriously killed. The GOP driven out of Congress. Obama proclaims himself the "Lost Imam." An online game exploits right-wing paranoia. — By David Corn
From Wired -- 2011: Obama’s Coup Fails Injects Politics Into Strategy Game:
November 10, 2009

Foes of President Barack Obama and his policies can vent their frustrations by engaging in fictional warfare, thanks to a new online strategy game with a heavy political component.

The satirical game 2011: Obama's Coup Fails, launched last month by a group of Ron Paul supporters that call themselves The Founders, throws players into combat against the crumbling Marxist forces of Obama’s loyalist Black Tigers, the Islamic fundamentalist Nation of Malsi and The Cong — a group of deposed Democratic congressional leaders. ...the game mixes strategy, trivia questions and community elements but has no particular ax to grind with Obama, according to Mike Lodispoto, one of the game's Libertarian founders. In fact, the next United States of Earth game will target President George W. Bush.

"We detest Republicans and Democrats alike," Lodispoto told in an e-mail interview. The site was cooked up by Libertarians, but Lodispoto says United States of Earth employees are both Republicans and Democrats....
From Mediaite -- This Exists: Overthrow Futuristic Dictator Obama In This Online Game:
by Robert Quigley | 1:30 pm, November 19th, 2009

Wow. Online strategy gamers who wish to lead militias against Obama (?) can finally do so... Of course, the game is not very violent. No one in the Obama administration is killed or assassinated, the game's creator explains; they are merely "captured" by patriotic citizen armies.
Last November, Russia Today actually scored an in-person interview, in part videotaped. That footage was incorporated into several newscasts at the time, as below:

Misprison of Felony and Writ of Mandamus

March 13, 2010 -- Life on Sleepy Creek notes possible legal remedy:
It is our duty to arrest, charge and try these evil beasts in Washington and this is how we have to do it.... This is how we empower ourselves. Here is the weapon. Spread this to your lists and make it go viral before it's too late.
Two legal tools are cited. From The 'Lectric Law Library we have the following definitions...:
MISPRISION -- In its larger sense, this word is used to signify every considerable misdemeanor, which has not a certain name given to it in the law; and it is said that a misprision is contained in every treason or felony whatever. In its narrower sense it is the concealment of a crime. Misprision of treason, is the concealment of treason, by being merely passive for if any assistance be given, to the traitor, it makes the party a principal, as there is no accessories in treason. It is the duty of every good citizen, knowing of a treason or felony having been committed; to inform a magistrate. Silently to observe the commission of a felony, without using any endeavors to apprehend the offender, is a misprision. Misprisions which are merely positive, are denominated contempts or high misdemeanors; as, for example, dissuading a witness from giving evidence.

MISPRISION OF FELONY -- Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the U.S., conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the U.S. 18 USC Misprision of felony, is the like concealment of felony, without giving any degree of maintenance to the felon for if any aid be given him, the party becomes an accessory after the fact.
...and also this:
MANDAMUS -- The name of a writ, the principal word of which when the proceedings were in Latin, was mandamus, we command. It is a command issuing in the name of the sovereign authority from a superior court having jurisdiction, and is directed to some person, corporation, or, inferior court, within the jurisdiction of such superior court, requiring them to do some particular thing therein specified, which appertains to their office and duty, and which the superior court has previously determined, or at least supposes to be consonant to right and justice.Mandamus is not a writ of right, it is not consequently granted of course, but only at the discretion of the court to whom the application for it is made; and this discretion is not exercised in favor of the applicant, unless some just and useful purpose may be answered by the writ. This writ was introduced to prevent disorders from a failure of justice; therefore it ought to be used upon all occasions where the law has established no specific remedy, and where in justice and good government there ought to be one. Mandamus will not lie where the law has given another specific remedy.The 13th section of the act of congress of Sept. 24, 1789, gives the Supreme Court power to issue writs of mandamus in cases warranted by the principles and usages of law, to any courts appointed or persons holding office, under the authority of the United States. The issuing of a mandamus to courts, is the exercise of an appellate jurisdiction, and, therefore constitutionally vested in the supreme court; but a mandamus directed to a public officer, belongs to original jurisdiction, and by the constitution, the exercise of original jurisdiction by the supreme court is restricted to certain specified cases, which do not comprehend a mandamus. The latter clause of the above section, authorizing this writ to be issued by the supreme court to persons holding office under the authority of the United States, is, therefore, not warranted by the constitution and void.The circuit courts of the United States may also issue writs of mandamus, but their power in this particular is confined exclusively to those cases in which it may be necessary to the exercise of their jurisdiction.
While many bloggers seem to see some remedy in this approach, my personal opinion is that this is not strong enough to do the job. Only the Supreme Court would have the oversight to issue a writ against an administration, and the conflict between the Sept. 24, 1789 act of Congress and the Constitution would have to be resolved in a time-consuming legal wrangle. However, I am totally sympathetic to the blogger's premise. The quasi-legal destruction of the founding fathers' vision would be most ideally countered through legal channels.

Argument Against Trusting Elections

There are two major arguments against putting faith in an electoral remedy. First, Obama usurped the census from the Commerce Department and arbitrarily moved it under White House jurisdiction. Then he enlisted his left-wing crony organizations, such as ACORN, to do the legwork. This is seen by many as an attempt to influence districting and representation.

Second, the Democrats in Congress are moving aggressively right now to obtain amnesty, and possibly voting rights, for all the illegal aliens currently in the country, which would add 12 million more votes for the socialist agenda. On April 5 one commenter on an Examiner article put it this way:
I am beginning to think a violent take over is the only way out of the mess this Marxist and his enablers are getting us into. With ACORN and SEIU conducting the next census and the counting of illegal aliens [Obama] will forever change the landscape for ALL of us.

Eric Massa's Secret

May 24, 2010 -- On Monday, Esquire magazine broke the story of Eric Massa's secret. Titillatingly titled Eric Massa on David Petraeus Military Coup in the source code, which renders this teaser in Google search blurbs, the actual story is tamer. Former (and now disgraced) Congressman Eric Massa had met with the editors a month ago to divulge a secret he claimed to have been harboring.
Long before the Eric Massa scandal broke, the congressman carried the lonely burden of another secret that, if revealed, would turn his world upside down. An extraordinary look inside the mind of a man in the crisis of his lifetime.... He had told no one — no one on his congressional staff or in his family, not his parents, not even his wife....

Petraeus, the commander of United States Central Command, whose portfolio contains the worst trouble spots on the globe, including Iraq and Afghanistan, had recently met with Cheney — twice — and Cheney was trying to recruit him to run in 2012. Were he to be the nominee, Massa said, Petraeus would be in the unprecedented position of a military man running for president against his own commander in chief....
The increasingly irrational and emotional Massa described this as treason, as a "coup" and military overthrow. In fact, it could be done with complete legitimacy. Petraeus would have to retire first, and then he would be in no different stance than George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, Wesley Clark, and other candidates with military background. And his professional dignity and record of military service certainly render him a credible candidate.

Current Blog Posts

Today, this article appeared -- A Country on the Brink:
This occupant of the White House (it is just too painful and too much of a show of respect to call him president) has done more to undermine the Constitution, democracy and the economy of this country than any of his predecessors. Since his inauguration he has shown nothing but contempt for our laws and the people of this country in order to lead the United States down the dark and crater-filled road to socialism....

Memorial Day is approaching, and this president who does not salute the flag plans to blow off the observance and take a family vacation to Chicago. Recall the famous lines from the poem In Flanders Fields?
....We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Few who understand the vision of our founding fathers can doubt that this President -- who goes abroad apologizing for our country, who bends the knee to foreign heads of state, who snubs our traditional allies and embraces socialist dictators -- has broken faith. If the time of reckoning should come, perhaps even the unquiet dead will align against him.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Beck Thinks he has O'Reilly 'on the Ropes'

That is what he just said at the end of his Fox News progam, today. Let us hope for a clean knock-some-sense-into-his-head-out. Then, let us see if they wish to honestly look into Article II, Section 1, pgh. 5 and what the "natural born Citizen" requirement means, compared to what America did, in 2008. I.O. suggests no one hold his breath -- there is too much work to do, for that.

And I suggest viewing Beck's show today, about the Obamunists' militant advance upon (against) Jesus Christ's own church, here in America. It will probably be linked or embedded here, soon.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin & Attorney Paul Jensen Badgered by Anderson Cooper

Look at Anderson Cooper, the CNN presidential debate question stacker ("gays in the military, gays in the military") trying to go all Edward R. Murrow on steroids! Journalistic protocol was broken from the very beginning, as Anderson furiously badgered Lakin, instead of allowing his attorney to speak for him on matters before trial.

Cooper surrounds and sieges Lakin and Jensen, 360

No full answer was allowed concerning the true natural born Citizen requirements. The marxstream media must defend their Marxist messiah. Cooper throws his body over Obama. Thud!

Anderson was prepared to the max. It would have been much too harmful to merely ask objective questions, with that platform. Anderson had to try for the Mike Tyson 1st Round knockout, as he chewed Lakin's ears. Perhaps he worked it out with lawyers in touch with the dark side. (Oh-oh, was that a racist comment? I plead my innocence! in case anyone familiar with "tea-bagging" is reading.) He even knew how to frame the question to beg the question, attempting to slur over the difference between a general citizen and an nbC, and dismissing any objective consideration of the matter of who might have placed those birth announcements in the papers and what obvious reasons there would be. (And have you checked the hundreds of emails you must have gotten by now about that, Bill O'Reilly and Michelle Malkin?)

Jensen and Lakin got some hard core practice in battlefield debate with a veteran Obama protagonist and propagandist loaded for bear. Gotta give him credit, Couric v. Palin can't touch that.

Monday, May 3, 2010

'Freaking' Around, Saturday Night and the Latest Stains on the Presidency's Shorts

a thousand words and a few thousand frames of "the president"

Looking over the video, I find it odd -- Barack Obama's stand-up routine before fellow guests last Saturday, last May Day night, at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Firstly, it is not enough that he found it very humorous on the day Joe Biden dropped the F-bomb at the signing of Obamacare, as they presented their administration's "Big F'ing Deal." Biden related Obama was "laughin' like the devil" and saying it was "the best thing" about the ceremony. Now, he has whispered that line into the microphones, himself, granted he said "big freaking deal," and so properly he even articulated the -ing suffix with precision.

This is the United States "President" hitting us with it again, in a supposedly comedic address, recounting this stinking little stain upon his own administration's alleged accomplishment like the guy who elbows you in the ribs, with a "Get it? Get it? Did-ja get it, huh? Did-ja get it?" And it comes to mind, this is the same individual whose accredited adolescent poetry about "Pop" scribed something about "...the same amber stain on his shorts that I have on mine and makes me smell his smell coming from me," whatever... exactly... that means. Alrighty, then.

And trying to understand, I have to remember Obama's issuing the middle finger flip-off at both Hillary Clinton and John McCain, once again, in speeches, those during his campaign for the United States of America's most responsible office.

Secondly, on that very day when the National Enquirer's tabloid buzz finally begins to "brake" into the consciousnesses of the world the overripe story of apparent Obama mistress, Vera Baker (and the Obamas must know that) look at Barack Obama's face, when he speaks of his wife "...the lovely first lady..." Michelle. What do you see there? A genuine affection and appreciation that a husband has for his wife?

And when, in one peculiar breath, he uses both a reference in principle to that very love for one's wife, plus his own "natural born Citizen" problem -- for a joke -- look at his face. What do you see? Looking at it numerous times, he does not appear to be enjoying the joke he tells, at all. And it seems to become a weak attempt at bagging and canning these scandals, together.

See for yourself. The flippancy coming out of the mouth of that hard, cold face went over very well with the audience, though -- with that audience -- White House correspondents and their friends. Which is odder, the president or the journalists? I understand it is supposed to be humorous and they are laughing. At what, again?

Here are these early moments of his act, last Saturday.
  • the fleeting exhibit of Obama's face after his first mention of Michelle Obama and during the audience's approval of it, comes 32 seconds in
  • the referential f-bomb joke comes right after and here, by his extra pause for a chuckle and grin, he really does enjoy that moment
  • the odd love-and-birth certificate comment accompanied by Obama's even odder facial expressions arrive at the 4 minute mark

But what of all this delight in crudeness and grim dismissal of the sublime? Again, I have to tell myself it is all appropriate, really. Cut him some slack. This is just how a boy who is raised Marxist and taken repeatedly by "Gramps" to a brothel bar to visit his communist mentor and apparent pedophile, "Uncle Frank" (ostensibly, the aforementioned, "Pop") ...well, this is how the kid is supposed to behave when he grows up to be president.

And I remember, this is the Barack Obama who tried to get sex-ed with perverse "progressive" mores taught in Illinois public schools, beginning at Kindergarten (link-1, link-2).

This is the man who appointed the unfortunate Kevin Jennings to be his "Safe Schools Czar" -- the man who passed off homosexual statutory rape as no "big f'ing deal,"

This is the man who has defamed America, in speeches overseas and before the United Nations and who demeans the Sovereign Citizens of our republic by his bows to foreign leaders.

But to really put it in perspective, this is the man who has intentionally and determinedly worked according to the Marx-Trotsky-Gramsci-Davis-Alinsky-Cloward-Piven playbook, to weaken America morally, economically, and militarily, in The Great American Bring-Down necessary for the onset of global Marxofascism. Oh, that's right. He's that guy.

Last Saturday's f-joke is that elbow in the ribs about was is beyond crude in this picture. A delight in defilement seems to want to come out, under the spotlight. What goes on in this person's soul? Just what childhood -- and adulthood has gotten him this way, to enjoy the sneaking of the vulgar and the filthy into the very times he is before microphones and spotlights, in the roles of candidate, then President of the United States?

When someone holds secrets of malice, a part of his heart can desire the glory of it, the credit for what he conceals. Looking back we can see that serial criminals, from the carvings of Jack the Ripper, to the teeth prints of Ted Bundy, to the extravagant manifesto of Ted Kaczynski, like to express their intentions and leave their signatures.

Deep inside, in places Obama "doesn't talk about in his parties," just how much loathing of the morality and sensibility concomitant with America's authentic nature does this man nurture and pet? How much of it lusts for expression? He is to be pitied, but he is the occupant of the White House. Keep watching.
- AW

More about Barry and "Pop," from author, Jack Cashill, linked here
Mr. Cashill will be our guest on "The Awakening," this coming Monday, May 10, 9-11pm ET

graphic from the University of South Carolina Library

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

G. Gordon Liddy's Interview of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, Today

Update 1 - In the second segment, Jerome Corsi does a very good job of correcting the false, shoot-from-the-hip assumption of Bill O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin, and others, that the alleged Certificate of Live Birth, plus the two newspaper birth announcements are any credible evidence at all, of Obama being born in Hawaii, without review (and perhaps investigation) of the actual, original birth certificate.

Update 2 - Also in the second segment, Carl Swensson called in and gave his account of the following, reported in The Post & Email, "Citizen Apprehended en route to Fitzpatrick Hearing in Tennessee." This apparent police apprehension of an Oath Keeper is a new element in another story that bears monitoring. Also worth critical review has been the disturbing case of Leo Haffey, who called during the first segment reporting his own story of being kept for sixty days in jail, for communicating about the real Barack Obama. More about Leo Haffey may be read from numerous sources, including the Citizen Wells and The Steady Drip blogs (search "Haffey" there).

<<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O. <>>>>>>>>>>>>>

While the I.O. Sidebar has been reporting the eligibility news, non-stop, I have not done any writing about it, recently. "Saving up," maybe. Not to slight any of the other important news, as the case against Barry Soetoro (and the endemic breakdown of Constitutional order and justice, throughout the United States of America) builds, below is a link to the G. Gordon Liddy program today, streaming.

It is ground breaking. You can hear it in the voices.
GGL - 4-20-10 H1
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:22 AM
In his only interview, Lt Col. Terry Lakin, along with his lawyer Paul Jensen, tells The G-Man why he is refusing to deploy to Afghanistan until President Obama proves he is a natural-born citizen. Also joining us in this hour are Dr. Jerome Corsi and Joseph Farah of World Net Daily.
Media files
000001790_000_000000006.mp3 (MPEG Layer 3 Audio File, 14.4 MB)

GGL - 4-20-10 H2
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 12:25 PM

Is Lt. Col. Terry Lakin a hero or a criminal? Well, our callers seem united in their belief he is a hero. Hear him explain, in his only interview, why he is refusing orders to deploy to Afghanistan until President Obama proves he is a natural-born citizen. Also joining us is Lakin's lawyer, Paul Jensen.
Media files
000001791_000_000000006.mp3 (MPEG Layer 3 Audio File, 14.4 MB)
More may be read about this interview at WorldNetDaily's piece, "Born in the USA? Important question about Constitution." And remember, this is about whether Obama is a "natural born Citizen," not merely whether he was born in America. Remember that book which the Father of our Country did not return to the library and all the other evidence of the two-parent Citizenship requirement. And remember there appears to be evidence that any American Citizenship for Barry Soetoro may have been forsworn, in Indonesia.

WND, thank you, please remember not to entitle your articles in ways which distract from the larger matter and the "preponderance of the evidence."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Obama Birth Certificate Issue More Urgent than Ever - Joan Swirsky

Joan Swirsky discusses in print, what others whisper and silently email to their trusted friends -- are you at least taking the last option?

Now that the regime currently occupying the White House has bribed, threatened, intimidated, bullied, manipulated, and cut unconstitutional and illegal deals with Democrats in exchange for their votes for the totalitarian nightmare of socialized medicine, the subject of Obama's missing birth certificate is more timely and relevant than ever — precisely because the ugly spectacle emphasized once again the degree to which Obama has arrogantly flouted, sneered at, and spit upon the U.S. Constitution, a document he and his handlers and henchmen clearly revile and are determined to shred and destroy.

The same contempt for the bedrock foundations of our country was apparent during Obama's run for the presidency and his refusal to produce his birth certificate. It reminds me of the search I conducted in 2004 for my mother's birth certificate, a non-negotiable prerequisite for her admission into a nursing home. Although she was born in a farmhouse in 1913 to immigrants who didn't speak English, it took me only three phone calls and not more than 20 minutes to locate this valuable document. Unlike Obama, who was born — he says — in 1961, I didn't pay nearly two million dollars to lawyers to fight the nursing home's request.

To this day, Obama has failed to produce proof that he was born in the United States and that he is a natural-born American citizen, one of only three absolute requirements in the U.S. Constitution to become President of the United States. In fact, if Obama is not a natural-born American citizen, he is acting as president under false pretenses, which de facto makes every statement he has made as the usurper POTUS, every bill he has signed, every czar he has appointed, every act, proclamation, signing statement, executive order, and law, et al, fraudulent, illegal, and therefore null and void — including this unconstitutional healthcare so-called reform bill.

As I type, Mr. Hope & Change is working on granting citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants to further bankrupt the United States and thereby etch in stone a constituency that relies on free everything — and will therefore return the favor by voting Democratic in future elections. This will actualize his and the far-left's goals of turning our democratic Republic into a Communist share-the-poverty facsimile of a Russian, Cuban, or Venezuelan state!

But that is not all: Obama is putting on the fast track the Cap-and-Trade scheme to tax every person in the U.S. every time he or she flushes the toilet, turns on a light, opens the refrigerator, drives a car — the list of penalties for merely living go on and on.

When this or that writer or commentator asks, "Doesn't he realize X, Y, or Z?" — the answer is, of course he does! His entire raison d'être is to convert the country he hates — America — into the kind of socialist/communist/fascist country he clearly admires. Exhibit A is surely his serial embrace of foreign dictators and his undisguised hostility toward our most trusted allies.

How did this happen? As blogger Daniel Greenfield notes, Obama's election "was not about what the people wanted. It was about his own victory by any means necessary. Hardly surprising from the man who began his political career by betraying and destroying his own mentor, climbed into the United States Senate over two sex scandals that were a product of his opposition research, and reached the White House through voter fraud, illegal campaign donations, and an owned media corps....Each win for Obama was another loss for fair and honest elections. And each time Obama won, it was not because the public decided he was the better man, but because the sheer array of dirty tricks, fraud, and media propaganda insured that no choices would be allowed."

Today, there are few Americans, even Obama's acolytes and fans, who now think he is a natural-born American or, for that matter, a Christian, as he pretended to be as a congregant for 20 years in his Chicago pastor's Black Theology church. In short, black theology is Marxist doctrine: hate America, hate whitey, hate Jews, hate free-market capitalism, hate the U.S. Constitution. Here, he just about admits as much. From where I stand, that pretty well sums up Obama's first 14 months in office.


At this point, every honest, decent member of Congress and the media, as well as ordinary citizens, knows that there was something putridly rotten about Obama's election. Not just the billion dollars in campaign donations, most of which are still unaccounted for but known to have flowed from foreign donors, many of them enemies of America. And not just the missing mountains of qualifying data that all presidential candidates are expected to produce, including:
  • His Illinois law license. Is he even a lawyer? Where is his supposed Harvard Law degree? Where are the papers he wrote in law school? Why does he not correct people when they say he was a law professor when he was never a professor but only a lecturer?

  • His Selective Service registration, which investigative-journalist and lawyer Debbie Schlussel has reported to be falsified, an accusation that Linda Bentley quite persuasively documented just the other day.

  • His visa, or more probably visas. After all, he did travel to Pakistan in 1981 when Americans were forbidden into that country. Did he use the Indonesian visa he got when he was a citizen of that country?

  • His school records from Indonesia and Hawaii.

  • His college transcripts from Occidental College in CA, Columbia College in NY, and Harvard Law School in MA.

  • His baptism certificate.

  • His Illinois State Senate records.

  • His law practice client list.

  • His records from the University of Chicago, where Obama, the instructor, supposedly taught.
Just as mysterious is the question of who exactly backed this virtually unknown neophyte senator with the paper-thin résumé and almost non-existent voting record — this man who had lifelong associations with countless dubious-if-not-criminal friends and associates, as well as political radicals.

We now know that leftist billionaire financier George Soros was and is a major backer. And we've also learned that dozens of Clinton administration leftovers and elected officials, all of the hard left — as well as a number of hugely influential executives and bankers from AIG and Goldman Sachs — were part of Obama's toxic brew. But how, you may ask, could these arch capitalists be leftists? Because, like Soros, they fancy themselves Kings of the Universe, smarter than the average Joe, and therefore destined to join a new American oligarchy in which the few rule and the many are under their collective thumbs.

The motives of these megalomaniacs involve the tenacious belief — facts to the contrary — that the proven tyrannies of socialism and communism will improve the lot of the masses they consider so stupid, combined with a driving lust for absolute power — you know, the kind that corrupts absolutely. Underlying this is a worldview in which most people are perceived to be "victims" of "the system." And of course a fulminating rage.

Again, Greenfield weighs in, explaining that this rage is part of "the bargain leftists always strike: I Will Only Love You If You Kill Yourself. Leftists only love an America, he says, "in which the Constitution is wielded to protect Islamic terrorists and a man who hates the country can take office in the White House, in which the lives of Americans are worthless but the comfortable treatment of captured terrorists is worth more than gold, in which all of the country's history and values are viewed as nothing more than the brutal atrocities of greedy savages, while the brutal atrocities of newly arrived greedy savages are treated as heroic achievements worthy of celebration and praise...."

"In their more honest moments," Greenfield continues, "leftists will admit that they do not love America — only its be changed by them...moments like Michelle Obama proclaiming that she had never been proud of her country before...a chilling glimpse into the mind of the left that cannot love anything that is not an expression of their own ego...."

"They love [an] America that legalizes illegal aliens, displaces its own citizens to make way for them, and tears down all barriers against crime and terror. They love America, so long as it frees terrorists from prison — and when war is declared against it by a fanatical cult of mass murderers, it gives the murderers their day in court with lawyers and a trial....This is the America they love. I will only love you, if you kill yourself."


A coup d'état is never an overnight phenomenon. It takes years, often decades, of planning, and more often than not, there are thwarted attempts along the way. In America, leftists have been actively trying both to undermine and overthrow our country since at least the 1960s (actually well before then, as far back as a hundred years). They tried with Jimmy Carter, but in spite of the lasting harm he did, his stupendous incompetence ultimately did him in, relegating him to one ignominious term.

They tried again with Bill Clinton, who as a student spent years — when he might have been fighting for our country in Vietnam — hanging around England smoking pot and, oddly, "visiting" Communist Russia. Clinton lasted two terms, largely because he was too narcissistic and undisciplined to stick to the leftist party line, craving the spotlight to such a degree that when the electorate smacked him and his wife down for trying to inflict socialized medicine on our citizens, he moved ever so nimbly to the center, where he stayed until he practically had to be dragged off the stage during the most self-aggrandizing departure of a president in American history.

Through these failures, the left learned never to depend on a genuine natural-born American citizen to actualize their coup, that the real thing would somehow retain some random DNA strands of affection for our republic. They would have to find a faux American, one who looked and sounded like the real thing, but whose allegiance to America was non-existent — perhaps someone who had lived in a Muslim country, studied the Koran, subscribed to Sharia law, and had lifelong relationships with Marxists and Communists and other America-haters. Enter the man who calls himself Barack Obama.

In a stunning piece of journalism — "Who's Your Daddy? Who's Your Mama? AND WHERE IS YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE?" — a "Concerned Citizen, forced to speculate in absence of the public release of documents," considers several plausible scenarios that describe who Obama's parents might have been, where he might have been born, and how the idea to insinuate this Manchurian Candidate-Trojan Horse into America's body politic came to pass. The article poses numerous provocative questions:
  • What exactly happened in the Teresa Hotel in Harlem in 1960 — where a man resembling Barack Obama Sr. rubbed shoulders with Malcolm X and a Cuban journalist?

  • What was Fidel Castro doing at the above hotel at the same time? Khrushchev? Malcolm X?

  • How could Obama's "mother," Stanley Ann Dunham, have delivered him in August of 1961 in Honolulu when official University of Washington records show her 2680 miles away in Seattle attending classes that same month? (Pamela Geller:

  • Was Madelyn Dunham really Obama's mother, and not his grandmother?

  • Was he the product of an affair between his "grandfather," Stanley Armour Dunham (who he looks like) and one of the Asian, Polynesian or Indonesian girls who frequented the beaches of Hawaii in the 1950s? On the cover of Obama's book, Dreams From My Father, why is the man he claims is his father, Barack Obama Sr., not pictured, while his grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, is? Was the dark-skinned woman on the cover his real mother?

  • Was he really the son of his earliest mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a prominent poet, Communist political activist, and self-professed pedophile? Davis wrote about raping a 13-year-old girl. Could that girl have been Stanley Ann Dunham? Could this be why Obama wrote on his Facebook page that he was born in 1957?

  • Was Obama really the only son of Malcolm X and his wife Betty Shabazz? They had six daughters, but did they leave the care of their only son to surrogates to protect him from the same fate — assassination — that killed Malcolm X?

  • Or did Malcolm X father Obama with one of the dozens of daughters of the Communist Indonesian President Sukarno, after the older man invited him to the anti-white, anti-capitalist Bandung conference in 1955? Sukarno loathed America. Was it he who hatched the plot to take over America? Did he then share his idea with Malcolm X because he believed the American Muslim was capable of succeeding?

  • Where do the Rockefellers fit in? Recent speculation has it that Michael Rockefeller, the Harvard graduate who is thought to have died in Papua, New Guinea, may have fathered Obama with a Papuan woman. Here's a film of Michael's strange odyssey. Is it coincidence that Obama's "grandfather" Stanley and his stepfather Lolo Soetoro both worked for the Rockefellers' Standard Oil Company?

  • Is it coincidence that the Marxist-praising Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Rockefeller crony and Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, now acts as an advisor to Obama?

  • What are we to make of Obama's old friend from high school, Illinois Army National Guard Major L. Tammy Duckworth, telling The Honolulu Advisor on January 8, 2006, that she was "happy to point out that she and Hawaii-raised Punahou (Indonesia) high school graduate Obama have "a karma'aina connection"? Both of them, she said, were born outside the country — Obama in Indonesia, Duckworth in Thailand. Predictably, Duckworth retracted her statement a few days after the article appeared in print.

  • Was it just a fashion statement when we witnessed Michelle Obama on election night appear in a dress of the revolutionary and anarchic colors of red and black, with a gigantic sash in the unmistakable configuration of an X — and Obama's very young daughters also dressed in revolutionary red and black? As an observer wrote, "What if the garb worn by the Obama's was a silent tribute to Barack's real father, Malcolm X?...the red and black dress and that X that hits you between the eyes....where are the various shades of red, white, and blue?...."

  • Was the CIA behind Obama's attempted coup d'état? Where does the Ford Foundation fit in? If you want a much more extensive history of the Ford Foundation, the CIA, and the ghastly Indonesian coup, read David Ransom's piece here.

  • What is the likelihood of Obama's so-called mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, meeting two "husbands" — Barack Obama Sr. and Lolo Soetoro, both connected to "Big Oil" — at the University of Hawaii?

  • Obama denies he's a Muslim, but "the accumulated research from primary sources who knew Obama from his childhood indicate that he was a devout Muslim, the son of a devout Muslim, the stepson of a devout Muslim, and the grandson and namesake ('Hussein') of a devout Muslim. He was registered in school in Indonesia as a Muslim and demonstrated his ability to chant praise to Allah in impressive Arab-accented tones even as an adult. Just as he has not disavowed his 'uncle' Jeremiah, neither has he disavowed the Muslim faith that he was born into and raised in. Here, with George Stephanopoulos, Obama says as much.

  • Is Obama the son of "CIA spooks" and a "CIA spook" himself?
In a can't-put-down article, Deanna Spingola writes of Pastor James David Manning, who in May is holding a public trial at Columbia University in New York (just blocks from Manning's church in Harlem) that is charging Barack Obama with treason! Here is what Spingola writes:
    "Obama...was recruited [at Occidental College in CA] in 1980 by the CIA [when Stansfield M. Turner was the director], which has made it a practice since its inception to recruit college students. He was, by his own admission, a 'C' student, a dope smoker, and a member of the Marxist Club at Occidental, a co-educational liberal arts college. In 1981, Obama allegedly transferred from Occidental to Columbia University....Columbia had a foreign student program, and the CIA has major connections and influence with Columbia and the nation's other educational facilities....the CIA needed Muslims or others who could easily blend into the Muslim environment in the Middle East....Obama, as an undercover agent, was the lead agent in the arms and money supply for the CIA-trained Taliban Army against the Soviet Army war machine. His actions were integral to the Taliban's success in their opposition to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Obama, it is publicly acknowledged, went to Pakistan in 1981. There is no way of knowing how often Obama traveled between Pakistan and Russia.
"According to Dr. Manning," Spingola writes, "Obama was an interpreter for the CIA during the war in Afghanistan. When Obama completed his CIA operations in the mid 1980s and returned to the U.S., he persuaded the State Department to maneuver his entrance into Harvard Law School...."

Needless to say, Pastor Manning's life has been threatened and continues to be threatened by people who are deeply afraid of his explosive charges.

And here is yet another bizarre oddity: an article saying that Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, "voluntarily surrendered" his law license back in 2008 in order to escape charges that he lied on his bar application, and that First Lady Michelle Obama "voluntarily surrendered" her law license in 1993!


I have written at length of the many lawyers and journalists who have addressed the birth certificate issue. You can read some of their names here. But with the notable and noteworthy exceptions I've mentioned, other so-called investigative journalists who should have been asking and answering the above questions and dozens of others are an extinct species, killed off by leftist media moguls in league with the Obama regime, or too timid and pandering in their own rights to have taken up the cudgels on behalf of the public they pretend to serve.

People understand why hacks from the former, now moribund, mainstream media have avoided the subject of Obama's eligibility like the plague it is. By and large, they are liberals and leftists who shilled for him during his campaign, concealed mountains of damning evidence about his lack of experience and shady associations, and studiously avoided any mention of his still-unknown country of birth.

But harder to understand are the hacks at Fox. In a startling display of dishonesty and pretension, Bill O'Reilly, who wants to be considered intelligent and so never fails to tell his audience that he earned a master's degree at Harvard, apparently never studied coups d'état, never realized that the Marxist Castro's shining moment came only after years of agitation, rebellion, and subterfuge. But the idea of Obama being part of a conspiracy was apparently too much for the former elementary school teacher to contemplate... above his pay grade, so to speak. Never even consulted Wikipedia, as I just did, to learn of the hundreds of coups d'état that took place in the 20th century alone.

Apparently Harvard never taught Mr. "looking out for the folks" about the successful coups in Argentina in 1943, in Thailand in 1947, in Czechoslovakia in 1948, in Egypt in 1952, in Paraguay in 1954, in Pakistan in1958, in Venezuela in 1958, in Turkey in 1960, in Ecuador and Syria and Brazil and South Vietnam and Ghana and Libya and Somalia and Greece and Chile and again in Pakistan — the list is endless — and the immense and lengthy planning that went into these government overthrows. Or the more recent coups — since 1999 — in the Ivory Coast, Fiji, Peru, Mauritania, Haiti, Congo, et al.

Without acknowledging the widespread existence of coups and the years or decades of planning they entailed, O'Reilly decided to slam "the birthers" — as he pejoratively calls those who still believe in the Constitution and think presidents of the U.S. should abide by it, starting with their eligibility — and stated that he personally had seen Obama's birth certificate.

Of course he hadn't. He lied. Then in an orchestrated charade, he trotted out two women, both lawyers, he routinely disrespects by barking out their last names and in essence had them standing on their hind legs, yapping in agreement about those misguided "birthers." It didn't take long for Glenn Beck to echo their yaps. That's right, the guy who routinely looks straight in the camera and exhorts his audience to seek "the truth."

Why would O'Reilly lie? Why would Beck avoid seeking "the truth" in this one glaring instance? Were they threatened, as Douglas Hagmann — a respected journalist, director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and longtime private investigator — and Judi McLeod, a prolific journalist and the managing editor of Canada Free Press, suggest? After a nine-month investigation, they discovered that prominent media people had indeed been threatened by the heads of major TV and radio stations and also Federal Communication Commission officials — with job losses and worse — to never raise, allude to, or mention the birth certificate issue! Or was it the huge influence the Saudis have over Fox content since they bought and then increased their shares to nearly 20 percent in Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp?

Whatever. The fact that O'Reilly and Beck caved — and continue to cave — has forever negated their credibility.


So appalled are a majority of Americans at the hijacking of one-sixth of the American economy through the healthcare legislation, and so revolted by the hideous process it entailed, that upwards of 15 state attorneys general — and counting — are suing the federal government on grounds that key parts of the Deathcare law are unconstitutional; that the law includes taxpayer-funded abortions (smoke-and-mirrors to the contrary), kill-the-elderly cuts to Medicare seniors, huge tax increases that will wipe out the entire middle-class of our country, and a Nazi-like brown-shirt $16-billion-taxpayer-funded force of Internal Revenue Service goons to reinforce our descent into tyranny. Ordinary citizens are suing too, among them four residents of Michigan, represented by the Thomas More Law Center and attorney David Yerushalmi.

And dozens if not hundreds of groups are crying Repeal — which former speaker Newt Gingrich explained was not possible because Obama would veto such a move. What is possible, Gingrich said, is for Republicans to gain majorities in the House and Senate during the midterms in November and then cut off funding for this horrific, bankrupt-the-nation law. And if the GOP gains the presidency in 2012, they can then repeal this socialist blueprint.

But there may lie the rub. As writer J.D. Longstreet reminds us: "The democrats' lust for power is so great and their zeal for socialism so intense that I cannot see them allowing their hold on power to be placed in jeopardy by, of all things, an election where the voice of the people is actually less than eighteen months the Obama Regime has managed to take America from a constitutional republic to a socialist republic....that accomplishment alone should give you reason enough to suspect that when their power is threatened they will use the full force of the Central Government to ruthlessly crush any and all who they perceive as a threat. At this moment in history, a threat is anyone, any American, who does not agree with them."

Longstreet and others imagine Obama creating a national crisis or emergency — sort of like the phony swine flu "pandemic" last year — in which Martial Law is declared and the midterm elections are suspended. "Who decides what a national emergency is?" he asks. "You've got it — the Obama Regime!"

Longstreet then issues a warning: "The American people are a patient people. We will put up with a lot of nonsense from our government — for a while. But we draw the line when that government ignores the Constitution, as the Obama Regime and the Democrats in the Congress have done. There is a seething rage in America senses tell me it is too late to avoid the 'lashing out' Americans are about to unleash. [Americans] are waiting, just waiting, for an incident that will knock the chocks from the dam wall holding back the cascade. Postponing, or suspending, the midterm election...would be the spark that ignites a firestorm that will consume all in its path."

Journalist Sher Zieve concurs. "The political party that promoted the slavery of Africans, established Jim Crow laws, created the Ku Klux Klan, refused to follow court orders barring now is full raging power within the borders of the United States of America. Most of them — including their dictatorial leader Barack Hussein Obama — realize that the chances for their reelections to power are, at best, marginal. I have warned that any and all 'free' elections would probably soon be a thing of the past. The Marxist way is to not allow them in the first place.

"The current U.S. government is moving quickly and forcefully against the American people," Zieve continues. "I have to now wonder how close We-the-People are today toward reaching the same conclusions as did our founders....I think we may be as close to our founders' ultimate decision as we will ever be. Do we wish to be free and sovereign or submit to bondage? For a brief window of time longer, it's still our choice."

Then there is Michael Connelly's stern warning: "...I have some bad news for all of the socialists, or progressives, or whatever you choose to call yourselves this week, you have made a huge mistake. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Japanese Admiral Yamamoto who led the attack said that: 'I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.'

"I suggest to President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid that you have awakened the giant again and that this giant, made up of freedom-loving Americans, is going to be coming at you from every direction you can imagine. Individuals and State Governments will be challenging you in the courts, and Americans will take you on in the polling places. In every city, town and village you will hear the voices of angry Americans, and despite your best efforts we will not be silenced. You will hear the outcry of Americans of every race, religion, and creed, and we will prevail."

All of this takes time, of course...time well spent. But it will take less time to revive the serious question of Obama's very suspect eligibility to be president in the first place!

"Forget the dispute over the 'natural born citizen' requirement of the U.S. Constitution for presidents," writes Bob Unruh of WorldNetDaily. "Barack Obama may not even be a 'citizen,' according to a new filing in a long-running legal challenge to his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office."

If there is even one court in our land whose judge has not been threatened, intimidated, bought off, or bribed, the case for Obama's ineligibility should be tried immediately. If found guilty, I suspect Obama would be responsible for the greatest purchase of confetti in the history of the world!

© Joan Swirsky