Showing posts with label Marxstream Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marxstream Media. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Neo-Marxist Fraud: Deconstructing Obama in 7.5 Minutes

...thanks to Jack Cashill...

...and William Charles Ayers.

For further information -- Deconstructing Obama, by Jack Cashill, available in better bookstores, online, and in libraries (and if you don't see it in your local library, ask if they take book donations).

That eerie election night, November 2008, the Obamas in their anarcho-communist
black and red, Michelle with the black widow design

So who's your daddy, BHO?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Jack Cashill on TV Deconstructing Obama, Archived

The riveting Cashill presentation, describing the making of Deconstructing Obama:

Fascinating backstory - Jack's conclusion and the Q&A may raise goosebumps. Trouble is, this is not a detective novel. Including the stonewalling from both the Marxstream and conventional conservative media, this is happening to you and me, here, now.

For reviewing segments, its C-SPAN Video Library page may be the best place to watch.

According to the C-SPAN BookTV entry for this program:
Purchase This Program

Future Airings
  • Saturday, March 19th at 1:45pm (ET)
  • Saturday, March 19th at 7pm (ET)
  • Sunday, March 20th at 3:30am (ET)
Past Airings
  • Sunday, March 13th at 10am (ET)
The book:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CNN Reports on the ‘Birther Myth’ on Barry’s Birthday

And they cite the funky "COLB" and the newspaper listing (as if there were would be no reason for dishonest people to claim U.S. Citizenship, if there were not, for the babe).

Posted: August 4th, 2010 11:25 AM ET


ALT TEXT President Obama’s birth certificate (left) has been certified authentic by the Republican governor of Hawaii. His birth announcement (right) appeared in print in 1961. (PHOTO CREDIT: State of Hawaii)

Washington (CNN) - It's surely not what the leader of the free world wants for his birthday. But, for a stubborn group of Americans, conspiracy theories about President Obama's birthplace are the gifts that keep on giving.

The president celebrates his 49th birthday Wednesday. On the same day, a new national poll indicates some Americans continue to doubt the president was born in the United States. According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, more than a quarter of the public have doubts about Obama's citizenship, with 11 percent saying Obama was definitely not born in the United States and another 16 percent saying the president was probably not born in the country.

Full results [pdf]

Forty-two percent of those questioned say they have absolutely no doubts that the president was born in the U.S., while 29-percent say he "probably" was.

Read the rest of this entry »

...the rest of their entry (emphasis, I.O.)....

Now, what about that Article II, natural born Citizen requirement, CNN?

By the way, by this survey, it may be said that at least 58% of the American People are unwilling to flatly state that Barack Obama is eligible to be United States President.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Calling Obama a Socialist Concerns

Did you know had a blog? Here is their July 5th entry:

"How do your ideas of 'socialism' & 'democracy' compare to definitions?"

And here is an excerpt.

Now, let’s pause for a moment. Is there a word that has recently provoked more animus and inspired a wider range of usage than socialism? Somewhere, at this moment, a fastidious student of language and politics is probably collating the myriad utterances of this word since President Obama’s inauguration, trying to find some strand of logic. If you’re reading this, hypothetical scholar, drop us a line and we’ll send you a mug as a token of our admiration.

So, let's drop them a few polite lines and explain. Think they really will give us their gift?

"Yes, Virginia," they are socialists, but "Marxist" is even more apt.

Monday, November 30, 2009

See No, Hear No, Speak No Obama Ineligibility

The view of Beckwith at The Obama File
The Biggest Political Cover-Up In American History

The three enablers of Obama's usurpation of the Office of the President of the United States in violation of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.

The Congress will not look at or investigate the merits of the charges. The Courts will not hear in a trial [on] the merits of the charges. And the Main Stream Media will not talk about the merits of the charges and discuss the Constitutional issues involved with the American people. Their ignoring the questions and concerns of the People in this matter endangers our liberty by demonstrating that those in power, once in power feel they do not have to listen to the People.

Obama, the Putative U. S. President, was born a Kenyan citizen and British subject governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 -- a fact he admits to at the bottom of this page. Obama is still a British Protected Person and/or a British subject to this day.

How can a person who was born a British subject be considered a "natural born" citizen of the USA?

Simple answer -- he can't. At the top of this page, in the big blue box, Obama's own campaign identifies him as a "native [born]" citizen. They know. It's been there all the time.

This situation was created when both major political parties ran ineligible candidates, who were not "natural born" citizens. Obama was ineligible because his father was a foreigner (Jus sanguinis), and McCain was ineligible because he was born in a foreign country (Jus soli). The U.S. Constitution, applicable case law and historical and legal precedent have been ignored for political expediency.

We are now witnessing the biggest political cover-up in American history.
h/t: Beckwith, Bob R.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New York Times Says the Darnedest Things, Regarding ACORN, Van Jones, and so on and so forth

What do you make of this? Yes, it is humorous, but, I don't think that was the main effect they were going for, over at Marxstream Media, Manhattan.
Tuning In Too Late

Published: September 26, 2009

ON Sept. 12, an Associated Press article inside The Times reported that the Census Bureau had severed its ties to Acorn, [sic, ACORN] the community organizing group. Robert Groves, the census director, was quoted as saying that Acorn, one of thousands of unpaid organizations promoting the 2010 census, had become “a distraction.”

What the article didn’t say — but what followers of Fox News and conservative commentators already knew — was that a video sting had caught Acorn workers counseling a bogus prostitute and pimp on how to set up a brothel staffed by under-age girls, avoid detection and cheat on taxes. The young woman in streetwalker’s clothes and her companion were actually undercover conservative activists with a hidden camera.

It was an intriguing story: employees of a controversial outfit, long criticized by Republicans as corrupt, appearing to engage in outrageous, if not illegal, behavior. An Acorn worker in Baltimore was shown telling the “prostitute” that she could describe herself to tax authorities as an “independent artist” and claim 15-year-old prostitutes, supposedly illegal immigrants, as dependents.

But for days, as more videos were posted and government authorities rushed to distance themselves from Acorn, The Times stood still. Its slow reflexes — closely following its slow response to a controversy that forced the resignation of Van Jones, a White House adviser — suggested that it has trouble dealing with stories arising from the polemical world of talk radio, cable television and partisan blogs. Some stories, lacking facts, never catch fire. But others do, and a newspaper like The Times needs to be alert to them or wind up looking clueless or, worse, partisan itself.

Some editors told me they were not immediately aware of the Acorn videos on Fox, YouTube and a new conservative Web site called When the Senate voted to cut off all federal funds to Acorn, there was not a word in the newspaper, although a report in the Caucus blog that day covered the action. When the New York City Council froze all its funding for Acorn and the Brooklyn district attorney opened a criminal investigation, there was still nothing.

Readers noticed. James Jeff Crocket of New Britain, Conn., spoke for many when he said he was sure he knew why the paper was silent: “protecting the progressive movement.”

The piece goes on, tip-toeing an imaginary line between confession and denial, apology and excuse. This, particularly, brings a lasting smile:

Jill Abramson, the managing editor for news, agreed with me that the paper was “slow off the mark,” and blamed “insufficient tuned-in-ness to the issues that are dominating Fox News and talk radio.” She and Bill Keller, the executive editor, said last week that they would now assign an editor to monitor opinion media and brief them frequently on bubbling controversies. Keller declined to identify the editor, saying he wanted to spare that person “a bombardment of e-mails and excoriation in the blogosphere.”

Despite what the critics think, Abramson said the problem was not liberal bias.

Liberal bias? Naaaa. The solution to the not really bias? Let us see that again: "...assign an editor to monitor opinion media and brief them frequently on bubbling controversies." The "controversies" of "opinion media?" Is that what you call journalism, from those pesky Americans who happen to believe government should abide by the Constitution, Mr. Hoyt? And, do you really purport, your comrades are so Old World that they fail to heed any particular kinds of new, er... "opinion media?"

Here is how it closes. (Still grinning and shaking my head, as fingers move around the keyboard.)
But Rosenstiel said The Times has a particular problem with conservatives, especially after its article last year suggesting that John McCain had an extramarital affair. And Republicans earlier this year charged that the paper killed a story about Acorn that would have been a “game changer” in the presidential election — a claim I found to be false.

“If you know you are a target, it requires extra vigilance,” Rosenstiel said. “Even the suspicion of a bias is a problem all by itself.”

The public editor can be reached by e-mail:

Do you really think he is reachable? Look up! Take my hand, Clark! What are you trying to say, Mr. Hoyt? Hint: what were you just trying not to say?

Here is one email, to the public editor:
Come out from that closet,
Before the door closes,
And brings more pain,
To your reporters' toeses.

Escape "the polemic world...
...of" which your noses,
Snort up all their lines,
from the Daily Kozes.
Okay, maybe not straight from Daily Koz, all the time; call it poetic license. And, if you read this as you begin your day, Clark, I don't mean to distract you too much, during the morning conference call with Pravda John Podesta.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mark S. McGrew: CNN and MSNBC - Sexual Degenerates and Liars

You may have seen this article already, in or... Pravda. Every so often, the Marxstream media needs to be beaten. It's a matter of principle.

by Mark S. McGrew

In all 50 States of the United States of America, Tea Parties were held to protest massive government waste and oppression. The counts of how many people attended these peaceful rallies are still coming in. Early estimates are over 1 million people and may go as high as 3 million or more. The day of objecting to government bailouts for corporate crooks and a government who refuses to respect its citizens took place on a weekday, when most people go to their jobs or have classes.

The protests against a government out of control took place in over 2,000 locations, the largest protest in American history. It is possible that more would have shown up if they were not required to be elsewhere.

The major news networks, except FOX News, spent the day ridiculing, harassing and insulting honest Americans who have a Constitutional Right to protest their government. They continuously lied to their viewers as to the reason for this enormous protest.

They said it was to protest taxes or any number of ridiculous claims. Other than FOX, Major Media steadfastly refused to report any truth about Who, What, Where, When, and Why. All stories are composed of those 5 Ws. Each W was used as a test to see just how much lying and ridicule the viewers would accept.

The hideous demon witch from another dimension, CNN reporter Susan Roesgen's insidious verbal aggression against Illinois demonstrators infuriated the crowd. When they returned her insults she crept away, behind her barricade with security guards and turned to the camera and told the viewers that the protesters were "anti-CNN". No, Susan, they are anti-loudmouth, lying, hysterical, insulting lunatics, like you. For whatever reason, CNN shut down her email at 8:32pm the day after the protests.

This video of her is before and after the CNN camera operators got smart and pulled her plug. You can see for yourself what American viewers have to put up with to try to get some truthful news of our own Country. But the most despicable actions of the spit polished, shiny faced, smiling Jack newscasters was their steady bombardment of their viewers with sexually depraved insults against the protesters. America’s Major Media, with no moral boundaries, brought their filthy, trashy mouths into the homes of decent, honest, churchgoing people with children present.

The term “Teabagging” will not be explained here. Adults will figure it out and children don’t need to know. Most of us had no idea what it was, until having the term constantly shouted at us by Major News degenerates. It’s amazing how these people come up with the same insults, the same lies, the same arrogant attitudes and the same sexual deviate analogies at the same time on the same day.

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper made "teabagging" references while the CNN analyst, David Gergen, made snide comments about Republicans "searching for their voice." And "It's hard to talk when you're teabagging,"

MSNBC's David Shuster, "Teabagging day for the right wing and they are going nuts for it." The rallies were "full-throated" and "toothless," and "They want to give President Obama a strong tongue-lashing and lick government spending." And he just couldn’t keep from mentioning how the protesters "whipped out" the demonstrations this past week.

Questioning whether these are sexually explicit jokes or not, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and her disgusting guest, Air America's Ana Marie Cox, were happy to explain. By one count, the two of them used the word "teabag" more than 50 times on one show. Ana Marie Cox informed an unknowing audience, with no room for doubt that she is one sick cookie, when she told us to see for the term "teabagging."

"Well, there is a lot of love in teabagging," Cox said. This is one seriously disgusting, sick, psychopathic animal to be bringing this kind of filth into people’s homes.

What this all means to me is that the major news networks are scared of losing their rankings and their jobs. They see newspapers going bankrupt and closing and they know they are next if they don’t get more viewers. Some idiot from Harvard Law School must have told them to “Get in you viewer’s faces and show them how disgusting you are.”

And as in all things in this brave new World of Obama, they had to bring up the cowardly racist American male.

Janeane Garofalo, who plays a small role in Keifer Sutherland’s show “24” was on MSNBC's "The Countdown" with Keith Olbermann Thursday evening. This dysfunctional creature from Hell said, “It's about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that. The Republican party has crystallized into the white power movement".

As for the only Major news reporting the truth, FOX Broadcasting, Garofalo, with bizzarre hatred, could only relate FOX to the Ku Klux Klan, "Who else is Fox talking to? Urban older white guys and their girlfriends who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.”

These people brought lies, rascism and sexual acts into your living room, shouting out a sexual term that few of us knew, until we and our children were shown where to find the defintion of “Teabagging”. What else, besides lies and pornography will they expose our children to? Anything they want and you won’t know it until it is too late.

Words can not describe how Major Media has violated our trust and will do so again. Is it any wonder major Newspapers have been going out of business?

To object to the behavior of CNN and MSNBC, you may file a complaint at the Federal Communications Commission, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau, Consumer

Complaints at 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20554. Or call 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322), or Email to: Include this article to explain the nature of your complaint. You may also go to their web site at

Don’t let these people get away with bringing their filthy behavior into your home.

Mark S. McGrew may be reached at

The views and statements expressed by Investigating Obama contributors, and in quotations and citations, are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Investigating Obama and Arlen Williams.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Police State Abuse in Obama's America: Video Reports

Obama's moving America toward a police state will be discussed further on "The Awakening," Monday night, 4/20 9pm ET & archived, with special guests John Ziegler -- also Gary Kreep, eligibility lawyer for Alan Keyes, announcing progress in their challenge of Barry Soetoro, a.k.a., Barack Obama.

Do you think that Janet Napolitano's DHS targeting of constitutionalists and concerned citizens who oppose the destruction of America via national debt, was just a mindless mistake? Just a malaprop, to label them (us) "right wing extremists?" And, just yesterday in her "apology," speaking apparently of the same set of Citizens as "terrorists" -- just clumsytalk? Prithee, think again. A great deal of time and attention went in to this executive report. It was written in order to produce results, according to a plan.

A key variable in that plan becomes the degree to which law enforcement and military personnel may be turned against Us, the People and against the Constitution they are sworn to uphold. The acceptability of such tyrrany in the minds and hearts of these officials varies. Many are patriotic and worthy. Many will merely follow orders, going along to get along. And some are already predisposed against U.S. Citizens, for one reason or another. Overall, their compliance with an increasingly directed abuse of our rights is an open question. Here are two, new, "wrong answers."

1. The shape of things to come under Marxofascist control -- this, by Border Control agents, as reported by the pastor.

The message that came with it:
Please take the time to view this film. This is why gun sales are up. People are becoming more and more afraid of our government and law enforcement. We remember WACO and RUBY RIDGE.
I remember the brutality that prolifers have suffered at the hands of the police. In Pa. 12 Evangelists were beaten and jailed for kneeling in prayer. That is just one case.
2. Now see what just happened to videographer, John Ziegler, 4/15, outside an event lauding Katie Couric for her interviewing prowess, during the presidential campaign. Sarah Palin got it then; Palin sympathizer, Ziegler gets it just lately. You see, John Ziegler is producer of "Media Malpractice; How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted." Keep that in mind, as you watch what happened to him.

Link: Ziegler Detained

Will legitimate law enforcement and military personnel become miffed, for being manipulated in this way? And what if they were manipulated in this way? an article posted in March:

Do you think a massive atrocity, staged by such people (the admitted Nazi war crimes collaborator, Soros and the trained Marxist, Obama) is beyond consideration?

I.O. leaves you with the following, a message by Naomi Wolf -- this one, from the left side, produced during the very odd and oddly labeled, "conservative" Bush administration.

10 Steps to Fascism, Naomi Wolf
  1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
  2. Create a gulag
  3. Develop a thug caste
  4. Set up an internal surveillance system
  5. Harass citizens' groups
  6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
  7. Target key individuals
  8. Control the press
  9. Dissent equals treason
  10. Suspend the rule of law

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Attack Occurred 9/11 [?] - Manufactured Catastrophe: The Cat is Out of the Bag in the MarxoFascist War on Our American Freedom & Personal Livelihoods

That [seems to be the case] according to Rep. Kanjorski of Pennsylvania (D); see video below.

I.O. had written below, "This is WAR UPON AMERICA, much more threatening than 9/11.What are we going to do about it?" We now have a kind of correction to make: This WAS 9/11 [according to one reasonable analysis] Comment to this article:

Anonymous said...
Please listen to the video closely. Kanjorski states that there was a closed meeting of Congress on about the 15th of September. This would be a MONDAY. Then he lets it slip out that the financial meltdown occurred on a Thursday... of the previous week.

This would be THURSDAY - SEPT. 11

Yes, a FINANCIAL TERRORIST ATTACK occurred on Thursday, September 11, 2008, the seventh anniversary of 9/11. And no one is telling us
about it!

God help us!
February 14, 2009 6:16 AM

To this, I will add, as reported yesterday in I.O.:

"We have a once in a generation chance to act boldly, to turn adversity into
opportunity, and use this crisis as a chance to transform our economy for the 21st century."

- Barack Hussein Obama, 2/12/2009, according to email from

God help us, indeed. This outrageously unreported story will be discussed further on live net-radio this Monday, 2/16, 8pm ET,,, 5pm PT on "The Awakening, with Hanen & Arlen."

Original post, 2/12/2009, evening:

It's been published on other site(s) with my blessing [an email I sent, as below, slightly edited] and I hear it may be on its way to Sen. John McCain. Does he care? Feel free to spread it everywhere, too. I suggest that everyone who cares about America email this information, about the Kanjorski confession -- to everyone who has an email address that he has or finds, everywhere in the world. Also, faxed, mailed, and otherwise shoved before the faces of everyone within reach.


Or do you want to live on PLANET FASCIST-SOROS, subsector MARXOFASCIST-OBAMA?

This is about real treason, real economic terrorism, and real mega-tampering into the sacred process of The Sovereign American Citizens' national election (getting us our illegitimate "president"). And the government/media cover-up is the second sedition.

This is WAR UPON AMERICA, much more threatening than 9/11.
What are we going to do about it?

This is the email I sent out last night, slightly edited.
Thursday, February 12, 2009 3:26 AM
From: "Arlen Williams"


Congress knows. They all know (or should know) and just enough are cooperating to keep it happening. None of them are telling us -- except for one, now.

Please read the attached and watch the video. It goes far, far beyond "important news." After you do, please consider forwarding it to your entire email database -- including business and professional contacts. (No apologies from me to my personal business contacts. It is urgent and vital.)

Mushroom management of Sovereign Americans must end NOW. It is time for glasnost in America. Please forgive the understatement of this title:

For more context, on Soros, Obama, and all -- also for the obvious solution (along with investigation, prosecution, and a military intervention if necessary): how Barack Obama must rightfully be declared a fictitious "president," since he is not a natural born Citizen, at

God save America from these apostate, fascist, self-made illegitimates,
Arlen Williams

PS: Add to this, the huge, consecutive Friday sell-offs into Wall St., during our pre-election "crisis," well revealed to America at the time by Mike Huckabee -- and the public "slips of the tongue" by apparently subversive Senators Charles Schumer and Harry Reid, contributing to the destruction of IndyMac, by Schumer -- said to be the catalyst for the entire mortage meltdown -- and in Reid's case, exacerbating the crisis among critical insurance companies. Does it need to get clearer?

If you are not convinced, please stay and do some more reading. The dots connected for you should be enough to relate "probable cause," fellow Americans.

Have you listened to the words out of this man's mouth, yet?

[Look] I was there when the Secretary and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve came those days and talked with members of Congress about what was going on [it was about September 15th.] Here’s the facts, and we don’t even talk about these things. On Thursday [September 18] at about eleven o’clock in the morning, the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the United States, to the tune of $550 billion dollars was being drawn out in the matter of an hour or two. The Treasury opened up its window to help. They pumped a hundred and five billion dollars in the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn’t be further panic out there, and that’s what actually happened.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2 o’clock that afternoon, five-and-a-half trillion dollars would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed. Now we talked at that time about what would happen if that happened. It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it.

And that’s why, when they made the point we’ve got to act and do things quickly we did. Now Secretary Paulson said, “Let’s buy out these sub-prime mortgages.” That’s when he came to Congress. But he said, “Give us latitude and large authority to do many things as we decide necessary. And give us seven hundred billion dollars to do that.”

Shortly after we enacted our bill with those very broad powers. The U.K. came out and said, “No, we don’t have enough money to buy toxic assets. Instead, we’re going to put our money into banks so that their equity grows and they’re not bankrupt.” And so the U.K. started that process and that’s true. It was much cheaper to put more money in banks as equity investment than to start buying their bad assets, because it became early determined that we’d probably have to spend three or four trillion dollars of taxpayer’s money to buy these bad assets. And we didn’t have… we only had seven hundred billion dollars. So Paulson made a complete switch, went in and started putting money in buying securities and reinvesting in the banks of the United States. Why? Because if you don’t have a banking system you don’t have an economy. And although we did that, it wasn’t enough money, and as fast as we did that, the economy has been falling, and the reason last week… We’re really no better off today than we were three months ago because we’ve had a decrease in the equity positions of banks because other assets are going sour by the moment….

Sunday, December 21, 2008

L.A. Times Deletes the Lead about Schwarzenegger & Presidency, After Drudge, Free Republic, I.O. Feature it; Could it be... Obama?

Los Angeles Times caught red-handed

2nd Update, Monday 12/22, 4:02am CT

This entry was formerly entitled, "Elect Schwarzenegger President? Obama Says Yes We Can! Dear L.A. Times..."
It was comprised of the letter shown below, which I also emailed to the Los Angeles Times, yesterday evening, in response to their Web article, "Schwarzenegger reveals tricks of the trade on '60 Minutes.'" I had found their story via Free Republic. Then, something very peculiar happened. Here is the story of the story.

After posting and sending the email, I found from a comment to this post, by Ted, that the very same L.A. Times article was featured in Drudge Report, entitled "Schwarzenegger: I Would Like To Be President!" And then, later in the evening -- poof! The lead disappeared! All references to Schwarzenegger not being a natural born citizen, thus not eligible for the U.S. Presidency were deleted. Funny how such a thing can happen, eh?

Was it because of the implications this has, at such a sensitive time -- what with cases before the Supreme Court clearly showing Obama to be a fictitious candidate, not a natural born Citizen at all? And with Congress yet to certify the vote? You can click the image above to enlarge it and see the article before it was so drastically edited. Then, click the image at the left, to see what it became, after the Drudge - FR - I.O., etc. hub-ub began to bubble.

Below is the initial I.O. post, the open letter to the L.A. Times and then my first update, when I learned of the redaction and before learning from Ted that Drudge ha
d linked to the story. That is when the big picture came into focus.


Dear L.A. Times Editors and Michael Rothfeld,

Sorry, but something that's getting way anachronistic showed up today in your article, "Governor reveals tricks of the trade on '60 Minutes.'" You wrote there that Gov. Schwarzenegger wants to be able to run for president but he can't, because he "is not a 'natural born citizen' of the United States, as required by the Constitution."

Hey, not to worry. I mean, if Congress and the Supreme Court allow Barack Obama to be our next president, next month, then the way is free and clear! You see, his father, Barack Obama I, was a Kenyan and a subject of the United Kingdom. He even passed on his citizenship to Barack II. The sites that your colleagues in the media defer to about Obama confess to it: Annenberg's and Obama's own

To be a natural born Citizen, according to Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution, one must be born in United States territory and his parents must be U.S. Citizens. That is what the term meant to the Constitution's framers and therefore continues to mean, to honest people. You see, they wanted to do what they reasonably could, to assure that a true blue American would control our military -- one with no other allegiances at all, ever.

But, the joke is, John McCain was never legitimate for the office either, since he was born in Colon, Republic of Panama. And what's really ripe is, five states had a Nicaraguan on their presidential ballots: Roger Calero. Do you think it's a fad -- unconstitutional presidential candidates -- "the new black?" Over 120,000,000 American voters were presented a pair of fictitious candidates by the two parties that control our politics. Isn't that funny?

Please issue a correction and let your readers know the Constitution is becoming even more obsolete -- so all things are now possible! I trust the California governor may be pleased. Arnold in 2008! Maybe eventually he'll run against Vladimir? Mahmoud?

There's a whole world of possibilities, with our "Citizen of the World" at the White House door. Spread the word!

Arlen Williams

PS: You could read about this, here -- and there is a whole incinerator-full, here.

ht: FReeper, curth


1st Update, Monday 12/22, 1:20am CT

Since the L.A. Times article was excerpted in and written about here, it has been drastically edited. All references to Schwarzenegger's presidential ambition have been eliminated from it. Here is what the article used to say (and I've saved it in a "screen print" and posted the image file, below):
By Michael Rothfeld
4:46 PM PST, December 21, 2008
Reporting from Sacramento -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger hasn't said whether he would pursue another job in politics after his final term ends in two years. But there's at least one position he might be interested in, if he were eligible for it: president.

"Yeah, absolutely," Schwarzenegger said in an interview airing tonight on "60 Minutes" on CBS, when asked by correspondent Scott Pelley if he would like to be president. "I think that I am always a person that looks for the next big goal. And I love challenges. I always set goals that are so high, that are almost impossible to achieve."

Budget standoff carries big risks, marginal rewards for California governor
Where Schwarzenegger goes, money follows
Gov. Schwarzenegger: Budget gap has increased by $3.6 billion

At the moment, becoming president would be impossible. Schwarzenegger, who was born in Austria and became a U.S. citizen in 1983, is not a "natural born citizen" of the United States, as required by the Constitution.

Talk of amending the Constitution was a hot topic in California and Washington during Schwarzenegger's first couple of years in office, when some of his backers waged an "Amend for Arnold" campaign and members of Congress proposed changing the rule. Schwarzenegger has said he would welcome such a move but has mostly joked about running when asked about it publicly.

Matt David, his spokesman, noted that on "60 Minutes," the governor was responding to a theoretical question.

In the interview, the governor also lifted the veil on some of his tricks of the trade, both in his cinematic and political careers. With Pelley lifting weights as they spoke, Schwarzenegger said that when he played a muscle man in the movies, he just pretended to lift 300 pounds. [excerpt; article continues]
Odd that they decided to redact the lead paragraphs from their Web article. Do you suppose they wanted to shorten it, to save you from scrolling?

(Click the picture, if you wish to expand it.)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Obama's Presidential Ineligibility Makes the Media!

What could be more mainstream than this?

From their site:

Obama - Born in the USA?
PRESIDENT-elect Barack Obama is being rocked by a series of shocking new lawsuits charging his election was illegal! GLOBE's special report reveals why some national leaders believe his Hawaiian birth certificate was forged - and that America's next commander-in-chief was born in Kenya, which could doom his presidency. It's must reading.

From the point of view of the dominant Marxstream Media, this is the venue to handle Obama's ineligibility to be U.S. President. Take yours home today! Then a different issue comes out a week later and that's it. Let the "respected" media go and stay dark.

Who needs to get involved with futile attempts at refuting his disqualification, due to his father? I mean, how can a guy claim he hadn't inherited a foreign citizenship and allegiance by his foreign father, when it's a well-known biographical fact? But, that's just the ticket! Best to put the hide in plane sight strategy to work, instead.

So, Obama confesses to his U.K. birthright -- right on his own Web site -- just puts it out there in that cool, matter-of-fact, Obama way. The meta-message is, "If the idea that this would disqualify me weren't ridiculous, why would I have run for president in the first place? Of course I'm qualified. I mean, Constitution? I have a Harvard J.D. in this stuff." He sure can gain people's confidence -- and that is the sign of a great leader, right?

And then, we get some of the media players to discredit, besmirch, and otherwise ridicule the "birther-truthers," the few and the odd, and he has it made! It's in the book -- you know, the Alinsky book (rule 5, if you're keeping track). And Granduncle Trotsky's playbook too, as long as the end justifies the means, of course. And the masterstroke is for this to work so well that even some conservative pundits run up and hop on the ridicule train. Chuggin' that hot air from the useful-idiots-dot-com. LOL!

Constitutional, natural born Citizenship crisis? Who needs to know?

Just make it all about a perpetually withheld birth certificate, while... with a mix of impatience and pity... anyone bestirred by any allegations is comforted back into slumber by the "validity" of the (meaningless) certificate already released by Obama, online. Let the story hang there -- on a huge, lurid headline, FRONTPAGE: GLOBE.

That'll put the unwashed masses in their place, while we elites continue preparing our "rule." After all, "We are the ones we've have been waiting for." Man, it's cool that line got the big ovations -- confirmed the whole thing.

And if we disintegrate the U.S. Constitution in the process, so much the better! As Barack said in the Public Radio interview, that archaic document gets in the way of our redistribution model.

Best to get that Constitution out of the Obama way.

Gotta get to the store and pick up my souvenir!
Maybe stock up on water, plastic sheets, duct-tape, oh! Don't forget the tinfoil!!
Seriously, let's make sure they sell out -- and create buzz on their Web site.