Showing posts with label Orly Taitz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orly Taitz. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama: the Only US President to be Sued - Part I

Mark McGrew is back at it and I.O. is carrying his material stateside, while is carrying it to the world, poignantly enough, from downtown Moscow. Mark also joined us on "The Awakening, with Hanen & Arlen," this past Monday and Tuesday (3/16&17/2009).

By Mark S. McGrew

On February 9, 2009, a New Jersey attorney, Mr. Mario Apuzzo, filed a lawsuit on behalf of Plaintiffs, Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James LeNormand and Donald H. Nelson, Jr.

The lawsuit, Civil Action Number. 1:09 –cv-00253 was filed in United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.

You can see the actual case filing at Mr. Apuzzo’s website.

The defendants in this case are: Barrack Hussein Obama II, and Individually, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, United States of America, The United States Congress, The United States Senate, The United States House of Representatives, Richard B. Cheney (President of the US Senate, Presiding Officer of Joint Session of Congress, Vice President of the United States and Individually), Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House and Individually).

All of the defendants have been served with a copy of the complaint and have 60 days to respond to the complaint. Will they stand up like honest citizens and answer the complaint, or will they hide behind high priced lawyers like Obama has been doing?

Basically, the lawsuit says there is no verifiable proof that Obama is an American citizen and is therefore ineligible to be the President of the United States. It also points out that the United States Code of Federal Regulations was violated by the defendants, during the course of counting Electoral votes, by not asking any members of Congress if they objected to the counts. A normal counting of the votes takes approximately 2 hours. Obama’s took 36 minutes and it is on record that there was no call for any objections.

This lawsuit is important because, the cold hard fact of life is that if Obama is not qualified or eligible to be the President of the United States of America, every action Obama takes is fraudulent. Any Treaty, Executive Order, Agreements, and/or Laws signed by him are not valid and can be rescinded, reneged on or totally ignored by any Nation on Earth, including future American administrations, now and into the distant future. Any trade agreements between Nations and Corporations can be denied or rescinded.

By the very nature of Obama’s citizenship being questioned, it places the liberty of all Americans in jeopardy. Obama himself, can end all lawsuits, quiet all questions, stop all Internet chatter about his citizenship by simply producing a legitimate Birth Certificate. What reason could he have for employing legal firms to obstruct anyone from seeing where he was born?

An ineligible President makes the entire World a very dangerous place and places every Nation in an unprecedented, unstable position in regards to dealing with America.

By taking his stance Mario Apuzzo and his Plaintiffs are protecting the World in their efforts to protect Americans.

If American politicians refuse to follow the one important rule of the US Constitution in choosing a President, the most important position in America, they can and will ignore any part of the Constitution and any law as it fits their needs. This is described as “Anarchy.”

Not a single World leader can trust our politicians or our agreements.

Mario Apuzzo and his four Plaintiffs are not alone in their quest to find out if Obama is an American citizen.

Obama has used three law firms to keep his birth place secret. There is no proof that he was born in America. Obama steadfastly refuses to provide any proof that he is an American citizen. Most of us have heard of his “Certification of Live Birth” in Hawaii. Any person born in any location on Earth can have the State of Hawaii give them a “Certification of Live Birth”. This document has a space on it asking what country the applicant was born in. Hawaii has two birth documents. 1. A “Certification” which is given to anyone who asks for it, regardless of what country they were born in. 2. A “Certificate” which is only given to people born in Hawaii.

Obama and the major news companies in America proudly show an ignorant populace the “Certification”. It proves only that a human being was born somewhere on this particular Planet.

Two of the best web sites to keep up to date on the many lawsuits are: and

Another attorney, Dr. Orly Taitz of California, has been tenacious in trying to force Obama to prove he is an American. Dr. Taitz has a website that will keep you up to date on her activities.

One of the problems these lawsuits face is the simple task of getting a Judge to at least consider the facts presented. Case after case has been thrown out by various Judges, loosely based on the incredibly profound ruling of “It’s none of your business who is President, so shut up.”

Dr. Orly Taitz has two lawsuits sitting in the US Supreme Court. There have been questions as to whether the US Supreme Court Justices have even been made aware of her filings in their Court. It is very possible that not one of the nine Justices knows about the controversy regarding an illegal alien pretending to be our President while he his partying his butt off in the White House.

When US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was performing a book signing for his new book, Dr. Taitz bought two copies, stood in line with everyone else and when it was her turn to have her book signed, she introduced herself, explained a bit about the cases and gave him a copy of the 130 page dossier/letter sent to Eric Holder, US Attorney General and others asking them to investigate Obama for:

Cyberspace crimes, impersonation of a military officer; identity theft of U.S. Army Officer Scott Easterling, libel, defamation of character, intimidation, harassment, interference with judicial proceedings, breaking into the computer system of the Supreme Court of the United States, voter fraud, using cyberspace for voter fraud, fraud, forgery, and other related crimes.

Justice Scalia appeared not to be aware of the lawsuits filed in his Court, which is not unusual, as they receive thousands of cases each year and only review a small number of them.

Justice Scalia said that he would look into the matter and he would read her dossier.

She also sent copies of that dossier to: Steven Whitlock-Director of Whistle Blower Office-IRS, Director of FBI-Robert Mueller, Congressional Judiciary Committee, Senatorial Judiciary Committee, Illinois Attorney General, Texas Attorney General, Tennessee Attorney General, California Attorney General.

Electronic copies were sent to: US Senate, US Congress, Various State Governors and to Domestic and International Major Media. America’s major media has been advised many times of the question of Obama’s birth and all they respond with is the phony “Certification of Live Birth”. Eventually a lawsuit may be filed against the major media owners who have helped to perpetrate this ongoing fraud.

This 130 page dossier contained numerous charges including: a list of 100 addresses for Barack Obama with numerous different social security numbers, issued all over the country and attached to those addresses. It showed the address Obama used in Somerville, Massachusetts, attached to the Social Security number of a man who is 118 years old. It showed evidence of Obama committing perjury, lying under oath. It had his school registration from Indonesia under the name Barry Soetoro, citizen of Indonesia, religion Muslim. There was a page of Obama’s registration to become an attorney and officer of the court in Illinois, where he stated under oath that his name is Barack Hussein Obama and he had no other prior names, which is on record as being untrue. It contained a report from a federal agent, Steven Coffman, stating that there are numerous signs of forgery in his Selective Service Certificate. It contained a letter from a renowned expert, Sandra Line, stating that there are signs of forgery in Obama’s short version Certification of Live Birth, and that the original birth certificate needs to be reviewed in order to ascertain his status. It contained 130 current job positions for Barry Obama, Barack H. Obama and Michelle Obama, which were obtained from Intellius It stated that none of them were reported on Obama’s tax returns. This dossier can be found here.

To be continued... Part II

...same bat time, same bat channel...

The views and statements expressed by Investigating Obama contributors, and in quotations and citations, are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Investigating Obama and Arlen Williams.
wikipedia photo

Friday, January 23, 2009

Update - Lightfoot v. Bowen, Set for 1/23 Conference, Disappears [Temporarily] from Supreme Court Docket

Update 1/23 am by Zapem, from Comments, emphasis by I.O.:

I personally checked 15 cases on the Pending Order's List myself and found those to be on the docket and fully visible from the database. I did not find any cases which were missing other than the eligibility contest cases as noted in this article.

The bottom line here is, while the Petitioners in these cases have been treated worse than second-class citizens, slandered on websites and belittled by the media without remorse, I find it ironic that no one seems to care if a President of the United States is held to the mere standard of

Update 1/22: Docket listings are back up, at the Supreme Court site. This has been another in a line of odd occurrences at the courts, pertaining to the eligibility requirement cases.

Update 1/21: Apparently, all docket items regarding Obama eligibility have disappeared but one Berg item. Received by email from Zapem:
All the cases on Obama's eligibility, even the pending ones, have been removed from the SCOTUS website.

One remains only to say that Berg v. Obama was dismissed today.

Donofrio, Wrotnowski, Schneller, Berg applications and Lightfoot all removed. I checked the other 2008 cases having nothing to do with Obama and those are still there. Something is going on.
Original Post, 1/21:

Not Found

The requested URL /docket/08a524.htm was not found on this server.

That is what now appears on the Supreme Court Web site, for the docket page of Lightfoot v. Bowen (

Here is Lightfoot attorney, Orly Taitz' post about it, from her blog.

Obama has been in power only one day and they are already playing games with the Supreme Court

Obama has been in power only one day. Suddenly today my case has disappeared from the docket. The case was not dismissed. It is supposed to be heard on the 23rd of January. Each and every American Citizen needs to call the Supreme court and demand decency from these Justices. They have violated all principles of judicial integrity and ethics by inviting Obama and Biden to the closed door meeting only a few days before the hearing. They have inaugurated him in from of millions of people, when 3 days after the inauguration they are supposed to hear my case, where I state that Obama is not eligible for presidency and never was eligible. They were supposed to recuse themselves from the inauguration. What is going on? Is Chicago mafia influencing the Supreme Court? If we don't have integrity with our elected officials and the whole system is corrupt, then it is time to revolt and change the system.
More about this will likely be posted in updates, below, as I.O. finds more to post. In the meantime, I also suggest you look into The Right Side of Life and its overall status page, "Eligibility Lawsuits," regarding news of other suits.

This is how the docket appeared before it vanished.
No. 08A524
Title: Gail Lightfoot, et al., Applicants
Debra Bowen, California Secretary of State

Lower Ct: Supreme Court of California
Case Nos.: (S168690)

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dec 12 2008 Application (08A524) for a stay pending the filing and disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Kennedy.
Dec 17 2008 Application (08A524) denied by Justice Kennedy.
Dec 29 2008 Application (08A524) refiled and submitted to The Chief Justice.
Jan 7 2009 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 23, 2009.
Jan 7 2009 Application (08A524) referred to the Court.
Jan 13 2009 Suggestion for recusal received from applicant.

~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Phone~~~
Attorneys for Petitioners:
Orly Taitz 26302 La Paz (949) 683-5411
Counsel of Record Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Party name: Gail Lightfoot, et al.

This was relayed by FReeper, "cacoethes_resipisco" from a Google search cache, through this URL:

ht: dl

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Week 1/4-1/10; Path to BHO Breakthrough or Constitutional Travesty

A week's worth of naturally borne Citizenship in action, with I.O's agenda in the flux
  1. Congress voted Thursday, to "certify" the E.C. vote for The Unkown, Unvetted, Usurping President.
  2. Friday, 1/9, the Supreme Court of the U.S. (SCOTUS) apparently conferred about what to do with pesky Philip Berg. Do they now deign to grant him standing, this mere Sovereign Citizen? Then, on the 1/16, he gets another meeting of the Supreme How 'Bout That BOGUS POTUS Committee. Is Tom Waite right and does SCOTUS not like it that BHO has not responded to Souter's prior... invitation? [Ed. 1/12: even if Souter really did not want to invite attention; it is SCOTUS procedure to receive responses from defendants.]
  3. By Mr. Phil's TRSoL report, Berg v. Obama was not dealt a miscellaneous order Friday. SCOTUS disposition should be announced Monday, as is customary. Phil does a great job of putting this into perspective, here.
  4. Attorney, Orly Taitz appreciates that Chief Justice John Roberts has sent Lightfoot v. Bowen (SCOTUS docket page) to committee for 1/23. Wednesday's I.O. article and interview with Taitz here. Also, Orly Taitz' subsequent press release, over there. She exhorts more letters and other petitions from concerned Americans. Her cover letter to Roberts was an interesting move; maybe it helped, at least in citing some of the known references to the meaning of the Article 2 phrase, natural born Citizen. Be apprised, now: this Lightfoot is not a petition for writ of certiorari, it is an appeal for an injunction against the California Electoral College vote, which has already happened. To I.O's ken, Dr. Taitz will need assistance from someone licensed to present before the SCOTUS, if she wishes to petition for a writ (for full review, oral argument, and quite possibly, for such a thing as a reversal of an unconstitutional election). She describes Lightfoot v. Bowen as a "step," but at least it is a step to bring a federal candidate's standing, along with two of the three arguments against Obama's candidacy to the SCOTUS and we are in uncharged jurisprudential waters.
  5. Orly Taitz is in hyperdrive. Maybe we should all pray for her safety.
  6. What has been transpiring in other cases?: Obama legal challenge scorecard
  7. Well, Broe v. Reed was dismissed, Thursday by the WA Supremes, which notified the local media instead of that first, before any contact with Broe attorney, Stephen Pidgeon, if at all. Huh. And to the SCOTUS Pidgeon will fly. He thinks the WA court, like their Secretary of State may just be saying, "'S'not my job, man" and for some reason does not feel encumbered with the qualifying of a presidential candidiate. If so, they hide in a nationwide cloud of confusion, due to lack of legislative procedure to support the natural born Citizenshp clause and that causes a further confusion regarding "controlling legal authority" (as Al Gore appreciators might remember, i.e., how he avoided prison, per his past foreign fundraising, Hindu monks and all). In Broe v. Reed, Pidgeon refers to all of the three major contentions with BHO II: 1. U.K. citizenship at birth via BHO I, 2. no valid proof of natural born Citizenship provided and, 3. apparent Indonesian citizenship as a child, revoking any U.S. citizenship. Pidgeon's Broe case did receive oral argument by the WA SC, which may help in terms of standing (with all the various "objective" elements for SCOTUS to consider, you do know that, at least for those justices unwilling or unable to apply the finest of epistemological categorization of constitutional law with natural accuracy, a lot of this is subjective for them, don't you?).
  8. Schneller v. Cortes (based upon no valid proof of n.b.C. by Obama) was taken from Pennsylvania to Justice Souter, Thursday, in the attempt to delay the congressional certification of the Electoral College vote and whaddyaknow, Souter denied.
  9. I.O. still finds it more than "odd" that after Donofrio was given the run-around by the SCOTUS clerks and Wrotnowski's filing was sent away for "anthrax testing," Taitz' Lightfoot filing was "lost" before Christmas. Perhaps more on that, later.
  10. may get to that later, priorities are priorities.
  11. Does the narrative of August, 1961 in the life of Stanley Ann Dunham fit the possibility of a birth outside the U.S.A.? Sam Sewell of The Steady Drip presents, below
  12. Do you know why it shouldn't matter and that BHO is ineligible, anyway? More on this, all over Investigating Obama. Click the "I.O. Docket" index on the sidebar, or the lazy click here).
  13. How about that new kind of case, some have heard about, boiling up in a conservative state? Something having to do with the military? Must be taking a bit more time.
  14. Those Top-5 "Daddy Says No!" nbC article awards that I.O. has not found the time to do yet... um... see the line-up of natural born Citizen articles, here.
  15. Beyond the essential crisis-solving necessary to preserve the U.S. Constitution, against an usurpation by an ineligible candidate, why does it matter that Barack Obama is kept out of the Presidency? Answer, here.
  16. Read up on Obama researcher, Mark S. McGrew's outrage, below -- and hear him on Internet radio
  17. FoxNews is featuring... Casey Anthony a lot, lately. Fox asks why it is that she did not reveal what she knew about her daughter's disappearance and points out that, in itself, is incriminating. I.O. points out, this sounds like Obama and his Hawaiian birth certificate, does it not?
  18. What? BHO Continues to Press His Mega-Money Fundraising?
  19. Keep an eye on that I.O. Sitebar Sidebar, especially "The Unconstitutional Usurper" lineup:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Interview, Orly Taitz: Chief Justice Roberts Calls Conference on Obama Challenge: Lightfoot v. Bowen


by Arlen Williams, 1/7/2009

Chief Justice John Roberts has sent a full-throated challenge of Barack Obama's presidential eligibility to conference: Lightfoot v. Bowen (SCOTUS docket page). I.O. interviewed Lightfoot lead attorney, Orly Taitz at 2:20pm CT, today, minutes after she learned of this move.

Taitz believes, "This is Chief Justice Roberts telling the Congress... the other eight Justices, that there is a problem with this election."

The Lightfoot case has legal standing, due to litigant, Libertarian Gail Lightfoot's vice presidential candidacy in California. It also addresses two major issues of legal merit: 1. Obama's failure to provide legally evidentiary documentation of citizenship and American birth and, 2. his United Kingdom citizenship at birth, passed to him by his Kenyan father when that nation was a British colony. (Other current challenges also submit that Obama's apparent status as an Indonesian citizen, as a child, would have caused his American citizenship to be revoked.) This case is therefore considered the strongest yet, to be heard by the Supreme Court. Obama challenger, Philp Berg had previously been granted conference hearings, scheduled this Friday, 1/9 and on 1/16.

Roberts was submitted this case on 12/29, originally a petition for an injunction against the State of California's Electoral College vote. His action comes one day before the Congress is to certify the Electoral College votes electing Barack Obama, 1/8. The conference called by Roberts is scheduled for 1/23. Orly Taitz is not deterred by the conference coming after the inauguration, which is to be held 1/20, "If they find out that he was not eligible, then they can actually rescind the election; the whole inauguration and certification were not valid." The strongest time for legal and judicial rulings are generally after the fact.

Taitz reacts to this new event as a project manager, "We'll continue working, one step at a time. Now we need to get the word out to all the media, congressmen, senators." It remains to be seen whether the "major media" will deign to cover this story, or continue to mainly report news that is negative as it pertains to natural born Citizen actions addressing Obama.

"They will hear the case, then, if they find out... Obama was elected fraudulently, they will find out the whole process was not valid." Taits calls this conference itself an important hearing and then, "I think that we'll have four Justices, then it will go to oral arguments and all American Citizens will be able to hear the case." In such a conference, four Supreme Court Justices of the nine must vote for certiorari -- to have a full review generally including a public hearing. However, the Lightfoot filing is not at this point a petition for a writ of certiorari. In theory, the court may issue an order of the court regarding the process, or pertaining to a then, apparent President Obama's standing.

Taitz stressed that the public must know immediately about matters that may have been hidden in Barack Obama's candidacy, citing one example, that, "Most of the country has no clue that one relative can go to the state of Hawaii and sign an affidavit that 'my relative was born a citizen'" and thus gain an Hawaiian birth certificate for that person, even if he were born abroad. That is the same kind of birth certificate that Barack Obama has not allowed to be seen, but which Hawaiian state officials have reported exists in privately held state records.

The earlier Lightfoot petition to the California State Supreme Court for a stay of that state's Electoral College election had been denied at that level.

One of many potentially odd twists to monitor in this electoral process is that as of Friday, 1/2, the National Archives had received Electoral College votes from only twenty-four of fifty states, not nearly enough votes for Congress to count, tomorrow for an election.

Investigating Obama will continue to monitor this and related cases, and link to news and examinations of them, from other newsworthy sites. The Web site of Orly Taitz relates her perspective, further. Readers are free to repost or excerpt this article.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Video - Orly Taitz States the Case, for the Obama Challenges

Dr. Taitz provides a very brief synopsis of her natural born Citizen cases, then goes further, urging for a federal fraud investigation of Barack Obama. You see, she assumes he knows what he is doing, including that he is not a legal candidate for the presidency. Considering Obama's Harvard J.D., she may have a point -- and her point includes that Obama may have committed numerous fraudulent acts along his career path.

I.O. may or may not comment further, below the videos, but will now get out of the way and let you hear Dr. Taiz speak her mind. Oh really.

Orly 1

Orly 2

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Orly Taitz: Urgent! What Needs to be Done Now

The following is posted from the blog of Orly Taiz, DDS, one of the patriots leading the natural born Citizen charge, from California and Hawaii -- and now to the Supreme Court.

What can we do?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Urgent! What needs to be done now

There are a number of things you can do:

1. write to all 9 US Supreme Court justices in support of Lightfoot v Bowen, docket number 08A524

2. become a correspondent on my blog After you write an article call Bob Stevens (641--715-3900, ext 50926) or e-mail him at He can put your articles on the blog.

3. Very important!!! write an open letter to US att in Illinois Patrick Fitzgerald, cc US att in DC Mike McCuskey, cc General Director of FBI, cc FBI in all the states and demand immediate indictments of Obama on massive fraud for following reasons:

a. he is not a natural born citizen (his father was a foreign subject, he doesn't qualify as a natural born, since both parents have to be citizens at the time of the child's birth in order to qualify as a natural born citizen, see Law of Nations ), he became a candidate on the ballot by fraud

b. fraud committed in collecting $650 million under false pretenses

c. lying under oath while being sworn as an attorney in Illinois (stated that he had no other names, concealed his identities, since he went by Barry Obama and Barry Soetoro)

d. Contact the FBI and US attorney's office, and assert that they need to investigate immediately expert reports showing that his selective service certificate is forged

e. Instruct the FBI and US Attorney's office that they need to subpoena his original birth certificate and investigate reports that the short form "certification of live birth" that Obama presented to the public appears to have been altered, fake or "forged".

f. The FBI and the US Attorney's office needs to subpoena medical records, coroners reports and death certificates for his grandmother Madelyn Dunham and has mother Stanley Ann Dunham (aka Obama, aka Soetoro, aka Sutoro aka Anna Toot) and investigate why the mother's deceased social security number 535-40-8522 shows as active as late as 2006, when she allegedly died in 1995. It shows 2 addresses in HI and 2 addresses in NY.

Please call FBI and US attorneys office and demand daily updates, as to when the indictments will be forthcoming. Those have to be issued ASAP, before Jan 20, 2009.

4. you can forward my pleadings in Lightfoot v Bowen and footage of 12.08.08. press conference at the National Press club to all the congressmen, senators, media and your friends and family. Thank you for willingness to help.

Contact Information

United States Attorney's Office
Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division
219 S. Dearborn St., 5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (312) 353-5300

United States Attorney's Office
Northern District of Illinois, Western Division
308 W. State St., Ste 300
Rockford, IL 61101
Phone: (815) 987-4444

Correspondence to the Department of Justice, including the Attorney General, may be sent to:

U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

E-mails to the Department of Justice, including the Attorney General, may be sent to

For the Illinois Attorney General, addresses and phone numbers are here. You can email the Illinois Attorney General's office by using this contact form.

Dr. Orly Taitz, DDS Esq

Friday, December 12, 2008

Video: Natural Born Citizen Press Conference, National Press Club, Monday 12/8/2008: Bob Shultz, Philip Berg, Orly Taitz, James Manning; Must See TV

As you may switch it on to see, Monday's NPC conference describes well, the constitutional crisis which America has been suffering since the Iowa Caucuses at least. It proceeds as follows:

0.00:00 - Bob Schulz, We the People Foundation, frames the reasons for calling for the presser.

0.15:50 - Philip Berg,, who does a very good job of summarizing the numerous problems which the Constitution's "natural born Citizen" clause has, with Barack Obama, to date. Berg also reprimands the Obamedia quite nicely.

0.36:00 - Bob Schultz, discussing the Donofrio suit -- thus, also the Wrotnowski petition, pending SCOTUS conference Friday, 12/12, presenting essentially an expanded version of Donofrio v. Wells, chiefly based upon Obama's foreign patrilineal descent. Also, the separate matter of the Chicago Tribune ad, which pleads for access to Obama's actual, original birth certificate.

0.44:50 - Orly Taitz (introduced by Bob Schultz) who, among numerous actions and along with Gary Kreep, is bringing "the Alan Keyes suit" in California, destined for the SCOTUS, blog: A Natural Born Citizen...Orly?.

1:09:15 - Pastor James David Manning, PhD.,, who leads the press conference in prayer, explains his use of inflammatory 1960's-ebonic terminology, and does not let up on Barack Hussein Obama II.

1:35:55 - Questions from reporters, answers from the panel, and more...
Update: more to come on the mystery woman who takes the microphone to speak of the influence of foreign oil money...
2:28:00 - You may especially wish to hear Orly Taitz at this point.
She get
s to the point with the news media. A very refreshing point in a very informative and challenging segment.

Just one potential admonition if you will allow. I did not hear the term "fictitious presiden
cy" used; maybe I just missed it. I did hear "usurper," though. Both apply. Come to think of it, I.O. should have been using these terms more its prior articles, too...

Note: We the People Foundation and allow this entire press conference to be downloaded from its Google residence.

Hey, be sure to let me know when this shows up on C-Span...
Is there anyone to whom you wish to email the link, instead of waiting?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Plains Radio Webcast, Listener's Notes: Wrotnowski, Donofrio, Pidgeon

Live updating through the evening -- my notes from tonight's Plains Radio Webcast. (Parenthetical comments are by I.O., AW.) After Jill Stanek, on the state of the pro-life movement in an American culture steeped in death are featured Natural Born Citizen Challengers, Cort Wrotnowski (CT), Steve Pidgeon (WA) and Leo Donofrio (NJ) and... Chester A. Arthur.

Interview of Cort Wrotnowski...
  • Donofrio's research on President Chester A. Arthur's covered-up U.K. citizenship brings new implications that will be included in the filing before the SCOTUS.
  • If a SCOTUS hearing is held, Wrotnowski plans for Donofrio to present his case.
  • Press is avoiding Wrotnowski, while it plays up the denial of Donofrio's hearing.
  • Adam Liptak of the New York Times is inqiring, also Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune (obdurate leftist propagandist I've had experience with - AW).
  • Joe Thunder reporting on the liveliness of the National Press Club press conference today, by others bringing suit (on the birth certificate). Thunder videotaped it. Pastor Manning was there (oh, oh) in addition to Orly Taitz. Thunder will post on his site, tomorrow afternoon, [I.O. Ed., audiotape, here]
  • At one point, one of our objective-as-Goebbels journalists told Ms. Taitz, "...just go home...."
During the break, I see on I.O's sidebar that Leo Donofrio has updated his blog about the Wrotnowski progress at the SCOTUS.
  • Adulterated allegiances are very dangerous for a nation's Commander in Chief to have.
  • After December 15, charge of the process of determining the presidency is passed from the Electoral College (provided they vote, that day) to Congress and the chances of effectiveness of law suits are diminished.
  • Ed Hale pass along from Leo Donofrio that he believes Wrotnowski's case is very strong, with advantages over Donofrio vs. Wells. "Layman" Ed says he thinks this is indicative of positive results.
  • A caller wonders if and when Obama's side will be called in and will weigh in.
  • Cort has to beg off -- claims he's busy. ;-`
  • The Political Pastor program is signing off; TPP announces his chat room at Plains Radio.
  • Ed Hale will have Steve Pidgeon on, who is bringing suit before the Washington Supreme Court.
Break -- if they need to keep beating the SCOTUS over the head with 2x4's so be it, until they gain constitutional sense.

Now, Karen and Ed Hale's Lions' Den program - it's a long, rich, historical evening at Plains Radio, interviewing Steve Pidgeon...
  • Pidgeon's case has standing.
  • Discussion of the 1790 statute, setting forth a "natural born citizen" (BTW, this phrase was specifically stricken from the stature in 1795.) requiring both parents to be citizens and the father, a resident of the USA. This disqualifies Obama.
  • The 14th Amendment calls anyone born in the USA a "citizen." (However, see the declaration of the framer of the 14th amendment, about being a "natural born citizen!"). And this requires Obama's mother to have been 19 (longer story made short) when Barack-II was born. She was 18.
  • Suit says Obama, a. not a natural born citizen, b. not a citizen, and c. arrrghhh!! the program winked out on me and it isn't coming back up!
If/when I can regain the broadcast, I'll be back to it. Coffee... want... coffee.... // OK, it's back for me.
  • I'm guessing that point "c." above is that his Indonesian citizenship revokes his American citizenship (or perhaps he point "c." has to do with the birth certificate).
  • Pidgeon's suit may bring the first case with standing having to do with the birth certificate before the SCOTUS.
  • Caller from New Zealand brings up the writing of John A. Bingham (framer of the 14th Amendment) regarding allegiance, to be a natural born citizen.
  • Obama became a Kenyan citizen officially in 1963, then an Indonesian citizen. He was apparently adopted, from the Lolo Soetoro / Ann divorce records, by an Indonesian citizen. If he is an American citizen after these facts, this means Obama is a naturalized citizen, and utterly not a natural born citizen by anyone's construct.
The one and only Leo Donofrio, Esq. is now on the program...
  • Talking about how lame and inexperienced the states are, at even considering how to verify the citizenship qualifications of candidates. (How can one certify without verifying?)
  • About the history of Chester A. Arthur's huge cover-up campaign to hide his U.K. citizenship. He appointed Justice Gray, who is the very one who wrote the opinion in the Wong Kim Ark case which liberalized American citizenship requirements! (That sounds eerily familiar, if you have read what friends of BHO are opining about citizenship.)
Break. I'm getting angrier, now. Blood pressure rising. "History repeats itself." -- history of corruption of the sacred trust we place in elected officials. God, if you are judging America, please spare the most innocent and punish most, those who most deserve it.
  • Donofrio's point seems to be that allowing a fictitious president allows a great deal of dishonesty -- it allows a corrupt U.S. President. Justice Gray may have been writing "that opinion to sanitize Arthur's citizenship." Quid pro quo dealing is implied.
  • All of Arthur's decisions and actions are tainted for history.
  • Per Arthur's example, "You can't have a precedent if it is a fraud."
  • Donofrio being Donofrio -- warns Pidgeon to investigate how Roger Calero was not allowed ballot access, for the sake of precedent. (Whatever one says about his NJ style, Donofrio is an excellent tactician and strategist.) Says that someone from the SoS had Calero removed and who did that should provide sworn testimony, to build the case. (Selective investigation and disqualification.) There could be a cover-up in WA.
  • Donofrio believes Wrotnowski's application is much better drafted.
  • Donofrio explains how the judge in NJ misapplied his suit: action in lieu of a prerogative writ became forced by the court into a writ of lesser application. Then, they refused his motion by a hoodwink excuse, based upon the procedural error the court itself created. (I'm not a lawyer and don't even play one on TV, so pardon my terminology.)
  • (BTW, I'm wondering, since Wrotnowski is not a lawyer and Donforio says he was/is pleased at how much better his case is drafted -- it would seem, before Donofrio got to it -- did they get help from another attorney, in cognito? I did take Latin and I played a lawyer in a couple 5th grade vignettes.)
  • The goofball idea that the SCOTUS should turn down the challenges, to avoid unrest and "overturning the will of the people." (David Horowitz is haranguing at conservatives challengers on this, for one.) Donofrio: "I'm sorry, it's not a real election if it's two fraudulent candidates."
  • Pidgeon tells Donofrio that if the SCOTUS weren't interested in the case, it would have been rejected without going to conference. (My point: depends on the Justice.)
  • Donofrio: even though he blogged about the idea that the SCOTUS might have preferred the strength of the Wrotnowski case, he was (stunned) when blog commentators told him Wrotnowski v. Bysiewicz was referred to conference, a few minutes later!
  • A stay of the Electors before Dec. 15 would be in order, because otherwise there would be a conflict of laws.
  • Allowing not a strictly "natural born Citizen," could allow an orchestrated agent provocateur to become U.S. President. (What about someone of the kind who, during his campaign, would hold a rally in Germany, before hundreds of thousands, claiming himself a "Citizen of the World?")
  • Caller commends those bringing these cases, affirming that the United States Constitution is worth sacrifice.
  • Ed Hale asks someone for a pack of cigarettes and to his credit says "please."
  • Discussion shifts (degrades? I hope not) into some contention of the likely success of the quest for the original certificate of live birth (COLB) but rises back to the point that this is the responsibility of the states' Secretaries of State, to which Pidgeon and Donofrio agree.
  • Ed Hale requests that Donofrio and Pidgeon come back Friday night.
  • Leo has to work all night on the new Chester A. Arthur brief and Cort Wrotnowski will drop it off in SCOTUSville tomorrow.
End of broadcast.
Prayers are in order.
  • End note, 12/9, 2:10am: Despite the media gates, some do pay attention, but just who? Well, among others, I.O. just got a view from Hanoi -- via a Google search: "Wrotnowski obama."
Hey, here's an idea -- pick some of the media gatekeepers you most wish to bother and...
SEND it to the psy-ops jocks!! -- email envelope, below
(And they've called President Bush "incurious." -- Try, ostrich-headed.)

PS: my apologies, but not inclined to do much proof reading of the above.