- Netroots Nation – Transmitting the “Party Line” to the Masses
Trevor Loudon
The Communist Party USA website Peoples World carries an interesting report on last weekend’s Netroots Nation 2010 conference in Las Vegas. Netroots is the convention where the “progressive” elite come to tell the leftist bloggers and new media people, which messages to push and how. Thousands of progressive bloggers and…8/2/2010
- Gulag Bound Dissidents Trevor Loudon & James Simpson in New Documentary, “AGENDA: Grinding America Down”
AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Trailer) from Curtis Bowers on Vimeo. Some things are self-explanatory. If Jim and Trevor are talking, I think we should listen. Same with the others. – AW8/1/2010
- Military Homosexual Scandal Tied to WikiLeaks Treason
Cliff Kincaid
Bradley Manning, PFC In the scandal involving the theft and release of classified military information that could cost the lives of U.S. military personnel, the British Telegraph newspaper is reporting that the American soldier at the center of the scandal was “openly homosexual” and apparently held a grudge against the…8/1/2010
- Will Obama “Persuade” Americans their Slavery is Inevitable?
Sher Zieve
For months, virtually each and every day Usurper-and-Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama has been removing one or more of We-the-People’s liberties. Whether one wishes to ignore it or not, Obama is now in an all-out war against the American people and their soon-to-be former way of life. And he has…8/1/2010
- Whose Promises are Kept: God’s? Marxism’s? Ours?
Arlen Williams
“Our salvation is a promise.” Dr. D. James Kennedy has gone to his Savior, in “a better country,” but Coral Ridge Ministries goes on. And they are a beacon that belies the false, dualist and humanist maxim of separation of Christianity from politics (or from any other responsibility of…8/1/2010
- Anthony G. Martin: Perhaps It Is Time To Resurrect Joe McCarthy
Joseph McCarthy may have been the wrong man, but he was in the right place at the right time and at least he stepped up. We need to step up now, with no delay. Listen to Anthony’s warning in this YouTube video: Anthony’s articles can be read on The…8/1/2010
- Fan The Fire w/ CJ & Tallulah ~ Project Gulf Impact, Doug Hagmann & Anthony G. Martin
CJ in TX
7/31/10 – 9:00 to 11:00 pm ET, then 11:00pm to 1:00am ET Call-in (347) 215-6929 Listen Live or Archived: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/patriotsheartnetwork Project Gulf Impact We will be speaking with Matt Smith, a Representative of Project Gulf Impact. Project Gulf Impact is reporting in a press release, “area residents have begun…7/31/2010
- National Ocean Council & Executive Order 13547; Obama’s Latest Assault on Liberty is Severe
Henry Lamb
President Obama’s Executive Order 13547, issued July 19, further extends federal power, embraces global governance, diminishes the rights and privileges of individuals and brings the United States into compliance with Agenda 21, Chapter 17.6, which says: Each coastal State should consider establishing, or where necessary strengthening, appropriate coordinating mechanisms…7/31/2010
- More on USCIS Memo & Blanket Amnesty to Illegals
This follows up the initial GulagBound, article, by NumbersUSA, “USCIS Memo Details Administration’s Plan to Provide Mass Amnesty Through Administrative Actions.” That article described a leaked Obama administration memo which discussed tactics of granting amnesty to large numbers of illegal aliens, by executive order. See the following In FoxNews.com:…7/31/2010
- Leftist ‘Historian’ Howard Zinn Lied About Red Ties
Cliff Kincaid
The prominent “progressive” historian Howard Zinn, whose books are force-fed to young people on many college campuses, was not only a member of the Moscow-controlled and Soviet-funded Communist Party USA (CPUSA) but lied about it, according to an FBI file released on Friday. The file, consisting of three sections…7/31/2010
- Law of the Sea Treaty to be Forced by Obama Executive Order & CLEAR Bill, Reports MORPHcity
Confirmed? Update: Yes, the Executive Order happened — and Cassandra Anderson’s research appears exquisite. If you have further information, please comment. This article by Cassandra Anderson in MORPHcity begins as follows: National Ocean Council By Cassandra Anderson July 28, 2010 Thirty states will be encroached upon by Obama’s Executive Order…7/31/2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
American Sovereignty Give-Away (plus other items I.O.)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sovereignty, Parental Rights at Risk: Supreme Court Cites Unsigned Treaty, International Law
Decades of national security secrecy, protecting the extent of our nuclear military power, evaporated in one statement: five thousand one hundred thirteen.
That’s the number of nuclear warheads Obama announced we possess in our arsenal – to encourage other countries such as Iran to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Shouldn’t our presidents be looking out for America’s best interests?
Obama signed April 8 in Prague the New START bilateral arms control agreement which allows Russia to build new and modern weapons to reach New START limits, while we must reduce our current number.
Attorney, conservative political analyst and author Phyllis Schlafly says Russia will have new and tested weapons, but we’ll be stuck with out-of-date, untested warheads. Further, New START foregoes the verification, on-site inspections and monitoring of production – previous treaty requirements, eliminating “Trust, but verify.”
Russia now has veto power over all U.S. defenses against incoming missiles. “Article V contains a binding clause that we ‘shall not convert and shall not use ICBM launchers and (submarine-launched ballistic missile) launchers for placement of missile defense interceptors therein,’ ” wrote Schlafly in “Obama STARTS to Disarm America” for the Jacksonville Observer. She implores our Senate: “Our Constitution can save us from New START if 34 senators will stand up for America.”
Robert Morrison, in his “5,113” American Thinker article, stated Bill Clinton spent an entire week at the apartment of Bedric and Irina Kopold, members of the Czech Communist Party Central Committee. Obama’s parents met in a University of Hawaii Russian class, and his mentor was avowed Communist Franklin Marshall Davis. Neither of these presidents could ever be granted a high-level security clearance. What’s wrong with this picture?
“Obama plans to use his presidential power to get the Democratic-majority Senate to ratify a series of treaties that would take us a long way toward global rule over our money, our laws, our military, our courts, our customs, our trade, and even our use of energy,” Schlafly wrote in her “Obama’s Plan to Rejoin the World Community” article.
Here are the other treaties Obama wants passed. The United Nations Law of the Sea, Global Warming, U.N. Treaty on Women, U.N. Small Arms, and the U.N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child.
LOST has created the International Seabed Authority in Jamaica and given it total regulatory jurisdiction over all the world’s oceans and its riches. Corrupt foreign dictators dominate LOST’s global bureaucracy. The treaty gives the ISA the power to levy international taxes, compelling the U.S.to spend billions of private-enterprise dollars to mine the ocean floor and allow transfer of our wealth to socialist, anti-American nations. Worse is that the “yes men” at the Department of the Navy are fully supportive, despite LOST’s sovereignty-robbing intent.
Fortunately, the December treaty signing at the Copenhagen U.N. Climate Change Conference was derailed when Lord Christopher Monckton outed the surreptitious global taxation agenda. That didn’t stop Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from making a joint commitment of $100 billion annually to help poorer countries mitigate the effects of climate change, however.
The U.N. Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women is a tool to deny any distinctions between men and women. The CEDAW committee in its 2000 review of Belarus, complained that “Mothers’ Day” and the “Mothers’ Award” encouraged women’s traditional roles. It undercuts the proper role of parents in child rearing, affirming that in family matters “the interests of the children shall be paramount.” Elimination of stereotypes requires revision of textbooks and school programs and the adaptation of teaching methods. Abortion upon demand could then be considered a right.
With Ambassador Pablo Macedo of Mexico chairing the June 14-18 Fourth Biennial Meeting of States in New York, Paul Valone writes in the Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner that movement on the U.N. Small Arms Treaty affecting Second Amendment rights may be looming. He notes that Mexican President Felipe Calderon recently called for the reinstatement of the assault weapons ban when addressing Congress.
Presently, treaty ratification requires two-thirds of the Senate. But Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media reports that the administration is trying to obviate that requirement by rewording the term treaty to “statute,” and the Beverly LaHaye Institute reports some treaties on human rights may be implemented by executive order.
One of the most controversial treaties on the list is the U.N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child for those who believe that the “village” (i.e., the government or U.N. “experts”) should raise children rather than biological parents.
This treaty would give children rights against their parents and society to express their own views “freely in all matters. It orders our schools to teach respect for “the Charter of the United Nations.” Ensure your congressman is a co-sponsor of House Res. 42, the Parental Rights Amendment to ensure the integrity of the family unit in America.
The gravity of this treaty came May 17 when the U.S. Supreme Court in a 6-3 vote on Graham v Florida, cited it and other international law to justify its constitutional interpretation: that it is now unconstitutional for the U.S. to sentence juvenile offenders to life in prison without parole in non-homicide cases.
“It is bad enough for the Supreme Court to engage in judicial activism. It is far worse when the justices employ international law in support of their far-reaching edicts,” said Michael Farris, president of ParentalRights.org. “We have not ratified the UN child’s rights treaty—its provisions should not be finding their way into Supreme Court decisions.”
Farris is also the Chancellor of Patrick Henry College where he teaches Constitutional Law.
He wrote the in the case on behalf of 16 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
A copy of the decision and further explanation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty can be found at www.parentalrights.org, along with a petition against ratification of the treaty.
Farris was the author of a brief in Graham v. Florida on behalf of sixteen members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The majority opinion twice references Farris’s brief in its discussion of international law. Farris is also the Chancellor of Patrick Henry College where he teaches Constitutional Law.
Immediately Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) introduced Sen. Res. 519, urging President Obama to refrain from sending the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty to the Senate for ratification.
“S. Res. 519 seeks to put the Senate of the United States on record that American law and only American law should govern our families and our juvenile courts,” Farris said. “I hope that every American who believes that we should remain a self-governing nation will call their senators today and urge them to become a co-sponsor of S. Res. 519.”
Carmen Reynolds is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel with a B.S. in Criminology and Law Enforcement, M.A. in Business Personnel Administration and B.A. in Journalism. She is the Editor-in-Chief of boogai.net. Contact her at journalist@bellsouth.net.
Monday, June 14, 2010
'Do You Fully Support the Obama Agenda?' - Video Shows Just One Hard Question
If you have not already seen it, you may want to watch this video first, without any explanation. It is in Washington, D.C. and it is from last week.
6/14 video, "Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk "
You may wish to read a bit about it (here) and (here) for some background.
Frankly, we do not know the full story here, even after Rep. Bob Etheridge's (NC-2, D) press conference apology. Had he been harassed by unidentified people with cameras prior to this? His behavior is not to be excused, but people who confront others with microphones and cameras should have the decency and sophistication of introducing themselves. Or, is he simply on his ear (and into another's) because he is being put on the spot about the Obama agenda?

In other words, "the Obama Agenda" is treason against America and we are in the thick of this warfare. Do you know that? The weight of guilt upon Obama supporters in Congress is astounding. Reactions to this pressure as irrational and even as violent as Etheridge's, should not be surprising.
But, speaking of "the full story here," why do the "conservative" Representatives of Congress not talk (publicly) about the Obama agenda in terms of his cold, calculating Marxism? -- terms which those who honestly study neo-Marxists know so well by now. I suggest confronting Republicans in Congress, asking them, complete with video camera and microphone: "Why are you not telling American Citizens what the Obama agenda really is?"
Then ask them the three SOVEREIGNTY NOW questions and ask their challengers:
1. Are you a member of any organization supporting the ends of globalism, transnationalism, communitarianism, or U.N. Agenda 21 defined "sustainable development," or have you received money, or services, or other favors from any of these?
2. Do you pledge to uphold America's individual popular sovereignty, our parental sovereignty, the sovereignty of the states, and our national sovereignty, against every internal and external threat, according to our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence?
3. Do you pledge to support and not undermine the sovereignty of other free and benign nations, for example, an unified Israel, in its present borders, with its capital Jerusalem?
Then, let us ask for a full investigation of the unprecedented, monstrous scam of Cap and Trade, Climate Exchanges, and the Climate Treaty -- a RICO investigation, as my colleague "CJ" requested, last week.
We get only the government we ask for, at best. Are you seeking? What are you finding? - AW
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
James Simpson's Chat with Mark Levin & His Cloward-Piven Articles Indexed for You

Then, perhaps you would like to send seven more questions to your "conservative," or "moderate" elected officials in Congress and in your State House -- make it an even ten questions, total:
1. Cloward-Piven, do you get it? 2. Cloward-Piven, do you get it? 3. Cloward-Piven, do you get it?Our compatriot and Frances Fox Piven's biggest fan, James Simpson was blessed with four minutes on the Mark Levin Show, a few days ago. That was Monday, 5/17. You can monitor it, if you click here and then move the slider over to 96 minutes.
4. Do you get it? 5. Do you get it? 6. Cloward-Piven? 7. Eh?
As noted to Trevor Loudon on the last "Awakening," it is good, but rare, frankly, to see our bigger conservative media giving credit to our leading exposers of the conspiracy fact playing out in the Marxofascist war on/in America. After all, heroes get commendations at such a time, war time, even as others get wealthier from their work, bless their hearts, knowwhatImean?
Jim Simpson also put together an index of his Cloward-Piven articles on his DC Independent Examiner site, especially for Levin listeners clicking in. But it's for you, too; just click and see. And now, there is an excellent page to point out, when you put Cloward-Piven in the face of your crack state and national representatives and senators, also compatriots, family, friends, ex-friends, those who might be worth having as friends if they had a clue, etc.
See how it's done? All that is left now is the doing -- and the replacement of politicians who fail to heed the trumpet call to duty. - AW
PS: In case you didn't see it and want to, Sarah Palin's latest big speech, is presented and reviewed in light of these drastically important Cloward-Piven and American Sovereignty issues. Do you agree with its sentiments?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sarah Palin Gets an 'A' on the Curve, but Full Credit Remains for Someone
The event covered the bases of what constitutes inspiring conservatism, to the conventional 2010 mind and Governor Palin was luminous of mind and heart. Some even call her edgy and by conventionality's standards, she is. But two critical aspects of the doings of 2010 were missing on this evening, again. They are what is never communicated in polite Republican speeches, whether in reference to the current regime in the District of Columbia, or the broader usurpations presently schemed on lower Manhattan Island.
One observation left unexpressed is of the devastating, intentional sabotage of America, by causing its catastrophic economic and moral failure. This gambit of evil doers is intended to result in the transformation of a panicked America into a people thoroughly dependent upon the Marxist/fascist state, while the manipulated, community organized and unioned-up "proletariat" lead the way, in revolt. Call it Alinskyite, or Cloward-Piven, or Greecification. Call it revolution or insurrection; it is the Marxist method and the reason for the career path of Barack Obama, Saboteur in Chief.
Necessary for that revolution is the other element never fully articulated in the Republican speeches brought at least, to these ears: the elimination of the American sovereignties. That means the treasonous destruction of the personal sovereignty of the American Citizen and of our mutual principality of the People, claimed by our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. It is the effort of overruling parental sovereignty in our families and the denial of the Tenth Amendment sovereignty of each state in the union. And as for national sovereignty, the plan is for America to cease to exist as a true nation, but only a "country," as Obama so often terms us, controlled by the governance of the global Marxist/fascist state.
Perhaps the first of these alarms would be taboo because it seems too outlandish to be believed, or so think good Republican political consultants, despite the evidence of Glenn Beck's and numerous authors' success. As for the second warning, that would also motivate voters, but it would offend the GOP's influential parties of the third part, such as members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the stockholders and executives of multinational corporations, which still donate in great sums. To so many of their conventional minds and investment accounts, globalism "is good," globalism "works."

God providing, these plans for the end of authentic America shall not work and we will relearn authentic Americanism, founded upon the gift of liberty and born of responsibility to our Creator. But, to play our part in victory and to defeat such a massive assault, we must regard the enemy, its weaponry, and its tactics of warfare as what they are. When will any politicians on the national stage show and tell that?
Please ask and promote The Three SOVEREIGNTY NOW Questions. - AW
Thursday, May 13, 2010
SOVEREIGNTY NOW - Three Critical Questions for ALL Politicians & Candidates
Please share this with leaders of the electoral action organization and Tea Party entity of your choice.
Please ask politicians and candidates, yourself.

- Are you a member of any organization supporting the ends of globalism, transnationalism, communitarianism, or U.N. Agenda 21 defined "sustainable development," or have you received money, or services, or other favors from any of these?
- Do you pledge to uphold America's individual popular sovereignty, our parental sovereignty, the sovereignty of the states, and our national sovereignty, against every internal and external threat, according to our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence?
- Do you pledge to support and not undermine the sovereignty of other free and benign nations, for example, an unified Israel, in its present borders, with its capital Jerusalem?
...you may repost, email, tweet, etc...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Evidence of Obama's Globalist, Marxofascist Complex: 'Corruption & Treason'
This is a collection of articles shared in forums, posted by "Ask Marion" in blog, Daily Thought Pad and by "KNOWLEDGE_IS_POWER" in blog, Knowledge Creates Power, 5/8/2010. It appears to be sourced from Commieblaster.com. The time is overdue, to break out of the Republican/Democrat, conservative/liberal political molds, to see the big picture. Please spread the word. Closing comments, below.
A Cornucopia of Corruption and Treason; Multiple Articles Within"THE NEW WORLD ORDER"
Please take a few moments to check this out before dismissing it.
You can only win if you know who your enemy is."One World Socialist" Organizations - Goldman Sachs - Bilderberg - Council on Foreign Relations - United Nations - Trilateral Commission - Federal Reserve - Microsoft - Google - Apple - More
"...if a picture is worth one-thousand words ... then excuse me while I duct tape my brain matter back into my skull !!! ....the endless scope of corruption is maddening..." - Barbara, AAM
HERE'S ONE FOR THE PHOTO ALBUM: Obama seems extremely pleased to be photographed surrounded by socialists, communists and terrorists... so much so, he gave the "thumbs up." Communist Obama and communist Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev, celebrate after agreeing on how to transform the world into a one big socialist planet via G20 financial reforms. Hugging them both is cocialist Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who has an extensive record of criminal allegations, including mafia collusion, false accounting, tax fraud, corruption and bribery of police officers and judges. Summit host and socialist UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, said the deal heralded a “New World Order."
Also shown: Communist China's President, Hu Jintao; Socialists International member and South Africa's President, Kgalema Motlanthe; Prince Saud Al Faisal of Saudi Arabia (country source of fifteen 9/11 terrorists); Ethipoian socialist, terrorist and NEPAD head, Meles Zenawi; Turkey's domineering, anti-secularist and Islamic Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan; and Thailand's Prime Minister and Democrat, Abhisit Vejjajiva, who ascended to power during the 2009 global economic crisis.
Open Society Institute: Jeffrey Sachs is Involved with George Soros' Socialist Open Society.... More: 1, 2
05.01.10Bilderberg Group: Numerous Goldman Sachs' Members Attend Secret Bilderberg Meetings, including Jeffrey Sachs
05.01.10Trilateral Commission: Goldman Sachs' Peter Sutherland is the Trilateral Commissions' European Chairman
05.01.10United Nations: "Jeffrey Sachs" is found in (903) United Nation Documents and "Goldman Sachs" is found in (198) United Nations Documents
05.01.10Glenn Beck (watch here) finds a large "Crime, Inc." nest of communists: The Crime Ring Combines the White House, Goldman Sachs, Obama, Al Gore, Emerald Cities Collaborative, Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), George Soros, Valerie Jarrett, Goldman Sachs, Center for American Progress, Franklin Raines, Gerry Hudson, SEIU, Van Jones, AFL-CIO, ACORN, Green for All, Fannie Mae, Enterprise Community Partners, Art Lujan, Jack Hayn, Andy Stern, Phaedra Ellis Lamkins, Joyce Foundation, Livable Cities Initiative and "The Wizard": New Party and Apollo Alliance Founder, Joel Rogers. The crime ring is robbing us blind. Says the pending financial bill will give the FTC new control over the Internet!?! Study the CCX members closely. There are mega companies involved in the international global warming scam.
04.29.10Oh, what a surprise!: Goldman Sachs Supports Obama's Financial Reform Bill
04.28.10Bush also had (at least one) Goldman Sachs and Council on Foreign Relations Member Advisor
04.28.10Even the World Socialist Web Site Believes Obama's Banking Reform is Phony and Just a Means to Give More Power to Wall Street Elitists, like Jeffrey Sachs.
04.27.10Glenn Beck exposes Obama making a run for a New World Order, global government, and then exposes eco-crooks: Obama, Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, and others, who stand to make huge fortunes if Cap & Trade is passed. Shows Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were involved. It's all part of George Soros' for One World Socialism.
04.26.10Council on Foreign Relations: "Goldman Sachs" is found in (888) CFR Documents and "Jeffrey Sachs" is found in (319) CFR Documents.
04.25.10George Soros: Soros Recruited Jeffrey Sachs in the 1980's. See their history here.
04.24.10Is Your PC Red?
04.24.10Jeffrey Sachs' Role at United Nations and Earth Institute
03.14.10Financial Warfare Exposed: Soros, Goldman Sachs, Hedge Funds Attack Greece to Smash Euro. The Plan is to Drag America Down with Greece. Describes Two More Cabals: Paulson & Co. and GlobeOp Financial Services, as well as three Zombie Banks: Bank of America, Merrill Lynch and Barclays Bank.
03.03.10Goldman Sach's Role in the New World Order
12.31.09Jeffrey Sachs Preaching Global Warming to Google
Frightening and Damning Movie: Invisible Empire - A New World Order Defined. We cannot speak to the assertions made in the movie associated with JFK, MLK, Princess Diana, OK Bombing, 9/11 and all portions beginning at and following the Bohemian Grove segment. However, the balance of the film we have independently verified from multiple sources. You'll find Ted Turner's and George Bush, Sr's words in this movie particularly disturbing.
04.15.10UK's Gordon Brown and Obama Want a New World Order
03.05.10Power to the People! Saudi Arabian Prince Ahwaleed bin Talal is 2nd largest stock owner of Fox News parent company, Rupert Murdoch’s, News Corp. New World Order = One World Government
02.18.10Henry Kissinger's Relationship to "New World Order," Obama and Tim Geithner (whose first job was with Kissinger Associates): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
01.11.10Zbigniew Brzezinski's Relationship to Obama and "New World Order": 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8
01.11.10WATCH THIS: Communist "New World Order" Video Statements from Obama, George Soros, EU's president, the Clintons, Kissinger and wide variety of [globalist] world leaders and members of the Bilderberg Group. A super rich banker cartel is about to take over the entire world's financial system. That's when the fascism commences.
01.02.10George Soros Comments on "A New Financial World Order"
12.06.09Featured Movie: The Obama Deception (HQ Full Length). It's Core Assertion: banks, Wall Street and the super rich pick presidents and have been working on a US and world takeover for decades and that the takeover will occur within 10 Years. Obama is mere puppet.
03.12.09Barack Obama - New World Order
01.08.09History Lesson on NAFTA New World Order Thrust: Al Gore vs. Ross Peret - Part 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8
CFR History. Ron Paul Goes Public on CFR's Intent.
04.29.10CFR Member, Dan Rather to Head New Newspaper Relief Agency: Passing Out Grants to Failing Liberal Newspapers. George Soros is Providing the Funding.
Retired US Army General Wesley Clark, Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, is now working directly with socialist George Soros, whose stated goal is to defeat capitalism and make America a socialist country. See article below:
International Crisis Group: George Soros is on the Board along with Council on Foreign Relations Members, Thomas R. Pickering, Morton Abramowitz, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Wesley Clark, James V. Kimsey, George J. Mitchell and Kenneth Adelman and UN Leaders, Kofi Annan, Lakhdar Brahimim, Asma Jahangir and Louise Arbour. These Men are Enemies of America. Wonder What New Financial Crisis They're Planning Next for Us?
04.24.10Why are 3 George Soros funded/associated organizations (Microsoft, Amnesty International and Goldman Sachs -- the only ones mentioned) all specifically identified in this Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) document, written by the CFR's president? The document describes the US and other countries giving up sovereignty, for example, to cap carbon emissions. The CFR Organization's 4,300 Members include very big names. George Soros has written and/or is mentioned in 379 CFR Documents. "Goldman Sachs" is found in 888 CFR Documents and "Jeffrey Sachs" is found in 319 CFR Documents. "New World Order" is a frequent focus and found in 135 CFR Documents. The Communist code word, "Social Justice" is found in 916 CFR Documents. The Communist code word, "Sustainable Development" is found in 352 CFR Documents. The Communist "Global Warming" Scam is found in 957 CFR Documents. "Socialist" is found in 562 CFR Documents. Example, CFR "must read" (their words, not ours): New World Order Document, says "Copenhagen talks are an indication that a new world order may be forming with increasing power given to China." We suspect most Americans will not like what this powerful "think tank" is thinking.
04.25.10Journalist Joe Klein is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations
04.20.10Obama's Comments on the CFR (where he has spoken). Ron Paul's Comments.
01.10.10Obama's Council on Foreign Relations Crew
09.07.08Here's The Council on Foreign Relation's actual "New World Order Plan" for America, as Explained by this 10m video. Progressives and Some Republicans Back the CFR Plan.
02.03.08More communist/socialist loving Obama appointments, this time for Obama's Debt Commission. Alice Rivin, Andy Stern, Ann Fudge (a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations)
Is Your PC Red?
04.24.10Bill Gates and George Soros
04.15.10Bill Gates: Eugenics Vaccines To Reduce World Wide Population
03.06.10Soros has millions invested in tech firms: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple. Do you think Soros is influencing these companies?
02.26.10The "MS" in MSNBC's, MicroSoft's Bill Gates: Spouting Communist Global Warming Propaganda and Promoting Al Gore. Says CO2 must be brought to Zero (so I guess we can't breathe). Wants to Have the Russians Create Energy using Nuclear Plutonium Fast Reactors. Wants to Cut World Population by 15% through Vaccinations, Healthcare and Reproductive Health Services. After Watching This, Do You Want to Take Bill Gate's (Bilderberg) Vaccine that He's Promoting in Third World Countries?
02.19.10Bill Gates and Worldwide Vaccines
12.31.09Microsoft's Role in the New World Order
12.31.09Billionaire Club's Plan to Curb World Overpopulation
05.24.09Google is a Corporate Member of the Council on Foreign Relations (who Advocate a New World Order). Here is Google's Master Plan.
04.28.10, 05.23.08Is Your PC Red?
04.24.10- Google and George Soros
- Google is Training Its Employees to be Socialists
- Al Gore is Special Advisor to Google's CEO
- GOOGLE is Systematically Mapping Street Spy Cam Photos to Private WLAN Networks and MAC Addresses. In Other Words,Google is Developing a "Big Brother" Database of Personal Computers with Matching Building/Home Photos.
- Google's CEO Used to be on Apple's Board
04.15.10Soros has millions invested in tech firms: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple. Do you think Soros is influencing these companies?
02.26.10Henry Kissinger Talks at Google. Kissinger mentions his relationship to the Rockefellers, says his greatest accomplishment was negotiating war withdrawal with the communist North Vietnamese and describes that he was the only US person allowed to shuttle between communist countries. Google's CEO Eric Schmidt admits his father had a hidden Chairman Mao "Little Red Book." Kissinger was Tim Geithner's first boss. Kissinger has said Barack Obama would be the architect of a “New World Order.”
Rockefeller is a Bilderberg Group Leader. Wouldn't This be a Perfect Way to Track Your Movements in Your Car?
04.30.10Obama's Inner Circle Filled with Bilderbergers
12.22.08Partial List of Bilderberg Attendees
04.18.102010 Bilderberg Meeting May Occur in Mid-May. The 2010 Trilateral Commission Meeting is Planned for May 7-9. They will no doubt be discussing how to thwart America's November elections and keep Obama in power.
04.08.10OMG!! - It's THE Bilderbergs!! Rothschild Agents Take 10 Key Posts in Obama's Administration
04.07.10Don't Get Worked Up Over General Petraeus for President. He Attended a Bilderberg Meeting.
04.03.10Bilderberg Billionaires Meet to Curb Overpopulation (that means you)
03.24.10Rick Perry Confronted on His Bilderberg Attendance
03.04.10Bilderberg EU Kingpin: Charged with Being “The Quiet Assassin of European Nation States”
03.02.10Brit Attacks Bilderberg EU President As “Quiet Assassin” of Nation States. In parallel, prominent investor (with close ties to George Soros) says British Pound Could Collapse Within Weeks
02.25.10Red Alert, America: Secret Banking Cabal running the world (Dick Morris and Alex Jones explain). Bloomberg Explains Here. Glenn Beck Exposes How is It's Working.
01.29.10Jesse Ventura: The Bilderberg Group, 2, 3, 4, 5,6
12.31.09Traitors Ben Bernanke, Tim Geihtner, Henry Paulson and Kathleen Sebelius All Attended Bilderberg 2008. What Other Traitors Attended: Part 1. Part 2. 2008 Bilderberg Agenda, 2009 Bilderberg Agenda, 2009 Bilderberg Attendee List, The Logan Act
2009, 2008"Must Watch" Move, "End Game": Shows the History, Current Status and "what's in store for us;" reviews a prior socialist US takeover attempt exposed by US Major General Bulter in 1934. Includes Focus on the UN's formation and exposes the "Bilderberg Group."
12.31.09Rich elites of the "Bilderberg Group" plan New World Order and economic depression. Attendees have included Ben Bernake, Tim Geitner, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, and who's who of the world's most powerful. Here is Obama's Involvement. US government attendance at such secret meetings is illegal and high treason.
May 2009Secret Clubs Pick Presidents
International Crisis Group: George Soros is on the Board along with Council on Foreign Relations Members, Thomas R. Pickering, Morton Abramowitz, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Wesley Clark, James V. Kimsey, George J. Mitchell and Kenneth Adelman and UN Leaders, Kofi Annan, Lakhdar Brahimim, Asma Jahangir and Louise Arbour
04.24.10United Nation's $732 Million Haiti peacekeeping budget goes mostly to Its own personnel
04.20.10Obama takes over UN Security Council: video.
09.18.09Obama violates Constitution by taking over UN Security Council
09.14.09Obama takes over UN Security Council, an illegal act.
What is the Federal Reserve?
The head of the International Monetary Fund is a socialist. That's Why Obama wants to give them $108 Billion of your money.
Former Nazi Bank to Rule The Global Economy
04.30.10President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet called for “Global Governance Today” at the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York. CFR History. Ron Paul goes public on CFR's intent.
Chicago Mayor Daley Wants Mayors in Other Countries to sue American gun makers in World Court
Is Your PC Red?
04.24.10- George Soros: $32 Million invested in Apple
- Apple is promoting George Soros' socialism
- Google's CEO used to be on Apple's board
- Nancy Pelosi's husband owns 1 million shares of Apple
- Al Gore is on Apple's Board
- Apple boycotts Glenn Beck, promotes Che Guevara
Like Yuri said: 'It's not James Bond.... It's all right out there in the open."
Wake up, America! Commies are running our country and it's time to get rid of them now!Those of you living in California, you should take a good hard look a Meg Whitman. Her fortune is intertwined with Goldman Sachs. We all need to do our homework!! We cannot afford another big mistake!!
When have you ever heard candidates asked, "Do you pledge to completely uphold America's individual/popular, parental, state, and national sovereignties, against every internal and external threat, according to our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence?"
Let us go ask them and hold them accountable. - AW