Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Obama Birth Certificate Issue More Urgent than Ever - Joan Swirsky

The same contempt for the bedrock foundations of our country was apparent during Obama's run for the presidency and his refusal to produce his birth certificate. It reminds me of the search I conducted in 2004 for my mother's birth certificate, a non-negotiable prerequisite for her admission into a nursing home. Although she was born in a farmhouse in 1913 to immigrants who didn't speak English, it took me only three phone calls and not more than 20 minutes to locate this valuable document. Unlike Obama, who was born — he says — in 1961, I didn't pay nearly two million dollars to lawyers to fight the nursing home's request.
To this day, Obama has failed to produce proof that he was born in the United States and that he is a natural-born American citizen, one of only three absolute requirements in the U.S. Constitution to become President of the United States. In fact, if Obama is not a natural-born American citizen, he is acting as president under false pretenses, which de facto makes every statement he has made as the usurper POTUS, every bill he has signed, every czar he has appointed, every act, proclamation, signing statement, executive order, and law, et al, fraudulent, illegal, and therefore null and void — including this unconstitutional healthcare so-called reform bill.
As I type, Mr. Hope & Change is working on granting citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants to further bankrupt the United States and thereby etch in stone a constituency that relies on free everything — and will therefore return the favor by voting Democratic in future elections. This will actualize his and the far-left's goals of turning our democratic Republic into a Communist share-the-poverty facsimile of a Russian, Cuban, or Venezuelan state!
But that is not all: Obama is putting on the fast track the Cap-and-Trade scheme to tax every person in the U.S. every time he or she flushes the toilet, turns on a light, opens the refrigerator, drives a car — the list of penalties for merely living go on and on.
When this or that writer or commentator asks, "Doesn't he realize X, Y, or Z?" — the answer is, of course he does! His entire raison d'être is to convert the country he hates — America — into the kind of socialist/communist/fascist country he clearly admires. Exhibit A is surely his serial embrace of foreign dictators and his undisguised hostility toward our most trusted allies.
How did this happen? As blogger Daniel Greenfield notes, Obama's election "was not about what the people wanted. It was about his own victory by any means necessary. Hardly surprising from the man who began his political career by betraying and destroying his own mentor, climbed into the United States Senate over two sex scandals that were a product of his opposition research, and reached the White House through voter fraud, illegal campaign donations, and an owned media corps....Each win for Obama was another loss for fair and honest elections. And each time Obama won, it was not because the public decided he was the better man, but because the sheer array of dirty tricks, fraud, and media propaganda insured that no choices would be allowed."
Today, there are few Americans, even Obama's acolytes and fans, who now think he is a natural-born American or, for that matter, a Christian, as he pretended to be as a congregant for 20 years in his Chicago pastor's Black Theology church. In short, black theology is Marxist doctrine: hate America, hate whitey, hate Jews, hate free-market capitalism, hate the U.S. Constitution. Here, he just about admits as much. From where I stand, that pretty well sums up Obama's first 14 months in office.

- His Illinois law license. Is he even a lawyer? Where is his supposed Harvard Law degree? Where are the papers he wrote in law school? Why does he not correct people when they say he was a law professor when he was never a professor but only a lecturer?
- His Selective Service registration, which investigative-journalist and lawyer Debbie Schlussel has reported to be falsified, an accusation that Linda Bentley quite persuasively documented just the other day.
- His visa, or more probably visas. After all, he did travel to Pakistan in 1981 when Americans were forbidden into that country. Did he use the Indonesian visa he got when he was a citizen of that country?
- His school records from Indonesia and Hawaii.
- His college transcripts from Occidental College in CA, Columbia College in NY, and Harvard Law School in MA.
- His baptism certificate.
- His Illinois State Senate records.
- His law practice client list.
- His records from the University of Chicago, where Obama, the instructor, supposedly taught.

The motives of these megalomaniacs involve the tenacious belief — facts to the contrary — that the proven tyrannies of socialism and communism will improve the lot of the masses they consider so stupid, combined with a driving lust for absolute power — you know, the kind that corrupts absolutely. Underlying this is a worldview in which most people are perceived to be "victims" of "the system." And of course a fulminating rage.
Again, Greenfield weighs in, explaining that this rage is part of "the bargain leftists always strike: I Will Only Love You If You Kill Yourself. Leftists only love an America, he says, "in which the Constitution is wielded to protect Islamic terrorists and a man who hates the country can take office in the White House, in which the lives of Americans are worthless but the comfortable treatment of captured terrorists is worth more than gold, in which all of the country's history and values are viewed as nothing more than the brutal atrocities of greedy savages, while the brutal atrocities of newly arrived greedy savages are treated as heroic achievements worthy of celebration and praise...."
"In their more honest moments," Greenfield continues, "leftists will admit that they do not love America — only its potential...to be changed by them...moments like Michelle Obama proclaiming that she had never been proud of her country before...a chilling glimpse into the mind of the left that cannot love anything that is not an expression of their own ego...."
"They love [an] America that legalizes illegal aliens, displaces its own citizens to make way for them, and tears down all barriers against crime and terror. They love America, so long as it frees terrorists from prison — and when war is declared against it by a fanatical cult of mass murderers, it gives the murderers their day in court with lawyers and a trial....This is the America they love. I will only love you, if you kill yourself."
A coup d'état is never an overnight phenomenon. It takes years, often decades, of planning, and more often than not, there are thwarted attempts along the way. In America, leftists have been actively trying both to undermine and overthrow our country since at least the 1960s (actually well before then, as far back as a hundred years). They tried with Jimmy Carter, but in spite of the lasting harm he did, his stupendous incompetence ultimately did him in, relegating him to one ignominious term.
They tried again with Bill Clinton, who as a student spent years — when he might have been fighting for our country in Vietnam — hanging around England smoking pot and, oddly, "visiting" Communist Russia. Clinton lasted two terms, largely because he was too narcissistic and undisciplined to stick to the leftist party line, craving the spotlight to such a degree that when the electorate smacked him and his wife down for trying to inflict socialized medicine on our citizens, he moved ever so nimbly to the center, where he stayed until he practically had to be dragged off the stage during the most self-aggrandizing departure of a president in American history.
Through these failures, the left learned never to depend on a genuine natural-born American citizen to actualize their coup, that the real thing would somehow retain some random DNA strands of affection for our republic. They would have to find a faux American, one who looked and sounded like the real thing, but whose allegiance to America was non-existent — perhaps someone who had lived in a Muslim country, studied the Koran, subscribed to Sharia law, and had lifelong relationships with Marxists and Communists and other America-haters. Enter the man who calls himself Barack Obama.
In a stunning piece of journalism — "Who's Your Daddy? Who's Your Mama? AND WHERE IS YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE?" — a "Concerned Citizen, forced to speculate in absence of the public release of documents," considers several plausible scenarios that describe who Obama's parents might have been, where he might have been born, and how the idea to insinuate this Manchurian Candidate-Trojan Horse into America's body politic came to pass. The article poses numerous provocative questions:
- What exactly happened in the Teresa Hotel in Harlem in 1960 — where a man resembling Barack Obama Sr. rubbed shoulders with Malcolm X and a Cuban journalist?
- What was Fidel Castro doing at the above hotel at the same time? Khrushchev? Malcolm X?
- How could Obama's "mother," Stanley Ann Dunham, have delivered him in August of 1961 in Honolulu when official University of Washington records show her 2680 miles away in Seattle attending classes that same month? (Pamela Geller: www.atlasshrugs.com).
- Was Madelyn Dunham really Obama's mother, and not his grandmother?
- Was he the product of an affair between his "grandfather," Stanley Armour Dunham (who he looks like) and one of the Asian, Polynesian or Indonesian girls who frequented the beaches of Hawaii in the 1950s? On the cover of Obama's book, Dreams From My Father, why is the man he claims is his father, Barack Obama Sr., not pictured, while his grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, is? Was the dark-skinned woman on the cover his real mother?
- Was he really the son of his earliest mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a prominent poet, Communist political activist, and self-professed pedophile? Davis wrote about raping a 13-year-old girl. Could that girl have been Stanley Ann Dunham? Could this be why Obama wrote on his Facebook page that he was born in 1957?
- Was Obama really the only son of Malcolm X and his wife Betty Shabazz? They had six daughters, but did they leave the care of their only son to surrogates to protect him from the same fate — assassination — that killed Malcolm X?
- Or did Malcolm X father Obama with one of the dozens of daughters of the Communist Indonesian President Sukarno, after the older man invited him to the anti-white, anti-capitalist Bandung conference in 1955? Sukarno loathed America. Was it he who hatched the plot to take over America? Did he then share his idea with Malcolm X because he believed the American Muslim was capable of succeeding?
- Where do the Rockefellers fit in? Recent speculation has it that Michael Rockefeller, the Harvard graduate who is thought to have died in Papua, New Guinea, may have fathered Obama with a Papuan woman. Here's a film of Michael's strange odyssey. Is it coincidence that Obama's "grandfather" Stanley and his stepfather Lolo Soetoro both worked for the Rockefellers' Standard Oil Company?
- Is it coincidence that the Marxist-praising Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Rockefeller crony and Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, now acts as an advisor to Obama?
- What are we to make of Obama's old friend from high school, Illinois Army National Guard Major L. Tammy Duckworth, telling The Honolulu Advisor on January 8, 2006, that she was "happy to point out that she and Hawaii-raised Punahou (Indonesia) high school graduate Obama have "a karma'aina connection"? Both of them, she said, were born outside the country — Obama in Indonesia, Duckworth in Thailand. Predictably, Duckworth retracted her statement a few days after the article appeared in print.
- Was it just a fashion statement when we witnessed Michelle Obama on election night appear in a dress of the revolutionary and anarchic colors of red and black, with a gigantic sash in the unmistakable configuration of an X — and Obama's very young daughters also dressed in revolutionary red and black? As an observer wrote, "What if the garb worn by the Obama's was a silent tribute to Barack's real father, Malcolm X?...the red and black dress and that X that hits you between the eyes....where are the various shades of red, white, and blue?...."
- Was the CIA behind Obama's attempted coup d'état? Where does the Ford Foundation fit in? If you want a much more extensive history of the Ford Foundation, the CIA, and the ghastly Indonesian coup, read David Ransom's piece here.
- What is the likelihood of Obama's so-called mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, meeting two "husbands" — Barack Obama Sr. and Lolo Soetoro, both connected to "Big Oil" — at the University of Hawaii?
- Obama denies he's a Muslim, but "the accumulated research from primary sources who knew Obama from his childhood indicate that he was a devout Muslim, the son of a devout Muslim, the stepson of a devout Muslim, and the grandson and namesake ('Hussein') of a devout Muslim. He was registered in school in Indonesia as a Muslim and demonstrated his ability to chant praise to Allah in impressive Arab-accented tones even as an adult. Just as he has not disavowed his 'uncle' Jeremiah, neither has he disavowed the Muslim faith that he was born into and raised in. Here, with George Stephanopoulos, Obama says as much.
- Is Obama the son of "CIA spooks" and a "CIA spook" himself?
- "Obama...was recruited [at Occidental College in CA] in 1980 by the CIA [when Stansfield M. Turner was the director], which has made it a practice since its inception to recruit college students. He was, by his own admission, a 'C' student, a dope smoker, and a member of the Marxist Club at Occidental, a co-educational liberal arts college. In 1981, Obama allegedly transferred from Occidental to Columbia University....Columbia had a foreign student program, and the CIA has major connections and influence with Columbia and the nation's other educational facilities....the CIA needed Muslims or others who could easily blend into the Muslim environment in the Middle East....Obama, as an undercover agent, was the lead agent in the arms and money supply for the CIA-trained Taliban Army against the Soviet Army war machine. His actions were integral to the Taliban's success in their opposition to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Obama, it is publicly acknowledged, went to Pakistan in 1981. There is no way of knowing how often Obama traveled between Pakistan and Russia.
Needless to say, Pastor Manning's life has been threatened and continues to be threatened by people who are deeply afraid of his explosive charges.
And here is yet another bizarre oddity: an article saying that Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, "voluntarily surrendered" his law license back in 2008 in order to escape charges that he lied on his bar application, and that First Lady Michelle Obama "voluntarily surrendered" her law license in 1993!

People understand why hacks from the former, now moribund, mainstream media have avoided the subject of Obama's eligibility like the plague it is. By and large, they are liberals and leftists who shilled for him during his campaign, concealed mountains of damning evidence about his lack of experience and shady associations, and studiously avoided any mention of his still-unknown country of birth.
But harder to understand are the hacks at Fox. In a startling display of dishonesty and pretension, Bill O'Reilly, who wants to be considered intelligent and so never fails to tell his audience that he earned a master's degree at Harvard, apparently never studied coups d'état, never realized that the Marxist Castro's shining moment came only after years of agitation, rebellion, and subterfuge. But the idea of Obama being part of a conspiracy was apparently too much for the former elementary school teacher to contemplate... above his pay grade, so to speak. Never even consulted Wikipedia, as I just did, to learn of the hundreds of coups d'état that took place in the 20th century alone.
Apparently Harvard never taught Mr. "looking out for the folks" about the successful coups in Argentina in 1943, in Thailand in 1947, in Czechoslovakia in 1948, in Egypt in 1952, in Paraguay in 1954, in Pakistan in1958, in Venezuela in 1958, in Turkey in 1960, in Ecuador and Syria and Brazil and South Vietnam and Ghana and Libya and Somalia and Greece and Chile and again in Pakistan — the list is endless — and the immense and lengthy planning that went into these government overthrows. Or the more recent coups — since 1999 — in the Ivory Coast, Fiji, Peru, Mauritania, Haiti, Congo, et al.
Without acknowledging the widespread existence of coups and the years or decades of planning they entailed, O'Reilly decided to slam "the birthers" — as he pejoratively calls those who still believe in the Constitution and think presidents of the U.S. should abide by it, starting with their eligibility — and stated that he personally had seen Obama's birth certificate.
Of course he hadn't. He lied. Then in an orchestrated charade, he trotted out two women, both lawyers, he routinely disrespects by barking out their last names and in essence had them standing on their hind legs, yapping in agreement about those misguided "birthers." It didn't take long for Glenn Beck to echo their yaps. That's right, the guy who routinely looks straight in the camera and exhorts his audience to seek "the truth."

Whatever. The fact that O'Reilly and Beck caved — and continue to cave — has forever negated their credibility.
So appalled are a majority of Americans at the hijacking of one-sixth of the American economy through the healthcare legislation, and so revolted by the hideous process it entailed, that upwards of 15 state attorneys general — and counting — are suing the federal government on grounds that key parts of the Deathcare law are unconstitutional; that the law includes taxpayer-funded abortions (smoke-and-mirrors to the contrary), kill-the-elderly cuts to Medicare seniors, huge tax increases that will wipe out the entire middle-class of our country, and a Nazi-like brown-shirt $16-billion-taxpayer-funded force of Internal Revenue Service goons to reinforce our descent into tyranny. Ordinary citizens are suing too, among them four residents of Michigan, represented by the Thomas More Law Center and attorney David Yerushalmi.
And dozens if not hundreds of groups are crying Repeal — which former speaker Newt Gingrich explained was not possible because Obama would veto such a move. What is possible, Gingrich said, is for Republicans to gain majorities in the House and Senate during the midterms in November and then cut off funding for this horrific, bankrupt-the-nation law. And if the GOP gains the presidency in 2012, they can then repeal this socialist blueprint.
But there may lie the rub. As writer J.D. Longstreet reminds us: "The democrats' lust for power is so great and their zeal for socialism so intense that I cannot see them allowing their hold on power to be placed in jeopardy by, of all things, an election where the voice of the people is actually heard....in less than eighteen months the Obama Regime has managed to take America from a constitutional republic to a socialist republic....that accomplishment alone should give you reason enough to suspect that when their power is threatened they will use the full force of the Central Government to ruthlessly crush any and all who they perceive as a threat. At this moment in history, a threat is anyone, any American, who does not agree with them."

Longstreet then issues a warning: "The American people are a patient people. We will put up with a lot of nonsense from our government — for a while. But we draw the line when that government ignores the Constitution, as the Obama Regime and the Democrats in the Congress have done. There is a seething rage in America today....my senses tell me it is too late to avoid the 'lashing out' Americans are about to unleash. [Americans] are waiting, just waiting, for an incident that will knock the chocks from the dam wall holding back the cascade. Postponing, or suspending, the midterm election...would be the spark that ignites a firestorm that will consume all in its path."
Journalist Sher Zieve concurs. "The political party that promoted the slavery of Africans, established Jim Crow laws, created the Ku Klux Klan, refused to follow court orders barring segregation...is now is full raging power within the borders of the United States of America. Most of them — including their dictatorial leader Barack Hussein Obama — realize that the chances for their reelections to power are, at best, marginal. I have warned that any and all 'free' elections would probably soon be a thing of the past. The Marxist way is to not allow them in the first place.
"The current U.S. government is moving quickly and forcefully against the American people," Zieve continues. "I have to now wonder how close We-the-People are today toward reaching the same conclusions as did our founders....I think we may be as close to our founders' ultimate decision as we will ever be. Do we wish to be free and sovereign or submit to bondage? For a brief window of time longer, it's still our choice."
Then there is Michael Connelly's stern warning: "...I have some bad news for all of the socialists, or progressives, or whatever you choose to call yourselves this week, you have made a huge mistake. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Japanese Admiral Yamamoto who led the attack said that: 'I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.'
"I suggest to President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid that you have awakened the giant again and that this giant, made up of freedom-loving Americans, is going to be coming at you from every direction you can imagine. Individuals and State Governments will be challenging you in the courts, and Americans will take you on in the polling places. In every city, town and village you will hear the voices of angry Americans, and despite your best efforts we will not be silenced. You will hear the outcry of Americans of every race, religion, and creed, and we will prevail."
All of this takes time, of course...time well spent. But it will take less time to revive the serious question of Obama's very suspect eligibility to be president in the first place!
"Forget the dispute over the 'natural born citizen' requirement of the U.S. Constitution for presidents," writes Bob Unruh of WorldNetDaily. "Barack Obama may not even be a 'citizen,' according to a new filing in a long-running legal challenge to his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office."
If there is even one court in our land whose judge has not been threatened, intimidated, bought off, or bribed, the case for Obama's ineligibility should be tried immediately. If found guilty, I suspect Obama would be responsible for the greatest purchase of confetti in the history of the world!
© Joan Swirsky
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Intended Consequences: Obamacare Bomb Blowing Up More American Businesses
Witness today's news stories:
"Companies Sound off on Health Care Reform," The StreetBusinesses are being forced to absorb, or pass along, huge cost increases regarding the health care plans they have already committed their employees and retirees. And these individuals are beginning to be pushed from the frying pans of paternalistic corporate plans into the Medicare fire (which in turn, further blows up the national debt burden).
"Obama Tax’s $14 Billion Charge Starts at Caterpillar," BusinessWeek
"Deere Says Health Care Law Will Raise Expenses," Associated Press
Remember, the automotive industry's failures were in large part caused by their union-forced pensions and health care plans. Do you get the picture? It is the Saul Alinsky, Cloward-Piven model for destroying Free Enterprise and unleashing grave personal suffering and coordinated mass mayhem (Frances Fox Piven uses the word, "disruption") for the sake of neo-Marxist revolution (they don't like "Communist" anymore). They wrote about it -- and they founded the SEIU/ACORN/Obamunist version of America, which is attempting to take over your lives and in the words of Rep. John Dingel "control" you.

So attacked, it is time for massive efforts in civil defense and counterrevolution (though it is not a time for violence). It is a time for our efforts.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Barack Obama, Jim Wallis, 'Social Justice' & Marxism, via Glenn Beck & Pamela Key
Beneath these are audio clips of Jim Wallis, from which Beck draws those he used on this program. Wallis, editor of the magazine, Sojourner, is one of Barack Obama's authoritarian socialist advisers and virtually the high priest of the segment of the "Social Justice" movement which would use the Christian banner. In one of these excerpts, Wallis admits, emphatically, his redistributionist point of view, i.e., Marxism.
I may treat these more fully in an article, if I fail to see coverage on a few other Internet venues.
Thank you again, Pamela Key of Naked Emperor News, for your typically excellent and very important audio/video research.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Big F'ing Deal
With Franklin Delano Roosevelt, we had the New Deal."You can't make this stuff up in this country." said Krauthammer.
With Harry S. Truman, it was the Fair Deal.
And today, by Barack Hussein Obama, we have been issued the Big F'ing Deal.
Updated 10/12/2010 with video:
The Gospel and Glenn Beck... and Jim Wallis
Part of the "joy" of having a blog is that I should be able to post thoughts briefly whenever they pop up. Here are some thoughts, regarding the present battle between the "Social Justice" movement's Jim Wallis of Sojourner Magazine and Glenn Beck.
Mr. Beck is doing an excellent job on TV as I write. Maybe I can find a video to post here. Its presentation is of the highest importance in the Transnational Progressive war with America.
I greatly appreciate Glenn Beck's work, though I do not appreciate his derision of those who point out the unconstitutional process of the certification of Barack Obama to be U.S. President. I also do not appreciate his staff taking information from James Simpson (on Cloward-Piven, for instance) and not offering Jim a chance to speak to America directly, either on radio or TV. These ears have not even heard him refer to Mr. Simpson, nor his seminal and pivotal 2008 article, "Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis." Lately, it seems Beck's program takes credit for more and more of the research that goes into his broadcasts, when so often his staff is told it, sent it, and sometime I imagine, flooded with it. That bothers me a bit, especially since his work is so personally lucrative.
Oddly, that brings us back to the Gospel and wealth and wealth's redistribution. Please do see that video and yes I.O. hopes to post it here. But in the mean time, below is part of the email "signature" I have been using these last days. Perhaps you would like to meditate (i.e., ruminate, ponder) upon it, too. Do you want to know what God thinks? Then, go to His Word. Find out what He says in the Bible:
- - -
I know that nothing is better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, and also that
every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor — it is the gift of God.
- Ecclesiastes 3:12-13
Freely you have received, freely give.
- Jesus Christ, Matthew 10:8b; NKJV
These maxims are consistent in Scripture. God invented freedom. God opposes "progressive" socialism.
Now, I do not know whether Jim Wallis' (and Jeremiah Wright's, etc.) interpretation of Scripture is based upon a mischaracterization of the prophesy that the Lord will eventually come back, "like a thief in the night," but Jesus Christ is not Robin Hood, nor Karl Marx. God can speak for Himself -- and did.
Feel free indeed, to spread the Good News.
Monday, March 22, 2010
What Did You Do Today?
The central task of this blog was outlined in its first posting, in September, 2008: "Investigating Obama." The questions it posed have been adequately answered, both here and elsewhere.
It remains to be seen, whether this Sovereign Citizen will continue to post regularly on this site, or if I will move on to other pursuits. In any case, I would not choose to ignore the sacrifice of those who gave their last, full measure of devotion, for the sake of one clear beacon of God-responsible freedom in this world. In any case, I hope I also serve well enough and ask you to do the same.
In the mean time, the I.O. Sidebar is here for you, if, from day to day, you wish to monitor Barack Obama and the anti-American network he fronts.
Thank you for your attention. God save America.
Investigating Obama
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Before this Year Ends, I Have a Question for You
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Updated: Tell Your Senators and Neighbors This, about Obamacare, Now
Government is putting an authoritarian gun to your head, to rob you, to make you pay for someone else's healthcare. At the same time, it is poised to begin dictating what healthcare you and others will be allowed to receive. It is sapping away your own ability to provide for yourself and your family. What are you doing about it?
Have you called your senators again, this week? Or, Email? Or, Monday? Does anyone know if the Republicans get it, that they are being held accountable to use every parliamentary procedure necessary to prevent this bill from passing? -- or else.
I don't see from here, that they have truly gotten the message yet.
And for those like me, with "Democratic" senators, I humbly suggest a message less complicated, below.
Have you called your Republican senators yet, to let them know their cover is blown? If you do not know what that means, see this article: "U.S. Senate Republicans Outed: Their Mere 'No' Votes are 'Yes' Votes for Obamacare."
Here is a number to call: 1-800-828-0498. (It is free number used by the Soros-backed anti-Americans, but go ahead and spend their money; never mind their message, just wait for the forward to the U.S. Capitol switchboard.) If you can not get through, phone numbers are listed in the U.S. Senate directory, here.

If you still need to know what is wrong with Obamacare, see this article. If you have already called your senators, call them again, anyway.To make matters more complicated, the Senate stumbled into health care gridlock after a Republican senator forced the clerk to read aloud a 767-page amendment.
GOP Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma had sought approval to require that any amendment considered by the Senate must be offered 72 hours in advance and with a full cost report.
When he was rebuffed by Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, Coburn invoked his right to require that an amendment by another Democrat be read aloud. That sent the Senate into limbo, since the amendment by Vermont Independent Bernie Sanders is 767 pages long. It calls for guaranteeing coverage to all through a public program similar to Medicare.
Let the Republicans know, if they do not block Obamacare with parliamentary procedures, their GOP is d-o-n-e. (See this.)
Let the Democrats know, the American People are learning that a vote for Obamacare is a vote for truly violent, authoritarian revolution and they will be brought down in shame. (See this.)
Send this information to all you know and let them see and do the same.
No excuses. Now is the time: 1-800-828-0498
Then, please come back for an article about how we can actually cement-in our counterrevolution for the authentic, constitutional America for which so many have died, so you would also pass that astounding gift and charge along.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Lord Christopher Monckton Shoved to Concussion by Police in Copenhagen
"Marxofascism?" Yes, it is an archetypal combination of Marxist redistribution of wealth, plus profiteering by kleptocratic finance, or, "gaming the system," as the man behind the curtain of America's Democratic Party, mega-criminal financier György Schwartz (a.k.a., Soros, by his literally "making a name for himself") tends to say.
Monckton is the former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher, who is taking the lead in exposing this global ploy, a scheme of the kind that might have come from the minds of Ian Fleming and Cubby Broccoli. His DVD, "Apocalypse? No!" conveys his presentation at Cambridge University on the subject. This has been covered previously by I.O. (see label, "Lord Monckton") and on "The Awakening," thanks in part, to the diligent citizen journalism of Walter Hudson.
Is the European police state going global?
From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley in Copenhagen
Today the gloves came off and the true purpose of the “global warming” scare became nakedly visible. Ugo Chavez, the Socialist president of Venezuela, blamed “global warming” on capitalism – and received a standing ovation from very nearly all of the delegates, lamentably including those from those of the capitalist nations of the West that are on the far Left – and that means too many of them.
Previously Robert Mugabe, dictator of Rhodesia, who had refused to leave office when he had been soundly defeated in a recent election, had also won plaudits at the conference for saying that the West ought to pay him plenty of money in reparation of our supposed “climate debt”.
Inside the conference center, “world leader” after “world leader” got up and postured about the need to Save The Planet, the imperative to do a deal, the necessity to save the small island nations from drowning, etc., etc., etc.
Outside, in the real world, it was snowing, and a foretaste of the Brave New World being cooked up by “world leaders” in their fantasy-land was already evident. Some 20,000 observers from non-governmental organizations – nearly all of them true-believing Green groups funded by taxpayers – had been accredited to the conference.
However, without warning the UN had capriciously decided that all but 300 of them were to be excluded from the conference today, and all but 90 would be excluded on the final day.
Of course, this being the inept UN, no one had bothered to notify those of the NGOs that were not true-believers in the UN’s camp. So Senator Steve Fielding of Australia and I turned up with a few dozen other delegates, to be left standing in the cold for a couple of hours while the UN laboriously worked out what to do with us.
In the end, they decided to turn us away, which they did with an ill grace and in a bad-tempered manner. As soon as the decision was final, the Danish police moved in. One of them began the now familiar technique of manhandling me, in the same fashion as one of his colleagues had done the previous day.
Once again, conscious that a police helicopter with a high-resolution camera was hovering overhead, I thrust my hands into my pockets in accordance with the St. John Ambulance crowd-control training, looked my assailant in the eye and told him, quietly but firmly, to take his hands off me.
He complied, but then decided to have another go. I told him a second time, and he let go a second time. I turned to go and, after I had turned my back, he gave me a mighty shove that flung me to the ground and knocked me out.
I came to some time later (not sure exactly how long), to find my head being cradled by my friends, some of whom were doing their best to keep the police thugs at bay while the volunteer ambulance-men attended to me.
I was picked up and dusted me off. I could not remember where I had left my telephone, which had been in my hand at the time when I was assaulted. I rather fuzzily asked where it was, and one of the police goons shouted, “He alleges he had a mobile phone.”
In fact, the phone was in my coat pocket, where my hand had been at the time of the assault. The ambulance crew led me away and laid me down under a blanket for 20 minutes to get warm, plying me with water and keeping me amused with some colorfully colloquial English that they had learned.
I thanked them for their kindness, left them a donation for their splendid service, and rejoined my friends. A very senior police officer then came up and asked if I was all right. Yes, I said, but no thanks to one of his officers, who had pushed me hard from behind when my back was turned and had sent me flying.
The police chief said that none of his officers would have done such a thing. I said that several witnesses had seen the incident, which I intended to report. I said I had hoped to receive an apology but had not received one, and would include that in my report. The policeman went off looking glum, and with good reason.
To assault an accredited representative of a conference your nation is hosting, and to do it while your own police cameramen are filming from above, and to do it without any provocation except my polite, non-threatening request that I should not be manhandled, is not a career-enhancing move, as that police chief is about to discover to his cost.
Nor does this incident, and far too many like it, reflect the slightest credit on Denmark. We must make reasonable allowance for the fact that the unspeakable security service of the UN, which is universally detested by those at this conference, was ordering the Danish police about. The tension between the alien force and the indigenous men on the ground had grown throughout the conference.
However, the Danish police were far too free with their hands when pushing us around, and that is not acceptable in a free society. But then, Europe is no longer a free society. It is, in effect, a tyranny ruled by the unelected Kommissars of the European Union. That is perhaps one reason why police forces throughout Europe, including that in the UK, have become far more brutal than was once acceptable in their treatment of the citizens they are sworn to serve.
It is exactly this species of tyranny that the UN would like to impose upon the entire planet, in the name of saving us from ourselves – or, as Ugo Chavez would put it, saving us from Western capitalist democracy.
A few weeks ago, at a major conference in New York, I spoke about this tendency towards tyranny with Dr. Vaclav Klaus, the distinguished economist and doughty fighter for freedom and democracy who is President of the Czech Republic.
While we still have one or two statesmen of his caliber, there is hope for Europe and the world. Unfortunately, he refused to come to Copenhagen, telling me that there was no point, now that the lunatics were firmly in control of the asylum.
However, I asked him whether the draft Copenhagen Treaty’s proposal for what amounted to a communistic world government reminded him of the Communism under which he and his country had suffered for so long.
He thought for a moment – as statesmen always do before answering an unusual question – and said, “Maybe it is not brutal. But in all other respects, what it proposes is far too close to Communism for comfort.”
Today, as I lay in the snow with a cut knee, a bruised back, a banged head, a ruined suit, and a written-off coat, I wondered whether the brutality of the New World Order was moving closer than President Klaus – or any of us – had realized.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
'One Nation, Under Fraud,' as Sam puts it
Meanwhile, have you called your GOP Senators and told them their cover is blown and either they block Obamacare through parliamentary procedures, or their G-O-P is D-O--N-E?
If not, then, "Go back one move."
Monday, December 14, 2009
U.S. Senate Republicans Outed: Their Mere 'No' Votes are 'Yes' Votes for Obamacare
Call your GOP Senators and let them know their cover is blown.

His article is linked here and called: "Fight."
Tonight's "Awakening" guest, J.B. Williams, of the newly formed electoral action operation, "FreedomForce.US" underscores this with his 12/13 op-ed piece, "Open Call to Congressional Republicans."
Mr. Erickson posits:
Read how it can be done, in the remainder of his piece.The Senate, unlike the House of Representatives, has parliamentary rules and procedures that give the minority the ability to stall legislation. In fact, unlike the House, the minority have the ability to virtually paralyze the Senate. Doing so is not something we would want or expect for every bad bill that comes through Congress, but the proposed healthcare legislation is probably the worst piece of legislation ever considered by the United States Congress. It is the most intrusive, most damaging, most costly, most dangerous bill to the economic and personal freedom and liberty of individual Americans that Congress has ever considered. If there is any bill that deserves being stopped by shutting down the Senate, it is this one.
There are a whole series of parliamentary maneuvers that could be used by Republican senators to stop this bill. There is a hard backstop to the current process (Christmas). The Republicans’ goal should be to prevent Reid from passing the bill before that time. If he goes past Christmas and is forced to adjourn or recess, the momentum will shift in favor of those opposing the bill.
How could this be done?
There is now no cover, no political fig leaves for Sen. Mitch McConnell, nor for any GOP Senator. It does not even take the entire Republican caucus to raise parliamentarian objections, to call for quorum, etc. and to stand in front of the totalitarian armada of Anti-American tanks deceitfully called "healthcare reform."
It just takes any with authentic patriotism, courage, and responsibility to the People and Constitution of the United States of America.
Obama Proposing Medicare Expansion as Entry to Totalitarian Healthcare Since 2004
One manufactured crisis deserves another one bigger, in the Marxist mind -- a terrible thing, so much worse than wasted.
Freedom Force & JB Williams: Electoral Organizing for Authentic America, on The Awakening, Tonight 9-11pm ET
This is what George Soros, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and their Marxofascist minions fear. Find out how it is done -- and learn what you can do!
Call-in Number: (646) 727-2652 - press "1" to comment/question!
Use the widget below, or visit the blogtalk radio page for tonight's broadcast and live chat.
J.B. will be joined by Freedom Force organizers Phil Glass of Ohio and Tony Warren of Nevada.
Host: Arlen Williams
Friday, December 11, 2009
'Even Worse than the 'Health Care Bill,'' Government Takeover of Credit Passes House
This bill, as Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota describes it, sets up a 5-member Panel (with an ACORN-like entity on it) which prevents the accountability of the president having to go to Congress, to obtain money for bailouts or any decisions having to do with the financial sector. It makes him autonomous with the assistance of this board. This board will control the flow of cash/credit throughout the US economy.
The bill was dropped by Barney Frank, Monday (1300 pages) and passed today – Friday.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Any ACORN Investigation 'Will Lead to the White House': Rep. Steve King Video
Here is video of Iowa Rep. Steve King speaking at a forum on ACORN, where he said he is convinced that any investigation of ACORN will reflect poorly on the Obama administration. "These roads will lead to the White House."
King said "Obama has worked for ACORN," and he has been part and parcel of that - Project VOTE in particular." That entire network is something the Chicago Organization that now sits in the White House knows a lot about."
King also pointed out that the new White House Counsel - Robert Bauer - sent a letter to the Attorney General last year urging an investigation of President Bush and the McCain Campaign for "alleging that ACORN was promoting fraudulent voter registration activities."
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thanks for Your Continued Viewing
I should also have an announcement or two that should be of interest, some time this December.
As always, I hope you are finding the Investigating Obama Sidebar of continual use, and prior articles still helpful. Keep reaching those ensnared by the Marxstream media. Keep awakening the sheeple caught in their "Matrix" and causing them to understand their sovereign status, rights, and responsibilities in this special nation.
Sovereignty & Freedom to the End of Days,
Arlen Williams
Monday, November 30, 2009
See No, Hear No, Speak No Obama Ineligibility
The Biggest Political Cover-Up In American HistoryThe three enablers of Obama's usurpation of the Office of the President of the United States in violation of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
The Congress will not look at or investigate the merits of the charges. The Courts will not hear in a trial [on] the merits of the charges. And the Main Stream Media will not talk about the merits of the charges and discuss the Constitutional issues involved with the American people. Their ignoring the questions and concerns of the People in this matter endangers our liberty by demonstrating that those in power, once in power feel they do not have to listen to the People.
Obama, the Putative U. S. President, was born a Kenyan citizen and British subject governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 -- a fact he admits to at the bottom of this page. Obama is still a British Protected Person and/or a British subject to this day.
How can a person who was born a British subject be considered a "natural born" citizen of the USA?
Simple answer -- he can't. At the top of this page, in the big blue box, Obama's own campaign identifies him as a "native [born]" citizen. They know. It's been there all the time.
This situation was created when both major political parties ran ineligible candidates, who were not "natural born" citizens. Obama was ineligible because his father was a foreigner (Jus sanguinis), and McCain was ineligible because he was born in a foreign country (Jus soli). The U.S. Constitution, applicable case law and historical and legal precedent have been ignored for political expediency.
We are now witnessing the biggest political cover-up in American history.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Copenhagen Treaty Follow-up: Obama to Promise 'Greenhouse Gas' Cuts
Those who have paid attention to Lord Monckton's warning about the global Marxofascist (or do you say, "transnational progressive?") proposal for the Copenhagen treaty will be interested to see that this treaty is not expected to be signed at the December conference. However, national leaders could agree to an objective of having such a treaty in place by next year at this time.
See this AP article, first paragraph excerpted:
Obama to Vow Greenhouse Emissions Cuts in Denmarkcontinued...
Nov 26, 1:11am ET
By H. Josef Hebert
WASHINGTON (AP) - Putting his prestige on the line, President Barack Obama will personally commit the U.S. to a goal of substantially cutting greenhouse gases at next month's Copenhagen climate summit. He will insist America is ready to tackle global warming despite resistance in Congress over higher costs for businesses and homeowners.