Friday, June 11, 2010

RICO Investigation Needed NOW about Gulf, Energy & CCX

A letter prompted by the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, written and suggested by CJ of Patriot's Heart Network

Re: RICO Investigation Needed NOW about Gulf, Energy, and CCX

Dear Elected Official,

I am an average everyday American. Until this past election cycle, I was not very political. I am now an awake and aware American. Please take the time to read the information I am sending to you. I know it is extensive, but the continued existence of our free country, The United State of America, is at stake and I believe this with every fiber of my being. There is fear in the pit of my belly all of the time, fear that we are loosing America, and I do not mean “as we know it.”

I about fell out of my chair when Obama approved some offshore drilling, I was waiting for the other shoe to fall. Then all of a sudden, we have an unprecedented “gusher” in the Gulf, with rumors of sabotage I refused to believe. No one could be that evil. I did however find the timing very fortunate for the agenda of Cap and Trade and waited for those next pieces to fall into place as we knew they would. Please follow what I am seeing. There is something very smelly going on.

Then we find out that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010:
According to regulatory filings, has found that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010. Goldman's sales were the largest of any firm during that time. Goldman would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings were sold at the average price of BP's stock during the quarter.

And the chief executive of BP sold £1.4 million of his shares:

The chief executive of BP sold £1.4 million of his shares in the fuel giant weeks before the Gulf of Mexico oil spill caused its value to collapse.

There is a boot on the throat of the press:

Conservative Examiner has also learned that the few authorized journalists and photographers that are allowed in the area have been instructed by the Feds not to write anything critical of the Obama Administration's response--or shall we say the lack thereof--to the crisis. Photographers have also been instructed to limit photographs of the devastation

Withholding information from the public:

But inside the unified command center, where BP and federal agencies were orchestrating the spill response, video monitors had already displayed hours of footage they did not make public. The images showed a far more dire situation unfolding underwater. The footage filmed by submarines showed three separate leaks, including one that was unleashing a torrent of oil into the Gulf.

And more cover-ups:

New videos show more clearly than ever how BP, with little resistance from the Coast Guard or other federal agencies, kept the public in the dark about just how bad things were beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.

Also, BP knew weeks in advance there were major problems with this well:

However, evidence shows that BP executives were aware of the looming disaster before March 17.

According to the May 31 Bloomberg article 'BP Lacked Well Control Six Weeks Before Gulf Rig Disaster, E-Mails Show':

The White House is right in the middle of the cover-up:

Contrary to early reports from the Obama Administration that it was not aware of the catastrophic nature of the Gulf oil spill, newly-released Coast Guard logs show that the government knew within hours that the spill would be devastating.

Reports indicate Obama is to use the Oil Spill Disaster to renew a push for Cap & Trade. This is made more suspicious by his apparent delay and even obstruction of solutions:

Almost as if it had been created for him, it seems that the BP oil spill couldn’t have come at a better time for Obama. Just when [he] was cogitating over how to reintroduce the Energy Cap & Tax bill—which will skyrocket energy rates so that many of us will not be able to afford basic electricity—the BP oil spill occurred. This was most convenient for Obama and his plans to continue gutting the USA and its citizens.

If all of this is not enough to rouse suspicion, then we get reports of the dispersant being ineffective and unsafe, and of people getting sick as a result. The Obama Administration reported they asked BP to use something less toxic as a Dispersant. BP says “no” and Obama lets BP continue using Corexit, a Nalco product.

BP Won't Change Dispersants in Oil Spill Despite EPA:

BP has told the Environmental Protection Agency that it cannot find a safe, effective and available dispersant to use instead of Corexit, and will continue to use that chemical application to help break up the growing spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Eight Fishing boat crews downwind of dispersant get sick:

Venice, Louisiana (CNN) -- Kindra Arnesen's husband often calls while he's out on a shrimping trip, so she wasn't surprised to hear her cell phone ring the night of April 29 while he was on an overnight fishing expedition.

However, this time, her husband, David, wasn't calling to tell her about the day's catch or to wish their children Aleena and David Jr. a good night. He was calling to tell her he was sick, and the strange thing about it, so were men on the seven other shrimping boats working near his.

Corexit a Nalco product may be just masking the problem:

Cousteau was investigating whether Corexit, the environmentally-tenuous chemical dispersant that BP has been spraying into the Atlantic since the spill began is "breaking down the oil or if the byproduct they are forming is causing more damage to sea life." ABC Good Morning America reporter Sam Champion, who was along for the ride, was shocked and appalled at what he found.

And more evidence of Corexit being ineffective and unsafe:

When we got into the water our worst fears were realized. One of the concerns has been what is happening in the Gulf with the application of these chemical dispersants into the oil and indeed, the oil was not confined to the surface, which was the original goal of applying chemical dispersants. It had permeated the water column down 15, 20 feet and would wash over us in these billowing waves, clouds of this red toxic soup in which we found dead fish and we could see dead jellyfish floating through it. It was really a terrible sight. You know, often times it’s out of sight, out of mind and no one had done this before. No one had seen what this looks like and what the condition of the water would be. And while we know very little about the effects of these chemicals and the oil in the water, what we do know is that we have put 800,000 gallons of a very toxic chemical into the water column and that it’s likely these plumes of dispersed oil and this toxic soup is now distributed from the surface to the bottom and will be spread throughout the Gulf of Mexico and potentially through the Gulf Stream, down the Florida Keys and all the way into the Atlantic.

Why do Obama and BP refuse to use most effective and safer method of oil cleanup?

As the Gulf oil disaster closes in on the 50-day mark, the Obama Administration and BP refuse to use the most effective method of oil cleanup. The top oil barons of the world--the Saudis--have used this method to avoid a mammoth oil disaster. And the result was swift, effective, and conclusive.

Nearly 50 Supertankers Are Waiting for BP for clean-up and collection (on the Cheap):

John Hofmeister, the former president of Shell Oil, and Nick Pozzi, a former pipeline engineering and operations project manager for Saudi Aramco say: "Supertankers Could Save the Gulf, So Why Won't BP Listen?":

Pozzi saw the technique used in the Middle East, where it recovered 85% of the oil from the Saudi spill. And he thinks it could work in the Gulf of Mexico. "The only downside is that you tie up oil tankers. That's why we think that BP won't listen to us. They don't want to spend that extra money.

Now a very industrious group of Citizen Journalists has uncovered what may be the real reason why BP is allowed to use unsafe, toxic, ineffective chemicals. Now please read this all very carefully. This is so EVIL I am sick to my stomach.

The real reason the oil still flows into the Gulf of Mexico:

Nalco is associated with UChicago Argonne program. UChicago Argonne received $164 million dollars in stimulus funds this past year. UChicago Argonne just added two new executives to their roster. One from Nalco. The other from the Ill. Dept of Educaution.

If you dig a little deeper you will find Nalco is also associated with Warren Buffett, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Soros, Apollo, Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, Berkshire Hathaway.

Warren Buffet / Berkshire Hathaway increased their holdings in Nalco just last November. (Timing is everything).

The dispersant chemical is known as Corexit. What it does is hold the oil below the water's surface. It is supposed to break up the spill into smaller pools. It is toxic and banned in Europe.

Nalco says they are using older and newer versions of Corexit in the Gulf... (Why would you need a newer version, if the old one was fine?)

There is big money and even bigger players in this scam. While they are letting the oil blow wide open into the Gulf, the stakes and profit rise.

The Dolphins, Whales, Manatees, Sea Turtles and fish suffocate and die. The coastal regions, salt marshes, tourist attractions and the shore front properties are being destroyed, possibly permanently. The air quality is diminished. The Gulf of Mexico fishing industry is decimated.

All to create a need for their expensive and extremely profitable poison.

I am beyond livid at the Administration’s and it cohorts in crime covering-up and partying all the way to the bank. There is a lady with a little known oil company who writes this:

1. BP is one of the largest investors of alternative energy in the world and Cap & Trade gets voted on/passed this month so, it won’t hurt their pockets.

2. BP is one of the largest campaign contributors to Barack Hussein Obama.

3. Since early last year, it’s been speculated that gas prices would be over $4/ga by June, 2010 and $7/ga by Jan, 2011. When rumors were circulating there was no justification. Only way gas prices would jump like that is with a major oil shortage. Low & behold 1.5 months before rumors come true, we have an enormous oil spill.

4. I own a small oil company ( and we specialize in on and off shore cleanup. My CFO wrote all the checks for the Valdez spill.

5. I sat at an 1.5hr seminar by BP in 2008 at the OTC (offshore technology conference, the largest in the world) and witnessed first hand the technology aboard that ship particularly.

There is absolutely NO WAY possible for this to happen without it being sabotage (emphasis mine). There were way too many tiers aboard that ship and it could have been stopped at any facet. And, even if ever man aboard was knocked out with toxic gases and the oil somehow managed to make it to water, their have huge blowup looking mats that surround the ship for miles to prevent (93%?) the oil from mixing in open waters.

It could be stopped now. Cleanup easily within 72 hrs, and the oil salvageable and able to still be refined and produced IF they wanted to. I believe it’s intentional to drive up oil and gas prices and push cap & trade. It’s only speculation as to motives but, the events of this and my synopsis are based upon facts.

What I have laid out is just one facet of a very inter-connected web of deceit. As an elected official you swore an oath as follows:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

We have had health care reform pass in the ugliest arm twisting, middle of the night, back door dealing scheme ever. All against the will of the people, using fuzzy math and omissions to get the CBO to come up with acceptable (to them) numbers. They put a $940 billion price tag on what’s actually a multitrillion-dollar bill. It is also the single biggest assault on liberty in our history.

We have a president and congress who think they can spend the money of generations to come. What is this census costing us again? Didn’t we just pass the “Doctor fix” that was omitted from the cost of the heath care reform bill so it would pass?

We have at least two illegal “quid pro quos” in our election process directed from the White House, Anyone who can read can see that the Obama administration has broken the law. It does not matter if this is how politics are played. Illegal is illegal even if you are questioning the definition of “is.”

We have a media who refuses to cover the issues. If they do they are attacked by the White House as in Fox News and talk radio. We have a media outlet that is owned by GE who stands to gain incalculable riches from this president’s Cap and Trade scam. Cap and Trade is a SCAM and all of this and many of the players have been well documented by Glenn Beck and is what he now calls CRIME Inc.,2933,591790,00.html

Once again, of course, Barack Obama is front and center, along with the Chicago Climate Exchange, the Joyce Foundation, George Soros, Maurice Strong, Edmund de Rothschild, the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs, George W. Bush's Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, even Fannie Mae, and many others. It entails global Marxofascism / global kleptocracy, with Americans being the chief victims, while a few overlords rule at, and their financiers skim off, the top. If any "mainstream" reporters cared to cover this thoroughly (and could) they could be much bigger characters in U.S. and world history than Woodward and Bernstein. And as for Americans willingly instigating this, it is treason.

We have a country being overrun with illegal aliens and when a state takes action in the most legal way possible to protect their citizens, they are demonized. Unemployment is skyrocketing yet illegal aliens are allowed to come here and work. We have a federal government who will not protect our borders. This should be their first priority, and is their first duty, to keep America safe.

Now Barack Hussein Obama has put a moratorium on all drilling. This is going to devastate the Gulf Coast even further. This will bring our economy to its knees. There are thousands and thousands of jobs related to drilling that will leave and not come back. There are people in the food industry that specialize in offshore supply, crew boats, helicopter companies, drilling equipment and supplies, and cleaning services, to name a few. This will make us even more dependent on foreign oil and further weaken our national security. I believe now that this is the exact intention of this administration, to weaken us. I am not at all sure now that this “gusher” was not an accident.

The Oil Spill - Round Up the Usual Suspects:

In closing, an article that appeared in FrontPage about a year ago, noted that “CCX’s members include Ford, DuPont, Dow Corning and the states of Illinois and New Mexico. CCX also owns 50 percent of the European Climate Exchange (ECX), which features such members as Shell, British Petroleum, Barclays—and Goldman Sachs.” British Petroleum—better known as BP.

Enough! We The People demand that a RICO investigation and criminal charges be initiated to uncover the criminal actions of this administration and all of its radical cohorts in crime, like GE, BP, Goldman Sachs, the labor unions, Fannie and Freddie, ACORN, Organizing for America, George Soros, Maurice Strong, Warren Buffett, Al Gore, The Progressive Caucus, anyone who has close ties to this administration.

This is a cabal of crooks. All legislation should be halted until this is done. We, The People will not stop. We will know justice. We demand that you do your duty and uphold the oath you took to defend the Constitution. Our Country is depending on you like at no other time in history.

With respect,

(Your name here)

(Your address here)

CJ a proud member of PatriotsHeart.US


Deepwater Horizon & Crime Inc. (a.k.a., the Greatest Scandal in Modern History) May 5th
bird photo by AP, Charlie Riedel

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Celebrated Oil Clean-Up Experts, on BP & BHO, on 'The Awakening' + 'Fightin' Words' Eyes on Israel - Tonight

Update 6/10 - Our program was moving along nicely... for about five minutes. Then it quit on us all and neither host nor caller were able to rejoin any shared communication. has been sent a little note and when I hear back satisfactorily, we intend to try again, with our distinguished co-hosts and guests. My apologies, dear reader/listener. I don't know where the buck stops, but I hope it uses its antlers, if necessary.
Don't miss our coverage of the Important Topics and Key Crises of the Moment.
Just click the program titles, to listen.

All Eyes on Israel, on Fightin' Words - 9-10pm ET...6-7pm PT
hosts: Walter Hudson and David Lutchen - call in: 646-727-2652

What is it about Israel and the Jewish people that evokes such controversy and passion? Days before an Israeli interdiction which resulted in several deaths brought the wrath of the international community, down upon the small Middle Eastern nation, North Korea sunk an entire ship with comparatively little objection. How can such a desparity in reaction be explained?
10pm-Midnight ET...7-9pm PT - host: Arlen Williams, plus guest co-hosts:
Jean of We the People USA & CJ of netradio's Fan the Fire w/ CJ & Tallulah, Patriot's Heart Network
Special Guests:

Merle Savage, Advocate for oil clean-up safety and 1989 Exxon Valdez worker (More, here)

Jim Rhyne, Owner of Coconut Bay Resort who has been working with a local scientist to develop Oil Eating Microbes (More about Mr. Rhyne, here)

Dr. Mike Castle, owner of Castle Concepts – and the AmeriHaz Gulf Fund Dr. Castle has developed an Oil Absorbing Polymer (Video, here)

Darryl Carpenter, CW Roberts Construction an advocate for using hay to clean up the oil leak - featured last Tuesday 6/8 on Fox News' Hannity (More about this solution, here)

Darryl Carpenter's YouTube video, more than 2 million views, all told

David Elmore, Chief Marketing Officer, Petromist Environmental Solutions, which has developed less-toxic oil dispersant. (Video, here)

CJ of Fan the Fire w/ CJ & Tallulah, is a small business owner in the field of oil well supply and fabrication

Jean of We the People USA, professional operations and quality consultant has recently written: "The Marxo-Fascist 'Social and Economic Justice' Ties that Bind" ...on the 'High Road' to the controlled society. (In Investigating Obama - LINK HERE). This was orinally intended to be the subject of tonight's program, but we will postponed that, in order to address the Gulf crisis.

Arlen will discuss his interview last night, of a director level representative of British Petroleum. We will welcome your questions, call 646-727-2652

Key Links:
1. Deepwater Horizon Central Command
2. British Petroleum Gulf of Mexico Response
3. CBS 60 Minutes: Blow-Out, the Deepwater Horizon Disaster

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How Many Oil Plumes are in the Gulf? - The U.S. Government Challenge (ask them with me) Updating

6/9 6:35pm CT - Further updates are made in "Comments" to this article.

1022am CT - I just got off the phone with Lt. Budaio of the Deepwater Horizon Unified Command. He stated that the U.S. Geological Survey had confirmed that there are numerous oil plumes off the coast of Texas, also Florida. These have been investigated and they are identified as naturally occurring. One of them is quite large, three feet in diameter.

These fissures tend to increase after earthquakes, explained the Lieutenant. There may be as many as twenty or thirty plumes of oil, of various sizes, but none are approaching the volume of the Deepwater Horizon disaster's gusher.

Asked if this number of fissures is unusual, he said it was not.

At the Deepwater site: Lt. Budaio stated that he knows of no significant oil leaks outside the one barrel-shaped leaking pipe joint, which has been partially capped. This is the one in the videos.

My name, telephone number, and email address have been given to BP by Lt. Budaio, with the request that they reply immediately, to confirm information about the leaks. He would not give a separate number for BP and did not pass me through at that moment, telling me there was a change-over of personnel at the time.

If I do not get an immediate response from BP, which, frankly, I do not expect, I will try to contact them, through the telephone number I last listed in this article's comments. I will be available to do this only sporadically though the middle of the day, but intend to pursue and to ask other questions when and if I speak with a representative of British Petroleum plc.

6/9 am -
See comments to this post, for progress. Please call too, but I have posted better telephone numbers in the comments.

6/8 - Tomorrow morning, Wednesday, June 9th, I intend to ask the U.S. federal government this question:

How many oil plumes are there in the Gulf of Mexico - how many leaks?
I ask you to do the same. I will report my results. Please report yours, in the comments to this post. This is not about how many plumes that private sources have found. It is about how many leaks does the United States government know exist. They have had since April 20, to discover this. They should be able to tell us, should they not? And if they can tell us that, perhaps they can give us their coordinates on the globe. How close or far are they, from each other? And if they can tell us that, perhaps they can tell us what they are coordinating, to stop them. Right?

Here is the contact information for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460
Telephone (202) 272-0167 - TTY (speech- and hearing-impaired) (202) 272-0165
Here is contact information for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):
500 C Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20472
FEMA Office of External Affairs202-646-4600
FEMA Newsdesk202-646-3272 E-mail: (
Here is the contact information for the FEMA National Incident Management System (NIMS):
Questions regarding NIMS should be directed to or 202-646-3850.
The first one to report the answer gets the Official I.O. Kudos.

Lisa Perez Jackson, Administrator EPA; Janet Napolitano, Secretary DHS; William Craig Fugate, FEMA Administrator

  1. "Have You Seen This Man? - The Hunt for William Craig Fugate" (FEMA Administrator) - 6/1/2010
  2. "RICO Investigation Needed NOW About Gulf, Energy & CCX"
  3. I.O. tag: "Gulf Gusher"
  4. EPA page, "Learn what Lisa's up do"
H/T: HK, CJ, JoAnne Moretti

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nalco's 'Corexit is Killing the Gulf,' a View for Your Consideration

Why would these globalist "government/private partnership" (i.e., crony capitalist, i.e. "high road capitalist," i.e., "open society," i.e. corporatist, i.e. ministerial, i.e. fascist, i.e., neo-Marxist, i.e. neo-Maoist, i.e. authoritarian, i.e. militant Western Civilization opposing, i.e. anti-American revolutionary) entities want this unprecedented volume of oil to travel below the surface and out into the ocean currents -- toward Northern Europe? A video to supplement the theme of numerous recent articles:

'Corexit is Killing the Gulf - II'

Monday, June 7, 2010

'The Real Reason the Oil Still Flows' - Read JoAnne Moretti & Hear Her Tonight

"The Awakening" is moving to this Thursday night (10pm-Midnight, ET) joining Sentinel Radio's "Fightin' Words" (9-11pm ET). In part, that is to make sure we pay attention to this program and this week's guest. I repost this announcement from the Lady Libertas blog:
Truth & Liberty with Lady Libertas - 9-11pm ET...6-8pm PT
Join us and Call In! - 347-215-6929 - Patriot's Heart Network

Lady Libertas is joined by JoAnne Moretti - Patriot & Blogger Extraordinaire! JoAnne is well known on twitter as @joannemoretti and has a great blog:

JoAnne has done amazing research on the Gulf Oil Spill & that will be the main topic of the evening - What is the real story behind the gulf oil spill and how can we organize to help the Gulf region?

Check out Joanne's Bombshell Expose - The Real Reason the Oil Still Flows into the Gulf of Mexico
Then, remember to join us for "Fightin' Words" and "The Awakening," this Thursday night:
All Eyes on Israel, on Fightin' Words - 9-10pm ET...6-7pm PT
Hosts: Walter Hudson and David Lutchen - call in: 646-727-2652

What is it about Israel and the Jewish people that evokes such controversy and passion? Days before an Israeli interdiction which resulted in several deaths brought the wrath of the international community, down upon the small Middle Eastern nation, North Korea sunk an entire ship with comparatively little objection. How can such a desparity in reaction be explained?
ShoreBank & "High Road" Marxofascism, on The Awakening, Guest: Jean of We the People USA - 10pm-Midnight ET...7-9pm PT - Host: Arlen Williams

This is the Marxist/fascist plan for America, controlled through banking and "anarcho-syndicalist" governmental and union control. Does it seem authoritarian and anti-American? It is. Is that bad? Very.

Join Jean of We the People USA and read her article: "The Marxo-Fascist 'Social and Economic Justice' Ties that Bind" - ShoreBank, Obama, big labor, community organizers, manufacturers, Canadian socialists, progressive trade organizations, triple bottom-line corporations & the Small Business Administration, on the 'High Road' to the controlled society. (In Investigating Obama - LINK HERE)

We may also have a special guest, a small business owner who has suffered from the big squeeze put on the bourgeoisie by these Obamunist Marxists.

We will also discuss the Gulf crisis and whether there are even connections between this Chicago Marxofascist locus and Obama's actions and inactions, there.
Call in: 646-727-2652

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gulf Gusher & Manufactured Crisis - More to Come

Reading and writing. There are many facts to collect and put in order. Please pray soberly and intently.

AP photo gone "viral" - by Charlie Riedel

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Obama to Use Oil Spill Disaster to Renew Push for Cap & Trade - Manufactured Crisis, Domestic Terrorism by Default

Please read and heed; also the linked articles. There is no explanation for the Obama regime's delay and their managed withholding of efforts in response to their charge of protecting America and the world from this oil leak crisis, other than the neo-Marxist, Cloward-Piven strategy of manufactured crisis. They are not that inept, just, apparently, that criminally evil.

Why else would such a force for nationalizing and globalizing the American economy and society leave it up to BP plc (not only a private corporation, also foreign) to manage the response to this national and world crisis?

Who do they blame, as government regulations were not enforced and government "response" maliciously provides for greater harm? -- the "capitalists" involved.

What do they seek, as they prevent measures of remedy? -- anti-American "cap and trade."

Especially if Obama has no sufficient reason for preventing the berming of the Louisiana coastline, this behavior indicates domestic terrorism, on the part of the Obama Administration. - AW

Commentary by Sher Zieve

Almost as if it had been created for him, it seems that the BP oil spill couldn’t have come at a better time for Obama. Just when The Obama was cogitating over how to reintroduce the Energy Cap & Tax bill--which will skyrocket energy rates so that many of us will not be able to afford basic electricity--the BP oil spill occurred. This was most convenient for Obama and his plans to continue gutting the USA and its citizens.

Suffice it to say, if US and US-based oil companies had not been forced by environmentalists to drill at depths to which humans cannot safely travel, this would not have happened. If the spill had occurred at more human-friendly depths, the clean-up would have been much easier to handle and much faster to affect. And, why is Obama still dragging his sizeable feet in allowing Louisiana and the other Gulf Coast states to begin cleanup on their own? Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) begged Obama for weeks to allow the placement of berms (raised barrier separating two areas). Obama ignored the Governor. Even leftist James Carville--a resident of the State--begged his leader to assist with: “We’re dyin’ down here!“ Finally, on 3 June, Obama relented and said he would allow the placements to begin. But, even this has not happened yet. But, it now appears it may be too late as the famously beautiful and pristine Louisiana marshlands have already been glutted with oil. Native birds are now covered with the deadly blend, while Obama fiddled, golfed, went on vacation and attended a Paul McCartney concert. Nero would be proud.

However, Obama believes this will work to his advantage. He thinks he can and will--as he did with ObamaCare--shove Cap & Trade down our throats and virtually complete his enslavement of we the American people. Don’t let him do it folks. Call your Senators and Congress people, especially those up for reelection in November, and tell them NO CAP & TRADE OR YOU’RE OUT! Obama must have his power base removed. At this juncture it truly is Obama & Co vs. the American People. He cannot and must not be allowed to get away with his newest atrocity. It is We-the-People who must now decide who is to survive. I’m counting on us!

New Cap & Trade Push; Nuclear Option; New Ed Standards:

Johanns says oil spill is boosting cap-and-trade:

Open Letter to Obama, by a Doctor of Marine Science

by Dr. Carol Moreau at American Daughter

Re: Obama saying a "hurricane could be 'helpful' dispensing the oil in the Gulf."

Funny you should mention it ... I woke up this morning thinking about my college days (LONG ago!) when I learned about what I went on to teach, about oil spills. This spill in the Gulf IS particularly troubling to me, maybe because I "know too much". Saying that it is "the worst environmental accident in the US" is, I'm afraid, an understatement, because I can see it having global impacts ... none of them good. The type of oil spewing in the Gulf is "crude" composed mainly of hydrocarbons, sulpher, nitrogen, trace metals, and other components which all have potentially deadly effects.

The level of damage depends on three main factors. One is weather. Not only are we headed into temperatures in summer which have the worst potential effects, but hurricanes can be a major factor in spreading the damage, so NO, Mr. President, hurricanes do NOT "help" in any way. Maybe you would like to put it "out of sight, out of mind", but that ainna gonna work! The other two are specific biological effects, one being short-term, and the other long-term. The effects of this spill will not "go away" in either our lifetime, nor our grandchildren's. That REALLY pisses me off! Sorry about the graphics.

Short term biological effects cause direct kills at the site of the spill due to coating and asphyxiation, and contact poisoning. Away from the spill, water soluble toxins affect delicate larvae, and destroy these vulnerable food sources. Think about that.

Long term effects which are not necessarily "direct", but are secondary, include the destruction of sensitive juveniles and their food sources, reduced resistance to disease and other stresses, the ingestion of carcinogens (cancer-causing substances), and interference with reproduction. Egg production is reduced and behavioral mechanisms change, causing the inability to locate a mate, throwing spawning time out of sync. There are many long term subtle changes that cause chronic long-term biological damage. Chemical controls by metabolites (metabolic waste products) can't be sensed by veligers (immature free-swimming forms of many crustaceans, mollusks, and shellfish found in the water column). This will affect a myriad of species which humans depend upon for their livelihoods (food sources). Getting to spawning grounds is controlled by chemicals, as is predator avoidance for many species.

Factors that influence the impact of an oil spill include
  1. the type or toxicity of the oil spilled (crude=horrible),
  2. the volume spilled ... over 45 days and counting??? Go figure...
  3. the physiography of the area which in this case includes waters a mile deep, as well as shorelines, tidal zones, mudflats, and many especially "sensitive" areas,
  4. weather conditions at the time of the spill (and counting Mr. President!),
  5. the life forms and community types in the area (how about ALL types?),
  6. the season, with spring and summer bringing about the worst impact because of the abundance of larvae and reproduction rates being at their highest,
  7. previous exposure of the area to oil which is "dumped" everyday by boats,
  8. exposure to other pollutants which can combine with the oil and intensify the negative effects, and
  9. how the spill is treated.
Some dispersants have effects which are worse than the oil itself. Have we been told what kind of dispersants were used? Do you, Mr. President, know about all the different dispersants available and which were used, and what their various effects might be? I don't think so! It appears to be a national secret at this point in time.

Once oil is released, some is dissipated by evaporation, some constituents go into solution, and some is absorbed onto particle surfaces and then carried to the bottom to be incorporated into the sediment. This is where MUCH of the Valdez oil still sits many years later and continues to impact the sediment dwellers, many of which form the bottoms of food chains. And oh yes, we put much of the Valdez oil there by "cleaning" the shores with high pressure sprays that forced the oil "out of sight, out of mind". Some is ingested by organisms including phytoplankton which ingest about 20% and form the bottom of food chains for organisms in the water column. Some get degraded by microbes, which is an aerobic process so increases oxygen demand. When I last checked, it took all the oxygen available in 350,000 gallons of water to degrade just one gallon of oil. How many gallons of oil have already spilled? The resulting lack of available oxygen in the water can lead to massive fish kills washing up on shore, just to mention one of MANY effects stemming from low oxygen levels in the water. Has this happened on any of our shores yet, Mr. President? Care to go for a swim or eat in the local seafood restaurants in Louisiana while you're visiting?

Ocean currents, both deep and surface, and all in between, will mix with the oil and carry it EVERYWHERE eventually. Even if we had a way to cap the leak today, it would continue to haunt us socially, biologically, economically, aesthetically, and yes, I get very emotional about it. I had hoped that in my retirement, I could "forget" about knowing such things, but I find no such relief. I could go on upsetting myself, thinking about what it will do to my favorite playground, the coral reefs, and knowing that it was a human-induced disaster makes me all the more frustrated at this situation and the state of the environment, and our President's lack of action has made this exponentially more disastrous by the minute.

Time to find some Kleenex...

Dr. Carol Moreau holds a doctorate in Marine Science, with specialty in Reefs.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Face of 'Progressive' Humanitarianism, Ends in Arianism

Marxofascist Helen Thomas (who Barack Obama allows to position on his left, while before cameras -- thankful one would think -- has to triangulate off someone) on "the Jewish problem"

Video on YouTube, by

But we know this is not about Barack Hussein Obama -- and the defense of Sovereignty, life, and liberty must go on, well after Ms. Thomas and he go on.

Jack Cashill on William Ayers' Writing, inside Barack Obama's Books

You may know that author, Jack Cashill could rival Sherlock Holmes in his detective work concerning Bill Ayers' apparent ghost-writing, for Barack Obama's two books. As I reflect, Mr. Cashill's own writing is more enjoyable than Arthur Conan Doyle's. And the more one reads of it, the more apparent the criminal mind of Billie Ayers becomes, inside Barry's books' covers.

Is Ayers still playing Moriarty at the keyboard, for Obama, through the famous presidential Blackberry?

Trying like Dr. Watson to catch up with Jack, I.O. provides a Table of Contents for his Ayers/Obama examination and related work, and now, if you will take these in order from bottom to top, you have quite a story from Mr Cashill.
Ayers to the Rescue?
How the Liberal Mind Works
How Obama Got Into Harvard
Kagan, Obama, and the Harvard Legacy of Literary Fraud
Media Matters Misfires on “Manchurian” Smear
New Obama Bio Strengthens Case for "Dreams" Fraud
What I learned from Obama's Pop
Frank Marshall Davis's "Young Man"
Decrypting Obama's "Pop"
Just who is Obama's "Pop?"
How the Media Spiked Suttongate
Ayers Escalates Cold War With Obama
The competing narratives of Barry and Sarah
Why “Rogue” Is A Better Book Than “Dreams”
Fact-check This, Associated Press!
Obama Pal Edward Said Another Fraud
Before Dreams There Was Roots
What Ayers Saw in Barack Obama
Obama Comes to the Mainland
Barack Obama's Great Expectations
A closer look at Obama's Odyssey
Rigoberta Menchu Won the Nobel Peace Prize too
Ayers at Starbucks
How the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Really Works
Media slam "Palin" co-author
Media mum on Dreams Fraud
Literary Lion Obama Will Roar No More
Media protect 'Literary Lion" Obama
Andersen Book Blows Ayers' Cover on 'Dreams' (updated)
Book confirms: Ayers wrote Obama's book
Did Ayers Help Obama Get Into Harvard?
An Odd Coincidence?
Obama, Ayers and the Knowledge 'Too Big" to Handle
"Birther” Media Breach Could Reveal Deeper Truths
Who wrote "Audacity of Hope"?
Breakthrough on the Authorship of Obama's "Dreams"
Washington Times Asks Ayers About “Dreams” Collaboration
Who Wrote Dreams and Why it Matters
Dreams From My Teleprompter
Ayers already turning on Obama
Barack Obama's Milli Vanilli moment
Newly found article confirms Obama "Dreams" fraud
There are bigger frauds to fry than Rosenblat’s
The improvised Odyssey of Barack Obama (.com)
Ayers doth protest too much
The odd story of romance in Dreams From My Father(com)
Ayers dances around "Dreams" controversy
"Dreams" controversy goes global
Oxford Don Trips Badly On “Dreams”Analysis
Finish Your "Oxford" Study Mr. Millican
Yavelow Study Confirms Ayers Hand In Obama's "Dreams"
London Times Inquires About “Dreams” Fraud
Science points to Ayers authorship of Obama's 'Dreams'
Barack Obama: Bill Ayers' Alter Ego
Ayers’ Role in Obama’s “Dreams” Poised To Break Out
More Evidence That Ayers Ghosted Obama’s “Dreams”
Evidence Mounts: Ayers Co-Wrote Obama’s “Dreams”
Nautical metaphors could sink Obama
Obama did not write "Dreams From My Father"
Who wrote "Dreams From My Father"? (om)
Roots' fraud set standard for Obama's
Obama's poems show real talent level
More proof Ayers ghosted Obama's "Dreams"
Did Bill Ayers write Obama's "Dreams"? - Part 3: Why it Matters
Did Bill Ayers write Obama's "Dreams"? - Part 2: Deconstructing the Text
Did Bill Ayers write Obama's "Dreams"? - Part 1
Why Obama is mum about Harvard
The Mansourian Candidate
Is Khalid al-Mansour the man behind Obama myth?
How Orwell Anticipated the Obama Delusion
Who wrote "Dreams From My Father"?
(July 23, 2008)
Yes, start with this one. Why bottom to top? That is the way they are listed at It makes sense for Jack's return visitors to see the latest at the top and in my laziness, I defer to his kindness.

To whet your appetitie, you may wish to look into and even listen to this item from the above, reproduced, below.

How the Liberal Mind Works
©Jack Cashill - May 30, 2010

In April of this year, I wrote an article for American Thinker about David Remnick’s new book, The Bridge, and titled it, “New Obama Bio Strengthens Case for Dreams Fraud.”

“It surprised me to learn that David Remnick had dedicated three pages of his comprehensive new Obama biography, The Bridge, to my thesis that Bill Ayers helped Barack Obama write Obama’s 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father,” I wrote at the time. “It will surprise Remnick even more to learn that he has unwittingly reinforced a thesis that he set out to discredit.”

That night Milt Rosenberg of Chicago’s dominant AM radio station, WGN, was hosting Remnick for two hours in studio. A mutual friend arranged for me to call in just as though I were a regular caller. I was finally able to locate the audio.

If I seem too polite in the exchange that follows it was because I did not want to embarrass Rosenberg. This format offered the rare opportunity for someone from what Remnick calls the “Web’s farthest lunatic orbit” to splash down in the refined waters of the liberal elite.

For the record, Remnick is the Princeton-educated, Washington Post-groomed, Pulitzer-Prize winning New Yorker editor. I am a “little-known conservative writer” who lives in Kansas City.

When I called in, I introduced myself, said that “David” would probably know who I am, and noted that I had originated the thesis that Bill Ayers helped Barack Obama write Dreams From My Father. The question I posed to Remnick was this, “Why did you ignore the six detailed pages Christopher Andersen spent confirming my thesis?”

Rosenberg, bless his heart, asked me who Andersen was and what was my thesis. This allowed me several minutes to report in detail what Andersen had discovered.

As I explained, Andersen is “a celebrity biographer with great establishment credentials.” I said on air how I had talked to Andersen, who told me had two sources on the ground in Hyde Park.

Rosenberg allowed me to establish in some detail how Andersen documented the Obamas’ financial struggles in the early 1990s. Andersen related how at the urging of Michelle, a “hopelessly blocked” Obama turned to “friend and neighbor” Bill Ayers to help him with his much acclaimed 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father.

Andersen’s details are specific. The Obamas were convinced of “Ayers’s proven abilities as a writer.” Barack particularly liked the novelistic style of To Teach, a 1993 book by Ayers. Obama hoped to use a comparable style for his own family history. The problem was that although he had taped interviews with many of his relatives, he could not find it in himself to write the book.

Andersen documented Obama’s blown advances, his futile escape to Bali, the growing financial and emotional pressure to finish a memoir he had started four years earlier.

The key sentence in Andersen’s account is the one that I quoted on air almost verbatim: “These oral histories, along with his partial manuscript and a trunkload of notes were given to Ayers.” Added Andersen, “Thanks to help from veteran writer Ayers, Barack would be able to submit a manuscript to his editors at Times Book.”

I was also able to explain how up until the point of writing what Time Magazine called “the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician,” Obama had written nothing of consequence. What he had written, said I, “as David points out,” was a “muddled” article in a Columbia University weekly called Sundial, nothing at all as a legal scholar save for one case note at Harvard, and “one really half-assed article” on community organizing.

Remnick came out swinging, and as I knew, a person in studio has a huge tactical advantage over a person on the phone. The quotes that follow from Remnick are word-for-word. To get a true feel for what condescension sounds like in its purest, most undistilled form, please listen to the audio about 47 minutes in:

link to   interview,0,5756039.mp3file

“Mr. Castle (sic), this is David Remnick. Let’s be clear about something. So on the basis of a book by a celebrity biographer of two unnamed sources--Who are those sources by the way? Do you know?”

“He wouldn’t tell me.”

“Okay,” said Remnick emphatically, as though his point had been confirmed.

“Do you reveal your unnamed sources?” I asked. Having read his book, I knew that Remnick used such sources, often for key details, sometimes bogus, like for the instance the person known only as “aide” who misled Remnick on how Obama managed to write Audacity of Hope.

“My book is filled with hundreds of named sources.”

“But so is Andersen’s.”

“Yes, but you are not providing any sources here. So on the basis of two unnamed sources in a celebrity biographer’s book that really has had very little currency and on your own notion that he uses the word ‘eyes’ a lot . . . “

“Hold it right there,” I said. “Hold it.” Remnick had said something comparably slighting in his book. Those on the left are so used to saying such rubbish unchallenged that he must have forgotten where he was.

“I let you speak. Now you are going to let me respond.”

“Go ahead,” I conceded, trying not to make things awkward for my generous host.

“So it is hardly scientific,” Remnick continued. “I find it deeply offensive. First of all the history of literature is filled, filled with writers whose first books appear on the scene and they are very good or excellent or they are better.”

This is true only to a degree. All great authors have a first book, usually very good, and always at the end of a paper trail strewn with other good writing. Obama’s paper trail leads back to a literary junk pile. His sudden flowering is miraculous and unprecedented. Unfortunately, I did not have the chance to explain this on the air.

“I make no fantastic claims for his memoir,” Remnick continued. “I don’t come out of there claiming it to be Moby Dick or Richard Wright or anything of the kind. I describe it as a very good book and no more and no less, but I examine it as a book that tells us something about Barack Obama, naturally, and something that comes out of the memoir tradition in African American literature and American literature folklore.”

Richard Wright is an African American author. Note how Remnick feels the need to balance an undeniable classic by a white guy with a black guy of sufficiently lesser stature that he does not--or cannot--cite a Wright book. Affirmative action on the fly!

“So your theory, and it was a theory expounded as well by a much bigger microphone, by Rush Limbaugh, got a lot of currency on the Internet, and I find it offensive on the minimal amount of proof you provided, in fact, on no proof at all that I could find convincing . . . “

“Well,” I interjected.

“I am going to finish my thought here, Okay?” Remnick scolded, sounding all the world like my second-grade nun. “There is something innately offensive about the notion that this man is incapable of writing a book.” I should add that in his book Remnick laments “the ugly pedigree” of my and Limbaugh’s “racist insinuation.”

“I am not saying he is stupid. I never did say that.”

“But you are saying he is faking the book.”

“Yes, I am absolutely saying that. He had help, serious help, and all evidence points in that direction.”

I must confess to being a little perturbed here. If you listen to the audio, you will want to strangle Remnick too. I plowed on.

“And when you reduce the 20,000 or so words I did of textual comparison to saying ‘something about eyes,’ you are insulting me. And when you call me a racist, David, or when you call Limbaugh a racist, you are insulting the whole damn audience.”

“The instances of Barack uh , , uh Rush Limbaugh using racist language is so long as to beggar the imagination,”

Remnick answered, nearly averting a newsworthy Freudian slip. He then launched into an odd and disingenuous account of how he “has great respect for serious conservatives” who challenge Obama on his policies, the political equivalent of “some of my best friends are black.”

“So why do you call me a racist?” I asked, cutting to the chase.

At this point, Rosenberg thanked me for calling in. If Remnick were gesturing wildly to kill the conversation, I would not have been surprised. Once he had imputed racism to a lesser mortal—the most popular liberal hobby after recycling--he had no other argument to make.

“I appreciate your having me on,” I said to Rosenberg. “Sorry, but I don’t like being called a racist, and that is part of the problem with the post-racial fraud we are living under now because all criticism is racist.”

So the conversation ended. I don’t get to talk to liberals much anymore.

-- Jack

You can also hear Jack in interviews via this linked page and twice as a guest on our program, "The Awakening."

By the way, Joseph Morris, the other gentleman on Milt Rosenberg's program that night, is an excellent Americanist, a brilliant disciple of law and politics, and should be one of Illinois' U.S. Senators. - AW

Have You Seen this Man? - The Hunt for William Craig Fugate - Updated

How is it, we have a U.S. President who is taking over the United States' economy, but who leaves it up to BP plc (a foreign company) to fumble and stumble with this U.S. and World crisis?
More Alinsky-Cloward-Piven?

Original post, 6/1/2010

We repeat, his name is William Craig Fugate. This may be his photo. If he needs it, we are willing to give it back.

Mr. Fugate is believed to be the Administrator of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano.

Therefore, he might be seen either in the vicinity of Washington, D.C., or call it a hunch, the Gulf of Mexico.

Please report to Investigating Obama, if you have any word of his whereabouts or his doings. There appears to be an emergency in the Gulf that he should know about.

Where's Fugie?

Update - I'm getting some feedback that the Gulf Gusher may not be in Fugate's job descrip'. Now, I'm a small-government, federalist kind of guy, but shouldn't he sort of be preparing Gulf Coast folks for bad things that could come, over the next two or three months, if we pay him for that? And I am told we also have something called an "Environmental Protection Agency." Hm....

Update 2 - Did William Craig Fugate ever make it out to Tennessee, to check out all that flood stuff? Too busy collecting big, six or seven foot long, sealable plastic bins? America wants to know. Well, many who actually know about America.

Update 3 - 6/4, 2:33pm The beaches and estuaries are getting hit hard, today. Where is FEMA? Where is the massive government effort to guard the shores? Where are the berms? Is Obama enjoying his second trip?

And as for the news media, are you old enough to remember when they covered the space program well? Remember their models and scientists' explanations? Where is that, about the current attempt to cap and pump the gusher?

And about the space program back in the day, compared to government effectiveness now, you may wish to see, "The Chasm between Apollo and the Gulf; There is no valid analogy between the Gulf spill and Apollo 13," by Dr. H. Harrison Schmitt, former Apollo astronaut, former U.S. Senator, geologist. (h/t: Richard Wright)

Update 4 - 6/4, 3:53pm Barack Obama is on television, now. He's talking a lot. To the media, I mean. He does exhibit the Alinsky, Cloward-Piven model here, of blaming and haranguing BP, the latest "capitalist" straw man to "isolate," as the massive "disruption" continues. Never waste a good crisis.

Governor Brewer's Anti-Climax at the Casa Blanca

No words are necessary.

Nor were any likely to help.

But we cringe too, Governor.

Here's looking at you, "kid."
h/t: Tallulah

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Israel vs. Gaza, Hamas, Islamists, Marxofascists & Other Friends of BHO: See RBO for Coverage

For the best, critical reporting and analysis, I.O. suggests monitoring RBO, search word: Israel.

Joe Sestak, Andrew Romanoff & Related: See The Right Side of Life

For top-drawer treatment of key facts, plus succinct analysis, visit: Phil, of TRSoL, tags: Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Obama, on Failure of Federal Government to Address Gulf Emergency

Of course, I mean Katrina

I.O. suggests this video, just released by Naked Emperor News, for "background music," as you read Sher Zieve's commentary, in the post immediately prior.

Obama & Co. Oil Spill Disaster Day 44: Never Let a (another) Catastrophe go to Waste - Sher Zieve

Commentary by Sher Zieve

First, I'd like to get the logical and obvious out of the way. If the Marxist's feigned "environmental movement" (Obama's buds by the way) hadn't used their lobby and clout to block sensible drilling depths to oil companies, we wouldn't have had this problem in the first place. Russia, China, Brazil etc are allowed to drill — off the US coast I might add — at any shallow depth they choose. Oil is, then, easy to get. There may be oil spills but, they can be relatively easily stopped. US companies and those operating under the auspices of the USA cannot. They must drill at formerly inconceivable depths. In the case of the BP catastrophe, humans cannot brave the depths to which the Marxists-in-our-midst have forced this company and all other oil companies to drill. So, instead of utilizing any source of intelligence at all, Obama has now decided to suspend ALL off shore drilling for oil in the USA. This column is by no means an attempt to lessen British Petroleum's responsibility. But, it does address the primary culprits to the crime. And please do not forget, BP contributed more to Obama's campaign to take over the USA than they have to any other single candidate.

Obama had to be smiling broadly at the beginning of this disaster, as he was handed another way to destroy the country and people he swore to protect. He has also refused to allow the Gulf States to do anything to help themselves. Obama — as appears to be his inherent nature — has chosen to allow this massive destruction. Note: If Obama's mission of seek and destroy is not now evident to those who voted for him, it probably never will be and those people are doomed to be forever lost in their own mad fantastical worlds.

Although this calamity is said to be hurting the tyrant in a dramatic political way, he is still doing just-short-of-nothing to assist those who are being drastically affected by this tragedy. And, in his continuingly consistent — if not malicious — attempt to use any disaster (natural or ObamaMade) for and to his own advantage and purposes, The Obama is still refusing to allow Louisiana and the other States affected by the BP oil disaster to do anything to mitigate their damages. He has still refused to talk with Governor Jindal about Louisiana's helping to alleviate its severely growing problem. Obama doesn't care, folks. We're now seeing that unless it directly threatens him, Obama never will care about anything. Instead, he says the US Government is in control; that's the now infamous totalitarian ObamaGov that has — thus far — done nothing to lessen the spill's impact on the Gulf States and refuses to allow anyone else to do anything. In other words, Obama has adopted the attitude of "Let 'em all suffer or die." Note: Some have even suggested that Obama's non-caring and disconnect is largely due to these States having elected Republican Governors.

With a lacking-the-ability-or-desire-to-correct-anything Obama at the helm of our now careening ship of state — one that threatens to capsize at any moment — this is merely another example of his narcissism. He cares about himself and his mission to destroy our country. That's it. Instead of helping anyone or anything, Obama sends a group of lawyers — including the highly incompetent Eric Holder — to the Gulf Coast to begin a criminal lawsuit against BP. Yeah, that'll help. Sure it will.

By the way, any lawsuit should rightly be filed against the faux environmentalists who caused this, in the first place. Don't you think?

Jindal and the BP Oil Spill: The saw is stuck on stupid:

In Criticizing Cleanup, Jindal Finds His Voice:

O'Keefe Exposes Census Payroll Fraud; Systematic, Possibly Widespread; Reports from New Jersey & Louisiana

James O'Keefe has released video demonstrating massive payroll fraud in the U.S. Census. And if Census workers are being trained to falsify their payroll reports, how is our Census data being handled?

From, today:
On April 27, 2010, I got a job with the United States Census Bureau in New Jersey. With a hidden camera, I caught four Census supervisors encouraging enumerators to falsify information on their time sheets. Over the course of two days of training, I was paid for four hours of work I never did. I was told to take a 70 minute lunch break, was given an hour of travel time to drive 10 minutes, and was told to leave work at 3:30pm. I resigned prior to doing any data collection but confronted Census supervisors who assured me, “no one is going to be auditing that that level,” and “nobody is going to be questioning it except for you.” Another Census supervisor only said he’d adjust my pay after I gave him a letter recanting my hours.

O'Keefe does the math: this could mean rampant fraud with workers trained to embezzle as much as $1,000,000,000 of taxpayers' money, throughout the nation. The video is shown and James O'Keefe's article continues at

Another undercover video report released today, reveals similarly systematic, trained, and approved embezzlement, in Louisiana. Again, this appears to be the order of the day and done on a massive scale:

Videos are found at veritasvisuals' page in YouTube.

The White House is officially running this operation. It took management of the U.S. Census away from the U.S. Department of Commerce, where it is traditionally administered. This is the same White House which is historically allied with ACORN and other Marxist/fascist operations and their operators, worldwide. Further, they are failing to enforce laws against massive illegal immigration, while persecuting Arizona for attempting to enforce official United States policy.

This purposeful and systematic abuse of government is clearly in line with the Cloward-Piven (or Alinsky, or Marxist, or... communist) strategy of corrupting, overwhelming, and collapsing American government, economy, and society. All, to bring about the revolution. This has been revealed by numerous Internet venues, including this one.