Showing posts with label Man-made Global Marxism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Man-made Global Marxism. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Government Covering Up Crumbling Well Structure?

Without taking positions, I.O. passes this along to you, as purportedly informed speculation upon the reasons for the courses of action taken at the gusher site -- and for the ostensible cover-ups on the part of the Obama administration. And however that administration regards you, I.O. respects you enough to share this, for your joint scrutiny. It warns of a significant likelihood of worse events, yet to come at Deepwater Horizon:

While it has been common practice for embedded reporters to join even troops in battle, the news media have not been allowed access to the workings of the Deepwater Horizon Unified Command center and have even been shooed away from areas of operations. That is not very libertarian, nor democratic, for a president who would call himself a liberal Democrat. Then again, it is typical among authoritarian Marxists.

Seeing what on-the-spot reporters uncovered at NOAA in April, just after the explosion, their media crack-down is not surprising (for dishonest administrators with their own agenda). See immediate prior article in I.O.
ht: CJ & Jim

April Video Indicates U.S. Government Aware of Much Greater Volume of Gulf Gusher; Evidence Raises Suspicion of Cover-Up

Some of the truth has been hiding in plain sight since May Day, at Visit the government at work, specifically the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce (NOAA) meeting in "Warroom 1." They are intently collecting data on what is apparently the 22nd, 23rd, or 24th of April. They are scientists for an United States government which refused massive clean-up help from foreign sources. then, and refuses such help now -- an U.S. government which seems to have lied to us, all this time. Note the following:

At the 3 minute mark in the video and at 3m:17s, see what one member of this NOAA meeting has scrawled in his notebook: "53 to 110 K [brrel?]."

At 6 minutes 35 seconds, the man on the phone says, "I've heard two different estimates on, some'n, far as uh, between sixty-five and a hundred thousand barrels a day."

Then, see what is written, back at the War Room's white board (frozen in time, below). Those are numbers much, much higher than the story they have given the public, then or now: 64,000 to 110,000 barrels per day.

Last Wednesday evening, June 9th, I interviewed Mark Proegler, Director of Climate Energy Policy for BP plc, working for Deepwater Horizon Unified Command. He recounted to me that the early, officially released estimate of the rate of the leak was 5,000 barrels per day. Then, he said, the U.S. government put together two technical groups to assess the flow and they performed numerous tests. Their two results, according to the government, were between 12,000 and 19,000 barrels per day from one group and between 12,000 to 25,000 barrels per day from the other. At the time of this article's release, the latest official estimate by the government I have found was issued on June 10th: from 20,000 to 40,000 barrels per day.

Compare these early numbers with the evidence discussed here: 65,000 to 100,000 barrels per day on the telephone call, 64,000 to 110,000 barrels per day on the whiteboard, and 53,000 to 110,000, in the notebook. Look for anything written around those numbers in the video. Do you see words such as "could eventually become?" I do not. The white board prefaces its numbers with terse immediacy: "estim." Further, by that point, they had noted a "twelve mile long slick of emulsified oil," visible by aircraft.

The only part of this May 1st report by Ben Raines which seems at odds with observable facts is its title, in its use of the words, "potential for." No, these appear to be concurrent estimates of the actual oil being blasted out of that orifice in April, not analyses of potentials.
Video Shows Federal Officials Knew Quickly of Potential for Massive Oil Flow in Gulf Spill
by Ben Raines, Birmingham Press-Register, 5/1/2010

A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration video, shot as officials coordinated response to the Deepwater Horizon disaster, shows that federal officials almost immediately worried that the oil well could leak up to 110,000 barrels per day, or 4.6 million gallons.

The video appears on a federal Web site.

It was filmed in Seattle, at NOAA's Western Regional Center, as scientists and federal officials in Seattle, Houston and New Orleans engaged in telephone conferences, according to a companion document on the Web site.

NOAA meeting
View full sizeFederal officials discuss the Gulf of Mexico oil spill soon after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig. The image is a still frame from a NOAA Web site video depicting the meeting at the agency's Western Regional Center in Seattle.

The video appears to have been edited, and it was shot by a person carrying a camera from room to room.

In it, officials are discussing the search for survivors of the Deepwater Horizon explosion. There is a hand-drawn map of the spill dated April 22. At one point, the video freezes on a sign next to a door that reads, "War Room."

In one scene, officials say that the estimate for the leak in a worst-case scenario is between 65,000 and 100,000 barrels per day. A dry erase board on the wall reads "Estim: 64,000 to 110,000 bbls/day. CNN reported 300,000 gal/day."

The high end of the estimate, 110,000 barrels, is about 4.6 million gallons. At that spill rate, 32 million gallons of oil would enter the Gulf every week. By comparison, the entire Exxon Valdez spill was about 11 million gallons.

Officials estimate current flow from the damaged well at 210,000 gallons a day.

It is unclear from the video what events would have to transpire to raise the flow rate higher.

A confidential NOAA report, dated April 28 and circulated among federal agencies, makes similar projections regarding spill size in a worst-case situation.

View full sizeA hand-drawn map of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill dated April 22, 2010, is seen in this image from a video downloaded from the NOAA Web site. The video shows federal officials discussing the oil spill soon after the Deepwater Horizon exploded.

It describes newly discovered leaks in the tangle of riser pipe, attributing them to ongoing erosion of the pipe. The riser pipe, in this case about 5,000 feet long, connects the wellhead on the sea floor to the drilling rig on the surface.

"If the riser pipe deteriorates further, the flow could become unchecked," reads the report.

On Thursday, the day after the NOAA report was circulated, BP officials said they were worried about "erosion" of the piping.

Sand is an integral part of the formations that hold oil under the Gulf. The raw crude rising from the bottom of a well carries sand and other abrasive materials. In effect, the oil is sandblasting the piping as it rushes through with tremendous force, according to petroleum engineers.

"I think we need to be prepared for it to be the spill of the decade," Debbie Payton of NOAA, the meeting's coordinator, says during the NOAA video.

NOAA did not immediately respond to the Press-Register's request for comment on the video.

View full sizeA still image from a video downloaded from the NOAA Web site shows a dry erase board with figures depicting the potential oil flow. Oil has been spewing into the Gulf of Mexico since the offshore drilling rig exploded and sank. Eleven oil rig workers are missing and presumed to be dead.

Related topics [I.O.: in]: Deepwater Horizon, Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Gulf oil spill, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, oil spill
You can read this at it's original site, published May 1st, at

Does anyone reading this believe that BP is the problem in allowing this crisis to become more "significant," the word Rahm Emanuel used in his famous quote, "You never want a significant crisis to go to waste?" Is this administration allowing this disaster to worsen, in order to push for Cap and Trade law and a Climate Change Treaty? Are they actually fostering this horrific calamity, to build the coffers of investors in the Chicago Climate Exchange, while further transferring America's wealth to foreign nations and instituting global government over the sovereign United States of America (as reported here)? Is this effectively a false-flag attack upon this nation, blamed on an oil-rich "capitalist" corporation?

Follow the money, the means, and the ends, and see if you find extortion and globalist Marxofascism. As guest contributor, CJ affirmed last week, we need an honest and comprehensive investigation of this -- a criminal, RICO investigation which must include members of the United States Government. - AW

photos, NOAA
This is an update of an original I.O. entry on 6/15/2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Obama & Co steps up USA Destruction before November Elections

by Sher Zieve

The BP oil disaster was custom-made for The Obama. It’s a disaster that not only destroys jobs and the lives of the affected humans but, is killing off all wildlife it touches. The effective oil-skimmer systems utilized by the Saudis and others would work to greatly minimize the damage being caused to the US Gulf Coast. But, The Obama continues to drag his heels as States and lives are destroyed. Note: Obama, of course, remains aloof and untouched and continues to refuse all offers of help--only those that truly WILL help--as he smilingly watches and fiddles like Nero while the destruction and death continue. In fact, it is now apparent that destruction and death follow virtually all of Obama’s actions. Interesting, isn’t it?

Pretending that he is constrained by the “Jones Act,” Obama is doing the bare minimum so that destruction will be at an all-time maximum--in order to shove his Cap & Trade bill (which will complete our destruction) down our throats. Note: The Jones Act has been waived by real US presidents, in the past. And while We-the-People are mesmerized by this purely wicked occurrence, he and his Marxist-Maoist Congressional Democrats keep on pushing feverishly to steal even more assets and instill even more power and control from and over us.

The latest Obama and Democrat power grabs include but, are not limited to, assigning the EPA power to regulate carbon emissions (in case the dictator’s Cap & Trade doesn’t clear the US Senate), control over all of the US’ financial institutions (a bill in which control over US citizens’ bank accounts is also included), control over all students applying for educational aid (who will get financial aid who will not and what they will be taught), of course ObamaCare (passed against the will of a vast majority of the American people), “stimulus” bills that have destroyed middle-class jobs and stimulated ONLY the wealthy ruling elite and political class etc. etc. etc.

Now, however, we have the increasingly insane and unquenchably greedy Marxist Democrat Congress pushing for a bill that will--literally--destroy the US Military. The Democrat Congress is now openly and with no more hidden cunning and deceitfulness telling the American people and the world that it is going to gut virtually ALL of US defenses--by $1Trillon. We already know what they will do with the money--OUR money. You will find it in the Democrat and Marxist Congressional power brokers‘ bank accounts, their masters and the Democrat-Marxists’ war chests.

On Friday 11 June, Rep. Barney Franks’ (D-MA) chosen panel, “The Sustainable Defense Task Force“, recommended virtually doing away with any viable US Military at all to the tune of defunding it by $1TRILLIONS! Suffice it to say, San-Fran Nan Pelosi (D-CA) and the other now-openly Communist Congressional members think it’s a great idea. The patently demented Franks’ plan includes reducing virtually every defense measure the USA possesses, including gutting our nuclear arsenal, number of ships in our Naval fleet, lowering our soldiers’ pay, reducing recruitment etc. The list goes on and on. Our Executive and Legislative branch “Masters” are now in full-force feudal-Lord mode. We, of course, comprise the Serf-class who work for them. We must stop them now.

Is another march on Washington D.C. indicated, with this one even larger and louder than the last? We don’t want to give The Usurper and Dictator-in-Chief any additional ammunition to enact Martial Law. But, folks, we must do something active…now! The Republicans MUST filibuster, if at all possible, every power grabbing and revenue depleting bill proposed by the Marxist Dems from now until we can install a new US Congress. Everyone needs to call their Congressional Representatives and Senators and tell them NO MORE TYRANNY. That is, unless they really want a real second American Revolution.

Remember, even with the refurbished and newly staffed FEMA camps, there are still vastly more of us than there are “them.” We want a peaceful revolution. But, We-the-People have just about been pushed too far.

Frank Panel Wants $1T In Defense Cuts:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mitch McConnell Almost Getting Effective against the Greatest Scandal in Modern History

Look! Signs of life among Republican Senators. Infirmity, but life.
McConnell Charges That ‘Major Part’ of Democrats’ Cap-Trade Bill ‘Essentially Written by BP’
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer

Senate Minority Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) spoke on the Senate floor on Wednesday about how BP -- the oil company responsible for the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf Coast -- helped write the Kerry Lieberman bill on global warming that is being debated by lawmakers. (AP photo)

( – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said that BP, the energy company responsible for the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, helped craft the bill proposed by Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) that would tax businesses for carbon emissions and raise the cost of fuel for American consumers.

“The problem for Democrats is that debating the Democrat cap-and-trade bill might not fit neatly into the White House messaging plan since it’s been widely reported that a major part, a major part of the Kerry-Lieberman bill was essentially written by BP,” McConnell said on the Senate floor on Wednesday. “Let me say that again. A major part of the Kerry-Lieberman bill was written by BP. This is clearly an inconvenient fact.”

McConnell made his comments at a time when Congress is debating a “compromise” global warming bill introduced in May by Kerry and Lieberman in the wake of the deep-water oil rig explosion in April that killed 11 men and has dumped thousands of crude oil into Gulf Coast waters.

continued at CNS News

Now, Mitch, what about the massive "communitarian" theft (and "legally" enacted mega-graft by the super-wealthy) involved? What about global government? What about CCX? Mitch?


Anyone see where he went?

Misrepresenting Scientist Comments and Opposition Arrests - Obama Police State Begins

by Sher Zieve

Lies, Lies…and More Lies

Here we go again with ‘another day and another Obama & Co lie’. Guess our days would no longer be complete without a few dishonest pieces of ObamaPropaganda with our morning coffee. Tragically, many of our fellow citizens are becoming far too used to the tyrant’s hypocrisy and some are, now, even ignoring it as ‘Obama’s business as usual’. To accept patent lies from our country’s leaders is what got us into out current mess in the first place folks. And--as he continues to intensely revel in his still-unstopped destruction of our country--The Obama tells whoppers!

As Obama continues to run from his own legal duties, under both the Clean Water Act and the Oil Pollution Act, he tells us that BP must correct the problem; while thousands of barrels of oil are dispensed into the Gulf each and every day destroying all life with which it comes into contact. But, Obama sees this as a political boon; one in which he plans to use in order to shove through his Cap & Trade bill that will hobble us all. So, he asked a group of scientists (the best in the country he told us) to provide him with a report. Note: Obama wants reports whilst he watches the totality of the occurring daily destruction. We believe he is, again, smiling broadly at his malicious work.

Obama’s scientific experts did--indeed--provide the dictator-in-chief with his requested--demanded--report. However, it did not go far enough for The Obama. So, Obama’s Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar surreptitiously “added” a few paragraphs at the end of the report suggesting the experts had recommended a cessation in drilling for oil. But, nothing could be further from the truth. The experts--via Ken Arnold--advised Fox News: “None of us actually reviewed the [Salazar revised] memorandum as it is in the report." Arnold said that it was a false addition and that not one of those preparing the report had recommended any cessation in drilling. In fact, he and the other experts said that doing so would be devastating to the US economy. Surprise! Obama & Co lied again in order to get their way. Salazar, of course, said he was sorry for the lie. But as we know, in ObamaLand, the end--whatever is employed by the Marxists to get there--justifies ANY means used and being a Marxist-Democrat means saying you’re sorry is all that’s needed. And the ObamaMedia will continue to largely ignore the oppression.

Obama’s Police State Begins in earnest

Obama now has had his Congressional minions--aka US Senators--propose a bill that will give the dictator total and uncontrolled seizure under anything Obama deems to be an “emergency”. Note: We suggest this “emergency” applies to the spreading of truth to We-the-People; especially but not limited to elections. Obama is now--officially--Hugo Chavez’ twin brother--only worse.

And, the Obama-inspired--if not controlled--criminal behavior continues in the administrative and police-state bowels of Monroe County, Tennessee. As a brief recap, former Navy LTC Walter Fitzpatrick had originally filed a criminal complaint against Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Sotero) as having committed treason in that he was and is not eligible to be President of the United States. After doing so, and receiving the response of intimidation from Monroe County officials, he uncovered the fact that the Monroe County Grand Jury was operating illegally. One of the greatest illegalities was--and still is--the fact that an individual named Gary Pettway had been the Grand Jury Foreman for over 20 years. One of the arguments from the seemingly highly leftist controlled county is that there are no term limits for GJ Foremen. However, in looking further, the statute advises that the GJ foremen are to be randomly selected from a pool of jurors and shall serve as foremen for a period of 2 years. Pettway has been a GJ Foreman for 27 years. That hardly seems to be a “random” selection; in fact it defies all logic whatsoever. LTC Fitzpatrick attempted to affect a--legal under Monroe County and Tennessee law--citizen’s arrest on Mr. Pettway. That’s when Monroe County officials decided to release the dogs of war against Fitzpatrick.

So, as LTC Fitzpatrick challenged--and exposed--criminal behavior now inherent in Monroe County, the entire force of Monroe County--if not Obama--has been brought to bear against him. As retaliation for exposing (only) one of their secret illicit behaviors, Fitzpatrick has now been charged by the Monroe County Grand Jury with 6 criminal counts--one of which is causing or attempting to cause a riot (a “riot” of one???) and “the intent to intimidate Gary Pettway” (by calling him and Monroe County on their illegal behaviors). And guess who the foreman is…C’mon guess. That’s right--Gary Pettway. Those who came to observe and support Fitzpatrick have also been charged with various crimes. Obama-and-other-criminal-protecting Police State in Monroe County? You betcha’!

Another case is that of current LTC Terry Lakin, M.D. As a military officer, Lakin legitimately questioned Obama’s right to give orders as the US Commander-in-Chief if he is not eligible (under the US Constitution’s natural born clause) to be president. The military judge has denied Lakin ALL discovery that is pertinent to his case. Therefore, we are now dealing with--even in the military--Obama Kangaroo court or “drumhead courts martial.” Each and every judge that has had the eligibility issue brought before him or her has thrown it out on “standing” excuse. Even when harm has been shown--as it must with “standing,” the cases have been thrown out. Now, there is even a former Hawaiian elections clerk--Tim Adams--willing to swear that there is no long form Hawaiian birth certificate for Obama. Adams said: “I had direct access to the Social Security database, the national crime computer, state driver's license information, international passport information, basically just about anything you can imagine to get someone's identity. I could look up what bank your home mortgage was in. I was informed by my boss that we did not have a birth record [for Obama].”

Does The Obama now control the entire “judicial” system--both civilian and military? More important is the question “Is anyone we elected ever going to do anything to remove this tyrant and oppressor now running the country from our midst?” Anyone?

Protests from experts show drilling moratorium based on politics, not science:

Experts Say White House 'Misrepresented' Views to Justify Drilling Moratorium:

Obama Legally Obliged to Take Over Oil Spill Disaster:

False ObamaGov "add-ons" to oil spill report:

Obama Wants Total Control of Internet:

Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick III to appear before new Monroe County Grand Jury:

Decorated Army Doctor LTC Terry Lakin Waives Preliminary Hearing:

Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Meanwhile, Back in D.C., the EPA is Used to Deplete the Livelihood Layer

Maybe this is why they've been too busy to provide the more effective, safer solutions, sooner, in the Gulf.

Video: EPA Carbon Regulations Would Eliminate Jobs, Tax Businesses, 6/9

"Used to," meaning intentionally by the Obamunists, as the Cloward-Piven Neo-Marxists they are

RICO Investigation Needed NOW about Gulf, Energy & CCX

A letter prompted by the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, written and suggested by CJ of Patriot's Heart Network

Re: RICO Investigation Needed NOW about Gulf, Energy, and CCX

Dear Elected Official,

I am an average everyday American. Until this past election cycle, I was not very political. I am now an awake and aware American. Please take the time to read the information I am sending to you. I know it is extensive, but the continued existence of our free country, The United State of America, is at stake and I believe this with every fiber of my being. There is fear in the pit of my belly all of the time, fear that we are loosing America, and I do not mean “as we know it.”

I about fell out of my chair when Obama approved some offshore drilling, I was waiting for the other shoe to fall. Then all of a sudden, we have an unprecedented “gusher” in the Gulf, with rumors of sabotage I refused to believe. No one could be that evil. I did however find the timing very fortunate for the agenda of Cap and Trade and waited for those next pieces to fall into place as we knew they would. Please follow what I am seeing. There is something very smelly going on.

Then we find out that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010:
According to regulatory filings, has found that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010. Goldman's sales were the largest of any firm during that time. Goldman would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings were sold at the average price of BP's stock during the quarter.

And the chief executive of BP sold £1.4 million of his shares:

The chief executive of BP sold £1.4 million of his shares in the fuel giant weeks before the Gulf of Mexico oil spill caused its value to collapse.

There is a boot on the throat of the press:

Conservative Examiner has also learned that the few authorized journalists and photographers that are allowed in the area have been instructed by the Feds not to write anything critical of the Obama Administration's response--or shall we say the lack thereof--to the crisis. Photographers have also been instructed to limit photographs of the devastation

Withholding information from the public:

But inside the unified command center, where BP and federal agencies were orchestrating the spill response, video monitors had already displayed hours of footage they did not make public. The images showed a far more dire situation unfolding underwater. The footage filmed by submarines showed three separate leaks, including one that was unleashing a torrent of oil into the Gulf.

And more cover-ups:

New videos show more clearly than ever how BP, with little resistance from the Coast Guard or other federal agencies, kept the public in the dark about just how bad things were beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.

Also, BP knew weeks in advance there were major problems with this well:

However, evidence shows that BP executives were aware of the looming disaster before March 17.

According to the May 31 Bloomberg article 'BP Lacked Well Control Six Weeks Before Gulf Rig Disaster, E-Mails Show':

The White House is right in the middle of the cover-up:

Contrary to early reports from the Obama Administration that it was not aware of the catastrophic nature of the Gulf oil spill, newly-released Coast Guard logs show that the government knew within hours that the spill would be devastating.

Reports indicate Obama is to use the Oil Spill Disaster to renew a push for Cap & Trade. This is made more suspicious by his apparent delay and even obstruction of solutions:

Almost as if it had been created for him, it seems that the BP oil spill couldn’t have come at a better time for Obama. Just when [he] was cogitating over how to reintroduce the Energy Cap & Tax bill—which will skyrocket energy rates so that many of us will not be able to afford basic electricity—the BP oil spill occurred. This was most convenient for Obama and his plans to continue gutting the USA and its citizens.

If all of this is not enough to rouse suspicion, then we get reports of the dispersant being ineffective and unsafe, and of people getting sick as a result. The Obama Administration reported they asked BP to use something less toxic as a Dispersant. BP says “no” and Obama lets BP continue using Corexit, a Nalco product.

BP Won't Change Dispersants in Oil Spill Despite EPA:

BP has told the Environmental Protection Agency that it cannot find a safe, effective and available dispersant to use instead of Corexit, and will continue to use that chemical application to help break up the growing spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Eight Fishing boat crews downwind of dispersant get sick:

Venice, Louisiana (CNN) -- Kindra Arnesen's husband often calls while he's out on a shrimping trip, so she wasn't surprised to hear her cell phone ring the night of April 29 while he was on an overnight fishing expedition.

However, this time, her husband, David, wasn't calling to tell her about the day's catch or to wish their children Aleena and David Jr. a good night. He was calling to tell her he was sick, and the strange thing about it, so were men on the seven other shrimping boats working near his.

Corexit a Nalco product may be just masking the problem:

Cousteau was investigating whether Corexit, the environmentally-tenuous chemical dispersant that BP has been spraying into the Atlantic since the spill began is "breaking down the oil or if the byproduct they are forming is causing more damage to sea life." ABC Good Morning America reporter Sam Champion, who was along for the ride, was shocked and appalled at what he found.

And more evidence of Corexit being ineffective and unsafe:

When we got into the water our worst fears were realized. One of the concerns has been what is happening in the Gulf with the application of these chemical dispersants into the oil and indeed, the oil was not confined to the surface, which was the original goal of applying chemical dispersants. It had permeated the water column down 15, 20 feet and would wash over us in these billowing waves, clouds of this red toxic soup in which we found dead fish and we could see dead jellyfish floating through it. It was really a terrible sight. You know, often times it’s out of sight, out of mind and no one had done this before. No one had seen what this looks like and what the condition of the water would be. And while we know very little about the effects of these chemicals and the oil in the water, what we do know is that we have put 800,000 gallons of a very toxic chemical into the water column and that it’s likely these plumes of dispersed oil and this toxic soup is now distributed from the surface to the bottom and will be spread throughout the Gulf of Mexico and potentially through the Gulf Stream, down the Florida Keys and all the way into the Atlantic.

Why do Obama and BP refuse to use most effective and safer method of oil cleanup?

As the Gulf oil disaster closes in on the 50-day mark, the Obama Administration and BP refuse to use the most effective method of oil cleanup. The top oil barons of the world--the Saudis--have used this method to avoid a mammoth oil disaster. And the result was swift, effective, and conclusive.

Nearly 50 Supertankers Are Waiting for BP for clean-up and collection (on the Cheap):

John Hofmeister, the former president of Shell Oil, and Nick Pozzi, a former pipeline engineering and operations project manager for Saudi Aramco say: "Supertankers Could Save the Gulf, So Why Won't BP Listen?":

Pozzi saw the technique used in the Middle East, where it recovered 85% of the oil from the Saudi spill. And he thinks it could work in the Gulf of Mexico. "The only downside is that you tie up oil tankers. That's why we think that BP won't listen to us. They don't want to spend that extra money.

Now a very industrious group of Citizen Journalists has uncovered what may be the real reason why BP is allowed to use unsafe, toxic, ineffective chemicals. Now please read this all very carefully. This is so EVIL I am sick to my stomach.

The real reason the oil still flows into the Gulf of Mexico:

Nalco is associated with UChicago Argonne program. UChicago Argonne received $164 million dollars in stimulus funds this past year. UChicago Argonne just added two new executives to their roster. One from Nalco. The other from the Ill. Dept of Educaution.

If you dig a little deeper you will find Nalco is also associated with Warren Buffett, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Soros, Apollo, Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, Berkshire Hathaway.

Warren Buffet / Berkshire Hathaway increased their holdings in Nalco just last November. (Timing is everything).

The dispersant chemical is known as Corexit. What it does is hold the oil below the water's surface. It is supposed to break up the spill into smaller pools. It is toxic and banned in Europe.

Nalco says they are using older and newer versions of Corexit in the Gulf... (Why would you need a newer version, if the old one was fine?)

There is big money and even bigger players in this scam. While they are letting the oil blow wide open into the Gulf, the stakes and profit rise.

The Dolphins, Whales, Manatees, Sea Turtles and fish suffocate and die. The coastal regions, salt marshes, tourist attractions and the shore front properties are being destroyed, possibly permanently. The air quality is diminished. The Gulf of Mexico fishing industry is decimated.

All to create a need for their expensive and extremely profitable poison.

I am beyond livid at the Administration’s and it cohorts in crime covering-up and partying all the way to the bank. There is a lady with a little known oil company who writes this:

1. BP is one of the largest investors of alternative energy in the world and Cap & Trade gets voted on/passed this month so, it won’t hurt their pockets.

2. BP is one of the largest campaign contributors to Barack Hussein Obama.

3. Since early last year, it’s been speculated that gas prices would be over $4/ga by June, 2010 and $7/ga by Jan, 2011. When rumors were circulating there was no justification. Only way gas prices would jump like that is with a major oil shortage. Low & behold 1.5 months before rumors come true, we have an enormous oil spill.

4. I own a small oil company ( and we specialize in on and off shore cleanup. My CFO wrote all the checks for the Valdez spill.

5. I sat at an 1.5hr seminar by BP in 2008 at the OTC (offshore technology conference, the largest in the world) and witnessed first hand the technology aboard that ship particularly.

There is absolutely NO WAY possible for this to happen without it being sabotage (emphasis mine). There were way too many tiers aboard that ship and it could have been stopped at any facet. And, even if ever man aboard was knocked out with toxic gases and the oil somehow managed to make it to water, their have huge blowup looking mats that surround the ship for miles to prevent (93%?) the oil from mixing in open waters.

It could be stopped now. Cleanup easily within 72 hrs, and the oil salvageable and able to still be refined and produced IF they wanted to. I believe it’s intentional to drive up oil and gas prices and push cap & trade. It’s only speculation as to motives but, the events of this and my synopsis are based upon facts.

What I have laid out is just one facet of a very inter-connected web of deceit. As an elected official you swore an oath as follows:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

We have had health care reform pass in the ugliest arm twisting, middle of the night, back door dealing scheme ever. All against the will of the people, using fuzzy math and omissions to get the CBO to come up with acceptable (to them) numbers. They put a $940 billion price tag on what’s actually a multitrillion-dollar bill. It is also the single biggest assault on liberty in our history.

We have a president and congress who think they can spend the money of generations to come. What is this census costing us again? Didn’t we just pass the “Doctor fix” that was omitted from the cost of the heath care reform bill so it would pass?

We have at least two illegal “quid pro quos” in our election process directed from the White House, Anyone who can read can see that the Obama administration has broken the law. It does not matter if this is how politics are played. Illegal is illegal even if you are questioning the definition of “is.”

We have a media who refuses to cover the issues. If they do they are attacked by the White House as in Fox News and talk radio. We have a media outlet that is owned by GE who stands to gain incalculable riches from this president’s Cap and Trade scam. Cap and Trade is a SCAM and all of this and many of the players have been well documented by Glenn Beck and is what he now calls CRIME Inc.,2933,591790,00.html

Once again, of course, Barack Obama is front and center, along with the Chicago Climate Exchange, the Joyce Foundation, George Soros, Maurice Strong, Edmund de Rothschild, the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs, George W. Bush's Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, even Fannie Mae, and many others. It entails global Marxofascism / global kleptocracy, with Americans being the chief victims, while a few overlords rule at, and their financiers skim off, the top. If any "mainstream" reporters cared to cover this thoroughly (and could) they could be much bigger characters in U.S. and world history than Woodward and Bernstein. And as for Americans willingly instigating this, it is treason.

We have a country being overrun with illegal aliens and when a state takes action in the most legal way possible to protect their citizens, they are demonized. Unemployment is skyrocketing yet illegal aliens are allowed to come here and work. We have a federal government who will not protect our borders. This should be their first priority, and is their first duty, to keep America safe.

Now Barack Hussein Obama has put a moratorium on all drilling. This is going to devastate the Gulf Coast even further. This will bring our economy to its knees. There are thousands and thousands of jobs related to drilling that will leave and not come back. There are people in the food industry that specialize in offshore supply, crew boats, helicopter companies, drilling equipment and supplies, and cleaning services, to name a few. This will make us even more dependent on foreign oil and further weaken our national security. I believe now that this is the exact intention of this administration, to weaken us. I am not at all sure now that this “gusher” was not an accident.

The Oil Spill - Round Up the Usual Suspects:

In closing, an article that appeared in FrontPage about a year ago, noted that “CCX’s members include Ford, DuPont, Dow Corning and the states of Illinois and New Mexico. CCX also owns 50 percent of the European Climate Exchange (ECX), which features such members as Shell, British Petroleum, Barclays—and Goldman Sachs.” British Petroleum—better known as BP.

Enough! We The People demand that a RICO investigation and criminal charges be initiated to uncover the criminal actions of this administration and all of its radical cohorts in crime, like GE, BP, Goldman Sachs, the labor unions, Fannie and Freddie, ACORN, Organizing for America, George Soros, Maurice Strong, Warren Buffett, Al Gore, The Progressive Caucus, anyone who has close ties to this administration.

This is a cabal of crooks. All legislation should be halted until this is done. We, The People will not stop. We will know justice. We demand that you do your duty and uphold the oath you took to defend the Constitution. Our Country is depending on you like at no other time in history.

With respect,

(Your name here)

(Your address here)

CJ a proud member of PatriotsHeart.US


Deepwater Horizon & Crime Inc. (a.k.a., the Greatest Scandal in Modern History) May 5th
bird photo by AP, Charlie Riedel

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nalco's 'Corexit is Killing the Gulf,' a View for Your Consideration

Why would these globalist "government/private partnership" (i.e., crony capitalist, i.e. "high road capitalist," i.e., "open society," i.e. corporatist, i.e. ministerial, i.e. fascist, i.e., neo-Marxist, i.e. neo-Maoist, i.e. authoritarian, i.e. militant Western Civilization opposing, i.e. anti-American revolutionary) entities want this unprecedented volume of oil to travel below the surface and out into the ocean currents -- toward Northern Europe? A video to supplement the theme of numerous recent articles:

'Corexit is Killing the Gulf - II'

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Princeton's Dr. William Happer Debunks Man-Made Global Warming Alarmism to Congress

Call it, "Crime, Inc." or as I.O. does, "The Greatest Scandal in Modern History," the Trotsky/Goebbels deceit of Man-Made Global Marxofascism just took another hit, last Thursday, 5/20.

A true-to-the-data expert testified to Congress as to the minimal effect of any man-caused carbon dioxide emissions, about there being no change in the slow, millennia-old rise of sea levels, and about there being no "hockey stick curve" in any true data involved in all of the above.
Link to: article in Climate Depot, "Prominent Princeton Scientist Dr. Happer Testifies to Congress: 'Warming and Increased CO2 will be Good for Mankind'"

Link to: Dr. Happer's testimony before the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, U.S. House of Representatives, May 2oth, 2010.
One of numerous Happer quotes that Barack Obama doesn't want you spending time with, on the Internet:
I keep hearing about the “pollutant CO2,” or about “poisoning the atmosphere” with CO2, or about minimizing our “carbon footprint.” This brings to mind a comment by George Orwell: “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” CO2 is not a pollutant and it is not a poison and we should not corrupt the English language by depriving “pollutant” and “poison” of their original meaning. Our exhaled breath contains about 4% CO2. That is 40,000 parts per million, or about 100 times the current atmospheric concentration. CO2 is absolutely essential for life on earth. Commercial greenhouse operators often use CO2 as a fertilizer to improve the health and growth rate of their plants. Plants, and our own primate ancestors evolved when the levels of atmospheric CO2 were at least 1000 ppm, a level that we will probably not reach by burning fossil fuels, and far above our current level of about 380 ppm. We try to keep CO2 levels in our US Navy submarines no higher than 8,000 parts per million, about 20 time current atmospheric levels. Few adverse effects are observed at even higher levels.
In the very near future, I.O. hopes to catch up with the Viscount Christopher Monckton of Benchley, to gain from his perspective on the current assaults on America and God-ordained nationhood across the world, in the subterfuge diplomacy and actual war being waged, since last Fall's Copenhagen Conference.

Please ask and promote The Three SOVEREIGNTY NOW Questions.
h/t: Delacon

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Obama's Assault on the Church, via the EPA

In the kind of move forseen last year by Brannon Howse, the Obama administration is attempting to gain a foothold of ministerial (pardon the pun) influence over American churches, this by means of the pagan god, Gaia and the religion of environmentalism. It is to be accomplished through the EPA, a tender thought from souls of the likes of Marxist tacticians, Joel Rogers, Van Jones, and that old fellow sojourner, Jim Wallis.

Do we need to care for the earth? Yes, that is among Adam's charges. Do we need the Church to be directed by government, to fulfill the deceitful schemes of thieving profiteers seeking global, Marxofascist governance? I know you can answer that question, too.

Alas, the above were only a few minutes of Glenn Beck's program, Tuesday 5/18/2010. His guests, Liberty University President, Jerry Falwell, Jr., J.D. and Peter Lillback, Ph.D., President of Westminster Seminary and author of George Washington's Secret Fire, were excellent. Lilliback suggests to Christians which, unlike the aforementioned Wallis, generally accept the actual words of the Bible, in the order God had them put, that they look into the Manhattan Declaration regarding Christians' role in our society (something I signed a few weeks or months ago, or so, thank the drafters). I am writing this just after the 1am Central Time rerun of Beck and is not coming up for me. I think it is very busy. Excellent.

Another suggestion, to fight man-made global Marxofascism, please ask and promote The Three SOVEREIGNTY NOW Questions meekly offered you. I mean please ask these questions of your politicians and candidates and promote them to electoral action groups and to your compatriots, so they may do the same. Thank you. Kentucky's Rand Paul talks about the importance of upholding the critical American sovereignties and how they are being attacked by global, anti-American interests, and look how he just won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator. Americans can welcome real solutions, when they are presented.

Now, Christians in all congregations must be informed of this new strategic attack and church leaders must be called out, on it. They must be asked, "Do you support our freedom of religion and the constitutional, equal justice which is the authorized political principle of this land, or do you favor knuckling under to the counterfeit 'social justice' of statist, neo-Marxist rebellion?"

Or, use your own words, but please do not mince words. If that is done and in response to this threat, sensible, God-responsible care is "freely given," by individual Christians acting in concert, for the actual and most acute needs in our society and world, then the Obamunists will be doing us a favor. - AW

Friday, May 14, 2010

About Maurice Strong, see

and keep coming back here

Perhaps the best collection of peer-reviewed, political Internet researchers on the Web are the posters of I invite you to look into their ongoing collection of information on what I.O. has called The Greatest Scandal in Modern History, Barack Obama being the chief tool of treason and warfare against the United States of America.

You may wish to start by viewing this post, by "Errant":

In 1992 Maurice Strong was the Secretary General of the historic United Nations (UNCED) Earth conference in Rio.

It was hoped that an Earth Charter would be the result of this event. This was not the case, however an international agreement was adopted – Agenda 21 – which layed down the international "sustainable development" necessary to form a future Earth Charter agreement.

Maurice Strong hinted at the overtly pagan agenda proposed for a future Earth Charter, when in his opening address to the Rio Conference delegates he said, "It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light."

[Note: Alice Bailey, and Blavatsky before her, used these terms often. Their writings state that the 'force of darkness' are those who adhere to the 'out-dated' Judeo-Christian faith; those who continue along their 'separative' paths of the one true God. The 'force of light' (Lucifer), in there view, is the inclusive new age doctrine of a pagan pantheistic New World Religion. In the New Age of Aquarius there will be no room for the 'force of darkness' and 'separativeness'.]

The Earth Charter stresses that man is his own saviour. By saving "mother earth" we will once again return to an idyllic Garden of Eden.

But instead of worshiping the Creator, the New Age Aquarian conspirators wish to plunge us headlong into a creation-worship new world religion.

Further, see this Maurice Strong article, reposted in the Sentinel Radio blog, last Autumn.

And after you understand this threat to the United States of America, an ultimate threat, on the scale of the War of 1812 and the Civil War, please promote The Three SOVEREIGNTY NOW Questions.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

SOVEREIGNTY NOW - Three Critical Questions for ALL Politicians & Candidates

All, tests which the Obamunists fail -- and so do many Republicans.
Please share this with leaders of the electoral action organization and Tea Party entity of your choice.
Please ask politicians and candidates, yourself.

In addition to asking a candidate whether he or she is pro-life, for restoring constitutional government, for cutting budgets and taxes, for protecting our borders, how he interprets the 1st and 2nd Amendments, etc., these questions must be asked our political candidates:
  1. Are you a member of any organization supporting the ends of globalism, transnationalism, communitarianism, or U.N. Agenda 21 defined "sustainable development," or have you received money, or services, or other favors from any of these?
  2. Do you pledge to uphold America's individual popular sovereignty, our parental sovereignty, the sovereignty of the states, and our national sovereignty, against every internal and external threat, according to our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence?
  3. Do you pledge to support and not undermine the sovereignty of other free and benign nations, for example, an unified Israel, in its present borders, with its capital Jerusalem?
Ask them all, now. Then, hold them accountable. - AW

It's the sovereignty, "stupid." may repost, email, tweet, etc...
photo, Chemical Heritage Foundation / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

UPDATED (original post, 5/12/10, 12:19am CT) -- I.O. could be posting like crazy right now, but this is the message that needs to be pushed, now. So, please push it. Send it to your Representative and Senators. Ask them. That is what I am doing. Ask your candidates. Get organizations to do the same -- immediately, please. Send it to those in your circle and get them to spread this message and to do the same.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Evidence of Obama's Globalist, Marxofascist Complex: 'Corruption & Treason'


Please take a few moments to check this out before dismissing it.
You can only win if you know who your enemy is.

"One World Socialist" Organizations - Goldman Sachs - Bilderberg - Council on Foreign Relations - United Nations - Trilateral Commission - Federal Reserve - Microsoft - Google - Apple - More

"...if a picture is worth one-thousand words ... then excuse me while I duct tape my brain matter back into my skull !!! ....the endless scope of corruption is maddening..." - Barbara, AAM

Obama - New World Order - Bilderberg

HERE'S ONE FOR THE PHOTO ALBUM: Obama seems extremely pleased to be photographed surrounded by socialists, communists and terrorists... so much so, he gave the "thumbs up." Communist Obama and communist Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev, celebrate after agreeing on how to transform the world into a one big socialist planet via G20 financial reforms. Hugging them both is cocialist Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who has an extensive record of criminal allegations, including mafia collusion, false accounting, tax fraud, corruption and bribery of police officers and judges. Summit host and socialist UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, said the deal heralded a “New World Order."

Also shown: Communist China's President, Hu Jintao; Socialists International member and South Africa's President, Kgalema Motlanthe; Prince Saud Al Faisal of Saudi Arabia (country source of fifteen 9/11 terrorists); Ethipoian socialist, terrorist and NEPAD head, Meles Zenawi; Turkey's domineering, anti-secularist and Islamic Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan; and Thailand's Prime Minister and Democrat, Abhisit Vejjajiva, who ascended to power during the 2009 global economic crisis.


Open Society Institute: Jeffrey Sachs is Involved with George Soros' Socialist Open Society.... More: 1, 2

Bilderberg Group: Numerous Goldman Sachs' Members Attend Secret Bilderberg Meetings, including Jeffrey Sachs

Trilateral Commission: Goldman Sachs' Peter Sutherland is the Trilateral Commissions' European Chairman

United Nations: "Jeffrey Sachs" is found in (903) United Nation Documents and "Goldman Sachs" is found in (198) United Nations Documents

Glenn Beck (watch here) finds a large "Crime, Inc." nest of communists: The Crime Ring Combines the White House, Goldman Sachs, Obama, Al Gore, Emerald Cities Collaborative, Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), George Soros, Valerie Jarrett, Goldman Sachs, Center for American Progress, Franklin Raines, Gerry Hudson, SEIU, Van Jones, AFL-CIO, ACORN, Green for All, Fannie Mae, Enterprise Community Partners, Art Lujan, Jack Hayn, Andy Stern, Phaedra Ellis Lamkins, Joyce Foundation, Livable Cities Initiative and "The Wizard": New Party and Apollo Alliance Founder, Joel Rogers. The crime ring is robbing us blind. Says the pending financial bill will give the FTC new control over the Internet!?! Study the CCX members closely. There are mega companies involved in the international global warming scam.

Oh, what a surprise!: Goldman Sachs Supports Obama's Financial Reform Bill

Bush also had (at least one) Goldman Sachs and Council on Foreign Relations Member Advisor

Even the World Socialist Web Site Believes Obama's Banking Reform is Phony and Just a Means to Give More Power to Wall Street Elitists, like Jeffrey Sachs.

Glenn Beck exposes Obama making a run for a New World Order, global government, and then exposes eco-crooks: Obama, Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, and others, who stand to make huge fortunes if Cap & Trade is passed. Shows Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were involved. It's all part of George Soros' for One World Socialism.

Council on Foreign Relations: "Goldman Sachs" is found in (888) CFR Documents and "Jeffrey Sachs" is found in (319) CFR Documents.

George Soros: Soros Recruited Jeffrey Sachs in the 1980's. See their history here.

Is Your PC Red?

Jeffrey Sachs' Role at United Nations and Earth Institute

Financial Warfare Exposed: Soros, Goldman Sachs, Hedge Funds Attack Greece to Smash Euro. The Plan is to Drag America Down with Greece. Describes Two More Cabals: Paulson & Co. and GlobeOp Financial Services, as well as three Zombie Banks: Bank of America, Merrill Lynch and Barclays Bank.

Goldman Sach's Role in the New World Order

Jeffrey Sachs Preaching Global Warming to Google


New World Order

Frightening and Damning Movie: Invisible Empire - A New World Order Defined. We cannot speak to the assertions made in the movie associated with JFK, MLK, Princess Diana, OK Bombing, 9/11 and all portions beginning at and following the Bohemian Grove segment. However, the balance of the film we have independently verified from multiple sources. You'll find Ted Turner's and George Bush, Sr's words in this movie particularly disturbing.

UK's Gordon Brown and Obama Want a New World Order

Power to the People! Saudi Arabian Prince Ahwaleed bin Talal is 2nd largest stock owner of Fox News parent company, Rupert Murdoch’s, News Corp. New World Order = One World Government

Henry Kissinger's Relationship to "New World Order," Obama and Tim Geithner (whose first job was with Kissinger Associates): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Zbigniew Brzezinski's Relationship to Obama and "New World Order": 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8

WATCH THIS: Communist "New World Order" Video Statements from Obama, George Soros, EU's president, the Clintons, Kissinger and wide variety of [globalist] world leaders and members of the Bilderberg Group. A super rich banker cartel is about to take over the entire world's financial system. That's when the fascism commences.

George Soros Comments on "A New Financial World Order"

Featured Movie: The Obama Deception (HQ Full Length). It's Core Assertion: banks, Wall Street and the super rich pick presidents and have been working on a US and world takeover for decades and that the takeover will occur within 10 Years. Obama is mere puppet.

Barack Obama - New World Order

History Lesson on NAFTA New World Order Thrust: Al Gore vs. Ross Peret - Part 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Obama  Council for Foreign Relations CFR

Council on Foreign Relations

CFR History. Ron Paul Goes Public on CFR's Intent.

CFR Member, Dan Rather to Head New Newspaper Relief Agency: Passing Out Grants to Failing Liberal Newspapers. George Soros is Providing the Funding.

Retired US Army General Wesley Clark, Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, is now working directly with socialist George Soros, whose stated goal is to defeat capitalism and make America a socialist country. See article below:

International Crisis Group: George Soros is on the Board along with Council on Foreign Relations Members, Thomas R. Pickering, Morton Abramowitz, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Wesley Clark, James V. Kimsey, George J. Mitchell and Kenneth Adelman and UN Leaders, Kofi Annan, Lakhdar Brahimim, Asma Jahangir and Louise Arbour. These Men are Enemies of America. Wonder What New Financial Crisis They're Planning Next for Us?

Why are 3 George Soros funded/associated organizations (Microsoft, Amnesty International and Goldman Sachs -- the only ones mentioned) all specifically identified in this Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) document, written by the CFR's president? The document describes the US and other countries giving up sovereignty, for example, to cap carbon emissions. The CFR Organization's 4,300 Members include very big names. George Soros has written and/or is mentioned in 379 CFR Documents. "Goldman Sachs" is found in 888 CFR Documents and "Jeffrey Sachs" is found in 319 CFR Documents. "New World Order" is a frequent focus and found in 135 CFR Documents. The Communist code word, "Social Justice" is found in 916 CFR Documents. The Communist code word, "Sustainable Development" is found in 352 CFR Documents. The Communist "Global Warming" Scam is found in 957 CFR Documents. "Socialist" is found in 562 CFR Documents. Example, CFR "must read" (their words, not ours): New World Order Document, says "Copenhagen talks are an indication that a new world order may be forming with increasing power given to China." We suspect most Americans will not like what this powerful "think tank" is thinking.

Journalist Joe Klein is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations

Obama's Comments on the CFR (where he has spoken). Ron Paul's Comments.

Obama's Council on Foreign Relations Crew

Here's The Council on Foreign Relation's actual "New World Order Plan" for America, as Explained by this 10m video. Progressives and Some Republicans Back the CFR Plan.

More communist/socialist loving Obama appointments, this time for Obama's Debt Commission. Alice Rivin, Andy Stern, Ann Fudge (a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations)

Council for Foreign Relations


Is Your PC Red?

Bill Gates and George Soros

Bill Gates: Eugenics Vaccines To Reduce World Wide Population

Soros has millions invested in tech firms: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple. Do you think Soros is influencing these companies?

The "MS" in MSNBC's, MicroSoft's Bill Gates: Spouting Communist Global Warming Propaganda and Promoting Al Gore. Says CO2 must be brought to Zero (so I guess we can't breathe). Wants to Have the Russians Create Energy using Nuclear Plutonium Fast Reactors. Wants to Cut World Population by 15% through Vaccinations, Healthcare and Reproductive Health Services. After Watching This, Do You Want to Take Bill Gate's (Bilderberg) Vaccine that He's Promoting in Third World Countries?

Bill Gates and Worldwide Vaccines

Microsoft's Role in the New World Order

Billionaire Club's Plan to Curb World Overpopulation


Google is a Corporate Member of the Council on Foreign Relations (who Advocate a New World Order). Here is Google's Master Plan.
04.28.10, 05.23.08

Is Your PC Red?

- Google and George Soros
- Google is Training Its Employees to be Socialists
- Al Gore is Special Advisor to Google's CEO
- GOOGLE is Systematically Mapping Street Spy Cam Photos to Private WLAN Networks and MAC Addresses. In Other Words,Google is Developing a "Big Brother" Database of Personal Computers with Matching Building/Home Photos.
- Google's CEO Used to be on Apple's Board

Soros has millions invested in tech firms: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple. Do you think Soros is influencing these companies?

Henry Kissinger Talks at Google. Kissinger mentions his relationship to the Rockefellers, says his greatest accomplishment was negotiating war withdrawal with the communist North Vietnamese and describes that he was the only US person allowed to shuttle between communist countries. Google's CEO Eric Schmidt admits his father had a hidden Chairman Mao "Little Red Book." Kissinger was Tim Geithner's first boss. Kissinger has said Barack Obama would be the architect of a “New World Order.”


Obama Bilderberg  Group

Rockefeller is a Bilderberg Group Leader. Wouldn't This be a Perfect Way to Track Your Movements in Your Car?

Obama's Inner Circle Filled with Bilderbergers

Partial List of Bilderberg Attendees

2010 Bilderberg Meeting May Occur in Mid-May. The 2010 Trilateral Commission Meeting is Planned for May 7-9. They will no doubt be discussing how to thwart America's November elections and keep Obama in power.

OMG!! - It's THE Bilderbergs!! Rothschild Agents Take 10 Key Posts in Obama's Administration

Don't Get Worked Up Over General Petraeus for President. He Attended a Bilderberg Meeting.

Bilderberg Billionaires Meet to Curb Overpopulation (that means you)

Rick Perry Confronted on His Bilderberg Attendance

Bilderberg EU Kingpin: Charged with Being “The Quiet Assassin of European Nation States”

Brit Attacks Bilderberg EU President As “Quiet Assassin” of Nation States. In parallel, prominent investor (with close ties to George Soros) says British Pound Could Collapse Within Weeks

Red Alert, America: Secret Banking Cabal running the world (Dick Morris and Alex Jones explain). Bloomberg Explains Here. Glenn Beck Exposes How is It's Working.

Jesse Ventura: The Bilderberg Group, 2, 3, 4, 5,6


Traitors Ben Bernanke, Tim Geihtner, Henry Paulson and Kathleen Sebelius All Attended Bilderberg 2008. What Other Traitors Attended: Part 1. Part 2. 2008 Bilderberg Agenda, 2009 Bilderberg Agenda, 2009 Bilderberg Attendee List, The Logan Act
2009, 2008

"Must Watch" Move, "End Game": Shows the History, Current Status and "what's in store for us;" reviews a prior socialist US takeover attempt exposed by US Major General Bulter in 1934. Includes Focus on the UN's formation and exposes the "Bilderberg Group."

Rich elites of the "Bilderberg Group" plan New World Order and economic depression. Attendees have included Ben Bernake, Tim Geitner, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, and who's who of the world's most powerful. Here is Obama's Involvement. US government attendance at such secret meetings is illegal and high treason.
May 2009

Secret Clubs Pick Presidents


Trilateral Commission


United Nations Obama

United Nations

International Crisis Group: George Soros is on the Board along with Council on Foreign Relations Members, Thomas R. Pickering, Morton Abramowitz, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Wesley Clark, James V. Kimsey, George J. Mitchell and Kenneth Adelman and UN Leaders, Kofi Annan, Lakhdar Brahimim, Asma Jahangir and Louise Arbour

United Nation's $732 Million Haiti peacekeeping budget goes mostly to Its own personnel

Obama takes over UN Security Council: video.

Obama violates Constitution by taking over UN Security Council

Obama takes over UN Security Council, an illegal act.


The Federal Reserve

What is the Federal Reserve?



The head of the International Monetary Fund is a socialist. That's Why Obama wants to give them $108 Billion of your money.


Former Nazi Bank to Rule The Global Economy

President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet called for “Global Governance Today” at the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York. CFR History. Ron Paul goes public on CFR's intent.


Chicago Mayor Daley Wants Mayors in Other Countries to sue American gun makers in World Court


Is Your PC Red?

- George Soros: $32 Million invested in Apple
- Apple is promoting George Soros' socialism
- Google's CEO used to be on Apple's board
- Nancy Pelosi's husband owns 1 million shares of Apple
- Al Gore is on Apple's Board
- Apple boycotts Glenn Beck, promotes Che Guevara

Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral CommissionHillary Clinton  Council for Foreign RelationsJohn Kerry Council  for Foreign Relations
Tim Geithner Council for  Foreign RelationsRumsfeld Council  for Foreign RelationsAngelie Jolie  Council for Foreign RelationsClinton Obama  Edwards Biden Dodd Richardon Guiliani McCain Romney Gingrich Council for  Foreign Relations

Like Yuri said: 'It's not James Bond.... It's all right out there in the open."

Wake up, America! Commies are running our country and it's time to get rid of them now!

Those of you living in California, you should take a good hard look a Meg Whitman. Her fortune is intertwined with Goldman Sachs. We all need to do our homework!! We cannot afford another big mistake!!

No, we can ill afford the continued mistake of avoiding our American duty to throw off this oppression and to do so in a very well planned, pronounced, and coordinated fashion. When was the last time you heard anyone ask a political candidate, "Are you a member of any organizations supporting globalist, transnationalist, or communitarian ends?"

When have you ever heard candidates asked, "Do you pledge to completely uphold America's individual/popular, parental, state, and national sovereignties, against every internal and external threat, according to our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence?"

Let us go ask them and hold them accountable. - AW