Monday, October 19, 2009

Surrender of US Sovereignty at UN Global Warming Conference, Copenhagen, December - James Simpson Reports

This article begins below. See Simpson's entire article, with its very pertinent links, on its page.
Obama to Surrender US Sovereignty at UN Global Warming Conference

Not content with his humiliation at Copenhagen, Denmark this past September, President Obama will be traveling there again in December to attend the UN COP15 Climate Change Conference. This agreement would commit the United States to punitive and expensive greenhouse gas regulations dictated by the United Nations without recourse.

COP stands for "Conference of the Parties" and the December Copenhagen conference will be the 15th under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), hence COP15. According to their website, it will be one of the largest conferences ever held outside the New York or Geneva headquarters, with an anticipated attendance of over 10,000 people, including governmental representatives from 189 countries, industry groups, and other non-governmental organizations.

The theme of the December 7 - 18 conference is "Hope," so perhaps Mr. Obama will have more luck this time. Instead of soliciting the International Olympic Committee with trite clichés and no payoffs, he will be doing something much easier: selling out our country. After all, ceding power, relinquishing billions in U.S. tax dollars and destroying U.S. economic competitiveness is a pretty easy sell to the countries that will benefit, and he has had a lot of practice doing the same thing here at home. He will have a hard time screwing this one up.

The Hope site optimistically pronounces:
On 7 December, leaders from 192 countries gather for UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen and decide the fate of our planet...
Decide the fate of our planet... Do these people have any idea how mindlessly grandiose they sound? Of course not. They are out to save the planet, just like Nancy Pelosi! It is hard for a normal person to imagine making such proclamations without embarrassment. But this is today's political class.

This agreement will cede U.S. sovereignty permanently and irrevocably to the United Nations. So says British Lord Christopher Monckton at an event at Bethel University in St Paul, Minnesota this past Wednesday, October 14th.

Lord Monckton was former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's science advisor. He has lectured and written extensively on the issue, including an in-depth scientific critique to the 50,000 member American Physical Society, a serious side-by-side comparison slap-down of Al Gore's global warming assertions, and a recent summary of the global warming issue. In introducing his topic at Bethel University, he states unequivocally:
...and I am going to show you the latest science, which now doesn’t leave the question unsettled any more, this is now settled science, it is now settled science that there is not a problem with our influence over the climate. The science is in, the truth is out, and the scare is over.
You can watch his entire 1 hour 35 minute presentation here - well worth the time if you can spare it. The slideshow he frequently points to in this presentation can be viewed along with the video, here. Lord Monckton presents a series of statistics, charts and studies showing not only convincing evidence that global warming is insignificant - if it exists at all - likely not manmade, and more importantly, that the global warming alarmists have repeatedly, blatantly, deliberately lied, suppressing the real story to promote the myth.

Despite his effective refutation of manmade global warming, his closing remarks about the Copenhagen treaty are chilling:
Link again, to: James Simpson's full article, including its links.

As related elsewhere in I.O., tonight, "The Awakening" will feature the man who witnessed, recorded, and broke the news about Lord Monckton's Bethel University presentation, Walter Scott Hudson.

Monday, 10/19/2009, 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT.
Listen via the widget, or Sentinel Radio's blogtalkradio site. There may or may not be time for questions.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sarah Palin: Good Intentions Aren't Enough with Health Care Reform

Sarah Palin weighs in on the Baucus bill for fascist come Marxist healthcare control. She does not fail to address Barack Obama and what we should characterize as his deceit and destructiveness. Photos added by I.O.

by Gov. Sarah Palin, 10/17/2009, 10:57pm CT

Now that the Senate Finance Committee has approved its health care bill, it’s a good time to step back and take a look at the long term consequences should its provisions be enacted into law.

The bill prohibits insurance companies from refusing coverage to people with pre-existing conditions and from charging sick people higher premiums. [1] It attempts to offset the costs this will impose on insurance companies by requiring everyone to purchase coverage, which in theory would expand the pool of paying policy holders.

However, the maximum fine for those who refuse to purchase health insurance is $750. [2] Even factoring in government subsidies, the cost of purchasing a plan is much more than $750. The result: many people, especially the young and healthy, will simply not buy coverage, choosing to pay the fine instead. They’ll wait until they’re sick to buy health insurance, confident in the knowledge that insurance companies can’t deny them coverage. Such a scenario is a perfect storm for increasing the cost of health care and creating an unsustainable mandate program.

Those driving this plan no doubt have good intentions, but good intentions aren’t enough. There were good intentions behind the drive to increase home ownership for lower-income Americans, but forcing financial institutions to give loans to people who couldn’t afford them had terrible unintended consequences. We all felt those consequences during the financial collapse last year. Unintended consequences always result from top-down big government plans like the current health care proposals, and we can’t afford to ignore that fact again.

Supposedly the Senate Finance bill will be paid for by cutting Medicare by nearly half a trillion dollars and by taxing the so-called “Cadillac” health care plans enjoyed by many union members. The plan will also impose heavy taxes on insurers, pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, and clinical labs. [3] The result of all of these taxes is clear. As Douglas Holtz-Eakin noted in the Wall Street Journal, these new taxes “will be passed on to consumers by either directly raising insurance premiums, or by fueling higher health-care costs that inevitably lead to higher premiums.” [4] Unfortunately, it will lead to lower wages too, as employees will have to sacrifice a greater percentage of their paychecks to cover these higher premiums. [5] In other words, if the Democrats succeed in overhauling health care, we’ll all bear the costs. The Senate Finance bill is effectively a middle class tax increase, and as Holtz-Eakin points out, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation those making less than $200,000 will be hit hardest. [6]

With our country’s debt and deficits growing at an alarming rate, many of us can’t help but wonder how we can afford a new trillion dollar entitlement program. The president has promised that he won’t sign a health care bill if it “adds even one dime to our deficit over the next decade.” [7] But his administration also promised that his nearly trillion dollar stimulus plan would keep the unemployment rate below 8%. [8] Last month, our employment rate was 9.8%, the highest it’s been in 26 years. [9] At first the current administration promised that the stimulus would save or create 3 to 4 million jobs. [10] Then they declared that it created 1 million jobs, but the stimulus reports released this week showed that a mere 30,083 jobs have been created, while nearly 3.4 million jobs have been lost since the stimulus was passed. [11] Should we believe the administration’s claims about health care when their promises have proven so unreliable about the stimulus?

In January 2008, presidential candidate Obama promised not to negotiate behind closed doors with health care lobbyists. In fact, he committed to “broadcasting those negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American people can see what the choices are. Because part of what we have to do is enlist the American people in this process. And overcoming the special interests and the lobbyists...” [12] However, last February, after serving only a few weeks in office, President Obama met privately at the White House with health care industry executives and lobbyists. [13] Yesterday, POLITICO reported that aides to President Obama and Democrat Senator Max Baucus met with corporate lobbyists in April to help “set in motion a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign, primarily financed by industry groups, that has played a key role in bolstering public support for health care reform.” [14] Needless to say, their negotiations were not broadcast on C-SPAN for the American people to see.

Presidential candidate Obama also promised that he would not “sign any nonemergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House Web site for five days.” [15] PolitiFact reports that this promise has already been broken three times by the current administration. [16] We can only hope that it won’t be broken again with health care reform.

All of this certainly gives the appearance of politics-as-usual in Washington with no change in sight.

Americans want health care reform because we want affordable health care. We don’t need subsidies or a public option. We don’t need a nationalized health care industry. We need to reduce health care costs. But the Senate Finance plan will dramatically increase those costs, all the while ignoring common sense cost-saving measures like tort reform. Though a Congressional Budget Office report confirmed that reforming medical malpractice and liability laws could save as much as $54 billion over the next ten years, tort reform is nowhere to be found in the Senate Finance bill. [17]

Here’s a novel idea. Instead of working contrary to the free market, let’s embrace the free market. Instead of going to war with certain private sector companies, let’s embrace real private-sector competition and allow consumers to purchase plans across state lines. Instead of taxing the so-called “Cadillac” plans that people get through their employers, let’s give individuals who purchase their own health care the same tax benefits we currently give employer-provided health care recipients. Instead of crippling Medicare, let’s reform it by providing recipients with vouchers so that they can purchase their own coverage.

Now is the time to make your voices heard before it’s too late. If we don’t fight for the market-oriented, patient-centered, and result-driven reform plan that we deserve, we’ll be left with the disastrous unintended consequences of the plans currently being cooked up in Washington.

- Sarah Palin

[1] See
[2] See
[3] See
[4] See
[5] See
[6] See
[7] See
[8] See
[9] See ibid.
[10] See
[11] See ibid.
[12] See and
[13] See
[14] See
[15] See
[16] See
[17] See

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Anita Dunn's "Favorite Political Philospher" is Mao, Glenn Beck on FoxNews; Obama Quoted Mao for Inspiration Before Election - Updated

See bottom of this post, for the fuller video presentation by Glenn Beck, of the Anita Dunn video

As Posted 10/15/2009, 4:07pm+
This video is from tonight's Glenn Beck program. It is an address by Anita Dunn, now White House Communications Director, to graduating high school students, on June 5, 2009. According to her own words, a special, "favorite political philosopher" of Ms. Dunn is...

...Chairman Mao, the Communist mass enslaver, mega-thief of land and other properties, and of course, classic Marxist mega-liar. This is Mao Zedong, the Marxist who surpasses Stalin and Hitler in atrocity deaths with 60,000,000. Dunn actually goes as far as granting Mao effective moral equivalence with... Mother Theresa.

Anita Dunn is the designated White House hound assigned to chase after and discredit Fox News. Beck: "...the enemy is not only inside the gates, it is inside the house." Mao seems to be a special favorite of numerous figures in the present White Household, including perhaps, its chief resident, Mr. Obama. There is more to come about this (here, as well as on Mr. Beck's program). In the mean time, you may wish to see this old posting in I.O., made on Election Day:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama's "righteous wind" quotes Mao, gives a nod

fm. blog:


I feel like we got a righteous wind at our backs here, but we’re going to have to work. We’re going to have to struggle. We’re going to have to fight

From the writings of Chairman Mao:

The ill wind of opportunism is falling, the righteous wind of socialism is on the rise.

By the end of this year the victory of socialism will be greatly assured. Naturally there will be many struggles ahead and we must struggle hard.

IOW, "keep the faith while I spout centrist American campaign drivel, my neo-Marxist boosters."
In November of 2008, I verified that this quotation was documented on the page to which it links. You may notice that this has since been "scrubbed" from it's online site. Here is one of many of Obama's "righteous wind" references, in his home-stretch speeches, oft delivered before the general election.

Incidentally, in those speeches, the promise with which Obama was typically concluding, at the point when this video's whooper was whooping, was, "... together, we are [n] days from fundamentally changing America." Do you remember getting angry when you heard him say that?

The greater Beck video should be posted when it becomes available. Hat tip to Hanen for finding the video above, and the YouTuber, OEyeCu812, for quckly grabbing its broadcast.

Update 10/17/2009 ~
1. The video in context of the Glenn Beck broadcast, 10/15:

2. Washington Post profile of Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director: "Newly Out In Front for White House: An Ol' Pro," Jason Horowitz, 10/14/2009
3. rap sheet on Anita Dunn
4. In RBO: "Glenn Beck Show October 15, 2009 — Anita 'Mao' Dunn" (Updated 10/16/2009), Procrustes.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Poll: What is Obama's Ideology? - Runs 10/16-10/30

You will also find this poll by scrolling down the I.O. Portal Sidebar. Tell us what you think.

By the way, the man pictured under the arrow is George Soros. Jim O'Neil's article "George Soros: Republic Enemy #1" in I.O. is essential reading.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

'America for Sale,' by Jerome Corsi: Documenting the Theft & the Treason; Interviewed by Hannity

Sean Hannity featured this interview with Jerome Corsi on his Tuesday, 10/13/2009, Fox News broadcast. Mr. Corsi's book appears to shine the headlights down the road. I.O. hopes he documents well. The plan is to subject America to transnational control, while redistributing Americans' wealth throughout the world. And this is actual, criminal theft, to a scale that makes Bernie Madoff's work microscopic by comparison. This is also, actual, criminal treason. This is also, actual warfare.
...Barack Obama is a globalist... ...[they] want to level the U.S. economy... ...destroying the dollar... ...our sovereignty would be subject to the dictates of the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the U.N.... ...I quote, page by page, out of George Soros' writings... ...agreements have been signed that undermine the dollar... ..the Obama administration has gone along with this globalism... ...What I show is President Obama is post-American... ...Zbignew Brzezinski... ...Joseph Stiglitz... ...saying no to a global "new deal"... ...we need to be in an international environment, but not to the detriment of U.S. sovereignty...

Dr. Corsi's emphasizing of the word, sovereignty is quite apt. That is the philosophical focal point of the systematic war in which we find ourselves. But not only has our national sovereignty been under continuous attack, also, our popular sovereignty, i.e., not a pseudo-sovereignty of the collective, but the authentic sovereignty of the individual American citizen.

See the recent I.O. post, "World - Behold your Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, 2009" and the treason becomes clearer. Search "George Soros" in this site, for a short-cut to more.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Anti-American Insurrectionists Blogroll; New in Investigating Obama

In addition to articles, Investigating Obama seeks to be a portal for all things Soros/Obama/Pelosi--global--Marxofascist--insurrection. Well... not all things. That is not possible, but hopefully, it skims some of the most important things. I'll state that again, for the more scanning and flitting eyes to notice, with your indulgence:

I.O. is meant to be a portal, if you want it to be.

You may wish to check into the I.O. Sidebar daily. I intend to unclutter it a bit, for that purpose.

The new Anti-American Insurrectionists blogroll should be helpful, for filling some gaps and especially for hearing right from the "transnational progressives'" mouths. These are the people who both conspire and overtly plan and execute their plans, to...

...destroy authentic, free American civilization...

...the "American experiment," founded as its founders solemnly attested, under Divine Providence, that is, and all, for the sake of their horrendously tragic ends of the globally controlled society, a.k.a. the "Open Society." We should keep track of them, eh?

This blogroll will be featured at the top of the sidebar for a day or two, then put in a sensible place, down the column.

"The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States."
- international mega-criminal, George Soros

"If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles."
"To know your enemy, you must become your enemy."
- Sun Tzu

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV)
"...dominion belongs to the LORD and He rules over the nations." (Psalm 22:28, NIV)
- Spirit & Word of God

Monday, October 12, 2009

TerriK on 'The Awakening' this Monday Evening - MissTickly Communicating with You

Monday evening, 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT

Update ~
You may wish to look into these two MissTickly articles, before or during the program, tonight:

From 10/11 ~ Special Guest: Terri K, the instigator of the Hawaiian open records law investigation of Barack Obama's Birth Certificate and related documentation.

There are new developments.
Hear how she and Leo Donofrio each continue to uncover the cover-up...

You may also wish to hear the prior Monday's Awakening, with guest, Leo Donofrio.

For further information, see "The Hawaiian Investigation of Birth Certificate Attestations & Realities," in Investigating Obama.
The Awakening, with Arlen Williams
Upcoming Episodes
10/13/2009 9:00pm ET
- The Dave Levine Show
10/14/2009 9:00pm ET
- Weekly Candor with Wish - The Truth About Vaccines

See These Two, from Leo Donofrio's Natural Born Citizen

I.O. suggests these two items, in addition to the above and the below, of course.

1. Obama Opposed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act And Won The Nobel Peace Prize

2. SCOTUS: No Private Right To Quo Warranto

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Hawaiian Investigation of Obama Birth Certificate Attestations & Realities: TerriK, Donofrio, et. al. -- Updated

Strand Magazine
...or compendium if you prefer, of the strands of evidence

Hawaii has an open records law, similar to the federal "Freedom of Information Act." A few individuals are looking for equal justice under that law. The articles below are suggested, roughly in this order, to understand the events, aspects, and nuances of the attempts to discover what the alleged "Hawaiian Birth Certificate" of Barack Obama actually is and what has been done with it, by whom, over the years.

Arthur Conan Doyle originally wrote his Sherlock Holmes stories as serials, published in a magazine. That art imitates the real life of a journaled investigation.

As of 10/4/2009

  1. "Let'sProve Obama Was Born in Hawaii, So We Can Move Onto His British Birth," prologue by Leo Donofrio, 9/20/2009
  2. "Pending Litigation: Hawaii Confirms that Obama's Vital Records Have Been Amended," initial thesis regarding TerriK's initial investigation, by Leo Donofrio, 9/21
  3. "TerriK Investigation: Foreshadowing," by Leo Donofrio, 9/29
  4. "TerriK Investigation – Part 1: Hawaii Department of Health Directors Fukino and Okubo Are Guilty of Misdirection," by Leo Donofrio, 9/24
  5. "Okubo Refuses Another Citizen’s Request to Comply with Hawaii Law," by John Charlton, 9/ 24
  6. "Hawaii D0H Official, Janice Okubo Places Her Thumb Directly in the Giant's Eye," by Leo Donofio, commenting on John Charlton's work, 9/25
  7. "TerriK Investigation, Part 2: OIP Staff Attorney Linden Joesting’s Response to TerriK’s Appeal Appears To Confirm That The DoH Maintains Amended Vital Records For President Obama," by Leo Donfrio, 9/26
  8. "Is Fukino's Office in Open Rout?" by John Charlton, 9/30 (Republished in Donofrio's Natural Born Citizen, 9/30, for those who wish to explore comments)
  9. "TerriK Investigation, Part 3: Hawaii AG Mark Bennett Approved Fukino’s Natural-Born Citizen Statement; All Records Should Be Made Public According To Law," Leo Donofrio, 10/1
  10. "Leo Donofrio is No Longer Spokesperson for TerriK," by Leo Donofrio, 10/2
  11. "DoH Reverses Course - Releases Index Data for President Obama, Stanley Ann, and Barack, Sr.; No Records for Maya Exist," by Leo Donofrio, 10/2
  12. "Okubo Caught Again: Admits Providing False Information Regarding DoH Maintenance of Divorce Records," by Leo Donofrio, 10/3
  13. "Okubo has Really Got Herself in a Pickle Now," by John Charlton, 10/4
  14. "Our Worst Nightmare Confirmed: Obama's COLB Lacks Legal Veracity; What now?" by MissTickly (a.k.a., "TerriK") 10/4 [I.O. ed., painting the picture, presenting the premise of her inquiries]

    New in this Update

  15. "Rejected? (See Update)" by MissTickly, 10/7 [ed., laying out her communications with the State of Hawaii, in orderly fashion]
  16. "Waaaaa! Was Obama a baby on August 4, 1961?" by MissTickly, 10/8 [ed., more odd ways of wording things, from Team Hawaii]
Further reading may be done at The Right Side of Life.

There you have it, for now, with a few more strands, knots, and loose ends, all hanging on the back side of the tapestry -- the side upon which we are presently kept.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O.<>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Listen to MissTickly, a.k.a., TerriK on "The Awakening," this Monday evening, 10/12, 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT (and 4-6pm in Hawaii) and ask her your questions.

Listen to Leo Donofrio on "The Awakening," archived from Monday evening, 10/5 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT (and 4-6pm in Hawaii).

At the back of the tapestry?
Or, swept under the rug, along with your Constitution?
Latch onto a strand and hang on tight;
It may become a flying carpet.

Friday, October 9, 2009

World - Behold your Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, 2009

Dire warnings of the crippling of America, as a senator & presidential candidate;
The global plan for 'success,' with an America crippled, as president

Barack Obama, chosen practitioner of the strategy and tactics of nation raider, George Soros, champion of the "Open Society" has been successful, so far.

Open Society? -- i.e., formerly sovereign nations opened up for centrally planned globalist control. For this "transnational progressive" plan to succeed, its proponents postulate that America must be severely weakened. That means your personal sovereignty, your livelihood, your self-reliance, your freedom, and America's national sovereignty -- lost.

Update ~ Along with this video, I suggest the 10/14/2009 I.O. post, "'America for Sale,' by Jerome Corsi: Documenting the Destruction; Interviewed by Hannity."

The Planned Destruction President

Video by Pamela Key, Naked Emperor News
Pamela Key was interviewed on The Awakening, 8/24/2009

'Quo Warranto for 'Interested Persons'' - Leo Donofrio; Plus Related Items: Are You 'Interested?'

Constitutional lawyer, Leo Donofrio and constitutional journalist, John Charlton have weighed in, on the question of jurisdiction for federal quo warranto petitions for District of Columbia office holders (including those which may question their eligibility - and in case our Attorney General is reading, no pun is intended for the word "holder," yet).

This is of import to the eligibility case, Barnett, et. al., v. Obama, et. al. In addition to this Donofrio article, see references at bottom, for further context, both in history and in present ramifications.

Quo Warranto for 'Interested Persons'

by Leo Donofrio, 10/9/2009

Section 16-3503 of the federal quo warranto statute allows an “interested person” to approach the DC District Court concerning a quo warranto trial (by jury) without requiring the permission of the US Attorney General or the US Attorney for DC.

An “interested person” may sign a “certified complaint” which states facts and those facts must be sworn to under penalty of perjury. Only facts may be sworn to, not allegations. The “interested person” gathers up all facts known to him/her and puts them in the petition, swears to them under oath and hands that in to the Court. Pretty simple, folks.

One fact which could safely be sworn to is that Obama was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 and that he was – at birth – a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies. These are facts admitted by Obama. These facts have never been laid before the DC District Court. These facts are not in the complaint before Judge Carter. Why not?

16-3503 states:

If the Attorney General or United States attorney refuses to institute a quo warranto proceeding on the request of a person interested, the interested person may apply to the court by certified petition for leave to have the writ issued. When, in the opinion of the court, the reasons set forth in the petition are sufficient in law, the writ shall be allowed to be issued by any attorney, in the name of the United States, on the relation of the interested person…

Plaintiffs in Barnett v. Obama allege that they have standing which is unique and special compared to the public at large. Therefore, they should have availed themselves of 16-3503.

But they’ve never even tried.

Plaintiffs have only attempted to avail themselves of 16-3502. All citizens are considered “third persons” under 16-3502, but all citizens don’t have unique standing and therefore 16-3502 requires permission by the Department of Justice to use the name of the US – ex relator – ina quo warranto proceeding.

But if you are an “interested person” under 16-3503 – aka a person with unique standing – then you do not need permission from the Department of Justice for the quo warranto.

The DC District Court examines the certified petition prior to allowing the suit to go forth based upon that petition. If the court is satisfied that the person issuing the petition is an “interested person” then that person is not needed any longer for the trial.

Once the name of the United States is allowed to be used, the “interested person” may step off, and the facts alleged are to be tried independently. For example, facts concerning what makes the President ineligible have nothing to do with the particular plaintiffs in Barnett v. Obama. So there’s no need for them to travel across the country for the trial. The trial is brought against the alleged usurper in the name of the United States.

There’s nothing stopping the plaintiffs from petitioning the DC District Court right now based upon facts known and verifiable as to the President’s British birth.

Why has this option been ignored? 16-3503 provides an excellent chance for review of these facts. There it is. Why not use it? A golden opportunity is being thrown by the way side.

Either the DC District Court will agree that these military persons are “interested persons” or it will not. Either the DC District Court will agree that 2008 Presidential candidate Alan Keyes is an “interested person” or it will not.

If the DC District Court does not agree that these plaintiffs are “interested persons” under the statute, then plaintiffs can make the same arguments they are making now before Judge Carter.

I don’t see any tactical advantage at all in avoiding the DC District Court.

Why give one of your tickets away for free? Why give away your best ticket for free? Why not avail yourself of the very statute created by Congress to review the eligibility of all US national office holders?

Doing so also avoids “political question doctrine” issues because the quo warranto statute is a congressional exercise of Constitutional authority to review the President’s eligibility. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Also, all arguments that a quo warranto action is too late now that he’s been sworn in are just patently bogus.

Quo warranto can only be invoked against somebody holding an office under false title.

Quo warranto only applies to actual usurpation not possible usurpation. It is the legislature’s sole enactment which allows judicial review of the President’s eligibility. And it appears that serious attempts are being made to avoid it. Before going off point and trying to force this issue upon courts which have not been given such authority, an action should have been brought – and still can be – under 16-3503.

Look people, I’m trying to help. Read this over a few times until it sinks in.

Leo C. Donofrio, Citizen Attorney -

Copyright 2009

This article follows Mr. Donofrio's Natural Born Citizen piece, "Judge Carter Does Not have Subject Matter Jurisdiction for Quo Warranto in Barnett v. Obama." There, he muses over the ostensible failure of Obama's personal Department of Justice representation (personal DoJ representation? - what nation is this?) in their not citing the most relevant case, to demonstrate inappropriate jurisdiction. That case is State of Wisconsin v. First Federal Savings and Loan Association.

In The Post & Email, John Charlton analyzes the Wisconsin decision and this underscores the validity of Donfrio's point: "The 7th Circuit Court's Argument Against Quo Warranto's Use - and its Applicability to Barnett vs. Obama." At the same time, he would be reaching a bit, to find any other valid, quo warranto path. A path must be made, potentially via the People's petition for redress of grievances, where government has not already provided a path for constitutional rights and powers to be maintained. However, as Donofrio described, a sensible path has been provided.

Why so Wisconsin-less?

This is a strategically important question, indeed. DoJ attorneys do not fail to find cases cataloged as being those, most directly relevant. And this question is particularly, painfully relevant for those who seriously consider the little daydream: What if this Orly Taitz case were, somehow, set up to be Obama's "chosen one," for the doing of his Marxofascist insurrection's bidding?

Do Obama (and his "transnational progressive" web of string pullers) want eligibility cases brought to a head... in this particular case... in its particular, scheduled time? If so, why?

But, perhaps the most important questions here, are these:
  • Do we who seek the authentic, constitutional America, wish to petition the court constitutionally, in the District of Columbia?
  • Is this the appropriate move to make, at this time?
  • Are some willing to take the lead before Orly Taitz does, this time?
  • As the Soros-Obama-Pelosi revolution continues to destroy America, chiefly through violently and steadily draining our economy, is there any time to waste?
Leo Donofrio discussed this quo warranto quandary at the end of the first hour, of his Monday 10/5 interview, on "The Awakening," hosted by yours truly. The rest of the discussion focused upon the new Hawaiian investigations of Barack Obama's birth certificate and related documents, subject to Hawaii's open access law.

These sites are recommended, for keeping tabs on the players and their moves:

Natural Born Citizen
The Post & Email
The Right Side of Life

I may move in and out of it again, as well. Feel free to comment upon any of these questions, there, or in Investigating Obama.
Arlen Williams

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Deepak Bhargava 'Advancing Change in the Age of Obama'

New Zeal, Obama File 89

Trevor Loudon was our guest on Sentinel Radio's "The Awakening," this past, Monday, 9/28, 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT (it is archived for listening, here, also downloadable from the Sentinel Radio page in BTR).

by Trevor Loudon

Indian born, New York raised, Harvard educated, Deepak Bhargava may have seldom crossed paths with Barack Obama-but he is a key player in 44th president's movement to transform America.

Deepak Bhargava is connected to almost every aspect of the Obama movement-from George Soros to ACORN, to Democratic Socialists of America, to The Nation, to the communist dominated United for Peace and Justice, to a whole raft of "progressive" non profits.

In the video below, Deepak Bhargava opens the Heartland Democratic Presidential Forum December 10 2007 - a forum exclusively for thousands of community organizers including ACORN personnel.

Note that Obama promises to invite community organizers to the White House even before his inauguration, to contribute to setting his "agenda for change."

Deepak Bhargava's main base for activism is the Washington DC based Center for Community Change, (CCC) which he joined in 1994, after several years as legislative director for ACORN.

Bhargava became the Center's Executive Director in 2004 and has successfully pushed the organization to "develop the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to change the policies and institutions that affect their lives."

Deepak Bhargava has sharpened the Center's focus on grassroots community organizing as the "central strategy for social justice and on public policy change as the key lever to improve poor people's lives."

Bhargava conceived and led the Center's work on immigration reform, which has resulted in the creation of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, a "leading grassroots network pressing for changes in the country's immigration laws."

He has spearheaded the creation of innovative new projects like Generation Change, a program that recruits, trains and places the next generation of community organizers, and the Community Voting Project, which brings "large numbers of low-income voters into the electoral process."

Helping Bhargava change America, is CCC board member Heather Booth, the former Students for a Democratic Society radical, turned Democratic Party power player.

Booth runs the Midwest Academy out of Chicago-churning out hundreds of "community" and union organizers.

Booth and her husband Paul, a labor union power broker, both have close ties to the US's largest marxist organization, Democrativc Socialists of America.

As does Deepak Bhargava.

Over September 20-22 2002 Frances Fox Piven, Deepak Bhargava and Holly Sklar were billed as keynote speakers at “Confronting the Low-Wage Economy” at the First Congregational Church-Washington, DC, organized by Democratic Socialists of America.
This conference will kick off DSA’s Low Wage Justice Project, which is designed to bring the human consequences of the low wage economy to the attention of the American people.
DSA member Frances Fox Piven is the co-author of the famous Cloward-Piven Strategy developed in the 1960s-widely used by ACORN, DSA and US "community organizers" ever since.

The strategy calls for organizers to encourage the "poor" to enroll for every entitlement possible, in order to bankrupt the US government, to bring about chaos and eventual social revolution.

In his speech to the conference Deepak Bhargava refered favourably to the work of DSA founder [Michael Harrington and his book "The Other America"-which is widely credited with sparking the massive growth of US welfarism in the 1960s under Kennedy and Johnson.
So I do want to say that I enter this new period with a tremendous amount of optimism. Before nine-eleven we saw larger numbers mobilized in the streets on a whole range of issues, immigration, living wages than we'd seen in a long, long time. There is no question that nine-eleven has taken the wind to some degree out of those sails, but I think both the demographic, the organizational, the economic realities underneath that momentum at the local level are still present, and it's up to our imagination and our will to rekindle it over the next couple of years. But I think we can make great strides on this anniversary of Michael Harrington's The Other America in doing something serious about it...
Deepak Bhargava's radical ties extend in several directions.

At the higher level, Bhargava is a board member at George Soros' Open Society Institute (OSI).

On November 29, 2006 Bhargava participated in a roundtable discussion at OSI New York entitled "How Do Progressives Connect Ideas to Action?"
Individuals and organizations with similarly progressive goals often dilute their power by working alone or even working at cross-purposes. As Americans who are politically left of center move forward, questions of infrastructure, communication, and collaboration are particularly important.
Participants included:
  • Robert Borosage-A trustee of the far left Washington "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies and founder/CEO of Campaign for America's Future.
  • Rosa Brooks Daughter of IPS Trustee and DSA member Barbara Ehrenreich. Now a senior advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy.
  • Anna Burger AFL-CIO, later a Progressives for Obama endorser and key player in labor union/Obama White House dealings.
  • Eric Foner DSA member.
  • Katrina vanden Heuvel IPS trustee, The Nation editor.
  • John Podesta Center for American Progress founder. CAP is a key source of "progressive" personnel for the Obama Administration.
  • Joel Rogers Key DSA aligned "progressive" activist. A founder of the radical New Party which Obama joined in Chicago in 1995.
As of July 17, 2007 Deepak Bhargava, Center for Community Change was affiliated with United for Peace and Justice-the US peace movement umbrella group.

UFPJ was intiated to oppose the Iraq war by the Institute for Policy Studies . It is completely dominated by communists and radicals, which doesn't seem to bother Bhargava.

Also leading organizations affiliated to UFPJ in July 2007, were Communist Party members Judith LeBlanc, Rosalio Munoz, Alfred Marder and Erica Smiley, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism aligned activists Leslie Cagan, Attieno Davis, Howard Wallace and Van Gosse, DSA leaders Jason Schulman and Lucas Shapiro, Freedom Road Socialist Organization Maoists, Dennis O'Neil and Juliet Ucelli, IPSers Phyllis Bennis, Saif Rahman and Arthur Waskow and a very familiar name to readers of this blog-Van Jones of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights.

Bhargava serves on the editorial board of the The Nation--effectively the house journal of the IPS.

Fellow Editorial board members include;
  • Barbara Ehrenreich DSA member, IPS Trustee, New Party and Progressives for Obama founder.
  • Eric Foner DSA member.
  • Lani Guinier Daughter of communist Ewart Guinier.
  • Tom Hayden SDS and Progressives for Obama founder.
  • Deborah Meier DSA member and speaker in 1998, with Barack Obama at the memorial service of Chicago DSA member Saul Mendelson)
  • Victor Navasky IPS Trustee, The Nation.
  • Marcus Raskin IPS founder.
Below is a video of Deepak Bhargava speaking at a The Nation forum in April 2009, on the prospects for "progressive" gains under Obama's "stealth agenda".

On February 26 2009, Mike Lux, Miles Rapoport of Demos, Deepak Bhargava and Gloria Totten of Progressive Majority spoke at the Center for Community Change in New York at a forum entitled "Progressives in an Obama World: The Role of the Progressive Movement in a Democratically Controlled Washington".

The forum blurb identified Obama as a "progressive" and went on to say:
Since the 2004 election, the progressive movement has built a powerful infrastructure of think tanks, media outlets and advocacy organizations. Frustrated by the conservative ascendancy and the dominance of conservative ideas, individuals and institutions have put forward new paradigms for government and promoted a bold vision for the future.

But now a progressive holds the highest office in the land. As the movement struggles to define its role in the Obama era, important questions remain unanswered: What is the role of such organizations in Washington and how can they best create political space for Obama to act? On what issues should the movement compromise and on which take strong stands? How can progressives build consensus to make their efforts more effective?

The panel will feature progressive leaders Deepak Bhargava, Miles Rapoport and Mike Lux; the speakers will draw on two new books, ‘Thinking Big: Progressive Ideas for a New Era,’ and The Progressive Revolution: How the Best in America Came to Be, as they discuss what progressives can do to create momentum for greater boldness at a time when opportunities and challenges abound.
Miles Rapoport is another former SDSer, DSA associate, ACORN defender and ardent Obama supporter. Interestingly Rapoport became president of New York "think tank" Demos in 2000-while Obama was still a founding Trustee of the organization.

Van Jones, incidentally is still listed as a Demos Trustee.

Below is another Bhargava speech from February 2009, given to the Liberty Hill foundation "Advancing Change in the Age of Obama".

Mild-mannered Deepak Bhargava is at the heart of the US social revolution.

He and Obama may never have exchanged more than a few words, but they are assuredly working for the same future.

This article originally appeared in Trevor Loudon's blog, New Zeal.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations! - Jim O'Neil

I.O. originally reported stories and interviews about h1n1, in April and May, 2009. (See "Updated // Killer Flu: Broaden Your Horizons and Scrutinize + Sentinel Radio, Monday 5/04/2009, Archived.") We resume, with this article. It has to do with the I.O. thesis, in that there are evidences and implications here, of the work of "transnational progressivism," one of many terms for the malevolent dogma and corrupt behavior of the Soros-Obama-Pelosi insurrection against the authentic America of Sovereign Citizens.

Considering their deceitfully labeled "Open Society" goal of controlling the entire world, "Pinky and the Brain" style (see O'Neil's "George Soros, Republic Enemy #1") their concern of limiting or even reducing the world's population, and for all the reasons given below, we continue to pursue. Also, Obama, himself has reportedly been a stockholder of Baxter International.

by Jim O'Neil
Vaccines, Lawsuits, forced Vaccinations

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential.”
- from “The Nuremberg Code” Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals

I understand that there are a number of concerns vying for our attention these days—Iran’s nuclear threat, the war in Afghanistan, the economic crisis, and so on. But I would suggest that the upcoming enforced vaccination of the world’s population, is something worth sitting up for, and taking notice of.

I’m, of course, referring to the vaccinations for the swine flu, or if you prefer, novel H1N1 (although it is neither the swine flu, nor technically, is it a simple H1N1).

What about those vaccines? Surely the pharmaceutical companies must be churning out their millions—ultimately billions—of vaccines, under only the most stringent of conditions. And obviously, these vaccines must have been cleared by the FDA as being harmless to humans. Correct?

I mean, the pharmaceutical companies stand to be slammed with innumerable lawsuits if they screw up—right?

Wrong on all counts. Our buddies on Capitol Hill passed a law in 2005 that gave the pharmaceutical companies complete immunity from being sued over their vaccines—the “Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act” (the PREP Act).

That legislation gave drug companies immunity from harm caused by any misconduct on their part, or negative consequences resulting from their vaccines. It is not coincidental that the pharmaceutical lobby is the largest lobby in Washington D.C.

The immunity given to the vaccine manufacturers applies no matter what the drug company does wrong—unless you can prove that it was willful misconduct.

They can put anything they want in their vaccines, and there is nothing you or I can do about it.

But surely these vaccines are thoroughly tested by the FDA, right? Well no, they are not. Because of the “emergency” nature of the novel H1N1 “outbreak” normal FDA vetting procedures have been bypassed.

According to a Reuters report filed in Geneva last month, The U.N.‘s WHO (World Health Organization) says that the vaccines “being developed” “look” to be safe.

So, they are “being developed”—and “seem” to be safe. Great—reassures me no end.

Keep in mind that there was only one reputed death from the swine flu “outbreak” in 1976, whereas there were over two dozen deaths directly attributable to the swine flu vaccine. God knows how many people suffered non-lethal after-effects of the 1976 vaccine.

The WHO estimates that around 3 billion people will need to be vaccinated for novel H1N1 each year. With the world’s population at upwards of 7 billion—this whole deal is designed to carry on for quite some time.

That’s without mutations (antigenic drift, and shift) of the virus, which would entail further vaccinations.

And who will pay for this? We will—you and I—out of our tax dollars. Not only will we pay for our own inoculations, but the U.N. expects us to pay for the poorer countries to get inoculated as well. Swell.

So just what’s in these vaccines that we will be paying so dearly for?

Connections between the Gulf War Syndrome and squalene

One of the ingredients, or adjuvants, used in several vaccines is squalene. Micropaleontologist Dr. Viera Scheibner has researched and written about the possible deleterious effects of squalene.

She writes that squalene “...contributed to the cascade of reactions called Gulf War Syndrome. GIs developed arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, deadly Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis…” And the list goes on—you get the picture.

Professor R. F. Garry was the man who discovered the connections between the Gulf War Syndrome and squalene. The data that he provided to the House of Representatives, led to a Federal Court Judge banning the use of squalene by the Pentagon.

Squalene is just one of several dubious ingredients in a vaccination’s “witch’s brew.” There’s also the preservative thimerosal—which contains mercury., says that thimerosal is 50 times more toxic than regular mercury, and regular mercury isn’t the best of things to imbibe.

I don’t know about you, but I am quite sure that I do not want to be injected with something that is 50 times more deadly than mercury.

Dr. Mercola notes on his website that “According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), most flu vaccines contain mercury in the form of thimerosal, some containing as much as 25 mcg…per dose – which is more than 250 times above the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit.”

Dr. Mercola goes on to list several other ingredients found in some vaccines:

  • Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
  • Triton X100 (detergent)
  • Formaldehyde – a known cancer causing agent
  • Resin and gelatin - known to cause allergic reactions
  • Neomycin and streptomycin (antibiotics)
  • Phenol (carbolic acid)
  • Aluminum—a neurotoxin linked to Alzheimer’s disease
  • Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™) – which can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis

Thimerosal, squalene, and the other ingredients listed above, are hardly an exhaustive list of what goes into the various vaccines.

Prevent notes that, “Not one scientific study has ever established the long-term safety of adjuvants, and none have ever been approved for use in vaccines for humans.” If you wish to check out the ingredients in various vaccines for yourself, check out their website.

Remember that only one person (reputedly) died from the swine flu in 1976, but many became ill from the vaccine—and over two dozen died from the inoculation. Recall that many U.S. Troops have suffered from the Gulf War Syndrome, which has been clearly connected to the vaccine they were forced to take.

And don’t forget that we have absolutely no legal recourse against the pharmaceutical companies. They are untouchable.

Speaking of the pharmaceutical companies—they are all trustworthy, above-board, and reputable—right? You wish.

Baxter Healthcare, novel H1N1 vaccines

Let’s take a quick look at just one of them—Baxter Healthcare. Here are a few facts about Baxter; one of the companies that is eager to supply the world with novel H1N1 vaccines.

Reuters reports that in 2007 Baxter disseminated a batch of contaminated blood thinner (heparin) that resulted in at least 81 deaths, and “hundreds of other adverse events.”

In 1994 Baxter and another pharmaceutical company agreed to pay up to $160 million to H.I.V. infected hemophiliacs and their survivors, to settle allegations that they had sold blood-clotting products tainted with the virus that causes AIDS.

In the past few years Baxter has been successfully sued, or made settlements for millions of dollars, because of Medicaid fraud.

Consumer reports that in July, “The State of Illinois…recovered $6.8 million through a settlement agreement with Baxter Healthcare Corporation, resolving allegations that the drug company inflated the wholesale prices used in setting the rates for Medicaid reimbursements.”

This past winter a Baxter subsidiary, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology in Orth-Donau, Austria, sent virulent live virus’ to labs in Slovenia, Germany, and the Czech Republic.

These labs were not warned that they were handling what amounts to a bio-weapon—a dangerous mixture of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus H5N1, and common human flu H3N2.

According to the Toronto Sun, “Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences. While H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people.”

The Baxter facility at Orth-Donau is a BSL3 (Biosafety Level 3) lab, which means that it should be nearly impossible for such deadly virus’ to be distributed by mistake.

“Oopsie, our bad,” said Baxter—or words to that effect.

Ah, what the heck, mistakes happen. In 2005 the College of American Pathologists blithely sent unmarked samples of the deadly A-H2N2 virus, that killed 2 million in the pandemic of 1957, to 4,000 laboratories in 18 countries. “Oopsie.”

I’ve seen doctors on TV say there is absolutely no need for concern regarding the swine flu vaccinations. Such glib assertions are irresponsible to the point of medical malpractice.

Leaving alone the question of the dangers of questionable additives and adjuvants for the moment, how can these doctors give carte blanche stamps of approval to the unseen manufacturing processes behind these vaccines?

How do they know for sure that these vaccines are harmless? They don’t, they can’t.

And why in the world is the WHO in such a rush to get everybody panicked and vaccinated. After all, the novel H1N1 flu is hardly in the same category as, say the Spanish Flu.

From all reports the novel H1N1 flu is only slightly worse than the typical A-(H1N1),
A-(H3N2), and Type B flus that, according to the CDC, kill about 36,000, and hospitalize around 200,000 in the U.S. each year.

And the argument that we should get vaccinated because the swine flu might mutate into something more dangerous, doesn’t make any sense at all. If it mutates, through uncommonly quick antigenic shift, or a sudden antigenic drift, then the original vaccine will be useless anyway.

This whole global pandemic thing stinks to high heaven. It smells of bribery, collusion, and ruthless greed at the highest levels of international government.

Thanks but no thanks—keep your vaccines. I’ll take my chances with the flu.

My advice? Eat healthy, exercise, take vitamin D, wash your hands after being out in public, get a good night’s sleep, and maintain a positive attitude.

Laus Deo Hosanna.

Addendum: Many of you have seen the video of the school children chanting “Mm-mm-mm, Barack Hussein Obama.” My version is a bit more meaningful, in my opinion.

Laus Deo, as you know, means “Praise be (to) God,” and Hosanna means, according to Wikipedia—“...a cry for salvation, while at the same time…a declaration of praise. Therefore, it may be derived that this plea for help is out of an agreeably positive connotation.”

So Laus Deo Hosanna means “Praise be to God, God save us”—in a peppy kind of way.

Repeating this mantra may not help to ward off the flu, but then again it just might.

Originally published in Canada Free Press, 10/7/2009

Also, see today's episode of Glenn Beck on Fox News, on this subject.

The Courts v. Sovereign American Citizens; John Charlton Explains the Tyranny

This new article in The Post & Email explains the problem of "standing" faced by Obama (in)eligibility plaintiffs in the courts. In so doing, it also probes the abrogation of the fundamental, Creator endowed, "natural" Rights of Sovereign American Citizens, by the government We employ and entrust to be our devoted servants.
Of Very Recent Precedent, a Self-Abdication by the Courts of their Authority to Enforce the Constitution

by John Charlton

(Oct. 7, 2009) — Standing is a legal concept which has been employed in many suits regarding challenges to Obama’s usurpation of office. For most Americans it is a concept which is obtuse, illogical, and non-sensical; but what most do not know that it is of very recent provenance, originating only in the last 35 some years.
That is how it begins. This is how it concludes.

The logic could not be simpler. The cowardice of the Court could not be clearer.

This is why it is so obvious to the common man or woman, that the Judiciary is shirking its duty.

In between, are key excerpts and the overall explanation of Supreme Court rulings, which have failed Us, the People. This judicial malfeasance of the public trust includes majority opining by our purported "conservative champion," Antonin Scalia. Alas, "shirking its duty," is too gracious a depiction. As the "no standing" rulings of the courts in this eligibility matter signal, the authentic United States of America is, in large part, lost to us.

Carlton couples this article today, with a similarly excellent editorial, "Endemic Corruption and what to do about it." There, the absurdity of extra-constitutional government is further explored.

American government must not be allowed to succeed in empowering itself, to supersede the natural law inherent of the People. Our authentic America must be re-established -- and no one will do that, unless We do it.
Arlen Williams

" secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Last Night's Interview of Leo Donofrio

The interview of Leo Donofrio during last night's edition of The Awakening was very informative. Key progress has been made, leading to further work to be done. I encourage you to isten to the archived broadcast here:

I may post some reflections, here, tonight. There were items discussed that "stuck with me" and which should be pursued.

And we look forward to Leo Donofrio's and Justin Riggs' return, to discuss latest steps and next steps.