Thursday, May 13, 2010

SOVEREIGNTY NOW - Three Critical Questions for ALL Politicians & Candidates

All, tests which the Obamunists fail -- and so do many Republicans.
Please share this with leaders of the electoral action organization and Tea Party entity of your choice.
Please ask politicians and candidates, yourself.

In addition to asking a candidate whether he or she is pro-life, for restoring constitutional government, for cutting budgets and taxes, for protecting our borders, how he interprets the 1st and 2nd Amendments, etc., these questions must be asked our political candidates:
  1. Are you a member of any organization supporting the ends of globalism, transnationalism, communitarianism, or U.N. Agenda 21 defined "sustainable development," or have you received money, or services, or other favors from any of these?
  2. Do you pledge to uphold America's individual popular sovereignty, our parental sovereignty, the sovereignty of the states, and our national sovereignty, against every internal and external threat, according to our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence?
  3. Do you pledge to support and not undermine the sovereignty of other free and benign nations, for example, an unified Israel, in its present borders, with its capital Jerusalem?
Ask them all, now. Then, hold them accountable. - AW

It's the sovereignty, "stupid." may repost, email, tweet, etc...
photo, Chemical Heritage Foundation / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

UPDATED (original post, 5/12/10, 12:19am CT) -- I.O. could be posting like crazy right now, but this is the message that needs to be pushed, now. So, please push it. Send it to your Representative and Senators. Ask them. That is what I am doing. Ask your candidates. Get organizations to do the same -- immediately, please. Send it to those in your circle and get them to spread this message and to do the same.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Evidence of Obama's Globalist, Marxofascist Complex: 'Corruption & Treason'


Please take a few moments to check this out before dismissing it.
You can only win if you know who your enemy is.

"One World Socialist" Organizations - Goldman Sachs - Bilderberg - Council on Foreign Relations - United Nations - Trilateral Commission - Federal Reserve - Microsoft - Google - Apple - More

"...if a picture is worth one-thousand words ... then excuse me while I duct tape my brain matter back into my skull !!! ....the endless scope of corruption is maddening..." - Barbara, AAM

Obama - New World Order - Bilderberg

HERE'S ONE FOR THE PHOTO ALBUM: Obama seems extremely pleased to be photographed surrounded by socialists, communists and terrorists... so much so, he gave the "thumbs up." Communist Obama and communist Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev, celebrate after agreeing on how to transform the world into a one big socialist planet via G20 financial reforms. Hugging them both is cocialist Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who has an extensive record of criminal allegations, including mafia collusion, false accounting, tax fraud, corruption and bribery of police officers and judges. Summit host and socialist UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, said the deal heralded a “New World Order."

Also shown: Communist China's President, Hu Jintao; Socialists International member and South Africa's President, Kgalema Motlanthe; Prince Saud Al Faisal of Saudi Arabia (country source of fifteen 9/11 terrorists); Ethipoian socialist, terrorist and NEPAD head, Meles Zenawi; Turkey's domineering, anti-secularist and Islamic Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan; and Thailand's Prime Minister and Democrat, Abhisit Vejjajiva, who ascended to power during the 2009 global economic crisis.


Open Society Institute: Jeffrey Sachs is Involved with George Soros' Socialist Open Society.... More: 1, 2

Bilderberg Group: Numerous Goldman Sachs' Members Attend Secret Bilderberg Meetings, including Jeffrey Sachs

Trilateral Commission: Goldman Sachs' Peter Sutherland is the Trilateral Commissions' European Chairman

United Nations: "Jeffrey Sachs" is found in (903) United Nation Documents and "Goldman Sachs" is found in (198) United Nations Documents

Glenn Beck (watch here) finds a large "Crime, Inc." nest of communists: The Crime Ring Combines the White House, Goldman Sachs, Obama, Al Gore, Emerald Cities Collaborative, Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), George Soros, Valerie Jarrett, Goldman Sachs, Center for American Progress, Franklin Raines, Gerry Hudson, SEIU, Van Jones, AFL-CIO, ACORN, Green for All, Fannie Mae, Enterprise Community Partners, Art Lujan, Jack Hayn, Andy Stern, Phaedra Ellis Lamkins, Joyce Foundation, Livable Cities Initiative and "The Wizard": New Party and Apollo Alliance Founder, Joel Rogers. The crime ring is robbing us blind. Says the pending financial bill will give the FTC new control over the Internet!?! Study the CCX members closely. There are mega companies involved in the international global warming scam.

Oh, what a surprise!: Goldman Sachs Supports Obama's Financial Reform Bill

Bush also had (at least one) Goldman Sachs and Council on Foreign Relations Member Advisor

Even the World Socialist Web Site Believes Obama's Banking Reform is Phony and Just a Means to Give More Power to Wall Street Elitists, like Jeffrey Sachs.

Glenn Beck exposes Obama making a run for a New World Order, global government, and then exposes eco-crooks: Obama, Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, and others, who stand to make huge fortunes if Cap & Trade is passed. Shows Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were involved. It's all part of George Soros' for One World Socialism.

Council on Foreign Relations: "Goldman Sachs" is found in (888) CFR Documents and "Jeffrey Sachs" is found in (319) CFR Documents.

George Soros: Soros Recruited Jeffrey Sachs in the 1980's. See their history here.

Is Your PC Red?

Jeffrey Sachs' Role at United Nations and Earth Institute

Financial Warfare Exposed: Soros, Goldman Sachs, Hedge Funds Attack Greece to Smash Euro. The Plan is to Drag America Down with Greece. Describes Two More Cabals: Paulson & Co. and GlobeOp Financial Services, as well as three Zombie Banks: Bank of America, Merrill Lynch and Barclays Bank.

Goldman Sach's Role in the New World Order

Jeffrey Sachs Preaching Global Warming to Google


New World Order

Frightening and Damning Movie: Invisible Empire - A New World Order Defined. We cannot speak to the assertions made in the movie associated with JFK, MLK, Princess Diana, OK Bombing, 9/11 and all portions beginning at and following the Bohemian Grove segment. However, the balance of the film we have independently verified from multiple sources. You'll find Ted Turner's and George Bush, Sr's words in this movie particularly disturbing.

UK's Gordon Brown and Obama Want a New World Order

Power to the People! Saudi Arabian Prince Ahwaleed bin Talal is 2nd largest stock owner of Fox News parent company, Rupert Murdoch’s, News Corp. New World Order = One World Government

Henry Kissinger's Relationship to "New World Order," Obama and Tim Geithner (whose first job was with Kissinger Associates): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Zbigniew Brzezinski's Relationship to Obama and "New World Order": 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8

WATCH THIS: Communist "New World Order" Video Statements from Obama, George Soros, EU's president, the Clintons, Kissinger and wide variety of [globalist] world leaders and members of the Bilderberg Group. A super rich banker cartel is about to take over the entire world's financial system. That's when the fascism commences.

George Soros Comments on "A New Financial World Order"

Featured Movie: The Obama Deception (HQ Full Length). It's Core Assertion: banks, Wall Street and the super rich pick presidents and have been working on a US and world takeover for decades and that the takeover will occur within 10 Years. Obama is mere puppet.

Barack Obama - New World Order

History Lesson on NAFTA New World Order Thrust: Al Gore vs. Ross Peret - Part 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Obama  Council for Foreign Relations CFR

Council on Foreign Relations

CFR History. Ron Paul Goes Public on CFR's Intent.

CFR Member, Dan Rather to Head New Newspaper Relief Agency: Passing Out Grants to Failing Liberal Newspapers. George Soros is Providing the Funding.

Retired US Army General Wesley Clark, Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, is now working directly with socialist George Soros, whose stated goal is to defeat capitalism and make America a socialist country. See article below:

International Crisis Group: George Soros is on the Board along with Council on Foreign Relations Members, Thomas R. Pickering, Morton Abramowitz, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Wesley Clark, James V. Kimsey, George J. Mitchell and Kenneth Adelman and UN Leaders, Kofi Annan, Lakhdar Brahimim, Asma Jahangir and Louise Arbour. These Men are Enemies of America. Wonder What New Financial Crisis They're Planning Next for Us?

Why are 3 George Soros funded/associated organizations (Microsoft, Amnesty International and Goldman Sachs -- the only ones mentioned) all specifically identified in this Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) document, written by the CFR's president? The document describes the US and other countries giving up sovereignty, for example, to cap carbon emissions. The CFR Organization's 4,300 Members include very big names. George Soros has written and/or is mentioned in 379 CFR Documents. "Goldman Sachs" is found in 888 CFR Documents and "Jeffrey Sachs" is found in 319 CFR Documents. "New World Order" is a frequent focus and found in 135 CFR Documents. The Communist code word, "Social Justice" is found in 916 CFR Documents. The Communist code word, "Sustainable Development" is found in 352 CFR Documents. The Communist "Global Warming" Scam is found in 957 CFR Documents. "Socialist" is found in 562 CFR Documents. Example, CFR "must read" (their words, not ours): New World Order Document, says "Copenhagen talks are an indication that a new world order may be forming with increasing power given to China." We suspect most Americans will not like what this powerful "think tank" is thinking.

Journalist Joe Klein is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations

Obama's Comments on the CFR (where he has spoken). Ron Paul's Comments.

Obama's Council on Foreign Relations Crew

Here's The Council on Foreign Relation's actual "New World Order Plan" for America, as Explained by this 10m video. Progressives and Some Republicans Back the CFR Plan.

More communist/socialist loving Obama appointments, this time for Obama's Debt Commission. Alice Rivin, Andy Stern, Ann Fudge (a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations)

Council for Foreign Relations


Is Your PC Red?

Bill Gates and George Soros

Bill Gates: Eugenics Vaccines To Reduce World Wide Population

Soros has millions invested in tech firms: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple. Do you think Soros is influencing these companies?

The "MS" in MSNBC's, MicroSoft's Bill Gates: Spouting Communist Global Warming Propaganda and Promoting Al Gore. Says CO2 must be brought to Zero (so I guess we can't breathe). Wants to Have the Russians Create Energy using Nuclear Plutonium Fast Reactors. Wants to Cut World Population by 15% through Vaccinations, Healthcare and Reproductive Health Services. After Watching This, Do You Want to Take Bill Gate's (Bilderberg) Vaccine that He's Promoting in Third World Countries?

Bill Gates and Worldwide Vaccines

Microsoft's Role in the New World Order

Billionaire Club's Plan to Curb World Overpopulation


Google is a Corporate Member of the Council on Foreign Relations (who Advocate a New World Order). Here is Google's Master Plan.
04.28.10, 05.23.08

Is Your PC Red?

- Google and George Soros
- Google is Training Its Employees to be Socialists
- Al Gore is Special Advisor to Google's CEO
- GOOGLE is Systematically Mapping Street Spy Cam Photos to Private WLAN Networks and MAC Addresses. In Other Words,Google is Developing a "Big Brother" Database of Personal Computers with Matching Building/Home Photos.
- Google's CEO Used to be on Apple's Board

Soros has millions invested in tech firms: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple. Do you think Soros is influencing these companies?

Henry Kissinger Talks at Google. Kissinger mentions his relationship to the Rockefellers, says his greatest accomplishment was negotiating war withdrawal with the communist North Vietnamese and describes that he was the only US person allowed to shuttle between communist countries. Google's CEO Eric Schmidt admits his father had a hidden Chairman Mao "Little Red Book." Kissinger was Tim Geithner's first boss. Kissinger has said Barack Obama would be the architect of a “New World Order.”


Obama Bilderberg  Group

Rockefeller is a Bilderberg Group Leader. Wouldn't This be a Perfect Way to Track Your Movements in Your Car?

Obama's Inner Circle Filled with Bilderbergers

Partial List of Bilderberg Attendees

2010 Bilderberg Meeting May Occur in Mid-May. The 2010 Trilateral Commission Meeting is Planned for May 7-9. They will no doubt be discussing how to thwart America's November elections and keep Obama in power.

OMG!! - It's THE Bilderbergs!! Rothschild Agents Take 10 Key Posts in Obama's Administration

Don't Get Worked Up Over General Petraeus for President. He Attended a Bilderberg Meeting.

Bilderberg Billionaires Meet to Curb Overpopulation (that means you)

Rick Perry Confronted on His Bilderberg Attendance

Bilderberg EU Kingpin: Charged with Being “The Quiet Assassin of European Nation States”

Brit Attacks Bilderberg EU President As “Quiet Assassin” of Nation States. In parallel, prominent investor (with close ties to George Soros) says British Pound Could Collapse Within Weeks

Red Alert, America: Secret Banking Cabal running the world (Dick Morris and Alex Jones explain). Bloomberg Explains Here. Glenn Beck Exposes How is It's Working.

Jesse Ventura: The Bilderberg Group, 2, 3, 4, 5,6


Traitors Ben Bernanke, Tim Geihtner, Henry Paulson and Kathleen Sebelius All Attended Bilderberg 2008. What Other Traitors Attended: Part 1. Part 2. 2008 Bilderberg Agenda, 2009 Bilderberg Agenda, 2009 Bilderberg Attendee List, The Logan Act
2009, 2008

"Must Watch" Move, "End Game": Shows the History, Current Status and "what's in store for us;" reviews a prior socialist US takeover attempt exposed by US Major General Bulter in 1934. Includes Focus on the UN's formation and exposes the "Bilderberg Group."

Rich elites of the "Bilderberg Group" plan New World Order and economic depression. Attendees have included Ben Bernake, Tim Geitner, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, and who's who of the world's most powerful. Here is Obama's Involvement. US government attendance at such secret meetings is illegal and high treason.
May 2009

Secret Clubs Pick Presidents


Trilateral Commission


United Nations Obama

United Nations

International Crisis Group: George Soros is on the Board along with Council on Foreign Relations Members, Thomas R. Pickering, Morton Abramowitz, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Wesley Clark, James V. Kimsey, George J. Mitchell and Kenneth Adelman and UN Leaders, Kofi Annan, Lakhdar Brahimim, Asma Jahangir and Louise Arbour

United Nation's $732 Million Haiti peacekeeping budget goes mostly to Its own personnel

Obama takes over UN Security Council: video.

Obama violates Constitution by taking over UN Security Council

Obama takes over UN Security Council, an illegal act.


The Federal Reserve

What is the Federal Reserve?



The head of the International Monetary Fund is a socialist. That's Why Obama wants to give them $108 Billion of your money.


Former Nazi Bank to Rule The Global Economy

President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet called for “Global Governance Today” at the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York. CFR History. Ron Paul goes public on CFR's intent.


Chicago Mayor Daley Wants Mayors in Other Countries to sue American gun makers in World Court


Is Your PC Red?

- George Soros: $32 Million invested in Apple
- Apple is promoting George Soros' socialism
- Google's CEO used to be on Apple's board
- Nancy Pelosi's husband owns 1 million shares of Apple
- Al Gore is on Apple's Board
- Apple boycotts Glenn Beck, promotes Che Guevara

Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral CommissionHillary Clinton  Council for Foreign RelationsJohn Kerry Council  for Foreign Relations
Tim Geithner Council for  Foreign RelationsRumsfeld Council  for Foreign RelationsAngelie Jolie  Council for Foreign RelationsClinton Obama  Edwards Biden Dodd Richardon Guiliani McCain Romney Gingrich Council for  Foreign Relations

Like Yuri said: 'It's not James Bond.... It's all right out there in the open."

Wake up, America! Commies are running our country and it's time to get rid of them now!

Those of you living in California, you should take a good hard look a Meg Whitman. Her fortune is intertwined with Goldman Sachs. We all need to do our homework!! We cannot afford another big mistake!!

No, we can ill afford the continued mistake of avoiding our American duty to throw off this oppression and to do so in a very well planned, pronounced, and coordinated fashion. When was the last time you heard anyone ask a political candidate, "Are you a member of any organizations supporting globalist, transnationalist, or communitarian ends?"

When have you ever heard candidates asked, "Do you pledge to completely uphold America's individual/popular, parental, state, and national sovereignties, against every internal and external threat, according to our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence?"

Let us go ask them and hold them accountable. - AW

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jack Cashill on The Awakening, This Evening, 9pm ET, Live Interview

What is ultimately behind the the world's banking and financial crises?

Jack Cashill is one of America's truly cutting edge political and cultural analysts, and one of our best writers. Join us as we discuss banking and usury, central bank manipulation, derivatives mania, how it all got to be this way, what in the world happened in 2008... and... how America's and the world's economies so dangerously pivot, lurch, and sway, here and now.

We appear to be in the eye of a giant economic storm and now, facing the wall cloud. To find solutions, we need to know what works right and what is just wrong.
Listen in:

The blogtalkradio page with online chat, if you prefer to listen there: linked here
Call-in number, if you have questions or brief comments: (646) 727-2652

"In his upbeat and engaging new book, Jack Cashill reverse engineers the train wreck of the economy back to its (surprising) roots."

Mr. Cashill's new book: POPES & BANKERS, a Cultural History of Credit and Debit from Aristotle to AIG.

Examine Jack's Web site, to catch up on the latest, including his analysis of Bill Ayers' role in Obama's two books, also the role of in his life, of Communist strategist and sex-pervert Frank Marshall Davis, etc. Whether in his books, at WorldNetDaily or American Thinker, or in other venues, it helps America, to know what Jack Cashill is communicating. Find out what he is doing now, on The Awakening.

Also, Markham Robinson will rejoin us sometime in the second hour, to discuss the authority of the Declaration of Independence, the true, fundamental charter of the United States of America. What are its principles and how must the Constitution be interpreted, accordingly? Markham is an Obama eligibility plaintiff in California, associated with past Awakening guests, Alan Keyes and Thomas Hoefling. - AW

Updated - Beware, Be Ready, the True Crash Appears Before Us

A follow-up from I.O's Celente posting of Friday, 5/7/2010

Update 5/10 - At this moment, the world's stock markets are rebounding from last week's problems (America's catalyst of which is more likely explained as intentional, by someone(s), than the mysterious, unsubstantiated "B" key theory/excuse). That is because the EU and central banks, including the Federal Reserve, already in grossly immoral debt, have agreed to bail out failing, socialist Greece at about $1T, i.e., $1,000,000,000,000.00 (or, is that $1T more?). This is likely to delay the collapse of what is now being called the bailout bubble, perhaps for a few days, perhaps for many months. It also blows-up the bubble much further.

Overwhelming debt? No problem, they will just make sure everybody owes their livelihoods to everybody, in a fictitious world economy. Can't get way with "spread the wealth?" Then they will spread the debt. The commitment of U.S. Federal Reserve money to Greek debt is the further mass robbery of our Citizen taxpayers.

There are those who believe that even this bubble building is an intentional, manufactured crisis, in order to increase the use of central currency, moreover to bring about a new central control to the world's finances. That would be the end of national sovereignty and the end of authentic America. That is also global fascism, with the Marxist theme of "communitarianism," something publicly pushed by many elites for decades. Web search "Bill Clinton" and "communitarian."

This globalist, manufactured crisis theory might appear implausible, were it not for the overwhelming documentation of both the stated and demonstrated global-collectivist nature of the world's powers, especially as they chit-chat through the UN, G-20, IMF, World Bank, CFR, et many cetera -- including their calls for America to become weaker in this world. You have heard Barack Obama state that intention, have you not? These people may be fools in their hearts, but they did not get to where they are by being strategically and tactically stupid. They do not do what they do out of unintentionality. - AW

5/9/2010, 7:38am CT - Since this is a public video with Celente's own quotes, I have lifted it directly from his site, Trends & Forecasts. Alex Jones knows what he is talking about, too, concerning this. Please heed. Get right with God. Get out of debt. Get your assets productive and/or liquid. Get ready for survival amidst economic devastation.

This is unnecessary and is the corrupt practice of the most powerful money interests of the western world. And the solution they present, with Barack Obama front and center, is more of the global Marxofascist problem. The truly ultra rich (not the "wealthiest one percent," this is the wealthiest, most powerful small fraction of a percent) are propping up global collectivism, as a mechanism for furthering their own control and stealing more of the property of us all. They want slaves, not peers.
Gerald Celente: "Let's call this Greek bailout for what it is.. it's bailing out the European and the American banks that made big bets on Greek bonds that they're afraid are going to go belly up."

Gerald Celente: "...the second American Revolution has already begun, it began in 2009, on April 15th with the tea parties and the tax protests. They were laughed at by the major media. Then we saw it again in July of 2009, on the 4th of July, when hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets. We saw it at the protests for healthcare reform. We saw it with over a million people, nearly a million people marched on Washington on September 12th of 2009. This is going on World wide. The people are protesting."

"But the overall reality is that the people are saying, what is this bailout all about, and who is responsible for funding it? And it's falling on the backs of the people, just like in America where they taxed the people to bailout the too big to fails, Lets call this Greek bailout for what it is.. it's bailing out the European and the American banks that made big bets on Greek bonds that they're afraid are going to go belly up. And the people don't want to shoulder the burden, and we're going to see these kind of tax protests and revolts go worldwide."

"It's a temporary bailout, as we said... the United States in 2009, and early 2010, has spent, lent, and guaranteed over $11 trillion dollars. This is fake money, it's phantom money, printed out of thin air, backed by nothing, and not worth the digital... paper it's printed on. So we're going to see this collapse as the stimulus collapses. That's what happened in Europe. As they started to unwind the stimulus, as they attempted to raise interest rates, the economies start to fail. We're going to see it in Spain. We're going to see it in Portugal, we already see it in Latvia, the Ukraine, in Hungary, in Ireland. It's going global, there's no stopping it, and the people are going to revolt."
Personally, I believe we have been "in the eye of the hurricane" and the much worse of it is before us. In addition to expert forecasts, that has also been prophesied by Spirit-gifted Christians, frankly. One must be discerning about claims which are specific while being extreme and protracted, overextended from the evidence we have, but the themes presented by Celente and Jones are ones which are presenting themselves now, in actual circumstances.

Our enemy says, "never waste a good crisis." We say that in God's providence, problems present opportunities. - AW

Jack Cashill, author of the new book, Popes & Bankers, a Cultural History of Credit & Debit, From Aristotle to AIG, will be our guest this Monday, 9pm ET, on "The Awakening" - linked here.
Jack can give us an important education about banking and finance, what works and what does not.
We need to know how it should be done, so we can have a real solution.

The netradio widget will be posted in I.O. and linked at Sentinel Radio.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Want to Understand Wall Street Crises Before the Next One? Then, Look Again at 2008 - Please!

Updated - Don't even think about not watching this video

What caused Bear Stearns, then Lehman Brothers to fail on Wall Street, at their appointed times, as the the mortgage meltdown "progressed?"

Clue: It wasn't someone who couldn't tell where the "M" and "B" keys are, on a keyboard.

Answer: Peruse these videos, produced by Judd Bagley, of the blog DeepCapture, where he posted the first of these videos as an item by the same name, on September 15th, 2009.

Hedge Funds and the Global Economic Meltdown - 1/3

Hedge Funds and the Global Economic Meltdown - 2/3

Hedge Funds and the Global Economic Meltdown - 3/3:

Mind you, this is not the whole story; do not let anyone fool you. And I.O. neither confirms nor denies the author's implications regarding particular individuals. And we sure don't trust Michael Moore to present the story, straight (mentioned at the end, but you heard that if you viewed it, right?). But, the mega-criminals are out there still. And they will continue to steal away but not to Jesus, our livelihoods

We would not make the mistake of assuming this was not very effectively connected with the other factors, including the the Revised Community Reinvestment (what better euphemism for Marxism?) Act fomenting the creation of the mortgage bubble and giving a green-light to mortgage abuse, for the entire industry -- with epidemic failure furnished by the toxic mortgage bundling system. (By the way, Dodd/Obama financial "reform" proposes the dispersion and bundling of bad risks in Wall Street security derivatives, too.)

Also, we observe the work of Very Big Money (VBM) behind the various manipulations involved -- VBM with a successful track record. Remember economy wrecker, George Soros, who admits he saw the bubble burst coming in "August of '07" and that he made money in it, is primarily a manager of the VBM of even fatter cats, including numerous central bank players and yes the name, "Rothschild" is included. And don't forget Soros' globalist, bring-down-America pals, Herb and Marion Sandler, who have so directly contributed, not only to help the time bomb go off in September '08, while making a malicious fortune in the process, but who have continued to work so closely with Soros and with Obama's legal and training client, ACORN. Just a glimpse into the VBM, there.

And, then, of course there were, are, and will be, the works of the folks in government, including Barney Frank providing cover for Fannie Mae and Chuck Schumer's work with Herb and Marion's "Center for Responsible Lending," including providing an apparent catalyst for IndyMac's failure. (Schumer might not like B. Frank getting top billing here, but he seems very used to being a neo-Marxist mover and shaker behind the titular one.) And of course, Franklin Delano Raines' fannie may just be riding where it needs to be sent, after his trickery is finally dealt with properly.

And, of course there was Red China loving, Congress manipulating Hank Paulson -- and his young pal, Timmy Geithner (so far removed from it all, as kid chairman of the Federal Reserve of the distant hamlet of New York). Hank's boss, Bush-43? Just don't know. Do you? Feel free to comment or email, if you do.

And Timmy's boss? Mr. Hang Back and Watch, No Drama Obama? Wouldn't you like to read the text that came through that guy's Blackberry? Or, that keeps coming? You do remember what Sen. Jim DeMint told us a few days ago, about exactly who nixed Sen. Blanche Lincoln's transparency verbiage, for the new Obamafinance bill? Yeah, same guy: BHO. Go back and watch, if you like: "THE GREATEST SCANDAL IN MODERN HISTORY - Treason in Process." Transparency gets in the way of manipulation.

And have you watched the final version of the eye-opening Autumn-2008 video, "Burning Down the House?" And did you not read James Simpson's article, "Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis," in that nostalgic September of 2008? Or, subsequently? Time flies, when we're having crises. - AW

Addendum 5/14/2010 - Also one must remember the news which Mike Huckabee broke, during this time, that a Wall Street specialist informed him that during four or five weeks in a row, tremendous selling pressure was put upon the Street, on Fridays, apparently in order to thwart rallies and make bad news the order of those weeks' summations in the news.

please, please, don't waste them

Jack Cashill, author of the new book, Popes & Bankers, a Cultural History of Credit & Debit, From Aristotle to AIG, will be our guest this Monday, 9pm ET, on "The Awakening" - linked here.
The netradio widget will be posted in I.O. and linked at Sentinel Radio.
Jack can give us an important education about banking and pesky morality, before and after Mayer and Nathan Rothschild.

More about the Wall Street manipulation of Thursday, 5/6/2010, from Gerald Celente, here
...and about the collapse he predicts for later this year.

photo source unknown

Friday, May 7, 2010

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin & Attorney Paul Jensen Badgered by Anderson Cooper

Look at Anderson Cooper, the CNN presidential debate question stacker ("gays in the military, gays in the military") trying to go all Edward R. Murrow on steroids! Journalistic protocol was broken from the very beginning, as Anderson furiously badgered Lakin, instead of allowing his attorney to speak for him on matters before trial.

Cooper surrounds and sieges Lakin and Jensen, 360

No full answer was allowed concerning the true natural born Citizen requirements. The marxstream media must defend their Marxist messiah. Cooper throws his body over Obama. Thud!

Anderson was prepared to the max. It would have been much too harmful to merely ask objective questions, with that platform. Anderson had to try for the Mike Tyson 1st Round knockout, as he chewed Lakin's ears. Perhaps he worked it out with lawyers in touch with the dark side. (Oh-oh, was that a racist comment? I plead my innocence! in case anyone familiar with "tea-bagging" is reading.) He even knew how to frame the question to beg the question, attempting to slur over the difference between a general citizen and an nbC, and dismissing any objective consideration of the matter of who might have placed those birth announcements in the papers and what obvious reasons there would be. (And have you checked the hundreds of emails you must have gotten by now about that, Bill O'Reilly and Michelle Malkin?)

Jensen and Lakin got some hard core practice in battlefield debate with a veteran Obama protagonist and propagandist loaded for bear. Gotta give him credit, Couric v. Palin can't touch that.

Gerald Celente Holds to Prediction of 2010 Collapse

If you have read the "Essential Articles" in the I.O. Sidebar, you may have an idea of where he is coming from.

It's not one guy making a little mistake. No. The system is so rigged -- this is what we're trying to say. When things are going on that people have no idea about. Oh, they call it a "fat finger that hit a 'B' instead of an 'M,'" come on, you know, let's grow up about this. It's bigger than that. The systems are collapsing.
And anybody believes that if anyone's in control that's going to save the day, they're going to go down with the ship of state.
More on this coming today, which explains key megacriminal elements of what happened to us in 2008. Be sure to see it. "The beast" (the present one) is cannibalizing itself, by the direct intent of a few. OK... more than "a few." - AW

Want Clues about This Wall Street Crisis? And the Next One? Then, Look at the Last One - Now!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Franklin Graham vs. the Marxofascist Insurrection's Unholy Alliance

Franklin Graham, Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, 2010, tells the gospel truth...

...but he need not be so pessimistic about our future, if Americans are willing to wake up and "repent," i.e., turn to the truth, and yield ourselves to it (hence, the word under-stand). That is how to truly become aware and strong. And people who do this will fulfill the responsibilities with which God charges them. Those who are Sovereign Citizens of America will carry out our responsibilities to govern our nation and influence our culture. For example, that is what you are doing, right?

But you know this is no anti-Christ we are facing, Franklin. Not enough talent. Of course, the spirits involved are anti-Christ; very much so. And Barack Obama knows he should not outwardly oppose Christianity. That has been tried, before. Rather, a good neo-Marxist will wear sheep's not wolf's garb, while he: 1. changes the message, 2. psychologically ostracizes those who "cling" to the true message, and 3. exerts a controlling influence over those who receive his "gospel."

Thus, Obama has repeatedly asserted that, "our individual salvation depends on collective salvation." That is a tenet of Marxism, including its Christian co-opting arm of liberation theology, but it is adversarial to the salvation which is offered by Jesus Christ directly, to every single one of us, through His ultimate sacrifice. Someone should warn Barack Obama that it is not only very harmful but very dangerous, to come between God Incarnate and the individual whose freedom He bought forever, by His own blood.

I just called evil anything that intervenes against the work of the Holy Spirit of God, directly dealing with any person, as He testifies of: 1. God's sinless holiness, 2. man's being lost in sin, alienated from God, and 3. Jesus' offering us one lovingly specific way back to God. One of many such interferences is the competing ideology of Islam. Shortly after 9/11, Franklin Graham cited Islam as evil. There is the divisiveness of which he is accused. And so, he was disinvited from today's (Christian) National Day of Prayer ceremony, at the Pentagon.

Ideological divisiveness appears to be a grave sin, in the irrationally truthless world of relativism and cultural Marxism. That is okay, though -- truly. Jesus himself warned He came to bring just this sword of perfect divisiveness, between the singular truth and every denial of it. He even let us know that the world would hate those who joined Him in proclaiming the truth, just as it hated Him.

Unlike Barack Obama's Department of Defense, you see, God's Son allows the freedom to hear God, if we wish, and to receive His grace, if we choose.
Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.

Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.

- Jesus Christ, Matthew 10:32-43
Submitted to you on this Christian National Day of Prayer, May the Sixth, in the Year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Ten. - AW

Monday, May 3, 2010

'Freaking' Around, Saturday Night and the Latest Stains on the Presidency's Shorts

a thousand words and a few thousand frames of "the president"

Looking over the video, I find it odd -- Barack Obama's stand-up routine before fellow guests last Saturday, last May Day night, at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Firstly, it is not enough that he found it very humorous on the day Joe Biden dropped the F-bomb at the signing of Obamacare, as they presented their administration's "Big F'ing Deal." Biden related Obama was "laughin' like the devil" and saying it was "the best thing" about the ceremony. Now, he has whispered that line into the microphones, himself, granted he said "big freaking deal," and so properly he even articulated the -ing suffix with precision.

This is the United States "President" hitting us with it again, in a supposedly comedic address, recounting this stinking little stain upon his own administration's alleged accomplishment like the guy who elbows you in the ribs, with a "Get it? Get it? Did-ja get it, huh? Did-ja get it?" And it comes to mind, this is the same individual whose accredited adolescent poetry about "Pop" scribed something about "...the same amber stain on his shorts that I have on mine and makes me smell his smell coming from me," whatever... exactly... that means. Alrighty, then.

And trying to understand, I have to remember Obama's issuing the middle finger flip-off at both Hillary Clinton and John McCain, once again, in speeches, those during his campaign for the United States of America's most responsible office.

Secondly, on that very day when the National Enquirer's tabloid buzz finally begins to "brake" into the consciousnesses of the world the overripe story of apparent Obama mistress, Vera Baker (and the Obamas must know that) look at Barack Obama's face, when he speaks of his wife "...the lovely first lady..." Michelle. What do you see there? A genuine affection and appreciation that a husband has for his wife?

And when, in one peculiar breath, he uses both a reference in principle to that very love for one's wife, plus his own "natural born Citizen" problem -- for a joke -- look at his face. What do you see? Looking at it numerous times, he does not appear to be enjoying the joke he tells, at all. And it seems to become a weak attempt at bagging and canning these scandals, together.

See for yourself. The flippancy coming out of the mouth of that hard, cold face went over very well with the audience, though -- with that audience -- White House correspondents and their friends. Which is odder, the president or the journalists? I understand it is supposed to be humorous and they are laughing. At what, again?

Here are these early moments of his act, last Saturday.
  • the fleeting exhibit of Obama's face after his first mention of Michelle Obama and during the audience's approval of it, comes 32 seconds in
  • the referential f-bomb joke comes right after and here, by his extra pause for a chuckle and grin, he really does enjoy that moment
  • the odd love-and-birth certificate comment accompanied by Obama's even odder facial expressions arrive at the 4 minute mark

But what of all this delight in crudeness and grim dismissal of the sublime? Again, I have to tell myself it is all appropriate, really. Cut him some slack. This is just how a boy who is raised Marxist and taken repeatedly by "Gramps" to a brothel bar to visit his communist mentor and apparent pedophile, "Uncle Frank" (ostensibly, the aforementioned, "Pop") ...well, this is how the kid is supposed to behave when he grows up to be president.

And I remember, this is the Barack Obama who tried to get sex-ed with perverse "progressive" mores taught in Illinois public schools, beginning at Kindergarten (link-1, link-2).

This is the man who appointed the unfortunate Kevin Jennings to be his "Safe Schools Czar" -- the man who passed off homosexual statutory rape as no "big f'ing deal,"

This is the man who has defamed America, in speeches overseas and before the United Nations and who demeans the Sovereign Citizens of our republic by his bows to foreign leaders.

But to really put it in perspective, this is the man who has intentionally and determinedly worked according to the Marx-Trotsky-Gramsci-Davis-Alinsky-Cloward-Piven playbook, to weaken America morally, economically, and militarily, in The Great American Bring-Down necessary for the onset of global Marxofascism. Oh, that's right. He's that guy.

Last Saturday's f-joke is that elbow in the ribs about was is beyond crude in this picture. A delight in defilement seems to want to come out, under the spotlight. What goes on in this person's soul? Just what childhood -- and adulthood has gotten him this way, to enjoy the sneaking of the vulgar and the filthy into the very times he is before microphones and spotlights, in the roles of candidate, then President of the United States?

When someone holds secrets of malice, a part of his heart can desire the glory of it, the credit for what he conceals. Looking back we can see that serial criminals, from the carvings of Jack the Ripper, to the teeth prints of Ted Bundy, to the extravagant manifesto of Ted Kaczynski, like to express their intentions and leave their signatures.

Deep inside, in places Obama "doesn't talk about in his parties," just how much loathing of the morality and sensibility concomitant with America's authentic nature does this man nurture and pet? How much of it lusts for expression? He is to be pitied, but he is the occupant of the White House. Keep watching.
- AW

More about Barry and "Pop," from author, Jack Cashill, linked here
Mr. Cashill will be our guest on "The Awakening," this coming Monday, May 10, 9-11pm ET

graphic from the University of South Carolina Library

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day 2010, Finding the Authentic in a Day of Distress

"Burying the lead" again today; please keep reading

May Day - May Day. Here are some things that are happening, or have happened, upon this day.

Wiccans, according to their pagan and occult history are celebrating the "Beltane" rites of Spring. Further, it is rumored that upon the evening of May first, Satan worshipers practice initiation rites.

Whatever has or has not happened with this, since, on May 1, 1776, Adam Wieshaupt formed the "Order of Perfectibilists," founding the Illuminati.

Communists and other Marxists are practicing their annual day of demonstration and whatever celebration they can muster.

The cause of open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens is being protested in numerous American cities (I have heard, seventeen). By the way, I am not an authority about the reasons behind the celebration of Cinco de Mayo, but I have been informed that date commemorates an event in Mexican history that is not really, very significant. However, it is interesting to note that May 5, 1818 is the birth date of Karl Marx. Something to look into.

Barack Obama is, as I type, giving a speech which may become notable in Obamalogist history, in which he is selling the idea of changing America from our foundational order. He is decrying the use of words such as "socialists," "Soviets," "fascists," and "right-wing nut" (he inserted a slur against Constitutionalists among actual, academic words used against him, in subtle propagandistic fashion). Have you noticed that Democrat politicos do not use the words "Marxism" and "Communism" when they refer to this -- and that Republican who do, are disciplined by party leaders? More on the use of terms later, I think.

In Obama's address to University of Michigan graduates, he falsely characterized those who seek Constitutional restoration and equal, not social justice as "against government;" obvious agitprop legerdemain.

Wait! Here is this article's "lead." In Washington, D.C., again as I type, there is a massive prayer meeting, "a cry to God in a nation in distress." You may go to in order to investigate this particular event -- and you may go directly to the Bible and to God in prayer, too. And tomorrow, you may even choose to go to a Bible-based church which advocates that Christians obey God by carrying out our full set of responsibilities, including that of "Caesar," as the Sovereign Citizens in this nation established by God. Do you know of any in driving distance? We... we are America's essential "leaders... who must give an account," and who "do not bear the sword for nothing," after all. But it all starts with hearing the Word of God and our prayer in return.

Perhaps the video of this May Day 2010 prayer meeting will remain available after the event, for your perusal and perhaps, participation.

I will also post about (and likely attend) a prayer retreat for America, Wilderness Outcry, scheduled to occur in Missouri, this June 14-18. And I.O. will also refer to yesterday's Glenn Beck episode, archived and streaming, hopefully -- and it's expose' on "The Father of the American Revolution," who doesn't happen to be named Washington, but Adams, and not John, actually, but Samuel Adams. Please watch "and tell your friends."

Investigating Obama after all, is not just about the problem, but also, the solution. For example, last December, on "The Awakening," we featured important information about participation in precinct-level electoral action. There will be more posts to make about the solution, some in I.O.

And I.O. may update this post, one way or another, but has to know when to quit;
the items above are stuff for volumes.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Obamafinance to 'Require Banks to Track and Report Personal Checking Accounts to Feds'

Viewing the Obama regime from I.O's perch, the bill most central to their globalist Marxofascist goals may be the Obamafinance bill, from Dodd & Company. I invite you to examine this new item from There must be every bit as much mega-buzz about this attack on America (and about Cap and Trade) as there was about Obamacare. Sovereign Citizens must have the truth put in front of their faces. -- AW
Bailout Bill Would Require Banks to Track and Report Personal Checking Accounts to Feds
by Capitol Confidential

It’s amazing to watch the civil libertarians hide when Democrats propose the most sweeping intrusions of privacy in generations. In addition to the litany of bad policies contained in the Dodd Financial Reform bill is this nugget on pages 1039-1040. In short, it extends government reach to every deposit account of every citizen.
Subtitle G of the Dodd discussion draft bill requires that records be maintained and reported “for each branch, automated teller machine at which deposits are accepted, and other deposit taking service facility with respect to any financial institution, the financial institution shall maintain a record of the number and dollar amounts of deposit accounts of customers.”

What’s worse, banks will be required to submit these records to the new super regulatory agency called the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (page 1041). The CFPA will be allowed to use this information for any purpose “as permitted by law” under CFPA rules—rules set by CFPA themselves.

So, lets get this straight—the law requires banks to snoop on its customers MOST PERSONAL INFORMATION and submit it to another government agency so it can be used anyway the CFPA see’s fit.
