Sunday, December 27, 2009
Before this Year Ends, I Have a Question for You
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Updated: Tell Your Senators and Neighbors This, about Obamacare, Now
Government is putting an authoritarian gun to your head, to rob you, to make you pay for someone else's healthcare. At the same time, it is poised to begin dictating what healthcare you and others will be allowed to receive. It is sapping away your own ability to provide for yourself and your family. What are you doing about it?
Have you called your senators again, this week? Or, Email? Or, Monday? Does anyone know if the Republicans get it, that they are being held accountable to use every parliamentary procedure necessary to prevent this bill from passing? -- or else.
I don't see from here, that they have truly gotten the message yet.
And for those like me, with "Democratic" senators, I humbly suggest a message less complicated, below.
Have you called your Republican senators yet, to let them know their cover is blown? If you do not know what that means, see this article: "U.S. Senate Republicans Outed: Their Mere 'No' Votes are 'Yes' Votes for Obamacare."
Here is a number to call: 1-800-828-0498. (It is free number used by the Soros-backed anti-Americans, but go ahead and spend their money; never mind their message, just wait for the forward to the U.S. Capitol switchboard.) If you can not get through, phone numbers are listed in the U.S. Senate directory, here.
It appears that Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma for one, is getting the word. See the AP article, "Health Care Overhaul Bill Slowed by Read-A-Thon," excerpted here:
If you still need to know what is wrong with Obamacare, see this article. If you have already called your senators, call them again, anyway.To make matters more complicated, the Senate stumbled into health care gridlock after a Republican senator forced the clerk to read aloud a 767-page amendment.
GOP Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma had sought approval to require that any amendment considered by the Senate must be offered 72 hours in advance and with a full cost report.
When he was rebuffed by Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, Coburn invoked his right to require that an amendment by another Democrat be read aloud. That sent the Senate into limbo, since the amendment by Vermont Independent Bernie Sanders is 767 pages long. It calls for guaranteeing coverage to all through a public program similar to Medicare.
Let the Republicans know, if they do not block Obamacare with parliamentary procedures, their GOP is d-o-n-e. (See this.)
Let the Democrats know, the American People are learning that a vote for Obamacare is a vote for truly violent, authoritarian revolution and they will be brought down in shame. (See this.)
Send this information to all you know and let them see and do the same.
No excuses. Now is the time: 1-800-828-0498
Then, please come back for an article about how we can actually cement-in our counterrevolution for the authentic, constitutional America for which so many have died, so you would also pass that astounding gift and charge along.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Lord Christopher Monckton Shoved to Concussion by Police in Copenhagen
"Marxofascism?" Yes, it is an archetypal combination of Marxist redistribution of wealth, plus profiteering by kleptocratic finance, or, "gaming the system," as the man behind the curtain of America's Democratic Party, mega-criminal financier György Schwartz (a.k.a., Soros, by his literally "making a name for himself") tends to say.
Monckton is the former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher, who is taking the lead in exposing this global ploy, a scheme of the kind that might have come from the minds of Ian Fleming and Cubby Broccoli. His DVD, "Apocalypse? No!" conveys his presentation at Cambridge University on the subject. This has been covered previously by I.O. (see label, "Lord Monckton") and on "The Awakening," thanks in part, to the diligent citizen journalism of Walter Hudson.
Is the European police state going global?
From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley in Copenhagen
Today the gloves came off and the true purpose of the “global warming” scare became nakedly visible. Ugo Chavez, the Socialist president of Venezuela, blamed “global warming” on capitalism – and received a standing ovation from very nearly all of the delegates, lamentably including those from those of the capitalist nations of the West that are on the far Left – and that means too many of them.
Previously Robert Mugabe, dictator of Rhodesia, who had refused to leave office when he had been soundly defeated in a recent election, had also won plaudits at the conference for saying that the West ought to pay him plenty of money in reparation of our supposed “climate debt”.
Inside the conference center, “world leader” after “world leader” got up and postured about the need to Save The Planet, the imperative to do a deal, the necessity to save the small island nations from drowning, etc., etc., etc.
Outside, in the real world, it was snowing, and a foretaste of the Brave New World being cooked up by “world leaders” in their fantasy-land was already evident. Some 20,000 observers from non-governmental organizations – nearly all of them true-believing Green groups funded by taxpayers – had been accredited to the conference.
However, without warning the UN had capriciously decided that all but 300 of them were to be excluded from the conference today, and all but 90 would be excluded on the final day.
Of course, this being the inept UN, no one had bothered to notify those of the NGOs that were not true-believers in the UN’s camp. So Senator Steve Fielding of Australia and I turned up with a few dozen other delegates, to be left standing in the cold for a couple of hours while the UN laboriously worked out what to do with us.
In the end, they decided to turn us away, which they did with an ill grace and in a bad-tempered manner. As soon as the decision was final, the Danish police moved in. One of them began the now familiar technique of manhandling me, in the same fashion as one of his colleagues had done the previous day.
Once again, conscious that a police helicopter with a high-resolution camera was hovering overhead, I thrust my hands into my pockets in accordance with the St. John Ambulance crowd-control training, looked my assailant in the eye and told him, quietly but firmly, to take his hands off me.
He complied, but then decided to have another go. I told him a second time, and he let go a second time. I turned to go and, after I had turned my back, he gave me a mighty shove that flung me to the ground and knocked me out.
I came to some time later (not sure exactly how long), to find my head being cradled by my friends, some of whom were doing their best to keep the police thugs at bay while the volunteer ambulance-men attended to me.
I was picked up and dusted me off. I could not remember where I had left my telephone, which had been in my hand at the time when I was assaulted. I rather fuzzily asked where it was, and one of the police goons shouted, “He alleges he had a mobile phone.”
In fact, the phone was in my coat pocket, where my hand had been at the time of the assault. The ambulance crew led me away and laid me down under a blanket for 20 minutes to get warm, plying me with water and keeping me amused with some colorfully colloquial English that they had learned.
I thanked them for their kindness, left them a donation for their splendid service, and rejoined my friends. A very senior police officer then came up and asked if I was all right. Yes, I said, but no thanks to one of his officers, who had pushed me hard from behind when my back was turned and had sent me flying.
The police chief said that none of his officers would have done such a thing. I said that several witnesses had seen the incident, which I intended to report. I said I had hoped to receive an apology but had not received one, and would include that in my report. The policeman went off looking glum, and with good reason.
To assault an accredited representative of a conference your nation is hosting, and to do it while your own police cameramen are filming from above, and to do it without any provocation except my polite, non-threatening request that I should not be manhandled, is not a career-enhancing move, as that police chief is about to discover to his cost.
Nor does this incident, and far too many like it, reflect the slightest credit on Denmark. We must make reasonable allowance for the fact that the unspeakable security service of the UN, which is universally detested by those at this conference, was ordering the Danish police about. The tension between the alien force and the indigenous men on the ground had grown throughout the conference.
However, the Danish police were far too free with their hands when pushing us around, and that is not acceptable in a free society. But then, Europe is no longer a free society. It is, in effect, a tyranny ruled by the unelected Kommissars of the European Union. That is perhaps one reason why police forces throughout Europe, including that in the UK, have become far more brutal than was once acceptable in their treatment of the citizens they are sworn to serve.
It is exactly this species of tyranny that the UN would like to impose upon the entire planet, in the name of saving us from ourselves – or, as Ugo Chavez would put it, saving us from Western capitalist democracy.
A few weeks ago, at a major conference in New York, I spoke about this tendency towards tyranny with Dr. Vaclav Klaus, the distinguished economist and doughty fighter for freedom and democracy who is President of the Czech Republic.
While we still have one or two statesmen of his caliber, there is hope for Europe and the world. Unfortunately, he refused to come to Copenhagen, telling me that there was no point, now that the lunatics were firmly in control of the asylum.
However, I asked him whether the draft Copenhagen Treaty’s proposal for what amounted to a communistic world government reminded him of the Communism under which he and his country had suffered for so long.
He thought for a moment – as statesmen always do before answering an unusual question – and said, “Maybe it is not brutal. But in all other respects, what it proposes is far too close to Communism for comfort.”
Today, as I lay in the snow with a cut knee, a bruised back, a banged head, a ruined suit, and a written-off coat, I wondered whether the brutality of the New World Order was moving closer than President Klaus – or any of us – had realized.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
'One Nation, Under Fraud,' as Sam puts it
Meanwhile, have you called your GOP Senators and told them their cover is blown and either they block Obamacare through parliamentary procedures, or their G-O-P is D-O--N-E?
If not, then, "Go back one move."
Monday, December 14, 2009
U.S. Senate Republicans Outed: Their Mere 'No' Votes are 'Yes' Votes for Obamacare
Call your GOP Senators and let them know their cover is blown.
The Republican U.S. Senators have it in their power to use legitimate parliamentarian means of preventing the Soros-Obama-Pelosi-Reid healthcare takeover bill. That is the astute and well reasoned revelation of Erick Erickson, of the political blog,
His article is linked here and called: "Fight."
Tonight's "Awakening" guest, J.B. Williams, of the newly formed electoral action operation, "FreedomForce.US" underscores this with his 12/13 op-ed piece, "Open Call to Congressional Republicans."
Mr. Erickson posits:
Read how it can be done, in the remainder of his piece.The Senate, unlike the House of Representatives, has parliamentary rules and procedures that give the minority the ability to stall legislation. In fact, unlike the House, the minority have the ability to virtually paralyze the Senate. Doing so is not something we would want or expect for every bad bill that comes through Congress, but the proposed healthcare legislation is probably the worst piece of legislation ever considered by the United States Congress. It is the most intrusive, most damaging, most costly, most dangerous bill to the economic and personal freedom and liberty of individual Americans that Congress has ever considered. If there is any bill that deserves being stopped by shutting down the Senate, it is this one.
There are a whole series of parliamentary maneuvers that could be used by Republican senators to stop this bill. There is a hard backstop to the current process (Christmas). The Republicans’ goal should be to prevent Reid from passing the bill before that time. If he goes past Christmas and is forced to adjourn or recess, the momentum will shift in favor of those opposing the bill.
How could this be done?
There is now no cover, no political fig leaves for Sen. Mitch McConnell, nor for any GOP Senator. It does not even take the entire Republican caucus to raise parliamentarian objections, to call for quorum, etc. and to stand in front of the totalitarian armada of Anti-American tanks deceitfully called "healthcare reform."
It just takes any with authentic patriotism, courage, and responsibility to the People and Constitution of the United States of America.
Obama Proposing Medicare Expansion as Entry to Totalitarian Healthcare Since 2004
One manufactured crisis deserves another one bigger, in the Marxist mind -- a terrible thing, so much worse than wasted.
Freedom Force & JB Williams: Electoral Organizing for Authentic America, on The Awakening, Tonight 9-11pm ET
This is what George Soros, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and their Marxofascist minions fear. Find out how it is done -- and learn what you can do!
Call-in Number: (646) 727-2652 - press "1" to comment/question!
Use the widget below, or visit the blogtalk radio page for tonight's broadcast and live chat.
J.B. will be joined by Freedom Force organizers Phil Glass of Ohio and Tony Warren of Nevada.
Host: Arlen Williams
Friday, December 11, 2009
'Even Worse than the 'Health Care Bill,'' Government Takeover of Credit Passes House
This bill, as Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota describes it, sets up a 5-member Panel (with an ACORN-like entity on it) which prevents the accountability of the president having to go to Congress, to obtain money for bailouts or any decisions having to do with the financial sector. It makes him autonomous with the assistance of this board. This board will control the flow of cash/credit throughout the US economy.
The bill was dropped by Barney Frank, Monday (1300 pages) and passed today – Friday.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Any ACORN Investigation 'Will Lead to the White House': Rep. Steve King Video
Here is video of Iowa Rep. Steve King speaking at a forum on ACORN, where he said he is convinced that any investigation of ACORN will reflect poorly on the Obama administration. "These roads will lead to the White House."
King said "Obama has worked for ACORN," and he has been part and parcel of that - Project VOTE in particular." That entire network is something the Chicago Organization that now sits in the White House knows a lot about."
King also pointed out that the new White House Counsel - Robert Bauer - sent a letter to the Attorney General last year urging an investigation of President Bush and the McCain Campaign for "alleging that ACORN was promoting fraudulent voter registration activities."
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thanks for Your Continued Viewing
I should also have an announcement or two that should be of interest, some time this December.
As always, I hope you are finding the Investigating Obama Sidebar of continual use, and prior articles still helpful. Keep reaching those ensnared by the Marxstream media. Keep awakening the sheeple caught in their "Matrix" and causing them to understand their sovereign status, rights, and responsibilities in this special nation.
Sovereignty & Freedom to the End of Days,
Arlen Williams
Monday, November 30, 2009
See No, Hear No, Speak No Obama Ineligibility
The Biggest Political Cover-Up In American History
The three enablers of Obama's usurpation of the Office of the President of the United States in violation of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
The Congress will not look at or investigate the merits of the charges. The Courts will not hear in a trial [on] the merits of the charges. And the Main Stream Media will not talk about the merits of the charges and discuss the Constitutional issues involved with the American people. Their ignoring the questions and concerns of the People in this matter endangers our liberty by demonstrating that those in power, once in power feel they do not have to listen to the People.
Obama, the Putative U. S. President, was born a Kenyan citizen and British subject governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 -- a fact he admits to at the bottom of this page. Obama is still a British Protected Person and/or a British subject to this day.
How can a person who was born a British subject be considered a "natural born" citizen of the USA?
Simple answer -- he can't. At the top of this page, in the big blue box, Obama's own campaign identifies him as a "native [born]" citizen. They know. It's been there all the time.
This situation was created when both major political parties ran ineligible candidates, who were not "natural born" citizens. Obama was ineligible because his father was a foreigner (Jus sanguinis), and McCain was ineligible because he was born in a foreign country (Jus soli). The U.S. Constitution, applicable case law and historical and legal precedent have been ignored for political expediency.
We are now witnessing the biggest political cover-up in American history.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Copenhagen Treaty Follow-up: Obama to Promise 'Greenhouse Gas' Cuts
Those who have paid attention to Lord Monckton's warning about the global Marxofascist (or do you say, "transnational progressive?") proposal for the Copenhagen treaty will be interested to see that this treaty is not expected to be signed at the December conference. However, national leaders could agree to an objective of having such a treaty in place by next year at this time.
See this AP article, first paragraph excerpted:
Obama to Vow Greenhouse Emissions Cuts in Denmarkcontinued...
Nov 26, 1:11am ET
By H. Josef Hebert
WASHINGTON (AP) - Putting his prestige on the line, President Barack Obama will personally commit the U.S. to a goal of substantially cutting greenhouse gases at next month's Copenhagen climate summit. He will insist America is ready to tackle global warming despite resistance in Congress over higher costs for businesses and homeowners.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Glenn Beck on His Organizing Plan, on The Awakening + The 1918-Style Hemorrhagic Agent Resurrected in Ukraine and on the Way?
Hanen will join Arlen to dynamically duo-up on these subjects.
1. Hear Glenn Beck reveal his plan.
Last Saturday, Beck announced a broad plan for organization and action, at The Villages in Florida. We will broadcast the key portion of his address, analyze it, and begin to compare it with what others propose.2. What is going on in the Ukraine? Huge numbers of physically fit people are dying, with blood-gorged lungs, just as people died in the 1918 flu. And there are similar cases reported in the United States.
What should patriotic Americans be doing, between now and November, 2010? What are the organizations and the options? Find out what you can do and pick out what is best for you. Arlen will have some suggestions, so you can start, right away.
Call in and tell us what you want. What do you want to do about the war against America?
See what can be done, to prevent and to save lives.
Is this man-made? There seem to be indications of this. Let us reason it out judiciously and be prepared.
James Simpson: Questioning Conspiracy
Questioning Conspiracycontinued...Cloward and Piven were not merely two lone sociology professors conspiring on teacher salaries to bring down America. They were prominent socialists and lifelong members of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest and oldest worldwide socialist organization. Therein lay their strength, both in recruitment and resources. The leftist Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) held seminars for activists on how to use the CPS. Cloward and Piven’s Nation article was reprinted a record 30,000 times.
These folks were not alone. And they only added to the plethora of anti-American strategies being used, building on the already utilized Alinsky method. Also, we have been infiltrated since the 1930s by the KGB and their sister agencies in other communist countries whose goal has not merely been to obtain military secrets, but much more to create a subversive infrastructure in this country. The IPS, mentioned above, is largely a KGB front. All of its principals are American communists, who, by definition, work for the communist international, still run by the KGB despite the alleged "fall" of communism.
All these groups, the think tanks, the DSA, ACORN, ACLU, the National Lawyers Guild, the Communist Party and all their offshoots are led by people who know each other, have worked in the "movement" for years, and share the same goals, often trading places in the various organizations. It is well organized, powerful, and even deadly when necessary. Connections to foreign intelligence agencies like the KGB are well hidden, but very likely much closer than even a lot of people in the movement realize (those, like many prominent Democrats, are the useful idiots).
Finally, it doesn't take much for a conspiracy to work when you give participants a vested interest. That was an overtly stated component of the CPS. Cloward and Piven said:
First, this plan promises immediate economic benefits. This is a point of some importance because, whereas America's poor have not been moved in any number by radical political ideologies, they have sometimes been moved by their economic interests.
Monday, November 23, 2009
James Simpson: Cloward-Piven Government
Excerpt 1, from Jim Simpson's article today, in DC Independent Examiner; I fervently suggest clicking through and reading the entire piece:
Cloward-Piven GovernmentExcerpt 2:
In September of last year, American Thinker published Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis. Part of a series, it connected then presidential candidate Barack Obama to individuals and organizations practicing a malevolent strategy for sabotaging our society. Since then the story of that strategy has found its way across the blogosphere, onto the airwaves of radio stations across the country, the Glenn Beck television show, Bill O’Reilly and now Mark Levin.
The real goal of “healthcare” legislation, the real goal of “cap and trade,” the real goal of “stimulus” is to rip the guts out of our private economy and transfer wide swaths of it over to government control. Do not be deluded by the propaganda. These initiatives are vehicles for change. They are not goals in and of themselves, except in their ability to deliver power, and will make matters much worse, for that is their design.Excerpt 3:
It is time to acknowledge that these people are our enemies. They don’t use guns, yet, but they are just as dangerous, determined and duplicitous as the communists we faced in the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam and bush wars across the globe, and the Nazis we faced in World War II. It is high time we overcome the denial, and fully digest and internalize this fact, with all its ugly ramifications.Excerpt 4:
Every single citizen who cares about this country should be spending every minute of his/her spare time lobbying, organizing, writing and planning. Fight every initiative they launch. It is all destructive. If we are to root out this evil, it is critical that in 2010 we win competent, principled leaders willing to defend our constitution and our country. Otherwise the malevolent cabal that occupies the seat of government today will become too entrenched.Tonight on "The Awakening" at 9pm ET, 6pm PT, we will examine our opportunities for activism, especially electoral activism, and some of the prominent organizations at work. You may listen at this Sentinel Radio location.
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Only Logical Reason for Congress to Vote for Obama-Pelosi-Reid 'Healthcare'
Trying to determine what I could possibly say to my U.S. Senators' office staffs about the medical takeover bill, that could make any difference, I settled upon telling them this:
The only logical reason to enact this Obama-Pelosi-Reid legislation, is to continue to destroy authentic America, in favor of an authoritarian, Marxofascist revolution.
And it is a violent revolution, whether it brings gunfire or not, since it deeply violates those most fundamental rights, to life, liberty, and property, which define the United States of America.
Americans have fought and hundreds of thousands, died, to liberate us from such autocracy and to keep us free. Now, are you going to vote for this bill and in doing so, declare violent revolution as your aim?
That message and questioning are what must be drummed into the media, too -- and by word of mouth, and email, blogging, social networking comments, etc., drummed thoroughly into America's consciousnesses and consciences. After all, that is what this legislation would do. It would tragically harm, not help Americans, medically. It would overwhelmingly harm, not help American society, as it is strategically slipped into the intentionally destructive agenda for "fundamentally changing America" presented not only by Barack Obama, but also by his globalist point-man, George Soros, also Nancy Pelosi, their contemporary "Democratic Party" apparatchiks -- and going back, by Cloward-Piven, Saul Alinsky, the Frankfurt School, the KGB, etc.
If you wish to review how one arrives at this conclusion, feel free to peruse the Investigating Obama articles tagged with the label "health control," or go directly to Dr. David Janda's open letter, "The Obama Health Care Plan - in One Word."
As Sarah Palin told Sean Hannity in their recent interview, Americans deserve to be told the truth about those who seek (and have now gained) power. Anything less is irresponsible. So, how can our consciences allow us to keep from telling free Americans the truth concerning what so glaringly threatens to become the end of our history?
- Arlen Williams
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Phil Berg on the Way to SCOTUS & Dr. David Janda: Obamacare Harmful to America's Health - tonight, on Sentinel Radio
Simply click the title links below, to go to the appropriate net-radio broadcasts, plus optional listener chat windows.
1. Phil Berg, Obama Eligibility Challenger Joins Momma E and the Radio Rebels, 8-9pm ET,,, 5-6pm PT
Momma E relates that Phil will talk about Berg Vs. Obama, et. al., which is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.2. Dr. David Janda, Exposer of Obamacare, Doing Harm to Americans, on Weekly Candor, with Wish, 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT
From Wish:Both special guests have been guest before on Sentinel Radio. See these links on: Philip Berg and David Janda, for their earlier references here.
For the first part our of our program show we are honored to have as tonight's distinguished guest, Dr. David Janda. He is an orthopedic surgeon and is also pioneer in the field of sports injury medicine. Dr. Janda has been an outspoken critic of the proposed Health Care reform and is a proponent of health care freedom. Recently, as a guest on Glenn Beck program, Dr. Janda revealed how much of the current health care reforms have been concealed within the Stimulus Bill. We are delighted to have him as our guest and we are looking forward to his commentary and medical expertise. Dr. Janda is also the author of The Awakening Of A Surgeon: A Life of Prevention, Health, and Hope.
During our second hour, we will continue our discussion from Sentinel Radio's this past Monday nights show "The Awakening," where we explored the Ukrainian pneumatic plague, what it might be, how and where has it spread, and to what extent.
Tonight's topics include:
1. Obama Health Care
2. New Mammogram Advice
3. Ukraine Pneumonic Flu
4. What are the Causes of Influenza Epidemics?
5. Four Approved Swine Flu Vaccines for use in the USA via the FDA
6. The Copenhagen Climate Treaty and US Sovereignty
7. The Cap and Trade Bill
8. Commentary: Is Mandatory Health Insurance Constitutional?
Sentinel Radio's, Arlen Williams, host of "The Awakening" and Hanen will join me for a revealing and thoughtful discussion.
Dr. Janda on Glenn Beck, 11/4/2009
Dr. Janda's interview, 2nd hour, "The Awakening," 8/24/2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Robert Welch Was Right (John Birch Society)
Is it time, finally, now, to adopt his solutions?