Thursday, August 20, 2009

Archived: America vs. Marxism, on the Awakening: Jack Cashill, James Simpson, Mark Olsen

Essential information not presented over mainstream media

UPDATE: This program was revealing. It remains available for you to hear and to heed. (By the way, God is good and Hanen's child is fine.) I encourage you to look into all the opera (that means "works" ;-) of these three important communicators. And, Animal Colony is looking like an excellent gift idea. It is especially good for sharing with liberals and those ignorant of current affairs -- or, for those who do book reports, this new schoolyear -- or, for treating yourself -- and, Christmas is not all that far away....

Tonight on "The Awakening," we have three very important guests and what they reveal can help us save our free America, as we pass it on to others.

Jack Cashill: author and researcher of American Marxism and central bank manipulations; see his new article, "Obama, Ayers and the Knowledge 'Too Big' to Handle"

2. James Simpson describes how Obama's "healthcare" is really Alinsky and Cloward-Piven -style "Manufactured Healthcare Crisis" and lends his own analysis of Obama's
relationship with Weathermen and SDS revolutionaries.

3. Mark Olsen: co-author of an excellent new allegorical book, Animal Colony, a very engaging instruction in American Freedom vs. Marxism, for both children and adults,

Join us in a dynamic discussion about facts and understanding that you can relate to those you know, to win our war, imposed upon us by this global, Marxofascist insurgency.

Please spread the word

Cliff Kincaid at National Press Club Today, Exposing Ayers' & Dohrn's 'Social Justice'

More, on the illustriously revolting revolutionary couple, including the communisty organizing business partner of Barack Obama, in the corruption of Chicago's inner city school children. (Like they were not disadvantaged enough.) What could these two have done, to be any more celebrated by America's "progressive" elite? Blown up more policemen, maybe?

by James Simpson

How did long-time Obama friend Bill Ayers, a self-described "
little ‘c' communist," and domestic terrorist, become a "distinguished professor" at the University of Illinois? What exactly does he teach? What is his relationship with Hugo Chavez? How did his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, gain a tenured position at Northwestern University?

Billie & Bernie ... murdered San Francisco officer, Brian McDonnell ... Billie & Bernie
last picture, from Los Angeles Times

These questions and more will be answered at a
"Communism in the Classroom" press conference this coming Thursday, August 20, 12:30pm, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

Conference chairman, Cliff Kincaid, long-time editor of Accuracy in Media and President of America's Survival ( will be joined by a distinguished panel of speakers:
  • Paul Kengor is the executive director of the Center for Vision & Values and professor of political science at Grove City College. Known for his best-selling books, God and Ronald Reagan, God and George W. Bush, and The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism, Kengor frequently appears as a political commentator on national radio and television. Mr. Kengor will be discussing his report: "Anti-Anti Communism and the Academy."

Cliff will also discuss the information obtained with inexplicably great difficulty from the University of Illinois regarding Bill Ayers classroom syllabus and his activities as "distinguished professor."

Much of the information to be presented at this forum on Bill Ayers' teaching activities has never been made public before. The conference is open to the press and public and will be held in the First Amendment Lounge at the National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor - Washington, DCC 20045.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

James Simpson on the Radio: Cloward-Piven & Healthcare

Update, Howse interview time changed to Thursday - The author of the pivotally important September 2008 article, "Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis," will be on Brannon Howse's Worldview Radio this Thursday afternoon - August 20, from 3 to 4 pm Eastern Time, to discuss Obamacare and his new article, featured in I.O., "Manufactured Healthcare Crisis."

Today (Wednesday) Jim will be on with Andy Caldwell from 7:00 - 7:30 Eastern Time (4:00 - 4:30 Pacific Time) AM 1440, Lompoc, CA, again discussing the Alinsky and Cloward-Piven strategy, intended to make America fail, socioeconomically, as an initial, catastrophic step in Marxist revolution.

Thursday August 20th:
Jim is familiar to many readers of I.O. and listeners of Sentinel Radio's "The Awakening" broadcasts, who know him to be a key researcher, analyst, and voice for American freedom, who has alerted many to the warfare being waged against America.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Support Our Oath Keepers -- Please Promulgate This Video Message

Our military and law enforcement personnel are squarely in the center of America's increasing tensions. They must be armed and ready, with the truth.

"Not on our watch!"

We have Marxists reigning, in America's executive and legislative branches, and sympathetic thought in virtually half of our judiciary. They have never ceased to be revolutionaries. They practice the systemic violence of the "Cloward-Piven Strategy," to bring America to socioeconomic failure, as they seek to level their presumed powers of the state upon us, while building their "armies of the proletariat," to "fundamentally transform" and "remake" America. Those last two quotes are the very words of Barack Obama.

We do not know what will happen, as 2012 nears, nor as the 2010 elections come. With the popularity of Barack Obama and the "progressive" Congress on the decline, we do not know what Providence will allow, yet this year.

As new kinds of manufactured, generated, and false-flag crises are a distinct possibility -- as DHS/FEMA and Obama's Czars usurp more powers -- as our personal, state and national sovereignties are directly threatened, our military and law enforcement personnel may have to decide whether they are on the side of tyranny and treason, or on the side of:
Please get the message of this video and the Oath Keepers Web site out, to all those you know in the military and law enforcement community -- and to those with friends and family who serve.

We are already being warred against (and the Obama/Pelosi "healthcare" plan threatens to be a "keystone" of this assault).

Please use the technology at your fingertips and spread the word.

and feel free to click those links

Monday, August 17, 2009

Manufactured Healthcare Crisis

I.O.: Witness the healthcare thrust, of the Cloward-Piven tear-down, of free, authentic America. It is Marxist revolution through systemic violence and societal terrorism. Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are smiling. Add the names, Obama, Pelosi, and Soros. While they euphemistically call it "disruption," it costs livelihoods and lives. What do you mean by "sustainable?" What do they mean to end, and to sustain?

by James Simpson

These are perilous times. Last November’s election of Barack Obama and a filibuster-proof majority of Democrats in both houses allowed a virulent criminal cabal to capture our nation’s seat of power. As with the Democrat takeover of Congress in 2006, it was a disaster of epic proportions. With one shocking, enormous, blatantly partisan, self-serving and destructive proposal following on the heels of another, the sheer enormity of their power grab defies description. But as each new proposal moves forward, the hand of the Crisis Strategy becomes clear.

If there was ever any doubt that Barack Obama personifies the Crisis Strategy, it should long since have been removed for anyone with a mind. Since so many Americans seem to have lost theirs, I address this to the rest of you. For with God’s help, it is you and I, not our gutless, hapless, corrupt politicians, nor our sleeping populace that will save this country or allow it to fall.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, the Crisis Strategy was the brainchild of two radical socialist college professors, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The idea was to overwhelm government with demands for services to the point where the system would collapse and provide an opening for the socialists to take over.

Their strategy was behind creation of the National Welfare Rights Organization in the 1960s and 1970s which dramatically increased the welfare roles and caused the near bankruptcy of New York City in 1975; creation of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), prime instigators of the mortgage meltdown; the national Motor Voter law signed by President Clinton in 1993, which opened the floodgates to vote fraud by ACORN and similar groups; and the illegal immigrant amnesty movement. As we all should know by now, Barack Obama worked with and trained ACORN workers for many years, and is known and supported by all the major players in this movement.

Healthcare nationalization is a major component of this strategy. As Lenin said, “Medicine is the keystone of the arch of socialism.” The Left has agitated almost since the turn of the last century for some kind of socialized healthcare system. In fact, from 1939 forward, practically every Congressional session proposed national healthcare legislation. As aptly described in an incisive analysis of Medicare by the Cato Institute:

For more than 50 years before the 1965 enactment of Medicare, the American people repeatedly rejected the idea of government-mandated health insurance. Yet advocates of such federal power inside and outside of government did not take no for an answer. Year after year they kept coming back--pursuing incremental strategies, misrepresenting their proposals, even distributing propaganda paid for with government money in apparent violation of existing law.

Their dream was partially realized with creation of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 as part of President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society." The stated goal of these programs was to provide comprehensive healthcare for seniors and the poor. As the programs grew, the Left clamored for ever more benefits to these groups and ever expanding definitions of covered individuals. Illegal immigration, also encouraged by the Left, contributed to a rapidly growing pool of beneficiaries.

Like any free good, demand for services under these programs has skyrocketed. Spending levels were insignificant in the early years, but today Medicare and Medicaid today comprise 36 percent of total US healthcare spending.

Medicare was originally to be funded with “Hospital Insurance” (HI) premiums tacked onto the Social Security FICA tax. No one seriously believed the HI tax would cover all costs. And despite more than quadrupling the HI tax rate from 0.7 percent to 2.9 percent, it hasn’t. Today HI taxes cover a mere 40 percent of Medicare spending. About 21 percent comes from premiums paid by beneficiaries and other sources. Fully 39 percent comes from general revenues (i.e. you and me, pal.) Citation here.

Medicaid is funded roughly 50/50 by federal and state governments. As an essentially free benefit to the poor, Medicaid has no tax associated with it, so it is covered by state and federal income tax revenues – that’s you and me again, sucker. In 2006, Medicaid spending alone totaled $314 billion. For perspective, this is roughly equivalent to the baseline defense budget (i.e. excluding war spending like for Iraq/Afghanistan). State Medicaid programs are the largest single recipient of all federal grants, comprising 43 percent of the total.

In 2008, federal Medicaid and Medicare spending totaled $656 billion. Comprising only 2.8 percent of the federal budget in 1967, these two programs today consume 22 percent of total federal spending. This is the largest component of the federal budget, even exceeding total wartime outlays for national defense.

Corrected for inflation, Medicare and Medicaid spending has increased by 2,735 percent since funding began in 1967. That is a real annual growth rate of 8.5 percent, almost three times the annual rate of economic growth for the same period.[1]

All these effects were predicted by economists, and we were repeatedly warned. The Left knew.

These spiraling costs have to be covered somehow. The Left knew this too. Besides raiding the General Fund, the federal government has used its monopsony power to strong arm ever greater price concessions from the healthcare industry. Medicare and Medicaid reimburse doctors a small and shrinking portionof the fees needed to cover their costs.

For example, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recently responded to President Obama's wildly false claim that Surgeons charge "$30,000, $40,000 [or] $50,000"

Private insurance on the other hand, provides a larger reimbursement, and uninsured individuals who do not qualify for the government programs pay full price. These prices are much higher than they would be in absence of the government programs because medical providers have to recoup their costs somehow. And because the pool of Medicare and Medicaid recipients continues to grow, prices keep going up.

So while private citizens pay the lion’s share of taxes to fund Medicare and Medicaid, we are also cross-subsidizing these government programs through higher insurance premiums than we would otherwise pay. This is a primary reason medical care has become more expensive.

The left has attacked the private healthcare system from another angle as well: malpractice lawsuits. It has gone largely unreported in the mass media, but the dramatic expansion of all forms of liability lawsuits since the 1960s is the result of a deliberate, organized effort by leftist law professors to turn civil courts into agents of income redistribution. By undermining contract law and expanding the definition of liability – ideas advocated at leading law schools – legal precedents have allowed trial lawyers to pick the pockets of American business as never before. Liability costs have skyrocketed as a result.

We see the consequences of their handiwork directly in the increased cost of products, liability insurance of all kinds, and the decline or in some cases elimination of domestic industries. According to a study performed by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), the United States pays out $589 billion per year in excessive tort litigation. That is approximately 5 percent of GDP and costs a family of four on average about $8,000 per year.

Glorified ambulance chaser and Democratic Presidential Candidate John Edwards made his millions suing doctors for procedures that are inherently risky, and greatly increased jury awards with a new innovation: suing nurses, anesthesiologists, hospitals and anyone else in his path. Following is a quote from one doctor:

"The John Edwards we know crushed [obstetrics, gynecology] and neurosurgery in North Carolina," said Dr. Craig VanDerVeer, a Charlotte neurosurgeon. "As a result, thousands of patients lost their health care."
Following are some statistics on medical malpractice liability from the PRI report: for a foot amputation. Instead they say, "Medicare reimbursements to physicians for foot amputations range from approximately $700 to $1200 which includes the follow up care the surgeon provides to the patient up to 90 days after the operation." That is simply outrageous!

· Approximately $124 billion dollars is spent annually by the health care
profession to avoid medical liability.

· About $30 billion more is spent on direct liability lawsuit costs.

· Malpractice liability cost is 1 percent of GDP and increases the cost of healthcare by approximately 7 percent.

· These added costs deny health insurance coverage to between 2.4 and 4.3 million people, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

The increasing costs of medical care resulting from Medicare, Medicaid and the dramatic growth of malpractice lawsuits have provided activists with the rationale they need to agitate for socialized medicine. But this has been their strategy all along. Medicare and Medicaid were designed to undermine private healthcare, making it ever more expensive and unmanageable, until enough interest could be generated for systemic change. Similarly, changes in tort law aimed at turning our courts into vehicles for income redistribution have overburdened our legal system with massive caseloads and the highest liability costs in the world.

While doubtless many thought they were doing good, the ultimate goal, as elucidated by the Left, has everywhere and always been Socialism.

Furthermore, they grossly overstate the problem. We hear constantly about the “47 million uninsured.” These figures include 10 to 25 million illegal immigrants, 14 million people who are already eligible for medical benefits but haven’t availed themselves, and 10 million people earning $75,000 or more who could presumably afford their own insurance if they chose to. Even assuming the lowest estimate for illegal immigrants, the true number of uninsured would be only 13 million. Yet the Democrats want to nationalize the entire industry, currently 17 percent of GDP, to provide benefits to 4 percent of the U.S. population.

And while medical costs increase due largely to government manufactured problems, shrinking returns in the healthcare industry put doctors and hospitals out of business. Meanwhile, the astronomical cost of medical school plus this increasingly hostile atmosphere toward the private medical market is turning more and more qualified people away from the medical field entirely. Costs increase while supply decreases, the classic consequence of government intervention.

Yet Obama and the brain-dead Democrat Congress want to give us a government-run system that will guarantee magnitudes more of the same.

Can you see the Left laughing at you?

However, their true motives have finally been exposed. For seniors Obamacare essentially advocates euthanasia. Benefits will be drastically cut, and in some cases will become completely unavailable. As Obama said publicly: “Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller.” In other words, if you think you are going to die anyway, why don’t you just save us the money and go ahead…

For others it will mean a dramatic reduction in both the availability and quality of care. Obama’s health policy advisor Ezekiel Emmanuel (brother of Rahm Emmanuel) admits as much. He even wants doctors to reconsider the Hippocratic Oath:

Amazingly, Dr. Emanuel criticizes the Hippocratic Oath as partly to blame for the "overuse" of medical care: "Medical school education and post graduate education emphasize thoroughness," he wrote. Physicians take the "Hippocratic Oath's admonition to 'use my power to help the sick to the best of my ability and judgment' as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others." (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008.) Of course that is what patients hope their doctors will do. But Dr. Emanuel wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their own patient and consider "social justice" (emphasis mine.) They should think about whether the money being spent on their patient could be better spent elsewhere.

Who in God’s green earth are these people?

The Left has relentlessly insisted for decades that we pay every penny for care of indigents, the poor, illegals and elderly to the point where hospitals are closing their doors because they can no longer afford it. But once given the opportunity to transfer this responsibility to the government, their message to the elderly and the rest of us is essentially: drop dead!

Let me put this as bluntly as possible. The Left has never cared about the elderly or the poor, but ruthlessly uses them as part of their long-term strategy to overburden private healthcare until it ultimately collapses. The same Leftists who so passionately demanded free healthcare for all now want euthanasia for seniors and dramatically lower services for the rest of us. It is a power grab, pure and simple. There is nothing more to it.

The Dems won’t cut benefits to the poor just yet though, because they still need their votes. Later on they will need them as hired muscle. But once they secure unchallengeable power, do you think they’ll care? They have willfully worked to destroy every beneficial thing in our society. These are vicious, selfish, utterly corrupt parasites. They have spent a lifetime abandoned to a philosophy that makes excuses for everything and anything in the service of one ultimate goal: absolute power.

These people have to be stopped. NOW.

I went to Senator Ben Cardin’s town hall meeting last Monday and came across a woman who had worked as a nurse in Britain’s public health system. She provided a personal anecdote which is little peek into what we can expect should we adopt the Democrats’ plan. Catherine Midkiff, RN RSN, has been a nurse since 1979 and lived in the UK in 1991 and 1992. She earned $10 per hour there, compared to the $22 per hour then being earned by nurses in the US. As an agency nurse she earned more than staff nurses. Those women had to live in a dormitory on site as their pay would not afford them private residences.

She said at St. George’s Hospital she worked on a seniors ward where 23 elderly men and women shared the same room. When she asked where the code cart was, her British counterparts laughed, saying, “Oh you must be from America…” For non-seniors, most British hospitals put six people in a room. Wait lists are extremely long. An elderly British citizen she knew came to the US to get heart surgery after waiting a full year in the UK system. Others weren’t so lucky. For many years, British hospitals had no trauma centers. Thousands died as a result.

For his part, Cardin simply perpetuated the smear against Obamacare protesters, claiming they were Republican stooges spreading disinformation. However, there were over 2,000 of us and only a handful of ACORN, union and party thugs. That we are no longer being fooled is becoming more and more apparent. The Dems control both houses of Congress so this remains an uphill battle, but if enough get the message that their careers are on the line, these utterly self-serving urchins may actually come around to our point of view, simply for sheer survival purposes.

We cannot let up. Not for a minute.

[1] Calculations based on Office of Management and Budget historical tables using OMB deflators, combined with state and local spending estimates provided by

For further critical reading, if you have not already done so, please read and share Mr. Simpson's 9/2008 article, "
Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis, Part II."

James Simpson is a former White House staff economist and budget analyst. His writings have been published in the Washington Times,
FrontPage Magazine, Whistleblower Magazine, American Thinker, DefenseWatch, Soldier of Fortune, and others. His blog is Truth and Consequences.

Picture, portion of a contemporary London hospital ward, from Daily Mail

The Compleat List of Czars

Updated, Monday, 8/17/2009

Drafting the fishy angles and curves of the czar regime of Barack the Destroyer. And here we thought we already had a government -- you know, the constitutional one.

The Compleat* List of Czars
in American Daughter, by Nancy Matthis

Bypassing the authority of Congress, Barack Obama rules through czars -- the beginnings of dictatorship:
  1. Afghanistan-Pakistan (Af-Pak) czar, Richard Holbrooke
  2. AIDS czar, Jeffrey Crowley [openly gay white man]
  3. Auto recovery czar, Ed Montgomery
  4. Behavioral science czar, position not yet filled
  5. Bailout czar, Herbert Allison Jr., [replaced Bush bailout czar Neel Kashkari, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability confirmed by Senate]
  6. Border czar, Alan Bersin
  7. Car czar, Ron Bloom [Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury , under Senate oversight]
  8. Climate change czar, Todd Stern
  9. Copyright czar, not appointed yet
  10. Counterterrorism czar, John Brennan
  11. Cybersecurity czar, position will be vacant on August 21st [upon the departure of Melissa Hathaway]
  12. Disinformation czar, Linda Douglass [This is a new media buzz since our earlier list, a response by pundits to the White House request for informants: see Glenn Beck and Lew Rockwell]
  13. Domestic violence czar, Lynn Rosenthal
  14. Drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske
  15. Economic czar, Larry Summers
  16. Economic czar number two, Paul Volcker
  17. Education czar, Arne Duncan
  18. Energy czar, Carol Browner
  19. Food czar, Michael Taylor [a former Monsanto executive, or, the fox in charge of the henhouse]
  20. Government performance czar, Jeffrey Zients
  21. Great Lakes czar, Cameron Davis
  22. Green jobs czar, Van Jones [who has a communist background]
  23. Guantanamo closure czar, Daniel Fried
  24. Health czar, Nancy-Ann DeParle
  25. Infotech czar, Vivek Kundra [Shoplifted four shirts, worth $33.50 each, from J.C. Penney in 1996 (source). His last day in DC government was March 4 but on March 12 the FBI raided his office and arrested two staffers.]
  26. Intelligence czar, Dennis Blair [Director of National Intelligence, a Senate confirmed position. He is a retired United States Navy four-star admiral]
  27. Latin-American czar, Arturo Valenzuela (nominee) [although this post is referred to as a czar, he is nominatied to be Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and so is subject to Senate confirmation. Voting on his confirmation was delayed to clarify his position on Honduras. Watch WaPo's Head Count to track status of confirmation.]
  28. Mideast peace czar, George Mitchell
  29. Mideast policy czar, Dennis Ross
  30. Pay czar, Kenneth Feinberg
  31. Regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein
  32. Religion czar, aka God czar Joshua DuBois
  33. Safe schools czar, Kevin Jennings [appointed to be Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, a newly created post (that does not require Senate confirmation); openly gay founder of an organization dedicated to promoting pro-homosexual clubs and curricula in public schools]
  34. Science czar, John Holdren
  35. Stimulus oversight czar, Earl Devaney
  36. Sudan czar, J. Scott Gration
  37. TARP czar, Elizabeth Warren [chair of the [Congressional Oversight Panel for the Trouble Assets Relief Program; note that Herb Allison is frequently called the TARP czar]
  38. Technology czar, Aneesh Chopra
  39. Trade czar, Ron Kirk
  40. Urban affairs czar, Adolfo Carrion
  41. War czar, Douglas Lute [retained from Bush administration, married to Jane Holl Lute, currently a Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security]
  42. Water czar, David J. Hayes [a Deputy Interior Secretary and therefore subject to Senate oversight]
  43. Weapons czar, Ashton Carter [actually Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and so subject to Senate confirmation]
  44. Weapons of mass destruction czar, Gary Samore
Positions being planned:
  1. Income redistribution czar
  2. Land-use czar
  3. Mortgage czar, formally "consumer financial protection czar" (source)
  4. Radio-internet fairness czar
  5. Student loan czar, to oversee a program of mandatory service in return for college money (source)
  6. Voter list czar
  7. Zoning czar

Obama the Great

Obama has moved swiftly to concentrate power in the White House, bypassing the review of our elected representatives in Congress in most of the posts listed above. Even though cabinet positions are part of the executive branch, the cabinet secretaries must be approved by Congress, they are funded by Congress, and they can be called before Congress to testify. Most of these czars, on the other hand, are appointed by Obama at his sole discretion, and are answerable only to him. If subpoenaed by Congress, they can claim executive privilege.

Right after the election last November, Lowell Ponte of NewsMax published a tongue-in-cheek article that purported to be written eight years in the future, looking back on the Obama administration. Given the administration's current initiatives, the ominous prognostication seems frighteningly likely:
Looking back from 2016 on eight strange years of President Barack Obama's administration, we see that it has been nothing like what idealists believed they were electing in 2008.

The Obama years will be remembered in the Ministry of Truth's official history as the era of 1,000 czars, the elitist commissars he gave the power to rule by fiat in every sector of America's government, economy, and society.... And through their partisan power, Barack Obama became America's permanent caesar.

[This article is an update of our earlier post -- Obama's Imperial Court. It was created specifically to serve as a current reference list of czars with news links, since we have not found such a research tool readily available.]


Concord Monitor -- Obama and his 32 czars
"The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that's what I intend to reverse when I'm president of the United States."

- Sen. Barack Obama, March 31, 2008

To say President Obama failed to follow through on this promise is an understatement. By appointing a virtual army of "czars" - each wholly unaccountable to Congress yet tasked with spearheading major policy efforts for the White House - the president has made an end-run around the legislative branch of historic proportions.... Vesting such broad authority in the hands of people not subjected to Senate confirmation and congressional oversight poses a grave threat to our system of checks and balances.
NewsFlavor -- The Obama "Czars"
These Czars are well paid, earning between $158,500 and $172,200, and using just the lower level of $158,500, this calculates to $5,072,000 annually.... These Czars are designing policies in our country, and are neither subject to congressional approval or oversight. They do what they want, when they want, and the public through its elected representatives have no recourse.
WorldNetDaily -- Obama's radical, anti-American czars
Among Barack Obama's 34 unaccountable "czars" are at least two whose radical roots and extremist views should disqualify them from service in government at any level – let alone as top advisers to the president.... John Holdren, his pick as top science adviser, is a population-control zealot who believes the Constitution justifies compulsory abortions on a massive worldwide scale. So much for the notion that radical abortion politics is ultimately about "choice."... Van Jones, the special environmental adviser to the White House, has an equally checkered past deep-rooted in radical politics, including black nationalism, anarchism and communism.
The Daily Beast -- Get to Know Obama's Czars
....maybe he just likes delegating, but President Obama has been appointing czars at a furious rate since taking office.... ...the czar-ness of various executive branch positions is somewhat ambiguous (one man’s czar is another man’s special assistant to the president)....
NoisyRoom -- Obama's Czars Listing UPDATED
Note from ADMC: While this list contains some inaccuracies, it has something none of the other sources offered -- a comprehensive list of duties associated with each position. Terrific piece of research by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton. (UPDATE 8/3/09, late evening: All inaccuracies have been corrected.)
IMAO -- Czar Czar Galore
The Obama Administration is not the first administration to appoint someone with broad powers to oversee a function. You know. A "czar." Previously, we've had Drug Czars, Energy Czars, and so on. But, Barack Obama has gone Czar crazy.
The Business Insider -- Obama's Czars: The Men Behind The Crown
UPDATE: Some clarification is needed about the "car czar." In mid-February, Obama created the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry, officially led by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers ("economic czar"). In practice, Wall Street hedge fund mogul and auto industry insider Steve Rattner was brought to Washington to spearhead operations -- his official title was Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury -- and he was dubbed the "car czar" by the media.

Rattner orchestrated the amazingly fast restructuring of Chrysler and General Motors, but his brief service was plagued by unresolved allegations of his involvement in the New York State retirement fund kickback scandal, exacerbated by the fact that he was building a $15 million summer home on Martha's Vineyard as many Americans were losing their primary homes to foreclosure.

Ron Bloom, formerly a Wall Street investment banker who was familiar with the auto industry from serving as advisor to the United Steel Workers Union, was already working alongside Rattner on the task force. When Rattner left, Ron Bloom stepped into the job of Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury vacated by Rattner, leading many to call him the new car czar.

But the "heavy lifting" of the task force had already been done in the restructuring of the car manufacturers, and the emphasis now shifted to the recovery of the auto industry. That is the responsibility of Ed Montgomery, whose official title is Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers. And unlike Rattner, who nominally reported to a Cabinet Secretary subject to Congressional review, Montgomery is a true "czar" who reports directly to the President, is not subject to vetting, and enjoys executive privilege.

We could resolve this ambiguity in the "czar list" as follows:
  • Ron Bloom, car czar

  • Ed Montgomery, auto recovery czar
but we may not hear a lot about Ron Bloom going forward, while the work of Montgomery will remain in focus. Bottom line: Ron Bloom got Steve Rattner's actual job, but Ed Montgomery inherited the media mantle of "car czar."
* The spelling of the title is a literary allusion to The Compleat Angler by Izaak Walton, circa 1653, a staple of English literature. The variant spelling "compleat" signifies "quintessential," the be all and end all, the last word.

Thank you, American Daughter.
Is this preparing the way for a replacement government, when the "disruption" of America is... compleat?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Obama's Pelosi Attempts Censorship of Congressional Speech

Did you know this happened? I didn't and I'm supposed to be following all this

Congressional resisters and opposers must now look over their shoulders, for censorship of their Special Orders sessions and their government paid communiques to constituents, called "franking."

U.S. Representative, John Carter of Texas has taken the lead, to tell Americans of one of the latest abrogations of the Constitution on the part of the Soros/Obama/Pelosi regime. Keep in mind that they tried to ram through their Cloward-Piven health control sabatoge, before Congress and the People even had the opportunity to scrutinize their Healthkill Bill. I.O. quotes Rep. Carter's news release, dated July 27, 2009.
Carter Calls for Special Orders on Capitol Grounds if Democrats Again Censor Floor Speeches

(WASHINGTON, DC) – House Republicans will deliver speeches defending freedom of speech even if Democrat leaders attempt another "gag" scheme, says Republican Conference Secretary John Carter, who has scheduled a news conference for that purpose this evening on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol.

"We will not allow House Democrats another attempt to silence the voice of political opposition," says Carter, whose scheduled speeches criticizing transparency in the House two weeks ago were blocked after Democrats voted to shut down the House rather than allow Republicans to speak during Special Orders. Special Orders speeches are broadcast live nationwide on CSPAN.

Tonight, Carter and other House Members are scheduled to debate this past week’s attempt to censor criticism of Democrats’ controversial health care reform package by Members of Congress. Democrat leaders have ordered a stop to distribution of a flow-chart graph of the plan, and ordered Carter to change his reference to the plan from a "government-run health care plan," to a "public option health care plan", to be consistent with Democrat propaganda.

"This is about far more than just House rules," says Carter, a former Texas judge. "If we allow Congress to be politically censored then freedom of speech for the public and the press will soon be undermined as well. This is a fight to preserve the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law, and freedom itself against those who would regulate it all away if we let them."

House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter and fellow House Members

Following House Adjournment if Special Orders are cancelled, time estimate 8pm The House Triangle, U.S. Capitol Grounds Defending Freedom of Speech in the House
See the explanation by Rep. Carter, given to Fox News' Megyn Kelly.

Apparently, members of the House were allowed their Special Orders session, shown below. There, they further expounded upon this assault of the First Amendment rights of some of the most important speakers this nation has, members of Congress. Upon what rights will Speaker Pelosi -- or someone else -- put the hammer down again? (That is, in addition to the onslaught since 1973, upon America's most fundamental, most trampled upon, Right to Life.)

The Marxofascist insurgency tests the waters again, to see what control and intimidation they might get away with, and to measure what reaction they provoke. I.O. will lay out this behavior in a subsequent post. Perhaps it began with the Obama presidential campaign's caucus thuggery and their manipulation of government and law enforcement personnel, in Missouri.

tentacles probing, antennae sensing... tentacles probing, antennae sensing...
h/t: Peggy

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Allan Erickson: I met Saul Alinsky once

Violence, Alinskyites & the Endless Struggle:
It is not about forming a more perfect Union, but it is about all out war
Obama's Alinskyites target Glenn Beck
Obama’s Alinskyites confront ObamaCare protestors at town hall meetings

by Allan Erickson

"A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage — the political paradise of communism.”

- Saul Alinksy

Anybody seen any of that paradise lately, or ever?

Law of the Jungle: dominate or be dominated. The overarching rule is there are no rules.

Meet the genius sociopath godfather of the contemporary radicalized American Left, i.e., the modern-day Democrat Party, Saul Alinksy, patron saint of the Obama machine. Think of it: the most influential men in Obama’s life—Saul Alinsky, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Franklin Davis Marshall—all pervert revolutionaries, all America haters, all communists.

To this day, most Americans do not fully understand what they are up against, and it may be too late for them to open their eyes to see their executioner clearly.

Selected Alinksy quotes paint the picture:

” . . . the primary assault would be on Biblical absolutes and Christian values.”

“Yesterday’s immoral terrorist is today’s moral and dignified statesman.”

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”

“One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.”

“In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt.”

Read all of Alinsky’s poison in his 1971 book “Rules for Radicals,” which he dedicated to Lucifer. (Not kidding.)

He was a prophet of revolution, preaching any means are justified in the war against capitalism, the only moral value is victory.

He encouraged his followers to pose as middle class traditionalists, urging them to infiltrate, grab power, and attack. For Alinsky, those standing in his way were the enemy, and as with all enemies, they had to be destroyed.

So now you understand what has been happening since January 20, 2009.

Alinsky nurtured a special hatred for Christians.

Among Alinsky’s devoted disciples: Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright and most of the people drawing salaries in the executive branch including Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod.

I met Saul Alinsky once. He came to our college campus to speak. At the time I was part of the student group sponsoring his appearance. Although I did not spend a lot of time with him, perhaps two hours, it was enough to see he was an angry man, seething, agitated, vindictive, arrogant, tough, mean, vengeful. Chain smoker. Dark circles under his eyes. He spoke about the evils of capitalism with passion and hate. He said revolutionary change was the only option, at any cost, using any means, because that was the only way the powerless could overcome the powerful.

When he was done, he grabbed his check, and left without so much as a thank you.

Saul Alinsky was the kind of man who would use his own activists to shoot and kill his own comrades if he thought he could blame it on his enemies. The means justify the ends. You know, like what the Sandinistas did to skewer the Contras.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Christian activist motivated by love using the tactic of non-violence to achieve social justice.

Saul Alinksy was altogether otherwise, an atheist thug motivated by hate using violence to achieve only strife and division, packaged as the march to social justice, change, hope. Sound familiar?

Which man does Barack Obama most closely resemble?

Is it any wonder then we have SEIU union thugs attacking a man opposed to ObamaCare outside a town hall meeting recently, video here. What is especially grievous, the union thug is Black, and the conservative activist protesting ObamaCare is Black. Please remember, Obama exhalts the SEIU, has worked on their behalf, and loves Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, which sanctions violence and thuggery like this. So much for the post racial unifier. Obama is nothing more that a tool of radicals, a willing participant in promoting anarchy.

This is not about unifying the country. It is about dividing us, and conquering.

Leftists, like Alinsky, are constantly angry, resentful and seething with envy. They can never gain political ground showing their true face, so they recruit golden boys like Obama to be their front men. As a group, they refuse to take personal responsibility, always blaming someone else, and demanding the rich pay their bills. Since the rich are in the minority, the rich are an easy target because they cannot adequately defend themselves.

But that is only part of the story.

The Left hates the middle class too, always has, always will. The ultimate coup is demonizing the rich, then lulling the middle class pretending to be allies, then plundering the middle class via government grants to fund stuff like ACORN, The Apollo Alliance,, Code Pink, Public Allies, AmeriCorp, The Annenberg Challenge, The Woods Fund, Media Matters, Soros, SDS, NARAL, and the DNC, a virtual army of Alinsky assassins, Obama allies.

And if you are poor, do you think these people really care about you?

Ask the poor in Russia or North Korea or Cuba or Venezuela about their lot. Any improvements in the last 80 years, anywhere? How about all those poor folk Obama organized in Chicago. Do you think they are better off today than they were 20 years ago? What tangible difference for the good has Obama or Alinsky or Soros or Ayers ever contributed?

Zero, zip, nada.

You see the truth is, the Rules for Radicals only apply for the purposes of creating exclusive access for elitists like Obama, Hillary, Ayers, Axelrod, Emanuel and Pelosi. Once they are in power, everybody else can go to hell. Still, they have to put up a good show. And that is what healthcare ‘reform’ is all about. It is also about gaining more iron-fisted control, for the Left is all about control, total control.

Funny how the cherished proletariat always get stuck under Alinsky’s dictatorship. The “paradise of communism” never ever shows up.

Bottom Line: Man without God is a beast. Beasts like Alinsky and Obama now roam the country, occupying the halls of power, invading every aspect of life, dictating to us what we will and will not do, and when. The Beasts are thoroughly self-serving.

Increasingly, people see them for who and what they really are, and, it is quite possible, the end is near.

The American Republic, populated by citizens endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, still offers the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Are we going to let Alinsky’s flying monkeys destroy it?


More resources

What is Americanism?

Latest Obama Thuggery: Silence Glenn Beck

Gangsta Government

Obama Thugocracy

Letter from L. David Alinsky, son of Saul Alinsky

Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father’s model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday.
Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky:
True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties….
Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power. Barack Obama is also an Alinskyite…. Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project…. Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer.”
Link to more information

Friday, August 14, 2009

Call for Citizen Investigators of Orly Taitz

If you have non-invasive, appropriate, and ethical means of documenting the many inconvenient/convenient "miscues" of Orly Taitz, in our pursuit of Constitutional Justice. And/or, if you have information on her background and allegiances...

...please post in comments here, or email

Thank you. I.O. will seek to assist you in appropriate, ethical ways.

(Time is short for I.O., this afternoon. If you wonder why, this post, you may check recent postinngs of articles and comments, here; also recent postings in Leo Donofrio's Natural Born Citizen blog, or Phil's The Right Side of Life blog.)

Jill Stanek: Section 1233 Authors are Major Proponents of Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide

Rep. Earl Blumenauer - another self-made enemy of America, in Congress

Defenders of American Popular Sovereignty must do our own investigation of global Marxofascists (they euphemistically call themselves Transnational Progressives or Communitarians). We must expose them. The following does that.

Please heed this article by Jill Stanek, the woman who exposed botched abortion infanticide and Barack Obama's unconstrained thirst for it.
Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia, assisted suicide

I wrote August 10 about the now infamous Section 1233 in a House version of the nationalized healthcare plan, which has concerned even healthcare proponents as pushing euthanasia on the elderly.

Kudos to FRC's The Cloakroom (here and here) for drawing attention to the fact that the 2 authors of Section 1233 are major proponents of euthanasia and assisted suicide.


The first is Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer. Recall Oregon was the 1st state to legalize physician assisted suicide almost 12 years ago. Blumenauer wrote on Huffington Post July 28:

Rep. Buck McKeon admonished people to read the bill and then specifically cited Section 1233. Actually, I know a little bit about this section because it's a bill that I wrote which was incorporated into the overall legislation.

Blumenauer wrote an amicus brief in support of assisted suicide in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2005, Gonzalez vs. Oregon....

harpers right to die.jpgBluemenauer also links on his website to a 1960 Harper's magazine article (see right) promoting both voluntary and involuntary euthanasia.

The group Compassion & Choices, formerly known as the Hemlock Society. is also says it had a hand in crafting Section 1233, writing July 27:

Compassion & Choices has worked tirelessly with supportive members of congress to include in proposed reform legislation a provision requiring Medicare to cover patient consultation with their doctors about end-of-life choice (section 1233 of House Bill 3200).

Compassion & Choices calls itself part of the "aid-in-dying movement." About itself Compassion & Choices writes:

... An organization dedicated to care of terminally ill patients, including those seeking a hastened death....

Compassion & Choices... improves care and expands choice at the end of life....

Our professional staff and trained volunteers help thousands of clients each year by... guiding their search for a peaceful, humane death....

We offer information on self-determined dying....

Our team of litigators and legislative experts fights bills that would force patients to endure futile, invasive treatment....

compassion and choices.jpg

Come again that promotion of euthanasia isn't part of Section 1233?

You can visit this article in for additional comments by her erudite readers. And, you may wish to keep checking into her work, for it's excellent Declarationist reporting and commentary for our most essential human right.

Hanen and I also had the privilege of having Jill as our special guest, this past March 2, to discuss the Soros/Obama/Pelosi regime and it's attack upon our human rights: "The Awakening, with Hanen & Arlen," Special Guest: Jill Stanek.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Robert Gibbs' Transparent Hedge: "Death Panels... Not in the Bill"

I am watching the White House press conference, now, and Robert Gibbs. His performance is strikingly revealing, to a careful observer of rhetoric and human behavior.

Pardon my paraphrasing, but Gibbs just said the following.
I am quite offended by those who speak of "death panels," because it is simply "not in the bill." [And then in the following statement] " is not in the bill."
For a professional political communicator, this is glaringly telling. It shows he does full well know that death panels are in the plan for the use of this bill, by the assignments and Trojan horse provisions in it (and that the potential energy of an overarching death panel has already been established in the Marxist wrought "Stimulus Act"). 1, 2

By the principles of rhetoric, if this were not an established fact for him, he would not have said death panels are "not in the bill," then searched for further words to underscore this assertion, only to weakly resort to repeating this talking point, "not in the bill."

The use of this morbid propogandistic device is a verbal act of "sleight of hand."

big half-truth, cum big lie

Government Controlled Healthcare, a Hand that Rocks, Cradles to Graves

“Medicine is the keystone of the arch of socialism.”
- Vladimir Lenin 1,2,3

It would be done to us already, if he had his way.

One wonders, is it essential to his mission, to maintain popular support, including a loyal opposition, in a civil society?

Or is Barack Obama assigned an overriding task of "disruption" and destruction?

And, by their polemic behavior, are he and his circle actually trying to foment and escalate conflict, within America?

Do they seek an overall breakdown, eventually so exacerbated that it prepares the way for a new mutation of "the dictatorship of the proletariat?"

If so, what is the the next phase of the plan,
whether Obama politically survives, or not?

Lenin quote h/t: Tim LaHaye on Hannity 8/11. Image h/t: Brad

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More Light on More Marxist Friends of Barack ignored of the company he keeps; from Sonjya Schmidt of PJTV addition to Bill Ayers and Louis Gates: Charles Ogletree and Cornell West (plus, James Cone) not to mention Soros, Piven, Alinsky, Gramsci, Mao, Trotsky, Lenin, and Marx.

apologies to so many, left out - especially you, Uncle Frank - and all with whom you exchanged egalitarian DNA
Who all is connected with your Blackberry, Barry?