Monday, January 5, 2009

Sam Sewell: Mr. and Mrs. Obama Sr. Visit Kenya in Summer of '61?

Though the simple fact of BHO's U.K. citizenship at birth must constitutionally preclude his presidency, Americans have a "need to know" where he was born. As you know, he refuses to show us real, legal evidence of this, so we are compelled to investigate whether BHO's claim of Hawaiian birth is fraudulent. One kind of investigation seeks hardcore facts. Another gathers intelligence, to provide clues, develop a set of instructive probabilities, and provide a governing narrative of events. I.O. relates an article originally posted by Sam Sewell on his blog, "The Steady Drip."

Do you know how more intel may be gained?

Could you gain it?

By Sam Sewell

Another little tid bit, thanks to Janet at citizenwells

Most intelligence work doesn't require special skills other than a curious mind and the ability to sort through tons of meaningless data to find one nugget.

Obama Sr. and Obama's mom were married in February of 1961. Five months later Obama was born. The article at the link below reports that Ann Dunham visited Seattle and talked about being excited about Obama Sr. going back to Kenya for a visit.

Now, Ann would have been visiting during break from classes at U of HI. Her husband's visit to Kenya would have also been that summer because he was due back to class in the fall. What do you want to bet that Ann went with her husband to visit her in-laws in Kenya and that is where Obama was born in August.?

She and Obama Sr. then returned to Hawaii in time for classes to start and Ann registered Obama's birth in Hawaii. What do you think? "Susan Blake, another high-school classmate, said that during a brief visit in 1961, Dunham was excited about her husband’s plans to return to Kenya."

That also means that they were probably traveling together and it might be useful to check public records (Ports of Entry) to see if there is any record of Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham entering the United States with an infant.

And from back in October:

Written by bhartzer on
document.write(localTime('Oct 23, 2008 22:29 GMT'))
Oct-23-08 6:29pm

According to a report today, Barack Obama, the Senator from Illinois who is seeking to be President of the United States, was born in Kenya.

Someone is lying. According to Obama’s Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room.

One explanation is that Obama’s mother Ann Dunham, flew to Kenya in 1961 with Obama’s father to meet his family. According to some news reports, Ann Dunham, was not accepted well by her husband’s family because she was white:“Obama’s family did not take to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama very well, because she was white, according to Sarah Obama. Shortly after she arrived in Kenya Stanley Ann decided to return to Hawaii because she later said, she did not like how Muslim men treated their wives in Kenya. However, because she was near term the airline would not let her fly until after the birth of her baby. Obama’s grandmother said the baby—Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.—was born in Kenya and that shortly after he was born, Stanley Ann returned to Hawaii.”

We know how Barack Obama currently feels about his grandmother. Perhaps this is another thing that he is trying to hide from us?

And this:

They say:The video on the right is an interview with Susan Blake, (the video has been removed) one of Stanley's friends form Mercer island, Washington, who recounts the visit from Stanley and Barry in August '61. The question is; what would a mother with a 3 wk old child be doing travelling at that time? Was she traveling on her way back from Kenya via Washington to Honololu? At that time, the international airport in Honolulu was just being built, and Stanley would not have been able to fly directly from Kenya to Honolulu, but only through Seattle.That article did not mention Susan Blake telling us that Stanley was excited about going to Kenya earlier.

It looks like it all converges! If the One thinks that he can conceal the truth forever, he is obviously wrong!


This long article appears to contradict some of my post on The Steady Drip. After reading it I think some of the interviewees simply misunderstood the situation. Interesting none the less.

An I.O. epilogue: From reading the article last linked, it would appear that Stanley Ann sent her postcard from within Washington State, not from Hawaii.

© Sam Sewell

The views and statements expressed by Investigating Obama contributors, and in quotations and citations, are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Investigating Obama and Arlen Williams

Mark S. McGrew: 'Obama: Deceiver, Cheat, Swindler, Liar, Fraudster, Con Artist'

There is still time, but the time is well past due, for treating Sovereign American Citizens with basic honesty and respect. This has also gotten to be a time for some venting -- I.O.

By Mark S. McGrew

We know that Obama is a liar about so many things.

The question of whether or not he is in fact, a Natural Born Citizen and eligible to be President of The United States of America, has no importance anymore. The question of eligibility has evolved far beyond that simple question, with such a simple solution, that Obama refuses to provide. The government of Kenya has put a Gag Order on his family not to talk to reporters.

What we don’t know, what there is absolutely no proof of, is his place of birth, his true father or his mother. Without a verifiable Birth Certificate, none of this, including his actual date of birth can be proven or believed.

He shows no loyalty to America and in fact publicly displays his contempt for America. On, you can type in the search bar: “Obama refuses to salute flag” and see a video of him refusing to pledge allegiance to the flag and acting as if he is making a point that he has no respect for the American flag.

Michelle Obama is just as arrogant and insulting as the man she calls her husband and has not been a lawyer since 1993 when she was put on inactive status by court order. The State of Illinois says so on their website. Click here then on the top right click on “Lawyer Search” and then type in “Obama” and you’ll find her.

In Hawaii, you can read here: United States Marines and Navy servicemen have no respect for Obama. In an ABC News story, Sunlen Miller says, “The diners were polite, staying seated at their respective tables and waited for the president-elect to come to them to stand up.”

The photo in the article shows that there is nobody standing up to shake hands with him and some have their backs turned to Obama. If those people, trying to enjoy their meal in peace, had thrown their food in that stinking bum’s face with disgust, ABC News could have reported it as, “The soldiers were so overjoyed to catch a glimpse of their Commander In Chief Elect, that like true Marines, they all chipped in to share their Holiday meal with him.”

Obama’s website is a fraud, administered by a fund raising company
Blue State Digital, an Internet fund-raising company that presided over the Obama campaign site. The “dot gov” is designated and assigned by the United States Government Services Administration to be used only for genuine governent activities. It is not for political campaigning or non-profit organizations which is exactly and soley what is for. The only reason Obama has the dot gov designation is by harassing the GSA and thereby obtaining the dot gov designation illegally against Federal Law.

With Obama’s total disrespect for America and laws in general, it is highly suspect as to why he is not already in jail for the rest of his life. Even stupid crimes, he has no conscience about. He, just last year, paid off 17 outstanding parking tickets from when he was in Cambridge, supposedly going to school at Harvard.

Some of the stories about Obama defy belief. And there are plenty of unfounded rumors about him.

I hear so many "Internet rumors" and see so many News sites, web sites and blogs that it makes it very difficult to know what is true and what isn't. That is why I try to limit what I write to things that can be verified fairly easily. Some of the emails and phone calls and personal visits I get force me to not believe anything unless I can prove it. Some "hot tips" are things I've known for years and some seem to be someone's idea of writing a fantasy spy novel.

Besides an atmosphere of arrogance and hostility surrounding his supporters, an unexplainable, incredible amount of controversy permeates every thing about him.

Rumors turn more and more bizarre every day.

Then there is the knowledgeable, open source or occasionally “gray” source, of intel tidbits that hit my desk, from so far, reliable sources that defy reality.

For instance, I was told the other day that it was not really necessary for me to publicize events about Obama because a complete dossier with statements, photos, tape recordings and video recordings of Obama's secret backers has been compiled with the help of over 200 high profile international lawyers, military men, politicians and businesspeople and has been distributed to the intel agencies of some 38 different countries, some of which had contributed to the compilation effort.

These "secret backers" of Obama have been under intense investigation for over two decades without any initial focus on Obama and a major world wide sweep is going to happen as soon as Obama makes the wrong move.

The backers consider Obama “their puppet” but a major world wide sweep is scheduled to happen as soon as Obama makes a clear wrong move against the national interests of those who have put this compilation together.

I'm sure he is going to make that "wrong move" as soon as Martians land at the White House. Maybe, though, as I am urged, since it's all under control now, I should take a vacation.

These are the kinds of dead ends that any investigator has to decipher.

But sticking to the facts, what we actually do know, what is documented and verifiable, is enough to convince the American public and World leaders that a major mistake has been made in voting for Obama.

158 of Obama’s lies are documented, on record.

But who is to show that record to the voting public and World leades who will be affected by Obama’s deceit?

If the American media would unite as strongly to divulge the truth, as they have to bury it, every person in America would vomit where they sit, in realizing what they have been conned into voting for.

There is still, after six weeks, not one shred of proof that his grandmother died the day before the election or two days before the election, whichever date given by Obama that you choose to believe. No death certificate has been produced. No authority has confirmed the date of death. We have only Obama’s campaign photo-ops of him wiping away a tear.

The recent photo-op of him dropping what he says are the ashes of Madelyn Payne Lee Dunham into the sea is phony. Human ashes are not snow white. Human bones do not burn and are not turned to ash when cremated. The bones are ground up to the consistency of sand and small pebbles. The color is a gray/tan, like weathered pine wood. The container he is pouring from is half the size necessary for human remains. The container he is pouring from is about the size of a container for a medium sized dog’s ashes. Obama is pouring flour or sugar, not human ashes.

What Obama and Rahm Emanuel have told us they are going to institute for American citizens - mandatory community service and to transport people by bus or train to work sites, is defined as nothing less than, Crimes Against Humanity, according to the International Criminal Court.(Scroll down to International Criminal Court, see c. and d.)

Regardless of the rumors, the non-existent birth certificate and his purported crimes, just reading 1/10 of 158 of Obama’s lies would be enough to convince any reasonable person that this man is not someone that you would buy a used car from or let cook your food. Reading one half of these documented lies will make an honest person sick to his stomache.

Obama, his wife and his backers have no morals, no integrity and no respect for anything except what they want at the time. They have no more conscience than a hungry lizard in the desert coming upon a beetle in the sand.

Obama used the fabricated death of his Grandmother to get a few sympathy votes in the final hours of his campaign. The Democratic Party Electors of the Electoral College used an 8 year old cadaver to cast a single vote, by certifying to the California Secretary of State that a deceased lady was a qualified Elector.

Any non-active military service members who have seen enough, sign this Military Consent Form and get on board like the Marines in Hawaii.

Many people have speculated that Obama may be a “Manchurian Candidate” a planted enemy, masquerading as an American, for the purpose of taking over the United States. Speculations have pointed to the Middle East and terrorist organizations. That does seem to be a possibility as there are so many anti-American statements and activities by Obama and his supporters. It may sound like more fantasy spy novel dreams.

But if the speculation can be considered, in some degree of seriousness, the question to be asked first is: Who, what organization, has had the time and the resources, to move throughout our political system, convincing Congressmen, Senators, both Federal and State, 50 Governors, Attorney Generals, Secretaries of State, hundreds of State legislators, thousands of local, county, State and Federal political party hacks, FBI, CIA and various State and Federal agencies, Federal Courts, even the US Supreme Court.... Who has that ability to keep all these people silent? Who has the ability to force the entire Republican Party, Nationwide, Statewide and even local politicians into stone cold silence without a peep being uttered against Obama? Would it not make sense for the Republican Party to expose him, or at least pose questions?

It is absolutely preposterous to believe that this has all been planned for 40 years and perpetrated by some outside group of super secret elites. It makes more sense to consider that all the mysteries and lies about Obama have only one single purpose which is to throw us off the trail, divide us in our investigative efforts. The countless lies and unavailable documentation sends us up one blind alley after another, only to find another lie to chase to nowhere. Eliminate the enormous complexities and concentrate on the simplest of clues, the most obvious suspects that our mind does not want us to see, and we may just discover that in reality, the culprits are hiding in plain sight, right under our noses.

With that in mind, I can think of only two organizations that have proven that they can hide, and have hidden, their actions against us in plain sight. Only two organizations can organize and corrupt the thousands of players involved in this “Master of the Game” endeavor. And rather than risk their wrath by exposing them in writing, I will only say that the name of one organization starts with the letter “D” and rhymes with Emocrat and the other starts with “R” and rhymes with Epublican.

Mark S. McGrew has a weekly Talk Radio Show Saturday thru Thursday at 8pm EST on -- email him at

© Mark S. McGrew

The views and statements expressed by Investigating Obama contributors, and in quotations and citations, are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Investigating Obama and Arlen Williams

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bill Richardson Enmeshed in Pay-to-Play? Obama's Prospective Commerce Secretary? Let us know if...

I.O. will let the marxstream media and faithful journalist bloggers cover this story, while it continues to focus on Obama's very apparently fictitious presidential candidacy (in its numerous, overlapping ways). It just makes a request of any who may volunteer:

As you look over the MSM coverage, please let us know if you see the phrase "sleaze factor" -- or if you notice the word, "Obama" in the same sentence as terms such as "corruption," or "scandal," or... what... even "trouble?"

(Woops, how did this daringly downcast December depiction slip through the cracks, over at AP/Yahoo?)

Just give us any reference at all, in this post's comments. Meanwhile, I.O. will be breathing normally.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Obama Divorce Papers, via - updating as it goes

The Barack Hussein Obama Sr. / Stanley Ann divorce papers are in the possession of Ed Hale and

Investigating Obama will likely be making numerous updates within this post, as the afternoon and evening proceed. You might expect some bad spelling, typos, and weird grammar. And, to anyone actually offended by how nutty this all appears to be, just relax and have a sense of humor -- this is just the United States presidency after all. I.O. reports; you decide, hide, or roller-coaster ride. (Ed and Caren Hale, pictured.)

2:25pm CT - Ed Hale has his FedEx package and has made sure that among others, attorney, Stephen Pidgeon is getting a copy. is to post it for public view at 8pm CT, tonight. Ed and others will be 'net audio-wise, too, as previously mentioned.

3:38pm CT - I.O. has gained a pre-release copy of image files of the divorce papers. (BTW, these are the previously unreleased Obama divorce papers, not the Soetoro divorce papers, for any who are still wondering.) I will be examining them over the next few minutes, but will withhold essential information as to how it pertains to BHO II until probably shortly before 8pm, as agreed with Plains Radio.

4:51pm CT - Someone I.O. is not naming has suggested listening to The Shaggs, while waiting for the Plains Radio broadcast. Hm. I.O. confesses it would not have thought of that, but loves you all, too.

5:02pm CT - While, as stated, I will not yet divulge whether or not the divorce decree refers to the citizenship of Barack Obama ("The Fresh Prince of Bill Ayers," as FReeper, Rodney Dangerfield has named him) I will say that this document is significant and do suggest listening to Plains Radio, tonight.

6:10pm CT - Ed Hale is on PlainsRadio live, now. He is proclaiming he has new information (that is beyond me at this point, but don't let that get you down) but will not state yet, what it is. He is exhuberant indeed. Go ahead and listen, if you can. He says they can prove now, that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. That is what he is saying. I'm just hearing. ;-)

6:23pm CT - Ed won't say what exactly he is speaking of, but he believes that one piece of information on the document has lead to further information. He also reports that four pages of the divorce decree information are missing and that he is working with his PI in Hawaii to get them. Also, that the Globe will be reporting further and interviewing him. (Remember, it was National Enquirer that found out about John Edwards.) And now, my PlainsRadio audio feed has gone out.

6:30pm CT - I got the audio back. Ed Hale is convinced he can prove Obama was born in Kenya, with the further, undisclosed evidence. I believe he is convinced.

6:56pm CT - It is the original Hawaiian a birth certificate of BHO II [at a port of entry] that Ed believes he can somehow fish out of the Pacific islands [of public records]. He purports it can be obtained with further work on the ground, now that some bit of information in this divorce decree has been discovered: a different name for Stanley Ann is listed there? I'll have to take another look at those documents.... And, whoever is on the ground may want to start eating out of vending machines and wearing Kevlar -- just kidding about that, aren't I?

7:18pm CT - Okay, Mr. Hale says the birth certificate he seeks is not the Hawaiian vault copy.

7:46pm CT - As for names, I see names on the divorce decree. Stanley Ann is listed in a standard and consistent way. So are both B.H.O's I and II. It would s-e-e-e-m that Hale is referring to another name/person. And here, it isn't even 8:00, yet.

8:07pm CT - Here are the image files of the divorce decree, from Plains Radio. You may enlarge each one with a click. As you see, there are no pages marked 8 through 11. Just 1 through 7, plus 12. Hale believes he will have copies of the missing four pages on Monday, 1/7 and while confessing he does not know what they are, speculates they could be child support papers, which could possibly refer to BHO II's birthplace. This coming Monday is one day before Congress is to certify the Electoral College vote, which opens an opportunity for Senators and Representatives to officially object (which in turn, could precede a trip across the street, to the SCOTUS, with all the standing that black robed constitutional cartel can handle).

Hale says that the "D." in Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama's name is significant of something. I wouldn't know what, except for her maiden name. You may also note that BHO II is mentioned in two places and place of birth is not mentioned. However...

This is a court declaration that BHO II is in fact the son of BHO I as has been "naturally" assumed. That means that Barack Obama is constitutionally disqualified from being U.S. President, as this Web log has repeatedly explained and has documented -- along with numerous lawyers, historians, and thoughtful Web surfers.

8:28pm CT - Obama challenging lawyer, Stephen Pidgeon is on Plains Radio, now. His perspective will be quite interesting.

8:28pm CT - Attorney Pidgeon is essentially giving Ed Hale his legal assistance, on the air. Interesting times again, at Plains Radio. Pidgeon explains how BHO II is not a natural born citizen, if born abroad. Further, he explains how Obama's online "Certificate of Live Birth" (COLB) has been altered and in that way (among others, potentially) is invalid. Then, he explains how Hawaii COLB's are not birth certificates of the kind which are required for fundamental identification. Then, he explains how it is admitted knowledge that Stanley Ann's second husband, Lolo Soetoro adopted Barack, whose name was changed to Barry Soetoro and who was registered in an Indonesian elementary school as an Indonesian citizen. After this, the discussion gets into the question of whether Barack Obama might be guilty of criminal fraud, if he were born in another nation.

8:50pm CT - Pidgeon now explains once more how BHO I passed along U.K. citizenship to BHO II and how that disqualifies BHO II from being U.S. President (not a natural born Citizen of America, clearly a U.K citizen). Ed underscores this. Good for Ed. Nevermind the letter "D." for Dunham. Ed has the the letter from John Jay going for the cause. "This program is brought to you by the letter, Jay."

9:15pm CT - Now, Pidgeon explains how becoming an Indonesian citizen voids the status of natural born Citizen, requiring naturalization, if one is to then become an American citizen, again. And now, the discussion goes to this peculiar, new working assumption of Ed Hale that there is an immigration birth certificate (perhaps my term) for BHO II on file in America and how to gain a copy.

9:26pm CT - Now, Pidgeon discusses the natural born Citizen issue per the foreign father further... friends. There is a difference between controlling authority (law and precedent) and persuasive authority (original intent and meaning, informed by such things as contemporaneous documentation). Pidgeon discusses how the "hard" (my word) British citizenship of BHO II brings weight in terms of controlling authority, as well as the Donofrio doctrine of what Pidgeon refers to as persuasive authority. My personal take as a part-time student of history: the courts should/must defer to hard evidence of persuasive authority in such an instance as this, in order to maintain intellectual/epistemological honesty, though Pidgeon's point is hard-core clear, too. Pidgeon says the courts would consider that they would have to "define" natural born Citizen. I say that if the courts think this, they are foundationally maladjusted. The term has been cast in stone by the Constitution as its known and documented meaning of that time.

9:46pm CT - Now, a caller's question is about the effect of Obama potentially having an Indonesian student visa, when a college student and later. Also, did Obama have an American passport, when he traveled back to Indonesia, in 1981? Can this be discovered? [Yes, can this be discovered, or can it be certified that one does not exist? Can an Indonesian passport be discovered? Not many days left....] Other callers are asking other questions. Pidgeon is very informative.

9:50pm CT - Pidgeon reminds us that the Wrotnowski case is still "pending" and procedurally alive.

The program closes, to the synthesized drum and bugle core music of the Hales' Lion's Den program. It should become available soon, as a streaming archive on the site. Stephen Pidgeon is to revisit Plains Radio on Monday evening. I am sure that Ed Hale and his Plains Radio compatriots will continue to pursue the immigration-? birth certificate issue and that we will hear more about it.

And now, I will invite you to read further in your humble Investigating Obama and suggest that you look into the article in The Right Side of Life, "Dunham v. Obama: Document Confirms Fatherhood,, UK-Kenyan Colonial Law," for a recap of this evening's events, Internet discussion, and documentation. I'm going to read that article for the first time now, myself.

I will take at least one more look into comments for this post, too. There have been numerous ones. Feel free to pass along this and other I.O. postings.

Shucks, you might also be interested in the next Plains Radio program, Wild Bill Hickock, brought to you by Kellogg's Sugar Pops. This episode: "Silk Hat Hogan's Donkey."

PS: 11:02pm CT - 1. It is a mistake to think that Ed Hale did not know that Stanley Ann's maiden name was Dunham. 2. It is also a mistake to think that these divorce records are not significant.

PPS: 12:03am CT - In this broadcast, it was mentioned that staunch defender of the Constitution, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas may be getting interested in standing up for
Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5, in Congress, January 8 -- and hopefully in prior discussions with colleagues. I repeat: we also need a U.S. Senator to protest for the Constitution, a.s.a.p.

Ed Hale, the Obama Sr. Divorce Decree, the Boy who Cried Wolf, & Me

As of this post, ( is to have gained a copy of the divorce decree between Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. and Stanley Ann, parents of the man who would be president. The stated intention of Plains Radio is to Web-post what is relevant in them, later this afternoon or evening (Friday, 1/2). They will also discuss it in a special call-in program devoted to the subject, via streaming audio, some time after 6pm, CT. Those are their plans, "Lord permitting," and we will discover whether or not it refers to Barack Junior's citizenship.

Some have recently complained about Plains Radio's Ed Hale, here and elsewhere. In my "Final Update" to the initial posting of the divorce decree story, I complained a bit too, but no one needs to cast a stone at Mr. Hale. He can become exhuberant. My advise: figure that in; he does, so should we. As I mentioned, he has never expressed full confidence that the divorce decree indicated a Kenyan birth for BHO II. I.O. noted one element of discrepancy between 1/30 and 1/31, as to how Mr. Hale may have heard about "Kenyan," or not. Let's call it an example of what can happen in the "telephone game" and move on.

Alarmism is a negatively regarded trait. But, when something is both alarming and critically important, what better -ism to practice? Maybe we should call Ed Hale's pitching of his eventually gaining copies of the Barack I / Stanley Ann divorce decree alertism. He sounded the alert and I, Arlen Williams, gladly confess to alertism, in shouting the news onward.

In doing so, I also pointed out that Obama is not a natural born Citizen in the first place, by means of inheritance of his father's Kenyan/U.K. citizenship, wherever he was born. Constitutionally disqualified to ever become U.S. President is literally, legally, and "naturally" how BHO II was "born." Specifically for a president, no non-U.S. jurisdictions are allowed, or U.S. citizenship would not be natural from birth (i.e., originally and purely self-evident) and instead, would require the further action of eliminating one citizenship or the other. Furthermore, competing allegiance is specifcally what the Constitution intended to prevent, for a Commander in Chief, in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5. As has been mentioned in the comments attached to I.O's initial post of the story, this document might just refer to BHO II's citizenship, even if it does not name his nation of birth. We will see.

In the fable, "The Boy who Cried Wolf," who was eventually to blame, for the havoc wrought by the wolf? The boy? He actually did his duty, albeit imperfectly. The farmer was the one who should have continued to pay attention. So, let us do a yeoman's job of paying attention to any and all significant aspects of Barack Obama's ineligibility for the presidency and his potential fraud -- and spread the news -- now!

The following explains further, how Plains Radio is gaining these papers. It was written last night by a forum poster whom I have read previously. I have no reason to doubt he is who he says he is. It adds details confirming why we should pay serious attention to this revelation.
Thursday, January 01, 2009 9:22:35 PM

If you were listening on the Plains Radio around 7:45 Wed evening (last night), I was the guy who called in from Texas. Let me assure you that the 1964 divorce decree from Hawaii is NOT a hoax — it does exist.

With info that Ed gave me on Tuesday night off the air, I coordinated to have the package pulled at the ramp in Honolulu, placed into a Fed-Ex Next-Day envelope by a person at the terminal to get Ed the next day for last night's show. It was originally scheduled for Two-Day Delivery for some reason — I think either by the PI or as as standard procedure of the Hawaii Courts. However, we WERE able to change the package to Next Day (afternoon) Delivery.

It arrived at LAX on time, shortly after midnight. HOWEVER, we hit a snag — the aircraft broke for approx 4 hours, apparently awaiting a part. The 747 finally took off at 6:47 am Wednesday, bound for Memphis, FedEx’s main hub.

As the morning passed, we began to realize that the package would not get to Ed's local FedEx hub, and then out on a delivery truck to get to him. We tried to transfer it to another location to be picked up at that FedEx depot, to scan it for Wed's show. However, we couldn't pull it off in time to make a departure on Wed afternoon.

Ed will have it Friday at a changed location. Arrangements have been made — it's very safe.

Additionally, I personally spoke with the PI in Hawaii myself Wednesday morning. Let me pass on what I can relay at this time:

  • as I understand, because the decree was Certified, it came straight from the Court House to Ed; the PI did not have the opportunity to copy or fax it. (If you've ever ordered an old deed or lien that has to be copied from archived records or microfiche, it's much the same — it's mailed directly to the requester ...)
  • The PI did seem to have looked at the Digest version of the Divorce Decree, not the full version Ed is getting. His words to me, was “it's very interesting”
  • The PI did not know if the document indicated Obama Jr's place of birth. However, in the early 60s in Hawaii, the place of birth oftentimes does appear in the notes.
  • He told me also that the divorce decree was VERY hard to find and not readily searchable — not just a $30 fee at the counter. Significant research had to be conducted. It seems to have been hidden, possibly by Ann Dunham in her youth. (IMO, if it HAD been found already, Berg would have put it on his site along with other docs he's posted: This is NEW documentation)
  • The PI indicated that there's evidence that Ann used at least one alias tied to this. It's common knowledge that she used many names (Dunham, Soetoro, Sutoro, and variations thereof).
  • There are other copies of the Divorce Decree going other places — the one going to Ed is NOT the only copy! There are back-ups going to other parties.
Ed Hale has more information tht he will relay on the Lion's Den on Friday night on Plains Radio.

Alan Keyes is slated to be on with Ed.
I.O. expects the papers to be revealed as Hale describes, to be dealt with fairly, with freestyle communication, and perhaps with further speculations, tonight. I strongly appreciate what Ed Hale is doing. As posted prior, this is poetic justice for Barack Obama, whatever it does or does not show about his childhood citizenship. The road to his own U.S. Springboard-Senate career was paved with the divorce paper scandals of a Democratic primary frontrunner and a strong GOP opponent. This forthcoming divorce decree is highly newsworthy, about our affirmative media action beneficiary, despite the marxstream media not being the ones to show it to us.

Some, in one forum or another, have mentioned problems that Hale had been involved with, in a previous and annoying set of events and non-events about an alleged Kenyan birth certificate, Philip Berg, and African Press International. There are numerous sides to that story. I may or may not deal with that in the comments for this post. From what I gain, Ed may also deal with that, in this evening's broadcast.

I.O. intends to post about this matter again, today or tonight, after the divorce decree is revealed. Meanwhile, many of us will be checking in to and rightly so.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Final Update, This Article: Obama's Kenyan Birth Evidence to be Revealed...

Permission to copy and post this article's text is granted, I.O., AW.
Article originally posted, 12/31, 12:XX am CT

Update 1/1/2009, 3:36am CT - In his 7:45pm Plains Radio broadcast, this last night, Ed Hale backed down from his prior assertion of having gained even uncertain information about the Barack Sr. / Stanley Ann divorce decree containing language referring to Barack Jr. as being born in Kenya. Instead, Hale referred to an apparently tricky recollection... of an indeterminate person... referring to such a document's generally referring to the place of birth of the children of the divorced parents. That is not what I heard from Mr. Hale on the 31st.

Two people reported during the broadcast that they had contacted Hale's private investigator yesterday, who indicated he did not thoroughly read the documentation and does not know how it addresses Barack Obama Jr. -- nor did he make a copy for himself.
It would appear that Hale will receive a valid copy of this decree, probably Friday, 1/2. What it states will be what it states. He promises to post and report, as described below.

While my article maintains a journalistic separation from the principals of this story and is a report of statements of others on the matter, I believed it worthy of "pushing out" to readers and those who would faithfully relay the story. That worth appears less merited at this point and I apologize for that, to them and you. However, this should mean the first public viewing of that divorce decree. If it does not include information pertinent to Barack Obama's birth, at least that will be known. And that is more than may be said of President Elect Obama's actual birth certificate. This also seems fitting for a politco who advanced to the U.S. Senate along a path of the convenient "mainstream media" reporting of scandals from two of his opponents' own divorce records and an "outing" of a family member of another; sauce for the goose.

I.O. emphasizes that place of birth aside, Barack Obama is clearly and thoroughly not a natural born Citizen and is therefore specifically ineligible to be our United States President. This is due to his U.K. citizenship at birth, passed from his father. That is referred to below and explained in the article, "The Donofrio 'Natural Born Citizen' Challenge."

I.O. also observes that even a valid hard copy of the kind of certificate of birth that Obama has ostensibly submitted is not the kind of birth certificate which is required for numerous purposes. Further, it is suspect that Obama has invested what some say is approximately $1M to keep his actual, Hawaiian birth certificate undisclosed -- seemingly thematic with "pleading the Fifth." At the very least, it would officially document his father and that is one wheel off his bike to the White House.

<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O.<>>>>>>>>>>>>

12/31 - A private investigator in Hawaii has uncovered the divorce decree for Barack Obama's father and mother, which indicates they had "one child under the age of eighteen, born in Kenya." That is the report of Ed Hale of, an Internet radio site which has focused upon the natural born Citizen challenges to Obama's presidential eligibility.

Hale announced this during his evening Internet broadcast on, Tuesday, 12/30 and confirmed it with I.O. in an online interview, later that night. He reported that certified copies of this documentation have been sent from Hawaii by the investigator to himself and four others. Hale is to receive his copy today, Wednesday, 12/31 and plans to post it graphically on the site, during the day. He will also discuss this on a special Internet broadcast, between 6pm and 10pm Central Time, tonight. [I.O., 12/31, 2:30pm CT: Ed Hale has sent an email stating that his delivery has been delayed until Friday, 1/2. We wait another day for what he has to show. We can be patient in light of how long we wait for Barack Obama to admit the truth of his ineligibility per Article II (and show us the whole truth of his actual Hawaiian birth certificate, besides)] The site streams audio as soon as it is accessed via Web browser.

The Texan Internet entrepreneur relates he got fed up with the lack of documentation on Obama and decided to discuss ideas with his radio audience. His offer to hire an investigator was met with piecemeal sums of money from listeners to his broadcasts. Hale said some of the information one would expect to find was not available. For example, documentation from Obama's mother, Stanley Ann's divorce to her second husband, Lolo Soetoro had vanished. Hale speculates, the reason this forthcoming 1964 divorce decree had not also been "scrubbed" could be that the divorce had been filed not by Obama's mother, but by Barack H. Obama, Sr. Thus, it may have been overlooked by any plumbers for Obama.

Hale does admit to incomplete certainty of his investigator's work until he receives it, partially due to the PI's accent, the telephone connection, and his slight hearing impediment. However, he is very confident of what he will receive during the day. Mark S. McGrew, who writes about Obama's natural born Citizen problems for, accompanied Hale in his broadcast and also expressed confidence. McGrew had sought publication in numerous American news outlets, but they turned down his articles referring to Obama's apparent ineligibility. Russia's Pravda however, decided his effort to find and report the truth was not to be redlined.

As often related, Barack Obama, due simply to his U.K. citizenship at birth via his Kenyan father, is not a natural born Citizen of America, by definition and the original intent for that term in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has turned down cases which make this point, but according to a September decision in a lower federal court (regarding John McCain's eligibility problem) this would be due to a question of jurisdiction, until Congress is to certify the Electoral College vote on January 8. Further action is to occur, after this date. You may read about this in previous I.O. articles and the sites linked in its sidebar.

Meanwhile, on the question of Obama's place of birth, professionals dealing with documents and forensic evidence have testified that the online "certificate of live birth" provided by Obama is not identifiable evidence of American birth. Now, if Obama's parents' divorce decree states that he was born in Kenya (as his Kenyan grandmother has repeatedly stated) the second epistemological wheel is coming off his vehicle to the White House.

Will Congress pay attention and do its Constitutional duty?

h/t: LucyT

Monday, December 29, 2008

Obama's Online "Birth Certificate" is Not Evidentiary, Says Professional Forensic Document Examiner

While addressing your attention to the featured article in The Right Side of Life, I.O. suggests one potentially essential reason that Barack Obama has spent approximately one million dollars to keep his actual Hawaiian birth certificate undisclosed:

Whatever it shows or fails to show, as to his place of birth, his Hawaiian birth certificate ostensibly demonstrates that Barack Hussein Obama I is his father. While not a new revelation, that would become compelling procedural evidence that he is not a natural born Citizen and is therefore not constitutionally permitted to be U.S. president.

On the other hand, Sandra Ramsey Lines explains why Obama's "online COLB" is not evidence of Obama's citizenship at all.
Keyes v. Lingle: Case Dismissed; Forensic Examiner Disproves Online COLB
Submitted by Phil on Mon, Dec 29, 2008

Another case that had been flying under the radar was Keyes v. Lingle, where the Constitution Party and Dr. Amb. Alan Keyes were petitioning against Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle, Chief Elections Officer Kevin B. Cronin, and various other Defendants as a means of holding an official accountable for determining Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility.


  • Dismissed on December 5 (HTML/PDF)
  • Motion to Reconsider dismissed on December 12 (HTML/PDF)

You will notice that the case was dismissed on a technicality (according to the judge, the Plaintiffs referred to the wrong Hawaiian statute(s)), not on content.

However, the bigger story to this lawsuit is the fact that forensic document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines (pictured) has documented in an associated affidavit (PDF) the following:

2. I have reviewed the attached affidavit posted on the internet from “Ron Polarik,” [PDF] who has declined to provide his name because of a number of death threats he has received. After my review and based on my years of experience, I can state with certainty that the COLB presented on the internet by the various groups, which include the “Daily Kos,” the Obama Campaign, “” and others cannot be relied upon as genuine. Mr. Polarik raises issues concerning the COLB that I can affirm. Software such as Adobe Photoshop can produce complete images or alter images that appear to be genuine; therefore, any image offered on the internet cannot be relied upon as being a copy of the authentic document.

3. Upon a cursory inspection of the internet COLB, one aspect of the image that is clearly questionable is the obliteration of the Certificate No. That number is a tracking number that would allow anyone to ask the question, “Does this number refer to the Certification of Live Birth for the child Barack Hussein Obama II?” It would not reveal any further personal information; therefore, there would be no justifiable reason for oliterating it.

4. In my experience as a forensic document examiner, if an original of any document exists, that is the document that must be examined to obtain a definitive finding of genuineness or non-genuineness. In this case, examination of the vault birth certificate for President-Elect Obama would lay this issue to rest once and for all. [emphasis mine]

The above clearly illustrates that it is impossible to determine eligibility based on the widely-circulated certification of live birth and that the only way to determine Barack Hussein Obama’s natural born citizenship status is to retrieve the currently-sealed certificate of live birth.

It appears that we’re dealing with an individual who has so much to hide on so little a document.

Now, one cannot say this online COLB is evidence of absolutely nothing. That is because it is "natural" evidence of its own existence, also that it is purported to be about Obama's citizenship. It is "natural" evidence of this, because that is self-evidently true, even though the online COLB is not the evidence it is purported to be (of Obama being an American citizen of any kind). And that, by the way, may become criminal evidence, of fraud.

Why did I even write that? I am writing that to explain what "natural" means, in law. It means self-evident. E.g., a person demonstrably born to American parents in America is a natural born Citizen of America, but a person born to a foreign father and who thusly takes on his father's citizenship in another nation is not a natural born Citizen of America. That is, his citizenship is not self-evident, rather unclear, in doubt, needs further work, adulterated, etc., since one may be a citizen of only one nation at a time and international law holds that this person is a citizen of his father's nation, by hereditary right. That is what the term, natural born Citizen means, in Article II of the United States Constitution.

Thus, whether the Barack H. Obama II, who is the son of Barack H. Obama I was born in Hawaii, or Kenya, or in Dorothy's house in Kansas, he is manifestly ineligible to be United States President. With a Harvard J.D. in Constitutional (i.e., the American one) Law, BHO II presumably knows this.

January 8 is Coming: the Congressional Certification of a Fictitious and Fraudulent Presidency

There are precious few days until Barack Obama, who admits that his father was a Kenyan citizen of the United Kingdom and who thereby is specifically prohibited from being Commander in Chief by the framers of the Constitution, is to be certified by Congress as this nation's unconstitutional president-elect.

The criteria of Article II's natural born Citizen requirement are documented and supported by context: born to U.S. citizens, within U.S. territory, self-evidently free of foreign allegiance by any true jurisdiction, including hereditary or territorial right. Astounding, the willful ignorance of this age and how many are so obdurate in self deception, that we have gotten to this point, an ontological and epistemological atrocity in the making.

Then again, as we are willing to tolerate the killing of 1,000,000+ innocents per year, why should it surprise that we are so willing to mutely acquiesce to the murder of our own Constitution?

Immediately, let us tell Congress that we know about this treachery. Remind them of their own oath of office. Take just a few moments to contact your senators and representatives, charging them to uphold America's constitutional basis, or be party to a national malfeasance and fraud worthy of impeachment if not imprisonment.

Senators' and representatives' addressses, telephone and fax numbers, and email addresses
Update: Additional contact information, including staff of Senate & House leaders' staff
Protocol for a letter to United States senator

I.O. suggests calling both the local and D.C. offices and mailing a letter if time allows; otherwise faxing/emailing.

From attached comment of Capt-Dax:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Oklahoma St. Rep. Mike Ritze Requesting Congress to Challenge Obama's Eligibility; Plains Radio Attacked After Streaming Interview?

Thank God, Pravda seems safe

12/24, 3:31am CT:
As relayed and reported to I.O. yesterday evening by FReeper, BonRad, below is an email sent by Plains Radio, early Tuesday morning (emphasis by I.O.) [Ed. update: In the Monday interview described below, Dr. Mike Ritze, Oklahoma State Representative states that he is contacting OK Senators James Inhofe (R) and Tom Coburn (R), asking that they challenge the congressional certification of Barack Obama's election, based upon his not being a natural born Citizen according to the actual definition of that criterion. Rep. Ritze also describes his proposed state legislation to reform election law in that state, including the constitutional definition of natural born Citizen. Alabama's U.S. Senator, Jeff Sessions was also mentioned.]

date Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 4:11 AM
subject We took a wreckign ball to Obamas Glass house last night

Hi Folks:

Last night, Plains Radio made history. We had for the first time one of them to join us. Them? That would be Rep. Mike Ritze of the Oklahoma State house. Dr. Mike will now take our cause to the Senators and Congressman from Oklahoma. He will try and persuade Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma to stand up and challenge Obama Election.

If you missed that show, please listen to one of the replay today. The replays are at 8 am and 4 pm centraltime today. It will be worth your time. Last night, we took a wrecking ball to Obama glass house. We got one that now has the knowledge to bring others over to our side. How do you get a 100 Senators and Congressman over to our side and challenge Obama. 1 at a time. We are now going to win this and stop Obama from destroying our country. You owe it to yourself to listen to that show. It was a real barnburner.

The email goes on to say that on Friday, 12/26, they are scheduled to interview Obama outist correspondent for Pravda's Web publication (yes, Pravda). The only journalist that I.O. knows of who is reporting about Obama's ineligibility is Mark S. McGrew and it turns out McGrew was interviewed by Ed Hale of Plains Radio on Monday, 12/22, as well. Also, Stephen Pidgeon, attorney for Obama challengers in Washington state.

We will have guest like that at anytime on the Plains Radio Network. We have a very special guest this Friday night start at 6 pm central. You know that Russian newspaper, Prauda, that is running all those stories about Obama, well Friday night, we will have that reporter on our show for 4 hours. This is one you don’t want to miss. Please go to the Plains Radio web site by clicking here and listen to the show.

Ed Hale

I.O. is listening now and will let you do the same. I may follow-up in this post or its comments -- or just leave that open. [End of initial posting]

U.S. Senators Inhofe, Coburn and Sessions

<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O.<>>>>>>>>>>>>

Update, 12/24, 9:34am CT - Since this article was posted (below the I.O. divider in this posting, 3:31am) access to the archives pages of Plains Radio have become unavailable; also, apparently, their entire main Web site, Is this yet another cyber-attack, in an lengthening line of cyber attacks upon Web sites which are exposing Barack Obama?

This 11/21 thread in documented earlier attacks.
Blog of Leo Donofrio, down? The blog service that hosts it, down? (Page Load Error)
NaturalBornCitizen ^ | 11/21/2008 | unspun

Posted on Friday, November 21, 2008 11:30:36 PM by unspun

I am trying to take a look at tonight. It is not coming up.

As you may recall, was hit by a denial of service attack on, was it Election Day?

Also, after FR began publicizing the one-page article, Investigating Obama: Career Path Toward a Neo-Marxist Presidency, the site that stored the printable versions was attacked.

As it turned out, the first two of Leo Donofrio's three blogs were cyber-attacked, the first, by a denial of service attack, the second by dishonestly "flagging" his Google, Blogger site as violating terms of service. Does Plains Radio get the next "badge of courage?" Is the FBI working on it?

Currently, the Plains Radio forum site is still up and running, including their live streaming broadcast. [Ed. update, 11:09am: that streaming broadcast has ceased, at least for those listeners who have reported.]

I.O. will be monitoring this, through the morning. Plains Radio is located in Collinsworth County, TX.

10:31am - Calls to their published telephone number have not been answered.

7:39pm - I had been unable to report, until this evening. The Plains Radio site has been back up since earlier this afternoon, also their live streaming radio. The aforementioned 12/22, Monday evening broadcast of "The Lion's Den" with Ed and Carin Hale is back up and running -- very interesting radio. It may take some time to make connections, but I.O. will want to find out why their site went down, beginning reportedly between 7-8am, this morning.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

L.A. Times Deletes the Lead about Schwarzenegger & Presidency, After Drudge, Free Republic, I.O. Feature it; Could it be... Obama?

Los Angeles Times caught red-handed

2nd Update, Monday 12/22, 4:02am CT

This entry was formerly entitled, "Elect Schwarzenegger President? Obama Says Yes We Can! Dear L.A. Times..."
It was comprised of the letter shown below, which I also emailed to the Los Angeles Times, yesterday evening, in response to their Web article, "Schwarzenegger reveals tricks of the trade on '60 Minutes.'" I had found their story via Free Republic. Then, something very peculiar happened. Here is the story of the story.

After posting and sending the email, I found from a comment to this post, by Ted, that the very same L.A. Times article was featured in Drudge Report, entitled "Schwarzenegger: I Would Like To Be President!" And then, later in the evening -- poof! The lead disappeared! All references to Schwarzenegger not being a natural born citizen, thus not eligible for the U.S. Presidency were deleted. Funny how such a thing can happen, eh?

Was it because of the implications this has, at such a sensitive time -- what with cases before the Supreme Court clearly showing Obama to be a fictitious candidate, not a natural born Citizen at all? And with Congress yet to certify the vote? You can click the image above to enlarge it and see the article before it was so drastically edited. Then, click the image at the left, to see what it became, after the Drudge - FR - I.O., etc. hub-ub began to bubble.

Below is the initial I.O. post, the open letter to the L.A. Times and then my first update, when I learned of the redaction and before learning from Ted that Drudge ha
d linked to the story. That is when the big picture came into focus.


Dear L.A. Times Editors and Michael Rothfeld,

Sorry, but something that's getting way anachronistic showed up today in your article, "Governor reveals tricks of the trade on '60 Minutes.'" You wrote there that Gov. Schwarzenegger wants to be able to run for president but he can't, because he "is not a 'natural born citizen' of the United States, as required by the Constitution."

Hey, not to worry. I mean, if Congress and the Supreme Court allow Barack Obama to be our next president, next month, then the way is free and clear! You see, his father, Barack Obama I, was a Kenyan and a subject of the United Kingdom. He even passed on his citizenship to Barack II. The sites that your colleagues in the media defer to about Obama confess to it: Annenberg's and Obama's own

To be a natural born Citizen, according to Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution, one must be born in United States territory and his parents must be U.S. Citizens. That is what the term meant to the Constitution's framers and therefore continues to mean, to honest people. You see, they wanted to do what they reasonably could, to assure that a true blue American would control our military -- one with no other allegiances at all, ever.

But, the joke is, John McCain was never legitimate for the office either, since he was born in Colon, Republic of Panama. And what's really ripe is, five states had a Nicaraguan on their presidential ballots: Roger Calero. Do you think it's a fad -- unconstitutional presidential candidates -- "the new black?" Over 120,000,000 American voters were presented a pair of fictitious candidates by the two parties that control our politics. Isn't that funny?

Please issue a correction and let your readers know the Constitution is becoming even more obsolete -- so all things are now possible! I trust the California governor may be pleased. Arnold in 2008! Maybe eventually he'll run against Vladimir? Mahmoud?

There's a whole world of possibilities, with our "Citizen of the World" at the White House door. Spread the word!

Arlen Williams

PS: You could read about this, here -- and there is a whole incinerator-full, here.

ht: FReeper, curth


1st Update, Monday 12/22, 1:20am CT

Since the L.A. Times article was excerpted in and written about here, it has been drastically edited. All references to Schwarzenegger's presidential ambition have been eliminated from it. Here is what the article used to say (and I've saved it in a "screen print" and posted the image file, below):
By Michael Rothfeld
4:46 PM PST, December 21, 2008
Reporting from Sacramento -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger hasn't said whether he would pursue another job in politics after his final term ends in two years. But there's at least one position he might be interested in, if he were eligible for it: president.

"Yeah, absolutely," Schwarzenegger said in an interview airing tonight on "60 Minutes" on CBS, when asked by correspondent Scott Pelley if he would like to be president. "I think that I am always a person that looks for the next big goal. And I love challenges. I always set goals that are so high, that are almost impossible to achieve."

Budget standoff carries big risks, marginal rewards for California governor
Where Schwarzenegger goes, money follows
Gov. Schwarzenegger: Budget gap has increased by $3.6 billion

At the moment, becoming president would be impossible. Schwarzenegger, who was born in Austria and became a U.S. citizen in 1983, is not a "natural born citizen" of the United States, as required by the Constitution.

Talk of amending the Constitution was a hot topic in California and Washington during Schwarzenegger's first couple of years in office, when some of his backers waged an "Amend for Arnold" campaign and members of Congress proposed changing the rule. Schwarzenegger has said he would welcome such a move but has mostly joked about running when asked about it publicly.

Matt David, his spokesman, noted that on "60 Minutes," the governor was responding to a theoretical question.

In the interview, the governor also lifted the veil on some of his tricks of the trade, both in his cinematic and political careers. With Pelley lifting weights as they spoke, Schwarzenegger said that when he played a muscle man in the movies, he just pretended to lift 300 pounds. [excerpt; article continues]
Odd that they decided to redact the lead paragraphs from their Web article. Do you suppose they wanted to shorten it, to save you from scrolling?

(Click the picture, if you wish to expand it.)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Video - Orly Taitz States the Case, for the Obama Challenges

Dr. Taitz provides a very brief synopsis of her natural born Citizen cases, then goes further, urging for a federal fraud investigation of Barack Obama. You see, she assumes he knows what he is doing, including that he is not a legal candidate for the presidency. Considering Obama's Harvard J.D., she may have a point -- and her point includes that Obama may have committed numerous fraudulent acts along his career path.

I.O. may or may not comment further, below the videos, but will now get out of the way and let you hear Dr. Taiz speak her mind. Oh really.

Orly 1

Orly 2